THE DALLES. OKEGON, SATURDAY. APRIL 15. 1899 CONSOLIDATED 1882. HR4-XOVST1IHIB, " XIII l r!MBK. VlllMXXXT JAMACIANS ARE FOR ANNEXATION Want the United States to Take the Leeward Islands. New Yohk. April 7. A special to the Herald from Washington says State department officials are watch in? with (rreat Interest the growing sentiment among the inhabitants of Jatnacta in favor of the annexation of the Leeward islands to the United States. ' Thus far the matter has not been brought to their attention in any official way, but it is not devoted that the American consnl in "these islands will,' if the agitation continues, find it incumbent upon them to make special confidential reports on the subject. The officials of the department consider the subject a rather delicate one to discuss publicly, but they have been reading with keen Interest all that has been said to the Herald concerning the proposition for the exchange of the Philippines for the Leeward islands.'- While not consenting to be quoteirTwere obeying his command to retire on the subject, they do not hesitate to say that the United States would doubtless be lad Wi make the exchange if Great Britain would be willing to undertake negotiations. They do not consider, however that the adminis tration could properly initiate the matter at this time. A petition from . the people of the Island formerly pres ented to the British government', will in their opinion, be the first legitmate move Jn the direction of official nego tiations. The general "belief among public men here is that it is mainly a ques tion as to whether .Great Britain would be willing to relinquish sover eignty over -the .Leeward islands In return for the Philippines. As far as tbe United States is concerned, it is thought that public sentiment here would be entirely favorable to the trade. - ' . ' Xou Try It . ' If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of 25 eta. 50 cts. and $1.00 does not cure, take the bottle back and we will refund your money. Sold for over fifty year on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. . v r ' nCWII MAY COHK HOME. Tbe Bunt of Manila to Kenrn With ' ' tbe Philippine Commission. , ' Chicago, April 7. A special to the Tribune from Washington says: Within a few months Admiral Dew ey will be back on American soil, if all goes well, and will then be given the welcome he earned nearly a year ago in Manila bay. ' He will not be recalled, as such ac tion may be construed as a mark of dissatisfaction with his recent actions, and might encourage tbe Filipinos. An intimation has been conveyed to him, quite unofficially, of course, that the work of the navy in the Philip pines is over, so far as fleet movements are concerned, and that the minute he asks for shore duty the request will be granted. It is understood Admiral Dewey is ready to come home so far as naval duties are concerned, but he prefers to finish the work of the Philippine commission and come home with chair man Sherman and ex-Minister Denby. Within a short time.the rainy sea son will prevent active military opera tions, so that the commission will settle down to a consideration of the civil administrative features of the problem. . It is believed that the commission will be ready to sail, possibly by July 1, and certainly before September 1. On Every Bottle. Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is this guarantee All we ask of you to use two-thirds of the contents of this bottle faithfully, then if you can say you are not benifited return the bottle to your druggist and-he may refund the money. V Price 25 cts., 50 eta., and tl.OO. Blakeley and Houghton. ASK KKL1EF OF V? A8HIMUTON. Appeals From Creditors end Debtors of Cuba Four In, New YORK, April 7. A special to the Tribane from Washington says: ' Creditors and debtors in Cuba are all appealing to the Washington au thorities for relief. The creditors are afraid that Governor-General Brooke will issue an order carrying out the plan of the Sugar Planters' Associa tion. This provides in substance for an extension of credits through a per iod of six or seven years. It is admit ted on all. hands that the landowners in Cuba caiiDOt pay their debts now, and if foreclosure of mortgages were permitted. lt would bankrupt three fourths of the planters, and many smaller property-owners. Weyler issued a decree extending the time in which debts on city and country property can be collected. Blanco extended tbe decree for anoth er year. General Brooke has extend ed it as a temporary measure until May 1, pending a permanent plan. That is what alarms the Spaniards who have money loaned on plantations and other property. They fear that the new decree will bankrupt them. The arguments they haye forwarded to Washington are that the proposi tions of tbe Sugar Planters' Associa tion amount to a confiscation of their creditors' money. They argue against a sweeping decree of any kind by the military authorities on the ground that it is a revolution in the Spanish code of civil law, and that it complete ly upsets the law of hypothecation for the benefit of a class. BLAMES) THE GtBMlH CONSUL. Admiral Karats Hold Hint Beeponllble for Bemoan Trouble. Apia, Samoa, March ' 24. via San Francisco, April 7. The Associated Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powders are the greatest menaces to health of the present day. aOTAt, SVUtrNO SOWCCR CO., KW VOSX. Press correspondent had an interview with Admiral Kautz yesterday. He spoke freely 06 the situation and con siders that he has been grossly insulted by the German consul-general issuing his counter proclamation. The admiral takes the stand that the Berlin treaty, which he is instructed by bis government to uphold, does not make any provision whatever for a provisional government. His instruc tions are to carry out the tarns of tbe treaty in accordance with the views of a majority of tbe consular repreaen tatives. Tbe admiral is very wroth with the German consul-general, and blames him entirely for the present Oitude of the rebels, as the natives to tneir nomes wnen the German pro- lamation was issued. LAWTON CAPTURES . SANTA CRUZ Insurgents Compelled Evacuate the City. to Washington, Aoril 10. The follow ing dispatch was received from Gener al Otis today: Manila, April 9 Adjutant-General, Washington: Law ton's command captured Santa Cruz, the chief city of Laguna de Bay, this morning. Our casualties were six wounded. The in surgent troops were driven back, leav ing 68 dead on the field and a large I number of wounded. A considerable number were captured. Lawton will push westward. r r Otis. An expedition, consisting of about 1500 men, commanded by Major-General Henry Lawton, left San Pedro Macati, on the river Pasig, Saturday night, with the purpose of crossing Laguna de Bay, and capturing the town of Santa Cruz, on the eastern shore of the lake. The American troops were then, as planned, to sweep the country to the south. General Lawton's plan was to reach Santa Cruz on Monday morning at daylight, to capture or destroy the rebel gunboats or shipping, to take the town and then to scour the country to tbe south of the lake, a district not yet explored by Americans. The De trolt is to stop at Gray town, after leav ing Port Llmon. , A Chicago Traction Combine. Chicago, April 7 The Chronicle says that a syndicate with $200,000,000 backing, composed of New York, Phil adelphia and Chicago men, identified with men of Metropolitan reputation of New York, Philadelphia and other cities, has boen formed and is negotia ting for tbe purchase and consolida tion of all the Chicago traction, com panies, surface and elevated,- with good prospects of a successful conclusion. Bad for Jersey Debtors. NEW YORK. April 9. Jndpa Blair, of Jersey City, decided uiay Mitt the national bankruptcy law supers' des the state law, and while it, in, Com bination with tbe statu law provides in certain cases for imprisonment for debt, it provides no way for release so that a man imprisoned . hereafter i 1 New Jersey for debt stay in jail for life un less rescued by congress. Strike Ja Spreading. ..Providence, R. I., April 7. About 2500 operatives are out in this slate, and there is' now danger of the strike spreading in the Pawtucket valley. The entire force of weavers in the two mills of Jhe Quidnick Company are out, as well as the frame spinners and back boys. 'Robert Knight's mill, at Lippett, are doing" but little the weav ers having marched out. : How la four WlfoT Has she lost her beauty? If so, con stipation, indigestion, fick headncbe are the principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea haw cured these ills for half a century. Price 25 ct. and 50 cts. Money refunded if results are not satisfactory. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. The War Portfolio. Washington, April 9. It is de clared here that the siate of Gei.eral Russell Hasting's health will forbid his acceptance of the position of secre tary ot war, although it will be offered to him.; This has given rise to tbe story that Ambassador Porter .will re turn and accept Alger's job, and be replaced by Whltelaw Held. Filipino Sbow White Flags. Washington, April 9. A-Jvlces from General Otis report that every thing is quiet in his command, and that many Filipinos in the vicinity of Malolos are displaying white flags in token of submission to the United States' authority. Jamaicans Angry. PORT Antonio, Jamacia, April 9. Public feeling against the colonial government and the crown is crystal lizing in the island. Mass meetings are being held all over demanding the recall of Governor Sir Augustus Hem ming. The season for Kellar's celebrated ice cream bas opened, and this luscious refreshment can be secured at Kellar's parlors in the Oregon Bakery, . tf DROWNED IN THE UMPQUA Hollister D. McGuire and Senator Reed the Victims. ROSEBUHG. Or., April 8. Hollister D. McGuire, fish commissioner of Ore gon, and A. W. Keed, senator trom Douglas county, were drowned in the North Umpqua river, opposite River- dale farm, six miles below Roseburg, yesterday. Messrs. Reed and McGuire, accom panied by W. F. Hubbard, who has charge of the Clackamas hatchery, went down the North Umpqua to lo cate a site for a hatchery, intending to return in the evening. All three came to this city with Governor Geer, Secretary of State Dunbar and Adju tant-General Tuttle on business con nected with the hatchery location and the Oregon Soldiers' Home. Messrs McGuire, Reed and Hubbard went by freight train to Winchester, where they boarded a small boat for tbe junc tion of the rivers, six miles below Roseburg. Governor Geer and Gener al Tuttle went to tbe Soldiers' Home, and Secretary Dunbar left for Astoria. After viewing the river in the vicinity of Winchester, Messrs, McGuire, Reed and Hubbard took a small boat and proceeded down the river, which is a wild, rapid stream When nearing the first falls they pulled the boat ashore and McGuire and Reed got out and walked around the falls. Mr. Hubbard took the boat over tbe falls and the other two got in again. About one mile further down are the long rapids, about oue-half mile in lenpth, and one can see them only a short distance. The roar of the water first announces one's approach. On bearing the warning sound they un dertook to row ashore, when a rowlock broke and. the next moment they were in the water. Commissioner McGuire and Mi. Hubbard started to swim ashore. Sen ator Reed, being unable to swim, clung to the upturned boat. When about half way to the shore, Hubbard looked over his shoulder and saw McGuire swimming after him and Reed on the boat. When he reached the shore he looked again, and both had disappeared. ' an innocent man. No Evidence of the Guilt of Captain Dreyfus. London, April 9. The Figaro's re velations in the publication of the evidence in the court of cessation in tbe Dreyfus case is the sensation of Paris, and has revived the keenest interest in the Dreyfus affairs. The Dreyfusites are highly pleased with the publication of the depositions, which, in fact, are apparently approv ed by the whole mass of sober opinion in France. The Figaro's bold step is particularly Interesting, as last year its editor unexpectedly championed Dreyfus with the result that the paper lost a great number of subscribers and the proprietors removed the editor from his position. The Firaro has now taken a step which has drawn up on it the formidable hostility of the general staff of the war office, who desired secrecy and whose reputation is grievously damaged by the publi cation of the depositions, in which there are evidences that the war de partment engineered different trials, influenced witnesses, and had the intention of preventing the exculpa tion of Dreyfus, though the motive of thn war department in so doing still remains obscure. . The depositions show that both M. Cayaignac, the ex-minister of war and Gineral Roget, who reinstated the v- hole of 1 he general s'aff, have failed to produce any direct t vidence against Dreyfus. Tbe testimony of Examin ing Magistrate Bertuius was very damaging. He declared plainly his opinion that Lieutenant Paty du Clara and Major Count Esterhazy were tbe guilty men. JUSTICE FIELD IS DEAD. The Aged Jurist Expired In Washington Sou lay Night. Washington, April 10. Stephen J. Field, retired justice of the United States supreme court, died last even ing at his home in this city, of kidney complications. He had been uncon scious since Saturday morning and death was painless. His fatal illness began two weeks ago, when he con tracted a severe cold. Stephen Johnson Field was born at Haddam, Conn., November 4, 1816. nis early boyhood was spent at Stock bridge, Mass. . He graduated from Williams college in 1837, at the head of his class. . In 1848 he went to Europe and spent some time th;re traveling. . In No vember. 1849, he sailed for San Fran cisco around Cape Horn, and entered upon the practice of law in the Occi dental metropolis. After a short time he movt'tl to Marysville, a small min ing camp, and became one of the ..tinders of what afterwards grew to b - .-i thriving town. He was elected a judge of tbe suprem i court of Cali fornia in 187 for the term of six years. Iu 1859 he became chief justice succeeding Chief Justice David S. Terry. In 1863 President Lincoln appointed him associate justice of the supreme court of the United States, and he held that position until his retirement on December I, 1897. THE WAK 18 NOT OVER. American Officers Think It Is Bull Far From the End. Manila. April 7, via Hong Kong, April 10. Though hundreds of Filip inos are daily returning to their homes and are desirous of resuming peaceful pursuits, and though the proclama tion issued by the United States Philppine commission has given impulse to this movement, the war is far from ended. One of the foremost American generals said recently: "We will see 100,000 soldiers in the Philipines before tbe Americans con trol the Islands.' and a majority cf army officers are of his opinion. It is generally considered that great reinforcements are necessary, there not being , a sufficient number of American troops in the archipelago 10 make conquest of the island of Luzon and hold those occupied; and it is thought that it would be cheaper in the lone run and bave a better effect on the natives to establish American supremacy enectuatlv tnan to tem porize with a score of rebellions. All the stories told by prisoners and friendly natives are to the effect that a majority of the insurgents would be glad to quit fighting: but that there are enough professional revolutionists left to infest the country with bands of hundreds of men and to demoralize business for years to come. Some high Americans believe that the gov ernment would wisely expend money in buying off Aguinaldo and his clique of influential Filipinos. A majority of the United States volunters are eager to return home: "and we did not enlist to fight niggers is a remark- that is constantly heard While braver work than they are doing is impossible to bnd, they consider that there is small glory in guerilla warfare, the dangers and hanrdships 01 which cannot be appreciated at home. The volunteers construe their enlistment "to the close of the war" to apply to the war with Spain, and wish to be relieved by regulars. Qauy Will Withdraw. Philadelphia, April 9. It is be lieved that Quay will not go on trial tomorrow for conspiracy and illegal use of state funds, owing to the illness of President McManes, of the defunct People's bank, in which the funds were placed. It is said tonight that Quay will positively withdraw from the senatorial race next week. A conference is to be held Tuesday. This has been forced by Chris Magee, of Pittsburg, who wants to succeed Quay, and who declares he will break away from the latter Tuesday or Wed nesday, on the ground that the re publicans must elect a senator at this session 01 tbe legislature in order to hold their power in the state. Sick Headache. The curse of overworked womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood puri fier au.l tissue builder. Money re funded if not satisfactory. Price 25 cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Hough ton, drugg'sts. New Tactics at Manila. Manila, April 9. At nightfall last sight, Generals Lawton and King launched an expedition' of three gun boats, with 1500 picked men in the canoes in tow of the gunboats. The object of the expedition is to cross the lake, capture Santa Cruiz and sweep the country to the south. The expedition, which embarked at San Pedro Macati, consists of eight companies of tbe Fourteenth infantry, three companies of the Fourth cavairy, four companies of the Idaho volunteers two mountaintain guns and 200 sharp shooters of the Fourteenth infantry. ' What is Shiloh? . A errard old remedy for Coughs, Colds and Consumption; used through the world for half a century, bas cured innumerable cases of incipient con sumption and relieved many in ad vanced stages. If you are not satis fied with the results we will refund your money, f rice zo cts., ana oucts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Riot at Pana. Pana, 111.. April 10. In a riot which broke out at 10:30 A. M. on the main Street in front of the telegraph office, between the white and black miners, in which deputy sheriffs took part, Ave men and one women were killed. Eight persons were wounded, several so seriously that they will die. Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health Indomitable will .. and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Bowels are out of order. If you want those qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 35 cents at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 1 Cannot Kalse the Ships. Washington, April 10. Acting Secretary Allen has received a letter from the manager of the Neptune company, the Swedish wrecking cor poration, announcing that- it is not possible to raise and repair the vessels of Cervera's fleet sunk near Santiago. - On the 8a moan Commission. Washington, April 10. xhe president has selected Bart'.ett Trips, of South Dakota, formerly minister to Austria, as United States represent ative on the Samoan joint commission. How's This? We offer one Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by flail's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY A CO: Props., Toledo, O. We, tbe undersigned, bave Known F. J. Cheney for tbe last IS years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, and financially abl to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Tbaux. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O.. Waldihg. Kinan & Marvin, wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. . Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mocus sur faces of tbe system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's family Pilis are the best. Io's Life Kbblns; Away. LONDON, April 9, The Rome corres pondent of the Daily Mail says: -; While tbe pope's health has im proved, Tew deny that his life is slowly ebbing away. fJERVITA Bestsres VITALITY LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Im potency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and indis cretion. Anerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. By mail 60c per box ; 6 boxes for $2.50; with a written guaran tee to cure or refund tbe money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson St, CHICACO, ILL. Sole by Blakeley A Houghton. an J OREGON FLAX TESTED. Sacks Made of It is Far Superior to Jute Bags. Recently Warden Catron, of the Washington penitentiary, made a test of the flax raised in Oregon and .'ali-foi-nia oy converting it into grain sack, and gave the following state ment to the Walla Walla Statesman: "Knowing the interest taken by the people of Walla Walla county, as well as the rest of the state. In any indus try of a practical nature that will bene fit tbe community, Idetermined to give the bales of Oregon and Califur.iia tow th't was sent me every opportunity possible to make it a success and I am more than pleased to state that it is an unqualified success in every sense of the word and, all things being equal, I see no reason in the world why the penitentiary should ootu.-ieitin stead of jute, and I bee-in this success new and very profitable industry ior tbe state. You must remember that the machinery for the manufacture of jute bags is not the same that is used for flax, but the success of this initial test convinces me that with very slight changes the' same machinery can be adapted. After the manufac ture of the bags I gave them the se verest possible test. "I had a jute bag filled with wheat and one also of flax; both were crammed and sown as strongly and tightly as could be done, then each was taken by two of the strongest men in the penitentiary, raised as high as they could and thrown to the ground with violence. Tbe jute bag bursted in the second fall and the flax bag on the third fail. The flax bag weighed 18 ounces and tbe jute bag 1J ounces, and, taking everything into consider ation, the flax bag stood the test better than the jute.' No Right to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attrac tive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be neryous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretch ed complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run down invalid. : Only 50 cents at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. Educational meeting at Hooil River. On Saturday there will bo an educa tional meeting held at Hood Riyer under the supervision of Superinten- dant Gilbert, at which the following program will be rendered: Song ... "America" Address of Welcome, E. L. Smith Response, John Gavin Our School N. C. Evans Literature in the Schools,.. J. Landers A Teacher's Personality, Minnie Elton Music Number Work in Primary Grades, , . ..Salina Pbirman Co-operation of Teachers and Par ents, Mrs. E. L. Smith How to Teach the Multiplicatiou Table.... Troy Shelly The Value of Types, Mella White Music. Teachers and others desiring to at tend will leave The Dalles by boat at 7 a. m. and returning will leave Hood River about 4 p. m. A special rate of 50 cents for the round trip has been made by the D. P. & A. N. Co. for 10 or more persons. Fatal Mining Disaster. Austin, Vex., April 10. A mining disaster in which 12 men lost their lives is reported from . the Sierra Mnjada mining camp, located In the state of Coahuila, - Mexico, 50 miles south of Presidio, Tex. An explosion of foul gas occourred in the Veda Rica silver mine, and be fore all the miners could get to the surface tbe dry limbers were, on fire, the fierce Barnes barring exit. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Buckleu'a Arnica Salve, cures them, also old running and fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts bruises, burns, scalds, chapped hands, chilblains. Best pile cure on earth; drives out pains and aches. Only 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. "The steamer Spokane has been placed in service on tbe Snake river between Riparia and Lewiston . with double daily service and will be oper ated as a through mail, express and passenger steamer, making . round trips daf.y except Saturday. Leaving Riparia at 2:30 a. m., arriving at Lewis ton 12 o'clock noon. Leaving Lewis ton 2:30 p. m., arriving at Riparia at 7 o'clock p. m. The steamer Lewis ton will take the place of the Spokane on the same schedule on Saturdays and at other times will be operated on a wild schedule, taking care of all local work. The object of this new schedule Is to place the Lewiston and Buffalo Hump countries mure in touch with points on the O. R. & N." tf For Sale. A seven room cottage, eood base ment, perfect plumbing, one lot of ground well . improved, on Fourth and Jefferson streets. Inquire of J. M. Filloon. m30 2w $2.45 GOLD PLATED ad. out and send to us, MOSSY and we will Bend subject to examination. You can examine at your expreai a li louna peneeuy saunae terr exactly at rcprewaled aatt la7 wmf laJ t wmUkn um are ottag MimnH at S.1& tee. ,fc under such nlBleadinfr descriptions as aiffia Bine, utneai Style, bold FUlta or Usk Liket20.eefM-006el1 rilled Watches, at, if Ton find it the equal or better than any of these) watches, pay the express OCR PRICE and express charges. Don't be Deceived by stefcy &d vtfi ! eats which would lead you to believe you could (ret a S2&.HO or S&O.OD watt lWIS.TItM. wtwa we sell thesaaM wale fr $2.45. OUR S2 45 WATCH u eent' tnn is-size Hastier UUfl ffwion Case or Bern Back mmd Bcirl an.t proof upea face, stem wind and setaid pists4. handpom ly en graved and polished, fees Uk s hih-cnds rld lire sad i a treat trad lag- watch, movement is a nickel 7-jeweU ed stem wind American, warranted, and a (rood time keeper. Foe frai 99 cats ap, sold-II led watches SS. 7 aa aa, writ for ft - Watea aad Jewelry Cat I seas. "". SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (inc.), Chicago tflltl, 17llllllTsCs,aawlllllBSllj MlMHIi "5T t J m TTir cut this sPf ..Ss. fill PROFESSIONAL. C. HOLLISTER. Physician and Surgeon, Rooms over Dalles National Bank . Office hours, a ro to 12 m, and from 2 to 4 p m. Resi dence West End of Third Street, A. S. BENNKT Attorney at Law yM. TACK MAM Dentist, Rooms 8 9 and 10. VoRt Block, The Dalles. Or NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given tbat by order of the tion. itooeri Mays, juae ol trie county court lor Wasco County Orrgon. made on the 9tb day of March. 18in, tbe undersigned was uppo iitcd a .ministrator 01 me estate 01 John urook bouse, deceased, and John J. Broukbouse. All parties baying claims against said estate are hereby notitied and required to present the same, properly ve.ritled, at tbe onlce ol" SiunotL & binnott. in Dalles (Jity. Oregon, wttbin sis montbs from tbe date or this notice. R J. GORMAN. Administrator of the partnership estate of John Brookhouse, deceased-, and John J. Hrook- bouse. w5t NOTICE. C. S. Land Office atThe Dalles. Oreron, I March 15. 18V. ( Complaint baying been entered at this office by Ray Henson against John Vantliierx for auanaoninK bis Homestead Entry No. iiKfttf. dated August -6, IM96. upon tbe Lots II. 12 and id, sec. id. and Lot 14, sec. 22. all in Township 1. North of Ranee. 10 East. W. M.. in Wasco couuty, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said p irties are hereby sum- monea to appear at tnis omce on tbe 2th day April. 199 at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concernine said alleged abandonment. JAY P. LUCAS. Register. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned assignee of the estate of O. M. Bourland. an in solvent debtor, bas filed his final account and report in said estate, and that tbe same will be called up for hearing In the Circuit Court of tbe State ot Oregon, for Wasco County, at the reg nlar February term of said Court, on Monday the 20th day of February, 1H99, or as soon thereafter as the same can be heard by said Court. All persons interested in sal 1 estate are here by notified to apueir on or before said date and show cause, if any there be. why said report should not in ail things, be allowed, ratified and approved, and an order be made by said Court discharging said assignee and exonerating his uonusmen irom lunner iiaDiiity tnereuuaer. Dated this )8th day of January. Ukohge a. Liebe. Assignee of the estate of O. M. Bourland an Insolvent debtor NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION U.S. Land Office, 1 The Dalles, Or., March 28. 1899. I Notice is hereby given that the followin?- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in suppor tof bis claim, and mat said proof will be made berore the regis ter and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Sat urday. May 6, 1899. viz: George Sherrill for the heirs of Mary Ellen Sherrill, deceased, for merly Mary Ellen ObHst; H. E. 4088. for the S!4 SEM and SK SWH Sec 3 Tp IS. R 19 east. W. M. ' . He uames-the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and oultivation of said land, viz: D. D. Nelson, William Wolfe, J. S. Taylor and Jacob Obrist, arl of The Dulles, Oregon. . , JAY, P. LUCAS. Registir, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, i Murcn 14. imk. ( Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, April 22, 1899. viz: . , William A. Cates, of The Dalles: H. E. No. 4977, for the Wii SW and SEH 6WK Sec. 85. Tp. 1 N., R. 1SE. W.M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. M. Benson, J. P. Mclnerny, James Smith, Ed. Smith, all of Tbe Dalles, Oregon. JAY P. LUCAS, ttegister. SHERIFF'S SALE. In tbe Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon, . for the County of Multnomah. D. M. Mc Lauchlan, plaintiff vs. T. J, fendant. ' By virtue of an execution, and order of sale, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregou. ior the County of Multnomah, to the sheriff of Wasco county. State of Oregon, directed, dated, the IT'b day of Marcb. 1899, upon a judgment and order of sale of the here inafter described attached real property, in favor of plaintiff and against defendant, ren dered the 27lh day of November. for the sum of Sl.033.00 and tbe further sum of KlOo.OO attorney's fees, and tbe further sum of &16.45 costs and disbursements, and interest, I will, on Monday the 24th day of April, Ib99, at tbe hour of two o'clock, P. u , at tbe front door of the county court house, at Tbe Dalles, in tne County of Wasc. State of Oregon, at public auction, subject to redemption, sell the follow ing described real property and tbe whole there of, to satisfy said judgment and order of sale, interest, costs and all accruing costs, to-wit: The sou hwest quarter of tbe northwest quarter of section 31 in township 3 north, range 1 1 east of the Willamette Meridian, said Wasco county, Oregon. Also the undivided one half of lots 13 and' 14 in block 1 ; also the uud'vided half of lots I. 2. 3. 4, S, 6, 7, 8. and 9 ia block 4: Also tbe un divKled half of lots 14, 15. 16. 17. 18, 19. 20. 21, 22, 23, 24, is and 26 in said block 4 ; also the un divided half of lots 1, 2. 3, 4. ft and 6 in block 6 in the town of Waucoma, in tne coun ty of Wasco and State of Oregon. ROBERT KELLY, " Sheriff Wasco County, Oregon Dated, Marcb24, 1899. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County. W. M. Watson, Company, a corporation, plain tiff. vs. George Christensen, defendant. By virtue of an execution, decree and order of sale, duly issued out of and under the seal of tbe Circuit Court of tbe State of Ore gon, for the County of Wasco, to me directed and dated the 11th day of April. IRSi9. upon a decree for tbe foreclosure of a certain mort gage, and judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the 13th day of February. 1899. In the above entitled favor of the Plaintiff and against the Defendant George Christen sen as judgment debtor, iu toe sum of nine bun red and sixty four dollars (9tt.O0). with interest thereon Irom the 13th day of February, 1899. at the rate of nine (9) per cent per annum, and the further sum of twenty-five (2ft.uo dol lars, co:sts, and the costs of and upon this writ, and commanding me to make sale of the real property embraced in such decree of foreclo sure and hereinafter described, I will, on the 15th day of May 1899, At the hour ot 2 o'clock, in tbe afternoon ot said day, and at the front door of tbe County Court bouse, in Dalles City. Wasco County, Oregon, sell at public auction to tbe highest bidder for cash in band. all the right, title and in terest which the defendant George Christen sen had on tbe 22d day of August. 1896, tbe date of the mortgage foreclosed herein, or which such defendant herein, has since acquired, or now haa in and to the following described real property, situate and being in Wasco County, Oregon, towit: Tbe southeast quarter of section twenty two (22) in township one (1) north of range fif teen (15) east of Willamette Meridian, contain ing one hundred and sixty tl60 acres or so much of said property as will satisfy said judgment and decree, with costs and accruing costs. Said property will be sold subject to confir mation and redemption as by law provided. Dated at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, this llib day of April, 1899. ROBKRT KELLEY, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. TneEtonomuGasoiinsLaraD Approved by the Board of Underwriters of the Pacific. Nov, 4th. 1898. 100-Candle Power, 14 Hours, For FOUR Cents. Own your own Gas Plant, ter. a complete gas plai Run your own me A complete gas plant within tbe lamp; portable, hang It any where. Maximum light at minimum cost. J. D. TUNNY. IBdov Agentfon Wasco County. 4E9-Lamps on exhibition at the Umatilla House Qrogon Bakery and O-t-ZEIE A. KELLER, Prop'r. Am prepared to furnish families,' hotels me restaurants with the choicest Bread, Cakes and Pies. Fresh Oysters Served in Every Style. isECOND, next iloor to Th Dalles National t flood Sample Kco? THE DALLES, OR. BeSt Kentucky Whisky FROM JLOUSVIULE. vry Beat Key West Cigars ami Be of Wines. English Porter, Ale and Mllwaukn Beer always on hand. MATCTZ A PUNDT PROPRIETORS San Francisco BEER HALL F. LEMKK. Proprietor. ine Wines, Liquors, and Ciga ALL KINDS OP BOTTLED BEER, Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught. Soconif Street, bet. Conrt and Union. HENRI L. KECK, Manufacturer of and Dealer In Harness and Saddlery, East End, Two Doors. West of Diamond Flour ing Mills. - . Second Street. THE DALLES, ORKOON All Work Guaranteed toj Give Satisfaction. A. A. BROWN -He FULL ASSORTMENT mi m rim AMD HKOVlMONa Special Pricss to Gash Buyers 7o SBOOND STRSaT. The Whlteliouse CHAS. MICUELBACB, Proprietor First-class Wines Liquors and Clpare Always on Hand. Corner Second aad Conrt Streets, THE DALLES OREGON. First Nationa 1 Bank THe DKLt.ES. OREGON General Banning Business Transacted. Deposits received subject to sight draft or check. Collections made and proceeds promptly re mitted on day of collection. Sight and telegraphic exchange sold on New York. San Francisco and Portland. J S SCHENCK. President HmBiall. Cashlei OUH 1899 MACKINTOSH " R KNTI NO MONET. CUt this d oat and end Co as, mtmu jor kik a WW MMBfl) INU W flTMU trmm milar mmrnrn baekte wJl 11m, mm tll Urn tm uUmm taT tklrtt ut Mtor mk4 and we will sua you tniB mmhibiou 07 x- aminatkmi examine and try HN 41 represented nr Us mmimI nlM M sr ssw r fcsars pT your exprsts agent (HE SPECIAL OrTKR FkUX,s.M, ajid express chsrRea THIS mACIlKTOSH Is snss ef BLACK er HUC fie, aAllW ir has 1 i JiTH. with fancy Dlald llnlnir, velvet collar, double detachable cape, extra rull sweep cape and skirt, guar anteed latest style and finest tailor-made. sob f us cloth starus of Tsrrtklai la Issim' aistsia. te.k. -rile tor IM S.-H. smIIi. St C Al'l'KFSH " iaVsaea Ce. an Iksrsagah, rauaMs-aeileaJ CANTON DISC ft HARROW. Is all steel, which makes it very strong and durable. It is simple in construction and has less puns to wear than any Disc made. The chilled journal bearing are entirely dust-proof aud can be easily oiled. Tl.cre is absolutely no end thruM to wear on tbe bearings. The gangs are so arranged that they cannot raise out of the ground in the center, but easily adjust them selves to dead furrows or low places iu rough ground. A trial will convince you thai the Canton is without an equal. Manufactured by PARLIN & ORENDORFF CO.. CANTON, ILLINOIS. Canton Chilled Plows Are guaranteed to work perfectly. They have stood the test of years, are well finished, of good nvaterial, and have many points of superiority over other plows. ?ry one and you will be satisfied. Made by PARLIN & ORENDORFF CO.. CANTON. HLINOIS- Jos. T. THE 51 Big Inducements .The above cut represeutn oue of our handsome Bronze Clocks now on ex hibition at our store which we propose to rive to our cash customers entirely free of charge, in consideratiou of thoir liberal patronage. We beg to state that our prices, which are always rock-bottom for lirst class (?oods,will remain the same and this special offer, which will bold good for a limited time only, is made for the purpose of increasing: our cash trade. These clocks are made of bronze, are beautiful mantel ornaments, as well as first class time keepers. Please give us an early call and we will take pleasure In showingr you the clocks, and explaining' in detail how you can secure one of these useful gifts. We have a lot of dainaired RUBBER COOn5. and knee boois, snow excluders, Alaskas, storm rubbers, Ladies', Misses' and Children s rubber g-oods of all kinds, slightly damaged by water and which will be closed out at a great sacrifice. J. P. McINERNY, American Carries tbe Best and Olioirest .. Vegetables and Fruits.. Direct from the gardens and orchards. .... FISIl AND GAME IN SEASON. Chickens Dressed or Alive. Free Delivery to any part of the City. , Call up Phone 09 and place your orders any time during the day. . . . . . ' J. A. Carnaby & ....SO ARE FARM IMPLEMENTS. ....HANDLED BY.... W. A. JOHNSTON & COMPANY, Complete line of Plows, Harrows, Drills, Cultivators and Machine Extras. ... A. Ad. .. Bepued Old 118 Oct 15 ' .AD KELLER THE DALLES, - - OREGON Tom Bourke's and - Homestead whiskey. SPECIALTY IN IMPORTED FRENCH LIQUORS AND COGNAC. Best Domestic Liquors Wines and Cigars The Largest and Best of August Buchler's Home-Made Beer and Porter. The Dalles, Or. $0.90 $1 worth checks good for 10c drink or cigar. A check given to every Customer. Agent for the Swiss Publishing Co., New York. Get the Best for the Least Money For Sale by Peters DALLES, OREGON. for Cali Trade. : Market Co , Proprietors tbe go-Hgbtly kind. HUE THE BEST THE.... Keller, Oro Fi Salooo ... 00 Second Street, 2nd door from Court Street, CANTON Mail with wood or steel beams in aU sises. Mold, Share and Landside is made of soft center, cruribla steel, thoroughly hardened, Doul4e Shin Mold. They are the fanners' friend, because they are well and sub stantially made and work perfectly in all soils. Ui kj PARLI1 i ORUlHiRrr CO, CulM, Wi CANTON "U" BAR LEVER HARROWS n- the bet becTU'c they are made of the tv?t steel i'.rc durable. The teeth can be adjusted as to d- i-tii and the; reverted. Frame u thoroughly i. .Made in all imsc. Made by PARLIN & ORENDORFF CO., CANTON, ILLINOIS. &; Co.,