The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, April 08, 1899, Image 1

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    Parti: TJtirurf
j "25""":,"IifJcONSOLIDATED188i.
HO 13
Filipinos Offered bu
Little Resistance.
Manila, March 31. At 10 o'clock
this morning the American Rag was
raised over Maloloa. The Kansas
and Montana regiments on entering
. the city found It deserted, the presi
: dencia ' burning, and the rebels re
treating towards the mountains in a
J state of terror. It is believed they
cannot in future make even-faint re
sistance.' The American loss is small
It is evident the rebels some time
ago abandoned all hope of holding
their capital, for the Americans found
there elaborate preparations for the
evacuation. Most of the rebel's
'. forces were removed yesterday even
, ing to positions east of the railroad,
leaving only some small bands in the
strong trenches in front of Maloloa
Washington, March 31. The fol-
lowing was received at the war depart'
ment this morning:
"Manila, March - 31. The troops
are resting at Malolos. A consider-
able portion of the city was destroyed
by fire. Our causal ties are one killed
and 15 wounded.
"Bale has returned with his troops
to his former position north of Manila.
toons; Mother.
, - Croup is the terror of thousands of
young mothers because its outbreak
so agonizing and frequently fatal.
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure
acts like magic in cases of croup. It
has never been known to fail. The
worst cases relelved Immediately
Price 25 cents,1 50 cents and $1.00
Blakeley & Houghton druggist.
A British Strainer Goes Down Near the
Island of Guernsey.
Southampton, March 31. The
passenger steamer Stella, plying be
tween this port and the Channel is
lands, crashed upon the dreaded Cas
quet rocks, near the island of Alder ney
yesterday afternoon, in a dense fog,
and foundered in 10 minutes. Her
boilers exploded with tremendous
report as she went down. The coast
ing steamer Lynx, which brought the
news of the disaster here, picked up
four boats and 40 persons.
It is estimated that 120 persons were
' The second officer of the steamer,
who was among the numbenrescued,
says a collapsible boat was launched
full of people, but he thinks it struck
on the rocks, owing to the fog.
Another steamer has picked up a boot
containing 45 persons, including 20
women who escaped from the wrecked
. The Stella left Southampton yester
day conveying the first excursion of
the season to the Channel islands.
There were about 185. passengers on
board and a crew numbering 35 men.
The weather was foggy. At 4 o'clcck
Casquet rocks suddenly loomed up
through the fog bans;, and the steamer
almost immediately afterwards struck
amidship. The captain,, seeing the
steamer was fast sinking, ordered the
lifeboats launched. Women and
Children were embarked in the boats.
Then the captain ordered the men to
look after themselves.
A survivor stated that he and 25
others put off from the steamer in a
mall boat. The sea was calm, but
there was a, big swirl around the rocks.
When this boat was a short distance
away from the wreck the boilers of
the SteUa burst with a terrific explo
sion and the vessel dissappeared stern
foremost in the sea. The last thing
the survivor saw was the figure of th a
captain of the Stella standing on the
bridge and calmly giving his last in
structions. The captain perished with
the vessel.
. . Does This Strike TobT . .
Muddy complexions, nauseating
breath come from chronic consump
tion. Karl's Clover Root Tea is an
absolute cure and has been sold for
'fifty years on an absolute guarantee.
' Price 25 cents and 50 cents, at Blake
ley & Houhton, druggists.
Back Containing- 93,000 Stolen From a
San Francisco, March 31. One of
the boldest and most daring robberies
in the annals of San Francisco, was
committed yesterday in front of Wells,
Fargo & Co.'s express office, on Second
street, when a sack containing $2,500
in gold coin was stolen from the seat
' "of an express wagon belonging to
Jos. N.'. Waters, while the latter was
engaged, in conversation by a stranger.
Waters was carrying the coin from
the Anglo-California bank to the ex
press office for shipment to Morris
Bros., at Chinese, California. The
person who accosted Waters asked
him th? location of the Grand hotel.
Waters was ' tving his horse at the
time, but gave the desired Information
On turning again to his wagon, he
saw that the money had been taken
Waters has been snjaged in carrying
the coin of the Anglo-California and
other large banking concerns for more
30vears. and no suspicion at
taches to him.
Many a Lover
Has turned with disgust from an other
tan lovable girl with an offensive
v-oit.h . Karl's Clover Root Tea puri
fies the breath by its action on the
bowels, etc, as nothing else will. .. Sold
sm vpiira on absolute euaran tee. Price
- 25cts., and SOcts. . Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggist
Mew Officers in Charge. -.
Salem, Or., April z. Three new
state officers took charge today, J. D.
Lee relieving A. N. Gilbert as super
intendent of the penltentiary;H. Bick
ers succeeded E. M. Croisan as super:
intendent of the reform school, and L.
B. Geer releiving T. W. Davenport as
ftato land agent.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alurru
Alum baking powders are the greatest
mensem to health of the present day.
Filipino Government Be-
ginning to Totter.
Washington, April 3. The follow
ing cablegram was received at the
war department this morning.
"Manila, April 3. Present indic
ations denote that the insurgent gov
ernment is In a perilous condition. Its
army has been defeated, discouraged
and scattered. The insurgents re
turning to their homes in the cities
and villages between here and points
north of Malolos which our recon
nolterlng parties have reached desire
the protection ot the Americans.
News from the Visaya islands is morn
encouraging every day. Otis."
Filipinos Beg- 'For Food.
Seattle, April 2. The Times
prints a letter from a Washington vol
unteer at Manila, who writes under
date of February 15th as follows:
"Native women and children in our
neighborhood and beyond, as well as
old men and sick, are absolutely starv
ing to death. Their husbands and
fathers have been killed, wounded.
captured or driven back to Malolos,
their houses burned to the ground,
with all their earthly possessions, and
tbey are left with no means of subsist
ence. Tbey attempt to come into toe
American lines by thousands, but
have to be turned back. We cannot
feed them."
Hall and Ring Advancing.'
Manila. March 31.-10:30 a. m.
Hall's brigade advanced today from
Marlqulna up the Mateo rfver valley
almost to Montalban, driving the
enemy totbe hills in the north. The
rebels were considerable in force at
the junctions of the rivers Nanca and
Ampit with Mateo, but the American
artillery soon scattered them with
heavy loss. The American loss was
one killed, Lieutenant Gregg, of tbe
Fourth infantry. Hall eventually re
turned to tbe waterworks.
General Xing advanced from San
Pedro Macati, establishing headquar
ters at Pasig.
Wh Is ShUohT
A grard old remedy for Coughs,
Colds and Consumption; used through
the world for half a century, has cured
Innumerable cases of incipient con
sumption and relieved many in ad
vanced stages. If you are hot satis
fied with tbe results we will refund
vnur ninnnv. Prlne 25 eta., and 50 cts.
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Mo Farther Advance to be Made.
Washington, March 31. It is said
at the war department that Otis will
not make a campaign during the rainy
season, nor is it believed he will at
present chase the Filipinos into tbe
mountain fastnesses of Luzon. Official.-
consider it evident that the fight that
was in Aguinaldo has been whipped
out of him, and ne cannot bold tbe
Filipino army together much longer.
If Otis so advises the war depart
ment will approve a cessation of active
hostilities when little can be accom
plished save chasing the Filipinos
without definite results. .
Do Yon Know
Consumption. Is preventable? Scleno '
has proven that, and also that -neglect
is suicidal. The worst cold or cough
can be cured with Shilohs Cough and
Consumption Cure. - Sold on positive
guarantee for over fifty years. Blake
ley & Houghton, druggists.
To Settle the Squabble. ; . .
Washington, March 31. A modus
vivendl for' tbe settlement of the
Samoan troubles has. been .proposed
and is now under favorable consider
ation by the ttarep governments con
cerned. ' It contemplates the creation
of a joint high .commission consisting
of one member of each country, to pass
upon the recent clash of authority and
resulting disorder.
.The proposition, It is understood,
was put forward by Germany, and is
the second one submitted for the set
tlement of the entire question.
Yen Days to Dawson. .
Seattle, April 2. Jack Carr, the
intrepid Alaskan mailcarrier, has
broken the recorn from Dawson to
Skagway, coming out in 10 days.
He reports that the Yukon is giving
its first signs of breaking up, and that
the Ice will undoubtedly go out very
early this year.
Sixteen Miners Murdered,
San Francisco, April 2. A special
from .Juneau, Alaska, to the Call, re
ports the murder of 16 Kentucky pros
pectors near the mouth of the Kus-
kokum river. The story is that tbe
goldseekers were killed while asleep,
by Indians, who wanted their kits and
supplies. '
Tell ear Sister.
A beautiful complexion is an impos
sibility without good pure blood, the
sort that only exists in connection
with good digestion, a bealtby liver
and bowels. Karl's Clover Root Tea
acts directly on the bowels, liver and
kidneys keeping them In perfect
health; Price . 25 cts and 50 cts.
laieley Houghton druggist. ,
Consul Rose Incited the
Samoans to More
Washington. April 2. The follow
ing has been given out at the state
The secretary of state has received
from the secretary-of the navy a tele'
gram to him by Jtear-Aimirai tt.auiz
relating to Samoan affairs. It Is dated
Newcastle, N. S. W.. March 30, 1899
and reads as follows:
'The Mataarfa people obeyed orders
ts leaye the government reservations,
Sinoe then they have become aggres
sive, killing Private Holloway and
three British sailors. Our man killed
was guarding tbe American consulate,
The German consul Issued an Incendi
ary proclamation, saying that my
proclamation was untrue and he should
uphold the provisional government.
Tbe British forces act in concert with
the United States, shelling the rebels
where they can be reached."
A copy of the Telegram was sent to
the German ambassador.
The dispatch convinces the govern
ment) that the nign commission win
find the Germans to blame and will
result in the recalling of Rose, the
German consul. Secretary Hay has
ntimated that Berlin must order Rose
to keep matters at Samoa in statu quo
till the commission acts. Berlin
cables saving the American explan
ation is satisfactory. ' America made
no explanation and Admiral Kautz is
sustained in every particular.
Officers te Bo Abolished and Salaries
Salem, Or., April 2. The number
of employes and salaries at the reform
school are to be reduced. It is pro
posed to abolish temporarily, at least,
five of the 19 positions which, It is
thought, can be done without Impair
ing the efficiency of the institution.
Action with this object in view will
be taken when the recommendations
of Superintendent- Brickers, in whose
hands the matter is left, are considered
at next week's meeting of the state
board of-education.
There are less than 100 boys at the
school. The salary of the superinten
dent has already been reduced from
$125 to flOO per month, and that of the
engineer from 9100 to 965. Changes
in the forces and salaries at the blind
and deaf mute school will probably ba
made after the spring vacation.
An Under tandlDg Reached Between the
United States and Germany.
Berlin, April 2. A correspondent
of the Associated Press learns author
itatively that after the acting minister
of foreign affairs. Baron von Ritcht
hoffeo. bad been closeted with tbe m
porer today, the United States ambas
sador passed an hour at the foreign
office. It is generally believed an un
derstanding has been reached which
la likely to bring about an amicable
and satisfactory solution of the whole
Samoan difficulty.
It is understood that while the Unit
ed States and Great Britain have
steadily declined to accept Germany's
two- previous propositions, the new
one has been accepted . by all three
powers. According to m high German
official, American explanations have
been found satisfactory, and. the ac
cepted proposal consists of the send
ing of a joint commission to Samoa.
A semi official, note published this
evening say the German proposal to
dispatch to Samoa a high commission.
consisting of an official plenipotentiary
from each power, is regarded by the
American government as being suit
able to the purpose. "
Heavy Snow 8torms In the Middle
Salina, Kan., April 3. The worst ;
blizzard of tbe year is in progress to
St. Joseph, Mo., April 3. Another
blinding snowstorm is raging here to
day. Des Moines, la., April 3. It has
been snowiug here for 39 hours, with.
no evidence of letting up. '
; OTT0MWA, la., April 3. The heav
iest snow ever known here in April Is
falling. Railroads aDd street-car? are
operated with difficulty.' Fifteen inch
es of snow since Thursday is the record.
- ' Murdered Her Husband.
Chicago, April 3. During a quarrel
at the table today, Mrs. Jos. Brown,of
3408 Leavltt, seized a knife and stab
bed her husband in the breast. Brown
died almost instantly. Mrs. Brown
has been locked up.
Hunting-ton Buys an Ore Mountain.
San Francisco, April 3. A special
from Durango, Mexico, says; Tbe
great Sierre de Mercedo mountain of
iron, adjoiolngthis city, has been pur
chased by C. P. Huntington. The
P'irchaao price is placed at 9800,000 in
gold. The Mexican International rail
way is built to the foot of the mountian.
It is said that extensive steel works
will be established here.
Supreme Court Decisions.
Washington, April 3. In the
supreme court of the United States to
day a decision was handed down by
Justice Peckham confirming the valid
ity of tbe war revenue act, imposing,
taxes on transactions of the boards
of trade and similar institutions. ' In
another case a similar opinion was
rendered with regard to taxes ' upon
transactions at tbe stockyards.
; Will Ask for 'Indvminlty.
Chicago, April 3. A special to the
Tribune from Washington says: With
in the next two weeks the government
will be asked by Great Britain to in
demnify the family of a British subject
named Simpson, who was killed during
the battle at Manila, February 23
Simpson represented an English paper
house and was accidently shot. He.
was looking out of the window of his
bouso when the battle was in progress,
and bc'ng dressed in white clothing
he was mistaken for a Filipino.
Bulgarian and Turkish Guards Abon
Begin Fighting.
London, April 3. In connection
with tbe collision between Bulgarian
and Turkish frontier guards at Kosy
lagob, a correspondent in Macedouia
writes tbe Pall Mall Gazette concern
ing the seething condition in the
Balkaus. He says:
Grave consequences cannot be defer
red much longer. The hole province
Is armed and matters are drifting into
open revolution. The people are
drilling for the coming struggle, and
the country is virtually in a state of
siege. Turkish troops have been
pouring into most of the disturbed
districts, and reinforcements are ar
riving daily. Detachments guard tbe
Oriental railway from Salonica to the
Servian border, and tha garrison
towns are packed with soldiers. There
is a widespread impression .that mo
mentous events are impending.
The Ottomans are convinced that
Bulgaria is at the bottom of the trouble
in Macedonia and will certainly active
ly -support the expected rising, en
couraged by Russian influence.
President McKinley Has Selected Six of
the Members.
New York, April 3. A special to
the Herald from Washington says:
President Cleveland will announce on
Tuesday the seven members of the
new isthmian canal commission. The
names definitely determined upon are
Rear-Admiral Walker, Brigadier-
General Haines and Professor Haupt,
of the Nicaragua canal commission;
Ciyil Engineer Noble, of Chicago,
formerly a member of the Ludlow can
al commission; Major Frank Symonds,
corps of engineers, and Civil En
gineer Voight.
Tbe seventh, member of the commis
sion may be Civil Engineer Morrison
of New York, who has been In Wash
ington for the past three days, i
Under the terms of the act 'the
commission will visit both the Panama
and Nicaragua route. The president
is anxious that It shall begin its work
immediately, as he desires it to submit
its report as promptly as possible to
the next congress, in order that an ap
propriation may be obtained from that
body for commencing work on the
Canteens May Sell Beer.
Washington, April 4. The secre
tary of war recently requested the
opinion of the attorney general as to
whether section 17 of the act passed at
the last session of congress "increas
ing the efficiency of the army," pro
hibits the continuance of the sale of
Intoxicating drinks by the govern
ment in tbe canteen sections of post
exchanges which are organized and
maintained at the yarious army posts
and encampments throughout the
United States.
The attorney-general in his reply
holds that the section In question does
not prohibit the continuance-of the
sale of intoxicating lipuors throughout
canteen sections, as heretofore organ
ized and carried on, except that no
officer or enlisted man can be detailed
for duty in canteen sections to do the
A Narrow Escape. ...
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada.
E. Hart, of Groton, S. JX. "Was
taken with a bad cold which settled on
my . lungs: cough set in and finally
terminated in y consumption. , Four
doctors gave me up. saying I could live
but a short time. . . I gave myself up to
my Savior, determined- - if 1 could not
stay with my friends on earth, I would
meet my absent cnes above. My hus
band was advised: to. get Dr. King's
New Discovery Jor .Consumption,
Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial,,
took in all eight bottles. It has cured
me, and thank God, I . am saved and
now a well and healthy woman." Trial
bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's
drug store. Regular size 50 cents and
91.00. Guaranteed or price refunded.
-Are Hard to locate. . .
New YORK," April 3. A dispatch to
the Herald-fro m Manila says: Repeated
efforts to locate the insurgent army in
front of Malolos have been unsuccess
ful, and bur forces'' are therefore stil
resting in tbe former Filipino capital.
Tbe attack On the forces under Gen
eral Hall at Mariquina suggests that
the enemy is concentrated in that
directon. Colonel Denoy's arrival
makes the proclamation of the Philip
pine commission probable.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That.
Contain Mercury.
as mercury will destroy the sense of smell and'
completely derange the whole system when en
tering it through he mocus surfaces. Such ar
ticles should never be used except on prescrip
tions from reputable physicians, as the damage
they will do is ten fold to the good you can
possibly derive from them.' Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., To
ledo, Ohio, contains no mercury, and Is taken
internally, acting directly upon the blood and
mocus surfaces of th system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure to get the genuine. It is
taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by
P. J. Cheney A Co. Te -timonials free.
Sold bv druggists, price 75c per bottle.
Hall's Famil Pills are the best.
' Ensland Consents.
London, April. 2. It can be an
nounced on the best authority that the
English government fully consents to
the absolute control of the Nicaragua
canal by the United States. A public
statement to that - effect will soon be
published by Lord Salisbury.
The A ssembly'a Plans .
Havana, April 2.-Tbe so-called
assembly proposes to pay the soldiers
$3,000,000, rather than have the United
States pay them, and thus lose all
prestige. They are in an ugly mood,
and are trying to foment strife.
Oak Wood! Oak Wood!
For the next 20 days I will sell for
cash, oak wood, either first or second
growth, at actual cost delivered. A
good chance to get your next winter's
supply cheap. Phone 199, or leava or
ders at Wilkenson's warehouse, First
street. 1 F. B. Saunders,
The Commission Sets Forth
What They Shall Take.
New YORK, April 4. The Journal's
Manila correspondent cables the text
of the United States Philippine com
missioners' proclamation, issued to
day. It follows:
The commission desires to assures
the people of the islands of the cordial
good will and fraternal feeling which
is entertained for them by the presi
dent and tbe American -people. The
present aim and object of the United
States, apart from fulfillment of the
solemn obligations it has assumed to
ward tbe family of nations by its
acceptance of sovereignty over the
Philippine islands, is tbe well-being,
prosperity and happiness of the Phil
ippine people, and their elevation and
advancement to a position among the
most civilized people of the world.
What do tbe best Filipinos desire?
Can It be more than the United .States
Is ready to give. They are patriots
and want liberty. In th meantime,
the attention of the people of the
Philippines is invited to certain regul
ative principal by which the United
States will be guided in its relations
with them. These are deemed to be
points of cardinal importance:
First The supremacy of the United
States must and will be enforced
throughout 'every part of the archipel
ago, and those who resist it can accom
plish no other than their own ruin.
Second To tbe Philippine people
will be granted the most ample liberty
and self-government reconciable with
the maintenance of a wise, just, stable
and effective and economical adminis
tration of public affairs, and compatible
with sovereign and International
rights and obligations of the United
Third -The civil rights of the Phil
ippine people will be guaranteed and
protected to the fullest extent.
Fourth The object of the American
government is the welfare and ad
vancement of the Philippine people.
Fifth There shall be guaranteed
honest and effective civil service to
the fullest extent to which it shall be
practical that natives shad be employ
ed. Sixth Employment and collection
of taxes and revenues and will be plac
ed upon a sound, economical basis.
Local funds collected shall be used . for
local purposes and Rot devoted toother
Seventh A pure, effective and
speedy administration of justice will
be established. ,
Eight Construction of roads, rail
roads and similar means of communi
cation and transportation and other
public works will be promoted.
Ninth Domestic trade and com
merce, agricultue and other industrial
pursuits shall be the object of constant
solicitude and fostering care.
Tenth Effective provision will be
made for the establishment of elemen
tary schools in which the children of
the people may be educated, and ap
propriate facilities will be. provided
for higher education, i
Eleventh Reforms in all depart
ments of the government and all cor
porations closely touching thecommon
life of the people will be undertaken
without delay, and ' effected conform
ably with right and justice, in a way
to satisfy well-founded demands and
the highest sentiments and aspirations
of the people. ' '
Spain's Greatest Need.
Mr, R. . P. Olivia, of Barcelona,
Spain, spends his wlnters-at Aiken, S.
C. - Weak' nerves had caused' severe
pains in the back of bis head. On
using- Electric .Bitters, America's
greatest blood and nerve remedy, -all
pain soon left him. "He says this grand
remedy is whsthia country needs. ' All
America knows that it cures iiver'and
kidney troubles, purifies the blood,
tones up the stomach, strengthens the
nerves, put vim, vigor and new life
into every muscle, nerve and organ of
the-body. "If weak, tired and ailing
you need It; Every bottle guaranteed,
only 50" cents. Sold .by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists.
: From Two Points of Tie. -
' Cleveland; O.', ; April 4. Mayor
McKisson has made' the following
signed statement concerniug his
"The Hanna bolters and corporation
influences, through lavish use of
money; elected Farley and -defeated
tbe head of the republican ticket yes
terday." " That is all I care to say at
present." ' - -
' Mayor-elect Farley In an ' interview
'"My election simply means that the
people of Cleveland want honest gov
ernment; that they are tired of- Mc
Kisson, and are opposed to pillage and
Germany's Plan Is Accepted.
Washington, April 4. Lord Salis
bury has accepted the plan laid down
oy Germany for settlement of the Sa
moan trouble, ' by appointment of a
tripartite commission. Acceptance is
on a broad principle only and details
of the arrangement are yet to be agreed
upon. .
As the United States has already
accepted the general proposition, there
is no longer any doubt as to the organ
ization of the commission.
Resnlt In Michigan.
Detroit. April 4. Revised estim
ates of election results, based on
incomplete returns from nearly all the
counties in Michigan,' place Judge
Grant's plurality for supreme court
justice at 25,000 In round numbers.
Detroit , and larger cities with the
Plngree feature eliminated from the
contests show democratic gains. '
You need have no boils if you will
take Clarice & Falk's sure cure for
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco Countv.
W. M. Wabson. Company, a corporation, plain
George Christensen, defendant.
By virtue of an execution, decree and order
or sale, amy issued out 01 ana unaer ine
seal of the Circuit Court of tbe Mute of Ore
gon. for the County of Waseo. to me directed
and dated the luih day of March. mi9. upon
a decree for tbe foreclosure of a certain mort
gvkiee. and iudament rendered and entered in
said Court on the 13th day of February. 1W9. in
the above entitled cause. ia favor ol the Plaintiff
and acamst the Defendant George C'hrt .R-n
sen as judgment debtor, in the um of nine
hun red and sixty four dollars (tWH.mii. with
interest thereon from the 13th day of February,
l&K). at tne rate of nine (9) per cent per nnuum
and the furtnersumof twenty-live ifcSUIOi dol
lars, eo-ts. and the costs of and upon this writ,
and commanding me to make sale of the real
property embraced in such decree of foreclo
sure and hereinafter described. IJX.H1. on the
10th day of April 1899,
At the hour ot 2 o'clock, in the afternoon of
suid day, and at the f root door of the County
Court nouse. in iJailes city. Wasco county
Oregon. -elL at public auction -to toe hi'bst
Diaaer tor cash in tne rignt. title ana in
terest which the defendant Geortre Christen
sen had on the Sd day of August. S96, the date
of the mortgage foreclosed herein, or which
such defendant herein, has since acquired, or
now Das in ana to tne following aescnoea real
property, situate and being in Wasco County,
Oregon. lowit:
The southeast quart'r of section twenty
two (22) in township one (I) north of range fif
teen (15) east of Willamette Meridian, contain
ing one hundred and sixty (1UU) acres or so
much of said property as will satisfy said
judgment and decree, with costs and accruing
Said property will be sold subject to confir
mation and redemption as by law provided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this lOih day of
March, 1899..
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County or Multnomah. D. M. Mc
Lauchlan, plaintiff, vs. T. J, Watson, de
Bv virtue of an execution, and order of sale.
issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Multnomah, to the
sheriff of Wasco county. State of Oregon,
directed, dated, the 17'.h day of March. 1899,
upon a judgment and order of sale of the here
inafter described attached real property, in
favor ot plaintiff and against defendant, ren
dered the 2Tlh day of November, IK93, for the
sum of Sl.033.00 and the further sum of SIOO.OO
attorney's fees, and the further sum of $.16 45
costs and disbursements, and interest, I will, on
Monday tbe 24th day of AprU, 1H1W, at the hour
of two o'clock, P. M , at the front door of the
county court house, at The Dalles, in the
County of Wasc State of Oregon, at public
auction, subject to redemption, sell the follow
ing desert bed real property and the whole there
of, to satisfy said Judgment and order of sale,
interest, costs and all accruing costs, to-wit:
The sou hwest Quarter of the northwest Quarter
of section 31 in township 3 north, range 11 east
of the Willamette Meriuian. saia wasco county.
Oregon. Also the undivided one half of lots 13
and 14 in block 1; also the und tided half of lots
2. 8. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. and 0 in block 4: Also the un-
dlvfUed half of lots 14. 15. 16. 17. IX. 19. 20. 21, 22,
23, 24, 25 and 26 in said block 4: also the un
divided half of lots 1. 2,3, 4. 5 and 6 in block 6
in the town of Waucoma, la tne county of
Wasco ana state oi uregon.
Sheriff Wasco County, Oregon-
Dated, March24, 1899.
U. S. Land Omci at Thk Dalles, Oregon. I
March 15. 1MW. f
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Ray Henson against John Vanthiers for
abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 586fl,
dated August 6, lb98. upon the Lots II, 12 and
13, Seo. 16. and Lot 14. Sec. 22. all in Township
1, North of Range, 10 East. W. M., in Wasco
countv, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation
of said entry, the said p .rties are hereby sum
moned to appear at tt is ofllce on the 2b th day
April, 1899, at 10 o'clo.-k a. m., to respond and
furnish testimony concerning said alleged
abandonment.. ,
. i . ', J AT P. LUCAS,
' ' : " Register.
Healthful Hints
Don't forget the baby and his. needs
We give you many helpful hints for
healtd and supply the means for carry
ing them out. Our line of toilet ar
ticles, for baby and bis mother, is com
plete, fastidious and of highest hygen
lo worth..
Up-to-I)ate Pharmacists
175 Second Street.
3P THE :
Keeps on draught tbe celebrated
Columbia Beer, acknowledged
the best beer In Tbe Dalles, at
the usual price. Come In, try it
and be convinced. Also tne'
Finest brands of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars.
First National Bank
General Banking Business Transacted.
Deposits received subject to sight draft
or check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly re
mitted on day of collection.
Sight and telegraphic exchange sold on New
York. San Francisco and Portland.
S Schinck,
H Biaix.
BeSt Kentucky Whisky
Very Best Key West Cigars and Bes
' of Wines.
English Porter, Ale and Milwauke
Beer always on hand.
Oregon Viavi Co.
Room 7. over French & Co's. Bank.
Office hours, 2 to 4 p. m
Charlotte F. Roberts,
Local Manager
Physician and Surgeon,
Rooms oyer Dalles National Bank. Office hours, 10
a m to 12 m, and from t to 4 p in. Keai
dence West End of Third Strset,
Attorney at Law
Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles. Or.
Notice is hereby given, that upon the 31st day
of March. the city of Antelope, Wasco
t ounty, jre;ion. win sell to the hlgh-'st buttle:
for citsh in hand, at Antclore. Oregon, fom
tnousand uoiinrs in city bonds, as follows
Bonds are of the par value of five h-mdrcd dol
lars each, payable tea years after date, but op
tional after live years, and bearing six-per cent
mteresi-. per annum., buia ootid issue was au
thorized by an act ot the legislature of the
State of Oregon, at the recular. Ih99. session.
and by an ordinance or said city of Antelope.
Sealed bids for said bonds should lie ad
dressed to City Recorder. Antelope. Oregon,
and snouia oe sent in orior to Marcn sist. iwv.
The right to reject any and all bids is reserved.
uy order or the (jommon council of tne uity
of Antelope.
18feb. 6t Recorder,
Notice is hereby given that bv order of the
Hon. Robert Mays, judge of the county court
for Wasco county Oregon, made on the tn day
of March. 1199. the undersigned was appointed
a -minisirator or ine estate oi jonn otook
house, deceased, and John J. Brooknouse. All
parties having claims atainst said estate are
hereby notified and required to present the
same, properly venneo, at tne otnee ot Mnnott
& Sinnott. in Dalies City. Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Administrator of the rarlnershin estate of
jonn Brooknouse, deceased, ana jonn J. urooK
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, i
Marcn 14, lbvv. )
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has nieu notice or his intention
lo make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on Saturday. April 22, 1899, viz:
William A. Cates,
of The Dalles: H. E. No. 4977, for the W SVTH
and SEH SWX Sec. 2S. Tp. 1 N.. K. 13 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
J. M. Benson. J. P. Melnerny, James Smith,
Ed. Smith, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
JAY P. LtrcXs.
V. S. Land Office, (
The Dalles. Or., March 28, 1899. I
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will he made before the regis
ter and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Sat
urday. May 6, 1899. viz: George Sherrill for the
heirs of Mary Ellen Sherrill. deceased, for
merly Mary EUen Obrist; H. E. 488.for the S
SEM and S;-4 SW Sec 3 Tp 1 S, R 12 east,
W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon ana ouitivauon oi
said land, viz: D. D Nelscn. William Wolfe.
J. S. Taylor and Jacob Obrist, all of The
Dalles, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
assignee of the estate of O. M. Bourland. an in
solvent debtor, has filed bis final account and
report in said estate, and that tbe same will be
called up for hearing in the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon, for Wasco County, at the res
nlar February term of said Court, on Monday
the 20!h day of February, 199, or as soon
thereafter as the same can be heard by sa d
All persons interested in sal 1 estate are here
by notified to appear on or before said date and
show cause, if any there be. why said report
should not in ail things, be allowed, ratified and
approved, and an order be made by said Court
discharging said assignee and xonentttng his
bondsmen from further liability thereunder.
Dated this 18th day of January, 1899. -
George A. Liebe,
Assignee of the estate of O. M. Bourland an
insolvent debtor
Special Prices 'to Gash Buyers
74 Front St., The Dalles.
Tables supplied with the best in
the market.
Parties served and lunches for
picnics and excursions
. . Oysters in every style.
W. W. WILSON, - Manager.
Is all steel, which makes it very strong and durable.
It is simple in construction and has les pirns to wear
than any Disc made. Tbe ch tiled journal bearing are
entirely dust-proof and can be easily oiled. 1 here is
absolutely no end thrust to wear on the bearing.
The gangs are so arranged that they camtot raise
out of the ground in the center, but easily adjust them
selves to dead furrows or low places in rough ground.
A trial will convince you that the Cautou is without
an equal. Manufactured by
Canton Chilled Plows
Are guaranteed to work perfectly. They haw stood
the test of years, are well finished, of good ir.aterial,
and have many point of superiority over other p ows,
Try one and you will be satisfied. Made by
Big Inducements
EooiJ ..MAINE. r-
The above cut renreseots ooe of
hlbition at our store which we propose
free of charge, in consideratiou of their liberal patronage. We beg to state that
our prices, which are always rock-bottom for first class (roods, will remain the same
and this special offer, which will bold good for a limited time only, is made for
the purpose of increasing our cash trade. These clocks are made of bronze.
are beautiful mantel 'jrnamento, as well as first class time keepers. Please
give us an early cull and we will take pleasure in showing you the clocks, and
explaining in detail how you can secure one of these useful gifts.
We have a lot of damaged RUBBER
and kne? boo;s, sdow excluders, Alaskas, storm rubbers, Ladies', Misses' and
Children's rubber goods of all kinds, slightly damaged by waterand which
One Price Cash House, Cor. Second and Court Sts.
Are You
If You Want to Know
Secure one of our late maps of Oregon just published
perfectly accurate, thoroughly reliable. We give it3to
you with the Weekly Times-Mountaineeb on these
terms :
To every subscriber who pays up arrearages and on
year's subscription, together with 50 cents, we supply
the paper one year and the map. Price of paper $1.50;
price of map $1.00. We give you both for $2.00. Take
advantage of this offer now. It only holds good for a
short time. The map is 28x34 inches, on heavy cloth
and mounted substantially on rollers. The same'map
on paper, in pocket form will be furnished with the
paper fori$1.75. ....... . , ' , ' '
A. Ad.
118 Oct 15
Tom Bourke's and
: Homestead whiskey.
Best Domestic Liquors nines and Cigars
The Largest and Best of August Buchler's
Home-Made Beer and Porter.
The Dalles, Or.
$1 worth checks
good for 10c
drink or
A check given to.
every Customer.
Agent for the Swiss Publish in gCo., New York.
Wilkinson 8s. Co.,
ge .
IF"1. 23. Sa.VLZid.ers, Eanaorer.
irst Street, between Washington and Jefferson, The Dalles, Or.
Wool Baling for Ea3tern Shipments. Consignments Solicited
For Sale by
Peters &
for 'M Trade.
our handsome Bronze Clocks now on ex.
to srive to our cash customers entirely
GOODS, consisting of Men's hin
At ?
Oro Fino JalooD ...
oo Second Street, 2nd door from Court StreeV""-
ana ..
Stubble Plows
Made with wood or ued beam in U tim. Mold,
Share and Landtide Is made of toft center, crucible,
ueel, thoroughly hardened. Double Shia Mold. Their
are tbe farm en' friend, becauM they are veil and aub
tuntially made and work perfectly in all toils.
Isdi kj PAELI3I k ORHDABfr CO, CuUi, Illiwii
.e the best because they are made of the best steel
xv. i arc durable The teeth can be adjusted as to
depth and the edges reversed. Frame is thoroughly
bru:el. Made in all sires. Made by
Go., J