Jrllud i.ib:rf Yf7 17 UVrAIXBCK. VihneXXX CONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLES. OKEGON, SATURDAY. APRIL 1. 1899 ISO 12 N.KOITBITAISiBBB. JLHI . ' ' 1 1 . J IV" tttllfWfo OTIS WILL CRUSH - THE FILIPINOS His Plan of Operation About Completed. Washington, March 24. It 1b understood here that Otis has . so far matured his plans of campaign that , within a week or ten days he will be able to begin a movement which is ex pected to mark the destruction of Aguinaldo'a army. Although strag glers and fugitives may infest the islands of Luzon for some time, it is believed that before Otis has delivered his next blow, the insurgent army as an organization will have ceased to exist. The new movement,It Is understood, will be by land and water, although it if" not expected the navy's part in the programs will be particularly promi nent. ' Otis has procured 30 of the gunboats formerly ' owned " by the Spanish government, and these are to play an important part in the develop ment of the campaign. Many of the troops which have been engaged on the outer lines up to the date of General Law-ton's arrival at Manila haye been withdrawn to the water front, and complete reorganiza tion Is in progress. - : lounf Mother. Croup is the terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak so agonizing and frequently fatal, i Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure acts like magic in cases of croup. It has never been known to fail. The . worst cases releived immediately Price 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00 Blakeley & Houghtondruggist. WBOUE8A1.B LYNCHING. ; Three -More Deed Sejrroes Found in ,.-' ,. Arlren.es. . Texabkana, March .24. Details of the wholesale lynchings reported to have -occurred in the Little river county of Arkansas are slowly coming . In. ..Three more dead negroes haye been found in the Red river bottoms near Rocky Comfort, Ark. Two of them, 'Joe King and Moses Jones, ' were hanged and shot to death. . The third body was entirely naked when found. ' , Joe . King was one of the negroes . who' were .whipped, by a. crowd of whites " Wednesday hear Comfort. Just after the lynching of Duckett, a constable went to King and told him , Duckett had been lynched for the as sas' nation of a farmer . at Stockton. King '.replied that he knew all about the - Ducked killing, and said the farmer ought to have , been killed . sooner, and also intimated that others would be killed before the matter was -. settled. A crowd of indignant whites -' had him in charge, and took him to the woods; where he was thoroughly ; whipped and released. It Is not known ; where or by whom he was afterwards strung .up, but he no doubt fell into the hands of one of the lynching par ties that were organized after the plot of the negroes to start a race war was u n earthed: ' - Does This Strike VoaT Muddy '"complexions, ' nauseating breath come from chronio consump tion. Karl's Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure, and has been .sold, for fifty years on an absolute guarantee. Price 25 cents and 50 cents,- at Blake- ley & Houhton, druggists. Lit TO MAKE A BOl HTAND. - Arulnaldo Will Defend" His Capltal.Wlth - . iFlrav Jteelstaaee. - .New York, March 24.-rA dispatch to the World from Manila , says: The rebels are heavily massed in the trench es . opposite our lines on the north. This evidently comes from a belief on the part of. Agnlnaldo that a blow is to be struck very soon at Malolos, their capital.' ' .'''. Prisoners who have been brought in within the last 24 hours say that the rebels have the ."last-ditch'.. feeling, and. will make the most decisive stand they have yet taken. v , The second line of defense occupied by the .rebel forces ..is between San Mateo' and Man nallches. . There are rows of trenches there,' and the ad vance, of our troops can only be step by step, with a resistance to be expect ed at every trench ' . 'The weather now is most favorable, and there are only 85 men reported in the hospital. 3 Many at LoTer . Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl . with an offensive - breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea puri fies the breath by Its action on the bowels, etc, as nothing else wllk Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts., and 50 cts. -, Blakeley & Hough-, ton, druggists. ' . TWENTY-FIVE KILLED. ' ' . . . More Brave American Lives SaerMlcedla ""' J the Philippines. . Washington, March 26 The war department late last night made pub lic the following dispatch from Gener al Otis: . "Manila,' ' March 25. Adjutant General: - The perfected northern movement is not yet completed. Otis' and Hale's brigades, with mounted troops of tbe Fourth cavalry, the turn ing column, met with heavy resistance over a difficult country, and are camped six miles east of Polo, and six miles north' of the line from which the ad vance was taken up. Wheaton's brigade, from Calocan, drove the ene my one and a half miles north across the river..- Hall, on the extreme right, encountered a considerable force and routed -It. The fighting was heavy near Calocan. Our casualities were about 160, 25 of whom were killed. The enemy lost in killed alone 200. Otis." Oliver Gets a New lease. Salem, Or., March . 26. Turner Oliver,' of La Grande, now has a full right co possession of tbe 260 acres of asd near Union, purchased by tbe Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum nafcWpawdcnafe the greatest en to health of the present day. mcnaocn watt, mamas scwaia oa. new vom. state ior a site lor a branch asylum, a new lease to replace the one that was lost having been executed this after' noon, rne .rental win be- f750 per year. If the two original owners who are occupying and using the land re fuse to move, another action will be brought against them through the dis trict' attorney. ' Mr. Oliver left for home this afternoon. Drowned Id the Sluslaw. Florence, Or., March 26. Eidie Whisman, 20 years old, was drowned in the Lower Siuslaw river near Maple- ton, Wednesday morning. - With his fathsr and two brothers he bad been engaged in putting a raft of piles into the river. He was out on the piles, when ttaa boom sticks broKe apart, and he fell into the water. - He sank im mediately and did not rise to the sur face again. - Probably he came under the piles. His fathar and two brothers were on the bank near by, but as they could not swim they were unable to. render him assistance. The water was about 13 feet deep where the accident occurred. Do You Know - Consumption is preventable? S cienc has proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal. The worst cold or cough can be cured with Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold on positive guarantee fori over fifty years. Blake ley & Houghton, druggists. One Shilling-e Day. OaONO, Ontario, March 24. Rev. W. T. Adams, of this town, a short time ago applied to the right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain for the award of a pension to Henry Gauen, of Ivanhoe, Ontario. Oanen is said to be the only survivor of the crew of H. M. S. In vestigator, which sailed from Plymouth on January 20, 1850, In search of Sir John Franklin. Today Mr. Adams received letters from the British admiralty authorities stating that a pension of one shilling had been awarded to Henry Gauen, dating from the first day of the present month.' " -r '."v'r Affray in a Court Boom. Dalles, Tex., March 24. At Sweet water, F. P. Woodruff, a lawyer, at tacked and shot Judge John H. Coch ran in the chambers, the trouble growing out of the court's refusal to approve a bill of exceptions in a law suit. Cochran attempted to defend himself, and a bystander named Watts was shot in the hip. Watts and Coch ran are in a critical condition. Wood ruff is under 13,000 bonds. ' Cochran is ex-speaker of the Texas house, and was candidate for governor in 1894. : Will Horry Them Home. New York. March 24. A dijpatch to the Tribune from Washington says: Adjutant-General Cor bin has under taken to get all the volunteers out of Cuba by April 25, and arrangements are now being perfected with that end In view. This Is fully two weeks within the limit of May 10, set by the presi dent before he left for the south. The proportions of the undertaking may be realized when it is remember ed that 23 regiments must be tansport ed by sea to the United states within a month. ' Dismissal of Kgan Ignored. New York, March. 24. A dispatch to the Herald from Washington says: Interesting facts concerning the army were contained in the army register for 1899, published today by the war department. - ' : The new register still places Brigadier-General Egan at the bead of the commissary department, and no men tion of his military punishment ap pears in the volume. . Three Tralnload. Tacoma, March 24. Three excur sion trains,carrylng homeseekers from Eastern points, arrived in this city this afternoon, 1 via the Northern Pacific. A majority of the passengers bought one way tickets, and will re main in tbe West. A larger number stopped in Eastern Washington, where they will take up farming. Four other excursions, via tho Great, Northern and Canadian Pacific, are due on the Sound this evening. Canadian Twine Freelisted. Washington, March 24. The sec retary of tbe treasury - has issued an order for the free admission of binding twine to the United States from Can ada. This is because of the fact that tbe new Canadian tariff puts binding twine on the free list when imported into that country, and our tariff law only imposes a duty on the twine when imported from countries which make the article dutiable. . Tamsferred to the Chlcaco. Santiago, March 24. John Sher man has been safely moved from the American line steamer Paris to the quarters prepared tor him on tbe United States cruiser Chicago. Sher man passed a good night, and con tinues to improve. The Chicago will depart some time this morning. Mew Boiling-Mill Combine. YOUNGSTOWN, Or., March 26. It is learned here today that a combination of 35 rolling mills, outside the national steel company and American Tin Plate Company, was efiected in. New York yesterday. The new combine con sists of plants in Eastern Ohio,- West ern Pennsylvania and West Virginia, and will be incorporated with a capital of 120,000,000, under the laws of New Jersey, next Thursday. , . - FIGHTING UNDER DIFFICULTIES Americans Foreed to Hunt a Hidden Foe. Manila, March 26. Twenty-six dead and 150 wounded in the hospital is tbe latest statement of the Ameri can losses in the engagement with the Filipinos. Today's fighting furnished a specimen of tbe dimcuities witn which the Americans had to contend. The Filipinos never, except at Mala bon, permitted their opponents to get within seven hundred yards, of them; They would fire a few volleys from their cover and then scuttle back to another cover, repeating these tactics for miles. Many of the trenches bad gullies and connecting paths through the cane and brush, enabling them to retreat unseen. Ihe problem the Americans have to face is to drive or lure tbe insurgents to fight in force. The trenches seem to be thinly man ned, except in the vicinity of Malabon. The Americans, fighting a hidden foe, suffered greater loss in proportion than did the enemy. The loss of the Filipinos had formerly been estimated from the number of bodies found scat tered in the swamp and through the brush. A larger percentage . of the enemy's wounded died tnan ot tne Americads, many of them perishing from neglect, the Americans naturally attending their own men first. The wounded, after treatment in the field hospitals, were brought to the hospital by train. Several trips were made from Calocan to tbe city . The first load to start for tbe city was com posed largely of bandaged soldiers, who shouted: "Give them hell, boys." What is ShilohT A grard old remedy for Coughs, Colds and Consumption; used through the world for half a century, has cured innumerable cases of incipient con sumption and relieved many in ad vanced stages. If you are not satis fied with the results we will refund your money. Price 25 cts., and ou cts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. MIGHT HAVE BEEN AVERTED. Otis Asaed for Forty or Fifty Thousand Men. ,. WASHINGTON, March 26. The move ments around Manila are not al together satisfactory. There is some fear expressed that the . insurgents have been able to escape to the moun tains, instead of being corralled and crushed. An 'army officer said that the present war In the Philippines might have been averted had the ad vice of a soldier been taken by the war department. ' General Otis more than six months ago wanted 40,000 or 50 000 troops in the Philippines, but bis request was not acceded to. Had regi ment after regiment, says the officer, marched into Manila, surrounded the camps of Agulnaldo, and made a dis play of force, the Filipinos would never have engaged in war. A great deal of satisfaction is felt everywhere that General Otis has a good force, that more men are on their way to join him, and that he is hand ling matters in a soldierly manner. I on Try It If Shiloh's Couph and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of 25 cts. 50 cts. and $1.00 does not cure, take the bottle back ami we will refund your money. Sold for over fifty year on this guarantee. Price 25 ots. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. DEATH IS THE OCEAN. Ulne Uvea Lost 1 the Sinking of the 'Thistle. Seattle, Wa9h, March 26. A Post Intelligencer special from Nanaimo, B. C.says: , . "News wa9 brought here today con firmatory of the loss of the small sloop Thistle with nine people on . board. One month ago the party left Alert bay for Hornby island on theeastcoast of Vancouver island. Undor favor able circumstances tbey should have reached their destination witbin three or four days. Nothing has been heard of the party since. Joseph Fletcher, a farmer of Quoicum, arrived hern to day with advices that wreckage had been picked up near Alert bay com paring in every detail with the Thistle. The party consisted of William Ford, bis aged mother and two sisters, aged 18 and 15, respectively, and Mrs. Harry Thames, her 19-year-old daugh ter and three small children. The ninth member of the party is thought to have been the daughter of a Comox farmer. Her name has not been learned. Sick Headache. The curse of overworked womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Boot Tea, the great blood puri fier and tissue builder. - Money re funded if not satisfactory. Price 25 cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Hough ton, drugg'sts. . .. DBWirs WARSHIPS. . Positions of th Various Vessels and What They Are .Dolnc Washington, March 27. Admiral Dewey cabled the navy department the situation and positions of the American vessels of his fleet as fol lows: Manila, March 27. The Olympia, Oregon, Monadcock, Monteray.Callao, Manila and Helena occupy strategic positions in Manila bay. The Boston. Charleston, Concord and Petrel are cruising off Luzon. I haye sent the Bennington to Hong Kong to dock. The Princeton is at Singapore, repair ing her propeller.' The Nashua has gone to Guam. The Iris will -sail shortly for Ho Ilo with coal. I will dispatch the Solace as early as pos sible. Dewey." Two Manila, March 24. Noon The enemy is extremely active In . the vicinity of Malabon, preparing defen. oes, evidently anticipating an attack Tbey keep well under cover. A small body of rebels, however, emerged trom the jungle on the extreme left, and fired on the Kansas troops in the trenches, fatally wounding Privates Cohen and Murr. The Oregon volunteers and the Twenty-second infantry marched to the front today. The Third and Seventeenth regiments have disem barked from the Sherman. How u roar wifeT Has she lost her beauty? If so, con stipation, Indigestion, rick headache are the principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea has cured these ills for half a century. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Money refunded if results are not satisfactory. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. After the Safecrackers. Tacoma, March 27. A Ledger special from Shelton says the sheriff and a large party are still scouring tbe woods for the three safecrackers con cerced in the robbery of the Shelton postoffice, who are still at large. - The safecrackers captured ty three men near - Kamllchie Saturday were taken to Shelton yesterday. Two of the three caotors who fought the battle with the four robbers returned to their homes, announcing they had had enough of tracking criminals. Mew torn for McKlnlejr. Washington, March 26. There was a recent assemblage of republican politicians in New York, and those who have returned say they do not think It at all likely that any attempt will be made to withhold the New York delegation from McKlnley next year. It is said while no doubt Roosevelt would like the complimentary vote of the state, the Piatt machine would not care to have him indorsed to that ex tent. The machine might not want to be committed to Rosevelt four years later. Officers and Cattle Thiers. Dexter. Mo., March 27. A pitched battle was fought near here yesterday I between a gang of thieves and Sheriff Evans and a posse. After a 10 minute battle, during which 100 shots were fired, Charles Hendrickson, chief of the cattle thieves, was killed, and his daughter, who participated in the bat tle, fatally wounded, and one of the deputies slightly injured. . Two of the gang were captured and five escaped. Didn't Know it Was Loaded. . San Francisco, Mareh 27. Kitty Wanneomacher, ageu 15 years, was shot and fatally wounded by her foster brother, Joseph Miller, 19 years old, wbile tbe young man was playing that he was ' a highwayman, with a rifle which was not supposed to be loaded. He has been charged with murder, but the evidence indicates that the killing was accidental. , the capture . of mariLao It Was TaKen by General MeArthur's Division. ' Manila, March 27. General Mcar tbur's division spent tho nigbt'and morning at Meyoauayan, the next sta tion beyond Poio. ' After reconnoiter ing his front, he pushed along the rail road this afternoon toward Malolos. If tbe statement of the 35 prisoners captured today is true, the main body of the enemy has retreated to Malolos. There are no more trenches to en counter, although over 30 villages, in cluding the larger settlements of Bu- lacan and Gudguinto, intervene. The American forces advanced from Meyoauayan, the brigade commanded by General Otis being on the left of the railroad and General Hale's on tbe right. They eventually discerned white roofs and steeples among the green trees on the other side of the river, looking not unlike a Massaohu settes village. The rebels had tbe nn fordabln -river in front of them and nnnrnrl In fir a on nffmMvnlv that it , , ... showed they were veterans, probably members of the native militia, which Tbe American artillery put a dra matic end to the battle. Approaching under cover of the bushes to about 60 yards from the trenches, the artillery emerged upon an open space com manding the town. When the Ameri cans appeared they gave a great yell, and tbe Filipinos were panic staicken, about 100 seeking safety in flight, while a white flag was raised by thoe who were entrenched,' who also shouted "Amegos" (friends). ' ' Colonel Funston, with 20 men of tbe Kansas regiment, swam across1 tfee river to the left of the railroad bridge and captured 80 prisoners,' with all their arms. The Pennsylvania regi ment captured 40 prisoners. By this time the right of the Filipinos vu de moralized. A thousand Filipinos composing the rear guard of the rebel .army, vhich Is retreating on Malolos, 1 Agulnaldo's headquarters, made a stand today in soma strong entrenchments about Marilao river. In the engagement, 6 Americans were killed, ' including three officers, and 40 were wounded. -' The Americans refrained from burn ing the town, and are fasting there tonight. Otis' brigade fg crossing the framework of the bridge, Hale's brig ade remaining on thT south bank of the river. ' ' -l : i - "The steamer Spokane . has been placed in eeryice on the Snake river between Riparf and Lewiston with double daily service and will be oper ated as a through mail, express and passenger steamer, making round trips daily except Saturday. Leaving Biparla a 2:30 a. in., arriving at Lewis ton 12 o'clock noon. Leaving Lewis ton 2:30 pm., arriving at Riparia at 7 o'clock: p. m. The steamer Lewis ton .will take the place of the Spokane on the same schedule on Saturdays and at other times will be operated on a ' wild schedule, taking care of all local work. The object of this new schedule is to place the Lewiston and Buffalo Hump countries more in touch with points on the O. R. & N." tf Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts, OREGON GOOD ENOUGH. after Traveling Nearly Tear Dr. Bol llns Will Locate In Portland. j ; About a year ago Dr. C. R. Rollins, who has for 20 years past been a most successful practtoner and business man of Grass Valley, where he accumulated a competency, determined to retire from business and started on a tour of the United States in search of a place to build up a home where he could spend tbe remainder of his days in ease and comfort. He left here on July 14th tof lait year, and went to St. Paul, visiting his old hone and the birthplace, .of his children, then proceeded to Milwaukee and across the lake into Michigan where he visited a brother whom he bad not seen for 46 years. From there the doctor sailed down the lakes to Buffalo, visited Cleveland, then took sail on Lake Ontario, crossed oyer,ipto Canada, and next spent a' time at NL agra Falls. He continued his journey through fourteen states, visiting all the principal cities, but returned Jo Grass Valley in October without find ing an ideal place for a home. - ; Again in December he started en a tour of Inspection, believing Southern California would prove attractive. However after visiting tbe big orange belt in Riverside county, where there are 15,000 acres of orange trees, and apparently everything to maser fife pleasant, he had still not fouodVhl ideal. Returning as far as San Fran cisco he was taken with la grippe, being confined to his room for. five weeks. This dispelled all charms Cat' ifornia had for him, and he took the train for Portland. Arriving there be was convinced the metropolis of fSre- gon was tbe place he had been se&rch ing, for and at once purchased prop erty in Sunnyside where he will erect an elegant home, and with hisson will locate permanently. :. . Dr. Rollins came up from Portland last evening, and cannot say too much in praise of Oregon, its climate. iU re sources and its possibilities. He fays it is the best state in tbe Union, nd he is perfectly content to never leve it in search of a better place to live. Held to the Circuit Court. In Justice Bayard's court this fore noon Joseph Auben was given a pre liminary hearing on a charge of to talling money under false pretenses. He Is the fellow who sold an order on the county for witness fees v to twoSif ferent parties, and as the evidence was quite convincing, Justice Bayard held him in bonds of 8300 to answer before the circuit court. Not havikg a friend to stand good for his appear ance, Auben was turned over to the tender mercies of Sheriff Kelly, and will be confined In the county jail un til next term of court. , ' . Good Wood To get the best dry fir and pine wood that the market affords ring up 40. PeiivrTh ror Sale. ';! ; ' ; ' A two-seated hack, in good condition. Price $50.00. Inquire at this office. men 20. Good Oak or fir delivered to any part of the city. Rates reosonatlel Call on F. B. Saunders or give orders oa tele phone No. 12 ,'; NERVITAIBjS Cures Impotency,NigU Emissions and wasting diseases, aU effects of self- abuse, or ixcess and indis cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. ! By mailSOc per box; 6 boxes for $2.50; witfe a written guaran tee to cure ox refund tbe money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton Jaokeon Sttx, CHICACO, ILL. Solo by Blakeley A Houghton. DreooaSHoit Line Baifroaa ' i The direct route to , Montana, Utah, CoIOraC.0 and all Eastern Points. Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the Ccion Pacific Fast -Mail Line, or the Bio Grande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME.... , H Days to SALT LAKE 2 Days to DENVER f 3f Days to CHICAGO 4 Days to NEW YORK Free Reclining Chair Cars, Uphol stered . Tourist Sleeping Cars, and Pullman Palace Sleepers, operated on all trains. For farther Information apply to C. O TEKRV. W. E. COMAN. , Trav. Pass. Aft Gen'l Agent, 124 Third St.. Portland, Or. Ml Competition Distanced VIA THE Union Pacific T-a. a 1 m xtauroaa ttz As regards TIME and THROUGH CAB SERVICE to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City and other eastern cities. Only 3 days with no change to Chicago; 4 days with one change to New York. i Boston, Philadelphia and other principal points. Cars heated by steam and lighted by pintch light. Baggage checked through. Co lon depots. For Rates, Tickets, Sleeping Car Bertha, etc., apply to JAS. IRELAND, agent O. R, A N. Co., The Dalles, Or., or C. E. BROWN, Dlst. Pass. Agent, or J. H. LOTHROP, den. A (lent, 136 Third St.. Portland. Or. nvchl LOUIS CAKES Snoaessors to J. H. Blakeny EXPRESSMAN Qoods Delivered to Any Part o the Ony. ; llitlllltl JML DEPART f ROM THB DALLES ARBTVS Past Mail. Salt Lake. Denver. Ft. Fast MaU Wortb. Omana. Kan 11:50 p. m sas City, St. Louis, 2:2s p. m unicago ana East. Spokane Walla Walla. Snokane. Spokar Flyer Flyer MlDieipoUs, St Paul, Dulutn, Mllwauke, 6 :25 p. m, 5:00 a. m. i'nicago ana East. J p. m. mO PORTLAND Oceaa Steaatsklps All Sa'llng Dates sub ject to cnange. For San Francisco Steamers leave Port land every Ave days. 8 p. m Colombia River Steamers To Astoria and Way. Landings. 4 P. Ei.Sunday, Ex. :. Sunday B&iuraay iu p. m a. m WlllssKtte River 4:80 D. m Ex.Sunday Ex.Sunday Oregon City. Newberg, Hem & wav-tana s T a. m Willamette asd Tamhill 3:30 n- m. Tues,Thur, Rivers. Moo, Wed,' ana eat ana rn. Oregon City, Dayton.and way-i.ana!ngH. 6 a. m. Willamette River 4:30 n. m Tues, Thur Tues.Thur. and Sat- Portland to Corvallis aandsat and Way-Landings Ssste River. Ripariato wis ton. U Rlparla Lv. Lew's daily dally I Parties desiring to aro to HenDner should take train No. 4. leaving The Dalles at 5:30 p. M. to make direct connections, returning, making di rect connections at Heppner Junction with No. 1, arriving at The Dalles at 8:16 p. M. No. 22. through freight, east-bound, does not ear jy passengers: arrives 2:50 a. m., departs ixuam. No. 24. local freight, carries nasseneers. east- bound ; arrives 4 :0 p. m., departs 8:16 p.m. No. 21, west-bound through freight, does not carr passengers; arrives 8:15 p. m., departs :au p. m. No. 23, west-bound local freight, carries nas- sengers; arrives 5:15 p. m, departs 8:80 a. m. For full particulars call on O. H. A N. Co.'s ent The Dalles, or address ' ; W. H. HUBLBUET, Gen, Pass. Agent Portland, Oregon J. Ibilaicp Agent, The-Dalles. "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria V Navigation Co. STEAMERS i n i .The Dalles, Hood River - . Cascade Locks. Vancouver and Portland Touching, at Way Points on both sides of the Columbia river. Both of the above steamers have been rebuilt, and are in excellent shape for the season of 1899. The Regulator Line will endeavor to give its patrons the best servioe pos sible. For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure travel by the steamers of the Regulator Line. The above steamers will leave The Dalles and Portland in ample time for the outgoing trains. - Portland Office, Oak St. Dock, The Dalles Office, Court Street. W. C. A L. LA WAY, General Agent, CHARLES FRANK OF THE EXCHANGE Keeps on draught the celebrated Columbia Beer, acknowledged the best beer in The Dalles, at the usual price. Come in, try it and be convinced. . Also tne Finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. SANDWICHES, all kinds, ON HND TneEconomuGasoiinsLauiD Approved by tbe Board of rjaderwriters , of toe Paclflc, Nov, 4th, WSd. lOQ-Candle Power, 14 flours, For FOUR Cents. Own yonr own Oaa Plant. Run your own me ter. ' a complete gaa plant within the lamp ; portable, hang It nnywhere. Maximum light at minimum oost. . , J. D. TUNNY, ISnoT AaentfortWaseo tonnty. a-Lam pa on exhibition at the Umatilla House PROFK88IONAl Q 0. HOLLISTKB, Physician and Surgeon, Rooms orar Dalles National Bank. Office hours, 10 a m to IS m, and from t to 4 p m. Real dance Wast End of Third 8 tract. 8. B&NNKT Attorney at Law yM. TACKMAN Dentist. Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or. BRANCHJOEFICK Oregon Viavi Co. Boom 7. over French Go's. BatikJ Office hours, 2 to 4 p. m. Charlotte F. Roberts, Local Manager nkfn Botchers d kmm is hi .rfo OUR 1899 MACKINTOSH w III P AOMY. cut NOO SO IIS. ALata a wter nstos and we will I send yon this by ex. I rauma, aiaw mm SMMAmma ,amT enunatfamiexamiiiaandUT I St w UHniHiMnina aaandu(osadeiaeu i npresented aid r ar U arvalMI ralM Ma . im mmmrm a,, jmt your exp lb BFEcuLorraa pa xprem agent od tnjfgu ehaj-aM THIS A KUTOAii M tjadt " er sua malar IUIKB. I LKT eoakl. mtm, watrramt I a u-1 d, wiin Eaacy piaia lininfr, velvet ooiiar, donbla detachable caps, extra full sweep cape and skirt, guar anteed latest style and inest tailor-made. ru-miu CLOTH BiSPlMof vrttelkrfta Saaata (. St C. ADDRFRS. ears, ROEBUCK A CO. (!.. CHiraeo.iu. va. awviawaasag iauaaia-awaaaW R. E. Saltmarshe A THB East Eflff STOGE W. WILL PAY THE HighestCashPrice for Hay and (iraiii. DEALER TN LIVE STOCK $2.75 A Rs-OILaB B..OO WATEBPaUMir UCkiUTOBH WOU $2.75. send No Makav. -u.um, ... r AW -U. una aVC. CrQ ZJl and aend to us, ht u4 wwlfht, ti hem round body at caw your etecht number of inehaa a round bodr Ivnamt takao over vest under coat clone up under arm, and we will eend 700 ttil coat b expreoa, C. Q and try it on at your nearest es- I v.. HutKwwsaMiuMt examine presjomce and ir round exactly sreDreaentedand the most won derful value you ever mw or heard of and eaual to any coat vou can bar forlS.00, pavtfcexvthaBtat earBpaclju AVrrie !.( and expreea charges. WW style, made from aar wauirt4; his mauk niuon u iaien taaeeler, gtBalaeDaitaCewrtCleUiextra I lontf, oouote Dreastea, sager veive 1 collar, fancy piaia lining, waterproof ewed, strapped and cemented Mams, suitable for both rata er im neat, and guaranteea greeteM vaieeever onerea by as or any other houte. 9r free I Clettt SaaalM of Men' Mackintoshes up I and Overcoat at from I&0O to emoo, write tor fi-as mk a, aoc. Address, . . . SCARS. ROEBUCK A CO., CHICACO, ILL to ao.uw. ana Buew-aeMure buiis First National Bank TH DALLES. OREGON eneral Banking Business Transacted. Deposits' reoeived subject to sight draft or check. Collections made and proceeds promptly re mitted on day ol collection. Sight and telegraphic exchange sold on New York. Ban Francisco and Portland. J 8 SCHIltCK. President fTM BlALL. Casblei K HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS. ns skm. main HAia switch i. .,ub aar aalr at ftraa, 6SO S3.23, aaal al irilaaaa la at rtlall at SS. OS la Sa.00, OUR OFFER: Cut d out and aand vrrcn. to us, tncloM a good aura iu,mv ui mw wkm. nh, waniea, ana eatu out as nsar tha roots as possible, Ineloaa aar apwial aria ram. aaa Mala aura to fmj poataga, ana a will awka Um auleh aar hi aar hair aaaat, aad aend to 70a by tfe awak la wan, iiv,imi,mui u in aro on. perrecilT aatlanad, retorn It ma wa a-lii ImmrriHrlJ refund tout money. ... flai Salil.l nr.. Til., aftll u r.v tola, long, lone stam, 63cl short stem, 90ct Soatt-ln. long, short stem, 81.851 1-oa. SS-hi. loaa;, akort acem, ai.SOl -ia.ionK.anonaxen),S8.e19l 3H-o.S-m. Ions, short stem, S3. 39. al'AaUHTal ami tno msnan srads on tha "nn oraar at ease aaa tat tteae apatlai arlsn. Tear aiai lalaiaad If yea are aat f.'ftf ? rite for Iras Catalogs ot HairOoods. Addreaa. I EARS, ROEBUCK k CO.Ono.) Chiesoa I ak a Oa. are ismsstlf n" Mi IllSas J I Mount Hood Sample Room THE DALLES, OR. - BeSt Kentucky Whisky FROM LOUIVUXE. Very Best feey West Cigars and. Bes , of Wines. English 'Porter, Ale and Mllwauke Beer always on hand. jdAETZ & PUNDT PROPRIETORS AMERICAN and EUROPEAN , Seventh and Wasblngtor Sts. PORTLAND, . . OREGON Thos. Guinean, - . - BATES Proprixtob UBOPIAHriAB 13.00 11.60 t&OO AMCRIOAR PLA 2.00 (2.06 1.H Wi Saw Your Wood. Having bought the Benja , . min wood saw, we want to saw your wood and will saw it quick. Don't be bash ful, but call up 'phone No. 20 1 when you have wood to saw. We will answer promptly. . FLEMING & CATES1 CANTON DISG It all steel, which makes ii very strong and durable. It is simple in confttrucion and has less puns 10 wear than any Pise made. The chilled journal bearing are entirely dust-proof and can be easily oiled. There is absolutely no end thrust to wear on the bearings. - The gangs are so arranged that they cauuot rait out of the ground in the center, but caily adjust them selves to dead furrows or low placet in rough ground. A trial will convince you. thai the Canton it without an equal. Manufactured hy ' - PARUN & QRENDQRFF CO., CANTON, ILLINOIS. Canton Chilled Plows Are guaranteed to work perfectly. They have stood the test of years, arc well finished, of good material, and have many points of superiority over other plows. Try one and you will be satisfied. Made by PARUN & ORENDORFF CO.. CANTON. IIUNOIS- Jos. T. THE I 7: rrL7 UPERIUi ':! HARROW. II Big Inducements t waist llaa, I ! I m I at I I The above GUt; PAnr ahaii tji nn a nf k.KClAn a. Ft mutton at our store which we propose ':ZL" 57 u w"oluai U4"U Yk uoiriiurii patronage, we De to state that our prices, which are always rock-bottom for first class ffoods, will remain the same and this special offer, which will hold good for a limited time only, is made for purpose or lncreasinar our casn trade. These clocks are made of broose, I are beautiful mantel ornaments, as well as first class time keepers. Please tflve us an early call and we will take pleasure in showing- you the clocks, and explaining In detail how you can secure one of these useful gifts. 5 We have a lot of damiiffAd RUBBEQ .cr.nno vr-.t. 1.. ' ae1 1 , -m.vwssraavf WU0AOVAUK Vk iUOU QU ?.k7ij e,,booDow excluders, Alaskss, storm rubbers, ldie8,, Misses' d5 , mm hi a " 1 0f M k,.d8' nKhti3 clAmajred . by watermnd which ' 1 wwarws VW W sab ag I COW BCHJI lUUOl J. P. McINERNY, One Price Cash House. r w w a as- WW Ml k W (SI DRUGS Wall Paper. Paints, Oils, . . BRUSHES . . WINDOW GLASS SMPES-KINEESLT DBUG 129 Second Street Did You Ever Stop to think that thials the time of year that - 0 a merchant wants to sell off all bis heavy goods. Well that is the case with me. Come in before the assortment is broken and get your choice of the stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Blankets, Furnishing Goods. PLA1. a 2 PSSJ HENBI L.KDCK, Manufacturer ot and Dealer In Harness and Saddlery. I East End, Two Doors, West-of Diamond Floor- .. ing Mills. - . Seoond Street. I THB DAILEB, OKKOOI All Work Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. Get the Best for the Least Money..... For Sale by Peters & DALLES, OREGON. for Caa Trade. ' ii hunrldArMA THin.n riA. A..AOVUJW uivuw UVW OD 01 to five to our cash customers entirely , Cor. AaaaviH nnH fsm CO. 0. F. STEPHENS. D.W. VAUSE, , ....DEALER IN.,, .J Wall Paper, Paints, OILS, GLASS, ETO.JJ J Finest line of Wall Paper in - the city. Send for Samples. . Painting, Paper-Hanglng and Kalsomln. ing a Specialty. . ' Third Street. The Dalles, Oregon finliimfiin PaciliCT Co., a - i (Corner Third and W4Mhlzifftoa t BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, PORK, LARD Caredand Dried Meats, Sausages of All Kinds Orders Delivered toAny Part of the City PHOND a I CANTON Stubble Plows Mads with wood or steal beaass la al snss. Mold. Shar and Laadaids is auda of soft oentar, crucibas steel, thoroufhljr hardened, Double Sola Mold. They are tbe brawn' friend, because they are well sad sne stsntially audc and work perfectly la an anils. it r; riBim ompotrr co. CANTON U" BAR LEVER v HARROWS Are the best because they arc nude of the best taaei snd sre durable. The teeth can be adjusted as to depth and the edges reverted. Frssss is thoroughly braced. Made in all 1 1 am Made by PARUN & ORENDORFF CO. CANTON. ILUN011 Co., 'I ,