The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, March 18, 1899, Image 1

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itUriMBSB. VuliaeXXXT
Consolidated 1882.
NO 10
Some Changes Contemplated
by. the President.
Washington, March 10. The ad
administratlon is contemplating: a
change io some features of the govern
ment of Cuba. If is probable that the
military government will, to a certain
gxtent, be replaced by a civil govern
ment. The heaA of the government
must, of course, remain ' military, but
the plan in contemplation is to have
civil officers in place of military men
in the cabinet and subordinate posi
tions. It is believed that experts in differ
ent lint-s, such as finance and revenue
and the management of the general
business of the island and of the dif
ferent municipalities will get along
more smoothly than the army officers.
It is not known whether the contem
plated change has reached a point
further than discussion io the war de
partment and with the president, but
its advantages have been pointed out
and the authority of the government
to establish such a civil government
under control of the military govern
ment has been determined.
What la ShllohT
A grard old remedy for Coughs,
Colds and Consumption; used through
the world for half a century, has cured
innumerable cases of incipient con
sumption and relieved many in ad
vanced stages. If you are not satis
fied with the results we will refund
your money. Price 23 cts., and 50cte.
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Ordered to Occupy the Carolines, Lsdrones
-and Pelewa.
New YORK, March 10. A dispatch
to the Herald from Manila says: Gen
eral Rloa, commander of the Spanish
' forces, resigned owning to the fact
that the government at Madrid con
sulted with the Archbishop at Manila
as to the best means of liberating the
Spanish prisoners. On receiving-satisfaction
he resumed his office. The
Spanish government requires him to
occupy the Caroline, Ladrone and
Pelew islands before handing them
over to Germany, which is apparently
the purchaser.
Ton Try It
If Shlloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure, which is sold for the small price
of 2" T.g. 60 cts. and 81.00 does not cure,
take t he bottle back and we will refund
ymi noney. Sold for over fifty yean
on this guarantee. Price 23 cts. and
60 cents. Blakeley & Houghton, drug
Mrs. Poirler and Her Ixver goffer For
Their Crime.
St. Scholastique, Quebec, March
10. Mrs. Cornelia Poirier and Samuel
Parslow were hanged here this morn
ing. Life .was declared extinct in
eight minutes. The necks of both
were broken.
Mrs. Poirler, who said farewell to
her relatives last night, was firm and
collected throughout. She took part
In the mass said at 2 o'clock this morn
ing and on the scaffold shook hands
with the hangman without a tremor.
The crowd inside the jail jeered at her,
but even then her composure did not
desert her, and at the suggestion of
the executioner, she turned and faced
the jeerers and stood nrect and prayed
to the last.
Parslow was mxre dead than alive
when the drop fell. The condemned
were taken to the scaffold separately,
and were prevented from seeing each
other by a screen placed between them.
Do Ton Know
Consumption is preventable? Science
has proven that, and also that neglect
is suicidal. The worst cold or cough
can be cured with Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure. Sold on positive
guarantee for over fifty years. Blake
ley & Houghton, druggists.
The Maine Regiment Delighted to Start
for Borne.
New York, March 10. A special to
the Herald from Havana says: The
transport Michigan sailed Thursday
for Savanah, carrying the First Maine
artillery. They were the first troops
to be repatriated from Cuba and were
almost crazy with delight at the pros
pect of returning home. As the ship
sheered off the men danced about the
decks, singing "Good bye, Cuba."
The 202d New York regiment will
sail on the Mlonewaska The men
will be brought to Trisconia, the new
government wharf across the bay, and
will embark from that point. This
will obviate their coming to the city.
The Third and the Twelfth New York
will follow, the former embarking at
Trisconia and the latter at Matanzas.
I onng Mothers.
Croup is the terror of thousands of
young mothers because its outbreak
so agonizing and frequently fatal.
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure
acts like magic in cases of croup. It
has never been known to fail. The
worst cases relelved immediately
Price 25 cents, 50 cents and 91.00
Blakeley & Houghton druggist.
A Clash Between American and Canadian
Miners Entinent.
Chicago, March 10. A special to
the Times-Herald from Washington
says: There is grave danger of an
armed collision between the American
and Canadian'minersin the Porcupine
region, over the Alaskan boundary
' question.
' Despite the fact that the location of
the boundarv has been determined
beyond any reasonable doubt, the
Canadians have encroached six miles
or more on the American side,' where
thev claim the right to stake claims
and search for gold and deny the same
rights to Americans.
The Americans have threatened to
expel the Canadians by force and it Lb
IT .
Makes the food more
now mkm
feared that a conflict may be brought
The situation is so serious that on
information contained in a letter from
Governor Brandy, of Alaska, to the
secretary of the interior, the secretary
of state has called the attention of the
British governuent to the actions of
thd Canadians, and has asked to have
them recalled to their own territory
Many a Ixver
Has turned with disgust from an other
wise lovable- girl with an offensive
breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea puri
fies the breath by its action on the
bowels, etc, as nothing else will. Sold
fui years on absolute guarantee. Price
25cts.. and 50cts. Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists.
Bead Money for Dewey's Men.
San Erancisco, March 10. George
H. Holdeo, of Washington, who re
turned from the Orient on the Hong
Kong Maru, has in his posseaion 1100
claims of the officers of Dewey's fleet
for head money. The claims are to
be filed with the court of claims In
Washington for final action.
The head money for Admiral Dewey
and his officers and men will aggregate
$187,300, or f 100 per head for 1873 of
ficers and men of Admiral Montojo's
fleet. The prize money for the officers
and men under Admiral Dewey will
amount to 9400,000 plus the salvage of
three vessels recently raised. This
money will be distributed by the
United States district courts.
Coiners Caught In the Act.
New York, March 11. Five men
accused of making and circulating
counterfeit standard dollars were ar
raigned yesterday before tho United
States commissioner, by Chief Wilkie,
of the secret service. The
prisoners were Sisto aud Adeline In-
cognoli and Pietro Liznelo, Italians,
and Frank Clark, Harry Garen, alias
"Big Any" Seller, American?.
Sisto was arrested in his room. He
was surrounded by a completement of
counterfeiters' material, having 111
counterfeit standard dollars ready for
circulation, 20 plaster of-parls molds,
a quantity of antimony; ground glass
and other material used in making the
coin. The men were held.
Hlnth Infantry for Manila.
San Francisco, March 10. Order8
have been received at army headquar
ters here to prepare transportation for
the Ninth infantry, which is to .be
sent to Manila, although it had been
assigned to various posts on (he coast.
It has been out from department
headquarters that the war department
is desirous of recruiting for the calvary
service in the Philippines, and also for
that of the artillery. The recruiting
officers of the department are author
ized to make enlistments for the light
artillery and cavalry service.
Treasure on the Way.
New York, March 12. The United
States transport Meade sailed yester
day for Havana, passing out at quaran
tine at 5:40 p. M. She had on board
the 93,000,000 provided by the United
States government to pay the Cuban
troops. Of the total amount, half is in
gold and half in silver. There are
300,000 95 gold pieces, and of the
91.500,000 in ether, 91,300,000 is in
silver dollars, 950,000 in half dollars,
950,000 in quarters and the balance in
smaller coins. The weight of the
metal is 48 tons.
The Grant at Manila.
Washington, March 10. A cable
gram received at the war department
dated Manila, March 10, says the trans
port Grant has arrived with troops in
good condition. The Arizona and
Newport leaye today for San Fran,
cisco. .
The Grant brought the Fouth in
fantry and four companies of the
Seventeenth infantry. ; This adds to
the' troops under General Otis 42 of
ficers and 1716 enlisted men.
Coming; on the Scandla.
Washington, March 10. The re
mains of Cononel W. B. Smith, Mayor
E. McConvllle, Captain David S.
Elliott and Second Lieutenant Eugene
S. French, who were killed in action,
were shipped home today by the
United States transport Scandia, with
military honors, the Second Oregon
volunteers furnishing the escort
through the city.
Powder Exploded.
Creede, Col., March 10. An explo
sion of several houndred pounds of
powder this morning in the Commod
ore mine, created great havoc and kill
ed at least four men. The dead -so far
found are ' Scott" Wilson, Frank Hess
and John Sarner.
It is certain one miner, name not yet
ascertained, was killed and it Is believ
ed the dead number six, and there are
several others seriously injured.
Stabbed by his Tenant.
Olympia, March 12. G. E. Huggins
proprietor of a hotel, was stabbed in
the throat yesterday by James Miller
and seriously injured. Miller is a ten
ant of Huggins, and troudle arose oyer
the quarters Miller occupied. Miller
has a wife and a family of six children,
two of whom are dying, and it is
thought that the care of them and the
destitution of his family have unhing
ed his mind.
Tug for the Philippines.
San Francisco, March 12. Three
tugs have been purchased by the
United States government at Hong
Kong. They are the Kar Shun, Lee
Fat and Kum Hing, at present, but
Admiral Dewey will probably rechrist
en tbem. Each tug is 100 tons burden,
87 feet long, 14 feet 7 inches beam and
8 feet draugh. They will be used to
transport troops from point to point
when necessary.
Good Wood.
Oak or fir delivered to any part of
the city. Rates reosonable. Call on
F. B. Saunders or give orders on tele
phone No. 12
'An iMftiNG
delicious and wholesome
rawsc ee., new vomc.
General Gomez Dismissed j
by the Assembly.
Havana, March 12. The Cuban
military assembly, n public session
yesterday afternoon, impeached Gen
eral Maximo Gomez and removed him
from his command as general-in-chief
of the Cuban army, the first ballot
taken resulting in 26 votes being cast
in support of the motion to impeach
and remove General Gomez, against
four in opposition. The meeting last
ed from 2 o'clock until 7. General
Gomez' only supporters were General
Cespedes and General Nunez. The
original motion, which was introduced
by Senor Mauuel Sanguilly, provided
for the abolition of the grade of gener
al-in-chief, but an amendment was
offered to this by Senor Aguetro,
which read:
"To abolish the grade of general-in
chief and remove General Gomdz for
failure in his military duties and diso
bedience to the assembly."
Senor A.gutrro declared that Gomez
was insubordinate, and should be
punished, and Senor Sanguilly insina
a ted - that Gomez was a traitor to
Much passion was evident in the
speeches, in some of which Gomez was
declared to have been delinquent in
his duties and dltobedlent because he
bad accepted the proposition of Robert
P. Porter, President McKinley's
special emissary, without consulting
the assembly; because he had taken
upon himself the arrangements for
the payment and disarming of the
Cuban army independent of the as
sembly, and because he had declared
to the assembly that he would observe
its' rulings in so far as he could see
them beneficial to Cuba.
The assembly then declared that the
93,000,000 Is insufficient', and that it
has not yet accepted the proposition.
The discussion of this question will
soon be taken now that General Go
mez hos been removed.
Bow la Tour Wife?
Has sue lost ner beauty? it so, con
stipation, indigestion, rick headache
are the principal causes. Karl's Clover
Root Tea has cured these ills for half
a century. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts.
Money refunded if results are not
satisfactory. Blakeley & Houghton,
Carelessness In Handling; Beef at
Chlra manga.
Chicago, March 12. Lieutenant-
Colonel H. B. Sbarpc testified at the
beef inquiry yesterday that wagons
which had not been cleaned after be
ing used for the transportation of
manure and wagons in which garbage
had been carried, the bottoms of which
were covered with slime in which mag
gots were crawling, were used to carry
fresh meat to the soldiers at Camp
Thomas, Chickamauga, laft summer.
Lieutenrnt-Colonei Sharpe was station
ed at Chickamauga from April 23 to
July 20, and was later chief commissary
with General Brooke in Porto Rico.
The olame for this condition of thin eg
said Lieutenant-Colonel Sharpe. lies
on the shoulders of the commissaries.
wbo sent their wagons for their meat
without having properly cleaned them
according to orders. As soon as he
learned of the matter, he ordered the
wagons cleaned immediately. The
meat issued to the troops, the' witness
said, was of of good quality and In good
condition, but after it had been carried
in wagons in the condition described,
it was, of course, impossible for the
troops to use it.
Tell onr Bister.
A beautiful complexion is an impos
sibility without good purej.blood, the
sort that only exists in connection
with good digestion, a healthy liver
and bowels. Karl's Clover .Root Tea
acts directly on the bowels, liver and
kidneys keeping them In perfect
health. Price 25 cts and 30 cts.
Blakeley & Houghton druggist.'
Experlmentl to be Tried In Cuba, Porto
Klco and the Philippine!.
Washingson, March. 12. Permis
sion has bedn sent to General Brooke
in Cuba, General Otis in the Philip
pines, and General Henry in Porto
Rico to organize experimental bat
talions of natiyes.
It is believed thi policy can be
carried on iuccessfully in Cuba, thus
relieving the United States regular
troops, and at the same time giving
the Island the basis of a natlvo army,
which will learn American discipline,
and form a valuable nucleus of a mili
tary force in the days of independence.
In Porro Rico there is a need of a
mounted police, and these necessarily
will be naiiyes, with American officers
in the higher grades.
Army officers do not believe ' any
thing can be done in the Philippines
with native troops, at least for the
present. Accordingly the orders to
General Otis have only 'been to look
over the ground, leaving tbe actual
use of native troops to tbe discretion
of himself and General Lawton.
Procpect of War Between Sweeden
Morway la Hot Remote.
New York, March 13. A dispatch
to tbe Herald from Christinia says:
Norwegians are not pleased with the
temporary government of the crown
prince, who is much stricter that his
father, and has now shown that he will
not allow Norwegians any little de
monstrations of "independence." He
has decided that Swecden and Norway
will send only one representative to
the peace congress at the Hague.
This representative will probably be a
Swede '
Some days aero war between Russia
and Norway was hinted at during the
debate in the storthing, and Colonel
Barsoe took the opportunity of point
ing out that the Norwegian fortresses
were good for nothing in case of war.
The minister of war hotly contradict
ed the statement and several otber
! members also criticised Colonel
Barsoe, but the whole affair is causing
great uneasiness here, as a mere Bug
' gestion of war between the sister
countries in parliament Is proof of the
jealousy which exists.
Sick Headache.
The curse of overworked womankind,
are quickly and surely cured by Karl's
Clover Root Tea, the great blood puri
fier and tissue builder. Money re
funded if not satisfactory. Price 25
cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists.
Isle of Fines to Be Ma4e a Field of Active
Chicago, March 13. The Chicago
Colony Isle of Pines Co-operative
Agricultural Community has been or
ganized here. As the names indicates
it will be located in the Isles of Pines..
It i? thought plenty of fertile land can
be procured, either In way govern
ment concessions or by purchase at a
cheap price. It is the purpose pf the
colony .to send a man ' to iatdtigate
the situation with reference to the
fertility of the soil, the. healthfulness
of the island and the best methods to
adopt to secure land. '
It is proposed that the energies of
the colony should be devoted largely to
the raising of fruits and early vege
tables for the' Northern market al
though sugarcane, tobacco and other
staples indigenous to that country
will also be cultivated to some extent.
On Every Bottle.
Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is
this guarantee: "AJJ we ask of you to
use two-thirds of the contents of this
bottle faithfully, then if you can say
you are not benlflted return the bottle
to your druggist and he may refund
the money." Price 25 cts., 50 cts., and
$1.00. Blakeley and Houghton.
General Brooke Ootm Mot Reeognlse
Removal of General Gomes.
New York, March 13. A dispatch
to the Tribune from Washington says:
News from Havana of the Cuban as
sembly's action in deposing Maximo
Gomez from command of the army will
cause no change in tbe administra
tion's policy. - The American millSary
authorities in Cuba .will continue to
recognize Gomez and to deal with him.
It is not believed the turmoil which
has been created temporarily will make
necessary any change in the plans for
the withdrawal of the volunteers,
though if the developments seem to
require it, the plans will be modified.
The intention ) was to have all the
volunteers out of Cuba by April 15.
Peremptory instructions have been
given that ; the- transports should . be
available, so thdt ther would be co
delay in embarking the tronps. This
is understoooHo' .have been done bv
direct orders of President McKinley.
Kraaaaowosky an Kmbeuler.
New YpRKMarfih 13. A dispatch
to the Herald from Vienna says: Herr
Krazanowosky, 'director of the Kreidt
bank of Lemberg, "committed suicide
on Frldav. Residents of that town
first thought that lis act was the resuit
of acute melancholfla, but a letter was
subsequently found In which he accus
ed a co-dlrectos, Herr Macnwlcki, a
member of the Austrian house of lords,
with being the cause of his ruin by
having led him to embezzle the bank's
funds. A run on the bank followed.
On account of the high social and
political position of Macb'wickl . the
news has caused a tremendous sensa
tion. ' ' ' "
No Hope for the Colon.
' New York, March 13. A dispatch
to the Herald from .Washington says:
The navy department has abandoned
all hope of the recovery of the armored
cruiser Cristobal Colon, sunk In the
battle of July 3. Engineers repre
senting the Swedish Wrecking Com
pany, who inspected the- wreck, have
left for Stockholm without making
any proposition to the department, and
it is assumed from this tbatno action'
will be taken because of the hopeless
ness of tbe task.
Sampson 'a Fleet Depart.
Washington, March .12. Admiral
Sampson sailed- with his flagship, the
New York, and the Brooklyn, yester
day from Havana for Puerte Cortez, on
the coast of Honduras. The- Indiana
andthe Texas, of the North Atlantic
squadron, sailed from Havana for
Cienfuegos. - The ships will meet again
in the course of a week, probably off
the Venezuela coast.
Destruction Was Immense.
Brisbane, Queensland, March 13.
A search steamer which has just re-
turend here froom Cooktown, on tbe
Endeavor river, this colony, reports
that three schooners and 80 luggers
were lost and and that 400 colored per
sons and 11 whites were drowned dur
ing the recent hurricane that swept
the northeast coast of Queensland.
No Election In Dele ware.
DOVER, March 13. At 3 p. M. the
legislature adjourned without electing
a senator. Unless a special session is
called the election goes over until 1901.
On the last ballot Addicks led with 21
votes, lacking but five for election.
In all 108 ballots were taken in an ef- i
fort to elect Gray's successor.
Bone for Sale.
Fifteen head of young horses, broke
to work, will 'be sold' for cash or on
time with approved security. Can be
seen at Saltmashe & Co's. stock yards,
The Dalles Oregon.
Stratjbe Bros.
Rocky Ridge whiskey is most the
popular brand,
For sale by Ben Wil- j
Filipinos Forced to Re
treat From the City
Manila, Marsh 13. General Whea-
ton attacked and captured the city of
Pasig, east of Manila this afternoon.
The enemy made a stand for an hour,
but at the end of that time was forced
to retreat. The loss- of the Filipinos
was 30 killed and 16 prisoners. Of the
United States forces six were wound'
ed. 1 V:
At daylight Brigadier-General Lloyd
Wheaton's divisional brigade, consist
ing of the Twentieth infantry, the
Twenty-second infantry, eight com'
panies of the Washington volunteers,
seven companies of the Oregon volun
teers, three troops of the Fourth cav
alry, and a mounted battery of the
Sixth artillery, was drawn up on a
ridge behind San Pedro 1 Macati, a
mile south of town. The advance was
sounded at 6:30 a. to., the cavalry lead
ing the column at a smart trot across
the open to the right, eventually
reaching a clump commanding the
rear of Guadlupe.
A desultory fire was kept up nearly
all day until 4 o'clock when the Fili
pinos were forced to retreat into the
New York, March 13. A Manila
special to the Journal gives the follow
ing list of casualties sustained by the I
United States forces in the advance
upon and capture of Pasig:
Killed James R. Klne, private,
Twentieth Kansas.
Wounded Privates L. F. Alger,
Thomas Miller and Charles Davis,
Twentieth United States Infantry,
and Charles Easley, Twenty-second
Charles Sweeney Loses His Life Near
White House Kaplds.
. Yesterday morning Charles Sweeney
was drowned in Deschutes river at
White Horse Rapids, some ten miles
east of Wapinitia. Mr. Sweeney had
a contract for driving logs down the
river for the Sherman County Lumber
ing Co., and had taken too men with
him in a small boat to go out in the
river for tbe purpose of straightening
out some logs that had lodged. The
stream is very swift where the accident
occurred and the two men were busy
rowing the boat, while Mr.-Sweeney
sat in the bow. The boat gaye a lunge,
and on looking around one pf men
discovered wat HiftSooevjBma.ope
They could see him 'floating in tbe
swift water some distance below them,
but before they could reach him be
sank out of sight. It is supposed that
when he fell out he struck upon a
rock and was knocked insensible, as
otherwise he would have made some
noise to attract their attention. -
Mr. Sweeney's borne was at Gates,
on tbe Santiam, where his wife and
two children, a son of 17 and a daugh
ter of 15, reside. He was quite well
known in the vicinity of Dufur and in
Sherman county, where he has run a
threashing machine several seasons
past. ,
At last accounts the body had not
been recovered, though a searching
party has been sent out from Dufur to
drag the river.
Be Fooled the Mnrjreona;
. All doctors told Renic Hamilton, of
West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18
months from Rectal Fistula, he would
die unless a costly operation was per
formed, but he cured himself with five
boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the
surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best
Salve in the world. 25 cents a box.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. A sma 11 slice of one of the Eastern
blizzards struck The Dalles this morn
ing, and overcoats, -which had been in
demand but very little of late, were
brought into service and appreciated.
Considerable snow fell, but the streets
of The Dalles were too warm for the
congealed particles and melted
rapidly. The hills surrounding the
city appeared in a wintery disguise for
a time but towards noon cast off tbe
snowy mantle and showed up the ten
der grass and flowers and gradually
tbe elements shaped themselves once
more for a genii ine spring afternoon.
Solicitors Wanted Ladies ob
Gentleman, for our complete set of
Juvenile Books for the holidays. Each
set has four books graded for little ones
to grown up folks. . Each book charm
ing, delightful, iptivating. Prices
range from 5oc to $2 50. Large books
each overflowing with happy illustra
lions. Tremendous sellers. Nothing
like them. Four months . golden har
vest for energetic workers. Credit
given. Freight paid. Biggest com
missions.. Outfit with samples of all
four books free. Send twelve 2 cent
stamps for paying part onlv of the
postage alone. Drop all trash and
clear $300 a month with our exclusive
"The new steamboat Spokane, built
by the . R. & N. Co. to ply on the
Snake river ' between Riparia and
Lewiston, is now complete, and in ser
vice. Steamer Lewiston is also in ser
vice, and the two steamers will alter
nate between Riparia and . Lewiston,
leaving Riparia daily except Sunday
on arrival of train No. 4 from Port
land and reaching Lewiston next day
at 1 P. M. Returning will leave Lewis
ton dally except Saturday at 12 o'clock
noon, arriving at Riparia at 7 P. M.,
connecting with train No. 3 ' from
Spokane. The Spokane has been
specially constructed for the run
mentioned above, and is thoroughly
equipped with all modern appliances,
electric lights, etc., and for speed and
comfort will excel any craft that has
ever been built for the Snake river.
The Lewiston is her steady old self.".
Leave orders with J. A. Carnaby for
dressed chickens for Sunday dinner.
tie naa tne nest
The freshest and choicest candies at
the Palace of Sweets,
Star Lodging House is all right.
1 block west of O. R. & N. depot, .
Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts.
Fancy naval oranges 10 cents a dozen
at the Dalles Commission Co. 3d
You need have no boils if vou will
take Clarice & Falk's sure cure for
For sale cheap, three cottages In
desirable locations. Apply at this of
fice. mar7-lm
Coming from Coney Island, a car lot
of Clam Chowder red hot for Stub-
Tbe $5.00 Vivi camera take tbe
largest picture of any $5.fl0 on the
market, for sale by Clarke & Falk.
r ,P M Pl St- i011'8 1)00,1 and pilB'
D pul) ner Beer on draught at
J i I j I j I L : tne w mte House saloon
Chas. Mxchblbach. Froprietor.
THIRSTY satisfy" your thirst
witn aCMLilTZ BEEK.
Furnished rooms to rent, also suits
of rooms suitable for housekeeping.
Apply to rooms 19 and 20, Chapman
block. Complete with steam heat and
electric light.
SPIJT TrPfZ Celebrated as It is.
SiViAA !-JLJ--i uviii nn tan n.r. t.h
IJ 1,1 1,1 l - r --
I) rj ri li Midway. W. 1. Mar-
ders, Proprietor.
I will sell the place on Fourth street
where I live. Price 92,500. Terms
easy, lira leet front 7 roojjs bouse,
oesides bathroom. Perfect sewerage.
Stone cellar & etc.
6d A. S. Bennett.
Physician and Surgeon,
Rooms over Dalles Nstional Bank. Office hours, 10
imtonm, ana irom s Co 4 p m. Hesi-
dence West End of Third Street,
Attorney at Law
Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or.
T s
sleeping Arts
BOSTON and all
For information, time cards, maps and ticket
call on or write. W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent
Or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pas
ses ger Agent, no. as Morrison street, cor
ner of Third Street. Portland, Oregon
"The. Relator Line"
The Dalles. Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Daily (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
' Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching at Way Points on both
sides of the Columbia river.
Both of the above steamers have
been rebuilt, and are in excellent
shape for the season of 1899. The
Regulator Line will endeavor to
give its patrons the best -service pos
sible. Fo r Comfort, Economy and
Pleasure travel by the steamers of
the Regulator Line.
The above steamers will leave The
Dalles and Portia ud in ample time for
tne outgoing trains.
Portland Office,
Oak St. Dock,
The Dalles Office,
1 Court Street.
General Agent.
Oregon Viavi Co.
Boom 7. over French & Co's. Bank.
Office hours, 2 to 4 p. m
Charlotte F. Roberts,
Local Manager
R. E. Saltmarshe
4 TK8
HighestCash Price f
Hay and (jraiii.
Keeps on draught the celebrated
Columbia Beer, acknowledged
the best beer in The Dalles, at
the usual price. Come in, try it
and be convinced. Also tbe
Finest brands of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars.
SANDWICHES, all kinds, ON H -AND
First National Bank
General Banking Business Transacted,
Deposits received subject to sight draft
or check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly re
mitted on day of collection.
Sight and telegraphic exchange sold on New
ion, un francisco ana Portland.
. Cashlei
Successors to J. H. Blakeny
Goods Delivered to Any Part o
the Ouy.
Next boor to Columbia Hotel.
Open Day and Night
Courteous Treatment
to all Bowlers.
Special Attractions
i-or ttownng parties.
Patronage of the public respectfully
'- Ladies' Days Monday mornings and
- xnuEsoay. evenings. ... -
Harry Esping, Proprietor
Nan HTanmsm
F. LEMKE, Proprietor.
Fine Wines, Liquors, and Ciga
Columbia Brewery Betr on
ftoeoad Street, bet. Court and Union.
Monnt Hood Sample Roci
BeSt Kentucky Whisky
Very Best Key West Cigars and Bes
of Wines.
English Porter, Ale and Milwauke
Beer always on hand.
mi m nw mm
Special Prices to Gash Buyers
7,3 33 03 WD ST REET.
s all steel, which nukes it verv strone and durable.
It U simple in construction and has less parts so wear
than any Uisc made. I he chilled journal bearings are
entirely dust-proof and can be easily oiled. There is
absolutely no end thrust to wear on the bearings.
The gangs are so arranged that they cannot raise
out of the ground in the center, but easily adjust them
selves to dead furrows or low places in rough ground.
A trial will convince you that the Canton is without
an equal. Manufactured by
Canton Chilled Plows
Are guaranteed to work perfectly. They have stood
tlw. test of vears. are well finished, of Kood material.
I and have many points of superiority over other plows.
Try one and you will De satisnea. itiaac oy
Public Bowling Alley
Big Inducements
' The abdv? cut represent one of
hibitton at our store which we urouose
free ot charge, in consideratiou of thoir
our prices, which are always roek-bottom
and this special offer, whieh will bold good for a limited timeonly, is made for
the purpose of increasing our cash trade. These clocks are 'made of bronze.
are beautiful mantel ornaments, as well as first class time keepers. Please
give us an early call and we will take pleasure in showing you the clocks, and
explaining in detail how you can secure one of these useful gifts.
We have a lot of damaged RUBBER COODS, consisting of Men's hip
hnn.'.S finnor PTpl llHur-a A lualrati Ufiifm ti hhora T.DrliaB Mlaoaa m wA
Children's rubber goods of all kinds,
will be closed out at a great sacrifice,
One Price Cash House, Cor. Second and Court Sts.
Commission- and
391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE6T.
(Adjoining Railroad Depot.)
ConsignineDts Solicited
Prompt attention will be paid to those who favor me with their patronage
Are You
If You Want to Know
Secure one of our late maps of Oregon just published j
perfectly accurate, thoroughly reliable.' We give it jto
you with the .Weickxy. Times-Mountaineer' on these "'
V'terms-: .- -w' v .. - '
To every subscriber who pays up .arrearages and one -
year's subscription, together with 50 cents, we supply '
the paper one year and the map. Price of paper $1.50; ,.
price of map $1.00. We give you both for $2.00. Take
advantage of this offer now. It only holds good for a
short time. The map is 28x34 inches, on heavy cloth
and mounted substantially on rollers. The same map
on paper, in pocket form will be furnished with the .
paper for $1.75.
Chas. J.
Wiues, Liquor$, Cigar$ and Beer.
The Celebrated Val Blatz Beer, Anheuser-Busch Nutrine,
a non-alchoholio beverage, unequaled as a tonio. '
173 Second street,
ANDREW BALDWIN, Proprietor..
Corner Court and Front Streets,
Carries Everything to be
Whiskey from S3 to $5
the '
For Sale by
Peters &
for M Trade.
our handsome Brnnzn (!lv!r nra nn pt.
to sive to our cash customers entirfelT
liberal patronage. We beg to state that
for first class foods, will remain the game
slightly damaged by waterand which
At ?
The Dalles, Oregon.
Found in a First-Class Liqnor Store.
per Gallon. A
Made with wood or steel beams la all sites. Mold,
Share and Landide is made of soft center, crucible
steel, thoroughly hardened, iJouhle Shin Mold. They
are the farmers' friend, because they are well and sub
stantially made and work perfectly in all soils.
tjr rmui i oRLMKierr co, Cuu. iiiiM.
Are the best because they are made of the best steel
and are durable. The teeth can be adjusted as to
depth and the edges reversed. Frame is thoroughly
braced. Made in all sizes. Made by
( w