SATURDAY. .MARCH 11, 1899 ITEMS IN BRIEF. From Wednesday's Dally. Ernest Mahew, of Klngaley, is in the city-... '? Charles Jones is in the city from Wasco. Kavler. of Pnneville, is in E. W. the city. Joseph Sherar, of Sherar's Bridge, is in city today. A. A. Bonny, of Tygh, is in the city on a business trip. J. M. Mosier, of Moeier is a guest at tbe Umatilla. House. ; .;. G. D. Wood worth, of Hood River is In tbe city on business. cbant is in the city today. C. A. Buckley, the well known Grass Valley stockman, is In the city. A. E. Lake, the Mora lumberman, is registered at tbe Umatilla House. J. B. Crossfleld, of Portland.the well known hardware drummer' is in the city. P. W. Badder. the Cascade Locks liquor merchant, is in tbe city on busi ness. -. D. B. Gaunt the veteran stage man is in tbe city from bis home at Center ville. P. S. Olney, manager of tbe North' wostern Insurance combine, is in tbe city today. D. S. Kimsey, of Antelope, county commissioner of Wasco county, is in the city today. George A. Liebe left for Portlaod this morning on the Regulator, for a few da j s visit in the metropolis. 1 County Commissioner N. C. Evans, is In the . city today to attend the regular session of the county court. t. - . . - . . . Portland last evening where be has . been disposing of some work horses. Mrs. Geo. Rlddley and Miss Fannie White, of Lyle, came up on the boat last evening for a short visit to Dalles ' friends. , . ... ... Workmen began painting the out side of the Columbia hotel today. ThiB will greatly improve the appearance of the building. The barbers' commission Is now in aooflinn at. Salnm and barbers who desire to secure certificates should make applications at once. ij&st nignt tne Keatnen gatnerea around the council fires of their wig wam and regailed themselves with corn and venison, having a most en joyable time. Cattlemen should be in no hurry to dispose of their surplus stock. The heavy losses in the middle west during the past winter is certain to create a demand that will cause prices to go up. r . . t i i ii i i . . in lu&y or june priues buuuiu m pettier than they are now.. Sshool terms will soon be closing, and commencement stationery will be in demand. This office is supplied with . a better line of commencent stock tban ever before, aud requests teachers and school ' officers to call and inspect samples. '" Dispatchs, sent out from Washing- 1 - o. a . , .. t-r tun ittsb ottburuny nuouunceu mai, n. H. Riddell,. recently appointed post master at Tbe Dalles, had been con- K .u u l. a.. v if v -fj Hio.muwo vu iuo loan uajr vi the city today meeting old friends and attending to matters of business. He does not feel as gloomy as do a great many Wasco county fruit men over the outlook for this years crop and is in doubt as to the fruit being injured as seriously as has been reported. Yesterday Marshal Lauer arrested drunken, disorderly character and gave him lodgings in tbe city jail This morning he was brought befor the recorder and fined $5 and given the privilege of either leaving town or paying his fine. As he was embar rassed financially and did not seem to like the place he chose the latter course and left immediately on being released. N. Eager, representing B. F. Saund ers, of salt Lake, has just completed tbe purchase of 2,600 bead of cattle of all classes, for June delivery, at Pen dleton, Echo and Arlington. Mr. Eager will ship the cattle East, some stopping at the ranges of Utah and Wyoming,and the remainder going on to be corn-fed for the Eastern market. Mr. Eager is at present in The Dalles arranging to buy cattle here for ship ment during the coming summer. Captain George W. Shaver, of tbe Shaver Transportation Co., and who is well known in The Dalles, has left for Seattle, from which point he will go north in a few weeks to take charge of the steamer Columbia, on the Yukon river, for the Canadian Developement Company. Captain Shaver ran that steamer on the Yukon last year. He will await the return of H. Maitland Kersey, manager of the company from London, who will go north with him. E. P. Williams, the proprietor of the general merchandise store at Eingsley, is in the city today. He in forms us that farmers began work in earnest last Monday and are getting. their ground in a condition to resow the seed as rapidly as possible, while others are through plowing and are busily engaged in sowing their grain. The roads have greatly improved dur ing the last week and will in a short time be in a fine condition to haul over. . .' . for a few days, while Mr visit his mother atLafay- On Friday night the Ward, James & Kidder company will open a return engagement in the Marquam in Port land. The mad rush for seats that was made at their last appearance is being repeated and even yesterday it was almost impossible to got seats at the box office. Speculators are buying up the seats and selling tbem at an ex orbitant price and shall find no diffi culty in disposing of them. Quke a number of Dalles people will go down tomorrow to witness the performance. After expending thousands of dollars the ranchers of tbe semi-arid districts northwest of Pendleton have succeed ed in securing water in abundance at the bottom of a 140-foot well. William P. Temple, who lives eight miles north west of that town, was tbe one who made the successful experiment and who now rejoices in a supply of water on his noma ranch, after having hauled it eight miles for 16 and domestic uses. ' Mr. Temple has now a supply ample for these purposes and also for irrigating bis farm lands. Temple's well was sunk on a point 34 I feet higher than the flat containing the land which he proposes to irri gate. He has a steam pumping plant at work. wlil visit Fish will ette. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fowler and baby left for Pendleton last evening where they will probably reside in the future. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hertz, accompan ied by Mrs. Hertz's sister, Miss Ber nard!, left on tbe boat this morning for Salem where they will visit rela tives for a time. Tbe ladies of thd Episcopal Guild are making extensive preparations for their annual sale to be held in K. of P. ball tbe afternoon and evening of April 6th, and are still receiving orders for articles that will be sold at that date. A mortgage, given by tbe Columbia Southern Railway Company to tbe New York Security & Trust Comyany, was filed in the clerk's office in Crook county a few days ago. The mortgage is for $2,100,000, and attached thereto are revenue stamps to tne amount or $1049.50. This is tbo largest mortgage ever recorded iu Crook county. A man giving the name of H. Ede- sen, was arrested last nignt Dy Mar shal Lauer for begging on the streets. He was given a bearing this morning before Recorder Gates and fined $o, in default of which he will donate bis seryce to the city unaer direction oi the superintendent of street improvements. J. M. Filloon is arranging to start a hardware and implement store in Moro, having rented a building for that purpose, and expects to go there about tbe 15th. Mr. Filloon is an enterprising business man, and the people of Moro are to be congratulat ed while the people of The Dalles reg ret that he has determined to leaye here. Yesterday the county court passed on the matter of a road from the rest, dence of William Head, of Tygh Ridge to the public highway. H. Fargher, Charles Davis and Leon Rondeau were appointed viewers while County Surveyor Golt was ap pointed surveyor for the same. Today the court Is engaged in looking over the various bills against the county. Absolutely pure is the claim made in every advertisement of tbe Royal Baking Powder and absolutely pure is the verdict of every housekeeper in the land using Royal. It is the stand ard among baking powders, worth the price sold at, because of its purity, healthful bread-making qualities, and tbe strength that makes a small quan tity go a long way. No trouble about delicious biscuit and pastry when tbe Royal is used. At about 8 o'clock last evening Fred Snipes was seated in the New York cash store talking with the clerks, when suddenly he fell forward on the floor and for a time those present thought he was breathing his last. Dr. Geisendorffer was called immedia tely and upon arriving found him in a critical condition. He at once ad- years for stock ' ministered antedotes to revive him ana in a short time he regained cons ciousness. He was carried to a room in the Chapman block,, where be still lies in a feeble condition. The doctor pronounced his malady to be heart failure. west of Ashland, Monday morning. The killing was the result of a dispute over property. This evening Cedar Circle will give a social in Fraternity hall, to which all are invited. An excellent program will be rendered, and a most enjoy able time is assured, Smith Bros, will teach the French Minnuet tomorrow afternoon. To morrow night a soiree will .be held at the Baldwin. This will be tbe. last soiree of the season. The old Greek gods and goddesses used to feast at the Olympic Heaven on Nectar and Ambrosia. Olympia beer at Stubllng's. Isn't that good enough for ye mortals? Yesterday Saltmarsbe & Co. received a large shipment of bay from the Willamette valley. It was shipped on the D. P. & A. N. Co. boats and will sell for about $11.00 per ton Mrs. Phillips will have on display tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon and evening, a choice selection of ladies and children's spring bats, flowers and trimmings: the latest in street hats and novelties. The regular Easter opening will be announced later on. From Thursday's Dally. Thompson of Fossil. Is in tbe tne session,, put aispatcnes oi yester day contradict the statement, saying Mr. Riddell was not confirmed. . Marshal Laurer is at present en gaged in superintsnding the opening of Union near Fourteenth street. . As this street is the principal one used by the people of Mill creek in coming to the city the work which the maashal is doing in this regard is very commend able and will be appreciated by those I living in that section. The Rath bone Sisters will give a St. Patrick's party in the K. of P. hall in this city on the eve of St. Patrick's day, Thursday March 16th. One of those spreads which none other than the sisters have tbe secret of arranging will be served, dancing will be indulged in, and a general good time will be enjoyed by all who have the ' good fortune of receiving an invitation'. A movement is on foot at present by those interested in photography to organize a' camera club in this city. There are an unusually large cumber of . Dalles peopie enthusiastic over amature photography and the organ ization of such a club would . be a desirable move as it would have a tendancy to draw ,. tbe members to gether and give them an opportunity to exchange ideas and assist one an other in numerous ways. Excursions to various places where desirable views could be obtained might be arranged and cheap excursion rates secured for such trips so that such an organization -would furnish much pleasure to its members during the summer months. M. P. Isenberg, the well known Hood River fruit man and doorkeeper of the house of representatives during the last session of tbe legislature, Is in J. city. G. W. Vanderpool, of Dufur, is in the city on business. Clyde T. Bonney, is in tbe city, from bis home at Hood River. O.J. Allahaff a former Dalles boy, is visiting friends in the city. Frank Clark, of Stevenson, Wash ington, is a guest at the Umatilla House. ; . John McAllister arrived in the city today from Prosser, Washington, where he has been wintering his sheep. Mrs. H. W. French went to Port land on the morning train, and will visit for several.weeks in that city. Hon. Joseph Morton, joint repres entative from Wasco, and Sherman counttes, is in the city from his home at Hood River. Mrs. Thomas Hudson and Mrs. A. Thornbury, left for Portland this morning to hear James, Kidder and Warde at the Marquam. On Friday eveningi the Portland Elks will give a reception to Frederick Ward and Louts James, to whioh they have invited the Elks of The Dalles. Two Oregon boys Privates Harry L. Stanton and Albert A. Elde, of Co. G. were wounded in the fight at Manila Tuesday.' Eide's wound is quite seri ous. John L. Fritz has resigned his posi tion 'with the New York cash store, and has accepted a position as sales man in the White House clothing store. This will be the last evening for the class for . ladies and gentlemen at Smith Bro's dancing school, and Sat urday 'he last afternoon for ladles. Soiree Saturday evening at the Bald win, Mr. and Mrs Jud Fish and Mrs. B. Sinnott left for Portland this morning where Mesdames Sinnott and Fish From Friday's Daily. Little, of Antelope, is in the J. A city. Second hand cook stove for sale enquire at this office. C. A. Buckley, of Grass Yalley is a guest at the Umatilla House. Alex Stewart, the enterprising Mosier merchant, is in the city. Judge Bradshaw went to Portland on the delayed train yesterday. R. A. Byrkettand family, of Trout Lake, Washington, are in the city. Use Clarke & Falk's Quinine Hair Tonic for dandruff and falling hair, ' Georgia Turner arrived in the city last evening from her home at Wasco. E. M. Wlngate took passage on the Regulator today for Portland where he will spenJ a few days. For rem A four room cottage be low tbe bluff, apply at this office. mars-da Miss Ursula Ruch returned on the boat last evening from a visit to Portland. Geo. A. Young, of Ridgway,returned this morning from attending the Wool growers' Association in Pendleton. Captain Lewis, who has been sick for tbe past week is once more able to be out although ho still feels very much indisposed. Geo. C. Blakeley returned last even ing from Portland where he has been attending a meeting of the state board of pharmacy. . , Regular meeting of Court The Dalles, No 12, F. of A. toni-hU Full attend ance requested at K. of P. hall, .7:30 o'clock sharp. Do not fail to see tbe Noble Dra matic Co., at the Vogt Monday night. Tickets for sale at the Snipes & Kin ersly drug store. Miss Mamie Smith, who for the past six weeks has been visiting the family of Mrs. L. Clarke in this city left for ber home in San Francisco, today. Lon Edwards shot and killed O. I. Evans at their mining camp, 12 miles 5icycLtv Price $50.00. 5 I if "Golden Eagle," $25.00. Ie e : u l - mar!0-2t Vic Trevitt Cabin, No. 2, Native Sons of Oregon, Is getting on its feet, and promises to become tbe most pop ular order In the city. A meeting of the order was held in the K. of P. hall last night, when two members were admitted. Hereafter the - cabin will bold regular meetings on tbe second and fourth Thursday of each month. Two double decked cars of hogs from Omaha, Nebraska, to tbe Union Meat Co. at Portland . were unlonded and fea at tbe stockyards in this city last night. Today a small band of prime beef cattle were brought in by Mr. Crook for Christman Bros. It is seldom that finer cattle tban these can be secured at this time of the year. On Friday and Saturday, March 17th and 18th, the ladies of The Dalles will have an opportunity to view tbe finest display of spring and snmmer millinery that has ever been placed on exhibi tion in this city. These days will be the ones on which will be held the second annual opening at tbe Camp bell & Wilson Millinery Parlors, and every lady is cordially invited to at tend and - see tbe latest styles and shades which will be on display. Today Captain Waud and family left on the Regulator for Portland. On Tuesday the Captain will leave for Alaska to take charge of a steamer on the Yukon between Lake Bennett and Dawson City; where he will remain during the summer months. While his many friends in The Dalles regret seeing him go they wish him success in the icy regions of the North and hope to see him back, hale and hearty and loaded down with nuggets, next winter. At about boon today Mrs. V. Rose died at her home on Eighth and Union streets in this city. The decersed was about 50 years of age, and was a hard warking honest lady. She leaves husband and four children, three girls and one boy, tbe youngest being about seven years of ge. Her death was caused by influenza she having been sick for about two weeks. She was a member of the Catholic church and her funeral will probably be held from St. Peters church Sunday after noon. An unusual amount of summer fal lowing will be done in the Palouse county this season. ' Two years ago the farmers were not yet free from their '83 debts, and were obliged to sow every foot of ground possible. Last spring the price of wheat was high, and the season was singularly favorable for a good crop, so again every acre, foul or clean, was sown. So far this season there is no special inducement. to increase the acreage, but on the contrary there is an imper ative necessity to dense the land that has been badly in need of fallowing for several years past. The acreage in that secton of the country, this season, will be from 10 to 15 per cent less than for the last two years. We learn from Fred W. Wilson, who returned this morning from Pendleton, that tbe annual meeting of the Oregon Woolgrowers was held in that town on Wednesday the 8th. George A. Young was re-elected president, Fred W. Wil son secretary while D. M. French was chosenjtreasurer for the ensulog year. During tbe past year tbe wool-grower's association has done much to benefit the sheepmen, having brought tbe matter Of the Cascade reserve to a focus, placed a bounty on coyotes and done much in drawing the wool, growers together, as well as assisting Captain Ormsby in learning their needs and communicating more freely with them. A large number of new members joined at the last meeting. ' Last evening Nightwatcbman Pbir man attempted to arrest a drunken, disorderly character. The latter could not see it that way and before the worthy official could wink he received a stunning blow in the face and for an Instant he thought he had been kicked by a mule, a second glance convinced Mr. Phirman that his antagonist was more like that animal's paternal parent and he partially brought him to his senses with a blow on the head with his pistol. A scuffle followed and ended in the nightwatchman's favor, who called a wagon and transported the bad man to jail. He gave bis name as J. O'Leary and is a stranger in town. He will now have a chance to develop his pugilistic abilities in the improvement of Union street. TBJ HIH MrSAIIO. . The ladles Score Another Victory urer the Sterner- Sex. At a few moments past 8 o'clock last evening, everything- being in read! ness, ''the battle royal ' between the ladies and gentlemen's teams opened on tbe club alleys; - Both teams had a look of determine tion on their faces- although .the ladies were slightly nervous the few first frames, but after that braced up and it was plain that the sterner sex had their bands full, v In comparing the scores of both teams the ladles were allowed a handi cap of 38 pins, they bowled so well, however, they scarcely needed the same, and won the three first games with but little exertion on their part. It should be remembered, however, that two members of tbe gentlemen's team, Messrs. Houghton and Baldwin, were unable to play and probably this bad something to do with their defeat as their substitutes were not in prac lice. Tbe ladies won the first game by 22 pins, the second by 13, the third by two and lost the last by 25 pins. They beat their opponents three games and had seventeen pins in advance so that they were perfectly satisfied. A beautiful boquet- was presented to Mrs. Fred - Houghton, for making the highest score, who presented the same to tbe Commercial club. The scores were as follows: goers to some excellent performances this week, and those who have not at tended are missing a treat. The com pany has its own band of eleven pieces, who play each dav at noon and in the evening on the street, and they ren der splendid music, which has been highly appreciated by our citizens. The company including the members of the band consist of 19 persons and they are billed to play here one week. "On Tuesday night they produced to a full house the popular comedy, ''Our Strategists," and were indeed well received. The company contains some excellent talent, and irom first to last the audience was kept in a roar of laughter. Besides tbe comedy several entertaining specialties of a high order of merit were introduced. and each one ' of them elicited the most hearty applause. The singing and dancing was unusually meritor ious.1' PURELY BUSINESS. The freshest and choicest candies at the Palace of Sweets, Star Lodging House Is all right. 1 block west of O. R. & N. depot. Fancy naval oacges 10 cents a dozen at the Dalles Commission Co. 3d Wanted A girl to do general housework. Apply at this office. Welnhard's beer on draught at only one house in the city, the Columbia I hotel. You need have no bolls If you will take Clarice & Falk's sure cure for boils. Coming from Coney Island, a car lot of Clam Chowder red bottfor Stub- lings, Girl wanted to do general house work. Apply to tbe Great Northern furniture store. Healthful Hints LADIES' TUI. GAMES 1st f 2nd 3rd 4th . Mrs. Seufert 34 . 38 28 29 Mrs. Fish... 27 22 19 28 MissSchanno 40 ?1 30 17 Mrs. Houghton 33 - 48 ;3 36 Miss A. Lang 89 23 30 20 Mrs. Blakeley......... 20 38 38 25 Handicap.. 38 38: 38 38 Totals................ 231 241 218 193 The gentlemen scored as follows: MEN'S TEAM. . GAMES. . ! : 1st 2nd 3rd 4 th Bradshaw..... 35 S3 37 44 HoHtettler 38 28 32 29 VanNorden 27 38 28 ' 85 Mays .. 40 -42 85 83 - Kurtz 29 48 88 .0 Schmidt 25-43 44 37 Totals. faH-1 228 215 218 THE METBOPOLITAN OPERA CO. This Magnificent Aggregation at tbe Bald win Tuesday Might. A letter received by Mr. Baldwin to day from Mat Kuaell business Mana ger of the Metropolitan Opera Com. pany announces that it is his intention to give his most excellent show at the Baldwin Tuesday evening March 14th This will certainly be the society event of tbe season and will undoubt edly be liberally patronized by all lovers of fine music. It has been a long time since a like performance has been In this town and it will be a treat to lovers of the high class opera. .' . " '-..,... It is a calamity that the Vogt could not be secured for that evening so that tbe large audience could be more easily accommodated. The Noble Dramatio Company have the opera house, so that It was impossible for them to secure any but the Baldwin. We sincerely hope that our town people will not overlook this chance to hear something of this character since on opportunity is presented so seldom. ARE YOU JffirfjygK THIRSTY HtUfy Vour tWriJ witb SCHLiITZ BE&K. Furnished rooms to rent, also suits of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Apply to rooms 19 and 20, Chapman block. Complete with steam heat and electric light. CPII I" TT"Z Celebrated as it is, BhKR - -'Midway. W.I. Mar- ders, Proprietor. I will sell the place on Fourth street where I live. Price $2,500. Terms easy, 109 leet front 7 rooms bouse. 0e6ldes bathroom. Perfect sewerage. Stone cellar & etc. 1 6d . A. S. Bennett. Don tfoifcou uio utoy aud his noeil We give you many helpful hints for healtd and supply the means for carry- ing tnem out. uur line 01 toilet ar ticles, for baby and his mother, is com plete, fastidious and of highest hygen ic worth. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON Up-to-Date Pharmacists 175 Second Street. Vogt Opera House ALL NEXT WEEK.' March 13, 1899 Nobles Dramatic Company Grand Orchestra - -and - Silver Cornet Band Back Reserve Seats - . - - 75 Cents Back Seats - BO Cent Children - - 25 Cents Seats on sale at Snipea-Kln ersly . Drug Company. All Competition Distanced VIA THE At tbe conclusion of the game the gentlemen immediately challenged the ladles for another match . which chal lenge was cheerfully accepted, and the same .will take place next Wednes day evening.. . ,. t Before buying Bicycles. We carry the best stock in the city. We guaran tee every wheel we sell. We also carry Windmills, Deep Well Pumps, Pitch er Spout Pumps, Spray Pumps, Spraying Mater ial Lime, Sulphur and Salt at lowest, market prices. THEY ALL WANTED IT!! Ton see they thought the bicycle in the Window, was the only one we had. There were plenty more inside however, and we old 'em one each. We can fit you oat alas U yon dont wait too long WITH A CRAWFORD Price $30.00. Wxitm MM Prica Complete & 7nn jfr saw MAIER & French Block. 8 -foot Aennoter, Price $30.00. BENTON, The Dalles, Oregon. County Court Opened. County court began its regular session in tbe usual place Wednesday Judge Mays and Commissioners Kim gey and Eyans being in attendance. Ihe first matter brought before the court was the petition of Christian Wyss, of Hood River, for a road from his home to the public highway. Wallace Husbands, Adolph Godlensen and Louie Davenport were appointed viewers and appraisers while D. B. Goat was appointed surveyor. . The committee was instructed to report at the next regular meeting of tbe com missioners court. A petition for a county road in the Tygh valley vicinity also came up for consideration. Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. - Good Wood. To get the best dry fir and pine wood that the market affords ring np 40. Prompt delivery. The Dalles Lumber ing Co. . - - . Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. HINT INDIANS SICK. Unusual SurTeiins; at Bock Creek An Old Chief DeaLc ' s. Dr. Bill an Indian medicine-man of the Tunc water tribe of Klickitats, visited Goldendale Monday on his re turn from the tribe's winter quarters on Rock creek, east of . that city. He reports that the Rock Creek Indians have suffered more slcRnessthis winter than ever before in their ; history, and that the advent of civilization has car ried in its train scores .( epidemics unknown to the red men. of previous years. Two of special. onention are the mumps and scarlet fever. Chief Yuc-a-lat, a peer of Chief Cani-poo, was buried last Friday atiRbck Creek, having died after .a. few .days' illness with pneumonia. From Dr. Bill's re port, it seems the late - c)iief resorted to ihe old custom of the Indian sweat- house and a pi u nee into Rock creek's waters, which are ice cold this time the year. The semi-civilized doctor admits that as to tbe ills the white man has brought them he is very ignorant, and feels that an ' unaccountable burden is now falling heavily upon his people, that has doomed them to death unlet zoc-a-iat was over tv years oi age, and in his time had been a great warrior. One time he was the owner of many poo las, which with Indians as well as white men in former times de noted much wealth. Dr. Bill further states that the 50 families of Indians that have wintered about Turn water or Celilo falls have- experienced good health all winter, and he believes it is from the fact there is no nearby white settlement to expose them to tbe usual winter contagions, which' have been more frequent this winter than usual. SPECIAL COUNCIL "MEETING. Report of Committee on Sewen Bead and adopted all 8eera-Below the BlnS ' Will be BeBatred. A - special meeting Of the city council was held in the city hall Tues day evening. Mayor Nolan presided and tho following councilmen respond ed to their names at ' roll call! Henry Kuck, Andrew Keller -Harry Clough, Samuel John, F, S. Gunning, Chas. Stephens, Charles Michelbach and W. A. Johnston. - V ' h. ' After the roll call the-, mayor an nounced that the object of the special meeting was to receive the report of the committee on sewers.'-'- The report was read and after the reading was voted satisfactorily in al most every repard and was adopted by the council. The committee recommended the improvement of the entire sewer sys tem below the bluff and the same will be payed for by a tax on all lots below the bluff according to their, value without any regard to the nature of the improvements thereon: 'The rale has not yet been fixed but as soon as an estimate of the cost of the improve ment can be learned a certain uniform rate of taxation will be levied.' A F UK AS ANT EVENING. pent at Mr. I. M. French's The Party A Grand Success, i The birthday party. at Mrs. D. M. French's residence last evening was quite a success socially and financially. It was well attended and many who were unable to go sent their congratu lations for the benefit of the Good In tent Society. . , - The initial number of the program was a piano auet oy tbe Misses iNicicei- son, alter which Myrtle Micneii ren dered a vocal solo, in place of the A. L. P. S. quartet, which was unable to appear, as one of their number, Mr. Steele was suddenly-called away. Prof fessor Landers followed with a vocal solo after which Mrs. E. M. Wilson de livered an interesting' talk' on birth days. A vocal solo by Will Frank- and another by Myrtle Mfchell wound up the evening's program. "; Refreshments were served and everything imaginable done to make it pleasant for those in - attendance, and in consequence a general good time was en joyed. Atlhough tbe party was a social sac- cess of the first order, it .was no less a success financially, as there was $72 40 added to the fund in the treasury of the Good intent society. 'i A Urand Company. . The following clipping from'' the Heppner Times will give a good idea as to wnat we are to expect xrom ine Noble Dramatio Company, which will Open a weeks engagement at the Vogt on Monday night. ' "The famous Noble Dramatic Com pany are treating ueppner tneaters The Noble Dramatio Company. The Daily Courier Press of Dayton, Washington, says of the Noble Dra matio Company, which will play an engagement at the Vogt in this city, next week: 'Reuben Glue" as presented last evening by the Noble Dramatio Co. at the opera house, proved an excel lent play, and was. tbe means of en tertaining a large audience. Kit D. Wilson, in the character of Reuben Glue, made a bit. , As the in ventive Yankee, always on band at the right moment, he was the life of the production and sustained . the part in an excellent manner. Several of his songs brought down the house. W. P. Burt, as Kelber, theJGerman, was also good, winning a round of ap plause in his song "Rubberneck." The play as a whole was well bal anced. Grace Huff, in the prologue, made a handsome Lady . Arlington, while J. A. Wolfe proved himself an actor of ability as Sir William Arlington. William Paige played the part of a villian as Ned Prowler in the prologue, and Sam Pealer in tbe play, to perfection. All tbe balance of the characters were well sustained. TheNoble Company has so far proven itsself one of the best companies of the kind'that has ever appeared in Dayton, and rightly deserves liberal patronage. Bed Hot From the ttun Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman, of Newark, Mich., in tbo. Civil , war. It caused horrible uisers that no treat ment helpsd for 20 years. . Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. Cures cuts, bruises, burnes, bolls. felons corns, SKin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. 25 cents a box.' "Cure guaranteed. . Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. ' ... " A Delightful Erenins;. A pleasant surprise party was gi ven last evening ot the residence af Mrs, J. C. Geiger In honor ol Mrs. L. Clarke who in a short time will move to Hood River, in which town .she will make her future home. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Groat, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Bolcon, Mr. and Mrs. Geiger, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Gourlay, Mr. and Mrs.- Jayne, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. N. Harris, Mesdames M. A. and W. O. Hadley; Messrs. J. Cates and Arthur Clarke. ... The evening was spent in. playing various games. . Refreshments were served and a general good time en joyed by all present. At the conclusion of the eyening's pleasures all bid Mrs. Clarke good bye with regrets that our town must lose such an esteemed lady and so good a neighbor, and many wishes for her welfare, as well as for frequent visits to her many friends iu The Dalles, were also expressed. Beware of Ointment, for Catarrh That Contain Mercury. as mercury will destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when en tering it through the mocus surfaces. Such ar ticles should never be used except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Ball's Catarrh Cure, manufuctured by F. J. Cheney & Co., To ledo, Ohio, contains no mercury, and is token internally, acting directly npon the blood and mocus surfaces of tho system. In buying Hall' Catarrh Cure be sure to get the genuine. It Is taken internally, and made In Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cbeney & Co. Testimonials free. s , Sold bv druggists, price 76c per ootue. ' Ball's Famll Pills are the best. Lectures on Health. Mrs. Sara M. Read, of Portland, will speak in the small K. of P. ball, at The Dalles, as follows: Tuesday, March 14, at 2 p. m to women on The Physiology of Digestion;" Wed- nesaay, March la, at p. m., to mar ried men and women, on "Nature's Method of Curing Disease," and Thurs day, at 2 p. m. to women, on "How to Regain and Keep One's Youth." A cordial invitation is extended to all interested in these subjects to be pres ent. No admission charged. For Over Fifty lean. An Old and Well-Thted Rem edy. Mrs. Wmslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug gists in every part . of the world Thenty-five cents a bottle. Its value ii uncalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's. Lime, sulphur and salt and the No 1 winter spray for the San Jose scale and curl leaf of the peach at Maier Sc Benton's. 22 lw Yellow King" best five cent cigar made. ' It can be had only at the Pal ace of Sweets, For the best results use the Vivi Camera. For sale by Clark & Falk, Two Trains a Day. Beginning next Monday tbe North ern Pacific will inaugurate a double train service from Portland to all points east. The trains will leave dally at 11 p. m., and 11:30 a. m. and arrive at Portland at 7 A. M. and 4 p. M. They will both be fully equipped in every respect, heated by steam, and will consist of day coaches, -standard Pullman sleepers, dining cars, tourist and colonist sleepers.. This will give tbe Northwest an excellent transcon tinental service, ana will be a convene ience to the traveling public. "The new steamboat Spokane, built i by the . R. & N. Co. to ply on the Snake river between Rlparla and Lewiston, is now complete, and in Ser vice. Steamer Lewiston is also in ser vice, and the two steamers will alter nate between Riparia and Lewiston, leaving Riparia daily except Sunday on arrival of train No. 4 from Port land and reaching Lewiston next day at 1 P. M. Returning will leave Lewis- ton dally except Saturday at 12 o'clock noon, arriving at Riparia at 7 P. M. connecting with train No. 3 from Spokane. The Spokane has been specially constructed for the run mentioned above, and is thoroughly equipped with all modern appliances, electric lights, etc., and for speed and comfort will excel any craft that has ever been built for the Snake river. The Lewiston is her steady old self ." Solicitors Wanted Ladues ob Gentleman, for our complete set of Juvenile Books for the holidays. Each set has four books graded for little ones to grown up folks. Each book charm. ing, delightful, captivating. Prices range from 5oo to $2 50. Large books each overflowing with happy illustra tions. Tremendous sellers. Nothing like them. Four, months golden har vest for energetic workers. Credit given. Freight paid. Biggest com missions. Outfit with samples of all four books free. Send twelve 2 cent stamps for paying part - onlv of the postage alone. Drop all trash and clear $300 a month witb our exclusive Juveniles. IHE NATIONAL BOOK CONCERN JUVENILE DEPT. "CHICAGO. ' Union Pacific . HOCKMAN has rented the "R n i 1 O H ihops of J. L. Thomson, on the I --'CillX UttU J. D the shops corner of Third and Madison streets. where he is prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmithing. Horse-shoeing a Specialty. I rrices reasonaoie. sausiaction guaranteed. A. SANDROCK conducts a gen eral wagon and repair shop incon nection. Repairing done promptly -1 ' PICT 0V Public Bowlioff Alley As regards TIME and THROUGH CAR SERVICE to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City and other eastern cities. . Only 3 i days with no change to Chioago; 4 days with one change to New York. Boston, Philadelphia and other principal points. Cars heated by steam and lighted by Pintota light. Baggage checked through. Un ion depots. For Rates. Tickets. Sleenins Car Bertha, ete.. apply to JAS. IRELAND, agent O. R. A N. Co.. The Dalies, Or or C. E. BKOWN, IMst. Pass. Agent, or J. H. LOTHROP. Gen. Airent. 136 Third St., Portland. Or. mchl Next coor to Columbia Hotel. Open Day and Night CHARLES FRANK Courteous Treatment , to all Bowlers. Special Attractions ror Bowling parties. Patronage of the public respectfully solicited . Ladies' Days Monday mornings and Thursday evenings. Harry Esping, Proprietor Batchers & Farmers EXCHANGE Keeps on draught the celebrated Columbia Beer, acknowledged the best beer in The Dalles, at the usual price. Come in, try it and be convinced. Also the Finest brands of Wines, Liquors ana uigars. Re Ea S<lHclPSHO SANDWICHES, all kinds, ON HA ND East EUH STGGK TBBSS, WILL PAY THE HighestCashPrice for Hay and (Irani. DEALER IN LIVE BT00K San Francisco BEEK HALL P. LEMKK, Proprietor. Qrbgon Bakery " and O-AJF'E i and Fine Wines, Liquors, and Ciga ALL KINDS OP BOTTLED BEER, Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught. Ton m It .'.jf.hiloh'8 Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for tbe small price oi 2 eta. ou eta. ana ci.uu does not cure. take the bottle back and we will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee.. Price 25 cm. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Houghton, drui- gists. ' Anyone knowing anything of the whereabouts of Albert J. Hodges, sup posed to be a former resident of this county, will confer a favor . upon his friends by corresponding with this office, . Good Wood. : A. KELLER, Prop'r. Am prepared to furnish fanUOles.- hotels . restaurants with the ohotoeat UrAfiH flfilraaQTifl Piac SM. UVS VUUVU UUU A. AVI Fresh Oysters Served in I Every Style. , Second (Street, next door .to The' Dalles National Bank HEMX L. KUCK, Second 8treet. bet. Court and Union. Mooot Hood Sample Room . Manufacturer of and Dealer in Harness and Saddlery! East End, Two Doors.West-of Diamond Floor - Ing Mills. . Second Street. THB DALLC8, ORKoa DALLES, OR. All Work Guaranteed to dive .Satisfaction. BOND ISSUE. ( F. B. Saunders or give orders on tele phone No. 12. Rocky Ridge popular brand. son . whiskey is most the For sale by Ben Wil- FROM ItOTJSVIlXiE Very Best Key West Cigars and Bes of Wines. English Porter, Ale and Milwauke . , Beer always on hand. The $5,00 Vivi camera take largest picture of any $5,00 on market, lor sale by (Jlarke & am. the the T T? Tlf "DC! St. Louis bock and Pils- UJ'illiJL KJ - D, A I,. t I ) Ij I j li : the W bite House saloon Chas. Michelbach. Fropnetor. MAETZ & PTJNDT PROPRIETORS A. A. BROWN K s . . FULL . ASSORTMENT BOBN. MOODY In Ashland. Oregon, on Wednesday, March 8, lm. to Mr. and Mrs. zenas Moody,, formerly of Tbe Dalles, a baby girL SEGUE fn this city on Wednesday, March 8, l&w, to Mr. ana Mrs. u. segue, a aaugnier. Notloe is hereby given, that npon the 31st ds of March. 18W. the oity of Antelope. Wsl County, Oregon, will sell to the highest bid for cash in hand, at Antelope, Oregon, fu thousand dollars In city bonds, as follcM Bonds are of the par value of nre hundred do, lars each, payable ten years after date, but oirw . tional after five years, and bearlnr six per oent 1 interest, per annum. Said bond issue was au thorized by an act of the legislature of the State of Oreffon.-at the regular, 1MI9, session, and by an ordinance of said oity of Antelope. Sealed bids for said bonds should be ad dressed to City Recorder, Antelope, Oregon. . and should oe sent in prior to March 81st, 1HW. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. By order of the Common Council of the City of Antelope. , Max Luddbmah, " ' ISfeb. ftt Recorder, flnfiimfiia PastiiM ca. .Corner Third and Washington.. AND PROVISIONS, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that by order of the Hon. Robert Mays, judge of the county court for Wasoo Countv Oretron. made on the 0th day of March, 1899, tbe undersigned was appointed aoministrator of the- estate of John Brook house, deceased, and John J. Brookhouse. All larties having claims avainst said, estate are lerebv notified and reauired to present the same, properly verified, at the office of Sinnott A sinnott, in uaiies v'ty- uregon, witnin aiz montna Iromtneiate oi tms notice. Administrator of the V irtnershln estate of John Broounouse, aeceasea, ana j onn j . ttrooK-house. wst Special Prices to Cash Buyers BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, PORK, LARD To 8BOOND STREET, -1 SHERIFF'S SALE.' First National Bank THe DHLLBS. ORBCON General Banking Business Transacted. Deposits received subject to sight draft or check. Collections made and proceeds promptly re . mitted on day of oolleotlon. Sight and telegraphic exchange sold on New yore. Man jrTanoiseo ana roruana. Curedand Dried Meats, . Sausages of All Kinds Orders Deli'yered toAnj P&rf of the City 'PHONB 81 ' fJERVITA In the Circuit Court of the Ltata of Oregon for wasoo county. W. M Wabson, Company, a corporation, plain- tin. - vs. George Curistensen, defendant. By virtue of an execution, decree and order of sale, duly issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of tbe State of Ore gon, for the County of Wasco, to me directed and dated the 10th day of March. 1899. upon a decree f ' r the foreclosure of a certain mort-ga.-re. and judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the 13th day of February, IH99, in the above entitled favor of the Plaintiff and against the Defendant Oearge Christen sen as judgment debtor, in tbe- sum of nine hun red aud sixty four dollars (t964.00l, with interest thereon from the 13th day of February, 1899. at the rate of nine (9) per oent per annum, and the further sum of twenty-five 831.08) dol lars, costs, and tbe costs of and upon this writ, and commanding me to make sale of the real property embraced in such decree of foreclo sure and hereinafter described. I will, on the 10th day of April 1899, At the hour of t o'clock, in the afternoon of said day, and at the front door of tbe County Court house, in Dalles City. Wasoo County, Oregon, -sell at public auction to the highest bidder for oasn in tne ngnt, title ana in terest which the defendant George Christen- sen had on the 22d day of August, 1H9S, the date of the mortgage foreclosed herein, or whioh such aerenaant nerein. nas sinoe acquired, or now has in and to the following-described real property, situate asd being In Wasco County, Oregon, towit: Tbe southeast quarter of section twenty two (23) In township one (1) north of range fif teen (is) east oi Willamette juenoian, contain ing one hundred and sixty 160) acres or so much of said property as will satisfy said judgment and decree, with oosta and accruing oosts. J S Schshck. H sBuix. President Cashlei IbI TCBEconomu QasounsLamu M Approved by the Board of Underwriters of the Pacific Nov, 4th. lim. 100-Candle Power, 14 flours, For FOUR Cents. Own your own Gas Plant. ter. a complete gas plant within tne lamp: Said property will be sold subject to confir mation and redemption as by law provided. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 10th day of March, raw. ROBERT KELLIT. Sheriff of Wasoo County. Oregon. ' Run your own me nplete gas plant within portable, hang ft e ny where i Maximum light at minimum cost. J. D. TUNNY, Uooy A gen tf or, Wasoo County. WLamps on exhibition at the Uma tills House liOUIS OAKES Snoseaaora to I. H. Blakeoy fcstsrss VITALITY. LOST VIGOR ' AND MANHOOD Cures Im potency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and India- . ere tion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. By mailSOc per box; 6 boxes for $2.50; with a written guaran tee to cure or refund the money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton at Jackson Sta, CHICAGO, ILL. Will Saw Your Wood.- Having bought the Benja min wood saw, we want to saw your wood and will saw it quick. Don't be bash ful, but call up 'phone No. 20 1 when you have wood to saw. We will answer promptly. EXPRESSMAN FLEMING & CATES ' Orooda Delivered to Any Part o the Orcy. BRANCH OEFICE Job Oregon Viavi Co. Printing . Boom 7. over French It Co's. Bank. Offloe hours, 2 to 4 p. m Charlotte F. Roberts, Local Manager - . Of all kinds done on horV notice and at reasonable rates at this office.