UK Cl J . i U. IIVrAIVBUR, Value XXXT jcONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 11. 1899 NO 9. XR-MOCKTAI9EEK, XIII 1 J 1 'v. t'-,.v ARE DISGUSTED WITH FIGHTING Asruinaldo's Followers are Tiring of War. : New York, March 3. A dispatch to the Herald from Manila says: It ia reported here that a steamer with 20,- . 000 bUnda'of arms and ammunition, which were bound for the Philippines, ' has been seized in Japanese waters by the Japanese authorities Agminaldo'd army Is disheartened as the result of the recent actions. Many companies of the insurgents have retired because ' their! officers skulk and won't lead their men., . r. The latest news from Cebu is good. ; The natives are returning to the town. . The coolies are now willing to work at ' reasonable wages. Undor the native government they asked double pay. Vessels are now loading and business has been resumed. " ; ' The influential natives of the islands of Mabate and Ticoa request General Otis to send troops there. .They say that 200 men could Easily subdue tbe rebels. Tbe inhabitants are peaceable. They are disgusted with the extor- . tions of three successive governors. ; On the two islands are 80,000 head of cattle, which constitute the food sup ply of the rebel army of the south. Tell lour Stater. , A beautiful complexion is an impos sibility without good purej.blood, the sort that only exists in connection with good digestion,' a healthy liver and bowels. Earl's Clover.Root Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver and 'kidneys keeping them in perfect health. Price 25 cts and 50 cts, Blakeley & Houghton druggist. , THE NICARAGUA CANAI. . . It WU1 Slot Be Built Until Another ' Congress Acts. Washington, March 3. The con ferees on the bank and harbor bill have practically reached an agreement. The Nicaragua canal paragraph will be greatly modified and will appropri ate $1,000,000 for the examination of all routes, under .direction of tbe pres ident. . The report of the commission making the examination will be made to congress, and no provision is made for beginning work. ' Two items from Oregon which were la dispute and upon which there was a .seeming split last night, have been compromised. The Yaquina bay item has been modified so as to.have tbe project examined by a board of engi- . neers. Tbe bouse yields on tne ooat railway provision, so far. as not to re peal the law for the project, but strikes out the appropriation made by the senate. ' . ' '.. On Bvery Bottle. ' Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure ia this guarantee: "All we ask of you to use two-thirds of the contents of . this bottle faithfully, then If you can say you are' not benifited return tbe bottle ' to your druggist and he may refund the money." Price 25 cts., 50 cts., and tl.QO. Blakeley and Houghton. - SERVICE WILL. BE IMPAIRED Deveral Warship lut go ont of Commis sion tor Lack of Bailors. ; Washington, March 3. The navy department has put the big double turreted monitor Puritan out of com mission at the Norfolk navy-yard, ana It Is said at the navigation bureau that .this ship must be followed by others speedily, to the great detriment of the plans of the department. The estimate submitted to congress, based on the minimum requirements of the navy, provided for 20,000 sail ors. Congress cut this down to 15,000. There are now 18,00040 the service, so that 3000 of these must be dropped immediately. ' That means according to the navigation officers, that a large part of the North Atlantic squadron must go out of commission. The Asiatic squadron caunot be reduced in view of Dewey's necessities; there is only one ship, the Philadelphia on the Pacific station: the European and the South Atlantic stations haye been abandoned, and there is only left the South Atlantic squanron as material for a cut. The loss 300 men means the cutting in half of this splendid home defense squadron. . It is probable that the heavy reduc ctlon in the number of enlisted men, and consequently -of ships will inter fere seriously with the conduct of the naval maneuvers this year, notwith standing the enormous benefit that ' has been derived from such drills in the past. Another difficulty is going to be the impossibility of putting into condition the new ships as they are turned over to the government by the builders, simply for want of men to man them. .' How is , four Wife? Has she lost her beauty? If so, con stipation, indigestion, fick headache are the principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea has cured these ills for half a century. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Money refunded if results are not satisfactory. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Oregon Beglment Engaged. New York, March 6.-kA dispatch from Manila, dated at 10 30 a. m. today printed in the . Journal, reports that th6 Filipinos made an attempt today to capture the water works, six mllee from Manila, the attack being repulsed with a loss to the rebels of 17 killed ond many wounded. The Second Oregon and the First Nebraska were nired. Two Americans were wounded. TUB. COMBINE IN CANADA. All the Important Plants ta be .Opertted Under one Management. TOHANTO. March 3. Application will be made at the coming session of the Dominion parliament for the In corporation of the Dominion Fish Company. This will correspond with ,thm rreat fish combine of tha United ACSCIXriElY Makes the food more LBocmJ States, and will control the whole business of the Dominion. Over. 100 companies or plants greater or less magnitude are operat ing on the Upper Lakes, while a total of 3000 men are actively employed in fishing. Last August an agreement was arrived at between most of these by which. the price was to be maintain ed for tbe advantage of the fisherman. This is said to have worked well and to have given encouragement to tbe companies to . pursue their organiza tion. . An arrangement has already been effected between ihe American and Canadian companies prohibiting un- selling. Pay of an Admiral. Wasaington, March 5. In the last hours of Congress it was provided that the admiral of the navy should receive the pay and emoluments of the last general of the army. This legislation was supplemental to the passage of the bill reviving the grade of admiral for tbe benafit of Admiral Dewey. Its effect is to give Admiral Dewey com' pensation at the rate of $14,500 a year. Of this sum f 13,000 is the regulation pay of an admiral of the navy. The extra tl,500 'Is the allowance made to the general of tbe army of per month for quarters Admiral Dewey holds the highest rank in the military service of tbe United States army or navy, and ranks with the highest officers in tbe principal foreign navies. Reorganisation to Begin. New YORK; March 3. A dispatch to the Herald from Washington says: Action is being taken by the war and "navy departments to reorganize the services under the compromise army bill and naval personal bill. Under the latter bill the president will send 300 naval nominations to thesenate tomorrow. Undor tbe army bill the president is authorized to appoiat five major gen. rals and 19 brigadier-generals-of vol' unteers. It is the purpose to continue all those holding the rank of major general in tbe. Philippines in that rank, although some of those in Cuba will have to be reduced to the rank of brigadier. . " ' Does ThU Strike Ton? Muddy complexions, nauseating breath come from chronic consump tion. Earl's Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and has been sold for fiftv years on an absolute guarantee. Price 25 cents and 50 cents, at Blake ley & Houghton, druggists. . , Dewey and Otis Promoted. Washington, March, 3. The presi dent has sent to the senate the nomi nation of Rear-Admiral George Dewey to be admiral of the navy under the act approved March 2, 1899, and) that of Brigadier-General Elwell s. Otis, U. S. A., to be major-general by brevet to rank from February 4. 1899, for military skill, and distinguished ser vices in the Philippines. - Sick Headache. The curse of overworked womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood puri fier and tissue builder. Money re funded if not satisfactory. Price 25 eta. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Hough ton, drugg'sts. ; Six Probably Dead. Gunnison, Colo., March 3. Five men and a woman are buried under an avalanche of snow, which came down Granite mountain near Magna Charts mine, at White Pine,25 miles from this place. The missing, who are sup posea to be dead, are: Mrs. Margaret Stout, Michael Elch Welch,- James Jordan and three inen whose names are unknown. - Wheeling Sails For Manila. Vancouver, B. C, March 3. The United States gunboat Wheeling will sail today for Manila via Honolulu. On arriving at the Philippines her commander will report to Admiral Dewey for duty. She is armed with 10 guns, carries 130 men, and is a speedy boat of her class. BUsxard In Wyoming:. Cheyenne, Feb. 28. The worst blizzard of the ynar raged all night between Laramie and Rawlins. The railroad cuts are full of snow and traffic is suspended. The Union Pacific is blockaded east, west and south. Several trains are stuck in drifts and cannot be moved until the snow is shoveled from around them. Postmaster and Director of Census. Washington, March 5. One of the lat acts of tbe prt sident before the ad journment of congress was to nominate Vv. R. Merrian, of Minnesota, com missioner of census, and G. M. Stewart postmaster of Seattle. Both appoint ments were confirmed. Two Feet in Seven Honrs. ' Cincinn'atti, O., March 6. The Ohio river at 8 a. m. has reached 50.3 feet, a rise of two feet in the preced ing seven hours. .The licking river is pouring in its flood, which has in creased tbe rise of the river here. The colder weather of last night has done much to decrease the danger of a dangerous flood. Charleston Half Submerged. Charleston, W. Va.; March 6. The city is nearly half submerged, but the river is steadily falling. Five thousand people have been driven from their homes and will not be able to return for several days. Part of Portsmouth Flooded. Portsmouth, O., March 6. The river has swept over the lowest part of the city, and residents have fled to higher grounds. The rise last night was rapid. The Pope Still Grows Better. Rome, March 6. Another satisfac tory bulletin regarding tbe health oL the pope was Issued this morning. 'An Baking felIRE delicious and wholesome POWOCBCO.. HHW vofnt. ;:Ilastdayof CONGRESS Fifty-Fifth Session a Thing of the Past. Washington, April 6. The house continued In session all night Fri day and lasted until noon yesterday. After having adopted the report of the conference committee on the river and harbor bill, sundry civil bill, deficiency bill and District of Columbia bill, and passed the customary resolution of thanks to the presiding officer and others, Speaker Reed announced tho house stood adjourned, sine die, amid general applause., suddenly some members began singing and above the din arose tbe strains of "My Country, Tls of Thee.: The air was taken up, the galleries caught the inspiration, and as-one man everybody arose and joined in tbe singing, until in one grand chorous thousands were voicing tbe beautiful words of the national anthem. It was a scene to live a life time to witness, and a fitting and pa triotic climax for the great war con gress When the anthem was concluded. General Henderson started "Auld Lang Syne," and it was also sung with a will. Suddenly John Murray Mit chell waved aloft a small American flag, and members and the galleries went wild joining in singing ''The Red, White and Blue." When the singing was in progress Mr. Hull, of Hull bill fame, jumped upon a desk with a large red, white and blue streamer, waving it to the rhythm of the air, and redoubled the tumultuous nature of tbe demonstration. A voice in the gallery shouted ''Three cheers for Dewey," and they were given with Volcanic and explosive vigor. Then came cheers lor tbe army and navy, and finally for Joe Wheeler. The de monstration eoncluded with the sing ing of the doxology. In the senate there was considerable discussion during the forenoon over the different measures necessary to ; wind up the .business of the session, but all matters were disposed of by noon, ' when the Vice-President an nounced the senate stood adjourned without date. ", There was no demon stration or excitement, the senate maintaing its customary dignity. TBX PKE8IDNT SATISFIED. Work of Congress Was Generally Ap- proved by Him. Washington, March 4. The pres ident expresses himself as well pleased in general with the outcome of the session of congress just closed. He takes a hopeful viawof the condi tions, believing that the failure of con gress to meet the requirements in sev eral instance of the executive will not operate to em harass the government seriously. It was the purpose of the president, had congress listened favor ably to bis request for authority to appoint four additional major-generals to have named Generals Fitzhugh Lee, Wheeler, Wilson and Wood. It was a bitter disappointment to the war department that the request of the president for authority to appoint only one additional major-genera! of regu lars should have been negatived. It was the purpose to name for that hon or General Shatter, in order thut he might retire with the laurels he has earned. The general must be retired by law on the 14th of tho present month, and must go out with only a volunteer commission. It is the pur pose to give him at least this. OREGON FAKED WELL. Got 1,080,720 ia Appropriations From Congress. . Washington, March 5. Following are the appropriations made by the 55th congress for Oregon: river and harbor bill.. Ttlamook bay f 26.000 Mouth of Sinslaw 30.0U0 Entrance of Coos bay ISO.OiO Upper Columbia and Snake Rivers.... 76.000 Coos river a quo Canal at cascades 76,000 Columbia at Three-Mile rapids and boat railway at ihe Dalles 60.000 Long Tom Rl er (transfer of surplus) . . . 8.000 slower niijiuumu; oeiow Portland and Columbia below Willamette river.. CoquiUe. below Coquiil city Clatskanie river Gauging waters of Columbia Upper Couuille 50.000 40,000 13.0IK) 1,000 8,000 71,000 Columbia, below Tongue point SUNDRY CIVIL BILL. Custom-house, Portland .(200,000 rnouc ouuaing, saiem 50,000 Tender for Thirteenth lighthouse district 100,000 fosi ugnts on uoium Dla and Willamette, pui uuuui genera iunooi Jlie-saving service, Oregon. Washington and California l.MO nuver wuiier, north acitto coast 112,500 Launch for customs service, Astoria.... 2,500 Clackamas fish station, salaries 8,420 Besides tbe above amounts the In dian appropriation bill carried an ap propriation of $160,000 to be expended in Oregon. Pay r or the Soldiers. San Francisco, March .5. When tbe transport Valencia sailed for Ma nila today, she carried away $1,500,000 intended for the payment of the troops in the Philippines. This large amount of money will be in the custody of Major Eugene Coffin, an additional paymaster of the volunteer service, The West Pointers who are to have their first experience it army life at Manila, arrived yesterday, and were as signed their quarters on the vessel. BELIl THE CYCLISTS. Bobbers Hake Bald on Them at Taeoma Sunday Sight. Tacoma, Wash. March 6. Two armed highwaymen laid in ambush on a bicycle path two miles from the city last night and captured and robbed seven men between 8 and 11 o'clock, securing several watches but less than tlO in cash. They laid a log across the path and stopped the travelers as they came to it. The first man was candv maker, who had a bundle ef aprons, which they used to bind their prisoners as they ctme, one by one, After robbing them they tied their hands and feet and laid them in a row in the brush. At 11 o'clock the footpads went away, leaving tbe victims bound. One manaced to roll over where another could untie him with his teeth, and they gave the alarm but tbe robbei had fled. TO CHASE FILIBUSTERS. That Is What Dewey -Wants With Light draught Vessels. New York, March 6. A dispatch to the Herald from Washington says The necessity of suppressing filibuster ing expeditions is the cause of-Admiral Dewey asking that the department send him more vessels of light draft, On account of the great number of tbe Philippine islands, the natives are able to transport from the Asiatic coast great quantities of ammunitions of war in small schooners. Admiral Dewey wants a large number of ves sels at his disposal, which can follow such vessels into shallow water. The Wheeling has already started for Ma' nila, and the Vixen will go by the last of the month.' The department may send others?? MONEY PUB CUBAN TROOPS. Paymaster-General Cary Will go to Cuba Next Week. - New York, March 6. A dispatch to the Herald from Washington says: Paymaster-General Carey has perfect ed arrangements for going to Cuba next week to pay of the Cuban army. General Carey will take the entire appropriation of $3,000,000 to Cuba, $1,500,000 of which will be in silver and the remainder in gold or bills. He will leave New York on one of tbe government transports, to which the money will be transferred from the sub-treasuay, and upon bis arrival at Havana he will report to General Brooke. As General Gomez desires that the American ' officers shall handle the money, tbe disbursements will be made by American pay officers upon the direction --$( General Cary, who will be furnished with a list of tbe of ficers and men comprising tbe Cuban army and tbe amount of money which hould be paid to each. It is not in tended by this government to furnish more than $3,000,000. FRIENDSHIP FOB AMEBIC A. This Causes Admiral Von Dledrtche to Los. His Job. Berlin, March 6 A high official of the German navy department has idformed the Associated Press that the appointment, of Prince Henry of Prussia, brother of Emporer. William, to the comamnd of the East Asiatic squadron, had been considered for months past, and was finally decided upon as being the most expedient, the emporer desiring to show . the American people that he is thorough ly friendly with them, knowing Henry is popular in the United States. When the official referred to was asked whether the appointment was equivalent to the disgrace of Admiral Von Diedrichs, he said: 'Not exactly. If Diedrichs had shown more tact last summer before Manila, it would undeniably be pro ductive of good results all around. Our' government, unfortunately, was advised too late of a number of occur rences before Manila, none of which were really important, but which showed grave want of tact upon Died richs' part," . The above is important, as being the first German official admission that there was trouble between Germans and Americans in Manila bay. ' . Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach, li ver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousness, headache and tired listless, rundown feeling. But there is no need to feel Like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville,. Ind. He says: "Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he is all run down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I could take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on life." Only 50 cents, at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. Unconfirmed Postmasters. Washington, March 7. A state ment prepared by Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Bristow shows that the total number of postofiBce nominations sent to the senate by the president during the last session was 838, of which 297 had been recess ap pointments. So far as the department records up to date show, nominations to 13 offices were not confirmed, tbese including Tbe Dalles, Or., and Ogden Utah. The only one of the noncon firmations in doubt is the Oregon office. Wants to be British. Victoria, B. C, March 7. A peti tion addressed to tht, British high commissioners has been circulated and largely signed in the little town of Dyea, Alaska, asking that the com missioners accept the town from the Americansas proposed in dispatches from Washington some time ago, and make it a British port. The idea is to get the trade of the' Klondike and Atlin district), which are in British territory. Belndeer at Dawson. San Francisco, March 6. A letter from Dawson City says: The first in stallment of the United States relief expedition reindeer arrived here Janu ary 6 in charge of the Lapland herders. Tbe last days run was 60 miles, large numbers of tbe reindeer are said to haye been slaughtered by Indians, who mistook them for wild game. The remnant will be driven to Circle City, A Ten Per Vent Increase.' Greenville, Pa., March 6. Notices have been posted at Eimberly's roll ing mills announcing an increase of 10 per cent in wages. , ' ANOTHER SKIRMISH AT MARIQUINA The Enemy Dislodged From Their Positions New York, March 7. A dispatch to tbe Herald from Manila says: After the insurgents had been driven off last niht from in front of Mariquina tbey time back dOj strong and cut off a company of tbe First Nebraska volun teers. This morning General Hale sent out three companies of tbe Nebraska regi ment noiding a strong position among the rocks, fired several volleys at the advancing Americans, but the latter by a flank movement, drove the Fili pinos over tbe hills. ' No sooner was the fight well under way than the insurgents to the south of the water works, knowing that tbe forces there bad been . weakened by sending troops to Mariquina, attacked the water works in the rear. Their ooject . was to cut on tne pumping station, but they did not succeed. Their fire was heavy and our small loss was due solely to the bad marks manship of tbe Filipinos. The enemy's dead numbered 20. Returns now in show five Americans wounded. Tbe insurgents are placing guns in position at various points. The opinion of all the prominent men in Manila is that the military sorceof the insurgent anarchy must be broken before a stable . government can be established in the islands. THE VOLUNTEER ARMY. Will Mot Be Increased by the President at Present Chicago, March 7. A special to the Times-Herald from Washington says: President McKinley has decided not to avail himself of the authority grant ed by the compromise bill to organize provisional army of 35,000 volunteers- After consulting with officials of the war department, the president has de cided that in view of the present favor able outlook in Cuba and the prospect of the . complete suppression of the Philippine insurrection at an early day, it will not be necessary, after the present volunteer forceis have been mustered out, to have more than the 65,000 men allowed for the regular army until July 1, 1901.: i It is also his purpose to expedite tbe witbdrawl of volunteers - from' Cuba without delay, and those in the Philip pines will be brought -Lome as soon as as enough regulars CM be seat out to take their places. . . : . The president . will have authority under the law to appoint volunteer general officers and volunteer staff officers in sufficient number for the 65,000 regulars. If subsepuent develop ments show the necessity for more men, the president will then exercise 1 his power to enlist all or part of the i 35,000. . ' , STORM KING R4GE8. Atlantic boast Visited by Another Severe 1 Spell of Weather. Washington, March 7. A blizzard- like storm began at 3 o'clock this morning, several .inches of snow fail ing and causing much delay to traffic. The weather bureau says the storm i? central this morning off the New Jersey coast, and had rapidly assumed the proportions of a genuine blizzard. - Atlanta, Ga., March 7. Heavy rains and a cold wave have been fol lowed by high winds and snow in many parts of the state. At Monroe several business buildings were un roofed and a number of dwelling houses blown down. Rome and Quit man, Ga., were visited by heavy snow storms, and farmers report the com plete destruction of crops. New YORK, March 7. A fierce snow storm set in about 4 a. m., and con tinued unabted until 11 a. m., when about five inches of snow had fallen. Considerable obstruction to travel is experienced. Cleveland, O., March 7. It has snowed almost continuously since early Sunday morning. . Palladelphia, March 7. Snow be gan tailing bere sbortly before 4 o'clock this morning, and at 11 o'clock continues to fall rapidly. Million. Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the pub lic to -know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprie tors of Dr. Kind's New Discovery for consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bot tles of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has ab solutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarse ness and all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists, and get a free trial bottle. Regu lar size 50 cents and $1.00. Every bot tle guaranteed, or price refund d. Heavy Damage By Flood. Charleston, March 7. The night was one of discomfort and actual suf fering. The slow falling of the water added to the low temperature, made the situation a gloomy one. Many business men were , compelled to use boats to seek provisions and fuel. Even the governor was forced to use a boat to go from the excutive mansion to the state house. The loss to tbe timber men up Elk river will be very beavy. Choate Was Presented. London, March 7. United States Ambassador Jos. H. Choate returned from Vindsor at noon today, after having been formally presented, to Queen Victoria and haying passed the night at the castle. While the am bassador declines to give details of the ceremony or discuss his visit to the queen, he told the Associated Press he was much' gratified at the cordiality and graciousness of bis reception. . er After tie Our Holiday trade was excellent, still we have left a large stock of Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical fnstiuments, etc., that we selling at popular prices. . Our stock of Stationery and Books is complete. Jacobsen Book & Music. Co., 170 Second St., $40.00 Por Sale Td3t Charles Burchtorf . LOCK and GUHSM1TH, peaer ,n nrrwnT. TV SUNDRIES. Repairing of all Telephone 49. mmnnnmnrmmmNrMnmuimnmmiiiimmiHii Ghas. J. WHOLESALE Wines, l,iguor$, Cigars and Beer, The Celebrated Val Blatz Beer, Anheuser-Busch Nutrine, a nou-alchoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. 173 Second street, Z. F. lissic Genera Commission, and 391. 393 HND 395 SEPOND STRE6T. (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) , . . Consignments Solicited Prompt attention will be paid to those THE BALDWIN' -AH DREW. BALDWIN, Proprietor. . Corner Court and Front Streets, Carries Everything to be Found is a First-Class Liquor Store. Whiskey from S3 to S5 per Gallon. . ........ . . THE DALLES, OREGON. PROFESSIONAL. 0 C. HOLL1STER, Physician and Surgeon, Rooms over Dailea National Bank. Office boon, 10 . a m to 12 m, and from 8 to 4 p m. . Keti- -dence Went End of Third Street,' A. S. BISNNET Attorney at Law TACKMAN J .. Dentist. Rooms 8 S and 10.' Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or. BOND ISSUE. Notice is hereby given, that upon the 31st day of March. 18W. the city of Antelope, Wasco County, Oregon, will sell to the highest bidde' for cash in band, at Antelope, Oregon, four thousand dollars In city bonds, as follows: Bonds are of the par value of five hundred dol lars each, pavable ten years after date, but op tional after five years, and bearing six per cent Interest, per annum. Said bond issue was au thorized by an act of the legislature of the State of. Oregon. at the regular, 1899, session, and bv an ordinance of said oity of Antelope. Sealed bids for said bonds should be ad dressed to City Recorder. Antelope. Oregon, and should oe sent in prior to March 31st, 1899. The right to n Ject any and all bids is reserved. By order of ihe Common Council of the City of Antelope. ' MAX LUDOEllAIf, ISfeb. 6t Recorder, The WliiteUouse CHAS. MICHELBACH, Proprietor First-class Winea Liquors and Cigars Always on Hand. Corner -Second aad Court Streets, ' THU DALLES OREGON. Holidays The Dalles, Or. $40.00 kinds a Specialty. Cor. 3d and Federal Streets. Stubling, The Dalles, Oregon. 3 MOODY Forwar in who favor me with their patronage CANTON DISC It an (ted, which makes it verr strong and durable. It is simple in construction and has less pans to wear than any Disc made. The chilled jounuu bearings are entirely dust-proof and can be easily oiled. There is absolutely no end thrust to wear on the bearings. M The gangs are so arranged that they cannot raise oat of the ground in the center, but easily adjust them selves to dead furrows or low places in rough ground. A trial will convince you that the Canton is without an equal. Mamuacturea by PARUH & ORENDORFF CO., CANTON, ILLINOIS. Canton Chilled Plows Are guaranteed to work perfectly. They have stood the test of years, are well finished, of good material, and have many points of superiority over other plows, Try one and you will be satisfied. Made by - PARUH & ORENDORFF CO. CANTON, II UNO IS. . THE mm HARROW. Jos T Big Inducements - - The above cut r-ODresenl ue of hibition at our store which we propose free of charge, in consideration of their our prices, which are alwavsrock-bottom and this special offer, which will hold good for a limited timejonly, is made for the purpose of increasi.g our cash trade. These clocks are made of bronze, are beautiful mantel ornaments, as well as first class time keepers. Please give us an early call and we will take pleasure In showing you the clocks, and explaining in detail how you can secure one of these useful gifts. We have a lot Of damaged RUBBER and knee boois, snow excluders, Alaskas, storm rubbers, Ladies', Misses' and Children's rubber goods of all kinds, slightly damaged by waterjand which will be closed out at a great sacrifice. J. P. McINERNY, One Price Cash House, Cor. Second and Court Sts. DRUGS Paper. Paints, Wall . . BRUSHES . WINDOW GLASS SNIPES-KINERSLY DRUG 129 Second Street Pioneer Bakery....... I have reopened this well known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply everybody with BREAD, PIES and CAKE . , .v....Also, all Staple and Fancy Groceries 0KE3O, piuch:, ' Pioneer Grocer. , What is the "There are many poople who do not understand the difference in Bath Cabinet". Here are two il lustrations one of the common skirt or "sack" cabinet and the other showing The Robinson Thermal Bath Cabinet when in use. 111? I' mil JsTlfEll STOP AND INVESTIGATE! Don't n't jump rashly at these cheap Cabinete, bat use common er sense and good judgment by pur- crasing a KODinson Bath Cabinet. Method of using tbe NO door Cabinet. Sit down and lift tbe J. M. FLEMING entire cabinet op over tbe head. Barbarian Process. Tbe well-known Saratoga is the Agent for this city. Drop him a postal and he will call on you, and if de sired can show you what this Cabinet is, saving you the inconvenience of sending east for a skirt cabinet or some cheap affair. ' M In Bus- Louie Comini Is again prepared to supply Monuments and Gravestones mess Again. Give him your orders now, as is prepared to fill them satisfactorily. Get the Best for the Least Money..... For Sale by Peters DALLES, OREGON. for M Trade. our har.dsnmd Rmnm f!Ivlr nn nn in to give to our cash customers entirely ' liberal patronage. We beg to state that for first class cmnrU vllmnin COODS. nnnaiaMnir nt MaV Mn Oils; CO. kinds of. ..... " . Difference? Thermal ' IMethodfof using our Cabinet open the door, step in, and Hit down. A Civilized Method. i Chip Man, he Stubble Made with wood or sted beams In all tii Share and Landiide is made of soft center, cruciMe steel, thoroughly hardened, Uoublc bbin Mold, lliey are the tanner' friend, becauite they are well and sub staiuially made and work perfectly in all soils. tail kj mm i omwm fo, cm, luis CANTON "U" BAR LEVER v HARROWS Are the best because they are made of the best steel and are durable. The teeth can be adjusted as to depth and the edgei reversed. Frame it thorauchly braced. Made ia ail sites. Made by PARUH & ORENDORFF CQ., CANTON, ILLINOIS. 1 i y CAWTOW A jf Plows BV- ;- Mold. Co J