The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, March 04, 1899, Image 1

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r X'
Physician and Surgeon,
orar Dalles National Bank. Offles hoars, 10
km to 12 m, and from I to pm. oea
dsoes Wert Lad ol Third aUMt,
Attorney at taw
Dentist. X
Booms 8 V and 10. Toct Block, The Dalles, Or.
To the Honorable County Court of Wasoo
County, regoo: -.
We. the undersigned legal Tdtera of Falls
Precinct, Wasco County. Oregon, respectful. y
petition your Honorable Board to grant to
Thomas Badder. a loense to sell spintous,
Tlneous and malt liquors In less quantities than
one gallon, lor tne term oi one year at we uma-
caae LiOcks, uregon:
E Nelson
James Stewart
John Tnesen
T E Leavens
N Nelson
. John Anderson
T H Williams
E P Ash
E George
8 Malm
M Fitzgerald
J F Rldenam
St W Foster
D LiCatea
C Vascsni
FS Devlne
T E Simpson
J M Carlson
1 3 Poster
J J Sexton
O M Wilson
Joe Schmid, 3r
F Anderron
E Ostberg
Thad Geazler
J Schmid. Sr
C J Devlne
Geo w Mitchell
C Peterson
J W Atwell
P Aug Nelson
AC rlson
H A Leavens
K W Foster
R Black -C
G Hickok
E Martin
A Flelschhauer ..
ACBizby ,
E Sewlclc
AO Hall I
J F Stout
F Sogers
H Fltzman
Hans Wiecks
Oscar Skorg
John Totton
Rudolph Schmidt
J F Hendrick
H Henn
Patrick SuUlTan
O H Tranna
Liugl Lungo
C J Carlson
H Feisen
F F Foster
August Peterson
J WDoethit
Ben Doke
W D McCrary '
John West man .
J&8 Gorten
Joe Cierrient
O C Fyffe
H P Harphorn
A A Spring
A We' son
C Wll geroett
Albert Co is
Matt Nacds
F H Doug' ass
Wm Frlzzeil
f sfeb
Ia the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Multnomah county.
W. T. Stephens, Plaintiff,
J. H. Frary, Defendant.
By virtue of an attachment, execution, decree
and ordor of sale, du'y issued out of and under
the seal of the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore
gon. for the County of Multnomah, to me di
rected and dated the 12th day of January, 199.
upon judgment rendered and entered in said
' Cour on the 12th day of January, i-99, in the
above entitled cause, in favor of the Plaintiff
' and against tbe defendant J H. Frary as judg
ment debvor, in the sum of seventy and A hun
dreths do'lars, g0.08,wlth interest thereon from
' the 12th day of January, 1899, at the rate of ten
per cent per annum, and the further sum of
twenty dollars, $20,00, with interest thereon at
six per ceut per annum, from the 12th day of
January, 1899, and the further sum of twenty
two and seventy-live hundreths dollars, ti.Tfi.
costs, and the costs of and upon this writ, and
commanding me to main aaie or tne real prop
erty embraced in such execution of sale and
hereinafter described, 1 will, on the
6th day of March, 1899,
At the hour of two o'clock, C, In the after
noon of said day. and at the front door o
the County Court House in Dalles City. Wasco
County, Oregon sell at public auction to the
highest bidder tor cash in hand, au the ngnt,
title and Interest which the Defendant J. H,
Frary, hid on the 23d day of December, 1898.
the date of the attachment of said property, or
which said Hefendant has since acquired, or
now has in and to the following described real
property, situate ana oeingin wasco county,
, Oregon, to-wit:
The northeast quarter of section twenty-one
(21.1 in township two (2.) north of racge ten (10)
east or the Willamette Meridian, in Wasoo
-County Oregon, or ao much of said property as
.will satisfy said judgment; -and decree, with
Costa and accruing costs. .-
Said property wl l be sold subject to oonar-
' (nation
i ana r
redemption as bv law provided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 27th day of
January, 1899.
Sheriff, Wasoo County, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasoo County.
Rothchild Bros., a corporation, plaintiff,
versus .
W. T. Wiseman, defendant.
To W. T. Wiseman, the above named defend
ant: In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of plaintiff filed against
you In the above entitled action and court on
or before the Mth day of January, 1899, and if
you fall to so appear or answer for want there
of, the plaintiff will take judgment against you
for two hundred and sixty nine and 85-100 dol
lars, (1209.85) and interest thereon since Oc
tober 28th, 1897, at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum, together with plaintiff's costs and dis
bursements of action
This summons is served upon you by publi
cation thereof by order of W. L. Bradshaw,
judge of the above named court, made in open
Court, on the 30th day of November. 1898, di
recting that said summons be published once a
week for not less than six consecutive weeks,
in the Times-Mountaineer, a newspaper of
general circulation published in Dalle C ty,
wasco County. Oregon. - and said publication,
beginning with Saturday the 3d day of Decem
ber, 1898, and ending January Mth, 1899.
DtrrtTB & HBirsna,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Wa oo County.
Josephine Beroa, plaintiff,
versus . .
J. E. Beroa, defendant.
To J. E. Beroa, the above named defendant.
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear in the above en
title 1 court within six weeks from the 14th day
of January A. D. 19. then and there to an
swer the oomplalnt of the plalntlfl filed agai'wt
you in the above entli led s it, and if you fail
so to appear, and aaswer said complaint, the
Jilalntiff will apply to the above entitled court
rr the relief prayed for In her complaint to
wit: For a decree of divorce of the above en
titled court dissolving the bonds of mat lmony
B w existing between plaintiff and defendant.
That plaintiff be awarded the sole care and
custody of their minor child. Anita Beroa. and
for her costs and dlsbursemen sin this suit,
and such further relief as to the court may seem
equitable and just.
This sutrmons Is served upon you, the said J.
X. Beroa, by publication thereof, by order of
the Hon. W. C Bradshaw, judge of the above
entitled court, which order bears date the Mth
day of January A. D. 1899, and directed that
said summons be published tjnee a week for
not less than six successive weens in the
Times- Mountaineer, a newspaper of general
circulation published in Kalles City, Wasco
county, Oregon. Said publication to begin
witn Saturday, the Mth day January A. D. 1899
'.' Attornt ys for Plaintiff.
Dated this 14th day of January A. D. 1S9
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
tbe executor of the estate of Owen Will ams
deceased, has duly filed with the Clerk of the
County Co" rt for Wasco Count-.. Oregon, his
final aocount and report in said estate; and that
the Judge of the above entitled court has duly
fixed Monday, the rtth day of March. 1899. at two
o'clock P. M. of said day as the lime, and the
county court room in the ooanty court house in
Dalles Citv, Wasco County, Orego s as the
place for hearing said final account and report.
All persons Interested in said estate are hereby
not fled to appear at said time and place and
show cause if any there be why said final ac
count and report should not in all things be
allowed, ratified and approved, and an order
made duly discharging said executor fro n fur
ther acting in said trust, and exonerating him
from further liability thereunder;
' Executor of the estate of Owen WilUatj, de-
. Dated'this 2d day of Februery, 1899
.. MENT.
Not oe is hereby given that the undersigned
has duly filed her final account and report as
administratrix of the estate of Hugh M Bax
ter, late of Wasco County. O egon, and now de
ceased, with the clerk of the county court of
Wasco County, Oregon; and that tbe Judge of
said court has fixed Monday, the 6th day of
March. 1899, at two o'clock P. M. of said day. as
the time, and the county oourt room, in the
county oourt house in Dalles City, Wa co
County. Oregon, as the place for hearing said
final account and report. All persons inter
ested in said estate are hereby notified to ap
pear at said time and place and show cause
ifany there be why said report should not in all
thing be allowed, ratified, approved and con
firmed, and said administratrix discharged and
her boadimea exoaorated.
Dated this 81st day of January, 189.
Administratrix the estaW of Hutfb M. Bax.
tw.deoeawd j .
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
- Wasco County.
Belle Bryan, Plaintiff, '
William Bryan, Defendant.
To William Bryan, the ahore named de
In the name of the State of Oregon:
Yon are hereby reauired to anoear and an
swer the complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit, within six weeks from the
14th day of January. 1809. said day being the
first day of the publication of this Summons :
and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof.
the plalntm will apply to the court for the re
lief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: A de
cree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matri
mony existing between plaintiff and defendant,
and for her costs and disbursements in this
This Summon Is published bv virtue of an
order of W. L. Bradshaw, Judwe of t e Circuit
Court of the State of Oreiron. for Wasco
County, dated the 12th day oi January, 1899,
which order proviaes ana specines six weens s
the time for which this Summons shall be pub
Dated this Mth day of January. 1W9
- A. 8. BENNETT.
td-feb 18 Attorney for the Plantiff.
Notice is hereby given that Joseph W. Ward.
executor of tne estate of William L. Ward,
deeeased. has filed bis final account In xald
estate, and that the 6th day of Mareh, 1899. at
10 o'clock A.. M. of said day. has been appointed
as the time for hearing said final account and
report, and the making of an order of distri
bution of said estate to the legatees mentioned
in the will of sild deceased and that the
henrlng thereof will be had, ogethcr with any
o Jections thereto, if any are made, before the
Hon rable Robert Mavs. County Judge, at the
Cornt I Court House m Dalles City, Wasoo
Count . Oregon.
All persons interested In snid estate are here
by notified to appear at said time and place
and show cause, if any there be, why said
accounts should not be in all things approved
and allowed, and said order of distribution
This notice is published by order of Hon.
Robert Mays. Judge of the County Court of the
state or ui eg in. ror wasco uounty, oi aate
January 27th., 1899.
Dated January feth., 1899.
JOSKftl w. WAKU,
Executor with tbe will annexed of th
estate of William L. Ward,deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that upon the 31st day
of March, 1899. the oity of Antelope, Wasco
County. Oregon, will sell to the highest bldde
for cash in hand, at Antelo e, Oregon, four
thousand dollars in oity bond, as follows:
Bonds are of the par value of five hundred dol
lars each, payable ten years after date, but op
tional after five years, and bearing six per cent
inf rest, per annum, eaia oona issue was au
thorized by an act of the legislature of the
State of Oregon, at the regular, 1899, session.
and by an ordinance or sain city or Ante ope.
Sealed bids for said bonds si ould be ad
dressed to City Recorder. Antelope. Oregon,
and should ue sent in orior to March 31st, 11-98.
The right to reject any and all bids is reserved.
By order of the Common Council of the City
ox Antelope.
18feb. St Recorder,
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
assignee of the estate of O. M. Bourland, n in
solvent debtor, has filed his final account and
report In said estate, nd that tbe same will be
called up for hearing in the Circuit Court of the
State o' Oregon, for Wasoo County, at the reg-
nla February term of said Court, on Monday
the 20th day of February. 1899, or as soon
thereafter as the same can be heard by sa d
All persons interested In sat'i estate are here
by notified to appe -r on or before said date and
show cause, if any there be, why said report
should not in all things, be allowed, ratified and
approved, and an order be made by said Court
discharging said assignee and exonerating his
oonasmen from runner i ability tnereunaer.
Dated this 18th day of January, 1899.
Assignee of the estate of O. M. Bourlaud an
insolvent debtor. , .
' Notice s hereby given that In pursuance to an
order issued by tbe Hon. Robert Mays, Judge
of the County Court of tbe State of Oregon for
Wasco County, dated at The Dalles, Deo. to,
1898, the undersigned, C. O. Roberts, has been
appointed sole executor of the estate of James
Roberts, deoeased, late of Hood River, Wasoo
County. State of Oregon. All persons having
claims against said estate, are requested to
present them, accompanied by proper vouch
ers, at the residence of the said executor at
Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon, or at the
office of Jayne & MiohelL The Dalle. Oregon,
within six months from the date of this notice.
Executor Estate James Roberts,Decessed. .
Dated. The Dalles, Dec. 16, 1898, 6t
- Fast Salt Lake. Denver, Ft. Fast
Mail- Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mall .
11:50 p.m. sas City. St. Louis, 3:16 p.m.
Chicago and East.
Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane
Flyer Minneapolis, St Paul, Flyer
C:40p.mi Duluth, Milwauke, 6:00a. m.
Chicago and East,
8 p.m. ntll rOBTLARD 4 . m.
Oeesa Steaaiaklps
All Sailing Dates sub
ject to change.
For San Francisco
Steamers leave Port
land every five days.
8 p. m. Celambla River 4o m;
Ex.Sunday Steamers Ex.Sundar
10 p. m. To Astoria and Way.
6a.m. Willamette River 4:80 p'.m.
Ex.Sunday Ex.Sunday
Oregon City, Newberg,
Salem & Way-Land's
7 a.m. Willamette aad Tamhlll 3:30 p. m.
Tuea.Thur, Rivers. Mon, wed,
and Sat andPrl..
Oregon City, Dayton,and
. Way-Landings.
6 a.m. Willamette River 4;30p.m.
Tues, Thur Tues,Thur.
and Sat Portland to Corvallis .and Sat
and Way-Landings
LV Rlparla Stake River. It Tjwn.
dally ex- dally ex
cept Sun- Riparia to Lewis ton. oept
day. ' urday.
Parties desiring to go toHeppner should take
train No. 4, leaving The Dalies at 5:30 P. M. to
make direot connections, returning, making di
rect connections at Heppner Junction with No.
1, arriving at The Dalles at 3:15 P. at.
No. 22. through freight, east-bound, does not
carjy passenge.s; arrives 2:S0 a. m., departs
8:60 a. m.
No. 24, local freight, carries passengers, east
bound; arne34:0 p. m., departs 8:15 p. m.
No. 21, west-bound through freight, does not
carr passengers; arrives 8:15 p, m., departs
9:30 p. m.
No. 23, west-bound local freight, carries pas
sengers; arrives 6:15 p. m, departs 8:30 a. m. '
For full particulars call on O. B. at N. Co.'s
a ent The Dalles, or address
W. H. HTJRLBTJRT, Gen, Pass. Agent
i Portland, Oregon
J. Ibelasd, Agent, ThC'Dalles,
Mount Bood Sample Room
BeSt Kentucky Whisky
Very Bast Key Wen Clears an.) Bes
of Wlnea.
English Porter, Ale and Milwauku
Beer always on hand.
Five Hundred Insur
gents Killed and
Washington, Feb. 23 Otis has
cabled the war departments as follows:
Manila. Feb. 24. Scandia arrived
last night. On the nights of the 21sc
and 22d and yesterday the insurgent
troops gained access to tha outskirts
of the city behind our lines. About
1000 entrenched themselves. They
were completely routed yesterday with
loss in killed and wounded of about
500 and 200 prisoners. Our loss was
very slight.
Tbe city is quint. Confidence has
been restored, and business ia pro
gressing. UTIS'
loans; Mothers.
Croup is tbe terror of thousands of
young mothers because its outbreak
so agonizing and frequently fatal.
Shilob's Cough and Consumption Cure
acts like magic in cases of croup. . it
has never been known to fail. Tbe
worst cases releived immediately
Price 23 cents, 50 cents and $1.00
Blakeley & Houghton druggist.
Bodies of Andree and Companions Have
Been "Found,
New York.' Feb. 24. A dispatch to
tbe World from Berlin says: Tbe
following letter, in regard to the sup
posed finding of Andree, is published
in the Siberian Advertiser. It is from
a well known sportsman named Ejalen.
"I hasten . to inform you that An-
dre's balloon has been found. I was
running on snowshoes after Elk: in tbe
private forest of South Yenisei, and
came across tracks of Andree. It was
250 vest from Knasnolare and 100
versts from tbe gold washings in San
Vinich, down in the pit of the river.
"Tbe baloon and ropes were torn
and three bodies lay at its side, one
with a broken skull.
"Please prepare assistance eo tbe
baloon and bodies can be brought to
tbe washings at San Vinich, which
can only be done by meane of snow
I guarantee the truth of these facts
and shall soon be in Tomsk."
Wh is flhllohT
A grard old remedy for Coughs,
Colds and Consumption; qsed through
tbe world for ball a century, has cured
innumerable cases ..of. Incipleot.xon-
sumDtion - and relieved many in ad
vanced Btaces. If vou are not satir-
Bed with tbe results we will refund
vonr money. Price za cts.. and -Ml ots.
Blakeley & Houenton, druggists.
Johnson of Indians Creates a Sensation
In the House.
Washington, Feb. 24. Immediate
ly after the reading of the journal in
tbe bouse today an ae-eemeot was
reached to limit the general debate on
tbe army appropriation' bill to five
hours, and it was taken up at once.
Johnson (rep. Ind.), who made a vigor
ous opposition to the bill while it was
before tbe bouse, secured thirty min
utes, in which he delivered a most
remarkable and sensational speech,
arraigning the administration in bit
ter terms for its alleged imperialistic
programme. He referred in opening
to tbe recent banquet at Boston - at
tended by tbe president and members
of the cabinet. He paid his respects
to Alger, who, he said, had been re
tained in the cabinet despite his in
competency, on account of his contri
butions to the campaign fund of 1898.
As Johnson proceeded his remark
able utterances fairly amazed mem
bers of tbe house, who gathered in
tbe aisles to listen. Christianizing
with tbe sword and civilizing with the
cannon, he declared, was the adminis
tration's policy. The president's
soeeh at the Boston banquet, John
son declared, was the most disingenu
ous that ever fell from the lips of a
chief executiye.
'Apart from its platitudes and pro
fessions of virtue," he said, "it was a
carefully prepared and studied mis
statement of facts."
The sensation Johnson was creatiog
increased as he liked tbe president to
Pecksniff. If the president really felt
that congress should determine the
future of the Philippines, he asked.
why did not the president call congress
in extra session and then keep bis
hands off? He charged that the oresl-
dent coerced the senate into ratifica
tion of the peace treaty; that he would
not permit a vote on tho Bacon reso
lution, and only allowed the McEoery
resolution, which meant nothing, to
pass in order to lull tbe opposition of
the country asleep while he went ahead
waging relentless war against a help
less people struggling for liberty.
How a two-thirds vote to ratify the
treaty was secured, Johnson said, only
tbe president could tell. The people
did not indorse tbe action of the sen
ate. If the president could hush tbe
noise of the self-seekers about him, he
would hear, not' only the tread of 100,
000 men whom he desired to enforce
his crusade against liberty, but the
murmuring of"a mighty army of tbe
American people who would orertbrow
him Jh tbe end.
The true cause of the president's
change of attitude towards tbe Philip
pines, Johnson declared, was to be
found in the demands of selfish capi
talists. He said Vast concessions bad
already been granted in Porto Rico
and Cuba, and he bad no doubt the
board created by the president would
farm out valuable franchises to Amer
icans which properly belonged to na
tives of these islands.
Rebel Sharpshooters In the Suburbs of
Manila are AotlTo.
Manila, Feb. 24.-10:30 a. M. Ow
ing to wholesale arrests of all suspect
ed Filipinos yesterday and tbe dear-
rfrVA n &AKIN4
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
kotai surmo SOWOCT CO., HfW TOOK.
ance oi streets at 7 p. m., tne tnreae
ened renewal of tbe scenes of the pre
vious night did not occur. With tbe
exception of a few shots fired in the
neighborhood of the penitentiary, tbe
city was as quiet as possible.
Outside of Manila the rebels were
very active. Near Calocan the bri
gade commanded by General H. G
Otis bad several lively skirmishes with
the rebels, but at daylight the enemy
was driven back with severe losses,
Tbe feeling h this city is ouch im
proved today, and tusiness generally
has been resumed. Excellent order
is maintained by General Hughes' po
Tbe transport Scandia. with tbe
Twentieth infantry on board, has ar
rived here from San Francico
All duties' on importations of fresh
fruits, vegetables and meats, have
been temporarily suspended
A lieutenant of tbe Twentieth Kan
sas volunteers, acd three other men
were slightly wounded. A man was
killed in tbe trenches today.
The rebel battery has not been used
since the shell from the Monadnock
was exploded over it yesterday.
Tho enemy's fire was so hot during
tbe night in tbe vicinity of Higgins
house that the headquarters were re
moved to a church 400 yards inside of
tbe line.
Cuban Assembly to
ca's Offer.
Accept Amerl-
Havana, Feb. 6. The Cuban as
sembly met yesterday and heard the
report of tbe committee which was
sent to Washington some time since
to confei with tbe government regard'
log Cuban affairs.
The assembly was clearly dissatis
fied with the doings of the committee,
inasmuch as its members bad not act
ed in accord one day telling tbe pres
ident that the Cuban army was com
posed of 30,000 men and tbe next tbat
It consisted of 45, COO man in the Cuban
The commission presented a report
of the conference with General Alger,
secretary of the war, aod the attorney
general but failed to lessen tbe as
sembly's apparent feeling of disgust.
It was finally decided to have tbe re
port printed and to band a copy of it
to each member of the assembly, tbat
they might study it caiefully. The
fact that the offer of 93,000.000, on a
basis' of tlOO Ipiyfdr eacbsofdiefwas
adopted and ' tbat efforts to obtain
more failed, makes obligatory the as
sembly's ratification of the acceptance
of the proposition of tbe United States.
Will Be Incorporated In the Sundry
Civil Appioprimtlon Bill.
Washington, Feb. 26. The senate
committee on appropriations has
agreed to incorporate a provision in
the sundry civil appropriation bill
providing for tht, construction of a
cable connectine the United States
tth the Hawaiian islands. Tne
amendment adopted is the one intro
duced by Sanator Butler and it pro
vides for the laying of tbe cable by tbe
United States and for its subsequent
ownership by tbe government, tbe
navy department to perform the ser
vice and tbe cable when completed to
be operated by the postoffice depart
ment. Senator Butler's original proposi
tion provided for the extension of tbe
cable to tbe Philippine islands, but
tbe committee decided not to make
provision for this extension because of
the uncertainty of the tenure of the
United States in the last named Is
lands. Senator Butler made a statement
before the committee showing that the
cable could be laid to Honolulu for $6,
942,000. '
Manr at Lover
Has turned with disgust from an other
wise lovable girl with an offensive
breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea puri
fies the breath by its action on tbe
bowels, etc, as no hlng else will. Sold
foi years on absolute guarantee. Price
25 cts., and 50 cts. Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists.
Dewey Wants the Oregon.
Washington, Feb. 24. The fol
lowing dispatch bas been received at
tbe navy department:
Manila, Feb. 24. For political
reasons the Oregon should be sent
here at once. The Yorktown has ar
rived. . Tbe Charleston and Petrel are
cruising around the Philippine islands
Affairs are more quiet. DEWEY.
Washington, Feb. 24. The navy
ripnartmnni; amenta th Drnvnn to ar- .
rive at Manila about March 10.
Ton Try It
If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure, which is sold for the small price
of 25 cts. 50 cts. and Si. 00 does not oure,
take tbe bottle back aod we will refund
your money. Sold for over fifty year
on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and
50 cents. Blakeley & Houghton, drug
Gala Day at Havana.
Havana, Feb. 24. Today is a gen
eral holiday in honor of theanniversay
of tbe breaking out of tbe revolution
four yea-s asfo. Gomez arrives today
and by permission of General Ludlow
will be escorted by 500 Cuban foops.
The celebrations are on a large scale.
Oo Ton Know
Consumption is preventable? Science
bas proven tbat, and also tbat neglect
is suicidal. The worst cold or cough
can be cured with Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure. Sold on positive
guarantee for over fifty years. Blake
ley dc uougnron. druggists.
Far Lafayette Grover. .
Washington, Feb. 26. The senate
committee on priveleges and elections
bas authorized a favorable report on
the claim of Lafayette Grover, of Ore
gon for (2,500 to cover the expenses of
bis contest for a seat in the sonate In
PhillDDine Is
land Submits to
Yankee Rule
Manila. Feb. 25. Saturday the
German cruiser Kalserin Augusta,
which arrived here last night from
Hollo, brought news that the United
States gunboat Petrel bad visited tbe
Island of Cebu, In tbe Nizcayas group
of the Philippines, and hoisted tbe
American flag. Tbe president of the
local government of the island de
clared be yellded only to superior
The deputation from Negros island
which came here after the pe- pie said
tbey bad accepted tbe rule of the
United States, is evidently pleased
with its reception. Its members will
return to Bacolot, tbe capital oi tne
island, on Tuesday.
Later reports show there was con
siderable firing at Caloocan last night.
The Filipinos are becomiosr more
accurate in firing. - During the skir
mish last night two on tbe railroad
were slierbtly wounded aod a member
of tbe Kansas regiment was shot
through the head this morning. It is
believed the onnd Is mortal.
A Spaniard with a flag? of truce came
though tbe lines of the Kansas regi
ment this morning at 8:30.
The Filipinos are visible in force to
the northward.
To Consider - Attitude o
Washington, Eeb. 26. A caucus
of the democratic members of the bouse
bas been called for 8 o'clock next Fri
day evening for "consideration of the
party on the . Philippines." The
call was issued by . Representative
Rtcbardsoo of TaceAsee, chairman of
tbe caucus committee, wbo received a
request from 40 democratic members
asking for a caucus. The plan of ac
tion has been outlined, and it is ex
pected a resolution will he adopted
against tbe permanent acquisition of
tbe Philippines. A resolution to this
effect has been drafted by tbe demo
cratic members of tbe committee on
foreign affairs, following the lines of
the Bacon resolution, adopted at tbe
caucus, and hereafter it is expected to
get tbe resolution before the bouse.
Among those active in securing tbe
call were Representative Dinsmore of
Arkansas, Howard 'of Georgia' and
Ball of Texas.
Mr. Dinsmore says tbe essential fea
ture of the movement is to secure a
definite declaration of the attitude of
the party agalnBt permanent holding
of tbe Philippines.
Mr. Howard stated that the step had
been taken mainly because the McEn-
ery resolution passed by the senate
had been ienored by tbe committee on
foreign affairs. No meeting of the
committee bad been called since tbe
McEnery resolution was received, so
it was manifest tbe house was not to
be permitted to vote on pucb a declar
ation. He aod his democratic asso
ciates of theicommittee bad therefore
framed a resolution much similar to
that of Senator. Bacon, which would
be offered to the caucus.
Filipino "Government" Makes a Few Bid-
lenlons Misstatements.
Hong Kong. Feb. 27 The Filipino
"government' has issued annotber
virulent anti-American proclamation,
in which the following passages occur.
"Tne Americans respect neither
honor nor property, but barbariously
masacre women and children.
"Manila bas witnessed the most
horrible outrages, confiscating proper
ties and savings of people at the bayo
net point acd shooting of tbe defense
less, accompanied by odious acts of ab
omination, repugnant barbarism and
racial hatred worse than the doings in
Carolina. Unless you conjure a holy
war for independence, you are only
worthy to be slaves and pariahs. Pro
claim . before tne cimizod world
that you will fight to tbe death against
American treachery and brute force.
Even the women should fight, If neces
sary. "American professions and promises
are pure hypocricy. They covet tbe
wishing to implant here a more irritat
ing and barbarous dominion than in
the past."
Sewer Pipe Combination.
Akron, Ohio, Feb. 26. A combin
ation of tbe sewer pipe industries of
the country is now assured. The new
company will be known as the Ameri
can Sewer Pipe Company. It will be
Incorporated under tbe laws of New
Jersey, with a capital of 825.000,000.
The company will control 51 of the
largest plants in the country eight
in tbe Ohio river district, three at
Uhrichville, three in Michigan, two
in Indiana, three in New York and
eight in the Akron district.
Twenty million dollars of the new
capital will be used in the purchase of
the plant.
Big Strike Is Threatened;.
Fort Smith, Ark., Feb. 26 Every
coal mine in Arkansas and Indian Ter
ritory will close aown next Wednes
day if the present program of miners
and operators is adhered to. Over
4,000 minors are involved acd mines
supplying a large section of the south
west with fuel will be affected. A coal
famine is sure to ensue as tbe supply Is
small and will be speedily exhausted,
Already railroads are confiscating
every car of coal that comes on thier
tracks and are keeping it for their own
use. Private dealers have deen notifi
ed that they can get no more coal un
til the trouble is settled. Tbe situation
is the most alarming that has existed
in tbe coal region in years.
Tbe operators refuse positively to
consider the miners, 83ale and tbe men
declare today tbat if their demands are
not acceped to by next Wednesday a
general strike will be declared.
Increased Business.
San Francisco, Feb. 27. Tbe custom-house
figures at Honolulu for the
year 1898 have just been compiled.
I They show a large increase of both
of the exports was . 917,346,744, as
against $16,021,775 for 1897. The value
of the imports, including specie $11,-
650.890, as against $7,682,628 in 1897,
ao increase of $3,968,262. Half of this
increase in imports was from the Unit
ed States.
The increase in imports from Great
Britain aod Germany come next in
amount, those from Great Britain
being $421,945, and from Germany
Tbe custom duties collected were
$896,975. as against $708,493 for 1897.
There came to tbe islands during
the year 17.229 persons (not including
naval or military forces) and there de
parted 7313, leaving a net gain of pop
ulation through immigratidn of 9916.
Under Government Oontol.
Washington, Feb. 27 Chairman
Burton stated, after the meeting of the
river and harbor committee, that tbe
sentiment of the country ordered a
Nicaragua canal amendment, and
favored government construction of
both tbe Panama and Nicaragua
routes. He introduced resolutions for
investigation by a board of seven
engineers of routes, cost, etc., of ac
quiring by the president of rights of
way, and for an appropriation of
$1,000,000 for surveys. An express
provision is made that "in no case
shall any obligation be incurred nor
moaey paid to any company or indi
vidual for rights." This would be pro
posed as a substitute for tbe senate
Nicaragua canal amendment.
Combine on 811k Thread
New London, Conn., Feb. 26.
Public announcement has been made
that the American Slik Manufactur
ing company of New London has been
capitalized at $12,500,000 $5,000,000
preferred 6 per cent stock and $7,500,-
000 common stock. The company has
secured a special charter in this state
for tbe purpose of uniting and con-
aoUdatlng the.,, silk industry pf the 1
United States. Tbe company controls
about 85 per cent of tbe silk industry
of the country already.
Otis' Weekly Death List.
Washington, Feb. 27,. Otis bas
cabled bis weekly report of deaths
from disease. Since February 18 they
number 12, including tbe following:
Chaplain John R. Thompson, acute
enterocolitis; Corporal Harry R.
Stroud, Mesentery, both of the First
Washington. Private William F.
Stanley, company F, First Montana,
malarial feyer. Died of wounds re
ceived in action, five including Prl
vate John L. Sorensen, company L.
First Montana. '
A Strike Inevitable.
Little Rock, Feb. 27. The Wes
tern Coal & Mining Compauy today
posted an ultimatum to tbe employes
at all its mines at Denning, Coal Hill
and Jenny Llnd, stating tbat none of
their demands would be granted. The
miners refuse to yield, and it is now
settled that the 4,000 men or more will
quit work tomorrow, closing down the
entire district.
A German Conceal Ion.
Berlin, Feb. 27. Officials of the
German foreign office have notified
the United States embassy that the
government will henceforth admit
American oranges, lemons and raisins
without examination, and also all
American fresh and dried fruit will be
allowed to pass in bond through Ger
many without being examined.
WashlnsTtoa Fostmasters.
Washington, Feb. 27. The presi
dent today sent the following nomina
tions of postmasters to the . senate:
Washington Howard M. Spauldlng,
Goldendale; Geo. Sinclair, Rlizville;
H. J. Wilbur, Neely.
Vona-ressman Hurley Deed.
New York, Feb. 27 Dennis B. Hur
ley, congressman from the second New
York district, is dead at Hot Springs,
The freshest and choicest candies at
the Palace of Sweets,
Star Lodging House is all right.
1 block west of O. R. & N. depot.
Wanted A girl to do general
housework. Apply at this office
For tbe best results use the Vivl
Camera. For sale by Clark & Falk.
Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts.
Weinhard's beer on draught at only
one bouse in the city, tbe Columbia
You need have no boils if you will
take Clarae & Falk's sure cure for
Rocky Ridge whiskey la most the
popular brand. For sale by Ben Wil
son, ,
RR YOU I?",..?? ' i11,1
wTw . - m ivi n r u,o r s. do 11
THIRSTY satisfy' your thirst
with S(JtLL,lT tS
The Cleveland bicycle people will
have a chainless this year, and instead
of having bevel gears it will be. fitted
with the new sager roller gears with
their Burwell Motionless bear
ing. 21 lw MAIER & BENTON.
Anyone knowing "anything of -tbe
whereabouts of Albert J. Hodges, sup
posed to be a former resident of this
county, will confer a favor upon his
friends by corresponding with this
office, '
Eight Thousand Filipinos
Ready to Surrender.
Manila, Feb. 27. Two commis
si oners who returned from Malolos
under a flag of truce today report tbat
8000 rebels are anxious to surrender.
Tbey also express tbe belief that
Agoinaldo in inclined to accept pacific
Spanish Commissioners Rossato and
Bogoto were permitted to pass our line
to confer with Aguinaldoin reference
to Spanish prisoners at Malolos They
returned through .tbe lines this morn
ing near Calocan with dispatches for
tbe Spaniards. Tbey said Acuinaldo
acd Sardiko are both at Malolos.
While tbe Philipinos are not yet
prepared to surrender the Spanish
prisoners, they will gladly release two
Americans wbo have been held for
six weeks, on payment of $30 value of
goods and clothing furnished them.
Shortly afterward tbe rebels sent
out a flag of truce. Bornelll, Com
mandant Si cf oread ode Lacruse and
several hundred of the enemy left tbe
Filipinos lines crying "No quere mas
combate los Americanos mucbo
bunno." Tbe commandant said tbat
fully 8000 of his men bad enough, and
were anxious to surrender.
Among the enemy In tho jungle
many women and children are visible.
A woman laid aown ber rifle, and at
tempted to cross with the parleyers,
but she was sent back. After tbe
parley party returned to the Ameri
can lines, the enemy on tbe right fired
a volley, the bullets dropping at their
Rones for Sale.
Fifteen head of young hcrses, brok.
to work, will be sold for cash or on
time with approved security. Can be
seen at Saltmasbe & Co's. stock yards
Tbe Dalles Oregon.
Strattbe Bros,
Good Wood.
To get the best dry fir aod pine wood
that tbe market affords ring up 40,
Prompt delivery. Tbe Dalles Lumber
ing Co,
Good Wood.
Oak or fir delivered to any part of
tbe city. Rates reasonable. Call on
F. B. Saunders or give orders on tele
pbone No. 12
BOSTON and all
For information, time cards, maps and tlokeu
3aU on or write. w. (J. ALLA wax. Agent
Or A D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pas
sen ger Agent. No. 228 Morrison Street, Cor
ner ol Third Street. Portland, Oregon
San Francisco
P. LEMKE, Proprietor.
Fine Wines, Liquors, and Ciga
Columbia Brewery Beer on
Seeood Street, bet. Court and Union.
TM;omy Gas oiim Lamp
Approved by the Board of Underwriters
of the Pacific Nov, 4th. 1888.
iOO-Candle Power, 14 Hours,
For FOUR Cents.
Own vonr own Oas Plant.
Run vonr own me
ter. complete bus piaii
iDlete gas plant within
nth' lamp;
portable, hang it nywhere. Maximum
light at minimum cost.
ISnoT Ajntfor. Wuco County.
4Lamps on exhibition at the Umatilla House
"" Tradc Marks
''tvl Copyrights Ac
Anyone sending a sketch and description ma?
quickly ascertain our opinion free wnetner an
Invention is probably patentable. Communlca.
tions strictly conSdentuU. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patenta.
Patents taken throosh Munn & Co. receive
special notice, without oh ante, la the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Dluitrsted weekly. Largest ehw
culatton of any acientuV) Journal. Terms. s
year : four months, SL Hold by all newsdealers.
MUNN &Co.8'B New York
Braaea Ones. W St, Washington, ft 0.
Big Inducements
The above cut rep.-tweuu, uuo ui our unUvino tlronze'CIocks now on ex
hibition at our store which we propose to give to our cash customers entirely
free of cbai-ge, in consideration of their liberal patronage. We beg to state that .
our prices, which are always rock-bottom for first class goods, will remain the same
and this special offer, which will bold good for a limited tlmejonly, Is made for
the purpose of increasing our cash trade. These clocks are made of bronze,
are beautiful mantel jroament, as well as first class time keepers. Please
give us an early call and we will take pleasure in showing you the clocks, and
explaining in detail how you can secure one of these useful gifts.
We have a lot of damaged RUBBER COODS, consisting of Men's hip
and knee boo. 8, snow excluders, Alaskas, storm rubbers, Ladles', Misses' and
Children's rubber goods of all kinds, slightly damaged by water acd which
will be closed out at a great sacrifice.
One Price Cash House, Cor. Second and Court Sts.
....HANDLED BY....
' ' . ii
Complete line of Plows, Harrows, Drills,
Cultivators and Machine Extras. .
American.- Market
Carries the Best and Choicest
..Vegetables and Fruits..
Direct from the gardens
and orchards. ....
Chickens Dressed or Alive.
Free Delivery to any part of the City. -
Call up Phone 69 and place your orders
' any time during the day. . . . . . .
This well-known brewery is now turning out the best Beer
and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the
manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, and
only the first-class article will be
East Second Street
The Dalles, : Oregon
Louie Comini
Is again prepared to supply
Monuments aid Gravestones
Give him your orders now, as
is prepared to fill them
A. Ad.
... Renowned Olfl
118 Oct 15
Tom Bourke's and
Homestead whiskey.
Best Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cigars
The Largest and Beat of August Buchler')
Home-Made Beer and Porter.
The Dalles, Or.
St worth checks
good for 10c
drink or
A check given to
every Customer,
Agent for the Swiss Publishing Co., New York.
for Cat li Trade-
ibe go-Ughtly kind. -
placed on the market
oro Fino Saloon ...
90 Second Street, 2nd door from Court Street,