The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, February 25, 1899, Image 1

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    4 ;
NO 7
Physician and Surgeon,
Sjjgen ovar Dalles SatioaaJ Bask. GflUa boon, 10
. tec. Wwt Ead of TMtd t
Attorney at Law .
V - Dentut.
Booms's Sand 10.. Voft Block. The Dalles, Or.
Xb tb Circuit Coart of the State of Oregon for
- Wi T. Stephens, Plaintiff.
. ' - ' ' .T. . ; '
3. H. Tracy, Defeadaat.
Bt virtue of an attachment, execution, decree
and order of sale, du'y issued out of and under
ineseai or ueorenntourt or we state or ure-
on. for the County of Multnomah, to me dl-
' rested and dated the 12th day of January, 13.
upon Judgment rendered and 'entered In said
Conn on the 12th day of January, iW, in the
-above entitled cause In favor of the Plaintiff
and against the defendant J H. Frary as Judg-
ment debtor, in the sum of seventy and 6 hun-
dreths dollars. 170.04. with interest thereon from
-, teetttbdeyex Jaaaary. lass, at raw ..f tea
per oent per annum, and the further aum of
twenty collars, SJU.OO. witn interest tnereon at
at per ecu t per annum, from the 12th day of
January. ISM.-and the further sum of twenty-
two and serenty-Bve nunaretns dollars, t.7i.
costs, and the costs of and upon this writ, and
eommandlnr me to mane sale oi me real prop
, erty embraced In such ezecuuoa of sale and
sereiaaiter aesonoeo, i wiu, on toe .
6th day of March, 1899,
At the hour of two o'clock, t. In the after
noon of said day. and at the front door o
the County Court House in Dalles City, Wasco
County, Oregon sell at public auction to the
. niKQest oiaaer rorvasn iu nana, au use nffnt,
title and interest -which -the Defendant J. H.
Frary ,. bad onthe 23d day of peoember, 198.
the date of the attachment of said property, or
which aald l'efendant has since acquired, or
now has la and to ah following described real
property, situate and being In Wasco County,
Oregon, ooJwlt:
The northeast quarter of section twenty-one
(21,) w to wash ip two (2.) north of ten (10)
east of the Willamette Meridian, in Wasco
County, Oregon, or so much of said property as
' wui saiisiy. saia judgment ana aeoree, witn
cost ana accruing oosia.
Said property wl 1 be sold subject to confir
mation and redemDtion as bv law nrovided.
Dated at Tint Dalles, Oregon, ..this 27th day of
January, uw,
:. 5 : -Sheriff, Wasou County, Oregon.
.To the Honorable County Court
... County Jregon:
of Wasco
- We, the undersigned legal voters of Falls
Precinct, Wasco County. Oregon, respectfully
petition sour Honorable tsoara to grant to
Thomas Badder. a license to sell spin tons.
vineous and malt liquors In less quantities than
one gallon, lor we term oi one year at we uas-
oaae ijoeiia, uregon:
E Nelson , r
' James Stewart
John Theseo .
P Leavens '
. N Nelson -.
John Anderaon
John Trana - '
T H William
E P Ash '
E George -8
Malm : '
M Fiturerald
. OttO Olio . v
JFRldenam '
A Ord ' . v
. DLCuat-V
C Vascsni - v
' P S Devine i
TE Simpson
J M Carlson.,
J J Poster
J J Sexton -'
a u wusen y .
Joe Schmid, or
F AndenpOn ,.
. Thad Oeaxler,, '
J Schmidt Sr.'
; C J Devine
Geo VV Mitchell .
, C Petersoa . ,
P Aug. Nelson
, A C rlson. :
H A Leavens'
F W Foster ,
K Black . '
CQ HickokT '
E Martin - i
A Fletschnauer
A C Blxby
E Bewick
AG Hall
E Sweetland
J F Stout
P Rogers
H Fitzman
Hans Wrecks
Oscar Skorg
John Totton
' Rudolph-Schmidt :
J F Hendrick
H Henn
Patrick Sullivan
Liugi Lungo
C J Carlson
H Feseh
August Peterson -JW.Doethlt
Pat La ey
' Ben Doke
W D McCrary .
John WestniSn
C H Trask
' Jas Gorten
Joe Cierrient
O C Ffie ' f.
H P Harphorn ' '
A A Spripg
. A We son
C WU geroert
Albert Co la
P H Douglass
Wm Frizzell
I the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon.
for Wa- co County.
Josephine Beroa, plaintiff,
versus ,
J. E. Beroa, defendant.
To J. E. Beroa. tbe above nataed defendant.
In the name of tbe state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear in the above en
title 1 court within six areeks from the Uth day
of January A. D. 1M. then and there to an
swer the complaint of the plaintiff Bled agalist
you in the above entitled s It, and If you fail
ao to atmear. and answer said'womolaint. the
plaintiff will apply to the above entitled oourt
t r tbe relief prayed for la her oomplaint to
wit: For a deoree Of divorce nf the above en
titled court dissolving the bonds of mat iraooy
n w existing between plain t S and defendant.
That plaintiff be awarded the' sole care and
custody of their minor child. Anita Beroa. and
for her oosts and disbursements in this suit,
and such further relief as to th oourt may seem
equitable ana Just.
i summons is served unon you. the said J.
it. ioto. oj puDiicauoB wereoi, oy oruvr vi
the -Hon. W. .. Bradshaw. Judge of the above
entitled court, which order bears date the 14th
. day of January A. D, 189, and directed that
' said summons be publisht-d onoe a week for
not leas than six successive "weeaa in the
- Timen- Mountaineer, a newspaper of general
circulation 'published in Dalles City, Wasoo
county, Oregon. Said publication to begin
witn Saturday, tbe Uth day January A. D. 18M
Attorni-ys for Plaintiff.
Dated -this 14th day of January A. D. less.
- . TtfebZI,
na . i . , , , . . i . . . , i
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County. . ..
Belle Bryan, Plaintiff, :
William Bryan, Defendant.
To William Bryan, tbe above named de
fendant: . ',-;-' . j
In the name of the State. of Oregon:
You are -hereby required to anpear and an
swer the complaint filed against you ia the
above entitled suit, within six weeks from the
14tb day.of January. lSla said day baing tbe
first day of - the publication of this Summonsf
and-if. you fail so to answer, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the oourt for the re
' lief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: A dev
otee of divorce dissolving tbe bonds of matri
mony existing between plaintiff and defendant,
and for bar oosia and disbursements. In this
auit. , V
.This Summons is published by virtue of an
order of W. U Bradshaw, judye of t e Circuit
Court of tbe Stale of Oregon, for Wasoo
County, dated the 12th day of January, ISM,
which orderprovides and specifies six weeks ss
the time for which this Summons shall be pub
lished. . -.Dated
this 14th day of January. INS. '
- - ' A. 8. BENNETT, '
td-feb 18 1 V Attorney for tbe Plan tiff.
: ,. MENT. - . ...
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
the executor of the estate of Owen Williams
deceased, has duly filed with the Clerk of tbe
County Co"rt for Wasco Countv. Oregon, his
final account and report In said estate; and that
tbe Judge of the above entitled oourt has duly
fixed Monday, the 6th day of March, 1888. at two
o'clock P. M. of said day as the time, and the
county oourt room In the county oourt bouse in
Dalles City.; Wasco County, Oregon, ss tbe
place for bearing said final account and report.
All persona Interested in said estate are hereby
not.fled to appear at said tune and place and
Show cause if any there be why said final ac
count and 'report should not In all things be
allowed, ratified and approved, and an order
made duly discharging said executor fro fur
ther acting in aald trust, aad exonorating him
from further liability thereunder.
Executor of the estate of Owen WliUaia, de-
Dated this Jd day of eoroery, 18M.
' Notice is hereby given, that upon the Slst day
of March, 1SW. the city of Antelope, Wasco
rvKintv. OrUeon. will sell to the highest bidde
for .eaah In baad. at Antelo , Oregun. four
thousand .dollars In oily bond, as follows:
Boads are of the par value of five hundred dol ,
imnx .uk. navable ten vears after date, but op
tional after five years, and bearing six per eeat
inU-rest, per annum, saia oona issue wan au
tborized by an ant of the legislature of the
State of Oregon, at the regular, 18M, session,
And by an ordinance of aald city of Ante ope.
Sealed bids for aald bonds should be ad
. dressed to City Recorder. Antelope. Oregon,
and should ue sent In prior to March 31st, IcM.
The right to reject any aad aU bids Is reserved.
By order of the Common Council of tne City
of Antelope.
JMP.ft Sawder..
In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for
nasco uounty.
Bothchild Bros., a corporation, plaintiff,
W.T. Wiseman, .defendant. ' :
TwW. . Wiscnaa. to above named defend-'
In the name of the State of Oregon: ,
You are hereby reaulred ' to aonear and
answer the complaint of plaintiff Cled against
jou m .no aoove enuuea action ana oourx on
or before the 14th day of January. 18W, and if
yoa rail to so appear or answr for want there
or, we plaintiff will take Judgment against you
lor two hundred and mlxtv nine and KS- 1UO dol
lars, ((260.85) and interest thereon since Oc
tober 28th, 1897, at the rate of 8 per pent per
annum, together with plaintiff's costs and dis
bursements of action
I This summons Is served upon you by publi
cation thereof bv order of w. L.. Bradshaw.
Judge of the above named court, made, in open
Court, on the 30th day of November. 189S, di
recting that said summons be published once a
week for not less than six consecutive weeks.
In the T meg-Mountaineer, a newsoarer of
general circulation published in Dalle C ty.
Wasco County. Oregon, and said publication,
beginning with Saturday the 3d day of Decern-
ner, las, ana enamg January .n, law. -
DuruB MaircrcB,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice Is hereby given that Joseph W. Ward.
executor of we estate of William L. Ward.
deceased, has filed his final account in said
estate, and tr at the St h day of Mareh, 1890. at
10' o clock A. tt. of said day, has been appointed
as tne time lor bearing said nnai account aad
report, ana tne mailing oianoraer or distri
bution of said estate to the legatees mentioned
In the will of siid deceased and that the
bearing thereof will be had. ogether with any
o Jections thereto, if any are made, before the
Honorable Robert Hays, County Judge, st the
County Court House in Dalies City, Wasco
louniy. uregon.
All nersons interested lnsnio estate are nere
by notified to appear at said time and place
and show cause, if any theie be, why said
aceounta sboukl not be In all things approved
and allowed, ana said order of distribution
This notice is published by order of Hon.
Robert Maya, Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oreson. for Wasco Countv. of date
January 27tn., nw.
Dated January tb., 1899.
Executor with the will annexed of ta
estate of William L. rVmrd, deceased.
Notice la hereby given that the undersigned
has duly filed her nasi account and report as
administratrix of the estate of Hugh M Bax
ter late of Wasco County, O egon. and now de
ceased, with the clerk of the countv coui t of
Wasco County, Oregon; and that the Judge of
said court has fixed Monday. We 6th day of
March, 1899, at two o'clock P. M. of s .id day. as
the time, and the county court rcom. In the
! county court house in Dalles City, Wa co
County, Oregon, as ihe place for hearing said
final account and report. All persons inter
ested In said estate are hereby notified 'o ap
pear at saia time ana place ana snow cause
If any there be why said report should not in all
things be allowed, ratified, approved and con
firmed, and said administratrix discharged and
ner bondsmen exonorated.
Dated Wis 81st day of January, 1899.
Administratrix o the estate of Hugh M. Bax
ter, aeceaaea . ..
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
assignee of the estate of O. M. Bourland, an in
solvent debtor, has filed bis final account and
art In said estate, i nd that the same will be
called up for heating In the Circuit Court of the
State ot Oregon, for Wasco County, at the reg
nla: February term. of said Court, on Monday
the 20th day. of Feoruaryj-i899, or as soon
thereafter as the same can be beard by sa d
All persons interested In sal t estate are here
by notified to appe r on or before said date and
show eause, if any Were be, why said report
should not in all things, be allowed, ratified and
approved, and an order be made by aald Court
disc barging said assignee and r zone rating bis
bondsmen from further 1 ability thereunder. . -
vaiea tms utn aay oi January, law.
UaOHGE A. Lixbb.
Assignee of the estate of O. M. Bourlaud an
insolvent' debtor.
Notice s hereby slven that In pursuance to an
order issued by tbe Hon. Robert Mays, Judge
of the County Court of tbe State of Oregon for
wascouountv, dated at Toe Dalies, Dec. 10,
1886, the underalirned. C. O. Roberts, has been
appointed sole executor of the estate of James
I Roberta, deceased, late of Hood River. Wasco
County, State of Oregon. All persons bavins
claims against sal1 estate, are requested to
present them, accompanied by proper vouch
ers, at tbe residence of the' said executor at
Hood River,' Wasco Countv. Oreiron. or at the
office of Jayne A Michell. Tbe Dalle. Oregon,
wunin six montns irom tne ante oi tins notice.
Executor Estate James Roberts,Decessed.
Dated. Tbe Dalles, Dee. la, 1W8, i at
. Past Salt Lake.- Denver, Ft. Fast
Mail- Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail
11:60 p.m. aas City, St. Louis, 3:14 p. m.
Chicago and East.
Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane
Flyer Minneapolis, St Paul, Flyer
(:40p. m, Duluth, Milwauke, S.-OOa.m.
Chicago and East.
8p.m. rRON rORTLAKD 4 Tm.
' Occaa Steaaishlps
. AU Sa'ling Dates sub- ;
Jeot to change, .
...-'...".: For San Francisco
Steamers leave Port
land every five' days.
-" r ' . . '
8 p.m. CelsaiMa River P m-
Ex.Sunday : Steasiers . ; Ex.SundS'
Saturday '
10 p.m. To Astoria and Way.
8a.m. Wlllaaett River . 4:30p.'m.
Exunday ' Ex.Sunday
Oregon City, Newberg,
Salem Way-Land's
7a.m. WlllBtte ass Tssihlll 3:30 p.m.
Tnes-Thur, Rivera. Mon, Wed,
and Sat and txi.
Oregon City, Dayton.and
j . vWay-Landlngs. -
8 a. m. WiltasMtle River 4"i30 p. m.
Tues,Thur .. Tues.Thur.
and Sat Portland to Corvallis aand Sat
and Way -Landings
lv Rlpaiia . Saafte River. Lv. Lew's
dally ex- dally ex
cept Sun- Elparia to Lewteton. ept Sat
day. ujday
Parties desiring to go to Heppner should take
train No. 4. leaving Tbe Dalles at 5:30 P. M . to
make direct connections, returning, making di
rect connections at Heppner Junction with No,
1, arriving at The Dalles at 3:18 p. M.
No. 22. through freight, east-bound, does not
carjy passengers; arrives 2:60 a. m., departs
8:60 a. m.
No. 24, local freight, carries passengers, east
bound; arrives 4 :g0 p. m., departs 8:16 p. m.
No. 21. west-bound through freight, does not
carrj passengers; arrives 8:15 p. m., departa
9:301). m, ... . , . .
- No. 3, west-bound local freight, carries paa
sengers arrives 6:16 p. m, departs 8:30 a. m.
ForTuU particulars eall on O. R. A N. Co.'s
a eat The. Dalles, or address . .
W. H. HCRLBCRT. Gen, Pass. A rent
Portland. Oregon
t. laKLAXD. Agent. The Dalles . .
.. Keeps on draught the celebrated
' ' Columbia Beer, acknowledged
' the best beer in The Dalles, at
the uaual price. Come In, try it
and be convinced. Also tbe
, Finest brands of Wines, Liquors
" and Cifars. '
8ANDWICHE3, aliklndB, ON HND
Hostilities Have About Been
Manila, Feb. 17. Fx-Coaaul of the
United States G. F. Williams, la in
receipt of application from a member
of the insurgent Congress, at Malolos
for a pass through the American line?
for a family of 11 persons, who are
desirous of taking refuge in Manila.
This is regarded as slgnlncant, as
showing that the most intelligent
rebels realize that their families are
safe only within American territory
With the exception of a few shots
Into a small body of rebels, who were-
attetnpttng to destroy a railroad bridge
near Calocan, all has been quiet along
the line.
Last night the heat affected the
. men in the open country to some ex
tent, but otherwise the health of the
troops shows marxed improvement
since the beginning of hostilities.
On Every Bottl.
Of Sbilob's Consumption Cure is
this guarantee: "All we ask of you to
use two-thirds of the contents of this
bottle faithfully, then if you can say
you are not benifited return the bot'tle
to your druggist and he may refund
the money." Price 25 cts.,S0cts., and
tl.QO. Blakeleyand Houghton.
Administration Determined to Extermin
ate the Filipinos.
- Washington, Feb. 17. The ad
ministration has determined rapidly to
extend the jurisdiction of the United
States over the Philippine group in
its entirety, acting on the theory that
delay in this crisis Is daogerous, and
that anarchy and general oaralysis of
such interests as the islands support
would be brought about through fail
ure to promptly replace Spanish
sovereignty oyer the islands with that
of the United States.
This decision involves the necessity
of a naval campaign, and this will be
instituted as soon as Dewey receives
reinforcements in the shape of gun
boat now on the way to Manila.
flow is your Wife?
Has she lost her beauty? If so.
' stipalion, indigestion, rick headache
I are the Dfi ncioal causes. Karl's Clover
Boot Tea has cured these ills for half
a century. Price 25 cts. and 60 eta.
Money refunded If results are -not
satisfactory. Blakeley & Houghton,
anel Boose Both Pass Some Im
portant Heaaiurea,'
Salem, Feb. 17. Yesterday after
noon the house reconsidered its former
-vote on the Bates senate bill to create
the office of tax-collector for Multno
mah county, and after a lengthy
discussion passed it. 'At the night
session eight other senate bills were
passed. ' At tbe night session of the
senate several house bills were con
sidered and eight were passed.
In tbe senate today the Curtis dis
trict attorney salary bill was passed,
after amending it so aa u made tbe
salary of deputies in the' fifth judicial
district, 9600 in Clatsop, and $500 each
in Washington and Clackamas and
$200 in Columbia, payable out of the
$4000 allowed the district attorney, and
reducing the district attorney's salary
in the third district to $2550, and
allowing the deputy in Marion $500,
Linn $400, Polk and Yamhill $259 each
and Tillamook $200. The salaries of
the district attorney and deputies in J
Multnomah were segregated and left
aa at present. .
. The general appropriation bill was
passed, after raising the salary of the
bookeeper at the penitentiary to $2400
and allowing $1200 for clerical' aid to
the attorney-general.
The bouse during the morning ses
sion passed the following bills.
. By Fulton, to authorize construction
of skids across county roads for logg
ing purposes; to provide for submission
to the vote of the peoplethe proposed
constitutional amendments, by Daly.
of Lake, to authorize tbe sale of
agricultural school lands on the mar
ket for 25 years at less than tbe price
fixed by statute; to provide for payment
of taxes in coin instead of county
warrants; by Smith, to provide for the
manner of securing the release as
surety upon bonds; by Mulkey, to re
duce fees to be charged by county
clerks in probate cases; by Mackay, to
make the law prohibiting tbe fraudu
lent use of labels or trademarks' more
. Does This Strike Ton 7
Muddy complexions, nauseating
breath come from chronic consump
tion. Karl's Clover Root' Tea Is an
absolute cure and has betn sold for
fifty years on an absolute guarantee.
Price 25 cents and 50 cents, at Blake
ley & Houghton, druggists.
President of the Freneh Bapublle tha
Victim ot Appoplexv.
PARIS, Feb. 17. b rancols Felix
Faure, president of the French repub
lic, died at 10:30 last night aged 59
' Faure was president of France since
January, 1895, and bad been connect
ed with official life in France eighteen
or twenty years.
Faure was bo:n in Paris January 30,
1641, and was a journeyman currier in
Touraine; became a shipowner of
Havre, and was president of tbe cham
ber ot commerce of that town. Dur
ing tbe Franco Prussian war, he was
a chief of the battalion of tbe gardi
mobile, and led from Havre to Paris
volunteers, who assisted in putting
down the commune, for which service
be was decorated with tbe ribbon of
tbe Legion of Honor, May 31, 1871.
He was first elected to the chamber of
deputies in 1881. ;
, Uek Headache.
The curse of overworked womankind,
Baking Powdfer
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the f bod
against alumi
Alum bating powders are tW greatest
mcnaccra to neann ox tne present day.
are quickly and surely cured by Earl's
Clover Root Tea, the great blood purl
Ger and tissue builder. Money re
funded if not satisfactory. ' Price 25
cte and 50 cents. . iilakeley & iiougn-
ton, drugg'sis.
The Twentieth Biennial
Legislative Assemb
ly "Closed.
SaLEM. Feb. 19. The legislature ad-
ourned sine die at 7 o'clock Saturday
evening, according to the record; really
It was nearly half an hour later when
final adjournment came. Both houses
had been dwaddllng through tbe after
noon, being in recess most or the time,
waiting for the enrollment and sign-
ing of bills. It was deemed safer to be
in recess than to preserve the form of
continuous session and give oppor
tunity for further liberality In making
donations to various, persons and
things that might be thought of by
the generous legislators. ,
Aside. from the formalities of finish'
ing up necessary matters in band, the
passage of the special appropriation
bill was the feature of the day. - The
house early in the morning, before ad
journing Friday's session, refused to
concur in the senate's reductions in
the bill, except in the case of tbe ap
propriation for the state school land
department, which had been put in
the general appropriation bill previ
ously passed and oonoeraing which
there was supposed to be no question.
Saturday mprnlng, however, it grew
obstreperous and refused to concur in
even those emendations, and the bill
was sent back to the senate, which re
fused to recede from its amendments,
and asked for' a conference. Tbe
house acceded to tbe request, and Sen
ators McKay and Reed and Represent
tatives Beach and Flagg were named
as tha conferees. It was noon before
they got at work, and 3 o'clock be
fore they were able to report to the
two houses.
The second special appropriation
bill, containing the claim of John Hall
and a few others not deemed of suf
ficient merit to entitle them to have a
place in either the regular or epecial
appropriation bills, died of neglect in
the senate, after HaU's-$6000 claim had
been cut down to $500.
They Will Be Tried Dnrine; the February
Term of Court.
Salem, Or., Feb. 19. Trials are to
be had in the circuit judgeship election
fraud cases at last, the first one being
set for February 23, at 9 a. m., by judge
Burnett, in department No. 1 of the
circuit court. This action was taken
after demurrers to two of the indict
ments bad been overruled, and tbe
other indictment, that for forging an
election return from Butteville, at the
request of District Attorney Hayden,
bad been submitted to the grand jury,
the word "witnesses," which should
bave appeared just before a long list
of names given at the end of the in
dictment, having been inadvertently
ommitted. Pleas of not guilty bave
been entered by all tbe defendants.
S. T. Richardson will probably be tbe
first defendant placed on trial. It has
been agreed, however, that if he is
not ready' for trial next Thursday
morning the case against W. J. D'Arcy
will be beard. As there are 21 cases
to try, separate trials having been de
manded, it will be some time before a
final settlement of all is reached.
M. Emlle Xxmuet Elected by the National
assembly to Succeed .
. Faure.,
Paris, Feb. 18. It is officially an
nounced that M. Dmile Loubet has
has been elected president of tbe
French republic. He ' received 483
votes against 270 for Meline.
Tbe assembly met at 1 "o'clock, the
palace being closed to the public.
Meline begged bis friends not to vote
for him. During the; progress- of the
balloting several deputies 'attempted
to speak, and cries of ' "down with
anarchy" were heard, but no actual
disturbance occurred.. "' .
At 2:40 the ballot was completed.
The progressists Insisted on voting
for Meline,, wblcb explains tbe votes
cast for him..-. !?be vote not cast for
Loubet or Meline was divided between
Cavaignac, General Jumont, General
Saussier and others
No Permanent Damage.
Jacksonville, Feb. 17. The most
extravagant reports bave been sent
broadcast throughout tbe country re
garding the damage done by the cold
of the 13th. The report received by
the Times and citizens from all sections
of tbe orange belt, indicate that the
cold wave did not do much permanent
damage, and. utterly refuting .the
statement sent out to the press.
Highest cash price paid for poultry,
by J. A. Carnaby at the American" I
market. '
Opposed t
New York, Feb. 20 A dispatch to
tbe Tribune from Paris says: Never
before. bas a. president of the French
republic been confronted from the very
hour of his election with such hostile
demonstrations, nor persecuted by
suoh an abusive press;' Loubet, like
Casimir-Perier, was the nominee, not
of a mere coalition, but of almost the
entire republican party; but, like Casi
mir-Perier, he is of a sensitive tem
perament and reads . tbe newspapers
contalning-.jfros libels on bis enar-
acter, emphasized, by exhortations to
Tbe ferocity of the nationalist and
the anti-Semitic press today almost
justifies M. Cornell's article In Figaro,
in which tbe French political arena is
entitled to a "den of hyenas, tigers
and jackals." This morning the presl
dent's first impulse was one of dis
couragement, but in spite of tbe noisy
shouts of De Roulede's and Millevoye's
professional patriots, which continue
as merrily as yesterday, it oecomes
hourly more apparent that the masses
of the people believe in Loubet and in
tbe republic.
The serious papers, like the Temps,
tbe Journal des Debar acd tbe Liber
te, come out strongly in his behalf,
and this la aloo the position taken by
an overwhelming majority of tbe news
papers throughout the country, es
pecialiy in tbe South.
Loubet enjoys the enormous ad van
tages oi never having expressed any
opinion on the Dreyfus revision, and
bis views on this point are still un
known to his closest friends. The con
viction of those in the president's con
fidence is that, come what may, there
will bo no flinching from responsibili
ty, as was the case with Casimlr Pe-
rfer. '
A Lady
Falls off a 1 Klver Boat Into the
lark Waters.
Portland, Feb. 20.r-In the West
side morgue . lies the " body of Mrs.
Howe, of Gresbam. She fell from the
steamer Pomona this morning before
daylight, and half ao hour afterwards
her body was found fastened to tbe
wheel of tbe Undine, lyiog . alongside
of tbe Taylor street dock.
Tbe unfortunate woman was on her
way to visit a son m. Salem. Tbe
Undine, Lurine and Pomona" were
lying side' by aide,: with tbelatter on
the outside and tbefUndlne in the
middle.' Just before tbe sailing time
of the 'Pomona, Mrs. . Howe crossed
the decks of the first steamer to the
Uddlne. "The bow of the Salem boat
was quite a distance from tbe Undine,
but at the rear the guards of tbe two
boats touched. ' Watchman Winfred
Copeland, of the Undine, observed the
woman, and told her sbe could cross
there. ' He saw her safely across and
into the engine room to the Pomona.
She stepped back to talk to a gentle
man who was with her, he says.
"Be careful," he warned, a9 sha took
another s ep outward, "or you will
s'ep ito the watf r." Just as he spoke
sbe took the fatal step.
He grabbed at her and caught her
shawl. She slid through It and dis
appeared into the dark waters.
"Catch my feet," said he to the
other man, "and I will reach for her
But tbe stranger was too excited.
Copeland then doye between tbe two
boats, but could not find anything.
About half an hour afterward tbe
body was found beneath the wheel of
the Undine. The Salem boat had
then gone.
A Sensation Mprnnar on tha Legislature of
Salt Lake, Feb. 19 A mild sen
sation was created in the joint assem
bly of the legislature yesterday, when
Representative Law ' (rep) . .made a
speech in which he made specific
charges of bribery in the interest of
McCune. and said the charges could
be substantiated by positive evidence.
Fisher,, dem.) moved the appoint
ment of an investigating committee of
seven, to consist oi tbree members
from tbe senate and four of the bouse.
Representative Law, in his speech
making the charges, said that he was
approached by Mr. McCure, and of
fered iWm for bis vote, 9100 of which
was to be paid down: At a second
meeting be said McCune told bim he
was $20 short, and paid him four $20
bills, which he turned over to the
chief of policei with whom it had been
vu ioi vi ww .vu " uviu .v uau uocu I
previously ' arranged to witness the
tnnKtliln' Tha (UVMlaarl tinall I
denies the allegation, and says that
Law offered to sell his vote to him for
$5,000, and the proposition was indig
nantly spurned, whereupon tbe ac
cuser, be says, lata a plot to entrap
him " ; ' r :' ' .''''
Being Made
for Bis
- '" Election. - -
Paris.-Feb.17iPremierDupuy has
fixed a meeting of tbe national assem
bly, of congress, in. which senators
and deputies: will -unite in voting for
president, of-France, for 1 o'clock to
morrow afternoon at Versailles.'
The national ; assembly met this
afternoon and adjourned out of respect
for the dead; president., AU is quiet
in the city and country: v '' '
At a meeting of tbe leftist senators
today, M. Loubet, president; of, tbe'
senate and former premier, was.unanl
mously nominated for president, of
France in succession to the late Faure.
The senators consider Loubet's elec
tion assured.
vybsd. reo. oj. xoe
senate passed without opposition house
bill -320, to appropriate $166,000 for
rdomltorles - at the Mate university.
Kitchen at penitentiary ana aomitory
i biological laboratory at the agai-
. .1
cultural college. The bill was Im
mediately transmitted to the house.
A petition was presented from the
Seattle chamber of commerce asking
that penalties and interest on delin
quent taxes be remitted If the tax be
paid during the year of 1899. '
All Those In the United States to le Mas
tered Out..
Washington, Feb. 20 The war de
partment today issued the following
'Orders have been given for tbe
musteringout of the following regi
ments at Savanah,Ga; Third Georgia;
batteries A, B, C, D, Maine artillery.
Two Hundred and Second New York
volunteers, present at tbe camps at
Augusta, Ga., and ' Greenville, S. C;
the Third Alabama, Third tJonnecticut,
Fifth Massacbusets, Thirty-fifth Micbl
gan,.nfteentb Minnesota, iorty-eigbtn
'New Jersey, Two Hundred and First
New York, Two Hundred and Third
New York, Tenth Ohior First . Rhode
Island, and Second" West Virginia,
This order discharges all tbe volun
teers remaining in the United States.
Gateway to Lake Atlln.
Ta-"OMA, Feb. 20. Engineer J. T,
Jones has retuaned tojuneau from a
surveying trip over the Taku trail to
the Atlln district. He surveyed the
site of a new town, which he called
It is advantageously located on Taku
bay, four miles above the mouth of
the Taku river, about 25 miles from
Juneau, and Is expected to become the
ocean terminus of a railroad in which
Eastern capitalists are interested.
This road Is to traverse tbe Atlln
mining district, and will extend to
Teslin on tbe route to tbe Klondike
. For a Cable to Manila.
Washington, Feb. 20. The senate
com mine on foreign relations today
authorized a favorable report on an
amendment to be offered to the sundry
civil appropriation bill for the con
struction of a cable to Hawaii and
Manila. Tbe cable is not , to be built
by tbe United States, but a yearly
subsidy is to be paid by the govern
ment. .
Lumber Mills Burned.
Roseburo. Or., Feb. 19. The Hud
son mills, three miles north of Drain,
were burned early this morning. The
origin of the fire is unknown, but It is
thought to be incendiary. 'The loss
on the mill' and lumber ia about $5,000.
Tbe sheds and tbe lumber in tbe yards
ware saved. Tbe boiler and engine
were a partial loss. No insurance.
" - Bis Accounts Short.
Sak Francisco. Feb. 19. Captain
John M. Neall, U. S. A., is missing
and a deficit of over $5,000 is said to
have been found in his accounts.' . He
left the Presidio last Wednesday with
out leave. '. As he failed to return . the
suspicions of the military" authorities
wer6 aroused aod an investigation of
his finaucial accounts was made.'
Suicide of a Bootblack.
Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 20. Michael
Milano, tbe prosperous proprietor of a
bootblacking establishment, commit
ted suicide this morning by firing two
shots from a revolver into his brain.
Fifty-two dollars was found on his
body. Milano was separated from his
wife, who bad a divorce action pend
ing. ' -
The Spanish Indemnity. ,
Washington, Feb. 20. The house
committe on appropriation baa or
dered a favorable report on the bill to
pay Spain $20,000,000 for tbe Phil
ippines. Chairman Cannon was
directed to call up the bill today under
suspension of rules.
' ; Died at Manila!.
Washington, D. C Feb- 20. Otis
today cabled as follows from Manila
Chaplain John R. Thompson, first in
fantry, died February 19; acute enter
For tbe best results use tbe Vivi
Pamo.1 ThVii. aula hi Plnrlr Jtr. Pal Ir
Get the best dry fir cord wood at
Maier & Benton's "'-' 12 lw
The freshest and choicest candles at
the Palace of Sweets . 'i
Ask your grocer for Clafke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring 'extracts.
You' need have no boils if you will
take Clarae & Falk's sure cure for
Welnhard's beer on draught at only
one house in tbe city, the Columbia
I FMPS St' Loui8 bock 9nd PilB"
1 j I vj iii I Vi : tne vv nite nouse eaiooa
Chas. Michblbach. Froprietor.
Please remember that we bave on
hand choice dryjir wood, which will
be sold at minimum prices. Maier &
Benton ' 10-lw.
ri w t A i , m X T Plttr U.O 1 B. Jl
Mar d'er s.
J HJ nol I satisfy your thirst
WlW GOtl-Lill. i3..V,
Improved Train Service.
Elegant new Pullman palace sleep
ers between hMrtiana ana unicago
have been placed in service via tbe O.
R. &N., Oregon Short Line, Union
Pacific and .Chicago & Northwestern
Railways daily every day in the year.
Cars are of the very latest pattern, in
fact being tbe most improved up-to-
datA sleeping (cars turned out by the
Pullman Company. .
These new palaoes will leaye Port
land on the evening fast train of tbe
O. R. & N. Arriving at Chicago tbe
morning, of tbe fourth day and run
ning through without change via
Granger and Omaha, - . 19 tf
Solicitors Wanted Ladies or
GENTLEtnen, for our complete set of
Juvenile Book? for the holidays. Each
set has four books graded for little ones
lo ifro wo up folks. Each book charm
ing, delightful, captivating-. Prices
raoee from 50i to $2,50. Large books
each overflowing with happy illustra
tions, Tremendous sellers. Nothing:
like them. Four months jrolden har
vest for energetic workers. Credit
given, . Freight paid. Biggeflt com-
mlaalnna. tlnt.fir. with Hnmnlen of .-all
fOUP book free. Send twelve Z cent
9tamp9 for payJoc part -onlv of the
postage alone- , J)rop all trash and
clear $300 a month with our exclusive
Five Thousand Dollars Transferred to
the Sinking- Fund W. A. Johnston
Klected Councilman.
A special meeting of the city council
was held in the (usual place Monde
evening. Mayor Nolan presided with
councilmen Kuck, Clough, Johns, Gun
ning Stephens, Butts, and Mickelbach
Mayor Nolan read a telegram re
ceived by him from secretary of state,'
F. I. Dunbar, Informing tbe mayor
that tbe city . charter bad been ap
proved by Governor Geer, on February
loth. It was moved aod carried that
the telegram be placed on file.
Tbe report of tbe finance com'
mil tee was read, which recommended
tbe transfer of $5,000 from the general
fund to the sinking fund and further
recommended that the city loan to
the water commission, from tbe sinking
fund about t37o0 on first class security,
and tbe buying of $1,000 in Wasco
county warrants.
Thr idiitmuI an nrrlinnnoa ant r, nr.
mere was read an oral nance autnor-
Izintr nn nlrpflntr tha trpaanrpr
proceed In the above mentioned mat
ter which carried unanimously.
The resignation of Councilman J. E.
Barnett, of the second ward was read
and it was moved aod carried that his
resignation be accepted.
Councilman Stephens of the second
ward then recommended William H.
Johnston to succeed Mr. Barnett. It
was moved by Gunning and seconded
by Councilman Buns that Mr.
Stephen's recommendation be adopted
and tbe same being placed before the
council was unanimously accepted and
Mr. Johnston duly elected councilman
from the second ward. .
Report of Grand Jury.
Now comes the grand jury em
ed for the February. 1899, term
circuit court for Wasco county and
make their final, report of their pro
ceedings, i . .
On being empaneled the grand jury
completed their organization by se
lecting Wm. McClure - clerk, and at
once proceeded to tbe consideration of
the business before them.'
We have examined five cases, and
have returned tbree indictments into
court and two not .true bills,
We have examined . the clerk's
sheriff's and treasurer's offices, and
find the bookq and records well kept
and that business of these offices well
and ably conducted. Tbe county
clerk's office, has had the vault fitted
with new steel vault furniture. . This
is a much needed improvement, and
the records and files of tbe office are
now admirably ' kept and are la ex
cellent condition. 1
We find that the sheriff was com
pelled to incur a considerable expense
in' an endeavor to effect the arrest of
Frank Forester, that should ' be borne
by the county, and was reoopmmended
that this expense be paid, by the
county.; ' 1 '
We bave bean shown every ocurtery
in our'Tbvestlgatlons by tbe several
officers and our ' work has been ex'
ped'.tcd very materially by their aid.
We found tbe county poor well
rooked after and cared for by M
Cushing, and tbe quarters provided for
the inmates comfortable and suit
We desire to extend our tbank to
Mr. A. A. Jayne. district attorney.
for the gentlemanly and courteous
way In which he has assisted and aided
us in the prosecution oi our laoors,
and to Hon W. L. Bradhaw, judge,
for the clear and explicit instructions
given us and the aid accorded us by
him which has aided us very materi
ally in the expedition of our work. .
Having completed our labors- we-
respectfully ask to be discharged.
C. W. Haight
Foreman '
Dated at The Dalles on the 17th day
of February, 1899.
Will be a Flyer.
The propeller Inland Flyer, of the
D. P. & A. N. Co. which was con
structed to make 20 miles an hour, but
failed to come up to expectations, is
to be generally overhauled at Supple's
yard on the east side in tbe hope that
she may yet fulfill what was expected
of her, says yesterday's Oregon lan.
Mr. Supple nays with certain changes
in her machinery he feels confident
that the Flyer will eaisly make 20
miles an hoar. Tbe hull was built on
tbe same lines as tbe torpedo-boats
with the exception of being made a
little wider in the center, to give her
steadiness. Tbe machinery is of
the marine make but no provision
was made for a condenser and
tbe boiler would not bold steam.
Even with these disadvantages, at
times the Flyer made 18 miles an hour.
She will be supplied with a condenser
and heater, and a solid propeller to
take the place of the sectional one
that is now in use. Witn these
changes the owners of the neat little
craft think she will easily maintain a
speed of 20 miles an hour. Her build
er claims that her performance with
defective power indicate that when
these defects have been remedied sbe
will come up to expectations.
: A Marrow Eaeape.
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada
E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. -Was
taken with a bad cold which settled on
my lungs; cough . set in and finally
terminated ia consumption. Four
doctors gave me iip. saying I could live
but a short time. I gave myself np to
my Savior, determined if could not
stay with my friends on earth, I would
meet my absent ones above. My hus
band was advised to get Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial,
took in all eight bottles. It has cured
me, and thank .God, I am saved and
pow a well and healthy woman." Trial
Bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's
drug store,"' Regular size 50 cents and
1.00. .Guaranteed or price refunded.
'" For Bale or Exchange,
Eighty or 240 acres of good farm
land located 10 miles below The Dalles
on the Columbia river, for sale or will
be traded for property in The Dalles.
Inquire of Gibons & Marden. - lmdw
L. M. Wilson has bought Fred
Archer's livery stable in tbe East End,
and is prepared to do a general livery
business. Good treatment to all
Big Inducements
I Tbe above cut represents oue of
I nioiiionjat our store which we propose
tree oi charge, in consideration of their
I r . , . ""JrB roca-uukwra
I arij thla anen al off-r. h.h win h..M
In tha nit,niu. a! Iham.!,!.. . ...k
- LMDMiuK uurwm irwa. i.ueBo ciucas are mauo oi oronae,
- I are beautiful mantel ornament, as well as first class time keeper. Please
elv U9 an e,arlv cal1 and we toke pleasure in showing you the clocks, and
- " "wum
We have a lot of dainaeed RUBBER COQDS. Annalat.fn nf Man's hln
and knee boo.s, snow excluders, Alaskas, storm rubbers, Ladles', M Uses' and
Children's rubber goods of all kinds, slightly damaged by water acd which
wiu uiuseu out at a great sacrifice.
One Price Cash House.
A. Ad.
ii;. JepnW Old
oo aecona street., ai
118 Oct 16
The Dalles, Or.
$1 worth checks
good for IOc
' drink or
A check given to
every Customer.
Agent for the Swiss Publishing Co., New York.
American ilarket
Carries the Best and Choicest . ' " "
T. . . .. .... ' f I . ,
..Vegetables and Fruits..
'" Direct from'the garden's 's ,
J "and'orchards.' ." V, ." '
... . i
Chickens Dressed or Alive.
1 Free Delivery to any part of the City.
Call up Phone 69
any time during
Pioneer Bakery.......
I have reopened this well known Bakery, and am ,
now prepared to supply eveiybody with.'. .........
..... .Also, all
Staple and Fancy Groceries
GEO, 3"CTOX3:,
. Pioneer Grocer.
Wall Paper.
. . BRUSHES . .
129 Second Street
First Stree batwa en Washington
Wool Baling for Eastern Shipments.
F. H. ROME' S CO..
Lumber, Sash, Doors, Windows,
Class, Paints and all Kinds of
" Wood Delivered to any Part of the City.
for Cab Trade.
our handsome Bronze Clocks now on el
to give to our cash customers entirely
liberal patronage. - We beg to state that
lor urstoiass gOOQl. WUI remain tne same
,. ui.j .! i
tii . Yl .
one ui toes useiui guts.
Cor. Second and Court 8ts.
Oio fiuo Salooo
oo Second Street, and door from Court Street,
Tom Bourke's and
- : Homestead -whiskey.
Best" Domestic IiqHors, Wines and Cigars .
The Largest and Best of August Buohlera
Home-Made Beer and Porter.
and place your orders
the day. . .....
kinds of. ..... '.'
Pamts, Oils,
i Co.,
and v ForwardiD
and Jefferson, The Dalles, Or, f
Consignments Solicited.
: 1.