The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, February 11, 1899, Image 4

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RDAY... .FEBRUARY 11, 1899
' ! " From Saturday's Dally.
G. D. Woodworth, of Hood River,
James Brown tbe prosperous Tygta
vaney B nee pro an is iu w .. a.
lit tf T 1 . . ,t Ulx. Mf nnla
Ltrson are in the city frow Wasco,
J. H. Johnston, of the firm of John-
. w J 1 . .1 TT 1 1 1
8Hn oros. oi uuiur, is t. mo uuiouuiq
. House.
! Miss Lizzie Farmer, of the Times-
Mountaineer force, left on the early
mornins' train for a snort visit in
V V... U . .
Mies Mary Frazier one of the teach-
' era in the Portland public schools,
who has been visiting Mrs. W. H.
'. Wilson returned home this afternoon.
- CAnftMil Mnir wrtrlr enrf nthar bust
ness of importance will come before
f the K. of P. lodge next Monday night.
' All Knights should attend.'
rr rrT n .t
HOD. jeou w. Vurus, repracnMU"!
from Klickitat county .arrived in the
. city last evening from Olympia, where
. i i . -. J : . I 1
H came to spend Sunday with bis
: family at Grand Dalles.
After Mr. McEwen-s performance
.it-i .III lu ..(son
htm by bis brother Elks of this city
, who will serve refreshments and do all
In their power to mhke it pleasant for
t.hA nrnffliunr until the arrival of the
11 30 train on which be leaves for
.J.' Pdndleton. ,
1 . : The dog law now pending before the
logislatorels of much ioterest to many
farmers throughout the state who keep
mall flocks of sheep. During tbe last
few years much damage has been done
1 . I 1 ah m lrtllinir Bhwn. n H
the farmers are anxious lor sometning
to be done nd that quickly.
At about 3 o'clock this morning a
fire started in the city jail which wa
' discovered before any damage was
' Hnn. Tr. KM AAllA-ll hv R StOVeDiDH
which passes through a partition, be
nmlnir hnntd and igniting tbe dry
wood. One of he prisoners in the
Jail discovered it ana wun ine aia or
the nightwatchman, who was there ar.
the time, it was quickly extinguished
William Shearer who died last Mon-
: day. near Portland, from pnmraonU,
- - . rr i If. - T -
was a resiaentoi XMicKiuit mrisy,
having moved from Goldendale vo the
Willtametse vai:ey. anreiuwn wo
' v.nio in r:.ilHonrlLln cflmeterv Thurs
day. Mr. Shearer' was born in North
Carolina, in 1828, and crossed the
j Dlains in 1004, ana ea.ucu in urrjuu.
- He was a nlgniy respeciea citizen, nu
left a wife, five sons ana one daughter, j
This being Saturday has proven
' gala day for thoie attending, public
. school-.. The ice on the sloughs is
' ; a-i smooth as a mirror and of -juffi '.'wit,
' thickness to make it perfectly safe for
'. any nutnfer to skateon. The younger
' nlnmentare not overiooKine ine no
portunity to enjuv tkatinir anr may b
seen in crowds going to and frsim th
. pi I II UP i Ul ' 'OU vufK' " ' " '
UIIIICI 1 (.1, r I. ' " . .
an enjoyable time tomorrow, providing
- tbn skating holds out, and from indi
cations they will not be disappointed.
' A moAil n a at- thfl W fl(n enuntv
'" c it tie men was hnld in the court
house at 1 p. m. today. John Johnston,
U' of Duf..r, was elected ctalrmann, wbi'.e
- J. W. Harriman served as secrHtary
men were present but . owing to tbn
Inna number who were unable to at-
teod on account of the esverlty of the
. . weather tbe meeting adjourned to
' .. A Dnfiti. An Gsiiiw1.ii fi'uhrn urn
25, at 1 p.m.. It is thought that they
'will make an effort to bave the range
alloted them' the same as the sheep
Yesterday evening ice began to run
' In the river in large quantities, and
: ever) one was surprised this morning
to find tbe river full from shore to
shore with slush ice, which was mov
log slowly towards Crates Point. The
;' river is blocked at the latter place and
' when the floating mass becomes sta
'" tionarv the river, will be. closed far
flrvnTJO fchfl nllff Thft hhwLf AH A 17 no
unexpected that no provision was made
to put tbe boats in a place of safety,
: and some trouble may result wnen tbe
' . ice beg in es to inoye down.
Word comes direct from New York
- tbat tbe union facinc wuiorcet iony
five locomotives, and tbe Oregon Short
Line is considering tbe purchase of
thirty freight locomotives. As the
engines would be ordered by tbe same
officers in New York, it would mean
tbe Urgest locomotive order placed by
- a western compahy In many years; It
would necessitate a cash outlay of
: $600,000 or thereabouts. None of tbe
local officials of Salt Lake are prepared
- to authenticate these reports, ' but as
J. F. Gunn, the mechanical superin
tendent, is still, in New York, it is
likely tbat some important develoj.-
ments will soon come out regarding
motive power and equipment.
Tbe weather last night was about
one-half degree warmer in Tbe Dalles
than on the proceeding night while
reports from tbe country state that
it was somewhat colder than it was
on Thursday night. At Moro the
theremometer went down to ten be
low zero while reports from I4. ngt.iey
'let it at twelve. Forecast official-, i-tate
that the indications for warmer weath
er about Sunday night are gool while
on the other band the cold spell may
possibly keep up for some time yet.
One good feature of tbe present weath
er is tbat it is not accompanied with
snow or sleet which makes it much
easier on stock.
Considering that last evening was
McEwen's first in our city the attend
ance was fairly large and an excellent
performance was given. This year he
does not do developing work with his
class in the afternoon as be did last,
and considerable timo was lost in get
ting a sufficient number to open tbe
entertainment. This will not occur
tonight as a class will be on hand so
that there will be no delay, and as he
will bave more time, deeper tests will
be tried. The performance of tbe.
musical specialist, McCoy, while in the
mesmeric state, is very interesting,
while bis juggling feats are little short
of being wonderful. Miss Grace May-
nard certainly deserves the title of
being tbe greatest cataleptic subject
living, and this alone is well worth
tbe admission price. McEwen has im
proved wonderfully since bis last visit
to Tbe Dalles, and tbe science of which
be is certainly master is worth the
study of the public.
From Mondays Dally.
. S. V. Maeoti, of Boyd, is in the city.
This afternoon John Sheehe, who Is
-fcajrgad wltk assault with a 4ang arotu '
weapon, furnished the required bonds,
one thousand dollars, and was re
leased. Mayor Nolan and John Dona
hoe went bis bonds.
Charles Durbin left for bis home at
Antelope this morning.
Hon. A. S. Bennett went to Port
land on a business trip today. .
George Blakley and wife returned
last eyeniDg from a few days stay in
Salem and Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Crowe left yes
terday for Portland where they will
a spend a few days.
Miss Helen Lytle, who has been at
tending school in The Dalles, left for
her home, in Wasco, yesterday.
Saturday evening Wood Bros of this
city shipped a carload of prime mutton
sheep to tbe Portland stock yards.
Hon. Leon Curtis, of Grand Dalles,
representative from Klickitat county,
left this morning for Olympia, having
been spending Sunday with bis family.
Two carloads of fat Dorkers fiom A
A. MeCully, of Wallowa County, were
fed at tbe stockyards today, after
which they were loaded and shipped to
tbe Union Meat company's slaughter
house at Troutdale.
Today numerous persons are tak
ing advantage of tbe freeze up by
walking across the river to the sister
state of Washington. Tbe ice is
Ducking harder alt the time and if the
cold spell continues a few days longer
earns can be driven from shore to
Mr. Frazier, the enterprising Yaki
ma sheep Dan, is in the city and gives
encouraging reports from that section.
He H'.ate8 that stock are in good con
dition and that an abundance of fine
alfalfa bay can be purchased for 33
per ton. ' The weather is about the
same as here and there is no danger
of a serious loss to stock. j
This morning Seufert Bros, put a
forje of men to work cutting and stor- j
log ice and if the weather continues a
few days longer they will have an
abundance stored to supply 11 needy.
The ice is about four inches thick and
is in splendid condition. ". his is the
second opportunity that icemen htve
bad to store ice during the winter and
the river i frozen oyer for the third
time, which is certainty an exception
for Oregon.
LDss , howling baa been done in the -
Dalles during the last few weeks than
since the alleys were first put in. and
if something is not do in th near
f lture to reyive interest thi soort. will
he a thing of the p-tst. At the Oma
tilla Bonse no unusually high scon-a
were made during the wvk while
the same may he said of the club
alleys. At Estebenet- & E-iping's
alley the following scores were made.
Monday, C HDpner 55: Tuesday,
St.miels 60; Wednesday, C. Heppner
59; Thursday. Miller 57; Friday. Wau 1
55; Saturday, C Frank 54 and Sunday,
C Heponer 66
Victor Schmidt bad . a miraculous
escape yesterday while attempting to
put out t fire it his father's resi
dence. . When .he fire was dUcovced
he ascerdul a ladder with a bucket of
water, and cat chins; hold of tbe h'uu
ney to balance himself, attempted to
cross over the ride in oraer to throw
the water on the burning roof. The
bricks gavrt way when he threw his
weight on them and he slid and ft-11,
accompanied by the water and bricks,
a distance of thirty fiv fec-t. He
landed feet foremost on the frozen
ground and strange to say received r
only a few scratches.
The boys of The Dalles Cluh min
strels leaye for Heppner this evening
on the Spokane Fiver, and will giva
their entertainment at that nUce to j
morrow night. Tbey will be accom
panied by a number of pers ns who do .
not take part In the sh .w but who go
for a pleasure trip and for the purpose
of seeing the town. The boys are pre
pared to put.on a sple did entertain
ment and look forward to a pleasant
trip. It was their intention to play in
Pendleton and Walla Walla, but It
was impossible to . secure the opera
bouse at the latter place,.on the night
they desired to show there, so tbis part
of the trip has been given up.
As was anticipated tbe atteodence
at McEwen's .performance Saturday
was much larger than on the previous
evening, a- d as a class was more read
ily secured than on Frid ty night a
muco more interesting entertainment
was given. Tbe professor opened tbe
entertainment by an instructive and
Interesting talk on mesmerism and
hypnosis and ridiculed tbe idea ofthe
legislature of Oregon or any othtr
state forbidding tbe practicing of tbe
same. Numerous interesting tests
were made, while McCoy the -musical
artist and juggler delighted everyone
by bis musical specialities club swing
ing and other like feats. After the
show the professor was entertained by
ois orotner ems untti train time wben
he left for Pendleton.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Frank Huott of Eight Mile is in the
city today. '
John Knight of Pendleton, is regis
tered at the Umatilla House.
MrsOttis Patterson anivel on the
Spokane flyer from Portland last eve.
The secret of courage and dash in war
or peace is good blood; pure rich blood
full of oxygen and vitality. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discoverv insures ner.
feet digestion and an active liver, and
lng. She wa joined by her husband
at this place and they went on to
Heppner to spend a few days.
Michael Morran and wife were in the
City today from their farm near Ceoter
wille. R. B. Wilson of the Burlington
Route is in Tbe Dalles on a business
A. P. Bradbury, the well known
traveling salesman Is in tbe city from
Tbat square Tam O'Shanter you've
be?o looking for can now be bad at A.
M Williams & Co's, .
Miss Lizzie Farmer returned last
evening from a few days visit to Port
land. A small s?zed, flat, latch key was
found on Seuend street recently.
Owner can have same by paying for
tbis insertion.
The members of theEpiscopal Guild
are prepared to take orders for all man -ner
of useful and fancy articles that
will be included in their Easter sale.
A sample two alike of ladled
silk waists bave just been ouened by
A. M. Williams & Co. They're in
popular prices aiid hint on coming
spring styles.
George Friend the genial village
blacksmith from Kingtley was in the
city yesterday and left on tbe over
Uod train last evening for Porilana,on
a short busiue9-t trip.
The ladies of the EpUcoDil Guild
meet with Mrs. W. E. Garretson to
rn irrow afternoou ro perfe -t arrange
ments for their fourth annual Easter
sale', therefore a full attendance is re
quested. The annual meeting of the Jack-ion
Engine company will be held at the
Cuuncil chamber this evening. All
members are requested to be present
as an election of officers will be held
and other matters of importance at
tended to. , -
."Smiling Albert" aceomDasled the
ml mtrel boys to Heppner lastevenii g,
and besides acting iu tbe capacity of
mtscot, will connect a littlo business
with his trip of oleusure, and will take
orders for C. J. Stubling, The Dall s
wholesale liquor merchant, he having
taken a case of samples with him.
On account of srme trouble on the
O. R. N. east of ibis place the over -
land train which was due here at 3
o'clock yesterd.iy afternoon did not :
pass through until about 8:30 last j
night. We were unable to learn wbat !
the trouble was.
Johnnie Stephens proprietor of the
Fifteeu mile bouse is in the city from i
Dufur today. He informt. us tbat j
there is about the same amount of ;
snow at Dufur as there is in The
Dalles, whi e further south around -Kingsley
the snow is about four inches
diep r than here. , j
.1 ho mas Fiolayson, aged 71, a Scotch
pioneer, wbo came to Hiker City in
1862, and made the first or second land
entry in ibe present Baker county,
dUd In Baker City Suu Jay. The
stu'dy pioneer's farm is now part of
the thi ivn g Pacific addition to Baker
Michall Schwartz' physician, Dr. ;, informs us that the p iliei.t
is gelling a. oog ' nicely and is at
present on the road to recovery.
Tbts is certainly good news as both
Schwartz ana Sbeebe have a host of .
friends who woald be grieved to have !
any serious termination of what is cer
tainly an unfortunate quarrel.
Yesterday afternoon a large number
I of skaters witnessed with in erest tbe
leading of a team of across the
Columbia t. this place from the Wash
: iiigton to the Oregon shore. It was
with difficulty tbat tbev were induced
to start across but wben once started
; they, came without any trouble. The
i ice is sufficiently thick to bear up a
team and wagon as it showed no signs
of breaking at any point oyer wtuch
tbe horses travel-d.
The Columbia Star Manufacturing
company, of Portland, Oregon, have
been Introducing a new kind of roap
h-re, known as Blue Mountain Toilet
Soap. It is made from the product of
a mineral soap mine located in our own
state. It is the best five cent soao on
the market. Their Sunshine scouring
soap can't be beat. It will scour and
clean anvtbing. and is perfectly barm
less to the skin as it contains no acids
For sale by George Ruch.
Columbia Star Washing Powder Is
the best washing powder for all laun
dry purposes. Fur sale tj E. J. Ccl
Una & Co. .
Tbat cycling will continue to be the
outdoor sport this coming spring and
summer is au'henticated by the large
shipments of wheels received by local
firms. Tbe coming meet of cycling
celebrities In San Francisco brings to
the coast all the prominent fast men
Of tbe East during tbe past season.
Portland will be lucky indeed if tbe
prevent arrangements to bring this
coterie to that city are carried out, ai d
fi-'iin i resent indications they will
come in force.. The cyoie show in
New York, which just closed, marks a
n ;w era in this most, enthusiastic age
ofthe' silent steed. Immense crowds
bave been present during the entire
season of tbe show and the lessons
learned from the exhibit will be of
much value to the riding public.
Authorities on tbe fruit industry
inform us tbat so far there is no dan
ger of any of tbe fruit trees being
killed even injured in this section by
tbe cold weather. To kill peaches.
which are the most tender of our fruit
trees, will take as cold weather as ten
degrees below. It takes fifteen to
twenty degrees below to kill prunes,
from twenty to twenty-five below to
kill apples so there is apparently no
danger of our fruit being injured by
present weather since it bas not been
colder in any part of eastern Oregon
than ten degrees and in most places
much less. In the valley colder weath
er than we have been having Is report
ed and they may fare much worse
than we do in tbis regard.
Be Fooled the Martreone.
All doctors told Renio Hamilton, of
Vest Jefferson, O , after suffering
months from Rectal Fistula, be would
die unless a costly operation was per
formed, but be cured himself with five
boxes of Bucklen's' Arnica Salve, the
surest Pile cureon Eirth, and tbe best
Salve in the world. 2 cents a box.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
SS.OO Reward.
Lost between the postofBce and West
Second Street, a gold watch. .Full
name Emma Janet Fisher engraved
inside. Finder will receive reward by
leaving same at this office, or return
ing to Mrs. Emma Reea.
Rocky Ridge whiskey is most the
popular brand. For vale by Ben Wil-
City Council Meeting.
The regular monthly meeting of
the city council was held last evening.
Mayor Nolan was present with Coun
cilmen Kuck, Johns, Butts, Clough,
Gunning, and Micbelbach.
The recorder read tbe minutes of
tbe last meeting which were approved
after which the bill of J. P. Mclnerny
for $18 for damages done to his goods
by the overflow of a sewer between
January 1st and 6th, was brought up
for consideration and on motion was
referred to the judiciary committee.
The report of Charles who
appointed at the last meeting to in
vestigate the matter of tbecity against
Wdscocouoty for taxes, was read and
showed tbat the to til delinquent tax
up to January 1st of thl? year, was $1,
918.69. Of tbl 50 percent is upon real
property, and may be collected, while
the remainder U on personal property
and Is for tbe greater part non collect
able. The subject of extendiug the O. R.
Si N.. pipe Hue two or three
blocks further east on First street. ws
discussed and referred to the commit
tee on fire and water to estimate the
cost of same.
On account of the absence of Chair
man Stephens consideration of tbe
blanket licence ordinance was post
poned until the next meeting.
Tbe monthly reports of the officers
Wi re read and ucceoted.
Tha recorder was ordered to present
the bills for repairing the streets by
filling in the ditches left by tno con
tractors who out in tbe water work,
to the water commissioners for pay
ment. The bills of Mater & Benton were
layed aside as they were not aceom
oanied by the proper requisitions
while the bill of the water works for
January was also layed aside as it
call, d for $60 instead of f32 which was
the price previous to 'the putting in
of the new system.
The finance committee gave ootice
that no bills will be ordered pid in
the future except accompanied by the
proper requsitlon.
On th - reeomm-vidatiou of the mar
shal the following crosswalks were
ordered repaired. -
On the east side f Madimn acros
Second: tbe sontb hide of Maine across
Court: the east side of Court across
j Maine and tbe west side of Court acro-s
M line; the east side of Laugblin across
the alley between Second and Third;
the west side of Ltughlin between Sec
ond and third; west sido of Jefferson
j xcross second; the west side of Laugh
I lin across Fourth; the south side of
i Third across Washington, and that on
tbe west side of Monroe across Third.
. The recorder was Instructed to cor
respond with J. E. Barnett to a -certain
if he Intended to remain in bis
position of councilman, after which
the meeting ndjourned.
The following bills were allowed:
CF Lnuer. Marshal.
Geo Brown. Engineer,
Adolph Phirman, Nightwatcb. .
C J Cmnd II, Treasurer,
N H Gates. Recorder
Electric Light Co. lighting'....
Irwin D d-ou Co, Council Jour
James Leary, pumping water ..
Chas Schmidt, exp. tax rolls...
Jis Fit-tor. sharpening saw
75 00
75 00
60 00
2(1 00
50 IX)
$29 40
11 25
5 00
45 00
1 80
4 SO
. 5')
. 1 50
1 10
L 50
25 90
26 00
8 00
-3 60
1 00
2 50
4 2
3 00
6 60
-6 00
5 60
5 60
2 40
7 20
7 90
2 70
4 10
1 .'0
2 50
10 35
F S ripnire.
Mays & Uroe,
W A J.ilinston
J W Blakeney,
hauling. . .
J 12 bergusoo -
D W Mann, "
Wm Henzie, "
PTBumhm, "
Ferguson Bros, hauling er gine
to fire..
Th? Jones, labor
J W R.binson, "
A S athcart, hauling .... .
J Harman. t "
Wm Moabus, 'abor. ....... .
George Reno, " "
A Knicht.ley, , "
J J Maloney,
J J Heckler,
C G Powers, "
H hu-sTI. "
F Morbun, "
J Hoana, "
Dan Fisher, i
WR Brown, "
Chas Fhurer, "
John Heebner, "
'Tom Maloney, "
J J Jackson, nightwatcb....
Cal K-staurant, meals
Mrs Frazier, "
3 00
Jack Sheehe Shoots Mike Shwartz In the
W bite House Saloon.
About 4:30 Saturday morning Mike
Shwariz was shot through tbe head by
Jack Sheehe, a railroad cooductor iu
the employ of tbe O li. & N. Co.,
and is very dangerously injured.
The shooting was the outcome of
too . much drink. Sheehe bad been
drinking , quite heavily during tbe
night and about 3 o'clock in tbe morn
ing got into a dispute with Frank
Summers, tbat terminated in a fight
in which Sheehe was worsted. After
the fight Summers and Sbeebe made up,
they and Uhwarts, who for several
days past has been lending bar io the
White House saloon, took a drink,
then Sheebe left,Summersand Shwartz
remaining in the saloon. About an
hour afterwards Sheehe returned and
coming up to the bar where Summers
and Sawanz were, took a drink,
ordered another, drew his pistol and
shot Shwartz through the bead, the
ball eutering just in front of the right
ear and comiiig out in front of the Itfl
ear. Sheebe tben drew , his pistol on
La Grippe,
Followed by Heart Disease, Cured by
R. C. G. 8HULT8. of Wlntereet, Iowa,
Inventor and manufacturer ' ot
Bhults Safety WhlfSetree Coupling,
writes of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. "Two years
ago as attack of LaGrlppe left me with a
weak heart. I had run down In flesh to
mere skin and bone. I could not Bleep lying
down for smothering spells; frequent aharp
darting pains and palpitation caused a con
stant fear of sudden death, nothing could
Induce me to remain away from home over
night. My local physician prescribed Dr.
HUes Heart Cure and In a few days X was
able to sleep well and the pains gradually
lessened, and finally ceased. I reduced tha
the doses, having gained fifteen pounds, and
am now feeling better io every way than I
have for years.'
Dr. Miles Remedies
are sold by all drug
gists tinder a positive
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re
funded. Book on dis
ease of the heart and
V Health
nerves free. Address,
PB. MIT.FJ MFTOOAXi Oft. Elkhart, lad.
Summers, who grappled with him
forcing the pistol upward so that the
second time it was discharged the
ball went through the ceiling.
Shwartz, although seriously wounded
also grappled with Sbeebe, and helped
Summers force him to the floor, where
he was held until Nightwatchman
Phirman arrived. Rocky Cbenoweth,
the night bartender, telephoned to
Sheriff Kelly, who arrived as soon as
posi-ible and took Sheebe to jail, while
Dr. Hollister was called to attend
Shwartz. He found tbe wound to be
very serious, the ball which was fired
from a 44 caliber bull dog pis.ol having
passed just underneath tbe brain,
crushing the bones of tbe bead in its
Everybody who is acquainted with
the parties was surprised to leara of
the difficulty, as both were considered
peaceable citizens. Sheehehas been on
the road here for a number of years,
and was very popular with all who
knew him, while Shwartz was a peace
able man, who avoids rathtr than seeks
The preliminary examination of
Jack beehe for assult with adangerous
weapon upon tbe person on Michael
Shwartz was held in Justice Bayard's
office this Saturday The prisoner
waived examination owing to the
absence of bis attorney Judge Bennett
and his bonds were fixed at $1000.
It is pleasing to note that the Oregon
hoys at Manila bave distinguished
themselves whenever opportuuity bas
offered. They were the guard of
honor wben the Spanish surrendered,
and received tbe arms of the proud
Dons. And duriug tbe time after
peace was declared, bad tbe pleasure
of forcing tbe surrender ot the entire
American army iu baseball contests.
Roy Ballard writes to his father under
date of December 26th, that the Oregon
boys baa won eveiy game of ball so
far, their last game being with the
Minnesota team, in which they scored
9 to 4.
Speaking of the Christmaedlr.ner
which his company had. Roy says it
was first class, the bill of fare being
as follows: Two kinds of soup (chicken
and bee;), two kinds of meat (roast
Oeef and chicken), masned potatoes
and gravy, apple, plum and
pumpkin p e. and two big freezers of
good American ice cream, ( thing
s-ldom seen in Manila.) Captain
Welle al-o treated the company to ten
gallons of punch on Christmas day,
wbicb was very acceptable
He also 'says Company L, to which
be is attached, has been assigned to
tbe First Battalion, under command
of Major Gintenbine who is a very
pleasant and considerate officer.
Woman's Belief Corps.
On last Saturdxy tvenlng the ladies
of tho W. R. C. enjoyed an unusui Ily
pleasant- social after the regular meet
ing was over. The ball was well
filled. The comraies of th .Grand
Army and many invited guests swel
led the numbers, and the hall was
prettily decorated with flags., bunting (
ane wreaths of c-dar. I
The order seems to be in a flourish- '
' Ins? condition, as four candidates
promised allegiance to the principles
of this grand order, under the folds of
: our beautiful banner, at this session
of the W. i C. ' . ,
I The program rendered was an ex
' ceptionally good one, Miss Rachel j
i Morgan recited "Lasca" admirably. '
j Mrs. Ollie P. Stephens carried us back
iin memory to the real war, and
strengthened our love for the dear old
flag, by reciting with fine expression,
Barbary Fritchie" Mr. B- Anson and
Miss Lucy Fox recited patriotic sentl-;
I meots wbicb appealed to every heart,
M'se Pearl Grimes delighted the
audience with a piano solo, last but not
least tbe sweet strains of the mar.dolin
and cuitar trio, comrjosed of Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Kees and Mr. Irwio Par
kins, filled the room. A call was soon
issued for the march which led the
entire company to tbe well filled tables
where baked beans, sandwiches, cake
and coffee were dalutly served.
The committee deserve credit for
the . faithful manner in which hey
cirrifd out the details of the affair.
Later on tbe "Musical Chair" was
played and after many attempts all
were seated save one, Mrs. Stella. Ruf
foer. wbo carried off the prize, a
"Dewey" sou venr is pood.
All joined io singing our own Amer
ica, and then "good nigbt."
Children For . Auoptlon.
One girl babe three months; one boy
babe -four months; one boy babe
twenty two months; one boy three and
a half year and one girl eleven years.
They are all bright children, several
homes are open for older children.
, I. F. TOBEY,
Supt. Oregon Children's Home Society,
603 Marquam building,
Portland Oregon.
At about 10:30 last nigbt snow be?an
filling In this city and con tin red dur
ing tbe night, greatly surprising many
when tbey arose this morning and
found about three inches of snow.
Last evening skating was in fu I blast.
today an. occasional jingle of sleigh
bells can be beard and if tbe weather
continues lavoraoie ail tne Bieins in
town will be pressed into service
Tne ground is frozen solid and with a
little more snow sleighing V7ill be im
mense, while the younger elemen
will waste no time in taking advantage
of this opportunity to enjoy coasting.
A grard old remedy for Coughs,
Colds and Consumption; used through
toe world Tor nail a century, has cured
Innumerable cases or incipient con
sumotion and relieved many in ad
vanced stages. If you are not satis
fied with tbe results we will refund
tour money. Price 25 cts., and -Octs,
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Tbe employees of the D. P. & A. N.
companv bave their bands full at
present putting their wharf boat and
the steamer Regulator in safe positions.
Since the cold weather the river has
fallen about thiee feet and is cootlnu
ing to go down the Regulator was io
danger of Deing grounded. In order to
put tbe boats in a place of safety it is
necessary to cut tbe ice around them
which proves not only to be a danger
ous but a difficult task. Several of the
employees broke through last evening,
but escaped with nothing more serious
than wet feet.
Xon Irj It
If Sbilob's Cough and Consumption
Cure, which is sold for tbe small price
of 25 cts. 60 cts. and 11.00 does not cure.
take tbe bottle back and we will refund
your money, sold lor over nrty year.
on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and
50 cents. Blakeley & Houghton, dru;
BENSON On Five Mile, January 48. to Mr,
and Mrs. J. V. Benson, a non. Mr. Benson
la a sou of J. M. Benson, the old Wasco
county pioneer.
WAUP On Bunds. Feb. 8, to Mr. and Mrs.
K4. wane, m oangnter.
Good Work of tha Department Prevent
a Bab Blaze at Charlea HcbnUdt'e
At aboutll a. m. yesterday tbe fire
bell once more warned tbe people tnat
tbe city was in danger. At tbe time
most of the church going people were
attending services, acid unfortunately
for tbe pastors of the respective con
gregations the collection had not beeu
taken up. Tbis did not prevent the
faithful from Immediately crowding
out to see if their property was in dan
ger and tbe ministers of the gospel
suffered in consequeuce
It was found that a fire bad
started in the roof of Charles Schmidt's
resideuce in the westend, and although
it was s .me time before a sufficient
number arrived to help the depart
ment out the Jackson's bad a stream
on from the hydrant bac of the
Sisters academy before tbe fire
hadgaiaed mjch headway. Shortly
afterwards the Columbia had their
hose attached to the engine from tbe
cistern on third street near the
Catholic church. Willing hands
worked diligently and in less than a
half hour the fire was out. Shortly
before tbe fire started one of tbe flues
burued out and it was thought at the
time, since there was some snow on the
roof, tbat there was no danger. Part
of the roof was bare as the sun had
thawed the thin covering of snow and
the sharks falling on tbe dry shingles
were soon fanned into a blaze.
As yet the damages has not been
fully estimated and it is thought tbat
two hundred dollars will cover the
same. Tbe fire was in such a position
that little damage was done by the
flames, the most resulting from the
water. Sunday teems to be a great
day for fires in The Dalles as the
majority of the alarms recently turned
in bave been on Sunday while the big
fire of last summer occurred on Suuday
Many compliments have been poid
to George Wentworth on account of
the ceryice rendered both at the Co
lumbia Hotel fire and that of yester-
ay. Being a nrst class lineman and
j uHmber he goes In places where others
wouid fear to venture and at both of
these fires he was thoroughly snaked
with the icy cold water and he stands
it ail without a murmer until all dan
ger is past. Yesterday his nlothing was
frozen stiff wben the fire was put out
while icicles were banging from his
clothing in abundance so cold was tbe
j leather.
Discovered by a Woman.
Another great discovery has been
made, and that too, by a lady in
this country. "Disease fastened its
clutches upon her and for seven years
she withstood its severest tests, but
her vital organs were undermined and
death seemed imminent, for three
months she coughed incessantly, and
could not sleep. She finally discovered
away to recovery, by purchasing of
us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption, and was so much
relif ved on taking first dose, that she
slept all night; and with -two bottles,
bas been absolutely cured, her name is
Mrs. Luther Lutz.' Thus writes W.
C. Hamsick & Co., of Shelby, N. C.
Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug store. Regular size 50c and
$1.00. Every bottle guaranteed.
. Deeds, agreements, contract leases,
and right of way deeds were placed on
record in tbe county clerks office today
as follows: An agreement from Max
Vogt et al, an agreement from G. B.
Halvor and wife, a contract lease from
Andrew Ganger, contract lease from
W. H. Van bibber and ife, contract
to tho O. R. & N. Company and a
right of way from Geo. B. Halvor, all
' 10 108 T'
' COoany.
T. Nicholas coal mlDing
All the above property is
situated on or near Chenowith creek
three miles west of The Dalles, tbla
being tbe place where tbe above
named mining company has been pros
pecting for coal and other minerals.
1 he members of the company speak
but little about the prospects and no
one but themselves know anything
about the results of their search for
Tbe appetite of a Goat
' Is envied by all poor dyspeptics
whose stomach and liver are out of or
der. ' All such should know that Dr
King's New Life Pills, the wonderful
stomach and liver remedy, gives a
splendid appetite, sound digestion and
a regular bodily habit tbat insures
perfect health and grett energy. Only
25 cents at Blakeley
drug store.
&. Houghton':
The Dewey sweaters for boys at A.
M. Williams & Co.
Clearance Sale
of Bicycles.
New and Second
' Hand Wheels ...
Far less tban Half-Pr"ce
We wish to clear out
all old stock before
moving into new store
and have some bar
gains This is an op
portunity to
Get a Bicycle Cheap
All wheels sold at half
regular price. ... .
Opposite Old Stand.
Big Inducements
The above cut reu:etuuto oue ui our nandsomo Bronze Clocks now on ex
hibition at our store which we propose to give to our cash customers entirely
free of charge, in consideration of their
our prices, which are always rock-bottom
and tbis special ner, wbicb will h. Id good tor a limited time only, is made for
the purpose of Increasing our cash trade. These clocks are made of bronze,
are beautiful mantel ornaments, as well as first class time keepers Please
give us an early call and we will take pleasure in showing you tbe clocks, and
explaining in detail how you can secure one of these useful gifts.
We have a lot of damaged RUBBER GOODS, consisting of Men's hip
and knee hoo;s, snow excluders, Aiaskas, storm rubbers, Ladles', Misses' and
Children's rubber goods of all kinds, slightly damaged by water and which
will be closed out at a great sacrifice.
One Price Cash House, Cor. Second and Court Sts.
ission and
391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STREST.
(Adjoining Railroad Depot!)
Consijrnineuts Solicited
Prompt attention will be paid to
What is the Difference?
There are many poople who do
not understand the difference ii
Bath Cabinets. Here are two il
lustration;) one of the common
s-l-!t or "Back" -Minet and the
other showi ng The Robinson
'i ! it. kit. at n Cabinet yLen
iu use.
Don't jump rashly at these cheap
er Cabin-ts, bur. use common
sense and good judgment by pur
chasing a Robinson Thermal
Bath Cabinet.
Ill f
Method ol u-jdk the
NO door Ct' inet.
Sit down end lift the
entire C bloet up
over the head.
Barbarian Process.
The well-known SaratoRa Chip Man,
is tbe Agent for this city. Prop him a
, sired can show you what this Cabinet is. saving you the inronvauience
of sending east for a skirt cabinet or some cheap affair.
....SO ARE. THE....
Complete line of Plows, Harrows, Drills,
Cultivators and Machine Extras. .
Chas. J.
Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Beer.
The Celebrated Val Blatz Beer, Anheuser-Busch Nutrine,- ,
a non-alcboholic beverage, un equaled as a tonic. ; ' -
173 Second street,
This well-known brewery is now turning ou( the best Beei
and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for thf
manufacture of eood healthful Beer have been introduced, an
only the first-class article will be
East Second Street
The Dalles, : Oregon
for Ca li Trade.
liberal patronage. We beg to state that
for first class goods, will remain the same
ForwardiDg Merchaoi
those who favor tne with their patronage
ft 4 L
Method of using our Ci.binet
open the door. tep in,
and Kit down.
A Civilized Method
postal and he will call on vou. and if d
....DEALER IN....
Wall Paoer, Paints
. Finest line of. Wall Paper in
tbecity. Send for Samples.
Painting! Paper-Hanging and Kaliomln-
ing a Specialty. , s
Third Street. The Dalles, Oregon
the go-Ilgbtly kind.
The Dalles. Oregon.
placed on tlie market,
An elegant line of Lacell and.
Lundborg's Perfumes and import
ed cut-glass bottles and attom tiers.
Also a full line of Cyclone Cam
eras, that make a very appropriate
present for a child or grown per
son. Going like hot cakes. Come
early. We take especial pleasure
io showing you our goods, whether
you intend to buy or not.
V CArtKienwB
t . a1 uieionn
r'f11 CopvriohtbAc,
- Anvon. .ending a .ketch and description may
enlckly uoertaln onr opinion fre. whether u
Invention la probably plntble. Conmunlre.
tlon strictly oonttdentlal. Handbook on Psteote
sent free. Oldest airency for seourtn. psteuta.
Patents taken thronrh Mann A Co. nostra .
tyeefau notice, without coarse. In tne
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I unrest cln.
culatton of any sdenuflo loamsl. Terms. i e
ev : four raonths, IL Sold by all newsdealers.
Ml)Np Co.36'B'- New York
Braoon OOce. SS t 8t Waahlncton. D. O.
J. D. HOCKVIAN has rented the
; the 8'iops of J. L. Thomson, on the
, comer of Thir I and Madison streets,
' where he is prepared to do all kinds
of Blacksmithing. ,
Horae-ahoelng Spoolalty.
Prices reasonable. Satisfaction
A. 8ANDROCK conducts a gen
eral wagon and repair shop incon
' nection. Repairing done promptly
.tat Hood Sample Rood
;.DAL.Ltt3, OR.
BeSt Kentucky Whisky
Very Best Key West Cigars and Bes
,of Wine. )
English Porter, Ala and Mllwauke
Beer always on hand. :
Next coor to Columbte fiotel.
Open Dey and Night
Courteous Treatment
to all Bowlers.
Special Attractions
For Bowling Part las.
Patronage of the public respectfully
Ladles' Pavs Mo-dsy mornings and
Thursday evening.
Room 7. over French Go's. Baiik. '
OOloe hours, i to 4 p. m
Charlotte F. Roberts,
', Local Manager.
San Francisco
P. LEMKE, Proprietor.
Fine Wines. Liquors, and Ciga
, Columbia Brewery Beer on
. i Draught.
Second street, bet. Co art aad Union.
ioipmi Ste
. ....Corner THird ud WuliloffttM
Curedand DrleJ Msats,
Sausages of All Kinds
Oiden Delivered toiny Part of the City
Approved by the Board of Underwriters
of tbe PaolOo. Not, Uu, 1MB.
loo-Candle Power, 14 Honrs,
For FOUR Cental.
Own your own Oaa Piat t.
Run your own me-
ter. A complete gaa plant wiinin tn
Dleie tea plant within
portable, hang It oy where. Maximum
light at minimum coat.
IBnoT Aatent'fortWaaeo Coanty.
eWLemps on exhibition at the Umatilla Bouse
First National Bank
General Banking Business Transacted.
Depoalu received tubteot to sight draft
or obeck.
Collection, made and proceeds promptly re
mitted on day of collection.
Sight and telegrapnio exchange aold on New
vonr. Ha uranoiaoo and fortiaaa.
1 8 Sohiw .
H V BiaTX.
Public Bowling Alley