The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, February 11, 1899, Image 1

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ou vriifict. ViiuixxxT
m 5.
0. HJLLI8TKB, ..
Physician and Surgeon,
Boom orer Dalles National Bank. Offloa houn, 10
a m to 13 m, and from X to p m. ttau
dsno Wait End of Third Street,
Attorney at Law
Booms 8 0 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or,
Notice is hereby given that the Columbia
Southern Railway Company, a corporation duly
organized and existing under and by virtue of
. ina jaws oi tne state or uregon, ana tne direct'
. ors oi saia iviumDia soutnern Kauwav com
Sany, act in? under authority of resolutions
uly adopted bt the amrmative vote of all of
the stockholders of the company at a meeting
oi saia stooKi.oiaers neia at tne city or The
i uaues. oreson, on toe tan day or JUecemoer.
189H. have Bled In the office of the secretary of
state, of the state of Oreiron and in the office
of the eounty clerk of the county of WaHco,
Oregon, end in the office of the clerk of Sher
man county. Oregon, spnplementary article of
incorporauon amending articles ill. IV. ana
-JVI ef-the preneot articles oMncorporatkm of
saia company so mat saia art cies in., iv.
ana vj of saia antcies or lno- rporation shall,
' when amended, shall read as follows:
- ARTICLE in. .
The enterprise, rursuit, business and occu
pation in wmen tots corporation shall be.
FIH8T. To acquire, build, own. construct,
and to maintain and operate such constructed,
owned or acquired railroad and telegraph lines,
and to carrv freight and passengers thereon
and to transmit messages thereover, and to re
ceive to Is for the carriage or transmission o '
, the same, the following railroad and telegraph
- lines, namely:
1. A line from Biggs, in the state of Oregon,
to Moro. in the tate of Oregon.
S. A line from Moro, in the state of Oregon,
or some other convenient or suitable place on
the line uetween Biggs and M6ro, to the town
of PrineviUe, in the state of Oregon.
3. A line commencing at or near Cross Hol
lows In the state of Oregon, to a oolnt at or
- near Canvon City in the state of Oregon,
4. A line from Bay Canyon Junction, in the
state of Oregon, to Hay Canyon, in the state of
Second. To build, puichae. own, lease or
operate steamboat- on th Columbia and Snake
. river and the tributaries thereof, the term lini
of said water lines to be Celiltf. in Wasco
county and Priest Ranids on the Columbia
river, in the state of Washington, and Lewis
ton on the Snake river, in t'e state of Idaho.
Thibd. To build, purchase, own or lease
docks, piers, warehouses and depots to be used
in connection with the r .11 road and steamboat
lines above mentioned, nd to purchase or
lease luuas. warmer adjacent or contiguous to
its rai1 roads, docks or warehouses or not, and
to hold, possess, improve, lease, sell, mortgage
or otherwise dispose of such lands in such man
ner as may be deemed fit.
Fourth To borrow money on bonds, notes,
or otherwise for the teneral purposes of the
corporation, and to mortgage iu railroads
steamships, steamboats, franchises, rolling
stock ana any and all property to secure the
payment thereof ; provided, however, that un
less authorized by a majority vote of the stock
holders of the company no mortgage to secure
any bond , notes or other evidences of indebt
edness shall be placed upon the rai lira ds or
, other property of tnls company.
' Fifth. To do all other things necessary or
proper in crrry mg on the business of ths cor-
, poration or for the accomplishment cf the ob
jects above specified.
The place where this company proposes to
have its principal office or place of business is
Moro, Oregon.
The termini of the railroads which this company-
proposes to own, uuild or construct are
Biggs, in Sh rman County. Oregon; Hay
Canyon Juuncti n, in Sherman county, Oregon;
Hay Canyon, in Sherman county, Oregon ; Moro,
in Sherman eou ty, Oregon; PrineviUe, . in
Crook county, Oregon; nnd Canyon City, in
Grant county, Oregon, and the lines of railroad
which tbis company is authorized to construct
are the lines mentioned in article III. of the
articles of incorporation of this company as
amended. The termini of the water lines of
this company are Celilo in Wasco county, Ore
gon; Priest Rapids, on the Columbia river in
the state of Washington, an Lewis ton, on the
Snake iv r in the state of Idaho.
Columbia Southhrh Railwat Compant
. ATrtST: By E. E. Lytle, President,
- May Enright, Secretary. . .
In th-Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for W:-sco County.
W. L. V atson. Co., a corporation, plaintiff,
Geo. Christensen. defendant.
To George Christensen, the above named de
fendant. . In me name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby notified and rvquired to je and appear
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasoo Countv, on or before the 21st day of
Junuarv. lfloo. then and there to answer the
. , . , . . - i
cornptaint of plaintiff filed against you in the
above eititled court a d cause, and if you fail
to so appear and answer said complaint for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
above entitled courl for the relief aprayed for in
its oomplaint. towit:
For a dec. ee to foreolose that certain mort
gage made and delivered by you on the 22nd
day of August, Uwft. to one h aren Rayland, apd
by her assigned to this plaintiff; which said
mortgage was given to secure the payment of
a promissory note of even date therewith for
the sum of ta-0,0" with interest thereon at the
rate of 9 per oent per annum, and was noon the
southeast quarter of seotion 22 in township I
north, of range 15 east, W. M., in Wasco
County, Oregon.
That said lands and premises be sold In the
manner prescribed y law. and from the pro
ceeds of such sale, plain' iff have and receive
tne sum of (800.00 together with interest on
said sum at the rate of 9 per cent per annum
since August 26, 1896 together with costs and
disbursements of this suit and accruing costs
and expenses of such sale, and that plaintiff
have suoh other and further relief as to the
court may s em equitable and just.
Tbis summons is served -upon you by publica
tion thereof for six consecutive weeks in the
"'limes-Mountaineer," a newspa er of general
circulation published in Dalles City, Wasco
County, Oregon, by order of the Hon. W. L.
Bradshaw. judge of the abo e named court,
which order bears date the 9th d y of Decem
ber. 1898, and directed that said publication be
made in said paper beginning with Saturday,
the 10th day of Dec;mber, 1898, and ending
January 21, 1899.
lOdec Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Multnomah County.
W. T. Steptens, Plaintiff,
J. H. Frary, Dtfendact.
By virtue of an attachment, execution, decree
and ordrr of sale, du'y issued out of and under
the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Multnomah, to me di
rected and dated the 12th day of January, 14S9,
upon judgment rendered and entered in said
Cour; on the 12th day of January, r-99, in the
above entitled cause in favor of the Plaintiff
and against the defendant J H. Frary as judg
ment debvor. in the sum of seventy and 6 hun
dreds donars, 0.0(1, with interest thereon from
the 12th day of January. I8P9, at the rate i f ten
per cent per annum, and the further sum of
twenty dollars. tJU.OO, with interest thereon at
six per ceut per annum, from the 12th day of
January, 1899. and the further sum of twenty
twn ana aAventv-five hundretha dollars. S2J.75.
costs, and the costs of and upon this writ, and
commanding me to make salo of the real prop
erty embraced in sut-h execution of sale and
hereinafter described, I will, on the
6th day of March, 1899,
At the hour of two o'clock, t. in the after
noon of said day. and at the front door o
the County Court House in Dalles City. Wasco
Countv, Oregon sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash in hand. aM the right,
title and Interest which the Defendant J. H.
Frary. h d on the 23d day of December, 1898.
the date of the attachment of said property, or
which said 1 efendant has since acquired, or
now has in and to the following described real
Sroperty. situate and being in Wasco County,
iregon. Jo-wit:
The northeast quarter of section twenty-one
21.I in township two (2.) north of ratge ten (10)
east of the Willamette Meridian, in Wasco
County, Oregon, or so much of said property as
will satisfy said judgment and decree, with
costs and accruing costs. t)
Bald property wl 1 be sold subject to confir
mation and redemption as by law provided.
D.. ted at The Dalles, Oregon, this 27th day of
January. 1899. ROBERT KELLY,
Sheriff, Wasco County, Oregon. .
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
assignee of the estate of O. M. Bourland. n in
aolveni debtor, has filed bis final account and
report in sid estate, nd that the same will be
railed up for hearing in the Circuit Court of the
State o( Oregon, for Wasco County, at the reg
nlar February term of said Court, ou Monday
toe JO'A day of Feoruary. 1899, or as soon
thereafter as the same ean be heard by sa d
COAli'rjer8ons interested in sal I estate are here
by notified to appe r on or before said date and
Bhow cause, if any there be, why sa d report
Should sot in ail things, be allowed ratified aid
approved and an order be made by said Court
discharging said assignee and exonerating his
botdsSS from further 1 ability thereunder.
D.ed this 18th day of January, ;
i mouam A. LOBS.
Assignee of the estate of V. M. Bourlaud as
To the Honorable County Court of Wasco
uounty, Oregon:
We, the undersigned legal voters of Falls
Precinct, Wasoo County. Oregon, respectfully
petition your Honorable Board to grant to
Thomas- sadder. iloease to sell spirt tons,
vineous and malt liquors in less Quantities than
one gallon, lor tne term oi one year at tne Cas
cade IjOcks, Oregon:
E Nelson
James Stewart
F E Leavens
N Nelson
John Anderson
John Trana
T -( Williams
E George
S Malm
A Fleischhauer
A G Hall
Pat Melany
E Sweetland
J F Stout
F Rogers
H Fitzman
Hans Wleckt
Oscar Skorg
John Totton
Rudolph Schmidt
J F Hendrick
H Henn
Patrick Sullivan
Liugi Lungo .
C J Carlson
H Fesen
FF Foster
Aurost Peterson
J W Doethit
Pat La ey
Ben Doke
W D McCrary
John West i ah
C H Trask
Jas Oorten
Joe Cierrient
O C FvBe
H P Harphorn .
A A Spring
A We son
C Wil geroett .,
Albert Co is
I' H Doug ass
M Fitzgerald
J F Ridenam
St W Foster
1) L Cates
C Vascsni
F S Devine
T E Simpson
J M Carlson
J J Poster
J J Sexton
G M Wilson
Joe Scbmid. Jr
F Anderson
E Ostberg
Thad Geazier
J Schmid. Sr
C J Devine
Geo W Mitchell
C Peter n
J W Atwell
P Aug Nelson
A C rlson
H A Leavens
W Foster
R Black
C G Hickok
a Martin
Wm Frizzeil
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
wasco uountv.
Rothchild Bros., a corporation, plaintiff.
W. T. Wiseman, defendant.
To W. T. Wiseman, the above named defend
In the name of the State of Oregon :
You are hereby required to aDoear and
answer the complaint of plutntiff fileo against
you in tne aoove entitled action ana court on
or before the 14th day of January. 1899, and if
you ran to so appear or anawr for want there
of, the plalntlD will take Judgment against you
for two hundred and sixty nine and 85-100 dol
lars, 85) and iuterest thereon since Oc
tober -etn, 1897, at me rate of 8 oer cent
I per
annum, togetner witn plaintiff's costs and
oursements oi action
This summons is served udoo vou ' bv publi
cation thereof bv order of W. X. Bradshaw.
Judge of thi above named court, made in open
Court, on the 30th day of November. I89H, di
recting that .aid summons be published once a
wees ior not less tnan six consecutive week-.
In the T mes-Mountaineer. a newspaper of
gener 1 circulation published in Dalle C ty.
Wasco Countv. Oregon, and said publication,
beginning with Suturriay the 3d day of Decem
ber, 1898, and ending January Uth, tM.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
forWa co County.
Josephine Beroa, pUintiff,
J. E. Beroa, defendant.
To J. E. Beroa. the above named defendant.
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear in the above en
title i court within sx weeks from the 14th day
oi ja uary a u. iw. men ana mere to an
swer the complaint of the plaintiff died agal ist
you in the above enti' led suit, and if yon fail
so to appear, and aiswer said complaint, the
plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court
f r the relief prayed for in hiT complaint to
wlt: For a decree of divorce of tlie above en- '
titled court dissolving me bonds of mat imony
n w existing between plaint If and defendant.
That plaintiff be awarded the sole care and
custody of their minor child. Anita Beroa, and
for her costs and disbursement in this suit,
and such further relief as to the court may seem
equitable and just.
This sun mons is served upon you, the said J.
E. Beroa. by publication thereof, by order of
the Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, judge of the above
entitled court, which order bears date the 14th
dav of January A. D. 1899, and directed that
said summons be publish d once a week for
not less than six successive weeics in the
'limes- Mountaineer, a newspaper of general
circulation published in Kalles City, Wasco
county, Oregon. Said publication to begin
wila Saturday, the 14th day January A. D. 1899
Attorarys for Plaintiff..
Dated this Uth day of January A. D. 199.
' Notice is hereby given that Joseph W. Ward,
executor of me estate of William, L. Ward,
deceased, has filed his final account in said
estate, and ti at the 6th day of Mareh, 1899. at
10' o'o.ock a. M. of said day. has been appointed
as the time for hearing said final account and
mmrL and the ir.aking of an order of distri
bution of said estate to the legatees mentioned
in lOB Will Ul a LIU uomiHCU Dim iuft iuo
.neBring thereof wlu be had. ogethcrwith any
0 wtions thereto, if any are made, before the
in the will of sua aeceasea ana mat tne
Honorable Robert Mays, county judge, at tne
County Court House in Dalles City, Wasco
county, Oregon.
Ail persons luteresteo insniuesuibe are aunj'
by notified to appear -at said time and place
and show cause, if any the-e be, why said
accounts should not be in all things approved
and allowed, and said order of distribution
This notice Is published by order of Hon
Robert Mavs, Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Wasco County, of date
January 27th., 1899. ,
Dated January 25th., 18PS.
Executor with the will annexed of the
estate of William L. Ward, deceased.
I :
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County.
Belle Bryan. Plaintiff,
William Bryan, Defendant.
To William Bryan, the above named de
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit, within six weeks from the
14th day of January. 1899. said day being the
first day of the publication of tbis Summons;
and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re
lief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: A de
oree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matri
mony existing between plaintiff and defendant,
and for her costs and disbursements n this
This Summon is trabllared by virtue of an
order of W. L. Bradshaw, judge of ti e Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco
County, dated the 12th day oi January, 1899,
which order provides and specifies six weeks s
the time lor which this Summons shall be pub
lished. Dated tbis 14th day of January. 1P99.
td-feb 18 Attorney for the Plantiff.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
the executor of the estate of Owen Williams,
deceased, has duly filed with the Clerk of tne
County Cornt for Wasoo Countv. Oregon, his
final account and report in said estate; and that
the Judge of the above entitled court has amy
fixed Monday, the -tth day of March. 1899. at two
o'clock P. M. of said day as the time, and the
county court room in the eounty oourt bouse in
Dalles City, Wasco County, Orego , as the
place for hearing said final account and report.
All persons mtcresteu in saiu tuii are ucicujr
notified to appear at said time and place and
show cause if any there bs why said final ac
count and report should not in all things be
allowed, ratified and approved, and an order
made duly discharging said executor fro n fur
ther acting in said trust, and exonoratlna him
from further liability thereunde-.
. U. J. Sl'UtSUHU,
Executor of the estate of Owen WilliaiuS. de-
Dated this 2d day of Februery, 1899.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has duly filed her final account and report as
administratrix of the estate of Hugh M Bax
ter late of Wasco County. O egon. and now de
ceased, with the clerk of the county cou t of
Wasco County, Oregon: and that the Judge of
said court has fixed Monday, the 6th day of
March, 1899, at two o'clock P. M. of s id day. as
the time, and the county court room, in the
county court house in Dalles City. Wa-co
County. Oregon, as the place for hearing said
final account and report. All persons inter
ested in said estate are hereby notified o ap
pear at said time and place and show cause
if any there be why said report should not in all
things be allowed, ratified, approved and con
firmed, and said administratrix discharged and
her Don limea exonerated.
Dated this 81st day of January, 1899.
Administratrix of the estate of Hugh M. Bax
ter, deceased.
Good Wood.
To get the best dry fir and pioe wood
that the market affords rlag op 40.
Prompt delivery. The Dalles Lumber
log Go
A Court Of Inquiry Will
Be Ordered.
Washington, Feb. 3. Indications
are that a court of inquiry will be
ordered to investigate and report upon
the truth or falsity of statements
alleged to have been made by General
Miles, in which the quality of beef
furnished the troops during the late
war was brought in question.
The matter was discussed a some
length at today's cabinet meeting, and
although no donnite docision v. as
reached, the concensus of opinion was
that such proceedings should be had,
It was argued that if packers who had
furnished beef to the army Bad fraudu
lently supplied the- article as charged
by Miles, the country had a right to
know that fact. It was also agreed
that Miles should not be suspended
from office as commander of the army
pending such investigation.
Jt is not believed any action will be
taken, however, until the war investi
gating committee has made its report,
which is expected next Monday. No
one outside of the commission is sup
posed to know what the nature of the
report will be. The method which is
to be adopted, namely, a court of in
quiry to pass upon Miles' conduct, is
taken to indicate a knowledge on the
part of the administration of what the
report will have to say as bearing upon
Miles' charges.
The common impression is that the
court of Inquiry can be ordered only
upon demand of the officer whose con
duct is to be made the subject of in
vestigation. While that is usually the
case, there is, however, a reserve
power in the president, to order such a
court, regardless of the wishes of the
officer concerned. The authority is
contained in article 115 of the ar
ticles of war, which have the force of
Tell lour Sister.
A beautiful complexion is an impos
sibility without good pure -blood, the
sort that only exists in connection
with good digestion, a healthy liver
and bowels. Karl's Clover. Root Tea
acts directly on the bowels, liver and
kidneys keeping them in perfect
health. Price 25 cts and 50 cis.
BLalceley & Houghton dr ugglst.
Spanish Residents In Havana Want to
Come Into tbe United States.
, New York, Feb. 3. A dispatch to
the World from Havana says: A
number, of Spaniards in Havana have
issued a strong appeal to their com
patriots throughout the island to unite
for the purpose of -bringing about the
annexation of Cuba to the United
States. . Tbe appeal repudiates any
desire on the part of the Spaniards to
join tbe proposed new independent
party now in progress of organization
by Joaquin Castillo.
It states that 600,000 Spaniards are
ready to vote for annexation, and this
number would be largely augmented
by Cubans of wealth, position and in
fluence who do not wish to sea the
revolutionary party In the ascendency.
Members of the committee believe
that if a vote were to be taken today
on the broad issue, the result would
be decidedly in favor of union with
America, even if the negro element
n Eastern Cuba was allowed to exer
cise a free franchise.
Steps will be taken by the Spaniards
to put their views before tbe American
administration, as they believe if an
independent government is contem
plated in the near future, the trade of
the inland will be brought to an im
mediate standstill. In any case they
think tbe United States should retain
control for a considerable period.
On Brery Bottle.'
Of Shlloh's Consumption Cure is
this guarantee: "All we ask of you to
use two-thirds of the contents of tbis
bottle faithfully, then if you can say
you are not benifited return tbe bottle
to your druggist and he may refund
the money." Price 25 cts., 50 cts"., and
$1.00. Blakeleyand Houghton. -
Outrageon Murders Committed on
Chinese Frontiers. '
San Francisco. Feb. , 3. In tbe
stories -of the murders of missionaries
and foreign residents recently 4 in
China, details of. a particularly bar
barous, affair at Cbogan Chiang, In
volving the life of an Englishman
named Fleming, and Evangelist Pan,
have been wanting. .' J. R. Adams, of
the Chinese inland mission visited the
scene of the murders and tells a bhock
ing condition of affairs, in the North
Chiua Dally News. He ascertained
that the people of Cbonair had deter
mined to take tbe lifo of every for
eigner in the place, . and when Mr.
Fleming set foot in the town he was a
doomed man.
At least. 200 people witnessed the
murder from' tbe opposite side of the
river. Evangelist Pan was suddenly
and quickly cut down. Mr. Fleming
dismounted from his mule to go to h Is
assistance, but be, too, was attacked
and slain after a desperate conflict, in
which he was dreadfully wounded with
a sword and an iron spike. The two
victims were stripped of their clothing
and their bodies left for three days on
the public road.
Sick Headache .
The curse of overworked womankind,
are quickly and surely cured by Earl's
Clover Root Tea, tbe great blood puri
fier and tissue builder. Money re
funded if not satisfactory. Price 25
cts. and 60 cents. Blakeley & Hough
ton, drugg'sts.
The Union
Pacific Schemlnjr,
Western Ontlet.
Saw Fhanoispq, Feb. 5 . W. H.
Llewellyn sod George Tiffany, two
l '
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alurru
Alum baking powders ate the greatest
mmaCCTi to hialtii of the present day.
sotw. snow owaci ea, xtw yowk.
New York capitalists are here. They
said to have come west on an impor
tant railroad deal. Tbey have In view
nothing less than the building of a
railroad from Portland to Tacoma and
Seattle, a distance of a 140 miles. -
Bonds have already been ' placed in
New York to raise the necessary mon-
ev for the construction of this road.
It is common gossip that Llewellyn
and Tiffany are agents of the Vander-
bilts, specially commissioned to build
aline for the Union i Pacific into Ta
coma and Seattle, after it secures its
old entrance into Portland by control
ling the Short Line and O. R. & N
The Union Pacific's program Is to
get into Portland, Tacoma and Seattle
in order to compete with the Northern
Pacific and Great Northern roads.
Once in control of the Short Line, it
will be In a position to extend one of
the Utters branches from Salt Lake to
Los Angeles. When and how it will
get into San Francisco is a matter of
vague speculation at this time. Ail
tbe prominent railroad men in the
west, however, are convinced that tbe
Union Pacific will, before long, have
terminals In Los Angeles, this city,
Portland, Tacoma and Seattle.
Does This Strike Too?
Muddy complexions, nauseating
breath come .from chronic consump
tion. Karl's Clover Root Tea is an
absolute cure and has been sold for
fifty vears on an absolute guarantee.
Price 25 cents and 50 cents, at Blake
ley & Houghton, druggists.
Day of Snow
Storm In
Denver. Jan. 5. Division Super
intendent Senlnger of tbe South Park
branch of the Colorado Southern said
today; "We have had 71 consentive
days of snow and storm between Como
and Leadville. In all that time there
has not been a single day free from
snow storms and high winds. The old
settlers state emphatically that this
winter has beep, by all odds the most
severe in 25 years. The snow is seven
feet deep on the level from Boreas and
Climax and in many places drifted to
more than 20 feet. The 'snow is light
and drifts easily. Tbe altitude being
so great there has not been sufficient
moisture to form a crust, and there
will be continual danger and annoy
ance from drifts until we have a week
of sunshine and moderate weather to
thaw the surface. There has been no
suffering from lack of provisions and
fuel unless it be at Kokomo."
, It is reported that most of the live
stock from .Breckenridge . and there
abouts faaB been driven down the Blue
river near Keystone, where ample pro
tection and some bare places for feed
ing may be found, on tbe ranches there
is shed room sufficient for 2000 head of
stock. People are keeping close at
home, tbe only ones venturing out be
ing those at sawmills and mines some
distance from towns and these have
been closed down and tbe operators
have gone to the towns to secure food
and warmth. The only mines open are
those close to towns. For six days all
the mines on the high, line have been
without communication.
How is Sour WlfeT
Has she lost her beauty? If so. con
stipation, Indigestion, rick headache
are the principal causes. Karl's Clover
Root Tea has cured these ills for half
a century. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts.
Money refunded if results are not
satisfactory. Blakeley & Houghton,
Eathan Allen Hitchcock Knows America
Has Firm Friend.
London, Feb. 5. Eathan Allen
Hitchcock, the retiring ambassador to
Russia, who was recently appointed
United States secretary of the interior
arrived in London on his : way to
Washington . He carries home the
strongest pro-Russian sympathies. In
an interview bad with him by a rep
resentative of tbe Associated Press,
Mr. Hitchcock deuounced emphati
cally the stories current since the be
ginning of the Hlspano-American war
that Russia was a member of tbe
coalition of contlnential powers which
would have intervened in the dispute
had. not England refused to join them.
"These stories are utterly unfound
ed," said Mr. Hitchcock. "There has
never been a single item of proof pro
duced to substantiate them and on the
contrary, Russia has been most friend
ly toward the' United States and baa
manifested that friendship during the
past year In many ways, of which my
position forbids me to speak."
Stats or Ohio. City of Tolido, i
Lucas Couwtt. I
Frank J. Ceinit makes oath that he is tbe
senior partner of the Ann of F. J. Ceiiiit A
Co., doing business in the City of Toledo
County" and State aforesaid, and that said firm
will pay tbe sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL
LARS for each and every case of catarrh that
cannot be cared by the use of Haix's Catabbh
Cubi. 1
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
nresence. this th day of December, A. D. 18M.
I v ' Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system, send ior testimonials, iree.
F. j. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by DniRglsts, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Good Wood.
. Oak or fir delivered to any part of
tbe city. Rates reosonable. Call on
F. B. Saunders or give orders on tele
phone No, 12,
Aeruinaldo Attacks the
American Forces at
Washington. Feb. 5. The war de
partment has just received a telegram
from Manila showing that the Filipino
forces attacked the American outposts
last night, but were repulsed , with
heavy losses to both sides.
The American losses are: Wounded,
125; dead 20.
Washington, Feb. 5. Admlra
Dewey has sent tbe following dispatch
to tbe navy department:
Manila, Feb. 6. The insurgents
inaugurated a general engagement
yesterday and last night which con
tinued today. Tbe American army
and navy was generally successful.
The insurgents were driven back and
our line was advanced. ' There were
no casualties to tbe navy, t
Another dispatch just received says;
Filipinos attacked the . American
lines at 8:45 Saturday nigLt. There
was a heavy fusillade on both sides and
artillery was used. The cruiser Char
leston and the gunboat Concord bom
barded tbe enemy... The Americans
after a magnificent charge captured
several of the positions of the enemy
The Filipinos lost heavily.
. Sonne Mothers.
Croup is the terror of thousands of
young mothers because its outbreak is
so agonizing and frequently fatal.
Shilbh's Cough and Consumption Cure
act like magic in cases oi croup. It
has never been known to fail. The
worsi cases relelved immediately
Price; 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00
Blake ley & Houghton druggist.
District Attorney's Will Mot Bare Their
Terms of Office Extended. .
Salem, Feb. 3. It is evident today
that tbe promoters of the i bill to in
crease tbe salaries of district attorneys
have become slightly- alarmed at the
result of their own boldness. Such a
storm' of protests has gone up over
that clause of the measure providing
for keeping the district attorneys now
serving in office until 1902, that it has
apparently been decided to eliminate
that feature.
Today the bouse judiciary commit
tee asked leave to amend tbe bill by
substituting 1900 for 1902, claiming
the figures were placed in the bill as
the result of a clerical error.
Tbe house devoted its forenoon ses
sion today to the third reading of thej
bills. - The following bills were .passed :
By McCullocb, to provide for the man
ner of dissolving - attachments on
homesteads, and to provide that all
personal property be taxed in the city
or county in which found, regardless
of the residence of the owner;, by Hill,
to define the duties of the administra
tors in payment of claims and declare
the order of priority of claims; by
Moody, to authenticate depositions,
and to restrict payment of witness fees
in criminal cases to wlto esses travel
ing two miles or more. (The law now
applies only to Multnomah and Clat
sop counties); by.Hawson, to give
farm laborers a lien upon farm pro
ducts for labor performed; by Myers,
to protect salmon in Alsea bay and
streams emptying into it, and fixing
the close season; by Flagg, to prohibit
the killing of more than 20 wild ducks
in one day, and prohibit shipping them
out of the state; by Williamson, to
provide for a special tax on sheep to
create a scalp .bounty fund; by Mas
singill, to provide for physical exami
nation of plaintiffs in actions for dam
ages foa personal injuries.
Senators Smith and Dufur this
morning presented explanations of
tbelr position lth reference to the
reapportionment act, which was ap
proved by the governor while they
were speaking.. Both opposed tbe
double distinction feature of the law.
A message was received from the
governor, saying that nearly 151,000
acres of Indemnity school land had
been selected by the state land agent,
and the demand for it had been so
great that only 14.000 acres now re
mained, tbe price of which the govern
or recommended should be raised.
The following bills ' were passed:
By Fulton, to authorize county courts
to permit . construction of logging
roads along public highways by Mc
Kay, to prevent the unauthorized use
of trademarks. The following bills
were introduced: Mitchell, to incor
porate tbe town of Moro; by McKay,
to authorize charitable and social
clubs or corporations to changa their
names, etc; to repetl the Bancroft
bonding act: by Mulkey, to amend tbe
law relative to conveying patients to
asylum and convicts to the peniten
tiary; by Fulton, to provide a more
effective means of collecting a road
poll tax.
Many m Lorer
Has turned with disgust from an other
wise lovable girl with an offensive
breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea puri
fies tbe breath by its action on tbe
bowels, etc, as ooi hing else will. Sold
f..i vears on absolute euarao tee. Price
25 cts.. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists.
It Passed the Semite by Three More
' than a Two-thirds Tote.
Washington, Feb. 6. In she senate
today toe-peace treaty was ratified by
a malority of three. The vote was as
Yeas Aldrlcb, Allen, Allison, Ba
ker, Burrows. Butler, Carter, Chand
ler, Clark, Clay. Cullom, Davis, Deboe,
Elk-Ins, Fairbanks, Faulkner, Foraker,
Frye, Gallinger, Gear, Gray, Hanna,
Hansbrough, Harris, Hawley, Jones
(Nevada), Kenney. Kyle, Ltnqsay,
Lodge, McBride, MoEnery, MoLaurio,
McMUlin, Mantle, Mason, Morgan,
Nelson, Penrose, Perkins, Pettus
Piatt (Connecticut). Piatt (New York),
Pritcbard, Quay, Ross, Sewell, Shoup,
Simon, Spooner,' Stewart, Sullivan,
Teller, Thurston, Warren, Wellington,
Wolcott 67.
NaysBacon, Bate, Berry, Caffery,
t'hilton, Cuckrell, Daniel, Gorman,
Hale, Heltfelt, Hoar, Jones (Arkansas),
Mallory, Martin, Hills, Mitchell,
Money, Murpby, ' Pasco, Pettlgrew,
Kawuns, Uoaen, Smith, Tillman, Tur
ley, Turner, Vest 27.
Absent, paired, Cannon and Wilson
for, with White against, and Proctor
and Wetmore for, with Turple against.
Do Ton Know
Consumption Is preventable? Science
has proven that, and also that neglect
Is suicidal. The worst cold or cough
can be cured with Shlloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure. Sold on positive
guarantee for over fifty years. Blake
ley Sc Houghton, druggists.
Transport Sheridan Will Ball From New
York on the 14th.
New York, Feb. 6. The work of
reparing tbe army transport Sheridan
for her long vopage to tbe Philippines
goes on with unabated vigor. Those
who are in charge of this task are de
termined that the troopship shall leave
on time. Tbo galvanized iron frames
or the busks are all in place now, but
haye not had tbe canvas laced to them
yet. Tbe Sheridan finished coaling
last night, and also received a good
part of her ballast The latter was
transferred to her from barges. It is
said the date for sailing is February
The troops that the ship will carry
are the Twelfth infantry, which is now
at Fort wefferson barracks, St. Louis,
and the Third battalion of tbe Seven
teenth infantry at Columbus, O. The
arrival of the Third battalion in Ma
nila will reunite the regiment and
bring it up to its full strength. The
Twelfth regiment Is expected here on
February 9. Quartermaster M. L.
Hersey and Quartermaster-Sergeant
C. L. Lindsay have arrived here to
arrange for tbe reception of the regi
ment on tbe Sheridan.
Won need Washington Boys.
Spokane, Feb. 6. 'First "Lieu
tenant Edward K. Erwin, of company
A, First Washington volunteers,
wounded at Manila, was born In Wis
consin 34 years ago, and was a book
keeper. - He leaves a wife and one son
H years old, residing here.
Privates John Klein and James F.
Greeb, company A, were enlisted at
Tacoma. .
Private Oscar Howards, company A,
was enlisted a San Francisco.
Privates William E. Fait and Rich
ard H. McClain are well known young
clerks. '. '.'-
The 'Coldest in . Many Tears.
Pendlelon, Or., Feb. 5. The cold
est weather lo many years prevails
throughout the country surrounting
Pendleton, although. 12 below is the
lowest temperature accorded here. At
Meacham it was 42 below this morning,
at Helix 21, at TJkiah, 50 miles south of
here,- in Camas prairie, it was more
than 40 below. ' . ': " ' " '
Those Who '. Suffered.
Washington, Feb. 6, The regi
ments that sustained losses during tbe
engagement at Manila Saturday night
and Sunday were -the Tenth Pennsyl
vania, First Montana, First Colorado,
First South Dakota, Third artillery.
Fourteenth itfantry, Sixth artillery,
First Idaho, First California and First
A Filipino Explanation.
Hong Kong, Feb. 6. The Filipino
junta has issued a statement setting
forth that tbe fighting at Manila was
only an outpost skirmish designed to
Influence tbe vote in the United States
senate today on the peace treaty.
Nebraska's Cold 'Ware.
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 5. Last night
was the coldest for eight years 'a cen
tral and northern Nebraska, the mer
cury registering 32 below zero at Val
entine 22 below at Beaver City snd 18
below at North Platte.
Glorious Mews
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of
Washita, I. T, He writes: "Four
bottles of Elecrio Bitters has cured
Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which bad
caused her great suffering for years.
Terrible Sores would break 'out on ber
head and face, and the best doctors
coald give no help: bnt her cure is
complete and her health is excellent.
Tbis shows what thousands have
proved that Electric Bitters is the
best blnod purifier known. It's tbe
supreme remedy lor eczema, tetter,
salt rheum, ulcers, bolls, and running
sores. It stimulates liver, kid neys and
bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion,
builds up the strength. Only 50 cents.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton drug
gists. Guaranteed.
Solicitors wanted Ladies or
GENTLEmen, for onr complete set of
Juvenile Books for the holidays. Each
set has four books gradeeffor little ones
to grown up folks. Each book charm
ing, delightful, captivating. Prices
range from 50? to $2,50. Large books
each overflowing with happy illustra
tions, Tremendous sellers, ixotniog
like them. Four months golden har
vest for energetic workers. Credit
given. Freight paid. Biggest com
missions. Outfit with samples of all
four books free. Send twelve 2 cent
stamps for paying part onlv of the
postage alone. Drop all trash and
clear $300 a month with our exclusive
Improved Train Berries.
Elegant new Pullman palace sleep
ers between r ortiana ana tjnicago
have been placed in service via the O.
R. & N., Oregon Short Line, Union
Pacific and .Chicago & Northwestern
Railways dally every day in the year.
Cars are of the very .latest pattern, in
fact being tbe most improved up-to-
date sleeping fears turned out by the
Pullman Company.
These new palaces will leaye Port
land on the evening fa6t train of the
O. R. & N. arriving at Chicago the
morning of tbe fourth day and run
ning through without change via
Granger and Omaha 19 tf
Overcoats selling
Williams A Co,
oheap at A. M.
AI 1) DlLI j V c
Filipinos Were Worsted
- ;
on Every Side.
Manila, Feb. 6. A sanguinary en
counter between American troops and
Insurgents has occurred. -
Tbe clash came at 8:40. yesterday
evening, when three daring Filipinos
darted past tbe Nebraska regiments at
Santa Mesa, -but retired .when chal
lenged. They repeated the ex peri
ment without drawing the sentries
fire, but at the third time Corporal
Greeley challenged .the Filipinos and
then fired, killing one of them and
wounding another. Almost imrned
lately afterwards tbe Filipinos' line
from Calocan to Ranta Mesa comrqene-
ed a fusillade which was ineffectual.
The Nebraska, Montana and North
Dakota outposts replied vigorously.
and held their ground until reinforce
ments arrived.
Tbe Filipnos in the meantime con
centrated at three points, Calocan,
Gagalangin and Santa Mesa.'
At about 1 o'clock the Filipinos
opened a hot fire from all three, places
simultaneously. This was supplement
ed by the fire of the two siege guns at
Bahk-Balik and by advancing their
skirmishers from Paco and Pandacan
ine Amen-'aos respocaea witb a
terlffio fire, but owing to the darkness
they were unable to determine its
elect. i . . .
The Utah light artillery finallv sue
ceeded In sllencelng the native battery,
Tbe Third artillery also did good
work on the extreme left. The en
gagement lasted over an hour.
The United States cruiser Charleston
and the gunboat Concord, stationed off
Malabon, opened fire from their sec
ondary batteries on the Filipinos'
position at Calocan and kept It up
At 2:45 there was another fusillade
along tbe entire line and, the United
States sea going double turreted
monitor Monadnock opened fire on
the enemy rom off Malate. '
With daylight the Americans ad'
vanced. The California and Wash
ington regiments made a splendid
charge and drove the Filipinos from
the works at Paco and Santa Mesa.
The Nebraska regiment also distin
guished itself, capturing several
prisoners and one Howitzer, and
very strong position at the reservoir,
which is connected with the water
works. . ?
The Kansas snd Dakota regiments
compelled the enemy's right flank to
retire to Calocan.
There was intermittentent firing at
various points all day long. ,r ' ' 1
The losses of the Filipinos can not
be eiti mated at present but they are
known to be considerable ; . ;
L The American losses are estimated
at 40 mea killed and 125 wounded.
Names of Taxpayers Who Have Been Mam.
xnoaed to Serve In the rebraary Terse.
Circuit court will open in this city
on Monday, February 13th, snd al
th6ugh there are not a great number
of cssas on tbe docket those that are to
be tried are nearly all important and
tbe term promises to last as long if not
longer than uual. The following
jurors bare been summoned for this
term of court;
Thomas Bishop, Hood River.
T. G. Benson, Cascade Locks. .
. J. W. KooDtz, Tbe Dalles.
Charles Early, Viento.
Frank Fleming, Bakeoyen.
: George Rice, Boyd. . . -. .
. W. M Hay ner.'' Hood Elver. ,
Fred Fisher, The Dalles.
A. J. Graham, Hood River-
T. H. Johnston, Dufur. .. -
J. J. Lucky, Hood River. '
John Wagonblast, Tbe Dalles..
Elmer Green, Dufur.
, J. H. Hlbbard, Hood River. :
Jessie Im bier, Hood River. . .
W. R. Wlnans, Hood Rlyer. .
C. Detoman, Hood River. .
F. H. Button, Hood River.
: J. J. Gibbons, Hood River.
E. E. Lyon, Hood Biver.
W. M. T. McClure, Mosier.
Alezaoder Frazier, The Dalles.
J. H. Harper, The Dalles.
James Fulton, Tbe Dalles. .
O. B. Connolly, The Dalles.
W. H. Taylor, The Dalles.
C. W. Haight, The Dalles. '
Frank Peabody, Dufur.)
W. M. Lauder, Shearers Bridge.'
O. M. Smith, Boyd.
J. F. Markham, Dufur.
I '
Another Effective Step Taken Towards the
Protection of Property.
The fire patrol, which will la future
do police duty and protect property
during- fires, was orgaulzed Saturday
night. Marshall Lauer will act as
chief while the following persons froni
the different companies have been
chosen to do patrol duty.
East End Hose Company No. 3
J. L. Thompson, C. B. Fleurer and D
Wilder. Jackson Engine Co No. 1
J. W. Fisher, John Crate and A.
Sand rock. Hook and Ladder Co No. 1
Harry Llebe. Thomas Ward and Victor
Marden. Columbia Hose Company
H. A. Falk, J. Hertz and W. A. John
ston. Mount 'Good Hose Co. C. L.
Phelphs, Ben Eben and James Har
per. The organization of this Patrol is
certainly a most necessary move to
wards the protection of property and
will save many a dollar to th citizens
as well as the insurance companies,
It has always been the ease when
there was a fire that a large number of
nnscruoulons ruffians were in read
iness to carry away anything that was I
uncrarded. In future, however such
doings will be effectually prevented.
Something has been said to the
effect that tbe insurance companies
Intended to present tbe members of
the fire patrol with handsome badges I
to wear while on duty. This wouid be
no more than right on the part of tbe
companies since tbey will be saved a
irrpRt. rWl nf minev bv the protection
which tbe patroL yllft '
Active solcitors wanted everywhere
for "The Story of the Philippines"
by Murat HaUtead, commissioned by
tbe government as official historian
to the wai department. The book
was written In army camps at San
Francisco, on the Pacific with Gener
al Merritt, in the hospitals at Hono
lulu, In Hong Kong, in the American
trenches at Manila, in the Insurgent
camps with Aguinaldo, on the deck of
tbe Olympia with Dewey, and in the
roar of battle at tbe fall of Manila.
Bonanza fur agents. Brimful of orig
inal pictures taken by government
photographers on tbe spot. ' Large
book. Low prices. Big profits,
Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all
trashy unofficial war books. Outfit
free. Address. F. T. Barber. Seo'v.
so Dearborn St., unicago. lm -
For 8ale or Exchange.
Eighty ""or 240 acres of good farm
land located 10 miles below The Dalles
on the Columbia river, for sale or wilt
be traded for property In The Dalles:
Inquire of Gibons & Mardea. . lmdw
Men Wanted.
To cut cord wood. Inaulre of The
Dalles Lumbering Co tf.
Oysters served in
any style at the
Palace of Sweets.
Cures Im potency, Night Emissions and
wasting diseases, all effects of self-
abuse, or excess and indis
cretion. A nerve tonic and
blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks and
restores tbe fire of youth.
By mail SOc per box; 6 boxes
for $2.50: with a written guaran
tee to core or refund tbe money.
Clinton Jcckson Sta, CHICACO, ILL,
Notice Is hereby given that in oumuanoe to an
order issued by tbe Hon Robert Maya Judge
of the County Court oi the State or Oregon (or
Wasco County, dated at The Dalles, Deo. 10,
1898, the undersigned, C. G. Roberts, has been
appointed sole executor of the estate of James
Roberts, deceased, late of Hood River. Wasco
County, State of Oregon, All persons having
Claims against sain estate, are requested to
present them, accompanied by proper vouch
ers, at the residence of the said executor at
Hood RtVer. Wasco Countv. Oregon, or at the
office of Jayne A MlchelL The Dalles, Oregon,
within six moittn from the date of this notice.
Executor Estate Jamas Roberts, Deceased.
Dated, The Dalles, Deo. 16, 1SS8, St
"The Replator Line"
The Dalles. Portland and Astoria
- Navigation Co.
FiBigiit aim Passenssi LHx8
Until further advised the Dalles City
will leave Tbe Dalles Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday at 7 a. m. and Port-
and Monday, Wednesday and Friday
at the same hour.
Shipments received at any' time, day
or night. .
Live stock shipments solicited.
Call on or address,
A: Ad,
...Bepaeil Old
oo .Second street, and door from Court Street, -
118 Oct 15
The Dalles, Or,
Tom Bourke's and
- : TTnTnftsfpnd whiskey;
LIQUORS AND COGNAC . . . . . . ,,
Best Domestle Llprs, Wines and Cigars. .
The Largest and Beat of August Buohler -
Home-Made Beer, and Porter. ;
$1 worth checks
good for 10c
a rink or
A check given to
every Customer...
Agent for the Swiss Publishing Co., New York.
Did You Ever.
Stop to think that this is the timo of year that
a merchant wants to sell' off all bis heavy goods.
Well that is the case with me. Come in before
the assortment is broken and get your choice of
the stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and
Shoes, Blankets, Furnishing Goods. '; ''
Lumber, Sash,
Class, Paints and all Kinds of
Wood Delivered to any Part of the City.
. TO .
BOSTON and all
For Information, time eards, map and tioketa
sail on or write. W. C. ALLAH AY. Amt
Or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pas-'
en er Agent. No. 226 Morrison Street. Cor.
aer ot Third Street. Portland, Oregon :
DIFART rKOM TBB dalles Aaarra I
Past Salt Lake. Denver, Ft. Fast
1AM- Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail
11:60 p.m. aas City, St. Louis, S:l p. ffl..
.' Cnloago and East.
' " -
Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane ;
Flyer - Minneapolis, St Paul, Flyer
6:40p.m, Duluth, Mllwauke, 6:00a.m.''
Chicago and East,
8p. m. PROM rORTLAND p.m. ";"
' Occaa Steamships
All SaHIng Dates sub- . ,
Jeot to change, -For
San Francisco ,
i Steamers leave Port-
land every five day. "
V . ,' :. . . V
Sp. m. Cslaaibla River P m
Ex.Sunday suaawre . Ex-Bunday.
10 p. m. To Astoria and Way.
Landings. . , "
6a.m. Wlllasiettc River' 4:80p.m. .
Ex.Sunday Ex.Sunday -
Oregon City, Newberg, , ,
Salem Jt Way-Land's
Ta. m.' Willamette ass Taaklll
Tues.Thur, Rivers. . . Mon. Wed,'
and Sat and frl. ,
Oregon City, Dayton.and
8a.m. ' Wlllsaiette River 4;S0pm.
Tues, Thur , Tues.Thur.
and Sat- Portland to CorvallU laodSnt .
and Way -Landings
. i
I.V Rlparla Baste River. . Lv. Lew'a
daily ex- dully ex
cept Sub- Ripavia to LawJatoa. oept Sal j
day. ' tuUay '
Parties desiring to go to Heppner should take
train No. 4. leaving The Dulles a. 6:30 r. u. to
make direct connections, returning, sinking 6i-t
rect connections at Heppner Jusotlon with No.
1, arriving at The Dalles at 1:16 r. U. ,
Wo. 82. through freight, east-bound, does not
oarjy passenge.s; arrives 2:&0 a. m., departs
S :60 a. m. ....
No. 24, looal freight, carries passengers, east-'
bound; arrives 4 :g0 p. m., departs 8:16 p. m.
No. tl, west-bound through freight, does not
earr passengers; arrives 8:16 p. m., departs
9:80 p. m.
' No. 23, west-bound local freight, carries pas
sengers; arrive 6:16 p. m, departs 8:80 a. m.
For full particulars call on O. B. A N. Co.'s
agent The Dalles, or address
. W..H,
HtTBLBUBT, Gen, Pass. Agent
. Portland. Oregon'
J. Isslajid, Agent, The Dalles.
see . Billy '
T H J J ST. Y satisfy your thirst
era. He'll
oro Fino saloon ;:.
Doors, Windows,