Portland Liuiary V) iimi VUXrilVRCtl, VilimXXXT Consolidated 1882. THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 4. 1899 1 N R-009T4IIREB. XIII ' S, .' .'- -'' PBOFESSIONAL. : C. HJL.L18TKK, Physician and Surgeon, ' Booma over Dalles National Bank. Offloe hours, 10 a m to 12 m, and from 1 to 4 p m. Ksi deooe Wt End of Third Street, A S. BBJWKt Attorney at Law Tffl- TACKMAN . . .... Dentist. Booms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block. The Dalles, Or. - ; SUPPLEMENTARY ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. Notice is hereby given that the Columbia . Southern Railway Company, a corporation duly organised and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the state of Oregon, and the direct ors of said Columbia Southern Railway Com- Sany, acting under authority of resolutions uly adopted by the affirmative vote of all of the stockholders of the company at a meeting or said stockholders held at tne city or xne ,DaUs. Oregon, on the 8th day of December. 18W. have Died in the omoe or me secretary oi state, of the state of Oregon and In the offloe ot the county clerk of the county of Wasco, Oregon, and In the office of the clerk of Sher man county, Oregon, spuplementary articles of , incorporation amending articles III. IV. and VI. of the present articles of Incorporation of said company so that said art.cles III., IV. and VI. of said art teles of Incorporation shall, when amended, shall read as follows: ARTICLE HI. The enterprise, pursuit, business and occu pation in which this corporation shall be. First, To acquire, build, own, construct, and to maintain and operate such constructed. ownea or acquired raiiroaa ana teiegrspn lines, and to carry freight and passengers thereon and to transmit messages thereover, and to re ceive tolls for the carriage or transmission o' ' the same, the following raiiroaa and telegraph lines, namely: 1. A line from Biggs, In the state of Oregon, to Mora, in the tate of Oregon. . A line from Moro, in the state of Oregon, ' "or some-other convenient or suitable place on the line uetween Biggs and Moro, to the town . of PrinerUle, in the state qf Oregon. ... 0. line commencing at or near urusa jiui- lows in the state 'of Oregon; to a point at or . near Canvoo City in the state of Oregon. " 4. A line from Hay Canyon Junction, in the , state of Oregon, to Hay Oanyon, in the state of 'Oregon. ' 7 -.-' Sicond. f To- build, purchase, own; lease or ' operaie steamboats on the Columbia and Snake -- rivers and the tributaries thereof, the termiinl j' -Of .said water lines to be Celllo. in Wasco county and Priest Rapids on the Columbia ' river. In the state of Washington, and Lewis ton on the Snake river, in tne state of Idaho. Thibd. To. build, purchase, own or lease docks, piers, warehouses and depots to be used In connection with the railroad and steamboat lines above mentioned, and to purchase or lease lanas. wnetner adjacent or contiguous to ' , its railroads, docks or warehouses or not, and to hold, possess. Improve, lease, sell, mortgage or otherwise dispose of such lands in such man ner as may be deemed fit. - Fourth. To borrow money on bonds, notes, or otherwise for the general purposes of the ' - corporation, and to mortgage its railroads steamships, - steamboats,; franchises, rolling . stock and any and all property to secure the payment thereof; provided, however, that un less authorized by a majority vote of the stock holders of the company no mortgage to secure ' any bond , notes or other evidences of indebt edness shall be placed upon the rallrrads or . other property of this company. Ftfth. To do all other things necessary or proper in crrrjing on tne Dusiness or tn'scor- poration or for the accomplishment cf the 00- jeota above specinea. ARTICLE IV. The place where this company proposes to ' . have its principal office or place of business is , Moro, Oregon. - ' , . . ARTICLE Vt ! : The termini of the" railroads which this com pany proposes to own. build or. construct are Biggs, in Sh rman County, Oregon; Hay Canyon Juunotii n, in Sherman county, Oregon; Hay Canyon, ih Sherman county, Oregon ; Moro, In Sherman cou tv. Oregon: Prinevllle. in Crook . county, Oregon: and Canyon City, In, I ' Grant county, Oregon, and the lines of railroad . which this company is authorized to construct . are the lines mentioned in article III, of the' articles of incorporation of this company as amended. The termini, of the. water lines of this company are Celilo in Wasco county, Ore- gon; Priest Rapids, o the Columbia river in .. the state of Washington, an i Lewiston, on the Snake river in the state of Idaho. - Columbia Southern Railwat Compact ' Air ist: ' : . By E. E. title. President, . May Enright, Secretary.' I , ' SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State (it Oregon for Wasco County. . k W. L. Watson, Co., a corporation, plaintiff, - i ' versus t Geo. Christensen. defendant. ' To Georg6 Christensen, the above named de fendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby notified and required to oe and appear In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for wasco county, on or before tbe-2l8t day or January. . 1899, then and there to answer the complaint of plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled court a d cause, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint for want thereof,' the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled courl for the reliefaprayed for in its complaint, towit: - For a decree to foreclose that certain mort gage made and delivered by you on the 22nd day of August, 1X9. to one Karen Rayland, and by her assigned to this plaintiff; whioh said mortgage was given to secure the payment of a promissory note of even date . therewith for the sum of tSuO.OO with interest thereon . at the rate of 9 per oent per annum, and was upon the southeast quarter of section 22 in township 1 north, of range 15 east, W. M.; in Wasco County, Oregon. That said lands and premises be sold in the .manner nresorlbed u law. 'and -from toe-pro ceeds of such sale, plaintiff have and receive.' tne sum erf 1800.00 together with interest on - said, sunv&t the rate of ,9 per cent per annum' since August 28,1898' together with costs and disbuisements of this suit and accruing costs and expenses of such sale, and that plaintiff ' "have such other 'and further relief as to the court may a-em equitable and Just. - . - -This summons is served upon you by publica tion thereof for six oonsecatrve. weeks, in the. "T'jnes-Wountaineer,".a newspaper ot general' ' circulation puoHshed In Dalles City, Wasco uouoty , Oregon, py orqer .oi tne. tton. w. Li. Bradshaw, Judge Of the above named cpurt, which order bean datetheKtb -day of Decem ber. 1898, and directed-that said publication be made- in said paper beginning with Saturday, .the 10th day of December,. 1898, and ending January SI, 1899. '! "" - -' - ' - ".'.''..."DUFIJB & MENEraai,rsi": lOdee. Attorneys for Plaintiff. : ' SHERIFF'S SALE. - f In the Ciritt Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah- County. . , W. T. Stenbeos, Plaintiff, .. - . ; vs. " ' 3. H. Frary, Defendant. - . - By virtue of an attachment, execution, decree . and order of sale, duly Issued out of and. under the teal of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Multnomah, to me di rected and dated the 12th day of January, 1899.' upon judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the 12th day of January, 199, in the above entitled cause, in favor -of the Plaintiff . and against the -Defendant J. H. Frary as judg ment debtor, in the sum of seventy and 6 nun- : d re lbs dollars, 170.08. with interest thereon from the 12th day of January, 1899, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, and the further sum of twenty dollars, 120,00, with interest thereon at six per ceut per annum", from the 12th day of January, 1899, and the further sum of twenty two and seventy-five hundreths dollars . t-7. costs, and the costs of and upon this writ, and commanding me to make sale of the real prop erty embraced in such execution of sale and hereinafter described, I will, on tne . 6th day of March, 1899, Atthe hour of two o'clock, t. in the after noon of said day. and at the front doorot the County Court House in Dalles City. Wasco County, Oregon, sell at publie auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand, all the right, title and interest which the Defendant J. H. Frary, had on the 23d day of December, 1898. the date of the attachment of said property, or which said Defendant has since acquired, or now has in and to the following described real grope rty, situate and being in Wasco County, regon.HO-wit: The northeast quarter of section twenty-one (21.) in township two (2.) north of range ten (1U) east of the Willamette Meridian, in Wasco County, Oregon, or so much of said property as will satisfy, said judgment and decree,; with costs and accruing costs. Said property wi 1 be sold subject to confir mation ana redemption as by law provided. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 27th day of January. 1899. Sheriff, Waaea County, Oregon. " ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE OF FINAL . SETTLEMENT. .; Notice is hereby given that the- undersigned assignee of the estate ot O. M. Bourland, an in solvent debtor, has Aled his final- account and report in said estate, and that the same will be called up for hearing In the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon, for Wasco County, at the reg ular February term of said Court, on Monday the 20th day of February. 1899. or as soon thereafter as the same can be heard by sa.d CAUpersoiis interested in said estate are here bv notified to appear on or before aald date and show cause, if any there be, why said report should not in all things, be allowed, ratified and amroved, and an order be made by said Court discharging said assignee and exonerating his bowlsmen from further liability thereunder, : Dated thi 18th day of January, 1899. - . . Osoaoa A Lma, ' Assignee' of the estate of O. M, Bourland aa insolvent debtor. -- i SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor vv aoo uounty. Bothchlld Bros., a corporation, plaintiff, versus W. T. Wiseman, defendant. Tq W. T. Wiseman, the above named defend ant: In the name of the State of Oregon: you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff Bled against you in the above entitled action and court on You are hereby required to appear and I or before the 14th day of January. 1899, and if , you rail to so appear or answer for want there oi. we Diaintin will take tudirment aralnst von for two hundred and sixty nine and 85-100 dol lars, (1269.85) and Interest thereon since Oc tober 26th, 1897, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, together with plaintiffs costs and dis bursements of action This summons Is served upon you by publl eation thereof by order of W. L. Bradshaw, iudge of the above named court, made In open iourt, on tne win aay or Movemoer. ibum, di recting that said summons be published once a week for not less than six consecutive weeks, in the T.mes-Mountaineer. a newsnaoer of general circulation published In Dalle Citv, Wasco County. Oregon, and said publication, beginning with Saturday the 3d day of Decem ber, law, ana enaing January 14th, 1899. Duron & Menefei Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, lor v a-co uouniy. Josephine Beroa, plaintiff, versus J. E. Beroa, defendant. To J. E. Beroa. the above named defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear in the above en' titlea court within six weeks from the 14th day or January A. i). m. men ana mere to an swer the complaint of the plaintiff died agai ist you in tne aoove entitled s:m, ana n you rail so to appear, and answer said complaint, the plaintin will apply to the above entitled court r r tne relief praved ror in ner complaint u' wit: For a decree of divorce of the above en' titled co art dissolving the bonds of mat' imony n w existing between plaintiff and defendant. That plaintiff be awarded the sole care and custody of their minor child. Anita Beroa, and ror her costs-ana disbursements in this suit, and such further relief as to the court may seem equitable and Just. This summons is served upon you, the said J. E. Beroa. by publication thereof, by order of the Hon- w. u. uraasnaw. judge or tne above entitled court, wblch order bears date the 14th day of January A. D. 1899, and directed that said summons be published once a week for not less than six successive . weens in the Time- Mountaineer, a newspaper of general circulation puDiisaea in Dalles city, wasco county," Oregon. Said publication to begin with Saturday, tne I4tn day jaauary A. a. 1899. - -, SINNOTT A SIfJNOTT, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Dated this 14th day ot January A. D. 1899. .-,... ., ;. ,- 7treb21 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF FINAL -' SETTLEMENT. " Notice is hereby given that Joseph W. Ward, exeeutor of tne estate of William L. Ward, .deceased, has filed his final account in said estate, and that the 6th day of Mareh, 1899, at 10' o'olock A. M. of said day, has been appointed as the time for hearing said anal account and report, and the making of an order of distri bution ot said estate to the legatees mentioned in the will of slid deceased and that the hearing thereof will be had, ogether with -any objections thereto, If any are made, before the Honorable Robert Maya. County Judge, at the County Court House in. Dalles pity, Wasco County. Oregon All persons interested in said estate are here by notified to appear at said time and place and show cause, if any there be, why said accounts should not be in all things approved and allowed, and said order of distribution made. .-. This notice is" published by order of "Hon. Robert Mavs, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, tor Wasco County, of date January 27th., 1899. Dated January 23th.M99. JOSEPH W. WARD. i Executor with the will - annexed of the estate of William L. Ward, deceased. ; SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for Wasco County. Belle Bryan, Plaintiff, '1' versus William Bryan, Defendant. To William Bryan, the above named de fendant: In the name of the State xf Oregon: Ton are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, within six weeks from the 14th day ot January, 1899, said day being the first day of the publication of this Summons; and if you fail so to answer, tor want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re lief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: A de cree of divorce, dissolving the bonds of matri mony existing between plaintiff and defendant, and for her costs and disbursements in this suit. This Summons is published by virtue of an order Of W. I. Bradshaw, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, dated the 12th day of January, 1899, which order provides and specifies six weeks as the time for which this Summons shall be pub lished. .'- - , bated this Mth day of January. 1899. A. S. BENNETT. td-febl8 ' Attorney for the Plantiff. V EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. . Notice 's hereby given that in pursuance to an order issued by the Hon Robert Mays, Judge of the County Court of the State ot Oregon for Wasco Countv. dated at The Dalles, Dec. 10, 1898, the undersigned, C. O. Roberts, has been appointed sole executor of the estate of James Roberts, deceased, late of Hood River, Wasco County, State of Oregon. All persons having claims against- said estate, are requested to present them, 'accompanied by proper vouch ers, at the residence of the said executor at Hoqq .River Wasco County, Oregon, or at the office of Jayne&MicheU. The Dalles, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. ''' " C. ROBERTS, .' Executor Estate James Roberts,Decessed. ; Dated, The Dalles, Dee. J6, 1898V ot . ..-...' . .- .. : : ' ' ' J -.-r.i.i - ..;'' .,-.;- ---.J ' :V " i-fv . i. - v.j .-( : ; : v. s,, ; . . ; ',.,..( ' ... . "v-vr . "? . ' '- '- ' , . . .-:,'.. .v.-. i'.'..--r. . ' , ... ' ' ' -'-,.-'.,.... .. .: -,; .... '-. :- .. '.-' 't! r t:,i-j?-,- .':. , .v.4 i, !:',.- -., --;. . --.- -. , ,. T..: t 'Vi .". .r . . ,-'. ,' '"'"''' ' ' K " ' .,'..,, : ..... v,--. ." '. ".' '.:. -' .'. '4,--r -:':' , '-: -;. v-;; :: - ::-.'. !'-' -"'' ' . . '' '' ! - -'.' .. : . ..,.-,;'.-..;) -..' ,;' .- - .. . . ; ,:-..' ...'!'' : . ' "?.-'-- i', 'v..- ' s t.-.., : '.. : - ''...'- . . .: - :'': : ' . - 1 - . " - t.' ; .-i t j .v. ,i. v: ' '.;'. ' ...' ' :- ' ' . ': " .r;.' ; .' ..' ' . -Vi s , . ..ifc.v fcv . ."i ..... . - ..:;' ' ' ' -V v ' ' " ' ' '' ' " ' '' r''' " ' P''- ; -I J.', .." i 4 . - : ' , . ..' ' "i .;::; i ' . - . . . . i ? a large stock of Rough and :i Dressed Lumber of all kinds. Paints, Oils and Glass, Build ing Paper, Cedar Shingles, and Redwood Shingles. . . . 41- T. THE JOS (good work in THE HOUSE I T)i,, Dill Tk I OUST3r DOUlltV Dill uQ" I f featei by Three Votes Salem, Jan. 27. The reapportion ment bill which passed the bouse yes terday naased the senate after a debate consuming- nearly the whole morning session, and after two attempts to post pone and three attempts to amend had been lost. The final vote was 22 ayes, 4 noes and 4 absent, Daly of Lake filed a protest. The report of the committee ap pointed at the special session to inves tigate the Lo wen berg- contract at the penitentiary was taken from the table, and amendments proposed to the effect that the 832,500 settlement be made by February 10, that not less than $10,000 bo paid in cash and the balance in notes satisfactory to the board, and then the whole matter was made t special order for Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. Bills were Introduced as follows: By Kuykendall, to provide for a uni form public -school system, and com plete codification of school laws; by Brownell, to permit recording in all but one. county of certified copies of deeds for - property, situated . in two counties or more; by Dufur to author' ize county officers to sell property bid in for sales for delinquent taxes. The sepat5 then adjourned until 2:30 p. m. Monday. The forenoon session in the house today was made Bpicy by consideration of Sherwin's sugar beet bill, and the senate bill to give Woodburn a new charter, ' The first battle was fought over the sugar-beet bill, which came up on special ordor of business at 1115, and although several efforts were made to defer action by motions to postpone, the ; bill was forced to a vote. Sher win and Curtis spoke in favor of the bill, and Ross, Freeland, Palmer and Brattain against it. The bill failed to pass, the vote being, ayes 25; noes 28, absent 7. - Tbo next fighting of the morning came with consideration of the Wood- bnrn charter bill. The committee on alcoholic traffic, to which it had been -referred, made two reports, a minority report recommending passage of the bill and a majority report recommend' ing Its reection. Both reports were rejected, two motions to adjourn lost and half a dozen motions to -defer ac tion and rerefer the bill were likewise snowed under.. , ,' . When the reading of the bill was finally Insisted upon, Boss demanded that the bill be read according to law without skipping whole pages. This consumed ; much time, and when the' reading ended and a vote was taken the bill was defeated by the following vote: Ayes 27. noes 21, absent 11. Notice was. givsn that the vote by which the bill was defeated would be reconsidered, i : The bill of Curtis to abolish the state fair -appropriation, which was made . a special order for 10:30 was sidetracked on motion of, Curtis to re fer to the ways and . means .committee, which action was believed to be an iudication that Curtis is weakening. ' A motion to adjourn until Monday at 2:34 p. m. was lost by a vote of 25 to 23, but out of courtesy to those who will, leave this afternoon, it was de cided to confine business, only to the introduction and second reading of bills until, Monday afternoon, . It was 1 o'clock when. the bouse adjourned. . .- WbBtls ShilohT : ' A gra-rd -Old ' remedy for Coughs, Colds and Consumption; need through the world for half a century, .has' cured innumerable cases of incipient con- e carry constantly DALLES. OREGON Baking Powder Made -from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum; Alum baking powders are the greatest tncnacers to health of the present day. sovw. amino powoes oo., new vomt. sumDtojn and relieved ' many in ad vanced stages. If you are not satis fied with the results we will refund your money. Price 25 cis., and aOcts, tflakeley & Houghton, druggists. WEKK EATEN BI CANIBALS. Eleven Sailors Escape From m Wreck bat Suffer Terrible Fate. Vancouver, B. C, Jan. 27. After escaping death by drowning, 11 of the crew of tne snip Man bare were cap tured and eaten by canibals of New Guinea. TheManbare was bound for Sydney, Australia, when it was caught in the terrible gale of December. Near Cape Nelson it began to sink. The crew, 18 all told, left the vessel in two boats. and soon became seperated. One boat containing 12 men, were finally thrown ashore 10 miles from the cape. The sailors were seized by natives from the interior and hurried off to the village of the chief. One man, James Green, escaped. - The sailors were stripped and bound and killed, one each day. 'A wild . orgie was partici pated in by at least 100 savages, who had gathered for the feast. - in several- cases tne sailors were tortured by the old women and the children of the tribe. The eyes of one were gourged out. ' The doomed men stoically watched the elaborate prepar ations for their death. A huge pot filled with boiling water' was used for the feast, which on the first day was prolonged away into the night. In most cases the men -were beheaded, their heads being stuck on poles and paraded before the men who were to suffer the same fate.' Greene was rescued by a steamer after tramping without food a day and a night to reach the coast. The scenes of horror he had witnessed turned his hair snowy white. - Many JLoTer Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl with an offensive breath.- Karl's Clover Boot Tea. puri fies the. breartr-by its action on the bowels, etc, as nothing else will. Sold foi years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts., and 50cts. Blakeley St Hough ton, druggists. -. ; . L Lire took of the Country. . . Washington, Jan. 18. The depart ment of agriculture today issued the following: . , ; Returns of the number of live stock On farms in the United States January 1899, shows 13,665,308 hors.es; 2,134,213 mules; 15,990,115 milch cows; 27,994,-- 225 oxeu and other cattle; 20,124,453 sheep, and 38,561,311 swine. These figures show an increase of 295,604 in the number of horses, 56.069 in' that of mules, 1.2168,972 in that of oxen and other cattle, and 1,108,362 in. that of swine. ; ' : .. On the other hand, there is an in crease of 24,229 milch cows and 1,457,- 493 sheep. ' ,' ' ' " : :'- -. Too. Trj If: If Shiloh's Cough and ! Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of 25 eta. 5ft cts. and $1.00 does not cure, take the bottle back and we will refund, your'mouey. Sold fdr over fitly year on this guarantee. Price' 25 cw. and 50 cents.. Blakelev & Houghxon, drug gists. , - . . on hand 8t CO NO WAR OVER SAMOA Germany Not Disposed to Create a Disturbance Berlin, Jan. 29. Public opinion was focused on tne samoaa question the past week. The United States ambassador, Andrew White, has in. f jrmed the corresponded here of the Associated Press, that he has had several meetings with the minister of foreign affairs, Baron Von Buelow, and that assurances on both sides were given of a. nature calculated to promote a speedy and auccessful solution of the question. Baron Von Buelow'B atti tude tended to show that the German government means to do its full share in settling the matter fairly and ami- cably. From another authentic case the fol lowing has been learned: The pre liminary negotiations thus far have not gone beyond mutual assurances of a desire lor a irienaiy ana equitaoie arrangement, and the negotiations will not. take a more tangible shape until full detailed mail reports are re ceived from 'he agents of the three powprs at Samoa. This will involve a delay of a month in the case of Ger many, though reports will reach the United States and Great Britain earl ier. Until then no decisive steps or negotiations can be undertaken. The telegraphic news of the German gov ernment has been meagre. Toung Mothers. Croup is the terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing and frequently fatal. Shilhh's Cough and Consumption Cure j act like maerio in cases oi croup, it has never been' known to fail. The worsi cases releived immediately Price 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00. Blakeley & Houghton.'druggists. MUST PAT THE ttOUUBRS. The Civil Governor of Havana Says It Is a Sacred Duty. Havana, Jan. 29. Senor Frederico Mora, the civil governor of Havana. in an interview today' declared that the question of the payment of the Cu ban army was of .much greater import ance than the Washington government seems to realize. He said if the Cubans were to collect the customs of the is lands, which are their property, their first object would be to meet Cuba's sacred obligation to the army by pay ment in full of the soldiers. The cus toms admintstratioc, tmng , in tbe hands of the Americans, the Cubans make a simple business .proposition to the United States government that it shall advance money to pay the troops, holding the customs as security. , Senor Mora considers the underesti mation of the importance of this mat ter unfortunate, and his views are held by a majority of the Cubans. ,, General Snyder reports that flye or six hundred members of the Cuban army are camped near Sancta Spiritus, loafing about and pilfering and beg ging food. Genetal Snyder sent word to .them that if they would come to. Sancta Spiritus to help the Americans clean the town they would. receive' pay and rations, but the offer was refused. the Cubans replying that they were soldiers, not scavengers.. Do You Know- . Consumption is preventable? .. Science has proven tbat,"and also that neglect' is suicidal. The. worst cold or cough1 can be cured, with Shiloh's, Cough and Consumption Cure.. Sold on positive guarantee for over fifty years. ; Blake ley AVHoughton. druggists; ,; BICHEST IN THB WORLD. A Who In Colorado That Puts Klondike In the Shade. Denver, Jan. 30j A special to the News from Cripple Creek, Colo... says of the recent strike in Isabella Ground; Your correspondent saw .. chunks of sylvanite that were three inches thick, and solid metal, and .chunks of oxi dized ore of the same, width that he whittled with a pocket knife. No as says have been made on the rock; it is not necessary, but pieces of free-gold ore, if ore it can be called at all,. run over (500,000 per ton. The Mollie Gibson never produced any are . that carried more ounces in silver per ton than this Isabella does in gold. With every hour's work the streak is length ening and; widening. '.-Joining ' this metallio body there are six feet of quartz that will run from $1,000 to 82,000 per ton '. " .' , ' Manager Kilburn ' said: "I don't like, to say anything that will excite people any more than they are at present. The metallio ore body has doubled in - size both ways since yes terday mornine. Some of the pieces of ore are 80 per cent gold. I never saw' such mineral, and do not believe its like was ever mined in this or in any other camp in the world. We have had no assays taken on the rock, but a ton of it could be picked out that would run anywhere from $50,000 to $200,000.' The strike was made in a new ore : body at a depth of 850 feet. The chute has been cut at the seventh leel 200 feet above, and also at the fifth. At the latter place the assay was obtained in the breast of the drift yesterday, on two feet of ore that went better than $1,000 per ton.' There is at least blocked out in 'one level, be tween the ninth and seventa levels, $5,000,000 worth of ore." '. Doe This Strike Ton? " " Muddy , complexions, , nauseating breath come from chronic consump tion. Karl's Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and has been sold for fifty years on an absolute guarantee. Price 25 cents and 50 cents, at Blake ley & Houghton, druggists. . JMBd- In cha Court Boom. ; Washington, Jan. 27. Former Attorney-General August H. Garland was stricken with appoptexy' while addres sing the United States supreme court at 12:15 yesterday afternoon, and died within 10 minutes. Mr. Garland epoke calmly, and with no evidences of agi tation or effort. He bad read from a law volume, and had followed with the sentence: "This, your honors, is our contention." As the last word was uttered, Mr. Garland tottered and fell heavily to the floor, Senator Garlinger, who is a physician, was near at hand, A single glance told him it would be fatal. Within 10 minutes from the time of the stroke Mr. Garland breathed his last. The court mean' time had postponed the case in which Mr. Garland was interested, and had proceeded with other business. On Every Bottle. Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is this guarantee: "All we ask of you to use two-thirds of the contents of this bottle faithfully, then if you can say you are not benifited return the bottle to your druggist and he may refund the money." Price 25 cts., 50 cts., and si. OO. tsia Keiey ana iiougnton. Danger to the Naval BUI. , Washington, Jan. 29. The intrr duction of an amendment to the nava personnel bill in the senate committee on naval affairs permitting the direct appointment in the navy of civilians, has united all branches of the office in opposition, and it is asserted at the navy department that if the amend ment is persisted in the whole bill will be lost. The main argument' is that the appointment of a number of civilians now would create - just such a "hump" as resulted from tho appointments made during the civil war, which caused the stagnation from which the eervice is still suffer ing. Sick Headache . The curse of overworked womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Earl's Clover Boot Tea, the great blood puri fier and tissue builder. Money re funded if not satisfactory. Price 25 cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Hough ton, drugg'sts. - Maria Teresa. Belles Sold. . Nassua, N. P., Jan. 29. Materials taken from the wrecked cruiser Infan ta Maria Teresa were sold at public auction on January 19, They did not bring good prices, as was expected, few articles being suitable for sou venirs. Most of the stuff sold was ships stores and ordinary materials. The two flags would have brought a high price, but the consul withheld them from sale on orders from the de partment at Washington. .; How is Sour Wife? Has she lost her beauty? If so, con stipation, indigestion, rick headache are the principal causes. -Karl's Clover Root Tea has cured these ills for half a century. Price 25 xts. and 50 cts. Money .refunded if results are not satisfactory. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. He U Against Uol4 Bond.:vu, NashvX.t.e, Tenn., Jan. 29. Gov ernor MoMillen yesterday vetoed a bill authorizing. Memphis to issue bonds for park purposes because the bill al lowed the municipal government of Memphis to issue for park purposes gold bonds with interest payable in gold. He says in his vetoe that he will not sanction legislation discriminat ing against United States legal tender coins. ' More Troops For the Philippines. Chicago, Jan. 30. General Sheri dan, commander of the department of the Xiakes, completed' arrangements today for the departure of the third expedition for ; the Philippines whieh will start frpm New York Februarys. The troops will sail on the transport Sheridan,: Thia expedition will con sist of eight companies: of the twelfth infanfy. at Jefferson Barracks1,' Mb. ) four companies of the Twelfth Infantry at Fort.Ril.ey, Kan.; and. four compan ies of the .. Seventeenth Infantry at Columbus Barracks, O.' . ". "" Fierce Blizzard in Wyoming. . ' Rawlins, Wyo., Jan. 30. A terri ble blizzard is raging, over Rawlins and' nearby 'counties. A 60-mile an hour, wind is blowlog,' and snow Is drifting In. all directions. It will be hard on the stock In the valley, as the snow is crusty,' and thus prevents sheep from securing food. Although no loss is, reported as-'yet. great fear is entertained that flocks cannot escape the fierce blizzard,' and that a large loss of stock will be the result.. ' ' , "'" '" '' . Blizzard la General. - Chicago, Jan.- 30. Reports reach ing this city tell of severe- weather conditions prevailing in various sec tions, in Kansas and adjoining states. A heavy snow storm is raging - at St. Louis. Northern Ohio is experienc ing the severest snow : storm of the season. . . Throughout - the blizzard- stricken region much delay to traffic is resulting. Tell our Sister. A beautiful complexion is an impos sibility without, good purej-blood, the sort that only . exists in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover .Root Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys keeping them - in perfect health. Price 25 cts and 50 cts, Blakeley & Houghton druggist. . . Want ' Free Paper and Pulp. - Wasaington, Jan. 30. The pub lishers' Association .met here today and adopted a resolution urging con gress to provide .for freo paper and free pulp from Canada in any' treaty made by the high joint commission now in session here,, a large part of the daily press was represented. Solicitors Wanted Ladies ok GEHTLEmen, for our complete set of Juvenile Books for the holidays. Each set has four books grade 1 for little ones -jo grown up folks. Each book charm ing, delightful, , captivating. Prices ranga from 50s. to $2,50. Large books eacb. overflowing with happy illustra tions,. Tremendous sellers. Nothing like them. Fcur months' golden har vest for energetio workers. Credit given, Freight paid. Biggest com missions. Outfit with samples of all four books free. Send twelve 2 cent stamps for paying part onlv of -the postage alone. Drop all trash and clear $300 a month with our. exclusive Juveniles. 1HE NATIONAL BOOK CONCERN JUVENILE DEPT., CHICAGO. MUST STAND AS IT IS i 5pam would UDiect to a Change of the Peace Treaty. New York, Jan. 30. A, dispatch to the World from Paris says: Senor Abarzuza, a leading member of the Spanish peace commission, now here on a visit, was asked: .. . would Spain , accept the peace treaty if it shonld be amended by the United States senate so as to put the Philippines in the same position as Cuba" -v . s'No,T' answered---Senor --Abarzuza, "in my opinion Spain would not, nor would any civilized nation accept the treaty if modified so as to create an independent Filipino government. You might as well give autonomy to the monkeys in the Jardln Acclima tion - here as to give it to the Filipi nos, .t "No country could possibly agree to risk its commercial interests by deal ing with the so-called Filipino govern- ment..: Would .America herself like her commercial interests to have only the single guarantee of such a govern ment? It would be no guarantee at all. . . . "If the treaty should be amended as you suggest it would cease to be the treaty signed by Spain, and a serious position would arise, since if the treaty should become null, matters would go back to the position in which they were at the time of the protocol." A dispatch to the World from Brus sels says: Senor Villauritla, the Span' ish minister here, who was aomember of the Spanish peace commission, when asked if In his opinion Spain would object to a modification of the peace treaty in such a way as to put the Fili pinos in the same position as Cuba, answered: . I "We members of the peace commis sion definitely agreed upon certain conditions in behalf of respective gov ernments. It seems to me that any al teration must be referred to a new commission, because one side cannot change the conditions without the consent of the other side. Our duty in the matter is at an end.'? Being asked what he thought of the situation, Senor Villauritla smiled and said: v . ' ' "They have yet to learn that Agui- naldo is a man of determination, The Americans have turned their own weapons on themselves, and possibly will find their new Eastern posses sions a dear bargain." Depart from THB dailbs AbbtvS Fast . Salt Lake. Denver, Ft. Fast Mall. Worth, Omaha, Kan- Hail 110 p. m. aaa City, St. Loula, 1:14 p. m. Chicago and East. V Spokane Walla Walla, ' Spokane, Spokane - Flyer . Minneapolis, St Paul, Flyer S:40p.m, Duluth, Mllwauke, 5:00a.m. Chicago and East, 8p.m. FROM rORTLAKO 4 p.m.. Oceaa Steaaahlpa - , , All Sailing Dates sub ject to change,. For San Francisco 2 Steamers leave Port- , . ' land every Ave daya. , w, ''"-.'. ''.' - ' .'. - " 4 7 ' Ex.Sunday i. - Steaawra EX-Sunoa. Saturday v ... lOp.m. To Astoria and Way- ' ' t - i Landings. t 6a.m. WUUaMtte River 4:30 p.m. Ex.Sunday .' Ex.Sunday y Oregon City. Newberg, . ; , Salem Way-Land's m 7 a.m. alllaawtte aa Taaalll 8:80 p.m. Tues.Thur, ' Rivera. M on. Wed, and Sat ' " , and Fri. Oregon City, Dayton.and Way-Landings. . : ; . a. m. - - VlluietU Rfver -. 4;80p. m., Tubs, Thur , Tuea,Thur. and Sat- Portland to Corvallls sand Sat and Way-Landings iv Rtparla - - Saake River. .. - Lv. Lew'D dally ex- daily ex cept Sun- Riparla to Lewlston, ceptSatfl day. .. . . , ... UJday, Parties desiring to go to Heppner should take mAkA direct connections, returning, making di train No. 4. leaving ine uaiies ir.i. w rect connections at Heppner Junction with No. 1, arriving at Toe vaues at s:jd p. m. No. 22. through freight, east-bound, does not eariy passengers; arrives 2:M a. m., aepana 8:50 a. m. . ., No. 2. local freight, carries passengers, east- bound; arrives 4 rgO p. m., departs 8:16 p. m. No. zl, west-bound through freight, does not carr) passengers; arrives 8:1a p. m., departs 8:30 p.m. No, 23, west-bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives 5:1& p. m, departs 8:80 a. m. For fuU particulars caU on O.H.A N. Co.'s agent The Dalles, or address. ' W. H. BTJRLBUBT, Oen, Pass. Asent Portland. Oregon 3. iBXLAjm, Agent, The Dalles You in Doubt What to Buy? An elegant line of Lazell and Lundborg's Perfumes and Import ed cut-glass bottles and attomlzers. Also a full line of Cyclone Cam eras, that make a very appropriate present for a child or grown per son. Going like hot cakes. Come early. We take especial pleasure in showing you our goods, whether you Intend to buy or not. . 7H. Z. DONNELL " THB DB474M2UT. ' Big Inducements The above cut represents one of hibition at our store which we propose free of charge, in consideration of their liberal patronage. We beg to state that our prices, which are always rock-bottom for first class goods, will remain the same and this special offer, which will bold good for a limited time only, is made for the purpose of Increasing our cash trade. These clocks are) made of bronze, are beautiful mantel ornaments, as well as first class time keepers. Please give us an early call and we will take pleasure in showing you tha clocks, and ; explaining in detail how you can secure one of these useful gifts.. ' f . . We have a lot of d amazed RUBBER COODS. consisting of Men's hln and knee boots, snow excluders, Alaskas, storm rubbers, Ladles', Misses' and '' Children's rubber goods of all kinds, slightly damaged by water and which ' will be closed out at a great sacrifice. J. P. McINERNY, One Price Cash House, of- lO - - - - off WHTrffmt-J-t-l LJF v si vl, JIB1 'tSiaaJL jb mn.rexs. Jiui - rvtrA.xs.Qtey What is the "There are many poople who do not understand the difference in r Bath Cabinets. ' Here are two il lustrations one of the common skirt op Vsack" cabinet and the other shewing The Robinson ThermalBath Cabinet when in use. ' . ' STOP AKD INVESTIGATE! Don't jump rashly at these cheap er Cabinets, but use common sense and good judgment by pur chasing a Robinson Thermal Bath Cabinet-. . if? Method - of. using the NO door Cabinet. J. M. FLEMING .The well-known Saratoga Chip Han, Bit down-and lift the entire Cabinet up , over the head. Barbarian Process. is the Agent for this city. : Drop him a sired can shew you wnat uus uaDinei is, saving you win incuuvfiuwo of sending east . for a skirt cabinet or some cheap affair. . z F. MOODY issioa- and 391. 393 HHD 395 SECOND STREOT. ''. (Adjoining Bailroad; Depot) ( Consignments Solicited Prompt attention will be paid to those who faior me with their patronage Where Are You At ? ; If You Want to Know Secure one of our late maps of Oregon just published perfectly accurate, thoroughly reliable. We give it to you with the Wkeklt Timks-Mocntainkkk on these terms': '. To every subscriber who pays up arrearages and one year's subscription, together with 50 cents, we supply " the paper one year and the map, ti.Price ofpaper $L60; -.: price of map $1,00, We give you-both for $2.00, , Take advantage of this offer no w. : It only holds good for a short time. The map is 28x34 inches, on' heavy; cloth and mounted substantially on rollers. . The same map on paper, in pocket form will be furnished with, the .pap-aror ? -' ' " ' ' . for Ca?,li Trade. our handsome Bronze Clocks now on ex-. to give to our cash customers entirely Cor. Second and Court 8ts. FOTI(Ali I, iZ -414 yampi car- poKminxo.1 D. W. VAUSE, .DEALER IN.... PapeE: Paints, OILS, GLASS, ETO. Finest line of Wall Paper'in the city. Send for Samples. Painting, PspefHanging and Kalsomln ( Ing a Specialty. Third Street. The Dalles, Oregon Difference? Method of- using our Cabinet open the door, step in, j ) and aitidown. A Civilized Method. postal and he will call on you, and U oe- Forwardi m Merchant r N-1