The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 28, 1899, Image 1

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    1ft YfT
NO 4
; Physician and Surgeon,
Rooms orr DilU. HsUooal Bank. Ofllos boon, 10
m o It m, and from t to 4 a m. Best.
tow Wt aa A Third twtt,
Attorney at Law
: ' Dentist.
'. Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or.
- - Notice la hereby given that the Columbia
' Southern Railway ComoanT. a oortx) ration dulv
organized and existing under and by virtue of
the laws of the state of Oregon, and the direct
ors of said Columbia Southern Railway Com
pany, actio under authority of resolutions
duly adopted bt the affirmative vote of all of
the stockholders of the company at a meeting
of said stockholders held at the city of The
Dalles. Oregon, on the 8th day of December.
' 1808. have filed In the offloe of the aeoretary of
state, of the state of Oregon and in the offloe
of the eounty clerk of the oounty of Waste.
Oregon, and In the office of the clerk of 8ber-
aoaa eounty, Oregon, spapiemeBtar; article or
ineorporatiea amending articles m, lv. ana
vi. or tne present articles el incorporation of
aald company so that said articles III., IV.
and VI. of sal
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Belle Bryan, Plaintiff,
William Bryan, Defendant.
Tp William Bryan, the above named de-
In the name of the State of Oregon :
You are hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit, within six weeks from the
mib aay or January, lew, said day being the
nraiuayoi we puoncation or this Summons;
ana a you rail so to answer, lor want thereof,
me piainua wiu apply to the court for the re
Uef prayed for In her complaint, to-wit: A de
cree of divorce dissolving tbe bonds of matri
mony existing between olalntiff and defendant
and for her costs and disbursements in this
This Summons Is published by virtue of an
order of W. L. Bradshaw, judge of the Circuit
ixmrc oi me state or Oregon, lor Wasco
ixramy, aatea tne lztn aay or January, 1899,
which order provides and specifies six weeks as
toe tune xor waicn una summons shall be pub-
UDU6U. '
Dated this 14th day of January. 1899.
td-feb 18 Attorney for the Plantlff.
His Successor Already
laid arttcles of incorporation shall,
ded, shall read as follows:
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
assignee of the estate of O. M. Bourland. an in
solvent debtor, has filed his final account and
report in said estate, mm mat the same will be
called up for Bearing in V, Circuit Coo. of the
'State or Oregon, for WasnHtowtT. -u tha nw.
inmraorationTof I nI' February term of said Court, on Monday
!"r5?rS510,1,? the iOth day of February. 1899. or as soon
therearter as the same can be heard by said
. , S ARTICLE. IH.-j . v
The enterprise, pursuit; business and occu
pation in whioh this corporation shall be.
Fibst. Jo acquire, build, own. construct,
and to maintain and operate such constructed,
owned or acquired railroad and telegraph lines,
and. to carry- freight and passengers thereon
and to transmit messages thereover, and to re
ceive tolls for. the carriage or transmission of
the same, the following railroad and telegraph
lines, namely- -
1. A line from Biggs. In the state of Oregon.
' to Moro, in the-tate of Oregon.
. S. A line from Moro, In the state of Oregon,
or some other convenient or suitable place on
the line oetween Biggs and Moro, to the town
' of Frineviile, in the state of Oregon.
8, A line commencing at or near Cross Hol
lows in the state of Oregon, to a point at or
near Canyon City In the state of Oregon.
4. - A line from Hay Canvon Junction, in the
state of Oregon, to Hay Canyon, in the state of
Oregon. 1 -
Sboond. To build, purchase, own. lease or
operai e steamboats on the Columbia and Snake
rivers and the tributaries thereof, the termiini
of said water lines to be Celllo, in Wasco
eounty and Priest Rapids on the Columbia
river, in the state of Washington, and Lewis
, ton on the Snake river, in tbe state of Idaho.
Thikd. To build. Dure base, own or lease
docks, piers, warehouses and depots to be used
in connection with the railroad and steamboat
lines above mentioned, and to purchase or
lease lands, whether adjacent or contiguous to
its railroads, oocks or warehouses or not, and
to hold, possess. Improve, lease, sell, mortgage
or otherwise dispose of such lands in such man
. ner as may be deemed fit.
Fourth To borrow money on bonds, notes,
or otherwise for the general purposes of the
, corporation, and to mortgage 1M railroads
steamships, steamboats, franchises, rolling
stock and any and all property to secure the
payment thereof : provided, however, that un
less authorized by a majority vote of the stock
' holders of tbe company no mortgage to secure
any bond 4, notes or other evidences of indebt
edness shall be placed upon the milrrads or
other property of this company. -PmH.
To do all other things necessary or
proper in Berrying on tne Dusiness 01 tns cor
poration or tor trie accomplishment ci the oo
jeota above specified.
The place where this company proposes to
have Its principal office or place of business is
Moro, Oregon. ... . .
The termini of the railroads whioh this com
pany proposes to own, build or construct are
Biggs, in sn-rman uounty, Oregon; Hay
irasyon juudcu' n, in Dnerman oounty, uregon;
Hay Canyon, In Sherman county, Oregon : Moro.
in Sherman ecu ty, Oregon; Prlnevllle, In
CYook county,- Oregon;, and Canyon City, in
Grant eounty, Oregon, and the lines of railroad
which this company is authorized to oonstruot
are tbe lines mentioned in article III, of the
articles of incorporation of this eompany as
amended. The termini of tbe water lines of
this oomrjanv are Celllo in Wasco Mnntv, Orn-
goo; Priest Rapids, on tbe Columbia river in
the state of Washington, anl Lewiston, on the
Boake irver in the state of Idaho.
Columbia Southern railway Cost pabt
AtmsV: By E. E. Lytle, President,
Hay Enrfght, Secretary. ;
All person interested In sal i estate are here.
by notified to appe r on or before xahl date and
show cause, if any there be, why said report
snouia not in an wings, oe auowea, ratinea ana
approved, ana an order De maae or saia court
discharging said assignee and exonerating his
Donasmen rrom runner l.BDiiny tnereunaer.
Dated this 18th day of January. 1899.
- Oeokgs A. Licbb.
Assignee of the estate of O. M. Bourland an
Insolvent debtor.
Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance to an
order Issued by the Hon. Robert Mays, Judge
of the County Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasoo County, dated at Tbe Dalles, Dec. 10,
1898, the undersigned, C. O. Roberts, has been
appointed sole executor of the estate of James
Roberts, deceased, late of Hood River, Wasco
County, State of Oregon, All persons having
claims against said estate, are requested to
present them, accompanied by proper vouch
ers, at the residence of the said executor at
Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon, or at the
office of Jayne & Mlchell. The Dalles, Oregon,
within six months from the date of this notice.
. Executor Estate James Roberts,Deeessed. -Dated,
The Dalles, Dec. 10, 1898, . St
New York, Jan. 20. A dispatch to
the Herald from Washington sav
Whatever may be the outcome of the
Eagan court-martial, it may be confl
aentiy stated tnat iUagans career as
commissary-general of the army is
His successor, Colonel John F. We8'
ton, has been selected. Orders have
been telegraphed him at New York,
directing him to report for duty at once
M the-secretary of war. iThis means
that he is ultimately to take charge of
the commissary-general's department
He cannot be nominated by the senate
to succeed General Eagan as commis
sary-general until the latter has been
dismissed or relegated to the retired
Colonel Weston, who is to be com
missary-general, is one of the best
known officers of the subsistence de
partment. He was the chief commis
sary officer during tbe Santiago cam
paign. He has been in the subsistence
department since 1885, having previ
ously served in the line of the army
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Alum baking powders are the greatest
mensem to health of the present day.
Senate Passed the
J v. ;
Last Saturday
Cullom has been informed that during i
1899 all federal contracts for Indian
supplies will be placed in Chicago.
The bureau of Indian affairs, how
ever, is handicapped in its purcUtties
la unlcago because of the absence of
an Indian warehouse. After a thor- i
ough investigation by. -Commissioner
Jones it has been found that the gov
ernment could save 120,000 a year in
transportation of cargoes alone if the
letting of contracts for Indian sup
plies were confined to Chicago.
America and England
Agree on the Canal
Mew Orders
quantity sent from here for American
rations. The supply has been carried
to the islands from New Zealand, and
the bulk of it is still supplied from
that, source. T commlbeary depart
ment of this city has been making ef
forts to Dring the trade to this coast.
On Every Bottle.
Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is
this guarantee: "All we ask of you to
use two-thirds of the contents of this
bottle faithfully, then if you can say
you are not benifited return tbe bottle
to your druggist and he may refund
the money." Price 25 cts.. 50cts., and
il.Cfl. Blakeley and Houghton.
Propose to
Healthful Hints
Don't forget tne baoy and his needs
We give you many helpful hints for
bealtd and supply the means for carry
ing them out. Our line of toilet ar
ticles, for baby and his mother, is com
plete, fastidious and of highest hygen
io worth. -
Up-to-Date Pharmacists
. 175 Second Street.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
ior wason uouniy.
W. Ik Watson, Co., a corporation, plaintiff,
versus 1 ' , '
Geo. Chriatensen. defendant.
To George Cnristensen, the above named de
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
berebv notified and required to be and aooear
. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasoo Count, on or before the 21st day of
Jiutunrv. IKSfi. thpo &nd UifHt ka unntr th
complaint or piainnir niea against you in tne
Dove entiueo. eourt ana cause, ana u you rail
That aald lands and premises be sold in the
r Ian
to so appear and answer said complaint for.
want thereof, the -plaintiff will apply to the
above entitled oourl for the reliefiprayed for in
its complaint, to wit :
For a decree to foreclose that certain mort
gage made and delivered by you on the nd
day of August, 1896. to one Karen Bayland, and
by her assigned to this plaintiff; which said
mortgage was given to secure the- payment of
a promiasory note of even date therewith for
the sum of t8uu,0u with Interest thereon at the
rate of 9 per oent per annum, and was npon the
southeast quarter of section 2 in township I
north, of range 16 east. W. M., In Wasoo
vounty, iregon.
manner prescribed i-v law. and.' from tbe oro-
eeedsof kuch saint plaintiff have and receive
tne sum of 1800.00 together with interest on
said sum at the rate of 9 per cent per annum
since August 86,1898 together with costs and
disbursements of this suit and accruing ooets
and expenses of such sale, and that plaintiff
have such other and further relief as to the
eourt may eo equitable and Just.
This summons is served npon you by publica
tion thereof for six consecutive weeks in the
"Times-Mountaineer," a newspaper of general
circulation published in Dalles City, Wasoo
County, Oregon, by order of the Hon. W. L.
Bradshaw, judge of the above named court,
which order bean date the 9th day of Decem
ber, 1898, and directed that said publication be
made in said-paper, beginning with Saturday,
the 10th day of Decamber, 1898, and ending
January SI, 1899. ,
lOdee . - Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
Harness and Saddlery,
East End, Two Door West of Diamond Flour
ing Hills. . Second Street.
In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for
Wasoo County.,
Bothchlld Bros., a corporation, plaintiff,
versus ,,
W.T. Wiseman, defendant.. ,
To W. T. Wiseman, the above named defend-
ant: f'.
In the name of the State of Oregon :
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of plaintiff filed against
you in the above entitled action and eourt on
or before the Hthday of January, 1899, and if
you fail to so appear or answer for want there
of, the plaintiff will take Judgment against you
for two hundred and sixty nine and 86-100 dol
lars, (t29.8S) and interest thereon since Oc
tober 'mth, 1897, at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum, together with .plaintiff's costs and dis
bursements of action - - "
inttla Bmmnn ! BMruaA tinin imi ,v nnVilf.
cation thereof by order of W. It. Bradshaw,
Judge of the above named court, made in open
Court, on the 80th day of November, 1898, di
recting that said summons be published once a
week for not less than six conseoutive weeks,
in the Tunes-Mountaineer, a newspaper of
general circulation published In Dalles City.
Wasoo County. Oregon, and said publication,
beginning -with Saturday the Sd day of Decem
ber, U98. and ending January 14th, 1899.
Dtmrn A Miiietm,' ,
- Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Wasco County.
Josephine Beroa, plaintiff, '
J. E. Beroa, defendant.
To j. E. Beroa. the above named defendant.
In the name of the state of Oregon, yon are
hereby required to- appear in the above en
titled court within six weeks from the 14th day
Of January A. D. .1W9. then and there to an
swer the complaint of the plaintiff tiled agalist
you in tbe above entitled suit, and If you fail
so to appear, and answer said complaint, the
Jilaintiff win apply to the above entitled eourt
or the relief prayed for In her complaint to-wit:-
For a decree of divorce of the above en
titled court dissolving the bonds of matrimony
now existing between plaintiff and defendant.
That plaintiff be awarded the sole care and
eustody of heir minor child. Anita Beroa, and
for her eosts and disbursements in this suit,
and such further relief as to the oonrt may seem
equitable and Just.
This summons is served upon you, the said J.
E Beroa. by publication thereof, by order of
the Hon. W. t- Bradshaw. Judge of the above
entitled oonrt. which order bears date the 14th
day of January A: D. 1899, and directed that
said summons be published once a week for
not less than six suooessive weeks In the
Times- Mountaineer, a newspaper of general
circulation- published In Dalies City, Wasoo
' eounty. -Oregon. Said publication . to begin
with Saturday, the 14th day January A D. 1899.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
rwied this HtB day of January A, D. 1898.
. - 7tfeba
All Work Guaranteed to Give
, ! . , Satisfaction. , ., ..
Successors to j. H. B laker y ;
Gooda Delivered to Any Part of
' ' . ' ', the Okcy. '.
Both Houses of the Legislature Adjourn
to Monday.
Salem, Jan. 20. Most of the time of
the senate this morning was given to
consideration of the Haines bill to
permit county courts to fund outstand
ing warrant indebtedness with new
warrants bearing lower interest, the
rate to be the lowest for which bids
are submitted after two weeks' adver
tisement in tbe county papers. Kuy
kendall, Joseph!, Daly of Benton, and
Muikey raised questions concerning
the character of the new warrants, and
Smith noted several' deficiencies ap
parent on the face of the bill, among
which were failure to specify the limit
to the rate of interest for new war
rants, how interest ' and warrants
should be paid, amd when or in what
order; whether action could be brought
on warrants as eo"n as issued with mu
nicipal warrants, and moved to amend
by adding a sectioh to make those
points definite with the highest limit
of interest at 6 per cent.- Finally the
bill was sent back to the judiciary
committee with instructions to amend
Tbe bouse this morning devoted the
greater portion of its time to the sec
ond reading and referring of bills, 45
being thus disposed of. - -
Curtis aa given leave to amend his
bill to appropriate $23,000 for two years
for building hatcheries, by striking
out the words "two years," but the
bill was not allowed to go to the third
reading as the author desired.
Roberts introduced a resolution to
rescind a portion of the resolution in
troduced by Myers yesterday in refer
ence to the donation to members of
session laws, supreme court reports,
etc., the object of which was to leave
off supreme court reports. This led to
a: spirited discussion and the resolu
tion was Anally referred to the com
mittee on resolutions.
American Ueef For Manila.
San Francisco, Jan. 20. The
transport Scandia and Morgan City,
which are soon to sail for Manila, will
carry a large supply of California meat
to feed the soldiers stationed in the
Philippines. On the Morgan City,
4,000 cases of ' canned meats . have
been placed, while. 40,000 pounds of
frozen beef will be put on board the
Scandia next Sunday morning.
This is the first shipment of Cali
fornia dressed beef in any considerable
The Granite-Ware Makers
,' Combine.
Caicago, Jan. 20. A special to the
Times-Herald from Milwaukee, Wis..
says: The National Enameling &
Stamping Company will be the name
of the Granite-Ware trust, which in
cludes the Kieckheifer Company, of
The company will be organized
under the laws of New Jersey, with a
capital stock of $10,000,000 7 per cent
preferred stock and 920,000,000 com
mon stock. .
The principal plants absorbed by
the trust are located in Milwaukee, Sc.
Louis, New York and Baltimore A
bonus of 40 per cent of common stock
is offered to purchasers of the preferred
stock. The 92,000,000 raised by the
state of the preferred stock will be
used as the working capital of the
trust. A meeting to perfect organiza
tion of the company will be held soon
in New York.
Ioes This Strike TouT
Muddy complexions, ' nauseating
breath come from chronic consump
tion. Karl's Clover Root Tea is an
absolute cure and has been sold for
fifty years on an absolute guarantee.
Price 25 cents and 50 cents, at Blake
ley & Houghton, druggists.
Germans Say Mstaafa, Is tbe Keeosniaed
' King;.
Hamburg, Jan. 20. According to
news received from Samoa', Chief Jus
tice Cnambera on December 31 annul
led the election of Mataafa, 'who was
returned by a sextuple majority, and
declared Malietoa Tanus, son of the
late king, Malietoa, who is still a
minor, to be king. The three consuls
recognized Mataafa's people as the
provisional government.
Malietoa Tanus, Tamasee, another
claimant for the throne, ' and Chief
Justice Chambers, it is added, went on
board a British warship, whereupon
the provisional government closed the
Kanhquake's Awful Savages.
Athens, Greece., Jan. 22. Details
of the devastation caused by tbe earth
quake are coming slowly. It is be
lieved, however, that there will be
considerable loss of life reported aa it
is known that whole towns were razed
and the ' west coast was swept bv a
tidal waye. Pyrgos, a town of 10,000
inhabitants, was terribly shaken and
many buildings collapsed. .
Washington, Jan. 22. The senate
yesterday passed the Nicaragua canal
bill. A number of amendments were
made to the Nicaragua- bill, and there
were innumerable short speeches dur
ing the day. There was op
position to t vote when the time came,
and a roll call on it developed only six
votes in opposition to final passage.
The Nicaraguan canal bill, as it
passed continues the name of the
Maritime Canal Company It provides
for tbe issuance of 1,000,000 shares o
stock at $100 each. The canal com
pany is 'required to call in tbe stocks
issued except that held by the Nicara
gua and Costa Rican governments.
rne company is also required to re
deem and cancel bonds and scrip here
tofore issued by the company and to
satisfy all cash liabilities.'1 To enable
the company to comply with these
requirements treasury warrants to the
amount of $5,000,000 are authorized,
with a privso to the effect that only
so much of the amount shall be paid as
shall be required to pay the actual
cash value of the rights, prlveleges,
franchises and property at tbe time of
the payment, the value to be determln
ed by commissioners to be appointed
by the president.
This being done the secretary of the
treasury is authorized to subscribe for
925,000 shares of the company's stock
for the government of the United
States, the present members of the
board of directors are then to resign
and a board of seven is to be appointed
consisting of five in behalf of the Unit.
ed States and one in behalf of Nicara
gua and Costa Rico. The directors on
behalf of the United States are to be
appointed by the president and con:
firmed by the seriate. No two of them
are to be residents of any one state and
no person who has heretofore been
interested in the canal company is to
be appointed to this otflce. They are
also prohibited from being interested
in contracts on the canal. Each of the
directors except the president is to
receive a salary of $5000 a year and tbe
president la to have $6000. '
The company Is authorized te con
tract for the computation of the
canal within six years. The payments
are restricted to $20,000,000 annually.
The canal ia to be large enough for
the use of the largest sea-going vessels
at a cost not exceeding, .thefi estimates
the engineers and not to exceed $115.-000,000-
This amount is made a per
manent appropriation, to be used as
oocasion may require. The bill giyes
the government a lien on the property
to secure the repayment of the money
advanced and the president is em
powered to declare forfeiture of the
property to the United States without
the necessity of judicial or other
Issued Are
Distasteful to
Tell oar Sister.
. A beautiful complexion is an impos
sibility without good pure! .blood, the
sort that only exists in connection
with good digestion, a healthy liver
and bowels. Karl's CloyeriRoot Tea
acts directly on the bowels, liver and
kidneys ' keeping them in perfect
health. Price 25 cts and 50 cts.
Blakeley & Houghton druggist.
Santiago De Cuba, Jan. 23 The
order from ths United States military
authorities io Havana directing the
authorities of the Santiago military
department not to spend a cent of the
customs receipts without the permis
sion of the governor-general, and the
order directing that hereafter the bulk
of sanitary work shall be done without
money pay and for rations merely, were
given to the local press for publication
yesterday, though received here last
El Cubano, in commenting upon tbe
instructions of the governor-general,
says: "The feeling is prevalent that
the only course now is to retire to the
This, of course, is an exaggeration,
although the fact is that there are
people who make just such threats.
As showing how far the province has
drifted backward since the first an
nouncement that the customs were not
to be freely expended for provisional
improvements, tbe Santiago Herald
reports that a band of men are commit
ting wholesale depredations ' la the
Mayari district, where several people
have been murdered, and that another
in the Guantanamo district have
burned all the cane prepared for pres
sing on the Isabel plantation. "These
outbreaks," says the Beraldo, "are the
first fruits of the money centralization
As yet the Mayari report has not
been verified, and Mr. Brooke, owner
of the Isabel plantation, who arrived
yesterday, says that theburningon the
plantation must have been done since
he left, as the cane there was intaot
when he started for Santiago, lie
does not accept the report absolutely,
but says that the adjoining plantation,
the property of Senor Buend, was
fired at four different points, the entire
crop being destroyed.
The Independencla concludes an
editorial with a defiant declaration:
'If necessary the Cubans will know
how to act"
How is Sour Wife?
bias sne lost ner beauty? it so, con
stipation, indigestion, pick headache
are the principal causes. Karl's Clover
Root Tea has cured these ills for half
a century. Price 25 cts. and 50 eta.
Money refunded if results are not
satisfactory.- Blakeley Sc Houghton,
- druggists.. -: - - -.- --
New York, Jan. 23. The Tribune's
London correspondent writes: The
Nicaragua canal question has been
taken up by Secretary Hay and Lord
Salisbury in a practical rather than a
controversial way. It ia not believed
that either of these statesmen is anx
ious to attempt to unravel the tangled
skin of diplomacy with which the Clay-
too-Bulwer treaty has been enmeshed
in the course of 50 years. They will
prefer to make a fresh start in a spirit
of mutual accomodation and good feel
ing. . ,
The practical business now in hand
is that of adapting tbe Clayton-Bulwer
treaty to new conditions affecting the
interests of both countries. The com
mercial interests of the world and tha
highest ends of civilazation will be
promoted by the construction of a
waterway through Central America.
One country may be more directly in
terested than tbe other in the com
pletion and control of the inter-oc
anlo canal, . but both England and
America will benefit commercially by
the opening of the waterway, and
neither can have any adequate motive
for hampering or retarding a great
work which will contribute to the
progress and civilization of the world.
On this high ground tbe two govern
ments can meet and devise practical
measures for facilitating the construc
tion of the canal and providing for its
control and maintenance as a neutral
waterway open at all times to the ship
ping 'and navies of all nations. This
is a policy which they are now endeav
oring to carry out in an enlightened
and progressive spirit worthy of the
genius of the Anglo-Saxon race.
Big Inducements for Ca?li Trade.
The above cut represents ooe of our bandsomo Bronze Clocks now on ex.
hibition at our store which we propose to give to our cash customers entirely
free of charge, in consideration of their liberal patronage. We beg to state tbat
our prices, which are always rock-bottom for first class goods, will remain tbe same
and this special offer, which will hold good for a limited time only, is made for
tne purpose of increasing our casn trade. These clocks are made of bronze,
are beautiful mantel ornament. s well a9 flrat class time keepers. Pleaaa
give "us an early call and we will take pleasure In showing you the clocks, and
explaining in detail how you can secure one of these useful gifts. - - .-
We have a lot of damaged RUBBER GOODS, consisting of Men's hlo
and knee boo.s, snow excluders, Alaskas, storm rubbers, Ladies', Misses' and
Children's rubber goods of all kinds, slightly damaged by water and which
will be closed out at a great sacrifice.
One Price Cash House, Cor. Second and Court 8ts.
rV D V Vol--,
Clearance Sale
of Bicycles.-
; - New" and Second- -Hand
Wheels . ..
For less than Half-Price
We carry constantly on hand ;
a large stock of Rough and
Dressed Lumber of all kinds.
Paints, Oils and Glass, Build
ing Paper, jGedar Shingles, and
Redwood Shingles. . . V
Commission About to Start for the Phil'
Ipplne Islands.
Washington, Jan.' 22. Secretary
Hay has had what probably will be the
final conference with the members of
the Philippine commission and
gave them full Instructions on every
point that is likely to arise.
It was stated that Professors Schur-
man and Worcester ' would ' leave
Washington next Tuesday and that
Mr. Denby would follow to Manila at
the conclusion of bis duties with the
war investigating commission.
It is learned beyond question that
the commission will have no executive
powers; it will be an .adyisory council
in the full sense of the term, although
two of the members, Admiral Dewey
and General Otis, may carry out
policies laid down by - the commission
io their own single executive capacity
as military and naval commanders.
- There appears to be a confidence en
tertained at the war department that
the status quo can be maintained in
the .Philippines until the arrival of
this commission, a belief probably
based on the character of the instruc
tion given to General Otis.
Stek Headaches.
The curse of overworked womankind,'
are quickly and surely cured by Karl's
Clover Boot Tea, tbe great blood puri
fier and tissue builder, . Money re
funded if not satisfactory. Price 25
cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Hough
ton, drugg'sts.
To Bring- Back Dead Heroes.
Savannah, Ga., Jan. 22. Word was
received by Colonel Bellinger yester
day; that the transport Roumanian
would not come back to Santiago from
! her present trip to Matanzas. Instead
she is to go to New York. There she
will be equipped as a transport for the
dead: Taking with her a large force
of undertakers and helpers , and a
large supply of coffins and other sup
plies for that purpose, the Roumanian
will go to Santiago. There the bodies
of the American soldiers who died
from fever or who fell in the battles
that preceded the capitulation of the
city, will be disinterred and prepared
for' removal on ' the transport to this
. Do Jim Know '.
Consumption is preventable? Science
has proven that, and also that negleot
is. suicidal.' The worst cold or cough
can be cured with Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure. - Sold on positive
guarantee for over fifty years, Blake
ley & Houghton, druggists.
Ajrninaldo Makes a Threat . ,
London, Jan. 23. The Filipino
junta here has received dispatches
saying that if Agoncillo, one of Agul-
naldo's envoys at Washington. 1b not
reoived by the Uuited States govern
ment within a few days, Aguinf ldo
will recall him to Manila, and suspend
relations with the . United States,
"thus removing an important medium
for arriving at a peaceful understand
ing." -
, Junta advices also state that "large
numbers oi American . troops are
fraternizing with the natives, and
many of them are engaged to Filipino
girls." -
. " ' Can Govern Themselves.
Washington, Jan. zj.rnree mem-i - t f r
bers of Aguinaldo's cabinet have V76b Q J3lCyC16 UUccip
arriveu id w asumgMin. j.ney an
nounce that they expect to establish a
Filipino junta here. They ' deolare
that 30.000 Filipinos are under arms
and will not submit peacefully to the
United States forces. The three cabi
net members consider the ability of
the Filipinos to resist as being unquestionable.
We wish to clear out
all old stock before
moving into new store
and have . some bar
gains This is an op
portunity to
All wheels sold at half
regular price. . . .
The Constitution Fsomnljrated.
Manila, jan. za. Tne formal pro
mulgation of the constitution of the
Philippine Republic occurred at Ma-
lolos .today with much ceremony.
decree was also signed setting at lib
erty all Spanish civil prisoners now in
the hands of the Filipinos.
Beported at Madrid.
madeid, Jan. zi. According to a
dispatch from Manila,, the Filipino
congress at Malolos has authorized the
release of Spanish civil prisoners, and
will shordy liberate the military
prisoners. .
Opposite Old Stand.
Many at Lover
Has turned with disgust from an other
wise lovable girl with ' an offensive
breath. Earl's Clover Root Tea puri
fies the breath by its action on the
bowels, etc, as nothing else will. - Sold
for years on absolute guarantee. Price
25 cts., and 60 eta. Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists.
Boom T. over French A Co's. Bank.l
Office hours, i to 4 p. m. -
Charlotte F. Roberts,
Local Manager .
t ryyiStib frTr rffri fftfh YrV irt
M 1 MCI M If TOTOSrtt!
m. w m a m in w at ytvJt s a n- a n tivw u mi-
-r -smMm mwmm
. i . ...
You At?
If You Want to Know
Secure one of our late maps of Oregon just published
perfectly accurate, thoroughly . reliable. We give it to
you with the Weekly Times-Mountaineek on these ;
terms :
To every subscriber who pays ; up arrearages and one '
year's subscription, together with 50 cents, we supply
the paper one year and the map. , Price of paper $1.50;
price of map $1.00. We give you both for $2.00. Take
advantage of this offer now. It only holds good for a
short time. The map is 28x34 inches on heavy cloth
and mounted substantially on rollers. The same map
on paper, in pocket form will be furnished with the
paper for $1.75.
The WMtelioiise
CHA8. aiICHKLBA.CH, Proprietor
Deleware In a Vice. .
Dover, DeL, Jan. 23. The senator
ial situation is the same, today's joint
ballot' showing no; change. .At
present there is no likelihood of a suc
cessor to Senator Gray being elected.
Stats or Ohio, Crrr or Toledo,
Frahk J. Cheney makes oath tnat be is the
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Chesitit &
Co., doing business In the City -of Toledo
County and State aforesaid, and that said firm
will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL
LARS for each and every ease of catarrh that
cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presence, this 6th day of December, A D. 1888.
. . A. W. GLEASON, ..
.'.-v' . Not ART Pubijc.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Send for testimonials, free. -
" F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. .
Sold bVDrugglBts, 750.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
First-class Wines' Liquors and Cigars
Always on Hand.
Corner Second and Court Streets,
Seventh and Wash ngtor Sts.
-t J&ATKS '
U 41.60 (3.00
. tS-OOS 8401 1.60
Charles Burchtorf has opened a shop
In the building formerly occupied by
the steam laundry on Third street
where he is prepared to' do all classes
.of machine, work, bicycle,, lock and
gun repairing.. He also deals in bicy
cle goods Phone 49.
Mob Wanted.
To cut cord wood. Inquire of The
in mu mm,
Special Prices ta Cash Buyers
This well-known brewery is now turning out the best Beer
and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the
manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, and
only the first-class article will be placed on'the market
East Second. Street
The Dalles, : Oregon
Clias, J.Stubling,
Wine?, Liquor$T Cigars and Beer.
. The Celebrated Val Blatz Beer, Anheuser-Busch Nutrine,
a non-alchoholio beverage, unequaled as a tonlo.
173 Second street, The Dalles, Oregon. R
Did You Ever.
Stop to think that this is the time of year that
a merchant wants to sell off all his heavy goods.
Well that is the case with me. Come in before
the assortment is broken and get your choice of
the stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and
Shoes, Blankets, Furnishing Goods.
' To avo Cxoia-ht Charge. '
Washington, Jan. 23,-Sautor
Dalles Lumbering Co tt