The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 21, 1899, Image 4

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SATURDAY. ... .JANUARY 21, 1899
.From Saturday's Dally.
Prank Seufert went to -Portland
tfp.a R. M. Alden wen tto Portland
' on the afternoon train.
Mr. and Mrt. Wm. Johnson came
down from Wasoo today to tUIi friends
in tha city.
. J. Lyndon has opened a very neat
Maunnnt next door' BOttth Of M
1 Inerny'a store.:
Today license to wed was issued by
the county clerk to O. L. Fields and
A.J. Hunter, "
, Mrs. James Fait returned this after
. noon from Wasco, where she has been
, , visiting the past week.
Alfred Houtt has determined to take
a business course, and left yesterday
, ! for Portland to enter college.
'; "Suwanee River" is the attraction
it .tha Vo(?t Monday evening. ' It
- come highly reocommended.
H. J. "Palmer, of Mitobell, one of
the proprietors of the Crook County
Journal, was in the city last nignt.
c. A drill got fast, in the coal prospect
hole being sunk on A. M. Kelsay's
. farm, the other day and has suspended
7 operations for a short time.
The ease ef Branton convicted of the
f murder of Linn in . Lane county, who
' la nndnp : sentence of death will
be appealed to the supreme court.
, Dick Gorman returned last evening
'from the state capital. ' The legis
lature was " running about right so
Dick sold out his interest and came
home. " V'
. L. M. Wilson has bought Fred
, Archer's livery stable in the East End,
and is prepared to do a general livery
bnaineas. Good, treatment . to all
natrons. , ".,
Fred Burohtorl is nome irom fore
land where he had been under treat
ment for a month. He is now well
and heart v. his treatment at the
hospital haiing proven successful.
: Miss Virginia Hillgen, who has been
V in the, city the past week, returned to
, her home in Oufur this morning, ne
' was accompanied by Miss Catherine
Brans who will visit with her for a
. few weeks. ? ' , .
A quarti ledge has been unearthed
at FarminrtOB,la Washington county,
.. ; the rock from which assays 42, in gold
to the ton. It is thought to be a
valuable mine, the ledge being be-
' tween two and three feet in width.
; Walter Halght, of Grade, Crook
county, left yesterday for San Fran
' eUeo. to have his eves treated. T For
some time past Mr. ' Haight's eyes has
, been affected, and he has found it
necessary to place himself under the
treatment of a specialist.
Another section of the Parmlee
series has been " received : at the
library and is placed at the disposal
: of ! members. , It contains . a . num.
' ber of works on Scotland, the woman
- question and a number of works on
. general topics. , ; '
. P.P. Fonts eame home last night
: from a hunting, trip on Hood River,
There were only 26 inches of snow at
his place on upper Hood River, so Mr.
Fonts', hunting expedition was not a
glowing success, but he had a pleasant
vocation, just the same.
Senator Dufur returned home last
evening from the state capitol and will
remain over Sunday in the city. The
senator says work is progressing well
"In the legislature, and he expects a
number . of wholesome laws will be
passed during the. session. J
Thursday night there was a jolly
. sleighing party out to Mr. Marquis'
place, about twenty couples going out,
taking their lunches aud ;musicians
'. with them, and. after . forcing Mr,
Marquis to surrender, spent several
' hours very pleasantly dancing.
V A glorlons time was had by about
50 young folks who accepted the hos
pitality of the Y.. P. S. C. E.for
sleigh ride to Mrs. Roberts' place last
evening. Five sleigh loads went out
to the farm, where Mrs. Roberts served
delicious ,- lunch, after, which the
guests spent few..hours playing games
and returned to town at 11 o'clock, all
declaring it a glorious event. .
. Cap C. Lewis returned, last evening
from Hood River where he had been
on a lecturing tour both in the town
of Hood River and adjacent neighbor
hoods. Owing to the severe weather
the audiences which greeted the cap
tain were not very large, though all
who heard him were well pleased,
The captain will probably repeat his
lecture in The Dalles soon, as there
' are many who desire to hear it, and he
has generously offered to give a bene
fit to the. Emergency Corps. .
From Mondays Daily,
Louie Monstrelli returned to Port
land today. . , . ..... ... - -
H, M. Beall went to Portland on the
afternoon train.
W. H. ' Learned is quite ill at bis
home in the city.
District Attorney Jayne returned
home hut Saturday. i
Fred Clarke returned this afternoon
from a visit to Moro..
Saturday evening . Charlie Haslem
JUKI iCfg oniftcu n uiig
: A. S. McAllister was a . passenger
on the afternoon train for Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Patterson return
' mA M no- from a visit to Walla
Walla. '
Senators Dufur and MIchell returned
l yesterday afternoon to the state capital
to resume their duties in the legls-
A. L. Gude, the popular clerk in the
hoe derjartment of. A. M. Williams &
Co', store, returned . this morning
from a pleasant visit to his parents at
Los Angles. . . '
The Circle and Woodmen joint in
stallation is tomorrow evening and not
'- this evening, as stated la Saturday's
paper. Wives of wooamen ana nus-
bands of members oi tne uiroie are re
quested to attend.
The Dalles .Minstrel Club has re-
i,m! a Dressing invitation irom
Mmt thai i ihn Ia that
nlace immediately after Having ap
Last night Peter M. Garner was ar
. rested by Nlghtwatcbman Phirmaa on
' - - a ALf.
a charge oi vagrancy, ana wm vuib
morning ientenoed by Recorder Gates
3 t v wTiorfl Via
SO OHO uaj w.j 4 . - -
put to the day cutting wood.
ait ...K..WI . 1 ImvIn. nm
jrraduaUy, giving way to the effects of
the warm rain snocuuiiw wmu,
11 the moisture is going
Into the
abundant crops the coming season.
Saturday evening I. H. Taffe fell
from the steps of his residence at
Celilo and sustained a severe strain of
the spine. Dr. Hollister was called
to attend him and found Mr. Taffe suf
fering considerably though not danger
ously injured.
The high scores on the club alleys
during the past week were: Monday,
Van Norden, 52; Tuesday, Mrs. Seu
fert 50; Wednesday, Baldwin 54;
Thursday, Mrs. Houghton 62; Friday,
Bradshaw 67, Saturday, Baldwin 62;
Sunday, Houghton 61.
Frank Stlmpston, ex-sheriff of Klick
itat county, was in the city today, and
left on the afternoon train for San
Francisco, where he goes to intro
duce the Parrott gas light. He says
they have the gas generator per
fected now so lha it is the cheapest
and best apparatus on the market.
' Under the management of Eatebenet
& Etping the public bowling alley is
becoming a popular resort, and attracts
many of the good bowlers of the town,
The high scores for the week were
Monday, Stewart, 65; Tuesday, Single
ton, 66; Wednesday, Ballard 56, Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday, Nichols, 56,
70 and 60; Sunday, Singleton 54.
, During the year 1898 there was less
moisture fell at The Dalles than dur
ing any previous year since a record
has been kept of the precipitation, but
1899 is starting -off more favorably.
The precipitation thus far this mouth
has been 2.25 inches, the snow fall
having been 24 inches. During J898
the total rainfall was only 7.58 inches.
Last night the chlnook acted like
a summer otasc upon . me snow in
the high country, and this morning
the Klickitat hills across the river
were almost bare. " It is said the wind
struck in all sections ' south of here,
and that the snow has dlssppeard from
the south hillsides nearly everywhere,
while it remains In the valleys and Is
going off, gradually. .
In the ' near future theatre-goers of
The Dalles will have the ' pleasure of
enjoying a grand treat in the line of
minstrelsy. ' The Dalles minstrels will
give an all around black-faced minstrel
show about the middle of next months
which will most surely have a packed
house. All the finest and best voices
in the city have been secured for the
occasion . You will enjoy .the fine
solos, quartettes, jiggs, clogs and buck
wing dancing as you never have before;
This promises to be one of the best en
tertainments ' given , by The Dalles
minstrels. ... -
, 1 From Tuesday's Daily.
L. V. 'Thomas, justice of the peace
for Dufur precinct, is in the city.
"A Boy Wanted'? is the next at
traction at the VogL It is billed for
Saturday night.
The funeral of the late John Brook-
house will be conducted from the
Catholic Church at 0 a. m. tomorrow.
M. A. Moody, assignee for estate of
Frank Vogt, this afternoon sold prop
erty on Washington street, occupied
by Salvation Army, to Wm. Wegge-
man, consideration 11,200
J. L. Yordeo, of Kentucky,' who has
a number of mail contracts in different
parts of the state, is in the city and
will make the tour of the country cov
ered by the lines be is running.
There is a rise of a few feet in the
river, and tt6 water , has begun run
ning over the ice ia places. All that,
is now needed to clear the river of ice
is a few hours of wind to set the water
in motion. y- ' -'
Yesterday Capt. Bartell received a
letter from his brother Max. who is
with Co, Lat Manila, sutlng that the
Christmas box sent from The Dalles
rerched Maaihvin time for the holidays
and was greatly appreciated by the
boys in the army.
The ordinance placing a license of
$100 a year on electrical slot machines
is now in effect, and the city has col
lected 1250 from this source already-
150 each on five machines, the "license
being collected semi-annually. This
license bids fair to be a prretty good
source of revenue to the city.
It is reported that there is a widow
and several small children living near
the Lutheran church who are in quite
destitute circumstances. . The ' mother
is sick and the children have not the
necessaries of life. Their case should
be inquired into, and their wants sup
plied by the charitable citizens of The
The snow is going off so gradually
as to permit- of nearly all the water
sinking into the ground, which will be
most beneficial, to the country the
coming season, v Though it has about
all disappeared-from the south hill
side, there has .been no perceptible
rise in the creeks, which shows that
the water has been absorbed-by the
ground. , -. , :.
Last Sunday a number of friends as
sembled at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Douglas ia Dufur to Witness
the marriage of Mr. -Richard O. Neil
and Miss Lucy Douglas, the ceremony
being performed by L. V. Thomas,
justice of the peace. After the wed
ding a .splendid supper was served by
Mrs. Douglas, and several hours were
spent by the guests discussing the
Tbe Surest, Safest, Best
Women and Girls.
It cures the Aches, Pains,
Drains, Displacements 7 and
rregularities that beset ; the
pathway of the girl, the wife,
the mother, and the grand
A strictly temperance medi
cine; there is no alcohol, mor
phine or other narcotic ia iL
meal and congratulating Mr. and Mrs.
Nell. ,
The entertainment given at the
Vogt last night was one of the best
theater-goers of this city have had
the pleasure of witnessing during the
winter. "On the Suawnee River'' is a
drama which depicts Southern life
quite well, and it has the pleasing
quality of not bringing out any partic
ular stars, but requires an entire
troupe of goods players to make it a
success, and the company which ren
dered it last evening possessed all the
necessary qualities to present it per
fectly. The play throughout was
exceptionally well rendered, and the
plot possesses just enough of the
ridiculouB to make it amusing. The
specialties were first class, and espec
ially were the renditions of the Foun
tain City quartette well received. It is
a pleasure to see such performances,
and should this troupe again visit The
Dalles it can rest assured of drawing a
good house.
So. S3
Ban Into
At 2 o'clock Saturday morning train
No. 23, In charge of W. D. Harding,
was stopped for some purpose about
half a mile beyond Celilo. Signals
were put out, but they were not seen
by Engineer Montgomery, who was
pulling a west-bound special In charge
of Jack Gallagher. Montgomery did
not discover the train in front of him
in time to stop, hence glided along
into the caboose of 23, bumping it off
the track and giving the entire train a
severe shake-up. Fortunately no one
was Injured, and the only damage done
outside of the wrecking of the caboose
was a delay to traffic, the passenger
train from Spokane being held up for
six hours on account of the accident.
United In Marriage.
At the office of C. E, Bayard last
evening Mr. Wallace Weaver and Miss
Edith Naylor were married, justice
Bayard officiating. The wedding was
a quiet, but nevertheless happy event,
and the many friends of the contract
ing parties will be pleased to know
that these two worthy young people
have begun a life of married happi
ness, i . ;
Mr.' Weaver, is one of the members
of the firm of Weaver & Nagel, pro
prietors of the soda works, and has
resided in The Dalles almost two years,
during which time he has merited the
respect of all. His bride is a former
resident of Klickitat county, but for
the past year has made The Dalles her
Mr. and Mrs. Weaver leave tomor
row for Portland to spend their honey
moon in the metropolis. ' -
'A Dlaaatroaa Klde.
About 6 P. M. Saturday evening Iyan
GiboDS. son of Ralph Gibons, with a
number of other boys, was coasting
down Union street on a long bob, and
on reaching Fourth ran into a sleigh
that was going at a rapid . rate along
the street. ' Ivan was on the rear of the
sled and did not see the passing
sleigh, so he was thrown again&t it
with such 'force' that both bones
of his left leg were broken above the
ankle. He was taken home, where Dr.
Logan dressed his injuries. . The frac
ture was1 a serious one, ' but the boy
will soon recover:
Jlotiea. i
Charles Burcfatorf has opened a shop
in the building formerly occupied by
tne steam laundry on 'i nird street
where he is prepared to do all classes
of machine work, bicycle, lock and
gun repairing. He also deals in bicy
cle gooass fnone 4V.
ahb PSOTlsiovs,
Special Prices to Cash Buyers
iff - omvAnju o l naiot l .
Oregon Viava Co.
Room 7. over French & Co's. Babk. .'
- Offlca hours, t to 4 p. m.
Charlotte F. Roberts,
Local Manager.
Snoaessors to J. H. Blakeny
Goods Delivered to Any Part oi
tha Oxcy.
The WMeliOuSe
j. CHAS. MIOHIUMB, rraprtoter '
First-class Wines Liquors and Cigars
Aiwayc on nana.
Corner Second aa Court Streets,
. Manufacturer of and Dealer to
Harness and Saddlery,
East End, Two Door West of Diamond Flour I
lag Mills. - - Second Street.
All Work Guaranteed to Give
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
FiGlgat and Passenger Llae
The steamers of this line will leare
The Dalles at 7:30 A. M.
Shipments received at any time, dar
or night. . ,
lire stock shipment solicited. :
Call on or address, .
Claim allowed.
Following is a list of the claims
against the county allowed at the Jan
uary term of county court:
St. Vincent's hospital, care of
Wasco county poor $ 124 50
Irwln-Hodson Co., supplies
clerk's office 62 25
Ctaas ' H. Crocker, supplies
clerk's office.... 72 00
Chronicie Pub. Co., printing
and publishing ' 21 50
Mays & Crowe, supplies and
labor 112 30
O. T. St T. Co., messages and
rent 9 30
Snipee-Kinersly Drug Co.,
medicine for pauper 1 95
Chas. Craig, labor on road.... 4 50
W. H. Wilson, professional
services 30 00
J. T. Peters & Co., supplies
cou n ty road 15 57
Boy's & Girl's Aid Society care
Wasco county children 20 00
Ward & Robertson, use of
team 4 00
G. P. Crowell, supplies for
pauper 19 60
John Burgraff , meals for jury . . 3 25
A. E. Lake, lumber 36 84
W. M. Sill, fees state vs. Delore 10 00
Dr. H. Logan, professional
services 24 50
M. Z. Donnell. medicine for
pauper 13 25
Geo. A Meloy, hauling lumber 15 00
Dalles Lumbering Co., lumber 5 76
Mrs. Porter, conveying Mrs.
Prather to insane asylum.. 5 00
Wm. H Holder, sheriff fees.... 8 60
W H Taylor, viewing road 4 00
J F Stout, constable fees 4 60
Lewis St Mosier, supplies for
county road 9 95
A Traverson, justice fees...... 13 50
Wm. Henzie, hauling 6 35
Robert Kelly, bill rend 116 20
E J Glisan, justice fees 2 50
M Luddeman, prosecuting at
torney fees (not allowed). . 5 00
W L E Kemp, consteble fees. . . . 2 00
WLE Kemp, guarding pris-'
oner.. : ' 3 00
E C Dickenson, guarding pris
oner . 3 00
E J Glisan, conveying prisoner 13 50
E J Glisan, holding inquest. .. 5 00
T J Condon, holding inquest. . 13 50
W E Kemp, fees coroner's
jury 1 00
T G Condon, fees coroner's
jury 1 00
F MoBeth, fees coroner's jury. 1 00
E L Luddeman, fees coroner's
jury 1 00
Frank Irvine, fees coroner's
jury 1 00
FN Wallace, coroner's jury.. 1 00
Dr. Wiley, expert witness.... 5 00
Frank Gum, witness 1 50
F W Sllyertooth, witness . 1 50
Chas. . Clarno. witness 1 50
R Cbavls, witness 1 59
J Auboo, witness 1 50
Simon Gamble, witness 1 50
F McRhea, witness I 50
Antone Nelson, witness 1 50
E L Hale, witness ... 150
A A Jayne, district attorney
fees 70 00
H Glenn, work on court house 72 05
Irwin-Hodson Co., supplies
' sheriffs office 45 00
S M Baldwin, use of voting
place... 2 50
Dr. M F Shaw, examining in
sane 5 00
W D Monger, labor on . bridge 8 50
N H Gates, justice fees 5 55
C F Lauer, constable fees. .... 4 50
August Buchler, witness fees.. 150
W C Allaway, witness fees. ... 1 50
C P Jobanneson, witness fees 1 50
P F Fouts, witness fees 1 50
W H Whipple, services asses
sor 146 00
Roy Nurse, hunting criminal
(not allowed).. 40 00
Oliver Babcock, hunting crim
inal (not allowed) 35 00
J C Benson, labor on road. ... 38 75
ward & Son, lumber 220 35
Harbioson Bros., lumber 1 85
E S Olinger, cou stable fees. . .' 6 65
Perry McCoy, lumber. . . i 5 50
F S Smith, labor on vault 6 00
H Clougb, labor on vault. 24 00
Wm. Michell, burial pauper. .. 16 00
W B Butts, holding inquest. .. 8 00
M M Cushing, board and care
of non-resident paupers. . . 16 00
J O Mack, work on records. . . 26 00
Frank Hill, clerical service. . .. 24 00
Frank Hill, constable fees , 4 25
F S Gunning, material for
vault 8 10
Gunning St Hockman, labor. .. 100
J E Hardy, varnishing book
case - 1 00
C Bayard, justice fees 6 70
C P Lauer, constable fees. .... 2 50
Hugh Jackson, witness fees. ..8 1 50
OL Paquet . " 1 50
OC Hollister, " 1 50
J P Molnerny, " " 1 50
G A Cooper, " 1 50!
S Crapper...
63 00
35 75
65 28
130 05
55 00
39 75
45 24
38 00
80 00
54 00
70 00
20 00
65 00
30 00
67 00
36 00
. 46 00
78 25
102 00
1,30 00
J p Aguidius,
g p O'Brien.:::::::::;:::
Wm. Cushlmg,
Wm. Jordoo i.;
S D Fisher,....
J W Dixon
Chris Dethman,...:..
Frank Kincaid..
Geo. Woodruff,...-.....
Andrew Urqubart,
Alexander Frazier
FS Flemmlng....
J F Elliot, ;..
A a Billings,....
John End......
Wm. Kennedy,
Dan Smith........... "...
70 00
82 60
17 00
22 75
63 00
31 00
69 90
. 68 80
3 00
" 3 00
39 30
71 50
: 12 00
12 00
5 00
JB Havely
H C Rooper, '
A S Roberts..
Geo. Meloy,.....'
W R Winans...
M Thor bourn
S D Fisher, lumber for bridge
J F Elliot, labor on road
G Hyre." r " ......
A B Billings, lumber
C L Gilbert, bill rend
J T Neff; examining teachers'
John Gavin, "
Lane Bros., blacksmithing. . . .
a u fisner. labor on road and
106 00
.14 53
16 50
8 70
13 90
78 00
J L Kelly, rebate otv taxes,.
Baldwin Restaurant, meals for
O. T. & T. Co.. rent and mes
sages .-
Johnston Bros., supplies for
pauper ;
Maud Gilbert, clerical services
Wm. Frazier. - serving sub-
Frp Extren taoscsss,
THAT no one remedy can contain the
elements necessary to cure all diseas
es. Is a fact well known to everyone.
Dr. Miles' System of Bettoratlve Bemedles
consists of seren dlstioctiTely different
preparations, each for its own purpose. .
lbs. Ik C. Bmnley, 37 Henry St, St. Oath
erlnee, Ontario, writes: "For yean I snf-
f ered from extreme nervousness and aanoy-
1ns constipation, developing Into palpitation
and weakness of the heart. I was unable to
sleep, suffered much from headache, pain In
my left side, palpitation and a constant
f eellnf of weakness and prostration. I began
niing Dr. Miles' Nervine, Heart Cure and
Nerve and Liver Pills and the Anti-Pain
Pills to relieve sudden paroxysms of pain
and headache. I soon felt much improved
and tbe pains and aches and wearinew left
I then took Dr. Miles' Beatoratlve
Tonic and am now restored to my former
good health."
Dr. Miles' Bemedles
are sold by all drug
gists under a. positive
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re
funded. Book on dis-
i of tha heart and
serve free, address.
noanas in Multnomah Co. 12 00
T W Sweeter, arrest and keep
ing prisoner 3 25
Robert Kelly, bills rendered. .. 260 68
John Doyne lumber 11 56
S L Brooks, appraiser Hood
River highway 6 00
G A Liebe, appraiser Hood
River high way 6 00
G W Miller, appraiser Hood
River highway 6 00
G W Miller, appraising road. . 2 00
D Creighton, .. . 2 00
A A Bonney. stock inspector 250 00
J H Chastaio, building and re
pairing bridge HO 00
G D Woodworth, material for
roads J 3 45
W E Garretson, repairing
cloct 24 00
D S Kinsey, county com. ... 33 00
NC Evans, " " 22 50
R Mays, transportation for
pauper 40 00
W H Taylor, appraising road . . 2 00
H H Tomlinson, deputy sheriff
- -at election 3 00
E J Glisan, witness grand jury 8 00
F H Wakefield, " ' " 8 00
W Shackelford, " " " 2 00
C E Bayard, " " " 2 00
George Weddle
O L Walter
L Davis,
J D Bentlv
1 00
2 00
1 00
4 00
G W Woodruff 1
F M Warner 1
Henry Snipes
5 00
Bud Drake,
H Fargher,
G C Evans
Joseph Crabtree
1 00
2 00
1 00
5 00
Edward Bothwell 7 00
James Brown . 1 00
Curtis Egbert, 2 00
Caleb Shorty 1 00
f M Jackson l w
Geo. Thompson (Indian) 6 00
J N Eosley 2 00
W A B Campbell,. 4 00
M Hendrickson,.., 2 00
C R Willock,...:. 8 00
Joseph Johnson, . 7 00
M McNulty 1 00
F M Thompson, 1 00
J W Russel 3 00
Peter Aguidius, 3 00
Geo. Lorenzon, 3 00
Almon Wilson, 2 00
H T Corum,... 3 00
H F Woodcock, 5 00
A Deckert, 1 00
J P Hart ; 1 00
Henry Wickman 1 00
J L Confer, 1 00
A W Hayned, 1 00
Frank Johnston, 1 00
August Reese, 1 00
J W Elton 2 00
Geo. Lorenzon, 2 00
JPSnodgrass, 1 00
HH Tomlinson,'. 3 00
H O'Neil 2 00
A C Rice,... 1 00
M B Zumwalt, 2 00
FC Clawsen,... 1 00
Geo. Lorenzon .' 3 00
W Wills 1 00
August Deckert, 1 00
W A B Campbell 3 00
E Guston, 2 00
If Reports .are True He la the Chief of
Them all
Newspaper reporters are making life
uncomfortable for ex-Secretary of
State H. R. Kincaid, and if their re
ports are true, it is well for the state
that be was retired to private life by a
vote of the people last June. One
reporter, has just dag up a bit of
evidence that Mr. Kincaid has been
"farming" tbe office . for all that was
.n it to feather his own nest. He finds
the secretary has been charging dis
charged convicts two dollars each for
certifying to their release, and he is
accused of exacting other fees for work
to which he was not entitled. Another
accusation is made tha the, as auditing
officer for the state allowed himself
the modest sum of 90 for sending his
paper, the State Journal, to the state
librarian for a period of 34 years, 7
months and 13 days." The evidence
concerning this transaction Is furnish
ed, by tbe reporters ' from ' the state
records as follows: . .
, 1898. ToH.R, Kincaid, Dr,
Oct. 26 For subscription to tbe
Oregon State Journal from March 15,
1864. to October 25, 189834 years, 7
months, 13 days: ' .' .
First five years, at $4. ......... . $20 00
Next 20 years, at S3. 60 00
Last 10 years, 7 months, 13 days. 26 50
I Less reduction on listed rate 16 50
Total amount allowed $90 00
I. H. R. Kincaid, being first duly
sworn, depose and say upon oath that
the . foregoing account is correct
and ,' just; that the papers . therein
specified were furnished to the state of
Oregon as stated; that tbe charge
thereof is reasonable and less than my
regular subscription rate; and that no
part " thereof has been heretofore
paid, i . !-. "V H. R. Kincaid.
Subscribed and sworn to before. .
me this day of. . . . A, D. 188. . .
Notary Public for Oregon.
Received from H. R. Kincaid, secre
tary of stats, warrant No. 10174, in
payment Of the above account. ' '
H. R. Kincaid.
. ' Foet Offloera lnitalled.
Joint Installation of 6. A. R. and
V.R.C. was. held Saturday evening.
J. W. Neamlth Post, No. 17., met in
their hall and held their annual in
stailatiou of officers. The following
officers were Installed In the Post by
Comrade Thure ton:. Post Commander,
John W. Lewis; S. V. Commander, B.
R. I. Aiken; J. V. Commander, Matt
Flock; Q.-M.. C. H. Brown; Adjd., J
C. Mains; Chaplain, J. . H. Baker; O.
u., Lewis Johnson; O. G. Lewis
Nichols; Sargeant, John Parrant, Q.
M., Sargeant, P. T. Cram; Sargeant
Maj. J. M. Thomas; after which the
ladles of the W. R. C. proceeded to
install their officers. ' The installing
officer, Mrs. Mary Scott Myers, in a
beautiful and impressive manner con
ducted the ceremonies and installed
the following officer: Pres., Lizzie
Ulrlch; Sr. V., (absent,) Jun. V., Mrs.
Myrtle Glfford; Sec., Mrs. Ella Grimes:
Treas., Mrs. Blanche Patterson; Con
Mrs. Sarah Bunch; guard, Mrs. Belle
Berger; Asst., Con. Mrs. Emma Reese;
Asst G., Mrs. Mary Nichols; color
bearers, Mesdames. Eliza Eelsay, OI
lie : P. Stephens, Ella A. Paddock,
Edna Learned: after which Mrs.
Myers was installed as chaplain by
Mrs. Mary Nichols. Tbe ceremonies
were very beautiful throughout, and
the ladies proved that they could en
ter into tne spirit of military work: as
well as the brave defenders who
marched to the martial music of the
"fife and drum," for they assumed a
military air throughout their cere
monies, and the "Old Soldiers" sat
stray.. .
There came to my place on Nov. 26,
a red cow and calf, with white line on
back, marked with swallow fork and
back bite on right ear, branded with
an inverted T. Owner can have same
by proving property and paying ex
penses. ' John Bkattik,
dec28-lm Celilo.
Meat Wanted.
To cut cord wood. Inquire
of Tbe
Dalleo Lumberlnp; Co
FiELDS-HONTER At the residenoe of C. E.
Bavam. sunoay. January 16. v. u. Fields
and A. 1. Boater. Justice BajrartoHWaMng;
Bhowlng of the Receipta and Disburse
ments of Dalle City.
The following statement has been
prepared by Recorder Gates, and sub
mitted to tbe city council, showing the
receipts and disbursements of the city
from July 1, 1897, to January 1, 1899:
- Report of the expenditures and re
ceipts of the year commencing July 1st,
1897 and ending July 1st, 1898.
Officers salaries $ 3,330 00
Bridge work 322 73
Kire department 1,144 71
Police department 264 93
Sewers 222 87
Streets 1,33100
Water rent.
384 00
384 33
44 75
Printing and stationary.
Millar case
Impounding fees
Rock crusher
Caae of Baldwin vs Dalies City
Professional eeryices
252 90
4 05
16 00
56 f.8
90 10
1 00
33 bO
5 00
Total. ."
Interest for one year.
3,420 00
Total expenses $11,285 21
Fines 257 50
Team licenses 212 00
Theatre and shooting galery
licenses 170 00
Liquor licenses 4,850 00
Claim vs. J L Story 203 00
Taxes 5,306 22
Dog licences 18 00
Runner license 72 00
Auctioneer and peddler He. . 30 00
Billiard and bowling alley lie 45 00
Claim Dalles National bank 33 26
Assessment on property.
C Frank 16 00
Assessment on crosswalk. ... 3 00
Rebate on hose 10 00
W A Kirby, rent 25 00
Total Income .$11,226 48
Total expenses $11,285 21
Total Income 11,226 48
Total expense over Income $ 58 73
(The above and foregong Is taken
irom ttecoraer sinnott s annual re
Report of the expenditures and re
ceipts for the half year commencing
July 1st, 1898, and ending Jan. 1st,
Officers salaries $ 1,680 00
Fire department
879 04
Police department
Streets and sewers..
Water rent
99 10
195 63
479 08
193 00 I
150 85
.Total expenses six months $ 3,675 70
Interest for six months 1,710 00
Total....: $ 5,385 70
W arrants issued as follows for the
payment' of tbe above expenditures
and the expenditures as follows for
each of the six months.
1898. .
July.... ....$ 51125
August : 1,076 60
September 485 37
October 574 08
November i 531 67
December 495 73
Total amount of warrants
issued for said six months'
expense.. $ 3,675 70
Taxes.... ...$ 2,979 23
Saloon licenses ' 2,625 00
Show licenses 93 00
Dog licenses 40 50
Team licenses. .. 180 00
All other licenses 186 00
Fines and forfeitures 142 5
Rent. 143 00
Miscellaneous 10175
Total income for six months $
Total income by months
Juiy $
August '.
September -
November j
6,490 93
339 50
1,396 96
436 42
901 94
960 40
2,453 76
Total income by months $ 6,490 98
Total income.... 9 6,490 98
Total expense ......... $5.385 70
Total income over expendi
ture for six months.. . 1,105 28
For the fiscal year commencing July
1st. 1896 and ending June 30th. 1897.
Expenses ..$ 10,119 34
Income 10,077 18
Deficit t 42 16
For the fiscal year commencing July
1st. 1897 and ending June 30th. 1898,
deficit $58 73. '
tor tne nnn-hAir . vour r.nm
the expense was $1105 28.
Respectfully submitted,
1 N.H.Gates,
Recorder of Dalles City.
John Paaaea Away
at the
Home of His Daughter.
Grandpa " Brookhouse Is no more.
tie quietly breathed his last at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. F. W. L
Skibbe, Monday at 10 o'clock, af
tor an illness of about a week with
grip. .
few men were better known In
Wasco county than John Brookhou3e.
He was one of the pioneers of this part
oi uregon, baying come here 35 years
ago and settled on a farm at Tygh
Ridge, which he made his home until
declining years made is impossible for
mm to longer look after his farm,
when he came to The Dalles, making
ma nome with bis daughter. Beine
a kouim (imposition ne arew manv
: , jr ... .
mentis t round bim, and if he had an
enemy it was not known.' His life was
honorable and upright, and he merits
the reward of the just.
Mr. Krookhouse was born in Castle-
bar, county Mayo,' Ireland, Nov. 1,
1822, and was married to Mias Oatha-
rlne Clark, who died In 1883, in bis
native country, and to them nine
children were born, four of whom are
living Mrs. F. W. L. Skibbe and Mrs.
E. Boynton, of The Dalles, John J.
Brookhouse, of Dufur, and Mrs. Brit
ton, of Sumpter. He also leaves three
sisters Mrs. P. Gorman, of Kingsley,
Mrs. Wm. Redman, of Grass Valley,
and Mrs. -Fahey, who resides in Ire
land. He came to America about 40
years ago, living lor Ave years at
Minorsville, Penn., then came to Ore
gon, locating on a farm on Tygh
Ridge, at which .place he eo paced in
farming and stockraising until a few
years ago. , -
Company D Organized.
Last Saturday evening Company D,
O. N. G., was mustered in by Col. J.
M. Patterson with 41 members, Capt.
O. C. Hollister actintr as examining
surgeon. Tne company starts off un
der favorable circumstances, bet no;
composed of hearty, active young men
who are capable of making excellent
soldiers, and having elected officers
who will take deep interest in the
welfare of the company and increasing
its efficiency. . The officers elected
are: 6. E. Bartell, captain; B. A.
Spiyey, first lieutenant; Dave Johns,
econd lieutenant. 1
Are You
If You Want to Know
Secure oue of our late maps of Oregon just published
perfectly accurate, thoroughly reliable. We give it to
you with the Weekly Times-Mountaineer on these
terms :
To every subscriber who pays up arrearages and one
year's subscription, together, with 50 cents, we supply
the paper one year and the map. Price of paper $1.50;
price of map $1.00. We give you both for $2.00. Take .
advantage of this offer now. It only holds good for a
short time. The map is 28x34 inches, on heavy cloth
and mounted substantially on rollers. The same map
on paper, in pocket form will be furnished with the
paper for $1.75.
391. 393 HND 395
Consignments Solicited
Prompt attention will be paid to those who favor me with their patronage
JLi V. iff 8L M, WSSrfigB
ZI IVsl H.rfa. II Nl 1V-T tV LOT le rH-'H -V-H-l)' t- .
V MS II HI frarfl W. Z"- a JW Vft V-i- t -K-t- -.ft rVT"
I have reopened this well known Bakery, and am
now prepared to supply everybody with ..........
. . . .Also, all
Pioneer Grocer. .
Fine Repairing a Specialty.
In New Quarters
It's the old Reliable Grocery House, but in a new
place, with new goods and new prices. Everything
you want in the grocery line, delivered on short
notice from the new
Railroad Depot.)
....DEALER IN....
Wall Paper, Paints,
Finest line of Wall Paper in ;
the city. Send for Samples.
Painting', Paper-Hanging and Kalsomiiv
ing a Specialty.
Third Street. Tbe Dalles, Oregon
4-14 ykr
yamljill 5t-
UVC.fc,Cy(rSV -
Bake r y . . . ... .
kinds of. .
and Jeweler
All Work Warranted
iS. Trade Mkk
.. i,a rjraiQNB
Anvnne lenillnc s iketrta and dcscrlptlnn mar
eulekiSSSln Snr opinion free Khr
InVentlon la PW"blr PlenUible. Communloa.
tloni atrtctlr eonfldentf. Haba onPawnta
sent free. Olrteat aeencr f or unn ttm
Patenta taken tBruiwh Mann Co. receive
qMdai eotte. without cnarge. m w-
Scientific Jliiterlcam
A nandaomelv lllnirtratea weeaiy. jT! .
MUNN &Co.86,Br"'- New York
BxlncL Office. C2S F BU WaahUwton. D. C.
BOSTON and aU .
for Information, time cards, map and tlckoia
sail on or write, W. O. ALLAWAY, Asent
Or A. D. CHARLTON. Aftnintnnt General Pea-
sen tier Agent. No.
MorriKon Street. Cor-
nerot Third Street.
Portland, Oregon
depart raoN THn dallbs arriv .
Past salt Lake. Denver. Ft. Fast
Mail Wortb. Omaha, Kan- Mail
11:60 p.m. ma City, St Louis. 3:15 p.m.
Cnioago and East
Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane. Spokane
Flyer Minneapolis. St Paul, Flyer
5:40 d. m, Duluth. Milwauke, 6:00 a.m.
I Chicago and East,
8p.m. FROP. rORTllND 4 p.m. .
Ooeas Steaaatilpe
. 1 AU Sa'llng Dntea sub-
' jeel to change.
For San Franolseo
Steam 'rs leave Port
land every Ave dsyi.
8 p.m. Colanbla Klvcr . 4P-In:
Ex Sunday . steanera Ez.Sunda7
10 p. m. To Astoria and Way.
. Lanrtlnga.
'a. m. Wlllaatett River 4:80p.m.
Ez.Sunday Ex.Sunday
Ore tron Cltv. Newberg, ,
Salem tt, War-Land's
Ta. m. wiilaaiette aaa Taaihlll 8:30 p.m.
Tues.Thur, Rivers. Mon, Wed,
and Sat and Fri.
Oregon City, Dayton.and
l ' Way-Landings. -
' 6 a.m.' Wlllaaette River , 4:80 p.m.
Tues, Tbur Taea.Thur
and Sat- Portland to Corvallls sand Sat
and Way-Landlnga
IV RIparia , . Saake River. Lt. Lew'u
daily ex- daily ex
cept Satr RIparia to Lewtnton, cept Fri
unlay. day.
W. H. HUBLBURT, Gen, Pass. Arent.
Portland. Oregi n
IRIU4KD. Agent, The Dalles
Next door to Columbia Hotel.
Open Day and Night
Courteous Treatment
to all Bowlers.
Special Attractions.
. For Bowling Parties.
Patronage of the publio respectfully
solicited ,.
ESTEBENET & ESPING, Proprietors.
J. O. HOCKMAN has rented the
the shops of J. L. Thomson, on tho
corner of Third and Madison streets,
where he is prepared to do all kinds
of Blacksmithing.
Horse-shoeing a Specialty.
Prices reasonable. Satisfaction
, A. SANOROCK conducts a gen
y eral wagon and repair shop ineoa
' - nection. Repairing done promptly
Seventh and Wash ngtor Sts.
Thos. Gutnean, - . Proprietor
W-OOt 8.001 1.M
3.00 11.60 COO
For a first-claw pair of shoes
or boots, with a perfect fit call
on Tom and have your meas
ure taken. Prices are reason
able. .
Union Street, Between Main
Public Bowliog Alley
. r .