' I"; K .DEC. 17, 1893 ITEMS IN BRIEF. . . . ' BVom Saturday's Dally. . Mrs. J. Teal, of Spokane, la Id the oUy visiting Mrs. . M. Wilson Isaac Stern, editor and proprietor ottbe Hebrew New, of Portland, is in ... .'.. the city. ' ' - RpK'9ter..t. P..Luea, of the. .land of ' ' flee, accompanied by bis wife left on the morninir train for Portland. . ' "J - r- -. -, ? " . 'v Mrs. L. Grey, who bad been visiting - hsr parents in Oregon City the p3t ' week, will return on the boat this evening. ' . " ' ''T.'-'- Sheriff Kelly -retorned - last -nfcbi (J from'. Cascade Locks r where Ke .: bad . been to attach property belonging to Dr. Candiani. - '.Skating on the sloughs above town .,' is excellent, anc a good portion of the ; , J small boys' with some of the large ernes' ; have -been gliding over its glassy sur j . face ajl'day. This jmprning. Loul Comlnrs..Iae l-driylBjr"ipr3e ..wa9 disposed of nf a i J raffle, the ticket being drawn out of ' ' the hat by Mrs. Golliner's little boy, and No. , 196, beld by Henry Boyne, . drew the priit'e". , ' -Today Councy Clerk Kelsay issued two seta of glory tickets for use tomor . . roF.'' The parties to whom they were i granted were James E. Lane and Miss . L ' Anna M. Adkios, John W. Taylor and Miss Eldon King. Yesterday was one 61 the worst days , ever experienced by ' steamboat men on the river between Cascade' Locks ' and Vancouver. The wind was a 'per . ' feet gale and the seas would run clear over an ordinary boat. V' .News being rather scarce, it may V . net be out of place to mention that it is ,;' snowing. , That is, a few: particles;of congealed' water are falling from the . heavens', but tbey are so fine it needs a magnifying glass to see them. y : The Bellevue (Towa) Herald of the 3d "mentions that Joe and Gua Bonn S Swould leave that place for their home ' In The Dalles, but intimates that Joe . has business in Bellevue that may call hlrn back.'.': Wonder what It can be?, '. ' It would not be bad policy fer Dalles ' - ites who want goods from Portland 'to f order them,at ODce, for the lndicatsons are that the . river will close before ' . long, and a blookade on the railroad may oocur with the first heavy snow ,.- storm.. . ' . '' "There was an Inch of ice on the still . water In the canal at Cascade Locks yesterday and.it took the Flyer two 1 i hours to break its way through.: With . ..the ice forming so rapidly in the locks, tbey may have to be closed at any '; time.' ; . The effort that Is being put forth to '''institute a philharmonic soolety In i' ' The Dalles . is worthy-, of encourage- f " meat. All musically Inclined people , of The Dalles should lend it their as sistance. ' A good full membership of the society will result in a revival of - s interest in music. . " .' " . . The Seufert & Condon telephone V lloe was connected with Klngsly to day, and The Dalles talked with that ''' ttlace this afternoon. A new style of v phone la in use on this line that is t .superior to - anything heretofore in ': use. - , Joe and Gus Bonn returned home : J yesterday from a visit of two months in.- the middle west. They were in .'- Colorado, Nebraska; Iowa and Illinois, ,1 but -v found no place that suited them V" so well as Oregon. They bad been experiencing sero weather for a month and wheu they crossed the Mississippi ' it was froien'.over. ' They were de- , : j lighted to ?et back to the mild climate of Oregon.. ' f J. . H.. Brennan, an experienced ' window dresser from - Portland. Las ... taken a position In Pease . & Mays, - and will have charge of the dry gooas y department In the store. The taste '"'" 'Mr, JBrennan displays In window drap eries is displayed Jn the two east win--t d'owsof Pease and Mays' store today; , : which is evidence of his skill and also ':'.' of the fact that this firm is'handlihg it superior line of dress, goods this A season.' such' as will attract the at tention of all who desire a first class ' article. .,' ',..'.,, ' , .'. ' ' From Monday s Dally. " B. L. Murcbie, of Wasco, is in the j ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Folton, of Biggs, . 'are in the city. , . Sheriff Kelly was called to Cascade 'Locks on business again today. George H. Shlnn, of Baker City, arrived here on the morning train. ' Miss-Shelton, of Portland, has ,'taken a position as compositor on the .Chronicle.' .' r-' All Knights are. requested to attend . the regular -meeting in Castle Hall .this eveaing. SATURDAY. r . . ..' Seven members of Joseph Shannon's - v family are confined to the bouse with - . .' the mumps. ' ' -. $ J Capu Lewis has lost his spectacles i white metal nose glasses. Finder w'lU ' f ' : please return them to him. .;v" Mr. and Mrs. . W. A. Booth atd ' daughter arrived here yesterday .'from ,'; v-. Prlnevllle, and are en.route to South .. 'ern Oregon. . ' . ' -. .' r - ''. . The latest things in Ascot ties and ' ' stock puffs, received by express today, 1 direct from New York. i at-Pease Sc ' MaJ. -'''; i" VU; Floating. Ice closed the. river, at Crate's point this morning and the . channel at MemhoW .Islaod'Svas afsd .'., -.'closed... '-ji ' '.: . , , ;,' .: J Lastnlght the -mereury registered ' " - s ten degrees above.xerp in the open air,--; - 'and the guage in the river Indicated a " , serO'.. temperature.' - .. i . ?. '; 'S,v'rFbr- a limited, time Pease Js.Mays are offering any ten 4loJlar suit. In . ' their large.stock of men's clothing, for seven dollars and tw,eayaaie cents! . .-' ' "Th8 - river' presented a "' beautiful -sight today.-'; It was full of float! ugice , that bad the appearance of largedtk .. . . a -i . i--r H.'d OllarU moving uuwu iue Bweaui - - ' A Christmas present (ba( woufi M a. ;,; very acceptable, to The DalUft .aad f , every other section of the atat ' " be the- news that "the v voluatrs y" X. Manila were ordered home. , Mrs. De t'orrestaceompaoteii'.'uy her : ', daughter and son left on lasi inight . v train for Decatur, 111., where me m ' aoend the wlnter with hr father . - . Lynn. ;.: . ; i . ' J i f ' ' - Today the ferry between 'hee and Grand U Hies was faiteo uu .u ' ' and now . dddges- around auafdpiT t ' .' . floating . ice .trie, pest it can w?maye f 'J' '.connections between Th Cnlles ahd :be Washington side. - i ;h; j;. At tM;J&f( jneetlor of b Bitd Men the following officers nere elected for the ensuing year: Sachem, -Mat Shoreni senior sagamore, Charles P. Jobannesen, junior sagamore, Henry Nagel; prophet, S. H. Frazier. The little steamer Inland F'yer un dertook to make the trip 'between Portland and here yesterday, but owing to Boating ice in the river only got to Viento. - On the evening of the 28ch, in the Congregational church, Capt. John W. Lewis will deliver his lecture on his recollections of the civil war and bis experience in Libby prison. A display of neckwear that is cer tainly way ahead of anything ever shown here, may be seen in Pease & Mays furnishing goods . window- bee them if for no other reason than, to know whatis correct and stylish. Everything in the couutjf ojerk's offiee is confusion today. The records are being taken out of the vault and are being p-led up in the clerk's offiee to make room for the sew vault furni ture that will arrive in a few days. Euphrates Boucher, editor of the Ml. Vernon,' Mo., Fouutaiu an.' Journal, spent the 'day In' the city visiting his cousin, D. J. Cooper Mr. Boucher has been on a tour of the - West, and Is now on .bis return trip. He leaves on tonight's train for Missouri Last evening Rev. W. V. Boltz preached an impressive sermon in the Christian church to an audience of about 200 people, the subject being "The Witness of the Spirit." His discourse was well worded, and well appreciated by all who were in the church. ; - For Beveral years past The Dalles has had to siiip ice in from North Powder, east of the Blue mountains, but indications are favorable now that we will have all the ice we need rignt here at home. If so thousands of dollars will be kept at home that have been sent away for congealed water. A fellow stole a few tlcctrie light globes from the Macleay building lo Portland recently, and was sentenced by Judge George to one year in the j Multnomah county J-!!. It appeared ; from the evideu'ee that the thief was working to get a winter's lodging in the county jail, but got more than he ' bargained for. ' At 10:15 Saturday night the soot in the chimney of the Cosmopolitan , caught fire and made a beautiful blaze j that reached about ten feet above the . building, and caused those who saw it to believe the building was on fire. An alarm was sounded that called out the fire department, but their services were not needed, as the fire went out of its own accord. I 'Saturday afternoon telephone con-! nection was made between The Dalles : and Klngsley, and late in the evening, I George Wentwortb. line superintend;, entfnr Seufert & Condon, called up the Times-Mountaineer office ' from ' Klngsley. So perfect was the trans- ! one mission that Mr. Wentwortb could be j Six heard when talking in a whisper some 40 miles away, which evidenced the superiority of the ItAe and the phones which the company is using- Last night G. C. Rich was arrested by Policeman. Phirman, and lodged in i jail. This morning be was given a bearing before Recorder Gates on a charge of being d-unk and disorderly, and was given the option of . "paying a fine of $5 or serving two days in the city jail. Not having the V. he chose to spend a couple of days in jail, and. to.drlve away the blues, , will exercise on the city woodpile. It ie probable that when Rich gets out of this scrape his wife will lodge a complaint against him for threatening to kill her. " " From Tuesdya's Dally. J.J. Gibbons, cf Hood River, is in the city. ; ., ; i. Mr. and Jtfrs. W. H. Dufur are visit ing in The Dalles today. . , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. CanVrell.of Dufur, are visiting in "the city. . J. B. Goit will go to Moro this eyeo- ing to do some surveying.' ..- -., .;' ' John West, -one of the prosperous eatilo men of.Wamtc, is In town: James El kins, . one of - Albany's pioneer citizen, was in - the city last night. This morning two car loads of hogs from Elgin passed through here en route to Troutdale. Clayton L. Mix, advance programer for Hi Hanry's minstrel, la a guest at. the Umatilla House. Remember . Hi Henry's big white minlstrels appear at Vogt's Opera house, Seturuay, Dec. 17.. - 1 The steel furniture for the vault at the court house has arrived and will be put in place in a few days. The river between here and Rock land was closed with ice this morning for the first time in two years. So far colder weather has been ex perienced during December than for several years past. ' Last night ther mometers registered 8 degrees above zero. .'Owing to a mlsarrngeuient of dates the "Dazzler" will again appear at the Vogt tonight. Thus The Dalles will have two theaters in one night. A sea-captalu may navigate his ship safely across ttc ocean, but when -he - comes into port' he must have a pilot who knows all the ' I '. ' di fficultit-8 an d dangers of that particular cnannei: m tne voyage ot Die (her are many perQou places where we need the help of a pilot who has a thorough knowledge .of the apecial difficulties and daiigers'to 6e Avoided. In those delicate physical weaknesses and diseases peculiar to women a general prac titioner or ordinary doctor has no opportun ity to.'beeoma thoroughly proficient Still less to be trusted is the advice of any mere nurse or unscientific person. . Only, a specialist who has given a life of study to this particular field of practice, is competent to treat the diseases of woman's intricate and complicated organism. Any woman entferiirsr-fj'om these' delkatc rroubles mov obtain thVm'oct eminent pro Sessional advice free -of ' Charge by writing J to lit. m. v. fierce, ictue consulting: paysi-. cian of the Invalids'-Hotel .and Surgical In stitute, of Bunalo, SS.Ti . -Burin tr nearly ; years' at the head of. his splendid staff of lafpecialtsta, he has successfully treated many f thousands of cases of otrttfaiate ftmiiime complaints. : v 2 . . . Si "Favorite Tntaipdo" was" devised. for the sole purpose of curing the diseases Sixfd. Jweaknesses ofi tW feminine .oronn- ,; So other medicine has been so marvelously rk-i Mo other medicine 6 completelv ttveicome all the daotrers '-asd nearlv all ithi jpains of motherhood. ",if is wiu pleasure j rromiiKM or. iirwi MrkJ. Fenruson, Bosrifc Douglas' Simtlotf, Set- ' k)Tk,Co Manitoba. "After o Serin nntold luHnie I thank God . I found relief tw)-irc, Favorite Prescriptioa." ana care in -The greatest book for women ever pub Ushed is vr. merce't utousand-paee lllu Dr. Pierce's thousand-page Ulua- trated " Common Sense Medical Advi6er. sent free in paper oarers for cost of mailing njy, a IHMHI ftamp: cloth-bound p taaipa. Adams Vt. Ham a aborv. . the Mahara minlstrels at tre Baldwin, and the "Daziler" at the V'ogt. The Dalles is .surely becoming metroDoli tao. ' -, , The lower' part of town was dry" for some time this aftern-jon. che water having been turned off so that connec tions could 1 m.ide with the new mains. "Is It so?" Well they wouldn't ad vertise it if "twasu't." 'A. M. Wil liams & Co. are offering otie-tbird off regular prices, on a lot of men's fine sack suitii, . . ". ' W. A. Booth, wife and .daughter, of Prinevllle. left on the morLing train for Sap .Deigo, Cal. Mr. Booth's health is poor, and be goes to Southern California to spend the winter. Mr. ..and Mrs. A. J. Swift, of Wamlc, are visiting ia town. Mr. Swift re ports pretty eoid weather in the country south of here. Wheu he left home yesterday morhlug, the mercury registered 10 above zero. There Is at Hood R!ver a little in dustry that has as yet attracted but little attention. It Is the distiliary started by Mr. Stuiz'.e'r, which is being used to work up fruit that is not mar ketable. .It, will turn- out seversl hundred gallons ofapplejuck and brandy this season. - - Mr. Kent, of HooJ River, is In the city today, and says arrangements have been about completed to e'.ure the building of the large saw mill at that place, by Captain Davidxon. The mill, when built, will have a capacity of 100,000 feet of lumber a day. 'George Nolan, one of the leading farmers of Dufur, was in. .town today. Mr. Nolan says snow is needed now moru than anything else in the farm ing sections. A good snow would cover up the grain so thut it would grow right along despite the cold weather. This morning Ed. Marshall, the Goldendale Stage man. was unable to get his stage across the r'ver on ac count of ice, so be put on a pair of long snow shoes, loaded the mail sacks on his back, and crossed the river on nature's bridge. - Hi Honry's big city miriistrel aggre gation of fifty all white performers will appear at the Vogt opera house, Saturday, Dec. 17. This company is especially organizej for the large cities and is everywhere' pronounced the largest, most expensive, and best of its class. Tbey are now filling lu a few stands prior to tbelr opening at the Marquam Grand, 'he leading theater in Port land, and from there tbey go lo San Francisco. The Press of Deovr, Salt Lake and he eastern cities are high in praise of this organization and. our amusement patrons will be igiren an opportunity not likely to be repeated this season.. : ' . While lu search of news this' morn ing the Times-Mountaineer reporter culled at the store of the Jacobsen Book & Music Co., and found there of the busiest places in the city, clerks were arranging the most complete and varied stock of holiday goods ever brought to this city, and displaying a stock that cannot but be appreciated by those in - search of Christmas presents. : ' ; Active solicUors wanted everywhere : for "The Story of the Philippines ! by Murat Halsteadr commissioned b, . the Government as Official Historian to the War Department. -The book ; was wrlttoa in army camps at San Francisco, on the Pacific with Gener al Meiritt, in the hospitals at Hono lulu, in Hong Kong, in the American trenches at Manl'a.in the insurgen camps with Aguinaldo, on the d?ok of the Olympia with Dewey, and in th roar of battle at the fall of Manila Bonanza lor agents. LSrimlul of or iginal pictures taken by govern men photographers on the spot. Large : book..' Low prices. Big profits Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit free.; Address, F. T. Barber, Sea'y 6 Dearborn St., Chicago. . lm Vhm "Dazzler." It has been many a day since a JJaltea audience was better entertained than that which attended the show given by the "Dazzler" at Vogt opera house. The play is in three acts, but Is almost devoid of plot, yet so cleverly do the actors perform that the audi ence is continuously ' entertained. Every member of the company is good there being no particular star for all are stars. The singing is of a high order,' the dancing ia good, and the musical turn by Reidy and Beddell is fine. Their performance on goblets and with sleigh bells is perhaps the best part of the show, though It Is all good and well worthy of patronage. The "Dazzler" should be greeted by a good house this evening. Preparing for Winter. Everything has been puh and bustle about the D. P. & A. N. dock of late. The. floating ije ha nbiiified the management that winter. Is ' here and that things in exposai places on the river are .not safe. Inconsequence the Resu'ator, the .wbarf boat and the ild hull of the Dalles City have been towed up Into hungry harbor, a half mile above town where they are put into winter quarters, and will be kept there until the danger from floating Ice has passed.. The ferry boat Kllcki tat has alno been taken into the har bor of safety where it will remain until it can bt t a it en down, the river to where it if intended to be used. Solicitors Wantetk-tLadies 'or GE-VTLEmen, for our complete set of Juvenile Books for the holidays. EiQh set has four books graded for little ones to grown up folks.. Eich'book charm ing., delightful, captivating. Prices range from 50 1 to 42,50. ' Large books each overflowing with happy illustra tions, Tremendous sellers. Nothing like them. Four months golden har vest for energetic workers. Credit given, Freight paid. Biggest com missions. Outfit with samples of all four books free. Send twelve 2 cent stamps for paying part onlv of the postage alone. - Drop all : trash and clear $300 a month with our exclusive Juveniles. '1 BE NATIONAL BOOK CON TERN JUVENILE DEPT., CHICAGO. . For Om Fifty Tears.' ; an Old and Well-Tried Rem edy. Mrs. WiASiow's Soothing Syrup has been used tor. .pver ; fifty years by millions of mothers for their, children while teething... wjth: 'peVfe.ct success It-soothes the child,softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedyf for diarrhoea.' Is pleasaot to the tasife Sold by drug gists In every , jjartr of . the world. Tbehty-fiveeents a bottle. ItsVatue ii uncalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's .... . ., 5iajN banr .; "'-." Has turned with disgust from an other wise lor able girl, with- an. etfeosife breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea pu'ri fies the breath by Its action 6a the bowels, etc, as nothing else will. Sold foi years on absolute guarantee. Price 25ct9.,and 60 pu. Biakeley 4 Houizb MET A 4CST FATE. A Presumption Suitor Is Shot by an n ragad Father. A Long Creek dispatch-dated Dec. 9. says: ."- A messenger who arrived in this city late last evening from Susanville, in quest of a surgeon, reports' the shooting and probably fatal wounding, of Joseph Frazier by an ' aged miner, named' S'iodderly. Persistent atten-. tion on the part of Frazier:. toward. Snodderly's 17-year-old daughter is aid to have been the cause ' of the shooting. It is said that on the morn iug previous to the trouble the old gentleman' made arrangements . pre paratory to bringing his daughter to Long Creek. Frazier objected in a demonstrative way, and hot words were exchanged. Later, while Snod derly was in the Keeney store, Frazier came in. and Snodderly picked up a rifle and fired, t he ball entering the lower portiou of the right lung and passing through the liver. According to the statements of persons down from Susanville,. the sentiment of the community is with Snodderly, as it seems that Frazier's attention toward the girl...'had beed prohibited by the fathec, and when' he attempted to in-terfer-.i with the old gentleman's plans to remove her to this place he knew that serious trouble would follow. Sick Headaches. The curse of overworked .womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood puri fier' and tissue builder. Money re funded if not satisfactory. 'Price 25 cts. and 50 cents. Biakeley & Hough ton, drugg'sts. TUB fALLK PL'BllC SCHOOLS. 9operii.trndent's summary . ttcport for Quarter Kndluf Friday, Deo. 0, 1808.' ' ' ' CP Grades. ' S-T 3 o ?s ; if : East Hill-Primary - Miss N Cooper.... 1st" and 2d 4t 43 SI Mrs. Roche Jt-l and 6 7 42 40 4 Court Street : Miss Doutmt 1st 5S S2 jt) 3 ' Miss E.Cooper Sd 67 46 47 1 MissKoDerLS 8d 45 W 3 Miss Wrenn 4th ft. frt 60 8 Academy Park I Miss Phirmuii 1st .' 59 57 ' 7 Miss Fliiin :. 2B3B 53 4(1 45 3 Miss Muitin 4 B 6 B 49 4 41 9 Miss Bull Cth 48 43 SS 1.. High Sunool ; Mrs. Baldwin PB 52 48 47 10 i Miss It. Kintoul... OA 7A 51 4n 43 1 ' MissT. Kintoul... 7tli 5s 50 47 4' Miss Mlc-liell...... sta 46 44 1 H.3. Department Mlsj Hill --( 0 83 63 7 7 Mr. LaDders f H' 8 ToLals.... .- '842 748 706 60 No. of days of school, 18.. Per cent of attendance, i . . Total earollmeut: ' - Gain over previous quarter !9, Gain over similar quarter lu '97, 73. Total average djlly atieudoce: Loss from previous quarter, 18. ' Gain over similar quarter lu '97, 40. Average daily a: tendance has beeu reduced about 40 because of the prevalence of mumps. JOHN GAVIN. Principal. - ; On Every Bottle. . Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is this guarantee: "All we ask of you to use two-thirds of the contents of this bottle faithfully, then if you can say you are not benifited return the bottle to yemr druggist and he may refund the money." Price '25 cts., 50cts., and $1 00. , Biakeley and Houghton. , Catholic Knights Contention., The biennial gtat" convention. Catholic Kuijjhts: of America, for Oregon, was held at the residence of Rev. A. BroQsg-eest la this city last evening. There was pre9eut the fol lowing delegates: M. Zan, F. Drea3er and P. J. Sharrott, of Portland; E. Henasin, E. J. Boiler, Oregon City, M. J. Ham negard.. of Eugene; Rev. A. Bronsgehst. M. T. Nolan, M. Mclnnis of The Dalles. '' f. h The officers elected for the ensuing two years were Rev. B. Ortb. spiritual adviser; M. Zan.n, president, P.J. Boiler, vice-president; E. J. Sharrott, secretary, and M. T. Nolan, treasurer. F. Dresser, of Portland, was elected delegate to tne supreme council which will meet at Kansas City next May. Alter tne adjournment or the con yention, a spread was served in the hall at Father Bronsgeest's residence that was attended by some 25 gentle men of the order, and a very plesant evening was spent. ' i : . .' .. Oo Voa Know;; , Consumption i9 preventable? Science has proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal, fhe worst cold or cough can be cured with Shiloh's Cough apd .Consumption Cure. Sold on positive guarantee for over fifty years. Blake- ley & Houghton, druggists.' ' - Twu Only an Eel. A few mornings since a Dalles house wife arose' to get breakfast and was unable to get any water out of the hydrant in her kitchen. It having been quite a cold night, the obstruc tion of course was ico in the pipe, and a plumber was summoned, at once. He examined the pipe, and pronounctd the obstruction frost. Though after having Bpent a half hour heating the pipe, he cbuld get no water through it, and secured a force pump' to remove the obstruction. One stroke of the pump, and out wiggled a lively little eel about six incites long and just large enough to till the pipe. Ho he got Dr. Miles' Nervine . A REMEDY FOR THE ... Effects of Tobacco. TIB ezoesslve use of tobacco, especially by young men Is always Injurious and Sir. Ed. C. Ebsen, compositor on the dontra Cana News, Martinez, Cal., writes; "I have UUUUUUlWil 1 .... usod Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine and re ceived much benefit from it. I tras troubled irlth nervousness, dizzy spells and sleepless ness, caused by the use of tobacco and stim ulant. .' I took Dr. Isles' Nervina with tair Telousiy good resclt3, allaying thoiizzlneES, quieting, the nerves, and enabling me to slespnn'Srest, proving ia my caso a very beneficial remedy." Dr. Miles' Eestorative X&rrinels especially adapted to restoring . the nervous system to its normal condition under such circumstances. It soothes, heals and strengthens. . ' Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists nnder a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Book on dis eases ot the heart and ' nerves free. Address,. Mail CaV t miiesr Restores 4r I ' Hsalth v MaMSBM DE. UXL3 KZDICALCO, EiltBari, lad. is sup the en- : CARE OF THE FEET. Otrectiom (or Reducing Their 9wV ten Condition, and Pain. -. It is a never-ending source cf wander that so very few women understand the proper care of the feet. They would be shocked .beyond words if told "that their feet were entirely neglected, but such is the case. ' How very few women would feel perfectly fit ease if theyjwere sud denly asked to remove.ilieir stockings. Fox cleanliness is not every thing, and if the. feet are neglected the nails get out of- shape and ;order, and the skin is not is smooth and white as nature intended it should be'.' .' Then, again, .feet are tortured into footwear that are a size oo small, that fits in no particulnr, that presses on the flesh and causes corns, and, above all, that makes us limp and waddle like so many ducks. 'Why women will persist in wearing hideously high heels no per son in the world besides themselves could say. Not only does it throw the whole weight of the body forward on to the toes, causing a very painful disor der, but it throws all the important in ternal organs out of place and very terrible troubles and premature death are"' frequently the result. Besides which it is very ugly, and causes a smile to arise on seeing a large lady tottering alaChineseon tiny heels far too slender to bear her. People are much mistaken in think ing. that high heels make the foot look smaller. As- a matter of fact they make it look - far larger, as it is compressed into an ugly fat mass that swells oat over the .top of the slipper in anything but a graceful manner. To put the foot in a well-fitting shoe of the size that properly belongs to it and o wear low heels is the best way to preserve the foot in perfect health, and let me gently whisper that nothing so soon brings redness to the tip of th nose as tight shoes. If you have a long, narrow foot, or a fat one, you must have your shoes and boots made expressly for you, as ready made boots never take Into considera tion anything out of the common as re gards the formation of the foot. If you have a flat foot do not wear a too arched instep; if your foot is very arched, tee that your shoe is made to fit it. If you -wish the foot to appear small by perfectly natural means, alwaya wear black kid or satin- A white shoe makes a foot- look large and very wide and should never be worn except where the foot is faultless in shape and very small to look at If the shoes are darker in color than, the dress, the feet will ap penr to much more advantage. You shoulS- always have your shoe eased for you before wearing them, and be careful never to take long walks when wearing a new pair. Very grave trouble ia often- the result of walking in hoes that are stiff to the feet. 1 have known severe lameness to ensue, and very great pain is the inevitable result. If you -wish to preserve the proper hope of the foot, never walk about the house in- loose old slippers. They may perhaps be comfortable, but they will entirely ruin, the shape, and all elegance will be lost sight of if this untidy course la persisted in. It seems superfluous to say that tne feet should be well washed twice a day. Tepid water, should be used, and the heels, toes and soles should be daily rubbed with pumice stone or pumice powder. This will entirely prevent all udckening of the skin, which Is so un pleasant. The feet must not be soaked In the water, but only kept in long enough to wash them. Too hot water and keeping the feet too long in it will make the skin very tender, and cause various troubles if you are at all delicate. , To keep the flesh, in good, healthy con dition, rub a little salt on tne soles when still wet. This , will not only strengthen them, but keep them from catching cold. If lime flowers, tincture of benzoin or a few drops of ammonia is put in the water' the feet are washed In, j wm rest ana some tnem very mucii. water dashed over the feet will strengthen them. Philadelphia Times, Does This Strike Von? Muddy ' complexions,, nauseating breath come from chronic consump tion. Earl's' Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure , and has been sold for fifty years on an absolute guarantee. Price 2j cen ts and 50 cents, at make ley & Houghton, druggists. un tli Club Alleys. . Following is a record of the scores made by the different bowling, teams on the club alleys during the past week: Hosteller, Vause Phillips. ....426 Ketchum, Javue, Wilson. 552 Nolan, Stephens. Moore. 477 Sinnott, Bennett, Ballard.... 448 Schmidt, Bradshaw, Houghton,. .. .484 Mays, Grimes, Sampson. ......... .510 rialdwin, Scbanno, Vogt. .569 Kurtz, Seufert, Stadleman. .5(36 ' Kature Did It. Years ego' people lo The Dalles looked forward to a time when the north and soufi banks of the miehtj Columbia,, would be connected by a mamoth bridge and the two cities, on on the north and one on the south' there ia & mystery, . as there posed to be fine screens over tr-aride to all the waternialn9. chew M.I" I PiperHeidsieck II ' Plug Tobacco . y when deciding on their. diagnosis of 1 complicated cases. It is the one tin- ( R failing symptom of returning health ) fr when a calient astrs J?) bacco. Ask any doctor. Try it to-day. WLA Til ban Ir, would be as one. This was when "Grand Dalles" was at its eenith. This dreitn has been realized, for na ture has st epped .in and made a bridge o' ice aerjss the" river, and there is nothing to prevent communication be tween Oregon and Washington at The D illes. ' The "bridge is firmer and wHer than any that man will Jover make but may- not be-so lasting Jor the welcome chinook will come some of tuese days and cau?e it to disappear. A rommendabl . KntarprUe. Few- people realize. the magnitude of The Dalles.steam. laundry, an Industry that has opened up in the city" In-the past.few month?, nor do they realize the -amount of money it is keeping here .that, formerly went to Portland for .laundry t work.: . This institution gives enjploy.nient to .14. hands who ire working on. good salaries, and what they earn is spent here for sop plies. Such an industry is entitled to encouragement and support, for it is by giving ho'ue people employment and keeping our money at home that The Dalles will be made prosperous. $100 REWARD $100. The readers of this paper will b9 nle sed to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that scleace has b.-en able to cure In nil Us stages, and ti at Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catirrh being a constitutional disease. requires A cons ltutloaal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tanca Inter ally, acting directly upon the blood and mocus surfiic-es bt the system, thereby destroj ltiif te foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strenirth by building up the constitution and ai-tii nature in doing its norK. Toe prop-ielors h.ive so much faith in Its curative powers, th at they o7er One Hun ired Dollars for any cuss tba- it fails to cure. Send for list of testi monial. 1 Address.- F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hail's Family Pills are the best. Clearance Sale of Bicycle?.. New and Second Hand Wheels ... For less than Half Pr!ce We wish to clear out all old stock before moving into new store and have soma bar gains This is an op portunity to (ret a Bicycle Cheap All wheels sold at half regular price. . . . MAYS & CROWE Opposite Old Stand. GRAND BALL To be given by JacRsou Eogius Co.; No. 1, FRIDAY EYENIKC, DEC 30. TICKETS, SI.OO. Committee of Arrangements. Outs. L. Lauer, ' Geo. A.LIebe. W.H.Butts, John Biazer, A. Saodrook . Reception Committee. , M. T. Nolsn. V. 8, Gunning, T. J. Seufert, J. B. Crossen, J. S. Flh. H. Mnier. L. Heuoner. J. P. Molnemy, . Bcbanno, W. L.. Bradsbaw Floor Committee. Grant Mays. J. Hs npshire, F. Vt a it ordea F. Okrisman, H. Lonsdale, R B. Sinnott J. Fibber, P. tstttdleuiuii N.J. Slinott, F. A. Seufert HoDflt Occd &Ble ite TEE DALLES, OR. ' BeSt Kentucky Whisky fscm tousviiXE.. Very Be Key West Cigars and Bes of Wines. English Porter, Ale and Mllwauko - . Beer always on hand. MAETZ & PDNDT PROPRIETORS In Neuarters.;.,. f - v; It's the old.7..ReliabTe grocery House, but.'in'A new : ... place, witn new. goods and new prices. ..tu very unrig ..- you want in" -the grocery, line; delivered on short . Vi .' -noticfe from the new store. - '-.. -. .'. :. ; .. ...... r , t .. .. SIGX OF ;THE. SYRACUSE PLOW.: -. . , : iiuiuiiaiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiitiiui HARRY C. LIBBB, Watchmaker and Jeweler DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY, SILVERWARE AND DIAMONDS . . Fine Repairing a Specialty. VOGT R1.0CK, In Again. Louie Comini Is ajaln prepared to supply Monuments and Gravestones Give him your orders now, as is prepared to till tbeia satisfactorily. BPTTiQC! Wall Paper. . BRXTSHES WINDOW GLASS SNIPES-KINERSLY DEUG 129 Second Street A- Ad, ... Bepiieil OM 118 Oct IS THE DALLES, A. AO KELLER The Dalles, Or. Tom Bourke's and SO.GO $1 worth checks good for 10c drink or cigar. . SPECIALTY IN IMPORTED FRENCH LIQUORS AND COCNAC. ..... Best Domestic Upors, Wines and Cigars. The Largest and Best of August Buchler'a Home-Made Beer and Porter. A check given to every Customer. .Agent for the Swiss Publishing Co , New York. iiiimnimiimniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lias. J. WHOLESALE S Wines, liquor?, The Celebrated Val Blatz Beer, ' a non-alchoholie beverage, 173 Second street, iiiiimiiiiiHrrmimiiiimiiiniiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiinrri Did You Ever. Stop to think that this is the time of year that a merchant want3 to sell off all bis heavy goods. Well that is the case with me. Come in before the assortment i3 broken and get your choice of the stock of . Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Blankets, Furnishing Goods. C. THE CELEBRATED Colum AUGUST BDCHLER, Prop. This well-known brewery is now turning on' the best Beei and Porter east of the Cascades. Tho latest appliances for th manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, aur only the first-class article will he East Second Streets Dalles, :; Oregon All Work Warranted THE DALLES, 0REGCN he D.W; VAUSE, ....DEALER IN Wall Paper, Paints, OILS, GLASS, ETC. Fine9t line of Wall Paper in the city. Send for Sampler Painting, Paper-Hanging and Kalsomin Ing a Specialty. Third Street. The Dalles, Oregon. Paints, Oils, CO. Keller. Ofo Heq Saloon... 90 5 econd Street, and door from Court Siree1 OREGON. Homestead Wliiske y. Stubling, Cigars and Beer. Anheuser-Busch Nutrlne, uoequaled as a toolc. Tha DallesOregon. R F. STEPHENS. rewery placed on the market S PACIFIC R . v . PULLMAN : : SLEEPING AxtS ELEGANT DINING CARS TOURIST BLEEPING- CARS - MINNEAPOUU 8T. PAUL ' GRAND FORKS DULUTH FARGO CEOOKSTOJt WnfNIPEO HELENA and BCTTE. TO THROUGH TICKETS ' TO CHICAGO . NEW YORK BOSTON and all POINTS EAST and SOTJTH. For information, time cards, map and tick cm tall on or write, W. C. ALLAWAY, Asent Or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pat sen ger Agent. No. 255 Morrison Street, Cor ner of Third Streev. Portland, Oregon . vvAl BO YEARS' ti EXPERIENCE U4 sr jS Trade Marks DCSIQNS f Copvriomts 4c. AnTon imdlnf tketrb nd dnorlptlon my qulcklr ucertAtn our opinion fr whether an liiTenilon n probublr patentable. Coniniunlc. tiontatrlctlrconildentlal. Handbook on Patema unt 1 r.a. DMcMtt ivnf for anirlt)ff oatenla. Pntema token thronirh Munn A Co. noalT tpectal notica, without charge. In ttaa Scientific American. A handaom.ly mnatrated weeWT. I .raeat elifc culatlon of any aoientiflo lournnl. Terma. SS e. mr: four months. IL Sold bx all newadxalara, MUNN & Co.86,B--' Kew York SnucbOinoe. (25 r BU Wuhluaton. IX C Blaek- J. D. HOCKMAN has rented the the shops of J. L. Thomeon, on t he comer of Third and Mad icon streets, where he r prepared to do all kinds of Blackamitbing. , . Horse-aVioeing a Specialty. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. A. SANOROCK conducts a gen eral wagon and repair shop inoon nection. Repairing done promptly. R. E. Saltmarshe 4 THS East Ell ST60E TW, WILL, PAY THE ... HigliestCash Price for Hay and Grain. DEALER IN T.IVK STOOK AMERICAN . and EUROPEAN PLAN 1 Seventh and Wash ngtor Sts. PORTLAND OREGON TH03. GUINIAN, Proprietor BATES nnioruni g.4u ii.5o ct.ua AVVMCA FUSS S2.IVK Sal IJi) , A. A. BROWK FULL ASSORTMENT m m mil wmi, AND PROVISIONS, fecial Fnnss to Cash Buyers 7-f 5PrOrir BTRFIBT. UEMI L KTJCK, Mavnulaoturvr of tad Dealer In Harness .and Saddlery, m Eml, Two Dooro-WMt of Diamond Flour- . lug Jllila. ' ' Boood Street. All Work Gusiauteei to 31ve - ' Satiafactior.. ..Com.r Tklrd and Wuhlngtoa.. Ml lt,i!LTfiOV,P.FK,LRDf Curedand Dried Meats, Sausages of All Kinds Oiders Delivered toAnyP&rtoftlie Citj 'PHONE a LOUIS O KES 8aaeaaori to J. H. Bilker f EXPEESSMAN Qocxla Delivered to Any Part of Paasenrsrt and bM8 takra W aad trea boa or tnlr Job Printing: IMPERRL hOTk , 11 V 1 uu Mil Of all kinds' done on abort ;- notice and at reasonable X ratea at this office. .- . . v t 'tsfr r