STtJBPAY. ...DEC. 37; 1898 I1TEMS IN BRIEF. r . Boo. Soha Wilcox, I QrMa Valley, .Pathep Brooafeest went to .i? Per uactf ioday. " t?feo(fee tjandiee and all kind ot nuts . '. f ibftolidays at Kellersy ; - Mrs. Cbas. Buckle?, of (Jresa Valley, V fiiiaVln ttacity, . V 'Tr'hcmpson, a prominent tWiner of : V Jojpifrhwidi la in tha city. . I? weatlier forecast for; tomorrow . ,;laoVf yttb wartefflperatnre. . -t' J. ; Steufer ; ba bought Arthur Cttrke'a Jewelry. store in tne, Atn .'.-".'.,"' '' ' ap::Prtber and ;W . TUletW of : vKobV lTr, were In the city ' lat nlh.; . . ,VwfJTi (Jasey. an extensive farmer of i CrooVepiioty, arrived here last night fr.W fprtland, and left on the Frlne 'vllle atafce today.;' ' ,;yi?fKlay the Wloau'a began not - tin ub Ice at Hood River, to be kept The most striking feature In the center of the main for home use and also for shipment to I sales room constructed of towels and ah u&commonthlo? for tbe middle of December, but-the ground. Is" frozen solid and teams passing over.-the streets create a considerable .dust,, though It is hardly likely the street; sprinkler will be called out. Tomorrow Peter Stadleman will be gin putting dp'lce from the river and will fill his warehouses at this place For. two jears past Mr.' Stadleman-ha beenvgettlng'ice frd,m$orth PowdeK but this year will" be 'abieto supply The Dalles with lcevof ,home; produc tion There's a new member In tbe firm of f... Berts. - fashionable clothier, lereafter. jt win be ''J- O., Herti -& on.;'., The new memoerarriTea booue i o'clock this morning, 'and Jpnuoy ays he is a born cidthler,i)4 he 'has i" hands outstretched : to welcome ustotners. The "La Grande : Chronicle editor oust drink something peculiar, for he oaeioes the foot of snow that covers rand Ronde , valley is . beet sugar. fost men when they get -In that fix imagine they seo snakes and bugs, but he Chronicle man probably nas it in a mild form. The holiday decorations in A. M. Williams & CoV. store are unusually attractive, is a pelce Portland and other points. :M Hodson, of the firm of Irwln Hjn?ou Co,', U In the city superintend ingbVplaclng of the new steel furni ture in the county vault. '"Vliaa1erM was well attended last niffht' and irave a first, rate show. napkins and representing .the battle ship Oreeon. It is the handiwork of i Ernest Jensen. ' - , Engineer Georsre Brown- has been working the past few days drying the nose belonging to the fire department, tnd now has It In fine oooUHlon to go mashed: Df HoHtster-was dressed the injured member: This morning Z. My Brown who-, la one of the prominent stockmen of the Prlnevllle-couotry returned from tne east where he has been with a train- load ot bee! cattle. Eleanon, tbe-little four-year old' child of Mr. ana Mrt. W.J. Smith, of Hood River, swallowed a brass bucklo about tires weeks mao. The child "does not suffer or cumolaio. but she nas no appetite -and . ha!. become. qulte.tbin MrT Smith ioofc tne Child to Portland on Tuesday and will have it examined by X rays! Yestetday a pair. of . opera glasses were stolen from A. e..uer cuu- feotionary s.tore. .Mr. Keller does ;not eAra to extras the thief and will re-. frala from takin? an? further action In the matter if the elasses are return ed matter to the authorities and brini theoffender to justice, vi The committee .appointed by the coqdiv court toappraWe the damages to the Hood River 'Lumbering Co. caused bv usimr Hood River as a public highway, left for that place to day and it is expected that they will report in a short time as they have to the 20th to get in their report. We are informed by Mr. Croseen that it is the intention of tbe con tractors who are putting in tbe new water mains in this city, to make a connection with tbe reservoir by this evening. The work la being pushed as raoidlv as possible, on account of and J "'.-rff A.tarr.' Crowd 'Atitttde& Vi Evening and Had a ' Mnt ' illgbtTal" Tln- ... . , tonight' rroitia.' .The fair given by the 'ladies of the SI. E. church is proving beta a social and financial success. ... The attendance last nigFt was large aqd those who were . present, -felt that taej got more taan iun value lor wnat they speatafter they bad listened to' thb well arranged program.. v Miss 'Bloch'srsipging was heartily enjoyed .by every .one as was- dumnns traced by the loud, applause which fol lowed each seleetjon, and, after her beautiful delivery.ot the ';3tar 9paDg led Banner" tbe applause was deafen ing.. . . ..V - . ..... .. .. Miss Bessie French rendsred a reoita tion. which demandedj an encore,. while liWCL-Efloindsof pre from bis mine on 'Current creek;- rn -Crook "eowtyaSiJ bad It jested by theTacOr "Smeltfcqg ana tveuucinjf. vu. ine restut-was very satisfactory, and ' v'iia so eor eoutaglog.that MrWIleywill retura to .Cherry creek, at once and begin. sinking -a shaft on the ledge. The ore be had tested was from a ledge-eight feet In -width and was taken frm a owpjsct .hole sunk, eight feet below be surface- U'la free tqlJUog -rock," and the bullion obtained from It is aheSt-balf igbH"aad silver xre. Mr. Wiley is oonfidebt he has a -good mine, and will prospect It thoroughly this winter. A rortansta Accident. . Aft acciden t occurred o n . the O..R..; :N;o Wednesday-afternoon between Job? Pajr and 94ially. Hollow that Is .mystery to ralirofd men. Thejteam.l hftvfil. .was. In -train and one of the ttr. iolveben's Book Store a dpi 11 hvtt nnmhppnf iri.a In In. t..u wnAHt r'H I 7. .7". '"--r. pwjvet. .was. ;w- 7-;w -P7 tnvi.hsT4 -;throwa ih.tralnln;the ditch. aaise i .cxieson was also .among the- thouh not a wheel went off the -.rir f""-"""' sur-is uf b?e evening. .. ceDt one on . the broken: Th. Mrthii.t ir.i. ------ -' tfv-ji-tr.-'-.:.,"i,V"f' n.Mun( r.K m.,!.!. -Ld WMe.Pt; ba-spd Uhe trainband - v.. vujv,u (.....l.-, h. k.J li. after tne axle had broken.. are certainly to be congratulated upon tbe success attained at their fair in the. Vogt opera house. They have numerous booths very tastefully decor ated and In which are no end of attrac tive articles which are readily pur- chased, and the entertainment fur nished is of a very high order. At the opening last Wednesday tbe opera house was well filled, and the program rendered was ' highly ap preciated. Miss Bloch rendered a It required everal hours to get the disabled car off the track, and the Flyer was de layed four hours while tbe track was being cleared. Railroad men cannot understand how the train was not derailed Don't Forest the Stamp The necessity of keeping an eye open in stamping documents on which tribute U laid by the war revenue It is bj far- the best attraction that bus I cb rough a cold spell. Every'section of airafeared Tn The Dalles this season. 1 nose has been taken off the reels and townspeople which the turning off of . . , i. . , . L... -'-irtl Jl t the water causes. 'Meara.".M. 2an. of Ztn Bros., . Drs'ser,' the Portland grocer, and E. G.'Sharro'Ct; of Hegle & Co., .Were it the cltj last night. eachers'in the different Dallef acboola 'are preparing for Christmaf exercises, and are drilling their pupili ori" appropriate exercises for the holidays. - rSo" " there have been lOdeatrs among, "the- Oregon Volunteers com prislng'the Second regiment. Two o) them died .'at San Francisco and th othsr eight at Manila and Cavite. Skating 'oh tho river is a favorite pastime now with all who have the time to spare to go on the Ice. The skating is said to be better now than for a number of years past. . Mahara-'s" minstrels gave a very creditable entertainment in the Bald win last night to a fair, sized audience ThleombloailoD has in it first class singers and some very'clever punsters. Two sets' of marriage license were Issued by the county clerk today, one to James R ' ivease and Emma Fisher . the other to Edwin -Burlingame and Sidle Surface. When the Dufur stage started out this morniifg it met with aa accident on Third street. While, standing in front of Mrs, Nelson's' restaurant one - of the burses got into .he trench that has been dug for a water main and drew this stage in after it. Fortunately no damage was done. From Thursdsy's Dally. . H. Dustid. Sheriff of Klickitat county, Is in the city. . Miss Bloch sings "Star Spangled Banner," at the Vogt tonight. . . E. W. McComas, the grain buyer, returned last night to Pendleton. . ' W. C. Allaway and Judge Ltebe went to Hood River this morning. : . (i. C. Wniffard. a nromlnent sheen- man of Arliogion, is In' town today. lop,werto in tba city ,)att night and left on tbe morning train for Portland. H. Brtwh returnnd Jast night from a a.t D.UUk rnlnmrtU awViaKsk Vtaa J I .U.tlH lt1Aa 4 Ka Ain 4-k JISU UOCU - U U UiUVI IVi suw aai w wa Bissinger "St -Co. ' Each of the rooms in the first and second grades in the public schools will have a Christmas, ttee on Friday afternoon before Christmas. Tndav A. Anderson is Duttlnsr the Iron front on Wm. Marders new build lag, and It la very pretty. When com pleted it will be one of the handsomest fronts In that part of the city. Dalles merchants are. looking for ward to a better holiday trade than for. a number ot years past and have almost la endless stock of goods suit able for presents. This morning Mr. Stadleman put a xoroe oi men to worn cutting ice uu the pond at his place West of town. He contemplates putting up enough to supply The Dalles for a year. J. B. .Cartwrlght came In from Cross Keys yesterday. He says there is no now yet in Cross Keys country, bnt stockmen are already feeding, there being no gresrf.on tbe ranges. That little 'structure in front of the Umatilla house that has the appear anoo of a. big goods box, is not for or nament, but is a storm door put up to keep the cold out of the office so that guests may be Comfortable at all times . Yesterday .the driver of tbe Golde-n dale stage started to cross the river on the" ice but when he reached the middle of the stream, concluded tbe ice was. not sufficiently stroog to bear bis team up and turned back. Dalles streets are again dusty, rather thoroughly dried so that In case of fire It will be In first class . shape for use. '" i The steel furniture that is being put into the vault at the county court house is very handsome and will be nost convenient for storing records. It is said to be the best furniture that has been put up In a publio building In the state, add, it should be, for hen complete it will cost the county ibout $3,300. A reception was given Mr. and Mrs. f. R. Reese last evening at the rest lence of Mr. and - Mrs. M. . Parkins vhich was attended by a large number of friends and was heartily enjoyed by all. Mr. Resse and bride were the re ceipients of a number of valuable and highly appreciated. presents. ' This morning W. H. Butts received a letter from I. J. Norman stating that hlmelf and family-had arrived safely in Roseburg, and had secured very comfortable quarters. Mr.' .Norman tlso stated tbat Will Harper, formerly of this place, who is running a sta?e line into Roseburg, met with a serious -accident on tbe 6th. His team ran swar throwing him out of tbe stage ; bruising him very severely. ' I ThU morning E. P. Fitigerald re-.J ceived a letter from- his son, Lieut. C. : C. Fitzgerald, of . the Seventh army corps, who is stationed at Havana, ' dated Dec. 6.. At present Lieut. Fitz- . gerald is detailed' on railway work, and he reports very .pleasant weather for out door labors'- on the island. He mentions an incident that occurred in Havana which has sot been mentioned in the dispatches, the shooting of three Spaniards by a negro teamster In the employ of the U. S. government. Lieut. Fitzgerald says the Spaniards were teasing the negro when" he whip ped out a gun, killing one, mortally wounding another and slightly wound ing the third, which tha lieutenant thinks will convince the Spaniards that they can't fool with Uncle Sam's colored boys. ? From Friday's DallT. Emil Scbonno returned . last even ing from a business trip to Portland. Rev. A. Bronsgeest returned -from Portland last evening whero he baa been on a short business trip ' A. J. Dufur, of Dufur, - left for Port land this morning to visit bis family who at present reside at that place. Miss May Enrlght secretary of the Colunbla Southern, at Moro, went to Portland this morning on a' short visit. Fen Batty, the popular night clerk at the Umatilla House is confined to bis room with a severe attack of lumbago. ' Last venlng Geo. Blakely returned from Portland where he has been attending a meeting of the ; State Board of Pharmacy. Bargain days aia't'ln It. Every day in the week Is a bargain day at Jacbseos Book St, Music Co. " We are cutting prices on our complete line of holiday goods, pianos and organs Included In addition to a better value than ordinary you receive gratis,' with every boys suit bought, a number of useful wearables at A. M. Williams & Co.'s. Tomorrow's the last day. P. Limeroth, ofNansene, Is in tbe city. . He reports : extremely ' cold weather in tbat section with no snow V speak of. All the farmers have plenty ot feed -for Stock so they are in fairly good shape. ' This morning A. '.Heilburg, who works In Everdlng & Farrel's cannery In this city, met with a painful acci dent. He was making some repairs on the machinery when his thumb was caught in a cogwheel and badly This forenoon Judd Fish of tbe Umatilla House received a telegram from Lafayette Orezoo stating that his mother was sinking rapidly and requesting him to come immediately. As both the morning passengers had already gone through Mr. and Mrs. Fkh left on a freight at 12 o'clock. As Mrs. Fish la advanced In years and yery feeble it is expected that she will live but a short time. Seufert Bros, and tbe Stadleman Com !' Co. have large crews f t men busily engaged today, in getting their ice . houses filled before the expected thaw, i Mr. Seufert Informs us that the ice is about seven inches - thick and in. splendid shape for cutting. He hopes, if tbe present weather continues, that they will have their ice houses, which are of several hundred tons capacity, filled to the top. This being Friday evenioz the usual three men team contest will be I eld at The Dalles Commercial and Athletic Club. Great interest is beinir 'taken in these contests and each team are working hard to cirry away the bowl Ing trophies. As it takes considerable " time to bowl this contest the contest ' ants are requested to be at the club j rooms If possible at 8 o'clock. I William Heisler, proprietor of the : Dufur rolling mill, is In the city on a ' v. .... i a rrA ... ik.i . UlUIUCDO bl ip. UO IU1VI IUD us .aj HIU : cold weather has frozen, up tbe water ; In tbe flume to such an extent, that it is impossible to operate tbe mill. This causes a great scarcity of mill feod in tbat section, as the supply Is , already exhausted, and. those farmers ' who have layed in a sufficiency during the fall are the only opes who have any on hand. j An informal reception was tendered Messrs. P. S. Davidson, sr. and jr., of Hood River at the Mount Hood hotel, Wednesday night, prior to their leav ing Thursday for their home at La Crosse. Wis. It is thetr intention to arrange for the removal '. of a sawmill at La Crosse to Hood River as soon as possible. R. C. Judson, of the O. R. &. N. Co., was present: The Davidsons are receiving the co operation of the citizens of Hood River in their effort to establish the mill there. The Columbia Southern railway, has grand. This young lady la indeed a singer of the first order; her volceis perfect and her musical education has been the best. At each rendition she was called back.respond lng gracefully to every encore. Miss Johanesen was to have given a recita tion but was unavoidably prevented from attending, and her number was filled by Miss Rose Michell, whoie cited in a very pleasant manner the selection "Alex Italianes." Tha Ian tern swinging by Van Xorden, Camp bell and Pruyne was exceptionally good as were in fact all the numbers. A Kaaoul Caught I A man who gives hie name as Wll ham. Jaegar is lodged In the county jail, having been bound over by Re corder Gates, in bonds of 8200 to await the action of the grand jury, the charge against him being obtaining money under false pretenses. Jaeger claims to be a marine en gineer in tne employ oi tne company that furnished tbe engines for the Inland Flyer, sent here to inspect the machinery. Last Saturday he pre tented a check on French & Co., signed by W.. C. Allaway, agent for the D. P. St. A. N. Co. for C135 at the Germania saloon and got $20 on it Monday be drew $25 more on the check and stated that he would like to take tbe check to Mr. Allaway and have a correction made in the number, wnen ne wouio casn tne cnecic and re turn the $45 borrowed money. He was given the check, and proceeded to the Columbia brewery where he bor rowed $10 more on tbe strength of the check. Failing to return to pay the money borrowed at the Germania, ' tbe pro prietors of that establishment reported tbe matter to Marshal Lauer. and he found Jaeger In a bawdy house last nltiht. When confronted Jaeger acknowl edged to have had the check, and bor rowed money on it, but it could not be found on his person. At the prelimi nary examination, ' before Recorder Gates, he waived examtnatien and was remanded to the custody of the sheriff being unable to furnish bail. The eheckhe had was a forgery. day to a Corvallis man who. bought a mortgaee to wbieb 09 war stamp bad been affixed. He could not. of course. stamp tbe inetru-nent tlmself. and he could not file it until the omission bad been rectified. Tbe ' only way open was to send tbe mortgage to the col lector of Internal revenue and estab lish before that official ' that the omission was not with fraudulent in tent, but happened by reason , of ex cusable neglect. A sweeping price reduction on Booki, Dressing . ' Cases, - Albums, Fancy Goods, Guitars, Mando- lins, Silverware, Watches. Jewelry, Pictures, . Toys, Jttc, ou . . . - . . ., . . :reat Bargain Days Thursday, Deo. 15, Monday, Deo. 19, r' " Thursday, Deo. 22. From our " already low prices we give on those'days a Cash Discount of 20 Per Cent. - WHY AND WHEREFOR? To irive evervbodv an oDuortunitv "'to buy Chrintmas presents cheaper than ever before, and to select -" - v from a lafger variety than offered elsewhere. ... Beitiembr tha Dates and the Place, NICKELSEN'S BARGAIN DAYS, THE I5TH, I 9TH AK0 220. On Pianos and Organs a Special Reduction. School Books. Dictionaries and Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens are not included in the special reduction, which applies strictly to Holiday Goods. THE BALDWIN i Corner Court and Front Streets, A Treat tot Tn. Dalle. X Hi Henry's city minlstrel aggrega tion 60 all white performers will appear in tbe Vogt Saturday evening, Deo. 17. This company is considered every where to be the best of its class now on the road. The press of Denver, Salt Lake and other citlea where - the company has showed speak in high praise of tne or ganization, and pronounce it tbe best show that has Visited those ports in many years. It is a treat for The Dalles to be privileged to see sucb a combination. Btrajrad or Stolen. A mastiff pup, nine months old, mouse colored, dark nose, tips of ears and feet, weighs 120 pounds and meas ures six ;eet from tip to tip. A reward of $5 will be paid for his delivery to thisoffice tf.: The currency tinkerers at Washing ton are bent on retiring tbe greenbacks and treasury netes in order to increase the demand for bonds, for when there is no more paper currency in circula tion there will be a necessity for a greater amount of interest-bearing bonds with which to buy gold. Their object should be known by tbe people. How many hours will tbe big candle displayed in our show window burp? Fifty dollars in prizes given away to the twelve nearest guessers. You are entitled to a. guess for every 25 cent purchase at Ithe Jacobsen Book & Music Co. j "1 i 4 Carries Everything to ba Found in a FiKt-Class Liquor Store. Whiskey from 83 to 85 per Gallon. :THE DALLES, OREGON. Clearance Salo of Bicycles. New nd SeconcN Hand Wheeli ... For Itss tliai Half-Price We clear out alJ . old - stock before a- dvin -into new . store nnd have . 9omf-. bar gains" ThU i9 an op. portuoity to Get a Bicycle Cheap All whcf-ls sold at half regular price. . . . ppre-ed bvjfc Board of CUtorwrltst ncine. iov, Sia, law. 0'ta.l 100-CandIe Power. 14 Hours, Cent. ' For FOUR Own I our own Oas Plat t Rob vo' oa aw Mr. aeocnptei. sa plant wtia nth. trap; i enable. hu, ti i BTwhrra. Muicu Uf lu at total mum sost. V 'J. D. TUNNY. Itoov a a a lor Wmti Caaaty. V Lamps oa f ihlbtuon st tb Umatilla Boose. -bsancb Oregon Viava Co. Room t, orar PrMeh Cot. Baak. OOm aaura, tlp.D. .Charlotte F. Roberts. Laaal Maaafar. aaal STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Tha manual coaettsr of th. atosltNiMara of . u . .1.UW...I a. wi in, ismuwrn, will w . btld at to. offloe of aalu bankoa Tuaada. Jao- ttarr Wta. laV, (or too claotloD ot diraatora tor US ao-uuc vaar. . . U. M. BEALU VWUMT. San ftancisco BEER HALL P. LEMKH, Proprietor. K10 Germaiiia Saloon 64 Second Street, corner Court. The Dalles. - - Oregon. Sole agents for the celebrated Gambrtnus Beer.j Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. Also Sandwiches of all kinds. Y .'. ', FOUTS & JOHANNSEN, Proprietars iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiirniiiiniii Clias, J. Stubjing, WHOLESALE Wines, Liquors, Cigar? and Beer. The Celebrated Yal Blatz Beer, Anheuser-Busch Nu trine, a non-alcbobolic beverage, unequaled as a tonlo. 173 Second street. The Dalles. Oregon, g viiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiinmiiii MAYS & CROWE Opposite Old Stand. Are You in . ? " . - Doubt What ?ine Wines, Liquors, and Ciga AiX JCTNDS Or BOTTLED 8EB. Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught. v. aw. tvoat, hat. Caart mm Oala. GTClam cboa-der served fra. .very day except Hunday, from 11 a. m. ilii i p. m. n EXTRA EXTRA The Amusement Event of the Seaaon. , , I Buyf An eleifaot Una of LAiall aur 'Ijindborir's Perfumes and ImDOr ed 'cut-el a bottles and attomlzers. '.Also a full line of CyclooeCam era, tbat make a very appropriate present for a child or eruwo per son. . uoioff uae Dot caice. uome early. We take especial pleasure io showing you our Roods, whether you intend to ouy or not. M. Z. DONNELL TOC DKDOOUT. Vogt Opera House SATURDAY, IIFH J. Direct from Salt Lake City en rout, la tbeir own special (rata of vestibule - cars lofortland, wnar.-tb.y ap pear at th. M.rquam, will fUl in a spar, date ai The OaUaa. . Baas-Fisher Vf eddlcg-. At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Fisher at on Wednesday afternoon compietea iwi roaw Moro. i ne ia st Jamei, R Reese nd m1m Emna FisheP spike was ariven weanesaay amid the W(WA"KV 1 SKATES! SKATES! SKATES! SKATES! -New Hue just received at MAIBR & BENTON'S. blowlDf of whistles and ringing of bells, at 6:30 p. m. Tba citizens who have' been watching the rapid pro gress of tbe work under numerous tryiog circumstances,, the worst of all being the cold weather and frozen ground, during tbe past 10 days, could scarcely wait for the time when they could say without doubt. "We have a railroad." The men who so faithfully carried on tbe work, despite the In clement weather, were, that evening treated to a royal spread at the city hotel given by tbe rallrOad company. Dr. O. D. Doane, who was in port- land yesterday assisting ia an opera tion whclb was performed on Jasi W. Blakeney'a .leg,, which was broken several months ago, returned borne last night. He Informs us that it was an oblique fracture and as some mus cular tissue got between the broken fragments tbe bone only partially bealed. Itwaa necessary for tbe sur geons to make an Incision and scrape the bone and reset It binding It to gether wltb wires. The operation was very difficult on lasting over two and one-half hours, during which time tbe patient was under anaesthetics. Last evening W; C. Aliaway and Captain Sherman . returned from Stanley's Rock where in company with W. B. Bates, superintendent of - the Marine Iron Works, tbey were Inspec ting the machinery of ' the Inland Flyer. Mr. Bates has no doubt about tbe engines having sufficient power to run a much larger boat, and is certain tbat wltb a few changes every thing will prove satisfactory: A larger propeller will be used and a beater will also be put in which will aid in keeping up a larger bead of steam; It may be also i necessary to put In a condenser and when these improvements are completed ;tbe doubt of many wbo think tbe Flyer would not prove a success ' will be dispelled. . : ... A bold robbery was committed at Troutdale last nigh'v. . From what could be learned some tramps broke into ibe merchandise store at that place and helped themselves to several pairs of gloves, shoes and other ar ticles of clothing- Sherifi Kelly was telephoned to this morning and in formed tbat tber. were three men eon earned in tbe steal and that they were supposed to be on tbeir fray '.'east on freight No. 2Z. This train passed through here about 4 o'clock and if the perpetrators of the crime, were aboard, gt tbe time the news was telephoned tbey were out of reach. An effort will be made, however, to have them repre tnanded at some point along the Una if tbey remain abroad this train.' It ia not expected tbey will be oattght aa they will likely drop off at some station along tbe road and escape. For tbe better accomodation of their lady 'Customers, Pease & Maya have placed a telephone ia their dry goods were pronounced husband and wife by Rev. D. V. Poltng. The wedding was a quiet one, Only immediate friends of the family being present. H. D. Par kins acted in the capacity of best man and Miss Cora Joles was bride's maid Mr. and Mrs. Reese will make their future borne in Tbe Dalles, and will re ceive tbe bearfy congratulations of a large circle of friends. . Tha Currant Crack Mia a. . W N. Wiley has returned from Tacoma, where he went recently with The Columbia Southern has secured the service of I. H. Ceffer as 'agent at Moro. For some flue Mr. Keffer baa been night operator for theO. R. A. V. at this place, and is a thoroughly competent railroad man. - Water may be ihut off occasionally on tbe bluff for a day or two at a time, but under tbe hill the parties who are putting in tbe new system will endeavor to not cut off the water more than an hour at a time. V Dr. Wbltaker, recently from Port tand, has taken a position in Dr. Stur devaot's office for a short time, and Will in. a few days visit the towns of Sherman and Gilliam counties. Good Wood. - Oak o fir delivered to any part of the city. Ratea reosonable. Call on F. B. Saunders or give orders on tele phone No. 12 ' Holiday Presents. - Special inducements aod big cuts in Y ' . all former prices .' . ' . This Week Special Doll Sale. Dolls from 3o, 4c. 7cf 9c, f4o and I8c. Big.Values in 24c Dressed.Oolls. Albums. Toys. Books. . Endless variety in Celluloid Novelties. $50.00 In PRIZES GIVEN AWAY. Jacobsen Book. & Music Co., 170 Second Street. - The Dalles, Oregon., GRAND BALL To be given by Jackson Eogfns Go.. Ko. I, --on FRIDAY EVENIKC, DEC. 30. TICKETS. - - 9I.OO. Committee of: ArrangemeataA -' Cbas. L. Lsuer, Geo. A. Uebe, . ; ' W. H. Butts. Joba Brazerj - V. - .ftandrook Reception. Commlt'e. ' M. T. Nolan. - : P. 8, Gunning, T. J. Seufart, J. B. Croaaea, J. S. TVn. -H. Maicr, L. Hepjmer. J. P. Mclnemy, E. Behanno, - W. L.. Bradabaw "Floor Committee. Grant May,; 3. H apablrs. H. Lonadale, S. B. Sumott P. Vi o Mordea J. VlNbcr, P. Stadleman F. CLrlsman,. N. J.-Srwott, ' F. a. aaul.rt , THE BIQ SHOW OP THE 'DAY t HI. HENRY'S GREAT MAJESTIC MODERN . INSTRELS! 1 . -GUARANTEED P05ITIVELV , THE MOST ORIGINAL -: UNIQUE, -NOVEL anb MOST EXPENSIVE i OP ITS KINO AND CLASS. A ' M ALU WHITE tf 3U PERFORMERS 5Q 30 SUPERB HAND '8 OkEAT . COMEDIANS 30 19 MAfCIUSS IQ ORCIKSTiUI If 10 a cunvf i( ti SiE:CIAUTESI 13 FINKBT MOW CARS IN THE WORLD! Ml Waxa Kuoui awtcTMr sr . IB. BNRY. Sole 0wr-er Reserved seats, first seven roWs, II 00 " " next three rows, - .75 BackaeaU . ,. '' .60 Children - V . .26 On sale at Solpea-Klaersly bruf Go. ' F. H. ROME & CO.. Uaalaia to , . Lumber, Sash, Doors, Windows; Claaa, Palnta and all Kind of BUILDING MATERIALS. ... 7ooi' Delivered to any Part ofihe Oity.-. FOR THE BOYS. Christmas is coining, 30 ia still colder weather. V e want every boy to be well dressed, nicely dressed, comfortably dressed And be happy. We want his parents to get all they possibly can lor their money; With this end m view we inaugurate tomor row, to continue until further notice, An Xmas Suit Sale in which we will make useful presents with every boys suit sold. We. want every boy and young man in The Dalles to wear our particular, make of suit9. It's the best for the money, barring none. Read the following: Read what We are doing for the Boys "big and little." FREE with every Boys Knee Pant Sult FREE 1 pair Boy'a Bibbed Hose, black, worth 15c i I pair " " Suspenders, worth 10c' 1 Windsor Tie 15c ( 1 Handkerchief 6c Value from S 1 .50 to 82.60 Total value. .48c i FREE with FREE- FOR THE MEN. No reason why every- other man in town shouldn't wear a i good dependable A. M. W. & Co. suit at . Xmas time. We are ( going to help him buy it; will make it just as easy as possible for him; in this way: . -. Suits worth $12 00 we'll sell you at $ 8 00 " . 13 75 " " 9 20 " 15 00 " 10 00 18 00 " " 12 00 " 20 00 " " ... ; 13 g5 These suits, are mad round nut four button sack stvle. of neat and a. l-Ave patterns in cheviots, worsteds, tweeds , and cassimere. There's not a single objectionable cloth or pattern 'in the lot .About a hundred suits altogether.' arranged on a . (counter by themselves, where you can conveniently look them . over, io you care lor doUarar f -r 1 Knee Pant Suits, Worth from $3 to $4.50 1 Boy's Winter Cap, worth 50c , PiViluu! fttnn tinea OfV. 1 pair " k- Suspenders I. Windsor Tie , 1 Handkerchief : 20c lftC ! i6c y DC. If you do not caro about tho stylo and fit of your Clothing, buy anywhoror. If you do oaro buy horo. .' ' Total value. ..$1.06 KaT .lit FREE with every Boy's Knee Pant Suit FREE- 1 Warm School Cap, worth.. 1 pair Heavy Cotton Hose. . . . 1 pair Suspenders 1 Windsor Tie 1 Handkerchief 1 Wool Sweater ... Worth from $4.75 tO $6.75 Tot1 value. .. 60c' .. 20c :. 16c . . . 18c 1 ... 10c . a a t?6C ..$2.03 'Xmas Over- ;Coat Sale. Long BOYS RND YOUNG MEN'S Suits Twelve and twelve fifty usually is a very popular price in mens overcoats with us. This season however, is an exception to the rale. We have sold nearly everything in $7 50, $8.85 and $10.00 overcoats as well as the largest portion of our $13.75, $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00 ones. ' But bur $12 00 and $12.50 lines have been neglected. 'Through any fault of the coat?" No! They are worth everv cert of the price: Are made ud of good all wool Kersey's apd Frieze's, and are made to fit like an overooafcif should. Are OSNTLKMRS'8 COATS. , r 'X- - v! ' Pant (Sizes from It to 20 yean.) ONE-FOURTH OFF REGULAR FRIGE To move marked them these 112.00 and $12.50 overcoat, we feat $8.50.. To .make times liveley inf. thin department for the balance 1 of this month; to acquaint more of tne young men with th kind nd varity, make-up and filing qualities of our clothing, wt ' will ofier a discount of 25 per cent off the regular price until July 1. ; . ,, ' - A t vara aeoartm.nt. Ia calling for this de Jjlijmuijr"-jannniii :' '" --'' triftat at ff T7 rtf