The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, December 17, 1898, Image 1

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NO 51
' PROfSlON-ik.-
" ' ' - 'Phsu-iun riiid Surgeon, '
Borgns over l,:le.s.Syjt.ntBnk.. O. bo. rs. 10
-. a u ! IX ni, :ui-l iroi.t s w m p
iehe4( ive t Kiwi at Third virvt.
5. BBNIftT
Attorney at Law
Booms 8 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for
Wasco County.
Robert Wilson, Plal' tiff,
ManrorctA. veff. M chad P. Neff, her husband.
and tU Hood Riv r Lumbering i c, a corpo
ration, Perendaats.
By virtue of an execution, decree and order
oi sale, umv Ksueu o it oi una miner iur
seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the Countv i f Waco. to me directed
and dated the i dav of November. I88. virion
a decreo f r th"j foreclosure of a certain mort
gage, and judgment ren lered nnd entered In
said Court on the Uth dav of Novemoer. iss. in
itirt pinKiP in fnvortif the Plaintirl
and airainst the Dr-fertd.n's Mararet A. Neil
ana Miecnel P Neil asju'ieiientaenw.-s. i.i m
sum of three hundred and lu'rtv-four dollnrs.
S3St.U0, with int- ther-nn from tn 14ir
dav of Kovemtaer. I W. at the rate, of eitfbt per
cent per annum, and the further sura of fifty
dollars. PM ' attcrnev's fe. and the fuith r
sum of slytmn dnll-ir. .! l. cost-, a U the
costs of iind upon this writ, and c-omronndinjr
me to make sale of the real property emurne. a
in such deoree of foreclosure and hereinafter
described. I will, on the
29tb day of December, 1893,
At the hour or 2 o'clock, in the nrternoon of
ssid dav. and at the front rlf-or of the County
Court house, in Dalles Citv. Wasco County.
Oreuon. sell at public nueilon toth- nisost
bidder for uasIi in hand. all tile r:L'ht. tUleaod in-
erest whfch the ik-feadiints Mrgiret A. Neff
nndK'ChaelP. NeT. or iit Q;;r of them bad on
the 1st dao of July. INS!?, the date of the mort
g ure foreclosed herein, o-- which such defend
ants or a -v of the defendants heroin, have since
acqui eu. or now have la and to the loHowinff
described real property, situat? and being ia
Wasco County, Oregon, 'o-.vit:
The southwest quart-r of section I J in town
ship l. n- rth of range 9 east V. M.. or so much
of said property as will satisf y said Judgment
and decree, with costs and accruing cots.
Said property will be sold subject to confir
mation ana redemption as by law proviaea.
Dated at The Dalles. Oregon, this 23rd day of
November, lbtfa-
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the Stcte of Oregon for
Wasco County.
Joseph Qurney Fowler and W. J. Caesar Plaln-
Michael P. Neff. Marearet A. Xeff, his wife,
and the Kocd Hirer Luruberlug 4 o., a corjo
ration Defunc'a its.
By virtue of an execution, decree and order of
sale, duly ls-ued out of ami under -the seal of
the Cir lilt Court of he Slate of Oregon, for the
County of Wasco, io xr e directed and uat- d the
SSlrd day of November. !h9!, nixn a decree for
the foreclosure of a certaiu inortgag , und juo?
ment rei.derea and entered in said Court ou tbe
14th day of Njvemter. turn, in the above er.ti
tlea cause, in fa- or or the PlainliiTs mid gai st
the Defendant-. Michael P. Nefl and Margaret
A. Neff. as judgment debtors, in the sum of six
hundred and ttventy do lar3, '0-IUIi. with in
terest thereon from the 14 th ay of Novemtier,
1198, at tlie rate of eight per cent per a- num.
and the further sum of seventy-five dolla..
t75.00. as attorneys fecu, and t je furtl er sum of
sixteen dollar-, tie. CO, costs. a;id the costs of
and upon this wrlt.anl connnaiiclioi; me to mue
sale of the real property embraced in such
decree of foreclosure and hereiuarter described,
I will, on the
29th day of D cember, 1P98,
at the hour 1 :30 of o'clock in the afternoon of
said day, and at the front door "f the County
Court House in Dalles City. Wasco County,
Oregon, sell at pub io auction to :he hig.lje.-t
" fcidder f-r cash In hand. 11 the ArTu. ' He and
Interest whios the said Defendants Michael
P. Neff and Mnrgnret A. Neff, or either of tr.ein
bad on the 1st day of September, 183). the date
of the mortgage foreclosed herein, or which such
Defendants or any of the Defendants herein
had, have since acquired, or now have in and
to the following described real property, sit
uate and being ia Wasco County, Oregon,
The south half CV4) of the snu'heast quarter,
and the south half of the southwest quarter of
section fourteen d') in toWLShip one (1) north
of range nine (W east W. M.. or so much of said
property us will satisfy said judgment and de
gree, with costs and accruing costs.
Suld property will be sold subject to confirm
ation and redemption as by law provided.
Dated at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, this 23rd day of
November, 1S98.
Sheriff. Wasco County, Oregon.
In th Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for W isco County.
W. L. atson. Co., a corporation, plaintiff,
Geo. Chrlstensen. defendant.
To Georg6 Chrlstensen, the above named de
fendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby notified and r quired to je and appear
in the Circuit Court of the State of Oicgoa for
Wasco County, on or before the Slst day of
January. lt&9. then and there to answer the
oo np.aliit of plaintiff Bled against you in the
above entitled court a d cause, and if you fall
to fo appear and answer said complaint for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
above eutltledco irl for the relief uprayed for In
lis compliant, towit:
For a dec: ee to foreclose that certain mort
gage made and delivered by you on the &hid
day of August. to one haren Raylaud, and
by her assigned to tins plaintiff; which said
mortgage was given to secure tie payment of
a promissory note of even date therewith for
the sum of fe' witn interest thereon at tbe
rate of 9 per cent per annum, and was npon tbo
soutneast quarter of section IK in township 1
nortc, of range 15 cast, W. M , in Wasco
Oouaty, tu-CROO.
That said lands and premises be sold In the
manner prescribed . y law. and from the pro
ce (s of such sale, ploin iC huve and receive
tne sum of iMOvW together witn interest on
said sum at the rate of 9 per cent per annum
since August at). l84l together with costs and
disbursements of this suit and accruing costs
and expense- of such sale, and that plaintiff
have such other and further relief as to tbe
court mav s era Ctmituble and just.
This summons is served upon you by publica
tion the reof for six consecutive weeks in the
'"J'imes-Mouiit3iueer.M a newspa erof general
circulation puuli-hed in Dalles City. Wasco
Couuty, Oregon, by order of the lion. W. L.
Biaushi.w. judge of tbe alio e named couit,
which Oder r-ars date the 9th d y of Decem
ber. 156, and directed thnt suld publication be
made in said paper beginning with Sat-irday.
the lt'th dav f Dec :mber, 1S9S, and ecdiug
January CI, 1899.
lOdeo Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Conrt of the Stata of Oregon for
Wasco Countv.
Rothobl.o Bros., a corporation, plalutiJ,
W. T. Wiseman, defendant.
To W. T. Wiseman, the above named defend
ant: In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby n-quired to appear and
answer the complaint of pi .luiifi else against
you in the above cutitled action ami court on
or before the '- tlh o ' of Jaauary. 1SS9, und if
you fail to so ni.ear or answr for want there
of, the plaintiS will take judgment against you
for t o hundred atel sixty nine and So-100 dol
lars, b.r) and interest thereon s'.rco Or
toberasti, 1M7. at ih! rate of 8 per een. per
annum, together a piatuttd's costs and (.is
bursemeniR of action
This summons is served upon you by publi
cation thereof by order ol W. L. Bradshaw.
judge of th above named court, made iu open
Court, on the 3Uth dav of November. 18t. di
rcetinc that said summons be published on; e a
week for rot less than six enstcutive weeks,
in the T mrs-VouutMiceer. a nev. spaper of
penrr I circulation published in Dalie C ty.
Wasco Count--. Oregon, and said publication,
bclnnirg wi h Saiurriav the Sd day of Decem
ber, ltt'8. and ending January 4th. ls!9.
Attorneys (or Plaintiff.
Votlee Is herebv given that the undersigned
guardian ef the estate and persons of Truman
ntt nud .Iin!,i M. Butti. minors by virtue
of "a or er of sate uuij made and entered by
l he countv court of the Slate of Oregon, 'or
fkiuntv. on Tuesday, the St day of No-
va'uber, lbi, will teli at public auction to the
highest bidder for casn in nana an oi me ngm.
Mile and merest f suld minor children, ( eing
a undivided one-t;urd interesti in and to tne
fallowing described aids and premises towit:
Ti.e nortiieast quarter ( 1 4) of sect.on four (4)
in towaship thn e i3j south of ranee thirteen
(I3i east of tbe Wiilaiuette meridian In Wasco
County. Oregon. Said le will be in de at the
front door of the couuty court huu at Dales
City Wasco Countv, Oregon, on Saturday tbe
gist 'day December, lsw, at the hour of 10
o'eloc. , a. in., f said day-
tgted this 8U day of November, lf98.
J W. H. BDTT9,
Qaardlan of the estate SJd persona of Truman
ad Uloiit li. Uutu, minurs.
Administrator's Notice.
Ko:lce Is hereby trtven thnt the undersigns'
has ov-eu i ulv iwpoiaied by the C.mntv (.our
of t ie Sta: e of Oreuon. for Wasco County, ad
min st ator of the estate of Philip Broiruii, de
ceased. All pe.-ons uaviii cmnuo .-s'rtinst san
estate are hereOy required to pre.- i the t.ami
to m p operlv vena-a. . s oy :aw rtqumu. n
The Dalles, Or., withia six months i on th
ante h reof.
Dated this lotncray or yovemwr. iw.
Adminlst-ator of tie estate of Poiliip Brosran.
deceased jsnoiow
r. 9. L.5!D OTTTCK.
The UhI es. Or.. Mov. 9. 183?. i
rnmnbnnt haviaiz ceii ecteied et thisofile
t,v Hrrr PawfcM Hi;riin-t t rank E. Roiers fo
Hbrtndoam? hU homes ead entry No. n-.ll, date
vov 19. l.--9ft, upon tne b .t.
KasiVu nn SHM sWM. section . Tp 1 N
K U EWAI.IuWasCOCOUMty.OrcKOU.olthaview
t, rhp ennee lanon or sniu entrv. xne;uu pariic-
are herebv 3uruuioued to appear at this ofllce oi
the 3rd d9v of January. ik9. at hiocjo.:kb
ni .to respond and furnish testimony concern
ir.gsnlu aliegeo aouuaonmeni-
2bnovit JAY P. LUCAS, register.
The annual rrretlag of the stock- oldc rs of
the First N itonal Uar.k, or The Da ies. wui ot
held at the office of sal- bank on Tuesdov, Jan
uary K-t'i. !'. for the election of directors roi
toe eusuu.s year. M. M. j3,Ai-L,i
DR. O. C HOLLISsTER, Ph, jician and Sur
geon. Kooms over Dalles Notional Hunk
Jfflce uours !0 A. M. to la, and 2 P. M. to 4 P
U. Residence west end of Tidrd street.
JPUI? & MKXK'KR. Attorneys at Lav
rlooms 40 ai:(! bnojan Hiock.
J-R. J, A GEiSr.VDOF.FFER, Pbysi
' ' cian und Sunreou. Rooms 21 and
R Vogt Block. The Dniict. Oreyrn. Surery a
last Salt Lake. Denver, Ft. i Fast
Mail Worth. Omaha. Kud-I Mail
11:m p. m. sas City, St Louis,! 3:10 a. m.
Chicago and East.
Spokane Wall Walla, Spokane, Spokane
Flyer Minneapolis. St Paul. Flyer
6 35p. m Dululh, Mil v. nuke, 6:r)n.m.
Chicago and East,
8 p.m. FROM PORTLAND 4 p. m.
Oceaa Steonships
All Sa'ling Dites sub
ject to change.
For Sen Francisco
Nov. 28. Oec. 3, , IS. 18,
23, 2S, Jan. Vj, 2 and 7.
8 p.m. Cnlnmbla Hlvrr L 4 P-
Ex.Sunday Steamers Ex.&undU7
10 p.m. To Astoria ii'id vay
Laniiuus. Willamette River 4::)fp. m.
Ei.Suuday Ex.Sunday
O'fjon City. Newberg,
Sulem i Wav -Land's
7n. ni. Willamette an.l Yamhill 3:31) p. m.
Tues.Thur. HI vers. Mon. Wed,
and Sat and Fri.
Oregon City, Dayton,and
m . ' vfllaiuVi'te' Kivei l:S(ITm.
Tues. Thur ' Tes.Thur,
and Sal- Portland to Corvallts and Sat
and Way-Landings
lv Riparla Sanke Hlver. !lv. Lew'n
1 :15 a. m. I A 4.S a. m.
Moti.Wed. Rlparia to Lwiston. iSun, Tues
Friday. ' and Thur
, W. U. HCItLUUKi1. oci, Pa. D'.
Portland, (re, n
J. t. Agent. The Dalles
"The Regulator Line"
The Dalies, Parttand and Astoria
havigctioi Co.
The steamers of this line will leave
The Dalles at 7:30 a. M.
Shipments received at any time, day
or night.
Live stock shipments solicited.
Call on or address,
Qrogon Bakery
and 0.32
A. KELLER, Prop'r.
Am prepared to furnish families, hotels
restaarants with the choicest
Bivad. Cakes:, mi
Fresh Oysters Served in
Every Style.
Second Strket, next door to The
Dalles National"
TfieEc Q&oiiiy Oasolioc Lsdid
Ai proved by the Bonrd of Underwriters
of the Pacific. Nov, 4th, ls98.
lOKandle Power. 14 Hours,
For FOUR Cent.
Own your own Gas Pla t. Run your own me
ter, a complete gas plant within th- !mp;
portable, hnng it nywhere. Maximum
light at minimum cost.
lSnor Agent for ISasco County.
"Larn'S on exhibit on at be Umatilla House.
Oregon Viava Co.
Room 7. over French & Co's. Batk.
Glace hours, to 4 p. m
Charlotte F. Roberts,
Tvocnl Manager. decl
$6 50 Per Ton
For car lot ra'es call on
E. KURTZ. Agt.
Makes the food more
ort sunup
Spanish Cummissoners Ask
For an Investigation.
Paris, Dt'C. 9 Rios, president of
rhe peace commission, and
Pjeda the seet-Ptary, are still confined
to their beds. Ojsria's sickness
delays the ent'rossintr of the treaty,
and it is doubiful whether it will be
signed before Monday. The Ameri
cans held the usual tension this morn-
ng. The Spaniards continue roaKing
birtor comments concernine President
McKinley's reference to the Maine.
The SDaniards a last coDtribu-
tioit in the recent a.semblinir of the
commissions when Rios presented a
vigorously worded protest, in which
tbe SDaniards declared they had
yielded to force, but they invoked the
conscience of the natioos against the
abuse of the rights of a nation, of
which they were the victims Tbe
protest was for the purpose of record,
and consisted of an argument in sup
port of every concession demanded by
the Spaniards and which the Ameri
cans refused. The protest concluded:
But these concessions which we
were obliged to make touches us less
than tbe insult which has been afflicted
on our nation by President McKinley j
in bis message. We agim protest
against the accusation hurled at us in
regard to the Maine, and we intend to
lisuin submit the matter to an inter
national tribunal, composed of Eng-
I land; France and Germany, to deter-
mine who shall bear the responsibility
for the catastrophe."
In spite of the secrecy ' observed by
! the Americans, it is learned that, the
trodty in substance consists of 3 or 14
articles. The principal articles pro
vide for the cpssion and evacuation of
Cuba. Porto Rico and the Philippine
islands, and the political, udministra
tive and financial vesulis thereof, and
acquisition by the United Stats of
!!! ie- pi cimrty aud relinquishment of
tbe archieyes- '
Articles of secondary importance de
termine tbe rtatus of Spanish subjects
residing in tbe oeeded territory and!
unfinished lawsuits and contracts,!
guarantees of the same terms to Span- i
isb shipping and merchandise in the !
Philippines fo
10 years, and leaving, !
the st: tus of Spanish commerce in tbe
West Indies to. be settled later. An
important provision is a guarantee of
religious freedom in the ceded terri
Soldiers at Manila Will
Soon Be Or-
dered Dome.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. Representa
tive Tongnejesterday Interviewed the
assistant secretary of war and the
adjutant-general with reference to
procuring tbe discharge of several
members of the Second Oregon vol-'
unteers, now in Manila. Mr. Tongue
to securo tbe discharge of different
members of the regiment, some on ac
count of poor health and others who
are needed at home to support depend-
ou mu.ra. j
whom he conversed assured him that j
the Oregon regiment will soon be j
ordered home, aud, after being fur-1
families. Both oiHr.iais with
lougnea ior ou days, as was tne case ,
with all volunteers who saw service
outside the United States, will then
be discharge!. The secretary stated
that the friends of Oregon volunteers
should be patient, for it would be
much better thai lite regiment return j
home io a boilv than that tho members i
horn'! individually. Coming as i
a regimvnl. th inun will havo tneir I
transportation and rations furoUhed i
by the government, whereas individu-
ally some trouble might bu experieuc-; terday afternoon by Colonel loung.
ed in this respect." The secretary of commanding the battalion of engineers
war has telegraphed to headquarters j at Playa del Mariacao. A detachment
at Manila, stating that the volunteers j of the engineers was drawn up in th
stationed at that station are to be J square and presented arms, and the
mustered out in the same order in ! American and municipal officers pres
which they reached the Philippines, i ent stood with bared heads during the
According to this, the Oregoh men j ceremony. A crowd of townspeople,
will be among the first to come home, i whicb had gathered greeted the rais-
Special IJ1U wuioli Will Receive the
tentioa of congress.
WASH:NGTO.V, Dec 9 The first of
the speotal pension bills growing out
of tbe Spanish-American war to be
introduced at the present sessiou is
that of Keoresentative
Gillet (Mass.) '
to pension tbe widow of Captain Diok
inson, of the Seventeenth United
States infantry, mortally wounded
during the right at 1 Canty July I
Other bill of this character coining
over from the last session are those
to pension the mother of Worth Bagley
the. naval ensign who lot his life on
the torpedo-boat Winslow during the
bombardment of Cardenas and the
widow of Captain Gridley commander
of Admiral Dewey's flagship, the
Olympia, during the oa'.tle of Manila.
General Book Is Reported to Have Been
CHICACO, Dec. 9. A special to the
Tribune from Washington says: Gen
eral John R. Brooke will bo male the
military governor of Cuba, and he is
now on -his wy here-to.-cofjeulB rfie
president in regard to the policy to be
General Brooke wrote a letter to a
delicious and wholesome
PQuffigft CO.. Ktw vork.
friend here ia hicli he said iiVur-
;ed General Fiubuh Lee for jfov. i-uoi
j for the provia.'a of Havana, General
CarDenter as governor for f h J province
efPinardel Rio, General Stiy(l;r a.-
I governor of tbe provinen of Puerto
PripiDe aud General Wood for the
province of Santiago.
General Brooke ii expected to arrive
here on Saturday, aud It is belleyed
his recornraendalions in retard to the
governors of the different provinces
wiil be indorsed by the president.
Reside atsDisatisfied With
Brooke's Appoint
ments. Washington, Dec. 12. A San Juan
de Porto Rico correspondent to the
Associated Press, writing under date
of Dec. i. says:
Tbe p:ist week in San Juan has
shown certain developments in tbe
general situation of the islands, and
drifting straws havo been seen to in
dicate the current of growing discon
tent. There has b.en much trouble
all over tbe island since the American
government assumed a military protec
toiate, concerning tha appointment
of mayors and couacilmen of the 'dif
ferent municipalities of which there
are id all 72. Men so uDpointed and
those already iu nrflce have been re
signing and pquabling among them
selves, and expressing their displeasure
at the eppointmeot of some colleague.
The fact that General B.-ooke declined
to grant to the council at Ponce the
privileges of the autonomist constitu
tion,, which they were arrogating to
themselves, Is what rankles ever pres
ent in th minds of tbo defeated
autonomists. The accordance of tnis
privilege would have been for them a
great victory. The best judgment
here sustains General Brooke in this
Tbe autonomist party set9 np a pro.
longed howl of discontent in . which,
among other things, they declared
that f.Iunoz Rivera, leader of General
Brooke's cabinet, had betrayed them,
inasmuch as be bad used bis influence
to bring about the decision against
their demands. Rivera is an element
of political discord. Six months ago
ha theatrically, declared he would die
wrapped in the fla of Spain, and
he was the first Porto Rican to
swear allegiance to the United States.
Tie is at present secretary of state, and
since October 17 the bead of General
Brooke's advisory board io tbe insular
affairs He is a capable man and a
schemer. He probably long ago de
termined to become the political ruler
of Porto Rico.
Cunal Surveyors
San Fbancisco, Dec. 12 Francis
L. Stuart and Tbaddeus Merriman,
who have had chargo of one of tbe
surveying parties of the Nicaragua
canal commission since uecemoer,
; 1807, have arrived here en route to
Washington. Mr. Stuart says:
"Personally I am a strong advocate
of the Lake Nicaragua and S in Juan
river route. . There is another scheme
on joof, to follow the San Juan river Lake Nicaragua east 50 miles to
Machucha rapid9 aod then cuua ditch
102 miles long to Greytown. The
j -to ia an ambitious scheme, while it
would be a good road I prefer the lake
and river line.
'The people of Nicaragua want the
United States to construct tbe canal.
I fou id them extremely friendly about
tj,e matter."
ota uiory
Over Havana.
Deo. 11. The
States flag was unfurled over the city
hail of Mari.mao at 12:31) o clocK
lug of the flag with cries of "Viva
Americanos." The Spanish
had withdrawn on Thursday.
Bryao to Kesign.
Savannah, Ga., Dec. 11. Colonel
W. J. Bryan, colonel of the Third Ne
braska regiment, has either forwarded
his resignation o Washington or ia
about to do so. Colonel Bryan would
neither deny 'nor confirm tbe rumor,
but stated that when tho time came
he would prepare a written statement
and give it to the press, so that there
would be no onssibility of any miss
statement as to his intention.
The Hassachnsetts Affrextnd.
Washington, Dec. 11. A telegram
received at the nayy department today
from New York says the battleship
Massachusetts, soon after leaving New
York navy yard for Hampton Road?,
struck an obstruction near Governor's
island and three of the compartments
were torn open. She wa taken bacb:
to the navy yard and docked to ascer
tain the extent of her Injuries.
Spaniards Have Evacuated.
Havana, Dec. 11. The Spanish
evacuation commission informed the
American commission today that the
evacuation of Bejucal, Santiago de Las
Vegas, Rincon, Vento. San Felipe and
all the other small town la tbe eastern
part of Havana province will take
place tomorrow.
Ameriea and Spam
Send Ministers to the
Respective Capitols.
Washington, Dec. 11. Tu vi-w ..'
the siirnaiurts of the po''. - u-tt.
tbe government will tie obliged vrt
speedily to take steps looking to tne
restoration of tbe diplomatic machin
ery necessary to friendly relations
with tspain. The recent visit, to the
White bouse, of General Woodford,
late mit:i stereo, .MarVid, has been er
roneously construed to indicate th
determination on the part of the
president to return the minister to
As a matter of fact that 'a itnprob
able, as tbe whole line of diplomatic
precedent is in the direction of wiping
out all the old issues and senrtmg
afresh after tbe war with new minis
ters on both sides. The reappoint
ment of Woodford might -mean ibe
return to Washington of Polo y Ber
nabe, whose residence in Canada dur
ing the war rendered him so obnox
ious to the American public.
If custom is followed, either the
United States minister to Midrid or j
tbe Dext Spanish minister to Wash
ington will be accredited tia special
enyoy to exchange the ratification of
the treaty just completed at Paris.
Having fulfilled this function, he will
then present bis credentials aa minis
ter resident and remain in that ca
The Treaty Signed by the Spauisb and
American Commissioners.
PARIS, Dec. 11 Peace has been
restored between the United State9
and Spain Tbe treaty was signed at
8:45 o'clock Saturday evening.
The joint commission met at 3:30 P.
M., but the engrossing of the treaty
had rot been finished, and at 5 o'clock
a recess was taken until 7 P. M. Upon
t.he re-assembling of the commis
sion, another wait ensued. At e:dU
the engrossing had been completed,
and 15 minutes later it was signed.
The long session Saturday afternoon
and the subsequent recess were due
only to the fact that each article of
the treaty had to be carefully read and
compared in Spanish and finglisb, and '
to the fact that tne engrossing of the
last article in Spanish was incomplete.,
It is expected that the session which
has just reconvened will only last a :
few minutes. :
Slight Increase Ov ir the Same Month it
leart " .
Washington, Dec. 11. The month
ly statement of tbe bureau of statietics
on the exports of domestic products
for the month of November last shows
tbe exports of b".eadstufis for that
month aggregated "$213,987,880 agalnrt
$26,273,547 for-November, 1697. Cattle
and hogs. $2,105,405, against $2,760,604
in November last year. Provisions,
$24.49r,919; November, 1897. $10,996,
906 Cotton. $39,243,861; November.
1807, $35, 414,544. Min raloils, 4,496,
350; November. 1897, $4,964,730. Tbe
total of these four articles during No
vember, 1898. was $86,239,321; for No
vember 1897, $82,900,431.
For the last 11 months tbe total was
$696,291,188, against $604,980,141 for
the same period in 1897. .
The Cuban Leader Fell a Victim to
Washington. Dec. 12. General
Calixto Garcia, the ' distinguished
Cuban warrior and leader, and tbe
head of the commission elected by the
Cuban assembly to visit this country,
died Sere yesterday morning shortly
after 10 o'clock, at tbe Hotel Kaliegh,
where the commission has its head
quarters. loss of a Lake steamer.
Cleveland, Dec. 12. While the
steamer Aurora was towit. g the barge
Auranla through a big field of ice near
Bar point, Lake Erie, today, tire broke
out on the Aurora, and she had to be
scuttled to prevent total destruction.
She was tbe finest wuode; boat oo tbe
lakes, and was valued at $125,000. Tbe
fate of the crew is unknown, but it is
supposed they have escaped on the
Four Uvea Wers Lost.
New York, Dec. 12. The tire which
destroyed the apartment houne at 134
Prospect Place, Brooklyn, last night
killed four persons Joseph VV. Noblet
his wife, bis wife's moihor. Mrs.
Stothern, and John Wiune. Tho
other missii-g pergoo have been ac
counted for.
Counterfeiters at Work.
Memphis, Dec. 12. A smooth gang
of counterfeiters are at work in the
Mississippi valley. TLe counterfeit is
of tbe standard silver dollars. All
which have so far been discovered
bear the date of 1890. It is believed
something like 200,000 have gained
Rtrera, at New York.
Vew York, Dec. 12. General Ruls
Rivera, the Cuban genera', recently
liberated by tbe Spanish, from Ceuta,
was a passenger by the steamer La
Champagne, from Havre, whicb ar
rived today.
To Carry Garcia' Body Borne.
Washington, Dec. 12. The Dol
phin will be designated by the navy as
tbe vessel to carry tbe remains of
Garcia to Cuba. Sbe ia now lying at
the Washington navy yard.
Rash Act of
a Cemetery
Custodian at
lNDlANOPOLiSr Dec. 12. Charle9
Tracy, aged 16, haa-tewtf shot and in
stantly Killed by Tom Connors, cus
todian of Greenlawu cemetery. Tracy
with a number of other boys was near
tbe cemetery throwing snowballs at
pedestrians indiscriminately. Con
nors, who was standing nar, ordered
them to desist," aod his interference
was met with a shower of ice. Con
nors started to get their names and
the boys gave a last vo!W and ran.
Connors then drew hi-, revolver and,
he says, fired two shots in the air to
frighten tbe crowd. Tracy fell d- i"
Connors surrendered He pleac
un familiarity w'th revolvers. Last
spring Connors hud a fWht with the
same crowd of boys, who left tbe cu?
todian lying in the street with his
head crushed in
Two O K & Trains t ullide VVlttout
killing Anybody.
A remarkabio railroad r.rvid-.'m oo
curreu mi the O. Iv. oi . iir.w six
miles east of Pendl ton Saturday
mgbt, remarkable because it whs S'i
serious, arid noboilv was killed. When
the overland pasenger. train No. 1,
was coming alo.;g at a lively rate over
V-down grade leading from the Blue
mountains to Pendleton, it ran into a
band f horses that gave it a pretty
bad shaking up. and while damages
were being, rjpaired a wjst bound
'eight came gliding along down the
incline, expecting a clear track. Just
as tbe freight rounded a curve, the
engineer saw the passenger a few
hundred yards ahead. He reversed
bis engine, applied the brakes, and
just before he struck the passenger
be and tbe fireman jumped from the
oi1), saving themselves.
, Fortunately the speed of the freight
was checked, and all it did on striking
the passenger was to jam the rear car
so hard as to force the train ahead so
that nearly all the car platforms were
mashed. Fortunately there was no
one in the rear end of the last car, else
some one would have been killed, for
tbe rear of. tbe car was mashed
In, but as it was tbe passengers
were . badly shocked, and most of
hem we're .hurled to the floor with
considerable violence. Oae boy was
quite severely hurt and a large num.
ber of the passengers were more or
less bruised.
. When the train arrived here Sunday
If evening, 13 hours late, it was a dilapi
dated looking affair, and tbe passe n
I gera presented a sorry appearance.
J By the accident the connection with
tbe beating pipes were broken, leaving
the passengers tit the mercy of the
elemen's, and most of them were about
The Result of Imperfect Digestion of
Every living thing, plant or animal,
contains within itself the germs of
decay and death.
In the human body these germs of
disease and death (called by scientists
Ptomaines, are usually tne result of
Imperfect digestion of food; the result
of indigestion aod dyspepsia.
!l The stomach, from abuse, weakness,
iXtea cot thoroughly digest the food.
The result ia a heavy, sodden mass
which ferments (tne first process of
decay) poisoning the blood, making it
thin, weak and lacking in red corpus
cles; poisoning the brain causing head
aches and pain ia the eyes.
Bad digestion irritates the heart,
causing palpitation and finally bring
ing on diiease of this very important
Poor digestion poisons the kidneys,
causing Brigbt's disease and diabetes
And this is so because every organ,
every nerve depends upon the stomach
alone for ; nourishment aud renewal,
and weak digestion shows itself not
only in loss of appetite and flush, but
in weak nerves and muddy complex
ion. Tbe great English scientist, Huxley,
said the best start in life is a sound
stomach. Weak ston-acbs fail to di
gest food properly, because th:y lack
the proper quantity of digestive acids
(lactic and hydrocnlorir) aod pepto
genie product; the most sensible
remedy in all cases of indigestion, it
to take a'ter each meal, one or two cf
Stuart s Dyspepsia Tablets, because
they supply In a pleasant, harmless
form all the elements that eak stom
achs lack.
Tbe regular use of Stuart's Dyspep
sia Tablets will cure every form of
stomach trouble except cancer of the
O They increase flesh. Insure pure
blood, strong nerves, a bright eye aod
a clear complexion.
Nearly all druggists sell Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets at 50 cents full
sized package or by mail by enclosing
price to Stuart Co.. Marshall, Mich.,
but ask your druggist first.
A little book on stomaeh diseases
mailed free. Address F. A. Stuart
Co., Mai shall, Mich.
Fine Assortment of Solid Gold Jewelry.
Ladies' 14-k solid gold watch-s.
- Ladeis' 14-k s.4id gold Aiatcb chains,
Ladies' 14-k solid gold breastpins
and earrings.
Ladles' solid gold wedding rings.
Ladies' 14 k aolid gold fancy set
i rins.
Gents' or ladles' solid geld, cuff
Diamond and Emerald rings.
1857 Roger Bros, knives and forks
All first class goods st,
d w T. A. Van Norden's
Army Reorganization Bill.
Washington, Dec. 13. Theadju
tint-general's office of the war depart
ment was well represented today at
the hearing before the bouse commit
tee on military affairs relative to tbe
increase in the army. General Schwan
of that ofllcts, detailed at length the
organization of the army under the
plan proposed in the Hull bill, which
has the endorsement of the secretary
of the war. Tbe total number of of
ficers would be 3721; enlisud men, 98,
797; grand total of officers and men
Bliss Will Resign.
Washington, Dec. 13. It is proba
ble that Secretary Bliss will tender
his resignation within a short time
to the president. He has had the step
under consideration for some time
deeming it necessary that he should
be free to devote more time to his
rge business interests.
Healthful Hints
Don't forget the baby and his needs
We give you many helpful hints for
healtd and supply tue means for carry
ing the n out. our line of toilet ar
ticles, for baby and his mother, is com
plete, fastidious and of highest bygen
ic worth.
Up-to-D.tte Pharmacists
175 Second Street.
Butchers Far in rs
Keeps on draught the celebrated
Columbia Beer, acknowledged
the best beer in I'be Dalles, at
t!if usual price. Come In, try it
and be convinced. Also tbe
Finest bran-Is of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars.
SANDWICHES, all kinds. ON HjND
An elegant line of Lazell and
Lundborg's Perfumes and import
ed cut-glass bottles and attorn izers.
Also a full line of Cyclone Cam
eras, that make a very appropriate
present for a child or grown per
son. Going like bot cakes. Come
early. We takn especial pleasure
in showing you our goods, whether
you intend to buy or not.
San Francisco
F. LEMKK. Pr?r!?tir.
Fine Wines, Liquors, and Ciga
Columbia Brewery Bstr on
Svcond Street, bet. Conrt and Union.
(STClam chowder served free every
day except Hunday, fi-om 11 a. m. till
1 p. m.
Good Wood
J. T Reynolds is prepared to deliver
oak, fir or mixed wook of the best
quality to any part of the city at the
customary price. Call telephone 199.
We carry constantly on hand
a large stock of Rough and
Dressed Lumber of all kinds. -
Paints, Oils and: Glass, Build
ins? Paper, Cedar Shingles, and
Redwood Shingles. . . ; ; . ;
41-JOS. T.
iensrJ taisioa
(Adjoining Railroad Depot.)
Consignments Solicited
Prompt att-otlon will be naid to those who favor we with their patrooajr
Ben Wilson Saloon
Second Street, oppoaite Diamond Mills,
Fine - Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Free Lunch, served' at all hours
If You Want to Know
Secure one' of our late maps oi Oregon; -just published
per.ectly accurate, thoroughly reliable; We give it to
you with' the Weekly Ttmj3-Moi j)tajneeb on these '
terms i. . : ' . .
To every subscriber who pays up arrearages and one
year's subscription, together with 50 cents, we supply
the paper one yeaV and; the map. '. Price of paper $1.50;
price ofmap $,iM. !We give you both or $2.00. Take
advantage of . .this - offer now. It only, holds good for a
short time:' he' map1 is 2x34 inches, on heavy cloth
and mounted substantially toh, rollers. The same map
on paper, in pocket form will be furnished with the
paper for $1.75. :.V v.'-.'
. . . . . H i
, ., . . -
. .. .. . ' ' ' I
kuiw )
. iiisilinaassjamiiL
fig? 14
yamljill sr.
5 Gom