..DEC. H', 1898 ITEMS IN BRIEF. From Saturday's Dully. Patterson, of Wamic, C. M. is in the city. Frank Davenport, of Hood River, is . In the city. E. Jaeobsen returned last evening from Portland. Frank Peabody and A. J. Brigbam. of Pufur, are in the city. V Judge Bennett went to Oregon City con the early morning train. .'Wheat took a a sudden jump this morning from 51 to 54 cent9 per bu9h- ' el. .. . I. D. Driver accompanied by his two rtniiffhtpV-B. is in (mm his farm, at Wamic- ; I. Sichel and- Vvm. Wurzweller ar rived here from Prinevllle en route to Portland. ' ', ' - .Yesterday Cartwright and Shearer i delivered 4,000 sheep to W. J. Scbo fleld, who is buying for Swift & Co of Chicago. J. B. Hughes has taken charge of the TIme9-Mountalneer , daily route, and will call on citizens of the city . soliciting subscription. D. Soils Cohn and wife will arrive here this evening. , Mr. Cohn is to de liver the memorial address at the Elk's . nnmor'al service tomorrow. ' i. : On the 14th, loth and 16th the ladies '" of the M. . church will give a fair in Voght opera house. It i9 the purpose ' to give an entertainment in connection with the fair. . Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Pish returned lat night from Oregon City, where they had been visiting Mr. Fish's mother, who Is suffering from a stroke ' of paralysfsi Hamilton Campbell, who for the last two months has had charge of the O. R & N. office at Meacham, is again In The Dalles, and has taken his for , mer position In the depot. r At a late hour tbl9 afternoon all - hopes for the -recovery of Mrs. S. B. Adams were given up. She has been , quite ill with typhoid ftver, fer sev eral days past, and her physicians announce that death must claim ber Boon. . One is reminded of the near approach of the holidays by the handsome goods displayed in. the store . windows. , The holiday goods this season are very . handsome, the manufacturers seeming to have exerted themselves this year In arriving at perfection. Yesterday Walter McPhee made ap plication to Marshal Lauer for .per mission to occupy the city jail and was granted privilege to sleep there for a few days. Mr. McPhee Is a laborer, . who while coming from Rlparia a few days ago 'froze his toes, and will be ' laid iipfor a time. The entertainment given by Chap lain Lozler in the M. E. church la9t night was well attended and was ; highly appreciated. The local hits he V made were to the point and well re- celved by those to whom he referred In his remarks. Chaplain Lozler Is W; N. Wiley arrived here last even ing with a shipment of ore from his mine beyond Antelopo which he will - take -to Tacoma to have it worked. Some time since he and Mr. Knight shipped five tons of ore from the same .; mine to Tacoma, and it milled $43 per ton. Mr. Wiley is confident that he has a annd mine. i ' Yesterday morning S. L. Brooks discovered a peculiar : phenomena in the northern horizon, it was a : bright streak extending a long dis tance in the sky at an angle of 45 de crees, and had the appearance or a comet, but was in reality the reflection ' of the sun on the clouds. Mr. Brooks took a kodak view of the display which is' very pretty. , ' This morning Coronor Eutts pre vented what might have resulted in a ' very serious accident. The Golden- aaie stage was standing in irons oi ine Umatilla house.' there being four pas- ' eengers in the stage at the time, and the driver was taking freight to the boat, when . the horses became frightened and started to run. Mr. Butts was standing neat, and making a short cut across the street caught one of the horses acd stopped their wild career. '. . La9t evening at the meeting of Court The Dalles, No. 12, F. of "A., the fol lowing officers were elected for the en- . suing term: C. R. W. F. Grunow; S, v. it., J. w. i'lsner; xreas., vv. a. Koontz; Fin. Sec., Wm. Birgfeld; Rec. See., J. E. Herouz; Sr. W., P. F. Bur- ham; Jr. W., J. W. Johnson; Sr. B., J. M. Calder; Jr. B., A. B. Estebenet; . . Trustee. Jno. ' Burggraf; Physician, O. C. Hollister, M. D. After the . . f . . . i , 3 a Business ui uio evening was coauiuueu refreshments were served. From Monday a Dally. " r a Leslie, of Wasco, is la the city, v E.O. McCoy left last evening for Wasco. Save money by buying candles nots at the Oregon Bakery, and H. Brash has returned from a visit to the Sound country. Hon. D. Soils Cohen returned to Portland on the 7 o'clock train. Mrs. S. B. Adams is very 111 and ie . not expected to live more than a few days. . Hon. C. V. Nlbley, manager of the - Oregon Lumber Co. at Baker City, is In The Dalles). Birgfeld'a ore nostra will furnish entertainment to be given at the Vogt .tonight. ... All Knights are requested to be pre sent at the convention to be held this evening, this being the regular elec tioa night. - , Owing to tomorrow evening being the date of election of directors at the . club, the rooms will not be opened for ' ladies as usual on Tuesday evening. , A. A. Fuller, of Portland, and G W. Phelps, of Heppner, both members of Cascade lodge, B. P. O. Elks, were in the city yesterday attending the ''memorial services of the lodge. ' Mrs. Frank Forester, of Mitchell, arrived here today to see ber husband, who has just been brought back from 1 2?evada,'and is under Indictment for . tha murder of Phil Brogan. ... : . Messrs. C. A. Bell. E. L. Sirith and Blpwere, all of Hoon River, spont the day in the city, consulting with the county judge and commissioners concerning the leasing of Hood River ' as a public high way for floating logs. . Parties.' y-bo. game down pa tha SATURDAY.. a heavy snow storm at all' point" east of Umatilla last night. The snow must have fallen quite steadily, as it was piled up to the depth of eight inches on top of the cars. On Friday of last week, George Van Duyn, brother of Mia Emma Van Duyn, formerly of this place, com raited suicide by shooting bimeelf in Aberdene, Washington. Deceased was als" a half brother of Mrs. W. H. Mansfield. Last night a ibiof enterod the resi dence of Mrs. Harper, near tho East Fnd school house, broke open a trunk &nd stole 84.50 in cash. Mrs. Harper was in the country, anil her daughter, Miss Minnie was attending church at the time of the robbery. Last Saturday evening, the resi dence of Mr. E. O. McCoy on Fifth and Washington streets, was the scene of a verv pleasant birthday partv. tho occasion being the anniversary of the 13th birthday of Miss Ella McCoy. A very pleasant evening was spent by the young people, after which refresh ments were served. Those present were: Constance French; Alberta Shepherd, Helen Lytle, Winnie Wil son, Florence Williams. Hazel Hun tington. Lena Moore, Vina Guthrie, Lena and Loto Kelsay, Cora Dunham, Lulu Nichols, Luella Nelson, Drueilla Moody, Delia Young, Daisy and Dora Dean, Bessie Eddon and Bertha Steers 'The Pulse of New York" that ever green success will be at the Vogt'opera hotrae tonight. The Pulse is perhaps too well known here to require com ment, still it may be of interest, to know that this season's company in cludes a special vaudeville department. Miss Emyllne Barr, the Baltimore Belle, is at the head of five different characters and displaying some, mag nificent gowns. Among the special favorites of previous performances here may be mentioned the much talked of Thompson Tot9, beyond ques tion the cleverest juvenile act on the stage; also Miss Madge Miltland, female baratone supreme, who creates a sensation everywhere. From Tuesdya'a Dally. P. Limeroth, of Boyd, wa3 city this morning. in the Hugh Gourlay leaves tomorrow for McMinnville on business. L. E. Morse, the White Salmon merchant, spenttha day in the city. Messrs. Smith. Nib ley. Blowers and Evans went to Hood River on tho morning train. Wheat at 64 cents a bushel makes farmers feel good, and quite a number baye made large sales the past few days. The high hills surrounding The Dalles are capped with snow, provid log a reminder that winter is near at hand. James Baldwin, of Portland, one of the old time Dalles boys, is here today vlsltiD? former acpuairtances and friends. This may well be called tho plumb er's season of harvest. The cold blasts that are sweeping over the the country are certain to make work for them The O. R. & N. Co. now has' one of the largest locomotives in the world running on the Blue mountain divi sion between Pendleton and La Grande. . j- The "Pulsa of New York'' which appeared here last night was no im provement on- the same show that wan here a year ago. No body was pleased with tha entertainment. 1; Messrs. W. Lord, L. E- Crowe, E. M. Wingate, J. F. Hampshire, Kev. Polling and John Weigle went to Portland this morning, and will at tend the wedding of F. B. Summerville tomorrow. The Dalle9 is begining to get a corner of the blizzard that has been raging in the east the past week. Last night a stiff north-cast wind began blowing, and as a result the mercury fall below freezing. 'On Friday evening, December, 30th, a grand ball will be given at White Salmon to raise funds with which to complete the wharf at that place. Dalles people are invited to attend aiid by so doing they are insured of a good time, and will also help a worthy cause along. . Yesterday the county court appoint- i ed .Geo. A. Liebe. S. L. Brooks and G. j W. Miller appraisers to assess 'ihe damages sustained by property owners along Hood river, by .it being declared a public highway. The appraisers are to meet on the 15th and report to the court on the 20th. There will be a special meeting' of the United Artialans held at the office of N. Whealdon tomonow evening at 8 o'clock. All Artlslans are requested to be present as Deputy G-and Master R. C. Cromwell will attend and desires to meet all the members of the local assembly. A date has been made for Hi Henry's ministrels at the Vogt on December 17. John C. Knap and Kent Cohn are in the city today billing the town and arranging for the big show9 appear ance here. Henry's ministrels have a world wide reputation, and are con sidered one of the best combinations that are now on the road. This is A sea-captaii: may navigate his ship safely across the ocean, but when he comes into he must ive a pilot who knows all the difficulties and daneers of that particular channel. Is the voyage of life there are many perilous places where we need the help of a pilot who has a thorough knowledge of the special difficulties and dangers to be avoided. In those delicate physical weaknesses and diseases neculiar to women a neneral tsrac- tiuoner or ordinary doctor has no opportun ity to become tnorouguly probcient. Mill less to be trusted is the advice of anv mere nurse or unscienunc person. Only a soeciatist who nas riven a life of study to this particular field of practice, is competent to treat the diseases of woman's intricate ana complies tea organism. Any woman suoennsr rxom tnets aeticate troubles may obtain, the most eminent pro fessional advice free of charre bv writing la Dr. K. V. Fierce, chief consulting physi cian of the Invalids' Hftte) and Surgical In stitute, of Buifalo, M. V. During nearly 30 vears' at-the head of his splendid staff of specialises, he has successfully treated many uuaiwnuv ui KiMn-ui ousomue sciuuunc complaints. Hi9 favorite r inscription " was devised for the sole -purpose of curing the diseases and weaknesses of the feminine organs. No other medicine has been so marvelouslv successful in this particular field of prat, tice. .Xo "other medicine o completely overcome all the dangers and nearlv all the pains of motherhood. 11 is wnn pleasure l iwommena or. rumet Favorite description to suffering ladlas," writes Mrs. . Fcrguftoa, Box 39, Cougl Station, Sel kirk Co., Manitoba. "Altn saSsrinr untold tortures I thank Gad 1 fcand relief and-cure is r rirtte's Favorite Prescriptioa." The-greatest hook for women ever pub lished is Dr.' .Pierce's thousand-page illus trated "Common Sense Medical Adviser." sent free in Mper cavers for cost of mail In only, 3i one-cent stamps; cloth-bound. JJ -tttsaps.. Minn Vr. Pure at aberav.; their first appearance on the Pacific coast. The Broad Axe has been received again by tloa. J. t . Amis, and comes out as a firm advocate of populist doc trines. Besides it will support the establishing of postal savings banks by the govern men t. On Christmas day. Rear Admira George Dewey will become the rank ing officer of the United States navy hn being next in line of promotion, to Rear Admiral Francis M. liunco,whose retirement to tho navy department is formally announced today. Last niarht Friendship Lodge No. 9, K. of P., elected the following officers for the ensuing term: C. C, R. H. Weber; V. C. Fred Burchtorff; Prel., Geo. Gosser; M. of W. O. E. Bartell; M. at A., C. E. Bayard; I. G., Frack Menefee; O. G. W. L. Brudshaw; K. of R. and S.,' D. W. Vause; M. of F. John Gavin: M. of E..JW. E Walthers; trustee, Frank Menefeo. sThe memorial services conducted by tho Elks lodge last Sunday called to mind rather an unusual circumstance in connection with lodge affairs. It is this: The lodge has been In existance more than four years and has a mem bership of 13C, and (has only lost two members byideath, one of whom died in a fire. Few organizations, with so large a membership, have suffered so light a death loss. A few evenings since J. A. Mc- Arthur, the electrician, made un X ray exposure of J. H. Blakeney'a broken leg, and it was thereby shown that the small bone had not properly knitted, the ends of the bone lapping over about an men. J. tie iimD was broken about six months ago, and since then Mr, Blakeney has not been able to bear his wt ight ou it. He will go to Portland the last of the week to have an operation performed. It may prove necessary to again create tne bones in order to get them in proper position. Some Stamp. Claude M. Johnson, director of the bureau of engraving and printing, in his annual report shows that during tho year there were 72,979,593 sheets of stamps and government securities printed and delivered at a cost of $1,570,598. This sum, however, in cludes $12,590 increase of stock, 330.000 paid for machinery and 96,413 paid to outside employees. Deducting, these extra amounts the cost per thousand sheet9 tnis year was 47 centa less than last, making a total saving of $43,700. The average number of pbeets handled by each employe was 56,290 which Is the best record ever made by the bureau in supplying adhesive stamps to the Internal revenue bureau. In seventeen days after the passage of the act, the bureau had delivered 185, 390,926 stamps. This work was done in addition to and in connection with the new bond issue, and in addition to supplying largely increased de mands for United States notes, add sil ver certificates and treasury notes, as well as the issue of a new series of postage stamps for the Omaha Trans- Mississippi exposition. Hope for the Volunteers. Few of the men : who enlisted as. volunteers duriug the war with Spain went into the army with the expects tibn that' they would serve longer than tbeir services were required during actual hostilities, hence those who are retained to do garrison duty are rest less, and look forward with , pleasure to the time when they will be mustered out of the service. . To such tbero is one clause in the president's message to congress that will be good news. It is a9 follows: "It is my purposo to muster out the entire volunteer army as soon as con gress shall provide for the increase of the reguler establishment. - This will be only an act of justice, 'and' will be much appreciated by the brave men who left tbeir homes and employments to help the country in its emergency, This will be to them as a ray of hope and they will praise the day when the regular army shall be detailed to the duty they now perform. solicitors Wanted Ladies or GENTLEmen, for our complete -set of Juvenile Books for the holidays. Each set has four books graded for little ones to grown tip folks. Each book charm ing, delightful, captivating. Prices range from 50? to $2,50. Large books each overflowing with happy illustra tions, Tremendous sellers.. Nothing like them. Four months golden har vest for energetic workers. Credit given, Freight paid. Biggest com missions. Outfit with samples of all four books free. Send twelve 2 cent stamps for paying part onlv of the postage alone. Drop all trash and clear $300 a month with our exclusive Juveniles. '1HE NATIONAL BOOK CONCERN JUVitNILE DEPT., War in Earnest. A dispatch from Lewiston, Idaho, says: It is believed that the Northern Pacific Railway Company has estab lished an armed patrol on its tracks for a considerable distance east of the city to prevent the O. R. & N.-, from "steal ing a night march" and getting into Lewiston by crossing the Northern Pacific right of way. A night watch man has reported that he has seen four men . patrolling the Northern Pacific tracks in the eastern part of the town, and that while they dis played no guns, it ie evident that they were there for a purpose, and were prepared to stand their grouud. "The Northern Pacific officials deny having established any patrol. - Ilavenport Colleary Wedding. . On Thursday morning Dec. 1st, A. Davenport, of Golden!ale, Wash., was United in marriage with Mies May Colleary, of this city, at the residence of Rev. A. Bronsgeest. The wedding was a quite one being at tended ooly by relatives of she parties. Mr. and Mrs. Davenport have gone to Qoldendale to reside, and their numerous friends here wish them a long and blissful life. For Over fifty Years. AN Old and Well-Tbied Rem edy. Mrs. Winsiow.'a Soothing Syrup has been used for .over' fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the best -- remedy for diarrhoea. ; Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by drng gists in every part, .of -the world, Thenty-five cents a bottle. Its value li uncalculable. Be sure and ask for Mr. WInslow'a I . : Voang Mother.. - Croup la the terror of thousands of youog moVhers. because' lu outbreak is eo agonizing and frequently fatal. Shlloh:e Cough and Consumption Cure aati like magio in cases of croup. It has never been, know n ". to fall. The worst casej' relieved Impaedlately Price 23 cents, 50 cents and $1.00. Blakeley drRwagbtpn,. irugglgtt. -. - - -TUB ARREST ' OF FOKKSTER. - Re Gave - Himself Anay to n Private Detective on the Road. Sheriff Kelly and E. J. Glisau ar rived home Saturday evening from Winnemuca, Nevada. havlng in charge Frank Fore3ter, who killed Phil Bro gan at Antelope on the evening of November 4th. The story of Forester's flight and capture is a ropitition of many simi lar castes, and verification of the fay ingthat ''murder; will-.ant." According to hi owu statement, after he kiilatl . Iirogan ho walked to Mitchell, there secured a horse and started for Arizona, going through Grant -and Harney counties. At the Narrows, Harney county, ho saw the notices sent out by Sheriff Kelly bffier Ing a reward for his arrest, and on leaving that place fell in with a fel low traveler, who proved to bo a pri vate detective, PJ. O. Barker, who had first heard of tho murder at Prineville, and started out in pursuit of the fugi tive. Barker and Forester rode together for several days and became confiden tial. .Forester told Barker he had killed Brogan, and that theie was a reward of $1,000 for his arrest. Some 60 mili'9 from Winnemucca a con stable, by the name of Felis, was met aod to him Barker revealed Forester's identity. Felis hastened to Winne mucca and notified Deputy Sheriff Rose, while Barker piloted Forester into town. Forester arrived in Winnmucca on the evening of Nov. 21, and he was arrested by Deputy Rose on the morning of the 22d. Forester on being arrested made no resistance and; acknowledged he was the man wasted, though he claimed he acted in self defense in killing Bro gan. Sheriff Kelly arrived at Winne mucca on Tuesday of last week; and after having settled with the officers there for making the arrest, and pay ing them the reward started back with his man on Wednesday, arriving here on Saturday evening's train. Forester was indicted by the lan grand juro for murdet in the' first de gree, and in consequence will be con fined in the county jail until the con vening of the February term of cir cuit court, when he will be placed on trial. - Yoo Try It. If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the Email price of 25 cts. 50 cts. and $1.00 does not cure, take the bottle back and we will refund your money.. Sold for over fifty year on this guarantee. . Price 25 cts. and 50 cents. Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. THE rCBHC DEBT. Increased Sixteen Millions Daring the Past Month. The statement of the public debt shows that at the close of business on December 1, the debt, less cash in the treasury, amounted to $1,419,850,277, which is an increase over last month of $10,505,565. -This Increase is ac counted for by a decrease of nearly $8,000,000 In the cash on hand and an issue of about the same amount of bonds, which had been paid for in pre ceeding months. The debt is 'recap itulated as follows: Interest-bearing debt. . . . $1,038,390,630 Debt on which interest has ceased 1,241,630 Debt bearing no Interest. . 382,212,017 Total..., $1,619,850,277 The cash in. the treasury is classified as follows: ' . Gold....:.......,.. $ Silver Paper .. Bonds, disbursing officers' balances, deposits . in national banks, etc.. . . Total....... $ Liabilities outstanding... 276,944,082 504.200,718 49,448,270 45,434,000 926,117.182 633.740,392 Net balance. . ...$ .292,376,790 . Tell lour Sister. A beautiful complexion is an impos sibility without good pure blood, the sort that only exists in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover Root Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver, and kidneys . keeping them in perfect health. . Price 25 cts and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. RRCRPTION FOKTRKNOLDIBR. High School Uterarjr Society Welcome Their Classmate Home. Last evenlnsr the Literary Society of The Dalles high school gave a re ception to Walter Dickey, one of the 1898 senior class who has just returned from Manila, he being home on a leave of absence because of sickness. The entertainment was of a patriotic nature, which was indeed appropriate for such an occasion, and the program was prepared with a view of honoring the patriotic aotof the young man who let school last spring to enter the Dr. Miles' Nervine , A REMEDY FOR TKB Effects of Tobacco. THE excessive use ot tobacco, especially by young men Is always injnrtoua and ' uuuuuuuwiT Bawteas me matcruuiv. flir. h.a. u. Jensen, compositor on the Contra. Costa XTeun, Martinez, CaL, writes; 'I have used Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine and ro- celvea much benefit from It. I was troubled with nervousness, dizzy spells and elecDless- ncss, caused by the use cf tobacco and stim ulants. I took Dr. Miles' Nervine with mar- velously good results, allaying the dizziness. qnletlne the nerves, and enabling me to Sleep ana rest, proving in my case a very beneficial remedy." Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine la especially adapted to restoring the nervous system to its normal condition unaeraucn circumstances. It soothes, heals ana strengthens. Dr. Miles' Bemeaies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re IsM Miles' Nervlr.o PS w ittnaea. Book on aia. 5. - eases of the heart acd Ji 1 . IlL . M Hearth -serves free. -Address. . EE. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Job Printing1 Of all kinds. done on short notice and at reasonable rates a, this - office.'' servico of his country." '"Following is the prograjnt Song, "Battle Hymn'.' Soelety Koll Call. C.-joio dons IVomWhittier. .Members Sketch of Whittier's Life Minnie Bartell r.ecltu ion, "Circus Boy" Jessie McLeod Recitation, "Blue and Graj" Bessie Vogt Instrumental Solo Pearl Grimes Kecltation. "Yankee Girl" Stslla Darling Debate, "KosolTca that the life of tne sllor is preferable to that of the soldier:" Affirmative... Harry Curtis and IvanOakes Negative Lloyd Robinson and Geo. RueU (won by negative.) Speech Waiter Dickey Song America" Society What in Shllob? A grard old remedy for Coughs, Colds and Consumption; used through the world for half it century, hns cured innumerable cases of incipient con u motion and relieved many in ad vanced stae. If vou are nor- satii fled with the results we will refund vo:ir mcney. Price 25 cts., and nOcts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. A LODGK uf SuBKOW. Dalle Elks Hold Memorial Kxrvlre for Tbeir Utal. Tho first Sunday in December is des ignated as memorial day by the Bene volent and Protective Order of Elks. and in complianco with the rules of the order Cascade Lodge, No. 303, held memorial services in their hail yesterday afternoon. The lodge room was prettily decor ated with the colors of the order ana ootted plants from Mrs. Stubling's greenhouse, while at the left of the exalted ruler's station was a pedestal on which was inscribed the namcH of the deceased brothers, George H position among the fraternal and be novolent organizations of the world. Be. was listened to with wrapped at tention, and every word he uttered was carefully weighed by his hearers After another song. by the Columbia Quartette, the lodge was duly closed. In the eveniug the lodge attended the Congregational church in a body, thus concluding the day set apurt to the memory of the departed brothers. How Is Your Wife? Has she lost her beauty r it so, con stipation, indigestion, tick headache are the principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea has cured these ills for half a century. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts Money refunded if results are not satisfactory. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. FAKE INSTITUTIONS. Medical Institutions to be the Subject of Early Leglftlatlon. The physicians of Portland, aided by those of the state, will make an effort in tne next legislature to suppress by statute the numerous medical insti tutes doing business throughout the state. The public will pray devotedly for their success. These institutions are fakes, as a rule, and they are conducted by fakirs. Generally they are robbers' dens run by lief of law because no provision has yet been mado by legislation to meet tbeir eva sion of existing statutes. There is not a good physician among them; and the only trustworthy medical service a patient obtains is from good physi cians whom some of these institutes are occasionally able to employ. This is . not often,: however. Reputable physicians will not be employed by such fake institutions. The -next leg islature can do nothing better than to pass a law that will finally enable the authorities to su press them. Wel come.' A Birthday Party. Last Saturday being Katie Nolan's 12th birthday, a few of her little friends were invited to her home on Second street to celebrate. The after noon, was spent in playing games and disposing of a delicate lunch. The game, of Loto was played and first prize was awarded to Genevieve FUh, and second prize to Mary Howe, and in another game Florence Hollister won the first prize and Maggie McNeil carried off the booby. Each little guest presented the hostess with a birthday gift, and all expressed a wish that Katie's birthday would come oftener. The npmes of the little girls present are as follows: Mary Howe, Lucille Perry, Annie Daffroh, Florence Hollister, Genevieve Fish, Ima Gor dlpn, Ruth and Mabel McGinnis, Alice Qililgen, Delia Brogan, A 'Ice Brown, Maggie McNeil, Alice and Katie Nolan. . ' Chopped feed, Hour, barb wire, sulphur and salt for sale at the Wasco i Warehouse, Clearance Sale of Bicycles.- New and Second Hand Wheels . . , For less than Half-Price We wish to clear out all old stock before moving into new store and have some bar- . gains This is an op. portunity to Get a Bicycle Cheap All wheels sold at half regular price. . . . MAYS & CROWE Opposite Old Stand. TBsEcoQEiRy GasQiifls Lamp At proved by the Board ot Underwriters of ike Pacific. 'ov4th, lttts. 100-Candle Power, 14 Hours, For FOUR Cents. Own your own Oas Plant. Run your own me ter. complete gas p:ant wuuin toe lump: Vcrtable, bang It nywheie. Maximum light at minimum eost. J. D TUNNY, 15ncv Ag.nt for Waaco County. rLamps on exhibition at the Umatilla Bouse. LOUIS OAKES EXPBESSMAN Grooda Delivered to Any Part ol the Chty. Stmngtn and baggxja taken to and from r or train. " ' mm. tbi common" COCMUL. KegtUar Monthly Meeting- C. F. ." Uch el- bach Elected Councilman In First Ward. The :regulaa isonthly meeting of t'oe city council was held Saturday evening, Dec. 3,. at which were pres ent Mayor Nolau and Councilmen Kuck, Kellar, Clough, Gunning, Stephens, Barnettand Butts. Minutes ot last meeting were read, corrected and apprvoed. At last meeting the matter of adjust ment of taxes between the city and county was referred 'to the finance committee, but Chairman Kuck -asked that further time be grauted in which to make an adjustment. Councilman Stephens, of tho com mittee on streets ana public property reported that the .committee had ap praised the lot on Third streat, be longing to tho city, at .$1,200, and it was ordered that tho ame be offered for sale at that price. The committee on streets and pub lic property report d that wood for city offlues has been bought. It being reported that certain build ings were situated in public streets, the matter was referred to the com mittee on streets and public property for investigation. Dr. Doanennd Judge Liebo, cf the board of directors, district No. 12, re ported that they had been notified by the marshal to remove nuisances on school premises, and requested that the order be inodihVd iu that the board be not required to put in patei t closets at school houses at present, and agreeiug to see to it that all closets be kept clean. Tho request was granted. The mayor and recorder reported that they had submitted a contract to the Electric Light Co. on the 15 of November, regarding the location ot street lights, and tha- tha sjmo had not been returned by lli3 rompany, therefore they asked for further time in which to close contract. On motion of Councilman Keller, of the first ward, Chas. F. Michael bach was elected councilman to fill the un expired term of W. A. Johnston re signed. It was ordered by the council that sidewalks be constructed 'on Laughlin street between Second and Third. The following claims against the city were allowed and ordered paid: C. F. Lauer, marshal 875 00 George Brown, engineer 75 00 Adolph Phirman, qlghtwatcn. . 60 00 C. J. Crandall, treasurer 20 00 N. H. Gates, recorder, 5w 00 California restaurant, meals for . prisoners 6 00 J T Peters & Co, wood W A Johnston, mdse...... ... Electric Light Co., lights T P Burham, hauling JH Blakeney. brick...'. 11 L Kuck, mdse 39 00 12 55 27 90 1 25 7 00 CO 10 12 2 00 John Kocker, labor C J Crandall, revenue stamps. Dalles City water works, water rent Ward & Robertson, hauling... I C Nickeiseo, ledger Dalles Lumbering Co. mdse... Printz & Nitscbke, matresses.. 32 00 4 fiO 1 25 9 00 3 00 75 5 40 Jas Fisher, sharpening saws. . . Z F Moody, coal M l Nolan, mdse 3 85 J F Uawortb, printing E Benjamin, sawing wood.. 5 50 2 55 FS Gunning, labor 4 40 Wm Uobinson, labor.. 2 00 44 90 2 70 1 80 11 75 Chas Jones, labor... Dan Fisher, laoor John Hoebner, labor LDOakes, hauling . THE I "PALACE OF SWEETS." A March in Sweets can be stolen on your lees thoughtful friends if your purchases are made here. All our . . . ...... CONFECTIONERY. - is manufactured from the . purest sugars, extracts and flavorings and will be ' found fresh and delicious. CAREY BALLARD, Proprietor. . AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PLAN Seventh and Wash ngtor Sts. PORTLAND -. - OREGON Thos. Guinean, - . Proprietor BATES - (3.00 tl-M tiM tiOul 2.0C 1.50 llOllBt THE DALLES, OR. BeSt Kentucky Whisky . FROM LOXT3VUXE.. Very Best Key West Clears and Bea of Wines. Enellah Porter. Ale and Milwauke Beer always on hand. MAKTZ & PUNDT PROPRIETORS A. A. BROWN K FULL ASSORTMENT imm wm AND PBOVIEION8, Special Prices to Cash Buyers j .7o S3 30ND STR3BT. BHAXCH OEFICE- OreffonViava Co. Eocm 7. over Preurh & Coa. Baulc. Omce hours, 2 to 4 p. m. . Charlotte F. Roberts PER L HOTEL Sample . ...Lccal-Sisnajer. m m "Av you want to shmoke in shmoke Sale Seal of North Carolina I m m m is fragrant is easy to light never needs re-lighting, packs in pipe properly, and does not "tamp" down too hard. Always draws dear and smokes freely. These are facts 1 The Original Plug Cut Always the same Mild and Cool. Did You Ever Stop to think that this is the time of year that a merchant wants to soli off all bis heavy goods. Well that is the case with me. Come in before the assortment is broken and get your choice of . '.; the stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Blankets, Furnishing Goods. THE CELEBRATED Columb AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. This well-known brewery and Porter east of the Cascades. manufacture of good healthful only tne first-class article will he East Second Street The Dalles, : Oregon iiifrirrrrrrrrrrrmrmTnTnTTiTnTiMniTtTmTiffrTirrfirirrn Chas. J. Sf uhling, WHOLESALE 1 Vi11e3, Liquors, The Celebrated Val Blatz Beer, Anheuser-Busch Nutrloe, a non-alchohollc beverage, uoequaled as a tonic. 173 Second Street, HAJEtRY Watclimaker -DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY, SILVRVARE AND DIAMOND3 Fine Repairing a Specialty. VOGT BLOCK. - mmmmmmmnimmmmni'mmm In New Quarters...... It's the old Reliable Grocery House, but in a new place, with new gopdand new prices. "Everything you want iu the grocery line, delivered on short notice from the ue store. fsrr a TrvTrATCnrTiTJ JPr nn'IVr'P ArVTV vv 0".Z"Z ' SIGN OP T' iiiiiliiiiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiliiiiiii Jiiiiiiiiiiiiii m m m m m m B B this house, Mr, CHooliius, you will fil of No'th Carilini." E IS: Li m a C. F. STEPHENS. li rewer is now turning ou' the best Beei The latest appliances for tht Beer have been introduced, anr placed on the market 12 Cigars and Beer. I The Dalies, Oregon. m O. LIEBE, and Jeweler All Work Warranted THE DALLES, OREGON. D. W. VAUSE, DEALER IX.... EL if Wall Paper, Paifits OILS, GLASS, EjC. i Finest line of Wall T-fper in the city. Send for Samples.' Painting, Paper-Hanging Kalsomin Ing a Specialty.' ' Third Street. Tho fallen, Oregon, I MTHEE1 PACIFIC U N -S 'ULLMAN. . : SLEEPING t AiiS ELEGANT CARS TOURIST SL' EPING CARS minneapolis st. paul ; grand forks VI LUTH 1 FRQO CRCOKSTON WIJTNIPEQ , HELENA tad . ' BUTTE. ' I TO THFOUGH TICKETS CHICAGO' ! WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK . . ; - ' BOSTON and oil ' - POINTS EAST aod SOUTH. 1 For information, time oardu, mans and llckrts 5&11 on or write. W. C. ALLA WAY Aiaut D gf rA.!?,:,iy- No- Morrison Street. Cor ner of Third Street.. Portland. Oregon 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Copyrights ie. quli'kir ascertain onr opinion free vhether u Invention ! protxbl? patentable. Communlca. tloMotrlctlycoiindentiai. Handbook on Patmiu "w. un:ii crone? lor securing jmtema. tpcrloi notica, without chime. In the . bicuii mm luruniro unn Ul. f ;o. recelrt Scientific American; Ahandaomelrillnitrated woeklf. J.inreM clu. dilation of nr entino Journal. Term.. In -vearj four months, u Sold brail newsdoalen. . fcN&Co.36,B" New York .Branch Office. C2S 1 8U, WatUuuton, D. tik Star Feed & grlndiDg Mill Reliable, rapid, economical nnd a money maker. Capacity from 600 tt4 10,000 pounds on hour. A genu wanted. Address T. BROWNHILL, Grass Valley, Oregon JUST OPENED NEW SHOP J. NEAGLE Has opened a Bootand i Shoe shop in the rofcma . next door to the TirtcB- ; Mountaineer office '.' Firs-Class Worki&nshlp : In Eveby Lin . REPAIRING A 'SPSCIALTY San Francisco BEER F. LEAIKE, Proprietor. Fine Wines, Liquors, and Ciga ALL . KINDS OF L'OTTLED BEER,'- Coluralia i Brewery Beer on v praught. r , fleooad ftrett, bet. Court tad Vnloa. tSTClarn' chowder served free every dav exoopt buauur. irom.ll a. m. till I p. rri. . HENfJ L KTJCK, , t-MaouTfutQrer ot nd Deuldr In hrnnrf Saddlery, II Kan U.rs.W4t of Diamond Flour liucMUla. - becona street. Tm OAiae, t GREOON All Work Guetiiiteel to Glvo ' ' Satisfaction. R.JE, Saltmarsho a th East End STOCK HS, WILL PAY THE HighestCashPrice for Hay and Gram DEALER IN LIVE flTOCK CHARLES FRANK DP THE Bufa i Faimers EX0IIANGE Keeps oo draught the celebrated Columbia Beer, acknowledged the boet beer in The Dallea, at the uaual price. Come in, try It ' and be convinced. - Also tne Finest brands of Wlnes Liquors and Cigars. SANpwiCHStaU kIndaf;ON HND BOOTS 11 SIR I a, 1 r - it i f'i