The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, December 10, 1898, Image 1

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. m .. .iiinr4IXKKB, " XIII
0 C- UjLUSriUt. -w ;j.
Physician and Surgeon,-.
Room. ovr JHile. S.tinn.1 OSa bom-i, 10
a m t 12 ui. an.l trom to 4 p m. Kesl- .
denca Wt-t Knd o Third HIKOt,
Attorney at Law
:. ' Dentist
Booms 8 9 and "10. Yosrt Block, The Dalles, Or.
. In the Circuit Coiut or the state o Oregon for
Robert Wilson, Plaintiff,
Msnraret A. reft. M clfSel P. Neff, her husband
and tU Hood Klvsr Lumbering Co., a corpo
ration. Defendants.
By virtue of an execution, decree and ordei
ajnl rtt tho VMn-iitt Omirt of .the State of Ore-
iron, for the County of Wasco, to me directed
and dated the 23 day of .November. 18M8. upoi.
a decree f r the foreclosure or a cernin raorj
Air nrwl iiiiormAnt. indir.d &nd entered It
. said Court on the tub day of November. 1898. ir
ttie above entitled cause. iq tavoroi uernraui
and atralnst the Defendan'8 Marenr-et A. Net
and Uihiui P Kit m: indo debtors, in till
... sum of three "hundred and th'Tt-foiir dollars.
IW34.UO, with interest tber-on tronr-tiitf ir
tit Vrtvmhfr iw at. thp i-atf: of cbrtitne-
cent per annum, and the further sum of fifty
aoiiais. 5fso attorney s ree. anu ia? lunu i
. Hum nt ttlYrfpn linllurii. filfl.OG. cost . n d the
costs of and upon this .writ, and commanding
me to make sale of the real property embraced
in such decree of foreclosure ana nereuuutei
. uescrloed. I will, on the
29th day of December, 1898,
' At the hour of 2 o'clock, in the afternoon, of
. Raid day. and at the front door or tne jounty
- : i-ourt nouse. in uanes uny.- wasco ujuhvj
vicuu, .sell ut liuuijt; nuvwu lu urc u 111. ni
, . bidder for cash in hand.all tiie right, title and in
erest which the de.'end.inti Ma e.tret A. Net
. , and Michael P. Vfitf. 'or eiiher of them had on
' i ga?e foreclosed herein.. o- which Kuch d'efepd
t ants ora ur of the defendants herein, have slaw
scout-en. or now have in and to the followlns
described real property, situate and being In
wasco (jouniy, i rregon. town: . - - -The
southwest Quarter of section 12 in town
ship 1. nr-rib. of ranse 9 east W. M... or so much
of said property as will satisfy mid judgment
ana aeoree. witn costs ana accruing co.ts
urniMnnn tc dde I
He Has Sixty Thousand Sol-
j.diers to'. Oppose America.
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Madrid, Dec. 2. Spanish sytnpa
thizers having quasi connection with
the Spanish commission are makinp
much over the reported attitude of
the Filioinos toward the United
States.' These sympathizers have in
formation that Aguinaldo means to
fight, and that be now has 60,000 sol
diers armed with Mauser rifles, and 18
quick-firing gvni, and it li asserted
that ho will be satisfied with nothing
but independence.
j Afconcillo, Ajfulr.aldo's agent, was
reticent when, questioned - on the mb-
ject this rooming-; saying that he had
no- definite Information from his
Said Droaertv Will be sold subject to confir
mation and recemotion as bv law provided.
Dated at The Dalles. Oregon, this iBi-d day of
novum oer, lava.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
' In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
- Wasco County. .
Joseph Gurney Fowler and W. J. Caesar Plain-
Michael P. Neif. Marenret A. Neff. his wife.
and tbe Hood River Lumbering Co., a corjio-
. ration. ieienc aats.
By virtue of an execution, decree and order of
. sale, duly issued out of and under tbe seal of
tne enr uit uouit of the state of urfaon. tor tne
County of Wasco, 10 n.e directed aafl dated the
23rd day of November. Ih8, npon a decree for
the foreclosure of a certain mortirag , and ju!g-
. ment renaerca ana entered in said uourt on tbe
J 4th day of November. l!w. in th above enti
tled cause, in favor of the PlamlilTs i.nd rc-il st
the Defendants. Michael P. Nclt aod Marauret
A. Neff. as judgment debtors, in the sum of six.
hundred and twenty aoiars, s.v'. wttn in
terest thereon from the 14th rav of November.
18M8, nt the rate of eight per cent per arnuni,
nnd the further sum of seventy-nve dollar's,
S7S.00, as attorneys fees, and the further sum of
sixteen dollars, $ 1 6.(10, costs, and the costs of
and upon this writ,andcominnniliuf,' me to mako
, sale of the real property embraced in such
decree ol foreclosure and hereinafter described.
x will, on the
29th day of Decora ber, 1898,
at the hour 1:30 of o'clock In tbe afternoon of
said day, and at the front door of the (bounty
Court Bouse In Dalles City, Wasco County.
Oremra. sell at public auction to the highest
Diaoer ior casn in nana, an tne rignt, title ana
interest whicn tbe said Defendants Michael
P. Net! and Mnrgiret A. Neff, or either of them
bad on the 1st day of September, 1M. the date
of the mortgage foreclosed herein, or which such
Defendants or any of the Defendants herein
had, have since acquired, or now have in and
to the following described real property, sit
uate and being in Wasco County, Ovegon,
towit: i
. The south half (M) of the southeast quarter,
and the south half of the southwest quurter of
section fourteen (14) In township one (!) north
of range nine (V) east W. M.. or so much of said
property as will satisfy said judgment and de
cree, with costs and accruing costs.
Said property will be sold subject to confirm
ation and redemption as by law provided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this gird day of
November, 1803.
1 Sheriff, Wasco County .Oregon.
The Livfs of Ten or Twelve Men Were
Karrllicert in the Storm off Barbate.
NEW Yosk, Deo. 2 Th coal
barges Helicon. Quinnebauar and Cor
sica. It has just been learned, were
lost during the present storm, with 10
or 12 who composed the crews. The
barges Helicon : and Qninrehaug',
loaded with .coal in tow of the tusr
Ocean. Kingr, and the Corsica in tow
of tbe tug Tiuckenbach, left Norfolk:
November 23 for New England points.
When about 25 miles off Bargate, the
Corsica broke from her tow and went
down, followed "by the Helicon, and of
eight men comprising the crews, six
were drowned. The Quinnebaugb
was lost sight of. It was learned to
day the Qntnnebaugh went down Sun
day off Scotland lightship, probably
taking her crew of four men wilh her.
Articles of the Peace Treaty may fro-
rltt for an InTestisatlon.
New York, Iec. 2. A dispatch to
the World from Paris says:
Thu drafts of articles submitted by
the Spanish commissioners relates to
the nationality of inhabitants of ceded
territory, the jurisaictioo of court",
tbe case pending in them, the continu
ing of grants and contracts tor public
works, servidis in the ceded territory
and kindred matters.
One article provides that the United
States and Spain shall appoint an in
ternational committee of seven ex
perts, each country to name one of its
citizens, . one Briton and one French
(dan ( and a German to bo president.
This .committee is to'determine re
sponsibility for'$he djs9&ter of- the
Maine. If bpatn Is responsible ebe is
to send a warship to salute the Ameri
can, flag at New York. If she is not,
the United Slates is to pay all ex
penses of the commission.
Tht Spanish idea is that having
yielded on the main principles, tbey
will gain important advantages In tbe
detaiU. V-
preseuied of a father appearing in
court and delivering his son over to
the officers of the law. Although but
18, Banniner has a record as a thief
and burgiar such ad appears against
few hardened criminals.
Ecirulttra to Go to Manila.
Milwaukee, Dec. 4. Information
received iu this city Is that in accord'
an je with later orders of the war de
part men r, several regiments of the
United States army will in a few weeks
embark forthe Philippines. Tbe or
der, which is said to include the Third
infantry from Fort Snelling and the
Second an l Third Fourth, Fifth, Fif
t.-ienta and : Twentieth regiments
requires that these regiments be pre
pared for prolonged foreign service in
the tropics, outside the limits of the
United Stated. The regiments, with
cavalry, are ordered to rendezvous atl
San Francisco botwen January 1 and
12. The full detail will number. 6000.
Jt Is For Personal Gain 1tit
England Loves Us.
In the Circoit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County.
Rothohild Bros., a corporation, plaintiff,
i versus
W. T. Wiseman, defendant.
To W. T. Wiseman, the above named defend
ant: ...
In the name of the State of Oregon : .,
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of pluintiff clou against i
you in tne anove entiuea action anu court on
or before the 14th day of January. 1890. and If
you fail to so appear or answer for want there
of, the plaintiff will take judgment against you
for two hundred and sixty nine and 85-1UU dol
lars, 85) and interest thereon since Oc
tober Xth, 11-97, at vhe rate of 8 per cent per
annum, together with plaintiff's costs and
bursements of action
. This summons is served upon you by publi
cation thereof by ' order of V. L. Bradshaw,
judge of the above named court, made in open
Court, on the 30th day of November. 1898. di
recting that said summons be published once a
week for not less than six consecutive weeks
in the T mes-Mountulneer. a newspaper of
generul circulation published in Dalle C ty.
Wasco Counti . Oregon and said publication,
beginning with Saturday the 3d day of Decem
ber, lbtiS, and ending January Hth, 1890.
DtrrtjH & Nenefee,
Attorneys lor Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
guardian of tbe estate and persons of Truman
Butts and Mlnoli M. Butts, minors by virtue
of an oner of sale duly made and entered by
the county court of the State of Oregon, for
Wasco County, on Tuesday, tbe 8th day of No
vember, 1898, will sell at publio auction to the
highest bidder for cash In hand all of the right.
title and interest f said minor children, ( eing
ai undivided one-third interest) In and to tbe
following described lauds and premises towit:
The northeast auarter (1-4) of section four (4)
in township time- (3) south of range thirteen
(IS) east of the Willamette meridian in wasco
ivmntv. (ireiroii. saia sale win De maue at me
f ront door of the county court house at Dal es
Ulty, Wasco uounty, uregon. on -saiuruuy tne
3lst day December. IKOe, at the hour of 10
o'clocr a. m., - f said day.
Dated this 26th day of November. 1R9S.
Guardian of the estate a ad persons of Truman
and Minnie M. Butts, minors.
':-V' Administrator's Notice.
Remarkable Scene Presented at Athena,
Oregon. .
Pendleton, Ore., Dec. 3. a re
markable thing happened today when
W. B. Bannister, of Weston, brought
to Athena and turned over to an offi
cer his son, Ross Bannister, charged
with burglarizing Max Lewin'a store
,t Atnena. Bannistey is a boy of 18,
and is arrested with John Stumbaugh,
a boy of 20.
Bannister hid been arrested last
Saturday, by Deputy Sheriff Stamper,
who brought him from Wild Horse
mountain to his father's home in Wes
ton. As the deputy was knocking on
the door, to inform the boy's father of
the son's arrest, the boy broke away
and escaped into the darkness and
could not be found by tbe officers.
His father at tbe time of the escape
expressed the hope that his boy would
be captured and be sent to the peni
tentiary, because he was possessed of
a natural penchant for stealing.
Today the remarkable sight was
"The Regulator Line"
The Dalles. Portland and Astoria
Navigaticn Co.
Notice is hereby given that tbe undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court
of the State of Orczoii. for Wasco County, ad
ministrator of the estate of Philip Brocun, de
ceased. All persons bavin i ciaims against said
estate are hereby required to presei t the same
tu m ; properly, verified, as by law required, at
Tbe Dalles, Or., within six months Lorn the
dateh reef.
Dated this 10th day of November. 1808.
Administrator of tbe estate of Phillip Brogan,
deceased i2nov5w
U. S. Lasd Office, 1
Tbe Dabes, Or., Nov. 0, 189?. f
Complaint laving been entered at this office
by Harry Powers against Frank E. Rogers lor
abandoning hi- homestead entry No. 5M1, dated
Nov 19, 1806, upon the SW NEH. NWx SEK.
NKH S WH an SEW H WX. section 8. Tp 1 N,
B 1 1 EWM. In Wasco county.Orcgon.with a view
to tbe cancellation of said entry, the said parties
are hereby summoned to appear at this office on
the 3rd dav of January. 18u9, at 10 o'clock a. respond and furnish testimony concern,
lng snld alleged abandonment. .
Smov5t JAY P. LUCAS, Register,
Cary House Bar
Prineville, Oregon. .
Presided over by Joe Hinkle.
Carries the best brands
Wines, liquors Cigars
Whan la that olty call on lod
FieiGUt ana Fassengsr Line
The steamers of this line will leave
The Lalles at 7:30 A. M.
Shipments received at any time, da
or night.
Live stock shipments solicited.
Call on or address, .
Are Youjnterested ?
The 0. R. & N. Go New Book on the
Resources of Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho is being distributed.
Our readers are requested to forward
the addresses of their Eastern friends
and acquaintances, and a copv of the
work will be sent them free. "This is a
matter ALL should be interested in,
and we would ask thafc everyone take
an interest and forward such addresses
to W. M. Hurlburt, General Pnssen
ger Agent, O. R. & N. Co., Portland.
News of Explorer Andree.
STOCKHOLM, Dec. 2. An engine-
driver, named Doike. has reported to
the Swedish-Norwegian minister at
St. Petersburg that ha aaa found in
the vicinity of the Ural mountains a
bottle eoutaining two par, one of
which bore the following, written in
French: '
"Andree's baloon has crossed the
Drat mountains. ANDREE."
The other paper, inscribed in Rus
sian, read. -
''Give the letter to the consul or
police." '
Monetary Beforui.
New York, Dec. 2. In the course .
of a statement by H. H. Hanna, chair- j
man of tbe executive committee 'of
the Indianapolis Sound Money League,
made to the New Yo-ik Chamber of
Commerce, the speaker related a por
tion of a conversation with President
McKinley, held Tuesday as follows:
"The president told me, when I
as:;ed him what I could say to the
people when I went back to begin
work: 'You "can say I stand thorough
ly for monetary legislation, and I am
determined every pledge the republi
can party ever made along this line
shall be kept.' "
No Danger of an Outbreak .
. St. Paul, Minn., Dec 2. C. R. A.
Sohey, Indian agent at Fort Peck
agency, Mont.,telegraphs from Poplar,
Mont, to the general office of tbe Great
Northern as follows: .
' ."Tnere Is absolutely no foundation
for the reported danger of an outbreak
of Indians so far as this agency is con
cerned. I left Helena last night, and
have seen reliable parties from the
Blackfoot and Belknay agencies and
I am fully satisfied that there is not
the slightest danger of trouble at any
Observed at Washington.
Washington, Dec. 2. Brilliant
official and religious ceremonies, com
memorative of the 50ch anniversary of
Emporer Francis Joseph's accessiop to
the throne of Austria, were held at St.
Matthews church today. The cere
mony was under the auspices of the
legation, and in recognition of its
national character President McKin
leyand Secretary Hay were present in
behalf of the United States govern
ment, while the foreign governments
were represented by the full strength j
of the diplomatic corps. s :
London, Dec. 4. The practical con
clusion of the peace negotiations at
Paris is hailed here with considerable
satisfaction and the newspapers daily
discuss the so-called "imperial" future
of the United States, coupled with the
(ervent1hope that they will adopt a
colonial policy. In fact, the latter
point is regarded as being the corner
stone of the Anglo-American under
standing, which is now an important
feature of every political speech de
livered oft this side of tbe Atlantic.
The Saturday Review is candid about
what it describes as the "slobbering
cant and hypocritical blazoning of
doubtful affection," between the
United States and Great Britain and
says: "Let us be frank and say out
rigWt that we expect mutual gain in
material interests from this rapproche
ment. i . .
"The American ' commissioners at
Pari9 -are making " their . bargain,
whether ' they realize it or not, under
the naval strength of England, and we
shall, expect a material quid pro quo
for this assistance. We expect the
United States to deal generously with
Canada in ttiB matter of tarriffa, and
we expect to be remembered when the.
United States comes into possession of
the Philippines and above all we-ex-pect
her assistance on tbe day which
is quickly approaching on which China
conies up for settlement, for tbe young
imperialist has entered upon a path
where it will require a strong friend
and a lasting friendship between tbe
two countries, - which cannot be se
cured by frothy sentimentality on pub
lie platforms, but by reciprocal a J van
tages in solid, material Interests.'! ;
The foregoing opinion is certainly
outspoken enough, but ' every Ameri
can moving in business circles here
knows that it voices the expectations
of the average Englishman.
presense ot CT members. The usual
resolutions toere ottered and adopted.
y.v. McBr-ide, of Oregon, presented
the credentials of his newly elected
colleague, jitoo, to.whoni the vice
president ailmlcistered ne oath of of
fice.. Pending tie receipt of the presi
dents message, the senate took a recess
of 30 minutes.!
At 1:25 the "committee appointed to
wait upon the president reported the
performance of its duties and an-
counced that the president would com
municate -.viUt tlie se:iate in writing.
Scarcely had tlie report beea mate
when rTuden entered the chamber
and presented tbe meseage. Uobart
iaid it beforo the senate and the read
lax began at once.
Report of the Commis
sion Transmitted to
caxsot RKcovea. .
Depositors la the Portland Savings
Bank Have Aow lo Recourse.
Portland, Dec. 51 United States
Circuit Jdtf GSbert's decision last
Saturday Uvfiytfji: of the defendant in
the case, of (J. ol. Patterson against
Walter' Barrel, virtually bars all
further legal proceedings on part of
the depositors of the late Portland
Savings bank against the directors
thereof to recover their unpaid depos
its. - .
Judge Gilbert held that under the
code the statute of imitations in the
case of bark directors. expires in three
years, and as Patterson failed to bring
action against B.urrell.a director, with
in that period,, he. had no standing in
This leaves hundreds of depositors,
who had hopes of against the
directors, in the cold. -
When tbe Portland Savings bank
closed its doors in the summer of 18!)3,
its liabilities were .over $3,000,000.
But after - it reopened a short time,
many deposits were paid in full; and
with the dividends paid up to date tho
ndebtedness of the concern has been
reduced to 81,000,000. , '
Tho remaining .assets are in the
ands of Receiver 'Richard Nixon,
who will make ' them' go as far . as
possible to pay depositors more divi
dends. ... V ',
Grest Day in Austria.
Vienna, Dec. 2. Emporer Francis
Joseph today, upon the 50th annivers
ary of his accession to the throne, is
sued a gejeral order to , the army
thonking tbe soldiers for their loyalty
and . fearless valor throughout his
reign, and declaring that he will ever
look upon the army as the shield and
protector of the throne and . the
Fatherland. Amnesty has ' been
granted to political offenders in Hun
gary, and a numoer of decorations
have been gazetted.
For Government of 'Hawaii. .
Washington. . Dec. 4.- The
Hawaiian, commission has completed
its bill for tbe government of the
Hawaiian islands as a part of the
United States and has also finished its
report to accompany the bill, and both
matters have been placed in "he hands
of the president by Senator Cullom,
chairman of the commission. It is the
senator's expectations that the presi
dent will trausmit the papers to con
gress some time next week, and that he
will ask early considerations of the
bill. , l :
; . American Flag Went Cp.
Havana. Dec. 4. At noon yester
day tbe American iorces having pre
viously taken charge of Sancti Spiritus
and Trinidad, in Santa Clara province,
the stars and stripes were officially
and with impressive ceremonies hoist
ed over the city hall and ncilitary
government and other public building
In those cities. When the flags were
unfurled the band played the "Star
Spanglel Banner," and the crowds
cheered enthusiastically.
8alled From Porto Rico. '
PONCE, Deo. 5. The transport Ber
lin with the First Kentucky regiment,
sailed today for Newport News. Gen
eral Guy V. Henry and his staff are:
also on board the' Berlin, bound'for'
San Juan, where tho "Berlin will come
tomorrow. General Burke succeeds
General Henry, the latter taking com
mand of San Jua a .
Beading of the President's Message tbe
Feature, of the Session
Washington. Dec. 5. Exactly at
noon Speaker Reed's gaval came down
with a sharp crack, the great ebony
mace entwined with silver and sur
mounted with a silver eagle, was lifted
to its place on its marble pedestal, the
soreading folds of American flags were
broken to the breeze about the bril
liant stained glass ceiling and tbe
house of representatives entered upon
the closing cession of a memorable
war congress. .
At II o'clock the floor was cleared
of all those , not entitled to the priv
ilege, and exactly at 12 Speaker Reed
called ' the . house' to order. The roll
call developed the presence of 2C7
members, 173 being a quorum. A
committee consisting of Dingfley, Can
non and Bailey was appointed to
notify tbe president that the bouse
was ready to receive any communi
cation he desired to make, and the
house took a recess until 1:30.
On reconvening the president's
message was laid before the house and
was read. The reading of the message
was listened to with great interest,
occupying the greater part of the
afternoon session.
f . ' '
Marked Interest in the Con
vening" of Senate and
Peace Vmomlssion Meets
PARIS, Deo 5. The joint session of
the peace commission began at 3 P. M.
The Americans say it is possible,
though impropable, that today's joint
meeting w ill settle all open questions
in 8ub9tance,leaving only tbe wording;
of the treaty for discussion.
"Washington, Dec. 5. In the open
ing: hours of the last session of the
memorable 55th congress the senate
chamber presented an animated Ecene.
The galleries were filled early, many
of the spectators being visitors to
Washington, who had embraced the
opportunity to witness a congressional
opening. On the senate floor . the
scene presented was unusually bril
liant. Morgan, of Alabama, was the
first senator to enter the senate cham
ber, and closely' following him came
the octogenarian, Morrill, of Vermont.
One by one the members dropped into
the chamber and the floor soon pre-,
sented a scene as animated as that af
forded by the galleries.
Promptly at 12 o'clock Hobert rap
ped for order. Mr. Milburp, the vener
able blind chaplain, in a profoundly
impressive manner, returned "devout
and reverend thanks for God's good
ness to us as a nation and for his care
of us since last gathered in the; cham
The Idaho Sopromo Conrt Benders an Im
portant JecUlon. ..
' Boise, Idaho', Dec. 4. The supreme
court has decided the case of Bingham
county against , the treasurer-. t)f the
county,' Wllliahv.L.Woodin, and his
bondsmen to recover some $48,000 lost
In the Bunting -. bank ; failure, .The
court, in effect, says that the defen
dants are not liable under the showing
made. The 'case -is", decided -"on a
demurrer interposed to thV complaint!
which the court says should have been
sustained: .:'. : :-
Cashier Jenkins of the bank was de
puty treasurer before; Woodin -went in.
He took a c 'v.cfrprp the: fax collector
for SoOj.QaOjfii IJhcjd the old treasurer's
account and- fussed" balanced -'
the account of Woodin, acting as his
deputy also. ' .
Four Killed and Several Wounded.
Boston, Dec. fl. Four men were
killed and several severely injnred at
Port Independence, on Castle Island,
in Boston harbor, this afternoon by
the explosion of a mine which nad
been removed from the .channel by a
diver. '
The men were engaged' in carting
the mine from the shore to the inter
ior of the ishindt'to piaceit with other
implements of the same nature which
had been taken . there' since tbe war
ended. ' . """
Off 'for Cuba.
Washington,. Decv 6. Orders for
the complete occupation of Cuba are
nearly ready and will probably be
issued in 'the uext few days. These
provide for tbe movement of about 2i,-
000 troops to the island by January.
Most of them will be assigned to sta
tions in Havana city and vicinity.
The department declines to make
public tbe list Of regiments selected to
move until the order is ready tor is
sue. "
Das no Use for Money.'
New Yohk, Dec. 6. At a meeting
to be held 'liext Monday the trustees of
tbe Bowery Savings bank wiil reduce
the rate of interest paid on savings
deposits from 4 to 3 percent. The
action is made necessary- by the ple
thora of money and the scarcity of safe
investments which yield a sufficient
return to enable the banks to pay 4
per cent to its dopositors. It' is prob
able that nearly all the savings banks
In tbe borough of Maohattan will
have to lower their rates.
Washington. Dac. G- The presi
dent today transmitted to congress
the report of the Hawaiian commis
sion, together with the text of bills
drawn by the commission for govern
ment of the isl.indi aa part of thp
United State?. Thres bills are for
mulated for tbe consideration of coa
The main bill provides for the for
mation of tho Islands into a territory
of the United States, to be styled the
tvritory of Hawaii. The bill contains
provision's. Tor' govern merit of the ter
ritory, giving it legislative, executive
and . judicial officers. A governor,
secretary . of the territory, United
States district judge, United States
district attorney and United States
marshal are to be appointed by the
president and an internal revenue
district and a custom district are created.
Probably the most important por
tion of the bill is section 4 defining
citizenship, which -provides: "All
white persons, including Portuguese
and persons of African descent, and
all persons descending from tbe Ha
waiian race on either paternal or
maternal side who were citizens' of
the.-republic of Hawaii immediately
prior to the transfer of .sovereignty
thereof to the United States are here
by declared citizens of the United
States. '
Provision is made for a legislature,
to consist of. two houses; a. senate to
consist of 15- members, ; and a house of
representatives to. consist of 30 mem
bers. The members are to be elected
by general election. '
;The bill also provides for . the elec-
tiqn of a delegate to the. house- of
representatives in congress, this dele
gate topossess the- same powers and
privileges. ,now accorded to other
delegates in congress.
;The governor is to possess the veto
power, but his veto may be overridden
by a two-thirds vote of both houses of
the legislature. Tbe 'legislature Is
authorized to create .town, .city or
county municipalities. ' Foreign goods
and articles imported, into the islands
after July 7,' 1893,' are, if .afterwards
brought into tne United States; to pay.
the same duty, charged- upon . like
articles which are imported from any
foreign country.'
Existing laws of Hawaii, not incon
sistent with the constitution and laws
of theJUnited States or this act. con
tinue in .force subject .to repeal or
amendment by the legislature of Ha
waii or by congress. .. . ,'.
Healthful Hints
Don't forget the baby and his reeds
We give you many belpfjl hints for
healtd and supply tne means for carry
ing them out. Our line of toilet ar
ticles, for baby and his mother, iscom-
plete, fastidious and of highest hygen
ic worth .,. ..,;
Up-to-Date Pharmacists
175 Second Street.
General Own and Forwarding Merchant
391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STREGT.
(Adjoining Railroad Depot.)
. -
Prozrpt attention will be paid to those who faror me with their patronig
Goliiml 5SSJL
'.Corner Third and Washington......
Curedand.Briej Meats,
Sausages of All Kinds
Oiders Delivered toAnj Part of the City
'PHONE 3'.
. 'V ! e. W.'JZ'fl T-f-.
'JN -v li H -.rt. I J JT i
..JO: iralbrV
. . - v.
First National Bank
General Banting Business Transacted.
Deposits received subject to sight fir&tt
or check. .
Collections made and proceeds promptly r
mltted on day of collection.
Sight and telegraphic exchange sold on New
rorir. nan Jt ranoisco ana rortiana.
S Scbxkck.
Message 8ais England.
London, . Dec. 6. The afternoon
papers express satisfaction at McKin
ley s message with the exception of
tbe allusion to tbe Nicaragua canal,
which, to the rainda of the editors,
does not show sufficient appreciation
of British treaty rights.
Clayton an Ambassador.
Wasainoton, Dec. 6. The presi
dent today seat to congress the nomi
nation of Powell Clayton, of Arkansas,
to be ambassador to Mexico. Romero,
the former Mexican inlnlster,havinK
been raised to the rank of ambassador,
Mr. Clayton's promotion followed
underanact of congress.
Several Vessels : A shore.
Bootet Bay Haebok," Me., Dee. 5.r
Yesterday afternoon's heavy blow
drove several vessels ashore' at various
points along- this section of the- coast.
So far as JJtnowh, no lives were lost.
Weo0er-One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh -toat-eaa not be cured by
Hall's CatarrhCure. "
F. J CHENEY & CO. Prop.. Toledo. O-.
We the nnderstgned Have known F. J. Cheney
for tbe last 15 Tears, and believe blm perfectly
honorable in all business ransactionK and fin
ancially able to carry out any obligations made
by theirflrmi
Wbst & Twuax. .Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo. O. .-. ..
Waldiho; KceiTAtr & Maevjn, Wholesale
Drtwl-ta.Toledov.O.' . ' - ;
Hall's Catarra Cure fs taken interrally, act
lng direcily upon (be -blood and mucous. sur
faces of . the .system.--Price-TBc, per bottle
Sold by all. (lruggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills arc the best. ' - lldeo '
Your attention' is : especially called
to the very,- low ' prices . at which A n.
Tbe call of tbe senate developed the re w Keller is Belling: sandies and nuta.
Evidence' Which to ' Right to the Point
and Reliable. . '' '
Judge Frank Ives of District Court of
Crookston, Minn.; says: For , soma
time I have used Stuart's Dyepepala
Tablets with seeming great benefit
with few exceptions, I have not been
so free from indigestion in 23 years.
George W. Roosevelt, U. S. Consul
to Brussels. Belgium: Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets, safe, pleasant to take,
convenient to carry, give keen appe
tite, perfect digestion.
Mr. W. D. Tomlin, mechanical en
gineer, Dnluth, Minn: One box ot
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets has done
its work, and I am again gaining flesh
and strength.
.. O. E. Ransom, Hustonville, Ky.:.4'I
was distressed and annoyed for two
years with throwing up food, often two
or three times a day; had no certainty
of retaining a meal if I ate one. Four
boxes from my druggist have fully
cured me. I find them convenient to
. Rev. G. D. Brown,' Mondovi. Wis.:
The effects of Stuarts Dyspespsia Tab
lets is simply marvelous; a quite hearty
dinner of broiled beefsteak causes no
distress slnie I begun their use.
cOver six thousand peopla in the
state of Michigrn alone in 1891 were
cured of stomach troubles by Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets.
Full sized. nackages may be found at
all druggists at 50 cents, or sent by
mail on receipt of price from F. A.
Stuart Co., Marshall, Michigan.
Send for little book on stomach
diseases, .mailed free. -
The WMteliouse
CHAS. MJCaELBACH, Proprietor
First-class Wines Liquors and Cigars
, Alwayp on Hand. ,
. 'Corner Second tvad Court Streets, -THE
A Pleasant
Drive . . . .
,, . That : is : what you get .
when you hire a rig af
M:1?Rfo" AiicriEk;; fit 'tbe
'old Richmond sts.nd iu '
. the East End. . .
Horses boarded by the '
: day, week or 'month.
r-.- i Terms Very Reasonable
. For n first-class pair of shoes
.or boots, with a perfect fit call
on Tom and have your meas
ure taken. Prices are reason
able. .
Union Street, Between Main and . :
Second. : :
Ben Wilson Saloon
Second Street, opposite Diamond Mills, J
Fine Wine3, Liquors and Cigars. :
Free Lunch served at all hours v
If You Want to Know
Secure one of our late maps of Oregon-just published-
perfectly accurate, thoroughly reliable. We give it to
you with the Weekly Times-Mountaineer on these
terms: "'
To' every subscriber who-pays -up arrearages and one
year's subscription, together with 50 cents, we supply
the paper one year and the map. Price of paper f 1.50;
price of map. $1.00. We give you both for $2.00. '. Take
. advantage of this offer now. It only Jiolds good for a
short time. The map is. 2Sx34 inches, on heavy cloth
and mounted substantially on rollers. The same map
on paper, in pocket' form will be furnished with the -paper
for $1.75. ' ''.. '
Qregon Bahery
and .QJ'JbJ
; : A.; KELLER, Prop'r. , :
Am prepared to famish families, hotels nd'
restaurants with tbaeboioest
Bread, Cakes and Pies,
"Fresh Oysters-Served in.
Every Style.
Secokd Street, door to -The
: .'Dalles National Bank. '
We carry constantly on hand
a large stock of Rough and "
Dressed ijumber of all kinds. :
Sa;;:AN:1 DOOR S.
Paints, Oils and Glass, Build-
ing Paper, Cedar Shing-les, and.' .' '
Redwood Shingles. . .. . f