The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, November 26, 1898, Image 1

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NO 52
ns.3Csr.BEB. " XIII
UVrIVE'l. Vi'nme XXXV
Physician and Surgeon, .
Rooms over Dalles National Bunk. Office hoot, 10
a tlium, mod from x to 4 pm. uesi
iri oa Wert End ot Third Stmt,
A . BiNKKr
Attorney at Law
"y"M. TACKMAN ' .
Booms 8 9 and 10. : Vdgt Block, Toe Dalles, Or.
' Administrator's Notice.
Notice la hereby glren that tbe undersigned
baa been duly appointed by the County Court
of the State of Oregon, for Wasoo County, ad-
miaiKtrator or me estate or muip uropan, de
ceased. AU persons hiving claims against said
estate are hereby required to prese: t the same
to m properly yenned, as Dy law required, at
The Dalles, Or., within six months t orn the
date hereof.
Dated this 10th day of November. 1898.
Administrator of the estate of Phillip Brogan,
aeceateu i-uovdw
Seventh and Wash ngtor Sts
TH03. Guineas," - . Proprietos
3.00 11.50 ki.00 i.a 1.5C
R. E. Saltmarshe
a rn
HighestCasliPrice for
Hay and Gram.
RANGE or STOVE that '
is not a perfect baker and .
a fuel-saver. Fire-backs
and every part of them
guaranteed for 15 years.
133 Second Street.
See the DuBols Furniture Co.. for
Wheeler & Wilson Ball-bearing .Sew
ing Machines. Prices are ail right:
Keeps on draught the celebrated
Columbia Beer, acknowledged
the best beer in Tbe Dalles, at
the usual price. Come in, try it
and be convinced. Also tbe
Finest brands of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars.
Best Kentucky Whisky
Very Best Key West Cigars and Bes
of Wines.
English : Porter, Ale and Milwauke
,- . Beer always on hand. -
Qregon Bakery
and o-A-nr:
A. KELLER, Prop'r.
Am prepared to famish families, hotels
restaurants with the choicest
Rrai Cakes and Pies.
Fresh 'Oysters Served in -.
Every Style.
Second Street, next door to
tulles National Bank.
A Pleasant
That is wiiat you get
when you hire a rig of
Prep Archer, at the
old Richmond stand in ,
the Fast End. ...
Horses boarded by the
day, we?k or month.
Terms Very Reasonable
tick Headaches.
The curse of overworked womankind,
are quickly and surely cured by Karl's
Clover Root Tea, tbe great blood puri
fier and tisane hiilder. Mono re
funded if not satisfactory. Price 25
eta. and 60 cents, Blakeley & Hough
ton, drneg'sta,
Botchers i Farm rs
America's Demands Must be
Washington, Nov. 18. The 1
poii.ta laid down by the Spanish peace
commissionera in bbe answer present
ed by the n at Wednesday's session of
tbe joint peace commission will not be
permitted to change the attitude of
the United States commissioners.
These points were in substance, that
the Spaniards could not permit any
questions to be raised as to the
authority of the Spanish -government
to pledge the resources of the Philip
pines, and that they could not permit
an accounting of the method in which
the Droceeds of this loan had been ex
pended. -
There is reason to believe the Span
ish purpose is to conceal the enormous
defalcations by Spanish officials who
have governed the Philippines since
the issue of oho loan However the
American commissioners are posted as
to what sums have been expended in
'pacific expenditures" in the islands.
Knowing this, the . Americans can
afford to ignore entirely the effort of
the Spaniards to becloud the facts and
will adopt the simple expedient of
proffering a lump sum of as maDy
million dollars as is deemed a fair and
just tender for the Spanish properties,
requiring and rendering no statement
or calculations as made for tbe offer.
Many a Lover
Has turned with disgust from an other
wise lovable girl with an offensive
breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea puri
fies the breath by its action on the
bowels, etc, as nothing else will. Sold
fat years on absolate guarantee. Price
25 cts., and 50 cts. Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists.
A Wheat Ship Goes to Pieces and Only
1 wo Sai.ors Escape.
Newport, Or., Nov. 18. News has
been received at Alsea Bay, 16 miles
below here, that .the Bhip Atlanta is
ashore. She bad a crew of twenty
seven men, only ' two of whom got
ashore alive. The masts are gone and
the decks are swept clean of every
thing. She was bound from Tacoma
to an African port, with wheat.' ' The
vessel has broken in two. The life
saving crew has gone to the scene.
Tbe Atlanta is a vessel of about 2800
Tacoma, Was., Nov. 18. The ship
Atlanta, which has been wrecked on
the Oregon coast, sailed from Tacoma
last Saturday afternoon, Captain Chas. i
McBride commanding, with a crew of
27 men. The vessel was loaded with
1753 tons of wheat for Cape Town.
She . was a trim, first-class ship, in
good condition when ehe left this port.
On Every Bottle.
Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is
this guarantee: "All we ask of you to
use two-thirds of the contents of this
bottle faithfully, then if you can say
you are not benifited return tbe bottle
to your druggist and he may refund
tbe monev." Price 25 cts., 50 cts., and
$1 00. Blakeley and Houghton.
Eleven Men Were Killed and Biz Very
Badly Injured.
New "Vork, Nov. 18. While a
gang of 20 track hands was at work on
the Pennsylvania railroad line near
Jersey City today . they were run
down by a train. Eleven workmen
were killed outright and six seriously
Tbe train which ran down the
workmen was a local from Millton,
due at Jersey City at 8:30 a. m. A fog
delayed the trian, and Engineer John
van Ostrand was running at high
speed believeing there was nothing to
prevent a quick run to Jersy City.
He only knew that he had run into
tbe men when tbe engine jarred.
Then the cries of the men were beard,
and as soon. as possible be stopped tbe
A ' train had passed on tbe west
bound track a few seconds before tbe
east-bound train ran the men down.
The noise of the west-bound train
prevented the men from hearing the
approaching east-bound train. They
were not aware that the train was
near them until they had been scatter
ed right and left."
Does This Strike Yon?
Muddy complexions, nauseating
coium! su
.. . .Corner Third and Washington..
Cu-sJani Dried Meats,
Sausages of Ail Kinds
Orders Delivered toAny " rtof the City
Cary House Bar
Prineville, Oregon.
Presided over by Joe Hinkle.
Carries the best brands
Wines, Liquors Cigars
- When In that city call on .oe '
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
powders ate the greatest
ot tne present day.
ore Ha coma from chronic consump
tion. Karl's Clover Root Tea ia an
absolute cure and has been sold for
fifty years on an absolute? guarantee,
Price Z) cents and 50 cents, at Blake
ley & Houghton, druggists.
Alfonso Will Probably Abdicate In Favor
of Don Carlos.
London, Nov. 20. A curious report
in regard to Spain's future govern
ment is current in diplomatic circles,
which, from its source, is entitled to
weight. It is that there will be a
change of dynasty, but a peaceful
change. Tbe queen regent is said to
be-convinced of the helplessness of her
son's reign and has, upon the advice
of tbe emporerof Austria, decided that
after the peace treaty is signed at
Paris to quit Spain with her family,
and Don Carlos will be proclaimed
king. Everything is reported to be
already arranged, and tbe army and
clergy are alleged to be agreeable to
the change. Aceording to the pro'
gram, Don Carlos,, so soon as tnings
are running smoothly, will abdicate in
favor of his son, Don Jaime.
Reign of Terror At Fana.
PaNa, Nov, 18. Desultory firing in
every section ot the city continued
throughout the night. Terrorized
residents huddled in group?, which
were guarded by beads of families,
heavily armed. Quite a number of
families left the city and spent the
night in tbe country with friends.
In Springside district last night Ed
Jones, a white nonunion miner, is re
ported to have been ehot in tbe back
and dangerously wounded.
A report reached the city today that
"5 negroes with Winchesters had lined
up in Springaide to clean out tbe
whites of that section. Troops have
been sent to the scene.
Oo Ton Know
Consumption is preventable? Science
has proven that, and also that neglect
is suicidal. The worst cold or cough
can be cured with Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure. Sold on positive
guarantee for over fifty years. Blake
ley & Houghton, druggists.
Metroes Not Wanted.
New York, Nov. 18. A dispatch to
the Herald from Havana says: The
news from tbe Topeka that John T.
Neny, a baptist clergyman, is about to
send to Santiago 30 negro families as
a nucleus for a large negro colony, has
caused an exceedingly bad impression
among tbe Cubans, who are anxious
that only white immigrants shall come
to Cuba. The more rabid predict
race war should many negroe3 come
from the United States. A strange
feature is that the Cuban negroes are
even more bitter than the whites in
denouncing tbo movement.
Money for Cuban Troops.
New York, Fov. 18. A Herald dis
patch from Havana says:
The Cuban army will receive one
year s pay on December 10. Notes
for the balance will ba issued and the
troops will then be disbanded. This
information comes from an officer of
General Garcia's personal staff, in
whose word implicit confidence may be
placed. From what source the money
will come cannot be stated, but that
the United States has guarauteed the
oan is almost certain:
Russia Strictly .Neutral.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 20 The
semi-official Journal in St. Petersburg
repudiates the anti-American' views
with reference to the Philippine
islands recently expounded by the
Bourse Gazzette, which it declares in
no way represents the views held in
leading Russian circles.
The Journal adds: "All important
organs when treating the Philippine
question have not failed to take in ac
count the reserve imposed on. Russia
by her neutrality during the war nor
disregarded the good feeling Russia
entertains for the United States."
General Master Workmen.
Chicago, Nov. 20. At yesterday's
meeting of the Knights of Labor Jobn
W. Parson of New York was elected
general master workmen by a close
vote, over the present general master
workmen, Henry H. Hicks, who is
also a New Yorker. J. D. Schohfaber
of Baltimore was selected as a mem.
ber of the general executive board, in
place of Henry Bostock of Muntce,
Ind. Boston was chosen as the place
for next year's convention All the
other general officers were re elected.
Melee In a Penitentiary.
Columbus, O., Nov. 18. At the
state penitentiary this morning Con
vict O'Neil a u Atkinson, serving 15
years f ; r robbery, in some manner se
cured a revolver and attacktd the
guards. In the melee that followed,
Atkinson received a serious pistol
wound and his comrade was so badly
beaten about the head that he may
die. Guard Charles Lauterbach was
shot and killed.
Blizzard In the Middle West.
Chicago, Nov, 21. Reports a', the
office of the Associated Press here
show that a heavy blizzard is raging,
over the states of Missouri, Kansas
and Nebraska. Traffic is much d lay
ed. The first eno of the season is
falling ft St. Paul, and ihe sto-mis'
general throat oik .Minnesota. A
J blizzard prevails at Duluth.
Emperor William Finds
Enough at Home.
Berlin, Nov. 20. Emperor Wil
liam's sudden abandonment of his in'
tention to visit Spanish ports and his
determination to go home via the
Adriatic sea, landing at Pola and
taking tbe train there for Potsdam by
way of Innsbruck, has given rise to
considerable speculation as to the real
motive of bis change of program. The
official explanation giving the health
of the empress as the sole reason for
his majesty's rapid return is only par
tially accepted here.
The impression among leading poli
ticians however, is that tbe state of
borne politics and tbe inappropriate
eness 'of the visit to spam at tne
present juncture, mainly influenced
the emperor's decision. The imperial
chancellor, Prince Hohealohe, repre
sented to his majesty the necessity for
an early opening of the reichstag, in
view ot the mass of work that body has
to get through and suggested Novem
ber 29 or December 1 for the opening
ceremonies. Emperor William who
intends to open the session in person
thereupon decided to return directly.
The ministers have all returned sud
denly to Berlin and the greatest activ
ity is observable in political circles.
The discussion of the government's
anti-strike measure promises to make
the sessions of tbe reichstag extremely
lively. It is suggested in some quart
ers tnat Jimperor wiiuam a rounu-
about detour from Pola to Potsdam by
way ot innsDrucK, capital oi iue
, , i .i
Austrian Tryol, was dictated by a plan
which since the assassination of the
empress of Austria and the discovery
of a plot against theemperor's lifo at
Alexandria has governed his majesty's
movements namely, complete seciecy
as to tbe time oi bis departure irom
any place and tbe exact route to be
kept secret until the last moment.
They Resent American Interference In
, Their Governmental Affairs.
London, Nov. 20. There is much ag
itation among the Filipino representa
tives ia Europe over the Phillippine
situation. Agoncillo, the representa
tive of Aguinaldo, who has been in
Paris watching tbe proceedings of the
peace commission, starts for Washing
ton today. It is learned that on Wed
nesday .last he called a meeting of all
tbe Filipinos in Paris and London to
meet him in Paris, when a committee
was formed with the object of doing
everything possible to induce France
to recognize the so-called Filipino re
public. A telegram was sent to Agui
naldo asking for instructions, and the
following reply is said to have been
received:- '
"Insist upon absolute independence.
Otherwise fight to the death. We are
all united and the government is pro
gressing smoothly. All the inde
pendent tribes of the mountains are
submitting to Aguinaldo and tbe
chiefs are bringing presents of gold "
The statements made by General
'Wesley Merritt, in reply to the appeal
of the Filipino junta of Hong Kong to
tbe American people, have caused in
dignation among the Filipinos. They
are specially incensed at the sugges
tion that they would loot and at the
idea of being governed as a colony.
Tbe Filipinos of Paris are sending a
dispatch to President McKiuley pro
testing .against tbe assertions made.
United States Will Proceed to Take What
Was Demanded.
Warhington, u. C Nov. 21. A
well known member of the cabinet id
an interview tbis aiternoon immedi
ately after the announcement of the
breaking off of peace negotiations
mado the following statement as to
tne effect of the discontinuation of
negotiations: .
"The action of the Spanish commis
sioners will not affect the purpose of
the American government. Our gov
ernment will still assert pieciseley
what it has claimed, and it will pro
ceed to carry these claims into exe
cution. I don't believe there will be
any concession on one, and that is tbe
American side, nor actual resistance
on the other. It will simply remain
for the American govern mnt to hold
what it has proposed to hold, for it is
now practically in possession and all
that remains is to make this posses
sion an actual fact.
-i'While the Spanish government de
clined to acquiesce it cannot interpose
any obstacle, and the only result will
be that it will be compelled later to
recognize what it refuses to acquiesce
in at present. I say this on tbe as
sumption that the notification given
means really a rupture of the nego
tiations, and not. simply a movement
to tike them up in a new way.
"One significant effect is that this
action now relieves tbis government
of the whole question of compensation
for the Philippines."
The State Department la Uncertain
Abont the Action at Paris.
Wasaington, Nov. 21. The state
department bas not yet been advised
of the reported refusal of the Spanish
peace commissioners to continue the
negotiations in Paris. Alger ex
presses disbelief of the report, or
rather he feels that it was based upon
the personal expression of opinion of
Rios of tbe Spanish commission, and
he did not necessarily represent the
the formal opinion of tbe commission.
If Rlos did express the determina
tion of the Spaniards under instruc
tions, the American commissioners
will leave Paris for the United States
at onco. This does not necessarily
wipe out what has been accomplished
under the terms of the protocol; each
article of tbe protocol must stand, for
it is in no respect dependent on what
would follow at Paris save the one
clause touching the Philippines.
That is the ultimate position of the
United States government announced
at the state department.
Result of a Joke.
Marinette, Wis., Nov. 21. As
result of a practical joke, William
Menrose. a cedar worker, shot his
wife and fatally- wounded himself.
Fellow workmen, for a joke, made him
beliave that his wife, from whom he
had been separated, was about to wed
auother mau. He secured a revolver,
broke into her home and fired twice at
her as she was seated sewing. Only
one bullet" took effect, inflicting a flesh
wound. Thinking he had killed her,
he turned the .revolver on himself,
fired, and died in a few hours after
Final Report of Grand Jury.
We, the grand jury, duly empan
eled for the November, 1898, term of
the circuit court of Wasco county, beg
to herewith submit our final report as
Wo have been in session nine days
and have made inquiry into all crimes
committed or triable in Wasco county,
so far as they have come to our knowl
edge, and as a result of our inquiries
have returned into court eleven true
bills and two not true bills, as well as
having made inquiry into several
cases that the evidence did not war
rant reporting.
We haye visited the county poor
farm and the offices of the sheriff,
county clerk and treasurer. In our
examinations we were extended every
courtesy, and our examination ren
dered easy by the respective officials.
We found the poor farm well con
ducted and managed, tbe comfort of
tbe inmates being looked after well.
We would recommend that a warmer
quality of underclothing be furnished
the inmates than is now provided for
their use, which is insufficient to af
ford adequate protection. Their quar
ters are comfortably arranged, but
were not well warmed at the time of
our vtsit. Some of the old men find it
a hardship to be deprived of tobacco,
and, to tbe end that it will make the
last days of these poor unfortunates a
little easier, we would recommend that
a supply of tobacco be furnished for
We found the county jail well kept
and the comfort of the inmates sub
served as well as the conveniences 4will
permit. We will recommend that the
hammocks and bunks how ia, be ar
ranged and fixed so that they will
furnish more comfortable sleeping fa
cilities for the inmates. , ,
We would recommend that' larger,
more convenient, and . more suitable
water closets be provided at tbe court
house, we having found the present
arrangements to be entirely inade
ouate. We would recommend that a
ladies' toilet be added.
We found the county clerk's office
well kept, the books and records in as
good condition as tbe conveniences of
the office will permit. The vault
which contains the files and records is
not well arranged for the preservation
of the records. We would recommend
that steel vault furniture be placed in
tbe vault as soon as practicable, and
that a door or shutter be provided for
the vault window that will be a suffi
cient protection to the contents of the
vault. The present shutter is entirely
inadequate to furnish the required pro
tection. We commend the straightforward,
and business like manner ia- which
Hon. A. A. Jaynehas conducted his
business, and the'pains he has taken
to enable this grand jury to expedite
the disposal of its business.
Having disposed of all the business
before us and having ho further busi
ness to transact we respectfully ask to
be discharged. CHAS. Fraley,
Dated at The Dalles, Nov. 22, 1898.
Be Must Surround ..Himself with
Grandeur to Plesv Hla People.
The French, people love show, and
they expect their president to sur
round himself! with, as. much grandeur
as the potentates of other European, na
tions. He is, therefore, pitted against
Emperor William, who, from all sources,
has $5,000,000 a year; the czar of Rus
sia, who has treble that amount, and
Emperor Franz Joseph, who has 85,
000,000. The French president must
give a certain, number of receptions,
balls and dinner parties, and whenever
a visiting monarch comes to Paris he
nust entertain him and his suite with
the same outward dignity and state
that one sovereign shows another.
In theory the president is main
tained by the government. That is, he
is lodged, rent free in tbe Elyee; he
enjoys the produc of the splendid
kitchen gardens and conservatories at
Versailles and Fontaine bleau; he has
the right to shoot and buni ia the state
forests, and these also supply the palace
with wood and charcoal; the palace is
lighted by the state, and a "laundry is
maintained irrespective pf the presi
dent's income. The state allows him
three horses,, but there are never less
than 12 in the stables.
The palace servants are paid by the
state, but they are only equal to car-"
ing for the wants of the regular house
hold. - Whenever a ball or banquet is
given from 30 to 40 extra helpers are
hired, and this all comes outof the presi
dential purse. Mme. Mauxe, it is said,
spends every cent of her husband's sala
ry furing the Paris season of six months
on matters pertaining to the household.
The butcher's bill alone amounts to
$200, or 1,000 francs, a week, and the
other expenses are proportionately
ereat. New Haven Register. ?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo, O.
We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney
for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly
honorable in all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obligations made
by their nm.
Wear A TBCAX, . Wholesale Drug-gists, To
ledo. O.
Waldixq. KnntAH & Marvis, Wholesale
Druggl ts. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act
ing dlreoily upon the blood and mucous sur
aees of the system. Price Toe, per bottle
old by all druggists. Testimonials free.
s Family Pills are the best. lldeo
Her President of the
Peace Commission
Paris, Nov. 21. Rios, president of
the Spanish peace commission, bas
refused to continue the peace negotia
tions, in view of the severity of the
terms proposed by the United States
Paris. Nov. 21. Tbe Spanish and
American peace -commissions met in
joint session at 2 o'clock this after
noon. The Americans declared they
must have the entire Philippine
archipelago, and asked for a treaty
cession of tbe islands. The Americaus
tendered to Spain $20,000,000. It is
further declared it is the purpose of
the United States to maintain the
Philippine islands as an "open door
to the world's commerce.
On the terms named, the United
States proposes the mutual relinquish
ment of all claims for indemnity,
national or personal, subsequent to
the out break of the last Cuban insur
November 28 is fixed as tbe date on
which the United States commission
desired a definite response to today's
proposition, and all other subjects at
It is also declared . the United
States desires to treat on tbe religious
freedom of the Caroline islands as
agreed upon between tbe United
States and Spain in 1886, and also the
acquisition of one of the Caroline
islands for an American naval station,
and of cable-landing rights at other
places in Spanish jurisdiction and re
vival of certain Spanish-American
treaties as heretofore in force.
The Americans also refuse to arbi
trate article 3 of the peace protocol,
bearing upon the future disposition
and control of the Philippine islands.
As WeU as the Safest and Cheapest.
The new medical discovery. Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets, digest the food in
stead of making the worn out stomach
do all the work, give it a much needed
rest, and a cure of dyspepsia is the
natural result.
You get nourishment and rest at the
same time because these Tablets will
thoroughly digest all wholesome food
taken into the stomach whether tbe
stomach works or not. A cure is cer
tain to result because the digesMve or
gans are given a chance to rest and
recover their natural vigor and tone.
The Tablets are then no longer re
quired. To show the manner in which the
remedy acts on different people and
how quickly and effectually it cures
stomach troubles we present a few
recent cases.
Mr. J. O. Wondly, of Peoria, 111..
.writes: I was unable to eat anything
but the plainest food and even that
often distressed me, but since using
one box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
I can eat anything and everything I
Mrs. Samuel Kepple, of Girty, Pa.,
writes: I have been entirely relieved
of my stomach troubles by your Tab
lets. I suffered three years with sour
stomach and gas at night. I am thank
tul for them..
Mrs. A. E. Bowen, Barnard, Vt.,
writes: I think Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets are the best thing for dyspep
sia I ever took. L will recommend
them to anyone troubled as bad as T
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will not
disappoint because they cure Dyspep
sia surely and lastingly by causing the
food to be properly assimilated, and
cure constipation by producing the
proper quantity of bile, Sjld by all
druggists at 50 cents per package.
Send for free book on stomach dis
eases to Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich.
Depart mOM THB DALLES Aanivs
Fast Salt Lake. Denver, Ft. Fast
Mail- Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail
11:50 p. m. sas City, St Louis, 3:10 a.m.
Chicago and East.
Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane. -Spokane
Flyer Minneapolis, St Paul, Flyer
6:35 p. m Duluth, Milwauke, S:50a. m.
Chicago and East,
8 p.m. rRO rORTLA.ID 4 p.m.
Oceaa Steaaishlps
All Sa'ling Dates sub
ject to change.
For San Francisco
Nov. 1. 4, 7, 10, 13 and 16
19, H, 25 aod 26.
8 p. m. Colasibla River
Ex.Sunday Steamera EX-Sunaa;
10 p. m. To Astoria and Way
Landings. Sa.m. Willamette River 4:30p.m.
Ex.Sunday , . Ex.Sunday
Oregon T5ity, Newberg,
Salem A vV ay-Land's
7 a. m. Willamette aaa Yamhill 3:30 p. m.
Tues.Thur, Rivers. Mon, Wed,
and Sat andFri.
Oregon City, Dayton.and
8a.m. Willamette River 4:30p.m.
Tues, Thur ' , Tues.Thur,
and Sat Portland to Corvallts stand Sat
and Way-Landings
lv Riparla Saaie River. t,v. Lew's
1:45 a.m. 5:46 a.m.
Mon. Wei. Riparla to Lewis ton. Sun, Tues
Friday, and Thur
W. H,
HURLBURT, Gen, Pass. Agent.
Portland, Oregon
J . Irsxajtd, Agent, The Dalles.
Get me oilers m
if you have an ailment which you can
not o lag nose.
Then get tbe Prescription filled
here, because we use the
obtainable and are absolutely corret
in our weignts and measures.
MOO Marti
For the arrest, dead or alive, of
Frank Forester, who killed Phil Bro-
gan at Antelope. Or., Saturday even
ing, Nov. 5. $400 of this reward is
offered by the county court of Wasco
county, $100 by the sheriff of Wasco
county and $500 by the citizons of An
telope. Forester is 35 or 40 years of
age. about 6 feet 2 inches high, slightly
stooped, walks With a swinging gait,
blue eyes, dark hair and heavy sandy
Arrest and notify me at once,
Robert Kelly,
Sheriff of Wasco County.
$6.50 Per Ton
For car lot rates call on
E. KURTZ, Agt.
A March in
can be stolen on your less
thoughtful friends if your
purchases are made here.
All our
is manufactured from the
purest sugars, extracts and
flavorings and will be
found fresh and delicious.
Successors to J. H. B laker y
Goods Delivered to Any Fart of
vbe Oity.
Passengers and baggage taken to and from
boa' or trair . -
We carry constantly on hand
a large stock of Rough and
Dressed Lumber of all kinds.
Paints, Oils and Glass, Building-
Paper, Cedar Shingles, and
Redwood Shingles. .
General Commission and Forwarding Merchanl
391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE6T.
(Adjoining Railroad Depot)
Consignments Solicited
Prompt attention will be paid to those who favor tne with their patronage
Ben Wilson Saloon
Second Street, opposite Diamond Mills,
Fine 'Wine3, Liquors and Cigars.
Free Lunch served at all hours
m m mm
Are You At ?
If You Want to Know
Secure one of our late maps of Oregon just published-
perfectly accurate, thoroughly reliable. We give it . to
you with the Weekly Times-Mountaineer on these
terms :
To every subscriber who pays up arrearages and one
year's subscription, together with 50 cents, we supply
the paper one year and the map. Price of paper $1.50;
price of map $1.00. .We give you both for $2.00. Take
advantage of this offer now. It only holds good for a
short time. The map is 28x34 inches,' on heavy cloth
and mounted substantially on rollers. The same map
on paper, in pocket form will be furnished with the
paper, for $1.75.