'J '-'- VkIUiI UVrf V.v-V --:-r-.vr " ' ;- - WW r V v - IKT4ISRKK. VartnmeXXXV PROFESSIONAL O C. HJLL1STER, Physician and Surgeon, Roxns ivor telle National Bank. Office hours, 10 m to 12 m, and from 2 to 4 p m. Resi dence Weit Ead of Third Street, A. Attorney at Law yyM. TACKMAN T Dentist. Rooms 8 0 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregonfor Wasco County. Theresa Rees, plaintiff, versus Frederick A. Rees. defendant. To Frederick A. Rees, the above named de fendant. In the name of the State of Oregon: Ton are hereby reauired to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff: filed against . you in the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the next regular term of the above entitled Court, to-wit. on-or before Monday the 14th day of November. 1898, and if ou fail to so . - appear and answer said complaint, for want thureof the nlaintiff will abDlv to the above en- . titled Court for the relief prayed for in her - complaint, to-wit: For a decree of the above entitled Court to - the effect that the bonds of matrimony Hereto fore and now existing "between you and said -.plaintiff be forever annulled, set aside and held for naught, that plaintiff-be awarded the custo dy and eontrol of plaintiff's and defendant's - minor children and that the defendant be for ever enjoined from interfering with plaintiff or said minor children. This summons is served upon yon, the said Frederick A. Rees. by publication thereof for six consecutive weens in ihs tiies-hocn tainkkb. a weekiv newspaper of general cir culation, published in Dalles City, Wasco County. Oregon, by order of the Hon. w. L Bradshaw. Judge of the above entitled Court. which order is dated at Chambers in Dalles City. Wasco County, Oregon, the 27th day of ... September, ltjas. DUFUR & MENEFEK, ' Attorneys for Plaintiff NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., I September 8, 1898. ( Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has nlea notice oi nis intention to make final proof in support of his claim.7 and that said proof will be made before W. B Presby. D. S. Commissioner for District of Washington. atGoidendale. Wash., on Monday, October 24. 1898, viz; WILLIAM BRIDGFARMER,' H. E. No. '982 for the Northeast quarter sec tion twenty-three. Tp. 3 N R 13 E Wil Mer. . He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: , Richard W French. James Hinnell. David H. Clark, Nelson B Brook, of HarttaHd Postofflce, Washington. W. R. DUNBAR. . 810 - Register Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the ostate of Peter Sherrin ger. deceased, has tiled his final account and report in said estate in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, and that ) Monday, the 7th day of November, lt-98, at 10 o'clock, a. m , of said day at Che County Court room in the County Court House in . Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, has been fixed by said Court as the time and. place for hearing said final account and report. . Ail persons interested in said estate are liere by notified to appear at. said time and place and show cause, if any there be, why said ac count should not be allowed and. approved and an order made discharging 'said' executor and releasing his bondsmen. " ' s-r . .: Dated this 1st day of October, 1898. : T.' C. BENSON." Administrator of the Estate of Peter Sherrin- ger, deceased, " ' ?oct5t NOTICE; - . TJ. S. Land Office, 'I: '". ... The Dalies. Or., SepV 14, 1898. f ; "- Complaint having been entered at this office by Frank C . Wilson against 'Gustave A.7 Brock man for abandoning h:s Homestead. Entry No. . 4949, dated October 21 1893. upon the W14, SE Sec 28 and theNH. NEX Spc-, Tp 6 a, R 10 B, V-' W M, in Wasco county, Oregon, with a view to . the cancellation of said entry, the said pnrties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 14 tb day of November. 1898, at 10 o'clock a-' m.,to respond and furnisa testimony concern, ing said alleged abandonment. 7octet JAY P. LCCAS, Register, "The Regulator The Dalles, Portlantfand AstorU Navigation Co. THROUGH Fsii and Passenger Lliie "'.,.-..":' i LOWEST KATES r - - : BEST SERVICE -' FASTEST TIME, " The steamers of this line will leave The Dalles at 7:30 A. M.: ' ' Shipments recelved,aMny time.'day ornight. . ,',;:!.. . i ' Livestock shipments' solicited; . Call on or address, .. .-" j O HLLHWHY. San Urancisco BEER llHS F. LEMKE, Proprietor. J Fine Wines, Liquors, and Ciga ALL KINDS Of ' BOTTLED" BEER, Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught. .. . . Second Street, bet. Court sad Union.. . egg-Clam chowder served free.-. every day except Sunday, "from 11 .a.'- m.. till 1p.m. the: Cary House Bar Prineville,; Oregon. .. : Presided over by Joe Hinldef Carries the. best, brands . .- . Wines, Liquors l Cigars When in that city call on Joe Job Printing Of all kindd done on Bhprt notice, and at reasonable I rates at this office. CONSOLIDATED 1882. AWFUL ACCIDENT TO THE DAVIS Seven Men Lose Their Lives by Escaping Steam. Portland, Oct. 21. The accident to the torpedo-boat Davis on her of ficial trip down the Columbia river yesterday.proved eveD more disastrous and aDoalling in its results than the first brief dispatches received yester dry afternoon intimated. The "seven scalded" reported yesterday has given way to the more grewsome record, "seven dead." Followiug are the names of those who lost their lives in the explosion, death in each instance being due to the terrible scalds which no medical skill could heal: DCharles Maneely.fireman, married. Paul Luithle, fireman, unmarried. Harry Wood, forman boiler shop, married. James Ryan, married. Axel Johnson, married. Albert Buehl, unmarried. The accident which sent these seven men into eternity occurred about 11:40 A. M., as the boat was oil renas iianee, near Cathlamet. on her way to As toria. The explosion was due to the bursting of one of the steam tubes in the forward boiler. The seven men were penned up in the small flreroora, and there was' no possible chance for them to escape. The explosion came without warning, and in an instant the men were blown down by a blast of steam, smoke and hre. Willing hands were soon to the rescue, and Dr. E. H. Thornton, the company's physician, who was on board, did everything in his power to alleviate the suffering of the hapless victims. ' . The boat was put at anchor imme diately after the accident occurred. Messengers were sent out for relief, but owing to the distance to the near est telegraph station and the time re quired for assistance to arrive from Astoria, 20 miles away, it was a long and tedious wait not only for the suf fering victims, but also for the .doctor and the willing though helpless sym pathizers on board - the boat. Dr. Thornton's supply of morphine hav- ng given put a boat was dispatched to Skamokawa to procure an additional supplyVbut after a long delay returned without having accomplished its mis sion. .: . WILL. LEAVE CUBA IN JANUARY That lathe Date Fixed For the Spaniards "to Leave. New York, Oct. 21. A dispatch to the Herald from Havana says: An agreement between the two commis sions as .to the' date, of evacuation again seems probable. The American ultimatum fixes upon Janifary -1, and xh is date will be finally accepted by the Spaniards Washington, Oct. 21. It is now certaiu the complete evacuation . of Cuba will be delayed beyond the period origahally fixed by the administration. ' This will follow entirely without re ference to anything that has .occurred n Paris before the' peace commission- The war department has about satis fied itsels that the task imposed upon the Spanish authorities,- namely,, tbe removal and transportation to a great distance' by the sea oi about 120,000 soldiers with accoutrements was. be-. y'ond the ability of the Spaniards g. It is hardly deemed' prudest to un dertake to . assume . .charge, of .the.'. mu nicipal affairs of-Havar a.,so Jong as the itv retriains a strong garrison of Span ish troops, apd :t tie felt that law and order1 'could.-be 'better maintained in uch centerS 'by' allowing them to re main under Spanish jurisdiction until' Jjhey are- evacuated by the troops and repQcupied.i' by. the Uni.ter States troops, i.' '' .- ' OPPOSED TO , ANNEXATION. AtfnlDatdo Says the Natives Will Not 8up- . '' port poeh' a-Policy: :'"' Sa"n,;"Erancisco....- Qct. 23. The United States transport Rid de Janeiro brought the following to the Associat ed Press, dated. Manila, septemoer -zz: . The Philippine congress 'has been' in se8sipn'.since ThhrsSay,; September 10.' The first thing that was" decided' was-'that the, . Philippine republic sbbu.ld jiot countenance' ay policy that should be" agreed - upon whereby SDaib would have anything further to do. with the islands. and would' resist : by force of arms any suehr measure. - A vote was taken on the policy' of annex ation to ' the 'American republic, and annexation was decided upon by a' large majority., Aguinaldo expresses himself as per sonally not in favor . of annexation to America, aading that he does not' think that the natives generally will support euch a policy. . He thinks that the American .mission here -in these islands-hag been accomplished, and ex pects that the Americans will soon withdraw- their forces, leaving the insurgents to govern and . control the islands.- AGUINALDO AN IGNOKAMC. .. . " 1 'h Does top Himself Know What He Wants From the united States. Victoria, B. C, Oct. 25. The Manila correspondent of the Shanghai Mercury, files of which were received by the R. M. S. Empress of Japan re' cently interviewed Aguinaldo, the Fill pino leader. Aguinaldo refused to state hla ylew on tbe probable policy of tbe new-born national assembly. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alunv Alum bating powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. , NEW YORK. On being pressed by questions, Aguin aldo confessed himself densly ignorant of governmental principles. While professing a desire for American pro tectorate, he said the natives desired complete independence. He suggested that as the Americans had come to Manila to fight the Spaniards they now' should return home satisfied, leaving the natives in possession. The correspondent closes by branding Agunildo as a first-class ignoramus. Ordered to Leave. Wallace, Oct. 22. When Dan Conner, shift boss at the Big Stand ard mine, came out last night to the dry room to eat his midnight supper he was met by four masked men armed with revolvers, who ordered him to get out of the country within 24 hours. He pleaded chat he was a married man with a wife ami children at Gem, and could not get away in so hort a time without immense sacrifices-ind asked for a week in which to conVply with the demands of the men. After some parleying he was granted three days, with the threat that If he was not out in that time they would dispose of him his wife and his children, cleaning the family out root and branch. Great Knthnsiaam at Victoria. Victoria. B. C, Oct. 23. The naws that the British war department is preparing for active hostilities has cre ated great enthusiasm here. At Es quimau the station of the North Pa cific squadran, the' officers and men ace greatly elated, and the prospects of actual service seems to afford them the keenest delight. -: The situation is generally talked of on the streets. The government Is unanimously sup ported in Its action.' ..; Political Asaespments. WASBifcGTON, Oct. 23. The civil service commission Is making a vigor ous campaign against political assess ments of federal officers and employes, in view of the approaching elections, and in addition to its own circular, has brought out an order from the rpost office department, to.- be followed by one from' the treasury looking to its full enforcement Tf- ' r- . Chicago's School Children. Chicago, Oct.' '2i. In the public schools today the regular work was laid aside and the school children joined in celebrating the close of the peace jubilee with exercises appropri ate to the occasion. 'The address by President McKinley at the banquet Wednesday night was read by the teachers. ; Tens Race War. " FORT WORTH, Oct. 21. Trouble be tween whites and blacks ber" politics culminated in a fight in which Hope Adams, independent candidate for sheriff and leader of the independent movement against the White Men's Union Association, -was shot and killed. The sheriff has wired Govern--or Calbertson that he Is unable to pre serve order and wants troops eentto. the scene at once. . , - , A Cruiser For fipaini 7 Wasaington, Oct. 24.-News is re ceived in Washington- of tbe launch ing at. Havre -jf the" cruiser Rlo.de la Plata, .which,.; Is to be presented" to Spain: by.the- Spanish resldents.of" Ai" geotiBa: ..There are many wealthy Spaniards resldlng jiii 'the Argentine Republic, and at the. outbreak of ; tbe war they raised a fund wi'th which' tne'-vessel- which :. was in ' process of coh-. strucXton'. Was 'purchased. "- ; ' We Take he rhiUppinesi. f. ..r. L6tfrxN,i0t:tL.24,Aispatcfi to the Exchange Telegrapi Company- fron Parib says'the American peace 'com missioners, -atFrlda'soiritL 'meeting; wiirdefioltely Insist upon the annexa tion 'of7 the' Philippine; . islands to the' -United States.?'- ; :- - - "geqael.-to ,he Vlrden . Riot:- .CHig4GP.Oct.'21 A- deputy sheriff: from Virden- is in Chicago with 'war-' rants -for" tbe arrest j. president! Lbucks and .'Secretary York " ot"b9 Chicago and Vlrden .Coal CpmDany. The; warrants-i charge manslaughter and are the' outcome of tne . recent riot at -Virden. " - ; Emblem for Teller Ticket. " Denver ColoM Oct. 23. The su preme-court of the state . has decidea that all tickets filed by petition are entitled to emblems on the official bal lot. Under, this ruling --the Teller sliver republican .nominations will appear under . . the ..picture of Uncle Sam with the words, "16 to 1 by Uncle Sam alone." Russia to Counsel France. Berlin, Oct. 23. The National Zel- tung says that it learns that Count Mu- raviefiv the Russian -foreign minister, has recommended to the French gov ernment a; peaceful settlement ofthe Fftshoda-o'uestidn, as Rus'sia -aoes not consider that: war-will serve tuejn- terests of. France. . . - Heven Soldiers pied. . . San Francisco,;-' 23 The United States transport steamer Rid de Jan iw arrived here yesterday -from Manila via Hang Kong and Nagasaki She bad on board 140 sick soldiers and 21 discharged men. Seven men died on the voyage. . Financially Reorganise Navy... Paris, Oct. 25. The French cabi net niet tbishiiprning, and the. mi'nls- -'ter-xoi marine, Lockroy, announced that he would shortly introduce scheme for the administration' of the financial reorganization of the navy THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 29. DOGS OF WAR MAY GET LOOSE ! Strained Relations Between England and France Ap plling. London, Oct. 23. Never since Great Britain and France began to dispute over Egypt, nor during the most acute stage of the Niger differences between those two countries has the situation looked so ominous as today. In spite of the hope expressed In the journals of both countries that the matter would be amicably arranged, it is a fact that the French naval and mili tary authorities are making feverish preparations for war and though calm reigns at the British dock yards at Portsmouth, Chatham and Dayenport. it Is only the calm of preparedness and significant orders haye been arriving there from the admirality. indicating that Gr-iat Britain and France are on tbe briii It of war. The French statesmen, however, still cling to the hope that the Marquis of Salisbury will offer some exchange which will enable them to retire from Fasboda without apparent exercise of dignitv. This hope Is based on a con versation between Lord Salisbury and Baron De Courcel, the French ambas sador at London, which figures In a most Important dispatch In the yellow book which the French government will issue tomorrow. Frenchmen in fer from the attitude of the British pre mier that he is willing to discuss the French claims and they even talk of negotiations being in progress. The English newspapers, however, vigor ously combat this impression and warn France not to be lead away by such allusions. They declare the evac uation of Fashoda must precede any thing else. Many a Lover Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea puri fies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc, as not hlng else will. Sold foi years on absolute puarantee. Price 23 cts.; and 50cts. ' Blakeley & Hough ton, druggists. THE DO8 HAVE LEFT. Amerleav: Control f Porto-. Kico Is Mow "-Complete. " Washington, Oct; 24. The navy department today received the follow ing: "San Juan, Oc. 23. Evacuation of Porto Rico completed by sailing of the last detachment of Spanish troops to day. Signed, r; y SCHLEY." San Juan, Oct. 24.-Members of the Insular cabinet took the xath of .alllr ance to the United": States -yesterday with befitting solemnity. .They will, issue a manifesto announcing their resolution to 'avoid partisan' politics and end party'strife. .-: Aboiit $12,000 h ave heen collected as customs and duties since: October 18, the" day' the'Uhited States formally took possession of Porto Rico. A" movement' has been started to send a Porto Rico commission to Washington in order to present tq the authorities there the needs of the peo ple of the island. .. Does This Strike Ton? Muddy ..complexions, " nauseating breath come from chronic consump tion. Karl's Ulover Koot xea is an absolute cure and has been sold for fifty years on an absolute guarantee. Price za cents ana.ou.cents, at xsiaKe-ley-& Houghton, druggists. STEPPED DOWN AND OUT. 4 French Minister of War Resigns His offleu. PiiRiS,.Oc. Chahione, the mln- Uter-. wary -resigned today. Strong', bodies, of police wers sta tioned i& the neighborhood of tbe Pal ace Bourbon and the Palace de la Con corde tiflii morning to prevent the' pro jected, demonstration at the opening of the1 cnamber of deputies. - . '' '. Theaession 'Of -the .chamber of depu ties had no BooneB'.opened than- .M De'rouiedo made, ia-violent attack1 upon . ihe minister , of war, -General Chano-. I o6v" jwhereupon the Jatter arose, and espla-meJhe. .conditions uider which he accepted' thsportfolio. In so doing he declared he wasi of the same opin ion as his predecessors, referring td the question of reopening' the JDreyfus case, a remark which, was'gree'ted with cheers and ' protests. " 'When Chanoine eras able to resume speaicing he as serted he-was- the guardian, of the honor of the army, and concluded with saying angrily: - "I place in your hands the trust ! received,' and I tender my resignation in this tribune. , ; " . To core a Colo . in One Day ' Take Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets; All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.- 25 cents. The - genuine has L. B.-Q on each tablet. . 8m. MUST" ACCEPT - THE INEVITABLE Spain In ner : Condition -to Resent 'Any . ... ' Plan' of Settlement. - New VoRJtj OcU .24.-A dispatch to the' World " from Madrid, says: From conversations with ministers and lead ing politicians, the World correspon dent can state that the notion of break iue. off., negotiations' over the Cuban debt is regarded as, preposterous and suicidal. Even to the Phllliplnes, in which vastly greater Interests center, it is taken for granted here that Spain inust in .the long run yield whatever the United States insists- upon Telegraphic inquiries have elicited irregular proofs that the. Spanish dock yards show absolutely no signs "of re newed activity nor tne eiignest symp II V Ml 1 to go east 1 is to take one of the Barlincrton Roates 1 weekiv personally conducted tourist car f excursions. They leave Portland every A I Wednesday evening, running? over the O. 4 I R.4 K.co.auau.a. ti.to ugaen, k.u.vv . I and Denver & Rio Grande railroads to ' Denver, Burltnpton Route from thereon. ' No chanire of cars. Portland to Kansas I Citv and St. Louis. Onlv one chanee to I Omaha and Chicago. Excursion man- I ager with each party. Porter with each f I car. The tonnst sleepers ospn for the Enrl- f inpion excursious are Pullman's best clean, comfortable, modern. Only f ?5 for a berth, Portiam! to Omaha or f Kansas City; to iSi. Louis or Chicapo. ff Through tickets and berili.s or. sale at t all O. R. & N. and O. S. L. tick.-t offices, f A. C. Sheldon, Gen'l Acont, 250 Washington St., Portland, Ore. lom imply ine the remotest idea of re newing the Struggle with the United States. The vessels composing Admi. ral.Cervera's fleet are now dispersed to varfouB-'po--ekiefly Cadiz, Carte- gna atid FroU- with-hsir crews r6-J duced to a peace footing, and the ma jority of the officers on leave and the marines ashore Work on all coast-defence works and fortifications for defence the arsenals and the dockyards stopped at the sus pension of hostilities. t How is Yonr Wife? Has she lost her beauty? If so, constipation,- indigestion, fick headache are the princlpaj causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea has cured these ills for half a century. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Money refunded if results are not satisfactory. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. A Month Without Food. Nevada, Mo., Oct. 25. A remark able case of long life without food or drink developed here yesterday, when a horse supposed to have been stolen from E. T. Letton, of this county, on the night of September 25, was found alive In one of the stalls at the fair grounds. It had gotten loose from Its ownerand strayed Into the fair grouds where it was shut in a stall by one of the fair managers, who supposed it be longed to ppople camped there. When found It had eaten all the pine timber in reach, and although greatly emaci ated was able to walk. It had sub sisted without food or drink the whole time. On Every Bottle. Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is this guarantee: "All we ask of you to use two-thirds of the contents of this bottle faithfully, then if you . can say you are not benefited return the bottle to ycur druggist and he may refund the money." Price 25 cts., oOcts., and $1.00. Blakeley and Houghton. Tacoma Now an American' Ship Tacoma, Wash., ; Oct. ' 24. The American flaij .was Vaised. on board the English ship Taeoma, at 11 ;30-. o'clock this morning?-at This "port, ' amid the strains of .'Tha Star Spangled Ban ner," and the shouts of a large crowd of citizens and several hundred school children'. The flag was presented by the people of this city, and now floats from the first British vessel to secure American -.relgBter on the Pacific coast. Engineer Was Killed. Los" Angeles, Cal .Qct 24. The engine of the east-bound-train on. the Santa Barbara branch of the Southern Pacific ran Off the track near Camulus station, and engineer Davis was caught under the cab and crushed to death. The fireman on the engine was seri ously, but not fatally, injured. More Troops For Manila. san Francisco, s Oct. 25. Accord ing to orders from division headquar ters the transport Indiana will sail for Manilla tomorrow with two battalions of the Twentieth Kansas regiment and on Thursday the steamer Ohio will depart with the remaining battajlv ions of the Washington voluatcc. . - - ii lower The rOaes.aad caunas. bloorriisivSbme.' and ordep" v Bnabs;4W .afeifib'wSnliflr I TVaJts-,'.'- : 7 A .: TZmsmkrite . mays & crows 4K1:and single, and 'Crocus; bojy,' haye.Varrived, ' Plant -now for'Xar-te" blooming. Mrs. A.O. STUBLiNe. ; ' ;.'.!' -i.dlw wlmi V IjMt and Final Kotice. '- --': 'H' hereby give 'notice' that oh' and after the 1st of November 1898'T will, without further noly-je, proceed to levy upon all property upon which - taxes renuin oinpaid for': the year 1897. "" ' ! '' " . Robert Kelly : . ' 'tf-L ' - Sheriff jo Wasco County.- . i-,-: i l-NOKKHWESI NOTES. -;-. - ' " Virgil Averlll, oft Brownsville, was. "kn'ocked senseless Ion his own - porch the other evening and robbed of $20.50. He was unconcipus for some time after the' assault..' - i . ;-', -- Edward. Conher,': rwho lives -near Cottoge Grova, raised. a -freak in - the potato line this year. It. was 16 2 dis tinct potatoes grown into.a solid mass, - weighing 4i pounds. . : ' '.' ' Oregon woolen Jnillp were rather up.-.; fortunate at the Portland exposition. There was a squabble over the award ing of gold medaU, so- the committee declared all a waris off. " The public schopls'of Pocdleton held exercises on Friday bf last week in commemoration oi Lafayetiy day, and as' a result raised $13.10 to be con tributed to ,the lafayette monument fund. .1' - .' , ' - The run of silyrside salmon - in the Lower Siuslaw river has been the greatest ever kn wn. For a number of days 3,000 to 4, KX) fi'-ere caught each 24 hours-beaides-t, i seine was not operated. Tte cannei at Florence- was completely blocked at times, and a large additional force of China men were placed it work. It is related thai Lawyer Newberry had an exciting nightmare last night, says the East Cjegonlan, in which visions of burglais disturbed his slum ber. So real, was his somnambulistic hallucination tha he jumped wlih a veil from bed anq landed prostrate on the floor, .-in the; lelief that he was jumping upon a urglar. -Mr. New berry barked his elbow and knee, and a pronounced Hop Ir, his gait remains to remind him oi his experience." WAR PREPARA- HONS ARE ACTIVE England and France Get ting" Ready London, Oct. 24. The British ad mirality issued a number of significant orders this morning. The dockyards at Portsmouth, Devon port and Chat ham have received instructions to pre pare six 3u-knot torpedo-boat destroy ers for commissioning, so they will be able to put to sea in 24 hours. TheCunard and White Star lines have received from the admirality an intimation to hold the resubsidized steame.ca In xedineas,-.f or.turni.ag oer to the navy officials. Paris, Oct. 24. The municipal au thorities of Toulon haye been notified that that place will be the center of naval and military preparations, and have been Instructed to arrange for the immediate reception of four battalions of Infantry, 1500 marines and 600 ar tillerymen. The municipal council has decided to close the schoolhousc s and they will be used tq lodge the troops in. The naral authorities have been or dered to expedite the preparations for the new squadron. SO AGRMT WAS OFFERED London, Oct. 25. All Interest to day is centered In the Marquia,.of Sallsburys's addition to the Fashoda correspondence contained in the new British blue book on that subjebt. Conservative newspapers express themselves as being highly pleased with this rejoinder to the French yel low book on the same subject.. They declare it dispels the idea spread by the dispatch of '.he French ambassador here. Baron de Courcel, that the premier was willing to negotiate on the whole question. But liberal ' and radical organs still consider the Mar quis of Salisbury's attitude admits of negotiations promising friendly ar rangements. The tntlre press, how ever, scouts the idea of the possession: of F.oshoda corning Mt&lrtliejghere. of discussion. . The French papers today . are more hopeful and believe a pacific solution of the dispute will be found. The English papers are full of par ticulars of naval news, but the only fresh deveiopementis an order receiv ed at Portsmouth to prepare all ships of the fleet and reserve for immediate moblization. Eight additional war ships there in .consequence com menced coaling this morning, and working parties were immeoiately placed on board of the other reserve war. vessels at Portsmouth. For Sale. The entire fruit crop(not yet gather ed) in our orchard on 1 Fifteen-Mile, ibout 12 miles from The Dalles, con sisting of fine varieties of apples, and and other fruits, for saler Applj im mediately to. - : . Max .Vogt & Co. -. .The. Dalles. ' . . d&wtf. . Onr PrtaM. ' l"I8-ln'ch air tight heaters. ... .': .$2 50 "21-Inch air tight heaters A..... 3 00 ;-i24Ineh air-tight heaters T..,,'. :3 50 A4soufcr;fine line of the celebrated V.W- r HEEP FOR SALE. -'-::oJ-''.''-' '':'.' ' -; 1,500 Jambs, about 800, shrop . , ehireA. balance merinos, also;-. - 1iOQ?8i- all'youhg and in ; .;, ;--good'1firxll Any one wanting .- oioejgDo4 stuff will do well to-. " -.calerfiraddress :i . u : V ; .!.:,fj.- o ..-:.-' :'--- . ALBERTS. ROBERTS. Box '507, The Dalles, Oregon. ' Ol9-dl0d:w2t Qregoit: -.' ,: and O-A-IE . . ... - A; KELLER, Prop'r. . : Am prepared to furnish families, hotels wfl reatauranta with the choicest Brearf, Cakes and Pies. " Fresh Oysters Served in ' V Every Style. ' ' Second Street,' next door to The - Dalles National Bank. First National Bank THe DKLLES. OREGON General -Banking Business Transacted. Deposits -received subject to sight draft ' or check. Collections' made and proceeds promptly re- . mitted on day of collection. Sight and 'telegraphic exchange sold on New Vorlr. San Francisco and Portland. - J S SCHKNC..- ' President H M BCALL. -. .. Cashier Maler-ot -Bvntoa-itt&e just put in a complete line of Electric -'Cutlery raz ors, shears and razor straps. Every knife, -razor, shear, guranteed, or-money back. Call and see our new line Maieh & BaNTON. 1898 OC0OCC000C00CCCC00300CCCO fl tZZF . Ill I o( . . a If m.r Arrested ! o j I W o S I t llA'u - for not chewing '.: R tl - 'He don't chew Battle Ax, yer Honor." a o o "He looks it - Ignorance of the Law is no excuse, but ignorance of BATTLE AX is your misfortune not a crime and the only penalty is your loss in quan ta thy as well as quality when you buy q any other kind of 8 Pemember the name o l when you buy again, g ooooocoooooooocoooccococo We carry constantly on hand a large stock of Rough and Dressqd Lumber of all kinds. SASH AND DOORS. Paints, Oils and Glass, Building- Paper, Cedar Shingles, and Redwood Shingles. '. . . 41- THE DALLES, . OR. BeSt Ken tueky , -Whisky " FROM ZjOTJSVXIXE . Very Best Key West Cigars: and Bes - . ' of Wines. EngUsli Porter, Ale and -Milwauke Beer always on hand. . . MAETZ St PUNDT PROPRIETORS Columbia rSv ......Corner Third and Washington Beef, YeaUIutton.Port Lard Curedand Dried Meats, Sausages of AH Kinds Orders Delivered toAny Part of the City THONB 3 In Business Again. R. B. HOOD Has opened a Second Hand Store In His New Building on ....SECOND STREET.... He carries a full stock of new and second hand furnltaro. an is prepared to boy furniture of those who desire to leave the oity, pay- ing a reasonable price xor us same JOS Mount llood Sample Room o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Chewing Tobacco, o LUMBER THE DALLES, OREGON Jdiinstons IS THE PLACE TO GET- Fill E HND CR0CK6RY . Sheepmen's Supplies, Shears, Oil and Lamp Black for marking Sheep. ' , Mitchell Wagons McSherry Brills, Osborne Mowers, Binders Reapers and Rakes,; Myers' Hay Tools and Farm Implements of all Kinds. Full Line of Hachine Extras. Next Door to A. M. Williams & Co. .. . . Ben Wilson Saloon Second Street, opposite Diamond Mills, THE DALLES, OREGON Fine Wines, Liquors 'and Cigars Ft Lunoh erred at all houra m 48 The YliiteIiou$e CBAS. HICHELBACB, Proprietor First-class Wines Liquor and Cigars Always on Hand. Corner Second aad Court Streets, THE DALLES' OREGON. - COAFCOAL 6.50 Per Ton - DELIVERED! ,For car lot rates call-on E. KURTZ. Agt. CHARLES FRANK 1 EXCHANGE Keeps on draug-ht the celebrated Columbia Beeh, acknowledged the best beer in The Dalles, at the usual price. Come in, try it ' and be convinced. Also tbe Finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. SANDWICHES, all kinds, ON HND HENBI L KTJCK; Manufacturer of and Dealer In Harness and Saddlery. East End, Two Doors-Westof Diamond Flour. - Ing Mills. Second Street. THB DALLES, OREOOK All Work Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. T Butchers Farmers :. .- . . - "':"' - -- j -