The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, October 15, 1898, Image 1

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    . .. I . .- ;
', f. ' , -. ....' " ;
NO 46
Physician and Surgeon,
Boom orer Dalles National Bank. Office boars, 10
am to 12 m, sad from 2 to 4 p m. Heal'
dene Wert End of Third Street,
Attorney at Law
- Dentist.',-.- -
Rooms 8 8 and' 0. Togt block. The Dalles', 'Or.
. .. -, -' ! ; . .
, In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for
W L, Wheal'don, PlaintlH,
1 vs." ..
LE Ferguson and O D Taylor, Defendants.
By virtue of an execution, decree and order
of sale, duly issued out. of ana under me
. seal of the-Circuit Court of the St ate of Ore
gon, for the County-of Wasco, to me directed
,. and dated the. 9th day of August, 1898,. upon
- a decree i r me roreciosure oi a certain mort
gage, and-Judgment rendered and entered in
'said Court on the 7th day of July, 18U8. in the
above entitled cause, in favor of the Plaintiff
and against the Defendant L. 12- Ferguson, as
- juagment aeoior, in me sum oi tnree nunarea
dollars, with lot-rest thereon from the 19th
day of November, 1889. at the rate of ten per
cent per annum, less $4- 00 paid June 15. 1894.
and the further sum of twenty-four dollars.
. cost ,a d the costs of yind upon this writ, and
commanding me to make sale of. the real prop
erty embraced in such decree of foreclosure
ana nereinaiter aescrioea. x wui. on tne
12th Day of September, 1898,
At the hour ot 2 o'clock, In the afternoon of
said day, ana at the front door or tne county
Court house. In Dalles City. Wasco County,
Oregon, -sell at public auction to the highest
Didder for cash in .hand, all the right, title and in-
erest which the defendant L, is Ferguson, or
'either of them had on the 19th day of Novem
ber, 1889. the date of the mortgage foreclosed
'herein, or which such defendants or any of the
: defendants herein, have since acquired, or now
' have In and to the following described real
property, situate and being in Wasco County,
Oregon, towit:
" , Beginning at a point where the North line of
tiaugblin's donation land claim intersects the
..North line oi Aiyard Avenue in wyce at Wil
son's, addition to Dalles City. Oregon ; thence
, i westerly along the north line of 1 ord Avenue
. -x , eighty-one (81) feet:, thence at rig t angles
' - northerly to the south-line-of Fulton's addition
i to Dalles City, Oregon; -thence easterly along
' - said south line of Fulton's addition to the west
-" - - line of Laughlin's donation land claim ; thence
' -southerly along said-west, line of Laughlin's
: ' ' donation land claim to thepiace of beginning.
?'7&fl '. being the same land conveyed to L E Ferguson
r jtrr.(. , by deed of J T Peters and Josepn McKucnen,
. V .'wsaid deed bearing date July 18. 1889, or so much
V" ji i of said property as will, .satisfy said Judgment
5 ' .- and decree, with costs and accruing costs.
4ifi"-' Said property will be sold subject to conflr
- mation and redemption law provided. .
' -..!."" Dated at The Dalles, Oregon. this9th day of
, ' August, lW). '
" Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
J To the Honorable County Court of Wasco
fVninrv Llwwnrr? ":
i We, the -undersigned l'K-U voters of Falls j
Precinct, Wasco County. Oregon respectful y f
("petition your-Monorooie grant to u.
. I. Sohhiot a license to sell spiritous, vineous
I and malt liquors in less quantities than ok
gallon, for the term of one year at the Cascacfe
. John Thiesen.
B Black.
John G-Brown,-". ' '
JF E Leavens,. ..
-, H Glazier.
..; W D McCrory, .
' John Trana,
DL Cates, '
. PDoke,
' PatLahey, .
f C J Carl-on,
, Ed Morgan.
. John Westman,
. G Syrlng.
Chas Willgerodt; v
, FH Douglas,
' J F Stout. " , - .
; O Washburn,'- 4
i H Henn. . i.
i J W Douthit,'
' t Josef Habinger, :
, A Lelsat,
Henry Gray,
".. Alfred Collis,
A B Glazier, " '
J Tbos Coyle, . '
-, -K Fli?lscKhauer,
HA Leavens,
.'-.' AG Hall,
. -H I Lillegard. . ""
John Anderson.
Joseph Schmid,
E Ostberg. .
' P Aug Irelson, -
H Schmid; '
. N Nestler.
Math Nands.
, Charles Altai
, J W Attwell.
. John D Woodenshoe,
A -J Knightly,
j Jumes Stewart,
- CGHfckok, . ,
: Bam McCary,
i Bictard Woodward,
' M McKlmion,
C Vasconi,
Charles Trapp,
: Joe Schmid,' : . '
; Hbs Wieks, .
if. A j.ravorsa,
Li Lumyo, . .
TH WlHlams.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tor
, - Wasco county, . : .. . .. ,
Theresa Bees, plaintiff,' . .
versus " v
Frederick A. Bees, defendant. --- "-'
To Frederick A., Bees, the above, named de
fendant. ". .
. In the name of the State of Oregon: . '
You are hereby reanJred to appear and
answer the complaint of plaintiff filea against
you in tne above entitled sun on or Deiore tne
first day of the next regalar term of the above
entitled Court, to-wit, on or before Monday the
14th davof November. 1898, and If ou fail to so
appear and answer said complaint, for want
- thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above en
titled Court for the relief prayed, foe in her
pompiainc. to-wit:
For a decree of, the above entitled Court to
tha eiKaot that the bonds of matrimony hereto
: fore and now existing between you and said
plaintiff be forever annulled, set aside and held
for naught, that plaintiff be awarded the custo
dy and control of claintiff's and' defendant's'
minor children and that the defendant be for-' .
vr enjoined from Interfering-with plaintiff . or
aai4 minor children. - "'
1 mia oummnna la .owiuil nnnn vtn thA calfl
I Frederick A- Bees,-by publication thereof for
r.ot- annuMiiHm Wekci in The TtMnaMi)rnf I
T&ntlia, a weekly newspaper of general cir- I
culatlon, published i4 Dalles City, Wasco
County, Oregon, by order 'of the Hon W, L .
i Sradshaw, Judge of the above entitled Court.
whieh order Is da tea at Chambers in.;. Dulles
; City. Wasco County, -Oregon, the'. 37th' day of
September. 1898. : '
Ddftjb A Mbnkpkk,
.' --. Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice Is berel given tiat the undersigped
ToSS. t
sad entered on the lh day of July, 18S6, duly
appointed as administrator of tne estate of
Jaeob Bauer, late of . Wasco b ounty. Oregon,
ana now aeoeasea ah persous. iiiuk ciuiujs i
against the estate of said deceased. are hereby I
notified to present the aame. properly-verified; I
to me at my. reiaiioe near juoya-posiomce,
Wasco CountV. Oreeonor at the ofnee of my
mmnvjm,-j. -
Oregon, wvuun-six Bonumiraui vuc(J"J i
- . k " r-- i - v l.i'
Dated this 10th day of Juiy'.T86-. : ' .' -
Administrator ot the Estate of Jacob Bauer,
deceased. , -v v',' '..t. !i !;i
Laud Office at Vascouvib.
Kntlce la hereby given that the
. following
imnl settler has filed notice' of Ms
i inteotlead
to make final proof iissupport of hiij claim, and
that saiu prooi- win oe mnuc. .uwuwfri.''
Presby. U. 8. -Commissioner -for pistrtot of
Washington. atGoidwidale; Wastt., 04 Jiondaf,
Octobers. 1898, vis; '.'.l ' ;' ; ...'
5982 for the -Northeast quarter eo.
tlon twenty-three, Tp-.S N B 13 j; Wil Iters
He names the foHowimr witnesses, to-proye
his continuous residence; upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: I" ' .-' . . ' -. ' V.
Bichard W FrenoHi tfaaaes 'Hi'ndCll, David B.
Clark, Nelson B Brook, of Hartland' Postofflce,
Washington. W. B. DUN BAB,, c
810 ' . - - Beglster,
St. Mary's
Academy s
Sisters of the Holy Names
of Jesus and Mary,
This Instttution Is pleasantly situated near
the Columbia on the line ot the Union Pacifio;
thence it Is easv of accese for all who desire to
secure a comfortable home and. a progressive
seat of learning for their daughters or wards.
The location ot the Academy is one of the most
healthy on the PaciBe slope, this portion -of
Oregon being proverbial fe"-its pure water,
bracing a'r and picturesque scenery. - The
Academy la Incorporated abd .authorized -by
tne State to confer Academic honors.
Board and tuition per scholastic year, 1190..
c.,,riiM will mMiimed Monday. SeDt. 6th.
For detailed Information appl 10 (he Sister
Superior. , -
The $5,00 Vivl camera .take the
larmat nicturo of 'any $5,00 ori, the
market, for Bale by,Clirke & Falk-
(IT TC AT aw : ;
11 10. WUlf v ;
'Little Joe" Broke The Dead-
Lock. '
: Salem, OcE S.The' senatorial con
test. IS over, and . the. Hon. Joseph
Simo.D,'of Portland, will repressnt the
state in the senate the next f iur years
An agreement was reached in
caucus of the republicans'last night to
center their forces on Mr. Simon, and
when the vote was taken at noon to
day it resulted as follows:
Simon ...'... . . ... fV. 64
Kincaid .V...... 22
All members were present when the
vote was taken' except Mr. Kuy
Two Braves With a Grievance Incltea the
JRest to Violence.
Chicago, Oot. 7, The Tribune say;
Some facts in conuecuon with tne
present trouble with the Pillager
Indians at Leech lake not generally
known' are as follows:
A year ago' a white man. was. ar
rested for selling liguor to the Indians.
The United States marshal arrested
Min-Jon-Dah, a PiUager Indian . of
Bear island whatfOiiiw time ao gained
considerable, notoriety' by killing
Chiuf-Ho!e-in-tbe-Uay, atd is reported
to be a bad and., ipsolwit Indian,
having 'killed seven'of . his tribe in ad
dition Hdle-in-the-Day, and
is remarkable for his cunning and
great ifluene with the balance of his
tribe. Ue is a large' and; ..powerfully
built Indian, of the; dark, aad greasy
type.'? He still wears the old; aborig
inal blanket 'f his- forefathers, "aud
was never known to live in 'any abode'
but a tepee:or small tm.ui Jbirch-b'ark.
X ne u n y.ea. states raaronai, -atrestea-
hid as-' a' ' witness., again at,, the -white
man .Jor se'ltiug wffiskey to them, and.
Kim .nuUiit, ,:-h r.n V.riil
was. beldtl prsJiniolb trim transportat
ion from lJijlutri and return
with all expense. Wea.-VheV) trial
was o Ve r 'Mi' n-Jo n-Da h t. i t ;. is e.aid hul
"to walk from Duluth to Valkar, a dis
taoce of. JiKKimles vttiio'titmoney or)
food, aud ;mved at'-'Wlker nearly
starved to dea.t'h.r..itei'J swora before
his tube thati.hei. would inevetr -recognize
a warrant or papers k.of any ,kina
eervea by che fjnitea estates-marshals.
When the fail- term of dotirc met at
Duluth, ;-.Mio-Jon-D&h ''..and' anothet-
mtmber of. his . tribe .were wanted at
l)uluth to give testimony in.., aiiQtlier
case similar to that of . last fall.. Tb
marshals came and arrested the two
Indians and pst them lor jail: " '
'During., their.-: iineair'ceratidii ' there
was intense txciternent- atnong- -the
Indiau8,apd macy threats of a rescue
were freely' ipdulged .in;bj' .the . In
dians, ' ;
Finally 20 of the -bucks, during' the
night of September 8, made a raid on
the Jail at WftlKer, Jlioa;,.' and reieas
e3' the two prison era,:,. '.The tmoria-
uiaus uiauo tuoir oscapo- -bp- .Lmar-.
J - ' . t
inland and hitVe' Been e ver si nee In
citing .the Indians to rebellion and.
resistance .of the government officials,
and'thia, . coupled with the 'alleged-
Pine timber injustice has resulted - m
the present trouble.. .- i.-' ,;
BroWnell Dubbs Him -the '.Uttle fapotepn
of the Republican Party of Orajfon.". ,:-
SALEaf, ' Oct." 8. The -senatorial
question ia-now' settled' tor good 'or i'.l.
- .' . . .':' 't
An immense crowd
was : at the' state
house today, and witnessed' the election
of flon; Joseph Slujbh as Uhi(e'd States
Secrato'ri Mr. Siiriqha -ppv. ceaiized:
the hopes and ainbltiooi era liie-time.
ris eleotion creates a .vacancy, -in the
s(ate seoate, . 4Senatox MichetK made-
'the annou'n'Qetnegt, tbat.rr; pprbett--
!. hawithd'r'awn.apd Seqator .lBrowh
.weft - maae a. iejiA tnominailnff
Pvech,.f eferrin i as the !
"Little. : NapoleOP Qf -ithe Tepblican
. ''. '-T A f - - ,', ' .v -i
.partyO.Orgqn.., vAfteR.thei(itlOTl'
toe boogea both adiournfid IUL& P. M.1
JJvf 4 V " - r , -
!Mbbdayi The Other, business XraD8a-Ct':
1... . ; . . - t , . v v rj- -. : J
ed . ) both AOUaeS iffts uhlthbdrtaDt. -
AbO osen bills were, introdubed
i -'" ' .
-lakh -b. A V. , . ' - a M m a a w a- 1 f L- . -2. '
juua.uuu&c niuj pvpiaiiu ituo senate.
.' ,;.' t'i-4' i '.t J i ' , . . ' - ;
Tlio ruut. rt fhalintiaiv .mla.liii, t.
-itfooft' talked about through the . state,"
saa .iooad to be pulp) 423 per day;
XbeSday- Bodadf aU4rtroVIuetien of
new bills.
. , . ... .' ' JIBOIW
launneaots fnontuB Uoirt Lin
ie , .U Pet
aOf . SoMiers'Bullets. j
; ' ftf'lJAPpLi, OeVv5V Reports frQm,
tbe sceii'QS pi hb'stititief'at .Ijeeeh, Jake',
.ibday-ybyfe etin'cobniqting iadetajli.-.
Sbo'S wnclBsiely'th'aTt the lqgseg.
battle with Indians were not-nearlyso
.heavy as first reperted.and futhermore :
Eastern Oregon t'Z
The most successful year! wot of ' ' '
ihe State formal School at' aVpg-'. i
ton, Oregon, closed last Jijfisjth; i .
fiiH graduatioif Tjf tftenjEy stiuioctS;;
;FJl;T.ern Opens Sept! 5, 1898
. " V i'.jvv'.v.t.T.v :.
-, Fullcourse oitaajr, asientiisftng .
prof essionaljVocal ana ih'strunien-. ,
i tX teiwic. .- -. i. ' ' ."''
Healtbfal location, good society , '
a&d pfeasant euiroiwdhigsr
coarq in ianiiiieH . iruui t.ov ip. ;
i -,'$3.50.' ! Bootjm- for titOse" who "HC -sire-to
board- themselves can ; be" ''
..had'at'reasorible,rategc.- - '
Boarding hall fo young ladiea in. ".
'Connection witht.he'gc"hpoIf uijder.
the careful siipervisibn of a ma- ..
tron, board, fuel nd :ligfrtB''at "
t2.6toT3ape,rwekw;.-..rv -."'A'
Catalogues and information furnished,
' . ' . . . - I-
Royal nukes the food pure,
" wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Puro
that the crisis is probably pas t.and the
Indians ready to 8Je for peace. ..
General Bacon has at last been heard
from. He has TteTegraplied a 'list 'of
casqaltiea to army headquarters at St.
Paul.' One special ' dispatch savs the
general has sent word that he has the
Pillagers whipped, and does not need
further reinforcements.
A later dispatch from Walker re
ports the arrival there of General Ba
con and his men, with news that the
Pillagers are already flying flags of
truce, to which, however, no attention
has been paid. ''
. Keorgknizinr the Army.
Washington, uot.- .7. A general
order was issued today organizing the
new army corps and designating the
variouf points where troops shall
be 'stationed. The Third, ' Fifth
and Sixth corps are discontinued,
and the First, Second, and Fourth
corps reorganized. They will
be commanded respectively - bv
MajorGenerals Breckinridgs, Gra
ham and ' Wheeler. Headquarters of
the respective, corps will .be as follows:
Fourth corps. Macon, Ga.?- Second,
Augusta, Ga.;. Fourth, Huntsville,
Ala.-' '. '; '
; .Services; no Longer Needed.
WashingtonOcd.'7. The war de-
partaient haa issued- ;the expected
order focthe honorable discharge from .
volunteer service of the United States .
.three major-g.eneraUs and 26 brigadier-
generals ;Of. volunteers. Officers who
were-promoted from the1 reaular army
will.-return .-tip ttein former duties.
' "-"Great Strike at. Paris . : .;:'
PABis," 'pc)p J. 5iicty-,-: .thousand
labdrerk in tnis city are on tt: strike.-
Work on the expqBUiopi buildings has
ceased. There has been quite serious
street fighting betwean the atrikere"
and the so-called , '.'blacklegs," and
the quarter in which the rioting occur
red is now. patrolled- by strong detach
ments of police, and troops. .
. ' A Tnoronyh Befactiomst.
.- jThe people of The. Dalles may feel
they have been favored bjf, the. visit of
Mrs. Dr. Frank in. this oityr. he: is a
thortfugh-eyB'speclanst arid refraction
ist, having made a life study of .the eye
and its treatment, and is perhaps the
best equipped of any one who has
Visited this place. Her 'knowledge of
the eye has been acquired,.- not alone,
'by studyrbiHf by a practice reaching
over' fourteen years, therefore she has.
a correct idea; of: the treatmeo ' re
quired for every affection-pf the; visual
'organ." Dr' Frank. has with her a:very
Coniple'te 'apparatus for. -testing the
6ye, also a large collection of artificial
human eyes.- 'Any one' whose sight is
in any way impaired,, either - by use of
wrongly adjusted glasses .or for want
of them can do no better than give Dr.
Frank a ball. ' Any difficulty ith the
eye -will reeeive - proper attention and
tr.eattnent by this well Known :'special
)ist..;..XIknsultation' free.-'': Dr.-Frank
will .be located by. Saturday Where she
may be consulted. ..'-. : !. ; ;
,i tj-u - i -'.' ' - ".' . .
A Matter of Assessment.- ' !
- , A.sort of qnd extri-judicial
meeting of the county .poard of equal
ization was held in tha county, court
room yesterday ,'a't "which an applica-,
tlon was made for a reduction on the
asBsesmeql.of the property destroyed
jn the late fires in this city and Ant'eV
'lope, .-Two members of the board:-:iii-
sisted Jthat the county , board having:
fedjbhrned sine'dieV last Satuaday, they.
H.u. uuupiniuvuuD iu tue (natter, xne
assessor. Was. willing 'to 'giie to' a ' rei
adjustment. on t.hevbasis that where trl?
sura'nce.Kad.been carried;.and the s'afpe-
had, been, paid, the .insurance money;.
snpuui.De laxea amu per cent oi its
face in Men of the origical assessment,.
IJut as this would-have - increased' the
assessment ol moretban. oneof -the
suaerersj sou materially. . juureaseu it
'in' tbeiase bt those who. suffered leaBt,
the matter was allowed .to- orop and
cotiapg- was auoe. ib is presqmea,
howeyer, ; will1 'be "brought up,
some time in. .the .futuresbefore -the
'Oouffty'-oourC. "'-. ' . (
if '' . ; ;.' . .. i :-' ' ?,:
XxPMUBP, for pur;conipletr8e uf
auvjniie wooKv-iortne nonaays. n;acn.
set has four; book graded for- litttleoires
to'grown up. folks. '.achbojok ehjirrjTJ
iDg,dghtfm', TjamiVating. ".Prices
.jraage (rora 603jlp-J2,5Q. -LdrgeS books-
each, overflowing with happytlrirexra
tionsi "Treriiendous sellers Nothing-
,like them. ; Four months golden har-
given, ..Freight'pai'd.'" "Biggest .-'.com-missi0il9.
' Outfit with samples of . all
four-books free.- .Send twelve"' '2 cent
stamps for payjng -ipart. onlv--of the'
postage alone. . - Dtod . ; all trish and '
cleaf $300 a mootK with oqr exclusive
Jrfven'ile -i'HEJ' NATION At .BOOK
pqipAGQ..; ; ,; . :' -
i i' i . ' Vcr Over Fifty Tears. i .
An OLtr an h ' W TLTl,-Tried' 'Bem-ji&T.-MrB.''Vv":iiisioW',6
Sdohiiig. Syrup
hab- beetj" usid for fiver' fifty y e'ar's" by.
mHlions-of toothers for their children,
-while teeth in g.t with-' peMece'iBuVcess
It soothes the child .'Softens the', glims'
allays1 all pain.'cures-wind colic.'ahd is
the best remedy for diarrhoea.- Is
peassn t fo the tasted i 'Sold by drig
gists io' -pyery part pf the world."
Then ty-five cents . a - Bottle.-' ' J ts ?alije' .
ii uncalcolable. .Bja sure-ftnd- ftsk for'
I jylrs.,yinslow's. .rm.: s -. s.-?
:- T-- 'For Sale. '"'t ...
The enthefniit'eroptnpVyet gather1
L-edlln our" drebarcL.ou -Fifteen4 Mile,"
;about 1 njtiaa-irom rne uaues, cob
iiifl rtt.hnf f rnita ' fnr7" Sftlo? "' AddIv. im-
: aAX-V06T& GO.''1
i-v-i-i-- d&wtf."'
Tfle DaUes. .
Republican Majority in The
House Will be Small..
"Vashington, Oct. 9. The Wash
ington Post will present tomorrow, in
a series of dispatches from correspond
ents fn every state of the Union, ex
cept Maine, Vermont ' and Oregon,
where congressional elections have al
ready been held, a view of the political
situation with special reference to the
complexion of the next house of repre
sentatives... .In 'summarizing its .dis
patches, the Post says': , 1', ... -
'.. ''While democratic gains are out
lined in many states, the figures given
by the correspondents of the Post do
not yet make it positive that th re
publicans will lose control of the house,
There is at present in the house of re
presentatives a republican majority of
46 over all parties combined, and this
majority will be difficult to completely
overcome, mere is no aoubt mat it
will be reduced to a very small number
but the present indications do not
point to its entire disappearance.
'The estimates made by the Post's
correspondents show that 166 districts
in the United States will certainly be
republican in the approachinsr. election
unless the unexpected happens, and
13 additional districts will give the re
publicans a majority of the house! ,
One . Burned
to-Dentil, tne
: Vy Over: ' " ".
Pendl"Et6n, Oct:' 9.--Saturday after-.
noon some children were at- play in a
barn owbed'by Sim. Hutchinson a far.
mer-; living ri'e'ar" this city, - Among
them was the little 3-year-old daughter
of Mr HutchinebnJ The children had
some matches-;, which". 'they ignited.
Some straw caught fire, , and this was
communicated to" the barn. . Ail the
children except the little' Hutchinson
girl fled.- - She was left at the mercy of.
the flames A neighbor, Brown by
name rushed iff and found the child
hangings by her Bands to a piece o
burning scaintitng. -Her clotnes were
on fire, he-grasped her in his arms and
rushed out in to the open air, rolled her
on the-rnund'and extinguished the
flames. It '.was- found " that her 'legs,
back,, arms aud head were frightfully
burned.. Dra. Gote and Vincent were
called apd; succeeded in allaying her
pain,, Brown who .. so y, heroically
rescued the child, was-'badlybnned
on his .hands, .and arms. - Today ' the
child died of -her injuries.- V ' ",'
At 12:30 p., while a west
bound train, on -. the Washington &
Columbia Ri vet; railroad ' was' : coming'
around a curve at: a point' about' five east "of this feityVit ran Over a 21-year-old
boy t the son of D: B. Watson,
a' farmer . .living, "'at. Mission-' 'The
cliild'. had wandered away from home
and in attempting to cross, the rail
road ' track', "got 'caught, in a -cattle
guard. ! The engineer did xiotsee the
bpy.'untirHdclosej too-stop .the train
in ' time J to ': prevent ..the accident
Apart of the train passed over the leg
bf the .boy',' severing it from the: body.
The train was. quipkly - topped . ad
the-child picked' up. Thelittle fellpw
lived only 15 minutes after being run
" - The. Boac Floated.
GBEQON: ClTYi O&t. - CI 'Sullivan,,
superin tendent of the Corvallis &' East
ern railroad, ts- in 'tne' -bity 'today; and
s highly elated over the'fact; that the
steamer, W.. M.N Boag'is . again afloat.
Captain James '-V, GlsenV'of . the Portr
land Shipbuilding Company, took the
contract of raising 'and' repairing the
sunken steamer p and. she ! was floated
e8te'rday.,eveni:Bfi-.- 'Since' the boat
struck a the hpper -locks ' canal
about. three. weeks ago,and' was beached
eeyeral: unsuccessful attempts had
been . made ... to raise 'her. With the
aid of a .donkey; engine the last at
tempt" was successful.1 ' : "'
t.J ';."; -tit of. Camp .Wlkoff,
i .WAsHWQrqN.Oct. 9,-The following
.iBelf-explanatory telegraphic ' order
were issued by ' .the .. war depar'tmen t
today: .,'. -
'Commanding Genoi'al, Camp Wi-'
koff Montjtukt'oint, Ni Y.: By direct
ion of thesecre.tary.of war.the Seventh"
United States infantry is releiyed from
duty at Camp. AVikDff.: aud- will ;; pro-
ceea lo tne aepartmeut oi tire uanes,
takibg' btation : headquarters- a ; Fort
Waynei:'t r ?; i-- -. - -
': "- ,' ::' ii"--r--:
Betani of . Admirakl Bf iller. t: i
,. ,SAty jFa'srcoppt. 9,-Admiral
Miller, who iafsed. the, United States
6ag.ov)r the Ha'wailan.ilands, has re
turned in .his flagship. the Philadel
phia."' The' admiral isreticient regard
ing affairs on the islands, but regards
the-sltuatlon', fh'exe as satisfactory -'to"
this-government. bile on a. trial
cruise 'O(it 0f Honolulu, , fire, was; dis-
cOvefred ln'' the .bunkers-jot the. Phil"
adelphia. 'It .was extinguished before
a'ri jdamage'was done.,. . ,,. .:! -'
'.-tit- .-: ;"'
.'.... .. hoirtest and -Longest - Btlla.
'.-Jsalkm; ct." 10,-rTne Shortest' bill
introduced at this eessaion-of the legis
lature consists of 34 .wordsr It was in-
'troauced by. Mr., -Gray, and provides
that -doors'" on . opera-houses, school
rbiSildings," churches,; And halls- shall
openoutward. - ; ..i
"'The 'longest bill ia that . introduced'
by Senator tjaseltine. and provides a
new charter for the; city of Portland,
IC dontains 4800 words.
; - - Tanner'WithVhe Strikers.
: :Spkingpiei-p, 111... TOct.., 10. Gov?
e'rnor' Tanner has" had a. sharp con-J
fttrveriy' "Ove the. j telephone, i with
Manager iiUkens, "of the Chicago-Vlrden-:
Company )Ln. regard to the
lending of troOps to Yirdentl where the-ogeVator-i
have been planning to use
The way
to go east:
is to-take one of the Burlington Route's j
weekly personally conducted tonrist car j
excursions.- a ney leave t-oniana every
Wednesday-evenidff,.nuiiiin(r over the O. i
R.ANT.Co.andO.S.L,.toOtrden. R.Q.W. a
T and .Denver & Rio Grande railroads to I
uenrer, ouriinciou rtouxe irom tbereon.
No chance of cars, Portland to Kansas
City and St. Louis. Only one change to
unaaaaDa cmcag-o. excursion man
ager with each party. Porter with each
ach J
est f
car. . ...
The tourist sleepers used for the Bu
intrton excursions ra- Pullman's best
clean, comfcrtalilc, nderii. Onlv
S5 for a berth, Tort!atiil -to Omaha or
Kansas City: S to Et. lyouis rir Chicago.
i nrougn iickcts a,ia KertliH s;i;e ai f
all O. R. N. and O. S. L. licliet oflices. v
A. CShelrton, Gen'1 Arnnt.
250 Washington St., Portland, Ore.;
imported negroes. t fill the jla6
strikers.' '' ' ' 'J''- "
ea 'of
; Manager -Luken s, in.'-feply,. to a
question, said he proposed to itnport
labor, and would operate bis mine,, if
necessary, at the muzzle of Win
chesters. Tanner said he .would not
send troops to assist the operators in
running their mines with' imported
labor, and if the. operators attempted
to enforce their ideas in regard to
Winchesters, he would send the. Na
tional Guaid to Virden to disarm all
In regard to the situation at Pana,
Governor Tanner said if the operators
persisted in employing imported labor
he would withdraw the troops from
that place.
Yellow Jack Spreads.
Jackson, Oct. 10. The yellow fever
situation in Mississippi grows rapidly
worse, and unless coot weatner comes
soon nearlv the entire state bids fair
to become infected. Earriston in
Jefferson countv, has a population bf
only' 150 and 19 cases" developed there
yesterday and last night. Harisburg,
in Perry cOuntyj' how has . 14 cases.
In Jackson the' infection increases
Rich Quarts .Near Skagway.
Victoria, B. C, Oct 10. News
has been received here of the finding
of gold quartz at Skagway, goiifg $1000
to. the ton. The news comes Irom a
very reliable source and although tie
'exact .location is not - known, it is
Within, a. very short distance of the
Gateway city. , - -
. - " ' Attention"1 Farmers,
i .
. I w'ill have a car load of . Star Feed
Grinding mills ;ln- ,The -Palles by Oc
tober 1st., and wiij be able to sell mills
anywhere from ,330V tp. $100, capacity
from 500.Jtorl000p pound?; per .day;
All inils areC'ly . gquarenteed..- '-Bei'
ing shippedln car load lots- and; sold
for spot cash," they are furnished, to- the
farmers at thejery 'lowest price.
I desire aifagent in every county in
Oregon and Washington-, .to handle
these machines jt,iberal , comnaisibn
good J.iye workers Correspondence
ricited.'" ', .- ft', i i.i; -
"Grass Valley v Or.
- .... ; r,U
Bobeon WUI Next Tarn . Bis Attention
'. i' -to tuning tne- colon.
New Yohk, Oct. 10. A dispatch to
theH(Brald from Playa del Este, Cuba,
says: -
" Work On tho Spanish cruise-" Viscaya
has been abandoned. Divers found 5u
feet of the bottom. Of the bilge 'gone.
The Wrecking tue Chapman ia here
coaling; and will tow the Sharpe from
Santiago today, where she. has been
provisioning, to the r wreck ot the
Colon ''Naval Constructor-' Hobson
accompanies the expeditiou. - -
Half of thedeck of the Infanta - Ma
ria' Teresa has been laid.; -, Iu pumping,
outr'tbe " enginefopm, .both . engines
were. turned'by hand.. ' ,- ; i.;.-;
' It is expected that the Teresa will
leave for New York or Norfolk, on .006
ober'I8. ' , " ' . -j '.. - .
"' Evacuation to be 'Kuahed. " '
Madrid,. Oct. 10. It is said here
that the evscuation of Porto Rico' will -
be comple week and the e vac
uatipn of Cuba -will be' accomplished
by the end of November. The govern-
ment is employing 21 -vessels in 'the
repatnation -ot the -'-troops.-' The" 'sol'
diers have, received their pay for June
and' on. landing. in Spain 'they will", re
ceive one; month's 1 pay, he given civil
lanef" clothing. and be mustered out.
. . , " Laat and Final Notice.
I hereby give notice that on and
after the 1st of November 1898 I will,
without further notice, proceed to levy
upon all property noon -which taxes
remain unpaid for the year 1897.
Robert Kelly .1
' tf-:. Sheriff orWasco Cbuhty;
:' to Cure .Colir: tn One Day '. .
Take Laxative Bromo.Quinihe Tablets'.
AH drufireista refund the money if it',1
fails to cure. 25 cents. . The genuine
has 1m B, Q. on each tablet. cm.
A- cough whldh seems to hao;
on in spire oi au tne rcmeoies wuc
you have applfed certainty need :
energetic -ano' sensible treatmen'
For twenty-five years' that stand
arii preparation-! xorJ-liver ouV; ''
has oroved its elfeceness-. in .cur
,in?:-the :tryin:ections of tht
tnroat ana lungs, ana tnis u i i
reason why; thf Co4-1iyer oiI jar:Tad..we:7wnura aslt 'that Everyone take
tiallv -digested; 1 strengthens anc I an interest ajad fofward'such addresses
vitalizes' the whole' sys-
teinj the' hy'pophosphit'es;
act as a tonic , to th
mind and nervesand thf ;
glycerine , soothes anc
hjtalsife Irritation.", Cat
yo think of .anyCOL
nation so effective as this;
Be aure you get SCOTT'S ErriuUion.
uaa arm nsa are oaiw wrapper. .
'' Joe. and f 1.00, all irvggistv ." "
Secretary JUger Makes Very
Little Explanation.
ftEW York, Oct. 20. A dispatch to
the Herald from Washington says
Secretary Alger has sent an answer to
the war investigating committee,
which, in the words .of one of the com
missioners, "does not answer."
'in tne brst place.'' said tnis com-
missoner, " we asked who had been in
fluentialin selecting the" "canrp":rte8."
The only answer vouchsafed is that
General Lee seleoted the camp at
Jacksonville, i ao not tnintc any
other camp is mentioned. But this
omission will, no doubt, be remedied
in the supplemental report for which
we will call on the secretary."
Secretary Aider's report includes
3000 words, and In addition to the
Jacksonville camp matter, covers only
these points: The selection of Tampa
as a point of embarkation:' Rear Ad
miral Sampson's dispatch, the cause of
hastening troops to Santiago; Cora
modore Remey's dispatch, the cause of
subsequent delay of the troops. Dis
cussion of these tobies exhausts the
report. No attempt seems to hare
been made to explain the causes of the
hardships suffered by the sold'ers in
Tampa. The matter is brushed aside
with apparent contempt in the relation.
that Tampa was considered a .good
location and the most convenient-
point of embarkation. . -
Secretary Alger will be asked for a
fuller answer.
He Sees
Nothing in the
Future for the
Omaha, Oct. 10. "The Minnesota
Indians will see that they have made a
great .mistake, in going on the war
path," : says GeronimO, - the famous
Apache chief, who is one of the In-
fliana nnur in namn at. t Vi India r,
gress. ' I
I hare never been in Minnesota,
but I hear that up there and for hund
reds of miles beyond the white men
are as many as the blades of grass
If that is eo what can a few poor In
dians do in a fight? They are making
a great mistake and are fools. For
years I fought the white men, thinking
my few braves I could kill
them, alt;' aird that we -would again
have the land that our- Great Father and which -he covered with
game. . I thought that the Great Spirit
would be with us, And that after we
had killed, the whiter 'men, the buffalo,
deer and antelope would 'come back.
After I fought and- lost, and after I
.traveled over the country in which the
white man lives and saw his cities and
the work he had done, my heart was
ready to burst. I knew that the race
of Indians was done." -
Asked what he thought would event
ually -become of the Indians, Geronimo
hesitated and pointed to the west and
said: .' ''' ' '"'
The sup rises and shines for awhile,
and then it goes- down,' sinking out of
Bight, and it is lost.' So it will be with
the Indians. V ''- '-"'-' l. ' ' -
la BelnK Bnahed Thrpnch.
in a
Horry! t. ,
Salem, Oct. 11. The house, ia now
holding night sessions, and is. pushing
business along at a rate, that indicates
a determination to enact all new. laws
possible before' the esslpri shall ad
journ. ;'' i
Today, Senator, illchofl's bill allow
ibg express coinpanlas to bing sheep'
into the state without inspection was
passed by the house. .The house also
passed a bill allowing, Multnomah
county to lease the upper deck of the
steel :. bridge across the : Willamette
rri er at Portland." " "
Aii appropriation of 925,000 will be
made . at this session - to rebuild' the
mechanical hall of- the agricultural
college, recently burned. .
The bill reducing the salaries of
ofBcers ln Morrow courjty passed the
house this forenoon: - ' v ".'
Marriage is not a failure in homes
where "Garland" steel ranges are used.
Sold exclusively . by Maier & Benton
J S Schbnck, - ,: :
- : Cashier
Eirst ' National Bant
4 . : . ':l.l
General Banting Business -transacted.
.Deposits received subject to sight draft
or check. . . . -
Collections made and proceeds promptly re-
- nutted on day oi ooueotion. .
Sight and telegrapUo 'exchange gold on New
York-. Ban Francisco ana Portland .
Are Y Interested?
c x i, xr w faI- Ka
Resources of Oregpi Whlfg"
ton. arid Idaho is K-ng. diutFibuted.
Our- readers are reauestea.-to torwsra
the addregse of their Eastern friends
ma:f-CVJ. ahnni1 hB
to W.'H. Hurlburt. General -Pnssen-
ger Agent', O. E. & NCOi, Portland; ' '
Hotefeinae best
isavine. .Tjj-oirties -in -tn & state (2.000.
one-nalt dovnj. : "roprieter nas otner
'.- . 1 . ! - ii
intres demarjding i'ijnediate atten
tion;-, : W. M. KEYHOLD8,
,-m "-
'jVasco, Oregon.
-. - V- ' v;-:'-.
mat arv taste
4 0 if " .f I
I ill uic inuiaLii
II .. r' I 1
II I I C X"! II II III 'J 111 fV I II
I 1 I.Mff.l II II llltr-wa- 3 V-. . I
I i 1.-.. - ( m m. M T a a i
I -II I all ri II II II aBBBVaa v M ir . . I
ill yMkM. S I I I J I 1
II I ran n n ca. ; I I
I I i STaT
I . .!
V Pemember the name. - 7
I V whpn vnn hn anst'm u7 i
V-- .niivn iw. nu-:ujjVUiltW '"" f I
-. V '':";.' 7 m-ii
1 1 I -BtBBfegg-BBBgagaBMggg m
v.. .'. .; ;.; .. ....
" ' "- ! '
, - , '.-:. ' "' ' ',' r - V . ,
;wWe carry constantly on hand v
a,; large stock-of Rough and
PrQBsed: Lumber of all kinds.
.SASB; Jand do o rs.
Pamtsi; Oils aoid Glass, Building-
Paper, Cedar Shingles, and
Redwood SHingles. . .
. . Past
11:H) p. I
Salt Lake.. Denver.-Ft
- Fast--:
Mall .,
:10 a. m.
Worth,' Omaha, Kan
sas City, St' -Ivouis,
Chicago and East
' : Flyer
ijValla Walla. . Spokape,
Flyer ,
6if0 a. m.
Aiinneapous, si f'ani
Duluth. jjfilwaalte;
Vhlcago ana c-ast,-
8 pi. m-
r ROM' rORTlAHD. ,
' Oceaa Steaaiablpa'. '
All Sailing Dates 'sub-
jeot to cnange, .
For San Francisco .
Sept, t, 8," 11. 10.21,26,
Vp". ml
To Alaska : .
8 p. m. .
-Sail Septembar H.. .
- eolmmfcla Rrer ..
' Sfcaiacra . ,
. : "' ri.-
TcC Astoria and Way?.
I landings. "
" e a . 'in .'
Willamette Jilvar; : 1
i-M n. in.
Oregon Newberg1.
saiem s . w ay- luuk-
:. .1 a.ti'
4witrette paaXaA(l
ViJtt ..""vera. .
40regiiClty, Dayton.andk
ana ti., .
, Way:-a
8 a. m.
Wlllaaic'tte RiVcr '
Tues, Tbur
and Sat
Port'and to Corvallis
ana WayTLaadlBga
LV Riparla
i.-. Sak Siver.
Klparla to Lewis too.
Dv.' Lwb
- i:vra-, m.
' Friday.
&a. n.:
Sua, TAiea.
and Xhur."
. W. H. HUELB URL-Gen. Faaa. Art.,
. 1 Ponlud, Oregon
Ibzvaxb, Agent, The Dalles. ,
Nflftitfoi "-
; 1
Ja La Tf Jaa "
mmnimmmmmmmmmmmmm ninimmmmmm!
teller Belting
For Agricultural Use.
, : " For Threshing
j .
... - J
v, ',
, ' . Vfe 'have' taken the; agency for"!)!' Mfg '
E -"-. .VQq'& Gutta'Percha; abd high grade Leather 'j
; ;.:: ';Belting. VWe also hav.e the "MOHAWK,"
:;;ri;t;th-e. RED STRIP"
i u : ' -..Rubber- Belting. . These . are all standard
If, '.' . brands and jare w4 liriw .r
Soliciting ehare i hfeTlelting Trade, '
we ate respectfglly.
gc?-. 5.; .: , ; " . ifc- ; - ? '
gs: 4i .Se1d'je.urmail orders
Mr - 11
'". ; ' .,' ' '-'.CLOSES 7-. '' -
OCTOBER 22.1808. '
-1. .......... . i
The Finest and GreateatZxpositioB Ever.
neia in tne orthifrest.
Hortleiiltfl ral, AgricuHural, .
f .-
Produots of Oregon and WastaiDfrton will
be displayed in.wonderfu. proruaion. In- V
eluding more varletlea than ever before
gathered together lo one exhibit.
Gold, Silyer and Bronzl Medals..
Marvelously Rich Specimen! from. Our
Gold, Silver and Other Mines.
Bennett's Renowned Military - Band
Baa been engaged for the
Astounding Aerial Feata and Acrobatic
" i -
Very Low Rates on all Railroads. '
AdulU 25 cents.
Children 10. cents
. Keeps on draught the celebrated
Columbia Beer, acknowledged,
the best beer In The Dallen, at
the usual price.' - Come In, try It
" and .be convinced.. Also the
. Finest brands of Wines, Liquors
; .and Cigars. -
'f'.'.: Th6Plles, Oregon. . 3
- for Belfihgl : '
.'yr i01 kind l0Bat
short BotlM avmd m
rMMBJtbU ratM u