The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, October 08, 1898, Image 1

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, , ,, I, '
KO 45
'C. UyLLUfT-K, .
'.'.. Physician and Surgeon,
mrer Dalles Setloaal Bank. Crfflo boon, 10
K U) Kl 11 IN IfW I W I p m. JM
, dmc Kt tail at Third Btraet, .
8. BxKNia ' V 7!
Itiip nun inniiip
inc ruiumftx
Attorney at Law
. . - . . Dentist.
Boom, 8 9 and 10. Vost Block, Toe Dalles, Or.
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon (or
W L, Whealdon. Plaintiff.
L E Ferguson and O D Taylor, Defendants.
' .By ?!rtue r air execution, decree and order
of sale, duly ltwued . out of and nnder the
... ui iae circuit uonrt or toe State of Ore
... gon. for the County f Wasco, to me directed
and dated the 9th day of August. 1888. upon
w.w i uio lurcoiusure or a certain mort
- gage, and judgment rendered and entered In
said Court on the 7th day of July. 1898. In the
'- aboYe entitled cause, ia favor of the Plaintiff
7. MRTeieauiM ia . rerguwD. as
, juugment aeiHor. tn tne sum of three hundred
dollars, with int rest thereon from thn 10th
day of November. 1H89. at the rate of ten per
-. oent per annum, less M OO paid June IS. 1884
." and the further sum of twentv-four dollars.
.... w"k . u u uk nn oi ana upon this writ, and
. wtuiuauuiuK dw lo maKc sale or tne real prop.
Proposition on Which Agui-
naldo Proposes to Operate.
New Yobk, Sept. 30. A dispatch to
the Herald from Washington says:
Senor Agoncillo, the Philippine re
prosecutive who has come to Wasb-
i i if ton to ask that the insurgents b
hvtrd by the peace commissioners at
Paris, has mtde pttblio a translation of
tha constitution, which A?uinaldo was
to have proclaimed at Malo Lots. -
3By this constitution A ruiniM for-
mally renounces the title of dictator.
and assumes that of president of the
revolutionary jrovernmoTt of the Phil
ippines. He provides for four sacre-
,, erty embraced in such decree of foreclosure I . , .. . i
I and hereinafter described. I will, on the I taries those of state, marine arid com
merce; of war and public works; of
interiort f. justice, police . in-
Royal i
kes the load pare.
Absolutely Pur
12th Day of September, 1898,
At the hour of t o'oloclc, in the afternoon of
bkiu uy, hh as meiront aoor or the County
. Court house, la Dalles City. Wasco County.
Oregon, .sell at public auction to the highest
; Didder for cash in hand.all the right, title and ln-
. oreni. wuica ne oeienaant u JS Ferguson, or
( vitucryi wicui usu on toe ivtn aay or Novem
v- per. 1889. the date of the mortgage foreclosed
; herein. o which such defendants or any of the
;, defendants herein, have since acqui ed, or now
nTo ju ana to tne following described real
Oregon. owit;
Kreinnlns at a no
- LaugoUn's donation land claim intersects the
Dint where the North line of
North line of -A vara Avenue in Nyce&Gi-
son s aaanion to Dalles City. Oregon; thence
westerly along the north line of 1 ord Avenue
..eighty-one (SI) feet; thence at rig t angle
northerly to the south line of Fulton's addition
to Dalles City, Oreeon: thence easterly along
said south line of Fu ton's addition to the went
ure oi LAugnun's donation land claim; thence
southerly along said west line of Laughlin's
uuauuun iaoa claim CO me place or beginning,
beinr the same land conveyed to L E Ferguson
uj uccu ui j J- t-eiera ana JOHcpn Mcechen.
said deed bearing date July 18. 1889. or so much
of said property as will satisfy said Judgment
suu uwree. wim tokib ana accruing costs.
Said property will be sold subject to confir.
mation and redemDtion as bv law nrnvfriprf
Dated' at The Dalles. Oregon. this-9tb day of
jtimiui, tow
Sheriff of Wasco County. Oregon.
To the Honorable County Cou t cf Vasco
uouncy. - regont
We, the undersigned legal voters of Falls
i-recinct, waseo -county. Oregon, respectful y
petition your Honorable Board t gi ant to O.
u. ot'aiui a icense to seu spin tons,
and malt liquor in less quantities than one
gallon, for the term of one year at the Cascade
John rhiesea. . A FleU;hhauer. '
xt dik. n a ieavena,
AO Hall,
H I Lllleirard.
John Anderson,
. Joseph Schmid,
E Ostberg.
P Aug Irelson,
R SobT
N Nestltf.-. " '
Charles Alln,
J W Attwell.
- John D Woodenshoe.
A J Knightly.
James Stewart, -
O a Hickok.
: Sam MrCary,
filer srd Woodward,
T w Badder,
John G Brown :
P E Leavens,
H Glazier.
W D MoCrory,
John Trans,
. DLCatea,
P Dolce,
Pat Lahey,
C J Carl on,
Ed Morgan,
John Westman,
Chas Willgerodt,
F H Douglas, '
' J F Stout.
O Washburn,
H Henn.
J W Douthlt,
Josef Habiager.
Henrt Gray,
Alfred Collis,
A B Glailer, ,
Tboa Coyle, "
A Traversa,
structions and health, and of finance,
agriculture and industry. A congress
is provided for, to be composed of rep
resentatives of all the provinces of the
An important feature of the const!
tntlon. in view of the probability that
Aeuinaldo will try to obtain recogni
tion from European povernments, is
that part describing the duties of the
secretary of state. It provides:
"The office of pecpof.drv of -fate sha'l
be divided into three deparraeots fo-
diplomacy, for inarioe auj fur com
1'he department of diplomacy will
study and transact all business cou-
ce ning the direction of diplomatio
negotiations with foreign Dowers.
The department of marine shall
btui'y and transact ail business in ref
ereoce to the formation and organiza
tion of a navy ahdthe organization
ana equipment ot such expeditions as
may be desired by the revolutionary
government in carrying out its pur
pose and deigns.
"The department of commerce will
transact all bu iness pertaining to
irado, both icteruul and external, and
preliminary work for the making of
oommeiciitl treaties with foreign
nations." '
minimum number. The plans of the
military board prov'de one regiment
for the stane to consist of. three bt-
talions, one at Portland, one in Sou'h
ern Oregon and one in E n ern Ore
gon. Recruiting has been entng on for
some time, bjt none o' the comonies
have recruited . to their full strength
as y t. ;
Prepsriag to Leave Cuba.
Havana. Sept. 30. It is understood
that orders have bea given to the
Spanish force at ' Holgiun to march
to Gibara, concentrate there and hold
themselves in readiness for shipment
to Spain. The troops at Puerto Prin
cipe are ordered to go to Wur vitas.
those on the Juraro Moron trocha to
San Fernandino. and- those at Man-
zanillo to Cienfuagoi. ;
The third and fourth division of the
First army corps will em b irk at Mat
anz is, and the first and second divis
ions of the same eurp from Havana
The forces in the province of Pinar del
Rio and the divison engaged in the
defences of Hu'a;it. witii Gener:l
Clan co and his stuff, will embark at
Estimated That 893.009,000 Pine Trees
Havtf Been Oestroye I.
CHlPPErV.v Falc.3. Wis '. StQi. 33. i
lii'niier computes are sendia; nun-
dreds of men into the woods lu an en
deavor to check the forest fires. It is
estimated 500,000,000 pine trees have
been destroyed, and the fires continue
Coass of Ge;rg a and South
Carolina Swept
Tha Leglautar W&I bo Asked to Keim-
tba WUltla Food.
Charles Trapp,
Joe Schmid.
Hans Wieks.
I. Lrnnjo,
T H Williams.
Ia the Circuit Court of tha State of Oregon for
. vvasco launiy.
TLeresa Rees. plaintiff,
- versus .
Frederick A. Bees defendant.
- To Frederick A. Bees, the above named de-
In the name of the State of Oregon:
Yon are hereby required to ai
answer the complaint of plaintiff (ilea against
you in we aoove enuuea suit on or before the
. Srst day of the next regular term of the above
'. entitled Court; .to-wit, on or before Monday the
Uth day of November. 1898. and if on fail to so
appear and answer said eomplarnt. for want
uitroui wi piaiaia wi.i appiy to tne aoove en
titled Coun for the relief prayed for ia her
n or a decree or the above entitled Court to
tno eneot mat tne bonds or matrircony hereto.
fore, and now fglsttng between von and said
plaintiff be forever annulled, set as da and held
for naught, that plaintiff, be awarded the custo
dy and control of plaintiff's and defendant's
minor children and that the defendant be for
ever enjoined from Interfering with plaintiff or
- This summons 1a served anon you. the said
Frederick A. Bees, by publication thereof for
nz eouseouiivv weeaa la thb TiMKa-MoiTN-
tuiiu, a weekjy newspaper of general cir.
culauon, published in Dalles City, Wasro
wwmy, uregon, D oroer or tne Hon W. I
Bradahaw. Ju-lee of the above antitlml Ponn
which order is dated at Chambers in Dalles
City. Waseo County, Oregon, the fTth day of
wwwri unto. ;
DdTTb A Hinni,
:'! AttornejaforPlalutiff.
Notice i hereby given that the undersigned
. was by order of the Hon. County Cou t of
Wasco County, Oregon, by order duly made
and entered on the 16th day of July, 1898 duly
' appointed as administrator of the estate of
Jacob Bauer, late of Waseo ounty. Oregon,
and now deceased - All persons having claims
againsi tne estate oi saia aeeeasea are bereb'
Portland, Sept. 30 A bill will be
introduced in the - state- legislature
providing for a special emergency fund
foi the Oregon National Guard. This
is necessary in case of riots or any
sadden call 'the governor may be
forced to make on the guard.
. ids neea oi a special emergency
faiid was forcibly Illustrated during
the time the guard was called out to
quell trouble at Astoria.' ' The sum of
CSOOO had to be appropriated' from the
maintenance .fund. :-As a result, the
soldiers had to sacrifice the benefits of
aonual encampment drills, and go
almost ragged. When mustered into
United States service their uniforms
in many instances were a' disgrace to
them, and they were little better than
raw recruits, haying no drills in field
movements for which the annual en
campments are intended.
Prominent military men believe in
justice to the guard the S8U00 should
be returned. . It could be used advan
tageously in bu-ing new' uniforms
sadly needed. The state will be re
imbursed by the United States fur the
uniforms worn by the volunteers, but
these were so few that it cuts a very
small figure.
Colonel Jackson, ioepector:eeneral,
says this guard . will be reorgai ized,
and mustered just as soon as the var.
ions companies are recruited to the
notified to preaei t the same properly verifl
to me at my residence near Boyd postofflee,
waseo uounty. uregon, or at the omoe f my
attorneys. Lrafnr & Menefee, at The Dalles.
Oregon, within six months from the date of this
. Dated this 16th day of July. 1898.
Ad 1 'or of the Estate oi Jacob Bauer.
; LairD OrncB at Vamcouvxb, Wasb., i
" r September 8. 1898. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
aamea setuer nan niea nouoe oi ma intention
to make final proof in support of his elaim, and
- that said proof will be made before W. u
Preaby. TJ. &. Commissioner for District ot
Washington, atuoidtmdale. wash., on Monday,
uotoopFVt jew, vis; , ..
H. E. No. 19e for the Northeast quarter seo-
tion twenty-three, to. s n K 13 Wil Mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove
kin continuous residenoe upon and cultivation
or saia tana, viz:
Richard -W French. James Hinnell. David H.
Clark, Nelson B Brook, of Hartland PoHtoffice,
washiogtoa.,.. -., w.k.uuhuak,
l j . . Beg later
St. Mary's
The Wasco Hotel one of the best
paring properties in the state 12 mo
one-half down. Proprietor has other
interests demanding, immediate atten
tion. , W. M. REYNOLDS.
lm Wasco, Oregon.
Are Yob Interested?
The O. R. cVN.Co's New Book on the
Resources -Of Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho is being distributed.
Our readers jare requested to forward
the addresses of their Eastern friends
and aoou.tiiitance8,-Hnd a copy of the
work w ill be sent them free. , This is a
matter ALL should be interested in.
and we would ask that everyone take ;
an interest and forward such addresses
to w. H. Huriburt, General Pnesen
ger Agent, O. R. & N. Co., Portland.
, Milwaukee, Sipt. 30. Reporti re
ceived at the railway offlc i in this city
say the forest fires in (he northern part,
of tha state were - q ienched by the
heavy nins last ntif ho. At Cumber
land 23 families were rendered home
less and a sawmill plant valued at 8225,
000 burned. A Mrs. Jacob Correson,
at Dry Wood, was burned to death.
Many wires are down and full details
are lacking. Th pecuniary loss is
probably $1,000 000.
v Wrechra ta Stum.' - '"
Seattle, Wash., Sept. 30. News
has reached here of the wreck of the
schooner Capella in northern waters:
Septem'jsr 16th the schooner left
Ballard for the North on a fishing
cruise. She carriei a crew of four
men. On the morning of Sept. 20. I
Savannah, Ga., Oct. 2. For 15
hours, from 3 o'clock this morning un
til 6 o'clock tonight. Savanah has
hees in the grasp of a West Indian
Tornado. During the day the wiua
blew steadily from 50 to 70 miles &n
While the city escaped with compara
tively little damage, the loss of
property among the sea Islands of the
Georgia and South Carolina coasts i
believed to be heavy.
For miles io every direction around
Savannah the towns along tba rivers
aru submerged. Only one fatally has
so far been reported the drowning ol
a-negro while attempting to reach the
land from a small island near Th under
took, but heavy loss of life is feared on
toe South Sea islands, where such
fearful loss of life occurred during the
great tidal wave of 1S93. ' The con-
tlition uow are similar to those dur
ing that, storm. Owing to the suo-
merged country and the isolated loca
tion of the islands, no news can be had
from them uutil the water subsides.
For eight miles north of Saranuah
the entire cuuulry is a lake, with only
tbe hummock visible. At noun the
water was eight feet above the highest
tUe. Driven on shore by the north
east storm, it filled up on the islauds.
swept over banks, aud djtms, carrying
away the remnant of the rice ecvp
that was left by the August storm, and
had not been gathered, and wipiug
out farm crops. The loss to rice grow
ers alone will be from 950,000 to $75,
000. Of the entire rice crop along the
Savannah river, valued at $250,000, all
but about 15 per cent was lost in this
and the preceding storm.
The damage to shipping is consider
able. The schooner Governor Ames,
which was on her way to sea with
cargo of 1 600,000 feet of lumber, wen
adrift la the harbor, but was secured
The way
to p east
U to take one of the Burlington Ronte's
! weekly personally conducted tourist car
excursions. They leave Portland every
Wednesday evening, running over the J.
R. A N.Co. and O. S. L. to Ogtien, R.G.W.
as Denver St Bio Grande railroads to
Dear, Burlington Kootefrom thereon.
Kchange of cars, Portland to Kansas
City aad St. Louis. Only one change to
Omaha and Chicago. Excursion man
ager wiMi each parry. Porter with each
car. -
- The tonriat sleeoers nsrd for the Burl.
4 ington eacursioas are Pullman's best
Clean, comio.-MDie, moflcrn. unly
$5 for a berth, Portland to Omaha or
Kansas City; to St. J-oaU or Chicago.
Through tickets and berthh on sale at
all O. R. A N. and O. S.X. ticket offices.
A. C.heldon; Gen't Awit, -250
WaskSigton bt Portland, Ore.
dering marines to Peking for legation
jruard duty.
Secretary Long upeu advices re
eeiped at the state department, wbicl.
shows the existence of threatening
conditions in China, ordered Dewey to
send two warships luuudiately from
Manila to a point as n-surthe Chines?
capital as possible for a warship to
approach. Toe veesejs selected are
the Baltimore nd Petrel.
Ourgsa W'tls Ctaswtriogto Defraud thw
, state of Pennsylvania.
Philadelphia. Oct. 3. Official
confirmation was given this afternoon
to rumors that warrants had been iss
ued for the arrest of United States
Senator Quay on a charge of misuse
of stale funds. District Attorney
when about 150 miles off Cape Flattery Graham this afternoon stated that
the schooner was caught in the te tb 1 warranM na been . issuea cparging
of a' furious d-r!. Hun aaa r t: uay. bis son. Richard . Ri Quay ; ei-
bver the little vesel from bow to stem. 3 Stttt Treasurer Benjamin J. Hey wood
carrying away the boats, batches and B ana narie . McKee; with con-
everything that was movable on deck. J BPrcy witn tne late John a. uopicins,
j formerly casnier of tne people's Danic
( Poisoner at Worn:.
Long Creek. Sept, 29. C. B. Dur-
bln, of Wasco County, who bas 409
to make use of the state's funds in a
stock speculation.
Hopkins, who is named En the affida-!
head of fine thoroughbred Spanish and: I vit. enmmi..trl -.,iiri M.,h nJ
ueiaine ducks lor sale, near Prairie I an ckminailnnof thhnlr'-MnfliH-
City, is reported to have suffered a lose j ghowed that the assets were Impaired.
The bank uent into liquidation. The
etate bad half a million dollars in
the institution, but the bank's preei-
of two-thirds of the entire band a few-
days ago. Mr. Durbin believes hi
bucks were poisoned by strychnine.
He valued them at from I0 to $15
per bead, consequently hist loss was
great. '
Edward Clay lost 500 head of stock
sheep in the same vicinity last Satur
day through poisoning. .'An invest
igation is on foot.
Accidentally Shot-
Oregon City. Oct. 2. Herman Poi-
lett, aged sixteen, living ten miles uo
the Clackamas river, near the hatchery,
accidentally shot himself with a rifle
this evening. He was standing on a
log and set the gun on the ground, butt
downward, when some twigs caught
the hammer, causing it to discharge
its contents, which entered the abdo
men and ranged upwards. Death was
almost instantaneous.
v.; tlar ural.
Rice Lake, Wis., Oct. 2.-In the
burning districts officers of the differ
ent to wib have had crews of men bury.
og ana burning ttae dead animal to-
dent, James McManos, made this good
Warrants have been placed in the
bawds of Pinkerlon detectives for ser
vice. .
Senator Quay arrived from Wash
ington today, but "refuses to talk of bis
impending arrest.
Btas -Help Up and Bobbed Near Myrtle
; . Point. '
Empuie City, Or., Oct. 2 Abort 4
o'clock this moruiog the Koseburg and
Myrtle Point stage was robbed- about
one mile east of the latter place by one
into. Driver Baker was commanded
to bait, aud after obeying was ordered
to throw out the mail bag. Baker
throw the way sa :k to the robber who
immediately tol l him it was the reg
istered bag be wanted. After getting
the registered sack, the highwayman
tol.i Lira to drive on. Baker cannot I
Strifes Printers.
Pittsburg. Pa., Oct 3 The Post
will say: p:
One of the biggest 'trikes in the
history of typograohical iinions is a;j
event of the near future. Jt will be a
concerted movement for at working
dayof nine hoars, and will eyiJently
be fought to a finish. It will be waged
with a treasury at S its , Jback and
gympatny or co-operation' of local la
bor unions of alt kinds throughout
the country. Tne movement was be;
gun about one year ago and it has been
.announced that the climax is near at
band. y ;
rlagar-Making Benn. .. .
,A Grande, Or., Oct. 4, La Grande
toogbt is rrjoicing over vthe .Success
ftdliqpening this morning of the firrt
betrugar factory in the Northwest.
Tire .wheels of the vast and Intricate
pili ofoaachinery were set in motion at
7 o'ofoek by Superintendent Granger,
and .30 minutes later the 'first, juice
made its antpearaiice at the vent of the
big vat. Toe first refinei. sugar will
be ready by Tharsday nlgt t for market,
and La ' Grande will tbet use home
grown and manufactured sugar.; The
plant cost $500,000!, nd the machinery
weighs 2,500.000 pouads. Everything
worked as smoothly a if it was an old
and tried institution. j
'no election
Corbett Was Ten Short
Election On First Ballot.
Salem, Oct. 4. Both houses balloted
on senator today separately, and the
combined vote of both houses was
W. B. Corbett. 36.
M. e. George, 16.
Alfred S. Bennett. 24.
This would indicate that Corbett's
cbahces of t lection are not bright. It
is generally believed his full strength
was shown on the first ballot, and not
having received a majority of both
houses, it will be difficult for him to
muster additional strength in the
joint convention of both houses when
they shall assemble to vote joiiitly for
The democrats, populists and silver
republicans selected Judge A. S. Ben
nett, of The Dalles, as their choice, and
will probably continue votiog for him
during the session.
A Bolstrons Snuday In the Fashionable
New YORK. Oct. 3, A dispatch
the Herald from Paris says:
Revisionists and anti-revisionists
seem to be spoiling for a fight. Cap
tain Dreyfus, whether guilty or inno'
cent, bas certainly caused a veritable
cyclone of passion t be l.t loose.
paris was in a turmoil all Sunday.
Crowds, scuffle, uproar and arrests
was the program of the last 12 hours,
At this moment the mounted republic
an guards are patrolling eertain parts
of the city and all of the police are on
the alert.
About a score of people are said to
have been - seriously wounded in the
various free fights which haye broken
the monotony of the Parisian Sunday
In one quarter alone over 40 arrests
have been made. Of the persons ar
rested 13 have . been kept and the
others liberated.
SaLEM, Oct. 4. Congrer jmaryEflls
and Senator Mc Bride. are both. '.here
and are takingjapreor lesalnteeeafcin
the senatorial fight. Everything- Is
being done by the Corbett and atndfi
Corbett forces to further their res
peative ends, and the ground is being:
rtubbornly contested. The ouiooK
for Corbett to' be elected Js growing
slim. Either George or Simon stands
a better show than he. Twenty new
clerks were sworn 'in this lorenoon.
The Astoria charter bill passed the
' V. i
A Buna Tragedy.
Another unprovided murder ftW i
reported from the town of Ba'rna,
county - seat of Harney county. -On
Wednesday night William McKiaMrV,
brotherof the sheriff of Harney county.
was shot and killed by Jack Weavt-sV
McKinnon and his companion baa?,
attempted to play a joke on Weaver by
leading him out of a saloon. as though I
he needed to be escorted borne. Just
as they - reached tne door, weaver,
itnout a moment's warning, drew a
revolver and hot McKinnon. Weaver
escaped, and a sheriff's posse immedi
ately star ted in pursuit.
Refrigerator Trust.
Grand Rapids Mien., Oct. 2. The
organization of the refrigerator manu-
iactiiring trust is said to oe under way.
It ia to have $,000,000 capital and to in-
clule all of the 32 big concerns in the
country.. The plan, it is said is to buy
these concerns outright and buueh the
It would appeor that there is quiet
number of California quail in these
parts, although where they originally
came from is not known to this depon
eotw Sheriff Kelly, while going to his
itffice Saturday morning, saw three of
thflm in the lot back of the Metbodist
church. The little son of County
Clerk Kelsay caught one a few : days
jtgothaS was feeding with the chickens
the lot baca: of his father's house,
and the wife of this deponent, whose
ear is attuned to the peculiar whistle
of this particular songster, assures her
bubbv that she - recently beard from
her residence . on the Bluff a aale
quail sing a serenade to his lady love.
It la devoutly hoped that the little
strangers will be treated kindly and
that the miscreant pot hunter will ab
jure his calling till these welcome
birds become more numerous.
111 II I U f -r I I
Morn Cases of Yellow Jack. '
Jackson, Miss., Oct. 3. The- an-
ncement of ten new cases of yellow
fever yesterday has bad the effect of
hastening the departure of the remain
ing citizens. More cases will Doubt-
lees be reported before . nightfall.
State officials are leaving the city, and
the sta.te house is deserted. -
nHJ?"1'?' be'. thia ! ?tve a description of the robber There
city ana uarron and Cumberland, in
every instance where homes were de
stroyed nothing - was saved,' people
barely escaping with their lives.
Many people saved, tbtotnselves bv
tnking refuge in their wela.
' ' The Bzodas Erons Wlkoff.
New Vork, Oct. 3.1 Tbe Second
were 16 registered letters in the sack, I cav"y to tbe number of 588 mert left
i Psinv I
UaoKB raa DiBXcnos or thb
Sisters of the Holy Names
of Jesus and Mary,
I' This Institution is pieasantly situated near
I, the Columbia on the line of the Union Pacifli-;
i- tneaeeitis easvof aooena for all who de-ire to
secure a eomronaoie nome anu a progressive
K seat of iesroing for their dauKbters or wards.
' The location of the Academy is one of toe most
! healthy oa tho PaeiSo slope, this portion of
Oregon beisvjtroverbial for its pore water,
bracing a'r and pioturesque scener The
v Academy is Incorporated and authorized by
, tne State tooonrer Aoaaemie nonors.
". - Board and tuition per scbolastio year, tlflo.
. SuMiiAa will be resumed Monday. Sent. 5th.
i For detailed information sppl to the Bister
,.. Superior. . . iww
The Hotel Grande, Arlington, is I
; . first-lass In every particular and just I
( the - place to stop at when in that
j thriving burg'.
Eastern Oregon
State Jiormal
School m
: ' ' : Weston, Oregon
The most successful years work of -the
State Normal School at Wes
ton, Oregon, closed last Jnne with
the graduation of twenty students
Kail Term Opens Sept. 5, 1898
Full course of study, scientific and
professional, vocal and instrumen
tal mnsic.
Healthful location, good society,
and pleasant sajToundings.
Board in families from $2.50 to
$3.50. Rooms for those who de
sire to board ' themselves can be
had at reasonable rates.
Boarding hall for young ladies in '
connection with the school, under
the careful supervision of a ma
tron, . board,, fuel and lights at
$2.50 to $3.50 per week.
Catalogue aa information furnished
-!.: . apoa anpucauoB.
Who would prescrdk only v
tonic and titters for 3 weak, y
-trf J t. t j
puuy wuuui w unHuctana
A nerves are so laorougnxycx-
hausted that they cannot be
5 'whipped into
child needs
activity. The
f od ; a blood-
making;, ncrvc-strcn gfthcnin g
m and musck-btiildinjf food.
1 Scott's Emulsion $
t of Cod-Liver Oil hall of this,
and you still have a tonic in Jj
the hypophosphites af lime :
and soda, to act with t&e food. &
For thin and delicate children
i mere ts no remedy superior
5 to it in tne world, tt means
Towth, strenglha. phmipness
and comfort to thanu. Be sure
you get SCu i. Va. EmtiTtion.
containing between $800 and $1000.
Sheriff Gage was notified and was up
on the grojnd early this forenoon, but
at last accounts had discovered no
olew. . .'
Hpswlsh. Keply oa Evacnatlon and Oth
Matters Considered. '
BKff YOBK, Oct. 3 A dispatch tm
tbe Herald from Havana says tbe com
mission had a session yesterday t
consider the Spanish reply on evaca-
ation, and a request for a joint sessioa
tomrrow, which will be held ear'.y ia
tbe day. . The Soanish roply does not
insist upon the original dates proposed
for begining and ending the evaucav
lon, November 1 and April 1 res
pectively. The commission also discussed tbe
report made by Captain Page anil
Captain Brooks, in which they made
the following recommendations:
First, the revocation of the arbitrary
law of reconcentration which was still
Second The immediate evacuation
ty the Spanish troop of the district of
j Remedios, in the province of Santa
uiara, ana toe removal in. apamsn ruie
therefrom. ''r '- '''
joe. and $ijssvaUraggis
ass. New York.
Will Be Sent tm China.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3. The state de
partment bas the following cablegram
from' Minister Conger, at Pekingi
There is no serious danger yet,: but
considerable ' anxiety for the f attire.
Foreign Jleeta are assembling at Tien
Tain. Some of She minister are ot-
Wikoff today for. Huntsville. 4 Ala,
There are now at the camp only two
cavalry regiments Sixth and Tenth
General McClernand. ia in r charge to
see the closing of the camp.
Water Work Extension.
Tbe Dalles, Ore.. Sept. 20. 1898.
Sealed proposals,' addressed to
Simon Bolton, clerk of tbe board, and
endorsed on the outside "proposal for
water-works extension" will be 're
ceived at this office until S P. v., Oct.
10. 1898, for furbishing and laying
2400 feet 12-inch cast iron ; water pipe,
1,000 feet 10 ioch east iron water
pipe. - (
810 feet 8 inch cast iron water pipe.
2000 feet 6 inch cast i rasa water pipe.
275 feet 4 inch cast irons water pipe.
About 11,000 lbs "specials."
Sixteen double nozzle fire hydrants.
Eighteen gate-valves with cover
Taking up and relaying 240tieet of
8 inch pipe. '
Bids may be made for materials and
labor separately. . Plans and speeftf- j
cation! on file in this office. A certi
fied check for $500.00 must accompany
each bid. Tbe hoard reserves tbe
right to reject any or ail bids. ' '
i Clerk of Water Cora'n.'isskm.
QtaaurHP J roi thb dallbs arrtvb
s-wt 'VteH Ihe. Denver. Ft. Past
MaS ! Stoth. Omaha. Kan- Mail
8:35p.m oluth. Up&&Pe. .60 a.m.
Cadcagoand E a t,
1 1 - ij "
tp.a.i ntM rOKTLAltP i tv-m-
I Oaeaa Steamships '
' Alt SO-iag Dates sub -.
je to change, -For
San fraDCisoo
Sep. 1, A Jl. 14.-1, io,
p. na. ToAItaak Sp. m.
Sail Bqaowber 17
8 p.m.' ColMMa wlver gS.
Ex-Snnday Mtea-era ExSunda.
fift urtlfty ...
iOp.m. To Astoria ana War- ,
- 6s. m. Willamette River : 4Bp. m.
1 dregoa City. Newherg:
Salein Wav-Land's
Ti. m. WUlasKtte mm4 Taahfll S:SSpM.
Tues.Thur. . , , Rivers. ; Moo. Wed,
aodSat aad rn.
Oreo Clw, Daytonad
6 a.m. Vlllamette River , i:Mpm. ;
Tnes, Thar ' Taes.Tar,
and Sat Port'and to Corvallis andSat
, and Way-Landings
lt RIparia t Saake River. ' l-v. Lewn
1:46a.m. , 6:4Sa.m.
Von Wed. Kipariato Lewistoa, Son, Toes.
Friday, and Tbur
iV J
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwvww vwww
a a
2 Wr W
O il SCrJ?v
O To the Rescue.
If nAlHAr
was in danger
there would be
an army of men (who chew it) ready
to rescue it : large enough to shovel
Spain off the map of Europe. No
other . chewing tobacco in the world
has ever had so many friends.
Remember the name J
when you buy again.
wi .".)
ed f
Cosadl MMtlng.
At the meeting of the city council
aeld last nlgbt the petition of H. H r
orlog, praying for the establishment .
of a grad for tlr sidewalk in front of
lis residence oq , Third street, was
i-ef erred 'to the) committee on streets
tnd public property.
On petition Hawn & Wolters were
granted a license to keep a saloon on
tbe corner of Court and Front streets.
The committee, on fire and water re- -r
orted that tne brobable oost of tha
ooustruction of a new fire bell tower ."
would be $250. Ths report ai roferrefl j
back to the eo-upittee with power to'
Tbe special committee on street
lighti reported that they bad conferred
with the Electric Light Co. and that
they were offered lights on the follow
ing terms, 15 ltghts at $10 50 each per
month, the contract to last for two
years. The committee recommended
hat a special tax of H mills be levied
to pay for the same. The report was
adopted and the recorder was in
structed to draw up an ordinance em
powering the mayor and recorder to
make a contract with the Electric
Light Co , in accordance with tbe re
eomuiendatloa of the committee. -
The mayor appointed tbe following,
committee to prepare a new charter
for tbe city, to be submitted to tbe
Oregon legislature: Councilmen Ket'
ler, Kuck and Johns and M. A.
Moody, Frank Menefee and J. S. Fish
Mayor Nolan acts as chairman of the
committee. Councilman Johnston
tendered bis resignation on account of
having moved bis residenoe out of the
ward in which he was elected. Tne
resignation was accepted and the
thanks of the council extended to ths
retiring councilman.
Rloe Crop Is kCalaed.
Charleston, S. C, O-t. 3. Yes
er Jay's hurricane and storm of two
weeks ha done but small damage
in th'.s vicinity, but the loss to tha
rlcegrowers Is very heavy. Even tbe
damage done by the great storm of
1803 bas been exceeded. It Is variously
estimated by planters and rloebrokers
that tbe loss will be from 30 to 60 per
cent. No word bas reach! here front
the sea islands, and the extent of tha
damage there is not known.
We carry constantly on hand
a large stock of Rough and
Dressed Lumber of all kind s,
Paints, Oils and Glass, Build
ing Paper, Cedar Shingles, and
Redwood Shingles. .
. Aoclee. i
All outstanding warrants against
school district No. 12, Wasco' county,
Oregoa, will be paid on pr Mentation
to tbe school clerk, C. I ' Schmidt.
Interest on warrant will or jase on And
after this date. - ' ';
The DaKes, Sept. 13, 1898; , . .
No. 18 arrlvea 11J0. m. 4
Na 15 departs at J p. m.
W. H. HUKLBTJI1T, Gen, Pms. A(t.r
PorUand. Oregoif
J. Laxi-uro. Attcat, Tbe OaUea.
tfeeps on draught tfee celebrated1 '
Ooijjmbia BEEIt, acknowledged
the best beer lm TVe Dalles, at-,
t&e usual price. Come in, try. it:
nd be convin;ed. Also tbe
FVeeat brands. oft Wines, Liquors
am Cigars.
To the Oregoii Beach
By the new
Astoria &
Eiver Co..
I feather Belting
No lelayi No Transfers!
Through Parlor Cars from Portland to
aad. Seaside.
vhmtiirh tickets aa4 elese connectlom at A
tori- with LE..HI. Ob's ooaui tor Ilwaoo una
all Nona beacb pwtoU.
Trai-e leave Vn6o depot, PortUuid. aa fbl-
toTrooh Seaside Itoreea-DallTxoept Sun-
dAiifri"p1re-l.,)ay,eroept Sauirdav, at
7:00 rn. ,
Seaside Special warojr othj
Seaside Special Suod-j. only. 7M A M
A. D. CHABL.TON, Agt.,
255 Jiorriflon St,, Portland.
J. C. MAYO. G. P. A.. Astoria, Or.
v Oootfi ,Vood. ( .
J.T. Reynolds ia prepared to deliver
oak, 'fir or mlzei;wood of the beet
quality to any part of the city at tbe
eaatomarj price. Call tcHpbn 1W.
Tbe entire fruit cropf not yet gather
ed) in our orchard ou Fifteen-Mile,
about 12 miles from Tbe Dalles, con
ai-Llnir of fine varieties of apples and
and other fruita, for sale. Apply im
mediately to.
Tha Dallas.
7.- dawtf.
For Agricultural Use.
I Endless : :
Rubber Belts
For Threshing Machines. .
We have taken the agency for Bobber Mfjg
Co's Gutta Percha and high grade Leather
Belting. We also have the "MOHAWK,"
the "MONARCH," and the BED STBIP"
! . Rubber Belting. These are all standard
2 brands and are well known. '.
Soliciting a share of the Belting Trade,
5 we are respectfully, ;
The Dalles, Oregon. :
Send us your mail orders for Belting. ;
liuiiiuiiuuiiuiuiuiuuiuiiu miuiuuiuiuiiuuiuiiuaiuii
Job Printing
Of all kinds ons at
short notioe aad to.
raasoaahla r1.