The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, September 03, 1898, Image 1

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01. r tKit.
Volouie XV
'1 -1C TAtr.KK.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
C. it Li.iMTlK,
Phyiieiv.ii and Surgeon,
Rsonuovsr l";les iJitio:.! fiank.
a m t l:in, an irgra 2 to 4
Uoi.V Ww. End of Third
Office hourt o
p in. Ki-si-Str-ct,
it"t to sra east
Attorney at Law
yy M. TACK MA.
Rooms 1 0 and 10.
Kt Hlock, The Dalits, Or.
. . ... . I
in the Circuit f lourtott
Wasco County.'
State of Oregon for
Clocir.anti Covebton. pllttir,
Amluliou Winnn.. Mattie A. Wiltons. Linnaeus
Win:;ns. I,, c. Vfinans. J. M. Hunti:iton. V.
J. Mcfiowjin & Sons, a corjwrmit'rj. 'fnt:
Dulls i. inhering CytoUjiny. n roipor:itiou.
and the Oregon Knilnrad Navigation Coin
, pany, a corporation, defendants.
Hy irtne of an execution. Vlecree and onle.-
of sale, duly issued out ot ana .unrft-r tlie n: of
the f'uvnit Court of the Sf-ite of On you. for
me county : . sco, to me uit ''t and dated
tn IHtti day of July. ISV3. upoa.a i. rte . ii
foreclosure of r-'rit!D mortgage, an L ,jud:
ment rendered and entered in said C'turt un
the Tt? day iif Jujy. 1S. m the abov.- en
titled etius.-. i n favor of the Pliiinliff anaa.i,, ;
the defer.tlaats Aridulou Win:ina end Linnaeus
Winaus as j'ldimioot debtors, in the sum
of nine til. u:iud one hundred and twenty-f ur
dollars and twenty two eents. (!l.lil.2J). with
interest tir..rcon irom uie 7tn day or July, imix.
at the rale of eit'hc per eent per annum, anil
the further sum of ilve hundred dollars, as
attorney's fees, and the further sum of f51.tii
costs, au.i the further sums of ?:s.l7, and u.ter-
est thereon nt the rate of eitrht per eent per
nanum irom juiy 'Zi. isi. aim anti inter
est therei n from June 17, 1W. and t'.2.I7 and
interest UterLon from June IK. and 5;
attemeys l'eei. and :i.T5. and the eosts of and
upon this writ, and commanding me to make
Kale of the real property embraced iu such
decree of foreclosure and hereinafter described,
I will, on the
2"th Day of August. 180?,
at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of
said divv. and i-.t the front door of the County
Court House in Dalles City. Wasco Comity.
Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash in hand, all the ri;;ht. title and
interest which the said Defendants Audition
Winans and Linnaeus VVinans. or either of them
had on the Jd day of January, lsa:. the dale of
the mortiraue foreclosed herein, or which such
Defendants or any of the Defendants herein
had. hare since acquired, or now hje in and
to the following descrioed real property, sit
uate and being iu Wasco County, Orejron.
Tiie North half ('.41 of the Northeast iiuarter
of section one l i. Tp one North of i.ane
IS East: also the Southeast (iuarter of the
Southeast fU:i'u-r of section thirtv-s1:; :lt',i in
township two c'i North ot Uane thirteen d:t.
Kas V," .M . o -so much of said ii i;erty as will
satisfy wild judgment and decree, with costs
and accruiitir costs.
Said property will be sold subject to continu
ation nuci li-fiemption as iy law provided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this IKth day of
tuiy, i.iio.
Sheriff. Wasco County. Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of tbe state of Oregon for
asco county.
W L WfceuMon. Plaintiff,
L. E Ferguson and OD Taylor, Defendants.
By virtue of an execution, decree and order
of sale, duly issued out of and under the
Heal of the Circuit Court of tbe State of Ore
jjon, for the County of Wasco, to me directed
and dated the 9th day of August. IKOS. upon
a decree f r the foreclosure of a certain mort
gage, and judgment rendered and entered in
said Court on the 7th day of July. lttiH. iu the
above entitled cause, in favor of the P'aiutilf
and against the Defendant L.. E Ferguson, as
judgment dhtor. in the sum of three hundred
i dollars, with interest thereon from the 19th
dav of November. 1W. nt tbe rate of ten per
cent per annum, less $4.00 paid June 15. 1M4.
; and the further mim of twenty-fotir dollars,
cost a-d the corns of and upon this writ, and
: commanding me to mitke sale of the real prop-
cty embraced Iu such decree of foreclosure
and.hej-elnaf ter described. I will, -on the -
12th Day of September, 1K98,
At the hour ot 2 o'clock, in the afternoon of
nald day, and at the front door of the County
Court house, in Dalles City. Wasco County.
Oregon, sell at public miction to the hiphest
bidder for cash in hand. all the riyht. title and in
erest which the defendant L E Ferguson, or
either of them had on the Itdhdayof Novem
ber. 1ttt), tbe date of the mortpiie foreclosed
herein, or which such defendants or :iny of the
defendants herein. .have sine acquired, or now
have in and to the following described real
propertv. situate and being in Wasco County,
Oregon, towit:
Beginning at a point where the North line of
Lautfhliu's donation laud claim iners'.ts the
North line of Alvard Avenue in Nycc & Ol
son's addition to Dalles City. Oirnou; thence
westerly alonp- the north line of A 1 ord Avenue
eighty-one (HI) feet; thence at rigt angles
northerly to the south line of Fulton's addition
to Dalles City, Ore-'on: thence easterly ulong
said south line of Fulton's addition to the west
line of LaughlhVs donation land claim : thence
southerly :ilong said west line of Latitrhlin's
donation land claim to the place of beginning,
being the same land conveyed to L. E Ferguson
by deed of J T Peters and Joseph AIcKachen.
said deed bearing date July 18. INW). or so much
of said property as will satisfy said judgment
and decree, with- costs and accruing co-.ts.
Said property will be sold subject to confir
mation and rec.emption jis by law orovided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon. this-9th day of
Auyust, 1W.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
To the Honoralile County Court of Vasco
County, i reifori:
We. the ur.di rslirned I' iral voters of Falls
Precinct. Wasco County. Oregon, respei tful y
petition vour Hononifiie Hoard to Traill toC.
Jj. Si 'H Ml lit a ieense to sell sjdiitous. vineons
and malt liiitiors in less rjeantities thp.n one
K.tllon, for the term of one year ut the Cascade
A 1
John Thiesen, A Fleischhauer,
' K Black. H A r.eavens.
John ti Brown. A Hall.
F E Leavens. H I Lilliiard.
H O lazier. John Anderson.
W D McCrory. Joseph Sehmid.
John Trana, K Olhen.'.
D L Cates, 1' Ana ir dson.
P Doke. II PHarpham.
Pat Lahey. R Sehmid.
C J Carl on. N Niftier.
Kd Morann. Kuth N:ii:ds.
John Westman, t'hurjes Alln.
O Svrinsr. J W Attwell.
Cha's Willseroilt. John ) Woodenshoe,
,FH Douglas, A .1 Knightly.
J F Stout. James Stewart,
- O Washburn, C (i Hii kok.
H Henn. Ham M' t'ary.
J W Douthit. Kict arc! 'Woodward,
Josef Habinger. M McKinnon,
A Lels it. C Vascont.
Henr7 t;.-av, T W Badder.
Alfred Col lis, Charles Trajip,
A B Glazier. Joe Sehmid.
Thos Uovle. Uans WU ks,
A Traversa. I. Lum jo,
T H Williams
LAsn Office at The D i, Oregon, I
. J.ily S7, V-'M. f
'otice is herebv pivei tnat the followiuif
. ;,r.ud. sctriur has tiled iK.ti-e of his intention,
t make linat proof in stipimrt of his claim, and
thai, said proof win h- made tiefore K..'i.'ir"
aud Receiver at The 1' " i . ' " o-'P-
tembero. IX'JS. viz:
Fovthe heirs of Mary i. i...,J V-iM deceased No. 4if-. f r the P'i HSM and &(., S 14
Bee. M.-v,, J S. H. Ii K. W. M.
He nai-s the folloninif vitnesses to
his continuous residence upi and cultivation
of said Jricd. fvd;-
O. l. Nelson. William Wolfe. J. Taylor,
and Jacob OUrist. ' of Tl:f U'Ule. Oreiron.
jau. . . AS. F. MOt)R K.
Notice f Finai Sottlt'im-nt.
, Norffe isheri bv irivpj tnat tiie nndrsi nod.
admlntttra br of thee", me of Mrs. r lieu Klatk.
ueceosed. r- Mtd uis riT-l .ci uiint as such
iidmiiifstn tor. tin; : tor hearins-' the
same and ;.av otije, : '. . "re m iv be thereto,
has been; set by Hon l'obert Mays, juriae of
the couiuy -couri of roe Stale of Oregon for
Wasco county, '1 i::rduy. the tirh day of ep-
leruoer. is. vx T"" iireir 411 o ciock 1 . ii.. or
.soon theroaft"' ie same can be m-iiru. at
coudtff nurt room m Ihe court house of
wuspo coiintV- Ail heirs. credilois and
ier persons inu restd in said est 'te are
i-rcbv required to appear aud iin-sent their
objfetio-'S to sill uc.'ounl. ir any iney mite, on
or before said abov--named dale.
Dalles City. July 30. 198.
. tlotire is her!v uiv n ttnt the undersigned
' bus duly nualiried as executor of the will aud
,.e,u-P of A. ue'tiniren. sr.. ueceaeu: nuu 111
' JeiSons buvinir claims against said estate are
1 - rw,irl in nivo-nt the same. Drouerlv verirled.
" Vo.e in Dalles City. Oreuon, within six mouths
front the date hereof -
Dalles qjty. Or., July 30, im.
Relations Strained to a Point
of Rupture.
London, Aug- 27. The Peking cor
respondent of the Daily Mail sa3s:
The situation has became acute. Ths
relations between the t3unr-li-yaran
and Sir Claude McDonald, the British
minister, ae strained to the point of
rupture, sir (Jlaufle .McDonald has in
timated that any failure by China to
observe Great Britain's wishes will be
accented as a causus belli. In support
of Sir Claude McDonald, the fleet has
been con centra tad at Wei-Uai-Wei and
Hankow, and all the warships under
TiOllO tons have been mobilized in the
Yanrt.-e river. The naval demonstra
tion is solely directed against China,
as it is seiDi-omciiUly stated that the
existing relations with Russia are
A special from Shanghai says:
Violent scenes are reported to have
occurred between Sir Claude Mc
Donald, the British minister, and M.
PavioiT. the Russian charge d'affaires,
owing to the latters commanding the
tsung-li yamen to revoke its agree
ment with the Hong Kong ban it ,
under pain of the czar's 9trong dis
pleasure. The Chinesoare inclined to
obey M. Pavloff, seeing that the
British confine themselves to verbal
protests. 1 he position is now worse
than ever. All tbe Russian ships h ive
returned to Port Arthur, while the
British vessels are assembling at Wei-Hai-Wei
and Clu o Foo. Extrem-j ac
tiyity prevails ashore at Port Arthur.
All the information obtainable tends
to show that the dispatches sent to
London from Now York confirming J
yesterday's cablegram that P2:igkind
has been pi'epiring for a naval demon-
stration in tho event of grave Amrlo-
Russian coinolications. are mereh- !
Stirkeen Chief Undoubtedly Lost
All Hands.
Sax Francisco, Aug. 26. News has '
been received here confirming the re- !
ported loss of the stern-wheeler Stick
een Chief,
A letter received from Juneau dated
August 10, brines the confirmatory
news, and -further ay3"thattho disas
ter was doubtless caused by an explo
sion, anu trat tuo crew and passen
gers, numbering 43 persons, were un
doubtedly lost. The Dora saved a dog
hich was found floating on a piece of
Thar, it was an explosion that caused
the loss is inferred by the Dora's crew
from the fact that most of the wreck
age was broken into small bits.
Tue wreckage was found on Aug. 4.
lie Ctah soldier Killed ami Several
Wounded by Natives.
Manila. Aus. 2. Last Wednesday
a corporal and two men of battery B,
Ctah artillery, after disembarking at
Cavite, were sent on an errand. While
passing through the streets, Trooper
Hudson discharged his revolver. It
was in mere fun, but the natives in tbe
immediate locality were much alarmed
for a time.
The natives immediately began fir
ing. Dismounted cavalrymen were
sent to queil the disturbance, but the
natives misunderstood the movement,
and the firing became general.
Trooper Hudson was killed, and
Corporal Anderson mortally wounded.
Troopers Laydon, Machbar, Conuoliy
Doyle, of tlto Fourth cavalry, were
seriously wounded. Four natives
vere killed and several wounded.
l i I t xprefsed regret at the
encounter, and promises to punish
the oifenders. No further trouble is
Ar'.iin-.iltlo Is Desperate.
New VOiSK, Aug. 27. A dispatch to
the Herald from Manila says:
General Aa-uinaldo, interviewed at
Bacoor, declared that he was anxious
to support the authority of the United
States in the islands, and he has per.
Land Office at The Dai.i.ks. Oheijos, I
Jlllv SI. IMIS. I
Nct'rc is Scrrt.y given ibl li e following
named settler has hied notice 01 nis inteauou
to make final proof in support of hi laim. and
that said proof will be made befeie the resistor
and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon on Tues
day. Avt'4.aulii:. viz. L
Xf.AL Cl-ARK. v ..
Of The Pnlies. Homestead Application Sro.
4i!i. for the E1: 8Ki Section 10 and SW!
Nff'i. KWH SVV. Sec. II. Tp. 1 N., R.'12 E.
W M.
lie names the following witnesses toirove
uis continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Charles Craig. Frank Craie. William Jordan
and John Kovt, all of The llalles. Ore-iron.
jil JAS. F. MiXiliK. KtK'ister.
N lice is hereby eiven that the undersigned
.v:is by onier of the Hon. County Cou t of
W'asi-o County. Oregon, by ortler duly made
and entered on tl:e Kith day of July. IMiS duly
apioiuied as administrator of the estate of
Jc.cob Bauer, line of Wasco ounty. Oregor,
and now deceased All persons having claims
against the estate of said deceased are hereby
iiotitifd to prcser.t the same properly verified,
to me at my residence near Hoyd postoPli- e.
Wasco County. Oregon, or at the lny
attorneys. lMit'ur & Menefee. at The Dalies.
Oregon, within six months from the dale of this
notit e.
Dated this llith day of July. IMS.
Administrator of the Estate of Jacob Bauer,
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
was on the Pith dav of Is'.is. duly ap
pointed by the Couutv Court of the Slate of
Oregon, for Wasco County, administrator of
the estate of Jacob Fritz, deceased, and that
he has dulv (ualitied aud entered upon the
duties thereof. All persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate sttt le
nient, mil ali persons having claims against
saiil estate are hereby notified to present the
same, properly verified, as by law required, to
me nt my residence in Dalles City, Oregon,
within six moulds from the date of this notice.
Administrator estate Jacob Fritz, deceased
Dated Juqe 17, lbM.
Absolutely Puro
suaded the other leaders to accept his
It is his desire now that the insur
gent army he disbanded and return to
j.he provinces. He complained of lack
of money and of military talent in the
rebel leaders, and said he had not an
army, but an unruly rabble. The gen
eral seemed dispirited He says tnat
he trusts the United States will form a
free and liberal government, and says
the Americans can count on his co
The rebellion is spreading in the
south. Sorsogen has fallen into the
hands of the rebels, live Spaniards be
ing killed in the assault on the place.
Merrit (iocs to PnrlH.
Manila, Aug $S)0 p. m. Steam
ers are entering the river as usual.
The Americans are temporarily main
taining the former Spanish tariff.
Business is brisk. The United States
warships Raleigh and Olympia have
gone to Hong Kong to go into dock.
Admiral Dewey has transferred his flag
to the Baltimore.
General Merritt will sail on tho
steamship China Tuesday on his way
to Paris to attend the sessions of the
peace conference. No agreement has
yet been reached with Aguinaldo on
any subject, though circumstantial
rumors are current that everythig has
been settled to tho mutual satisfaction
of those concerned.
t'lnrk County Prune Crop.
VancouVkr. Wash.. ug. 28. Fruit
I men of this county are making pre-
parations to gather the prune crop,
which wiH be the largest in thehistory
of tbe country. Upwaras of twenty-
t five new driers, with a daily drying
i capacity of 10 tens of green fruit, are
hein? erected in the county. The dry-
ing season commences about Sept. 1.
Prune buyers are numerous and are of
fering from 3i to 5 cents Der pound.
according to grade, which is one cent
better than was offered last year.
This year's crop in the county is esti
mated at 150 carloads of dried fruit.
M a jor Walsh's Kstiiuate.
SKAtTLE, Wash., Aug. 23. Major
J. M. Walsh, ex -commissioner of the
Yukon district, who arrived here from
Dawson today en route to Ottawa,
Canada, to make his official report, es
timates this season's gold output at
$11,000,000, while the cleanup for next
year will undoubtedly aggregate $20,
OOO.oOO. He predicts that future de
velopments in the Yukon will go be
yond the expectations of everybody.
Keady to Iil.t.
Sam Francisco, Aug. 2J. Pu eilisr.
Jim Corbett will leave for New York
on Monday. He says that McCoy
acted very manfully concerning the
postponment of their engagement,
but as it is purely a matter of business
with him he will try and have the con
test carried oil according to the orig
inal plans, except that the time of the
fight will necessarily be changed to a
later date.
The National Club has signed Frank
McConnell to fight George Green in
this city some time next month.
More Yellow fever Suspects.
Washington. Aug. 28. Surgeon
Wyman is informed that a suspected
case of yellow fever exists at Fort
Point, near Galveston. The steamer
Viviana is in quarantine at Dry Tortu
gas, with four suspicions cases on
boarc". Wyman "says all precautions
have been taken, and he has no fears
that the disease will gain a foot hold
in the United States.
Dewey's rlag Transferred
NEW York, Aug. 2(i. A ManiU
special to the Journal says:
Dewey has transferred his flag to the
cruiser Baltimore, the Olympia sailing
for Hong Kong to be docked and
cleaned. The Uileigh left lor the
same port Wednesday night.
Ilad Fire in a Mine.
Danville, 111., Aug. 26. A. H.
Bennett's mine took fi-e while 18 men
were in the mine, Many men. were
tially burned, &ooo of whnm wijl nio
A number of mules and fcjrses were
burned. -Tha mi - Is practically
One of America's most f a-
mows piiysidans says: "Scfof- t'
$ tila is external consumption."
Scrofulous children are often (
beautiful children, but they J-:
j lack nerve force, strong feones, j
stout muscles and power to t
ia resist disease. For delicate t
children there is no remedy
i equal to
I Scott's Emulsion I
of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo-
; phosphites of Lime and Sadx. S
e It fills out the skin hy putting: ?
?!' j5oor! flesh beneath it. It makes i
the cheeks red by making rich i:
g fclood. It creates an appetite ,-
5 for fod zad gives the fcody !
power enooVh to rJig;est it, i
sioii. fl 5oc and $1.00; .-J! druggists.
S SCOTT & BOWNE, C :mists, New York.
2 A1-
Iiivitos i he Military Powers
to a' Conference.
St. Pkt nnsiiURG, "Aug. 29. By
order of Eiiiperor -Nicholas, Count
Murayieff, the foreign minister, on
the 22 J, handed to the foreign "diplo
mats at St. Petersburg a note declar
ing that the maintenance of peace and
the reduction of the . excessive arma
ments now crushing all nateii: f?
ideal for ft-bioh all governments ought
to strive.
The czar considers the presr.nt
moment favorable for the inaugural ii n
of a movement looking to this em;,
and invites the powers to take part in
an international conference as a means
of thus insuring real and lasting peace
and terminating the progressive in
crease of armament.
The Proposition Get orally Viewed as Im
LONDON, Aug. 29. The Daily
Graphic this morning, referring to the
proposal of Emperor Nicholrs, says:
"It would be idle o attempt to
ignore the many and grave difficulties
standing in tbe way of the attainment
of the czar's wishes; but it cannot be
possible to doubt the sincerity of the
magnanimous proposal."
The Standard says, speaking editor
ially of the czar's proposal:
''In England, at least respect and
sympathy will be felt for the proposal.
It is a conception well worthy of the
young soverergn. It is plainly obvious
that there are erormous difficulties to
be overcome which it is possible the
czar, in his ardor .and humane enthu
siasra, has not maturely considered.
It is a vision which has occurred to
many minds, but had always to be dis.
missed as a mere dream.
leath of Governor Matthews.
Ingale, Ind., Aug. 28. At 6:30
o'clock this morning, at the quiet
Meharry homesterd, where he was
taken immediately after his sudden
afhiciio:i, ex-Governor Claude Mat
thews passed away peacefully, sur
rounded by his wife and all the other
members of his immediate family
There was a prayer service, accoui
panied by the singing of hymos, at the
bedside of the dying ex -governor. .
Mrs. Matthews was very much affect'
ed, and stated that she would give
anything in the world if her husband
would manifest, by a single word, his
faith in Jesus. About 3 o'clock, the
minister, in the course of services
asked the dying man if he believed in
Jesus. The answer was as plain a
any one could articulate. It was
The three physicians regardjd this
as miraculous, as all agreed that the
particular brain affected by paralysis
was that governing the speech, and
the governor would have probably
never talked had be lived. It was the
only word he spoke after he was
Cuba aud Porto Rico Will Be Governed Like
Santiago and the Philippines.
Washington, Aug, 29. Instruo
tions to the Cuban and Porto Rican
military commissioners were approved
by the president before he left Wash
ington. They will not be mads public,
but are known to be the same as given
Shafter regarding Santiago and Mer
ritt as to the Philippinee.
This will mean that the military
commission will take control of Cuba
and Porto Rico tho same as the mili
tary governor now controls the por
tion of Cuba surrendered to the United
States after the Santiago campaign.
Many minor details relative to the
evacuation of the islands are left to
the commission which will report any
difficulty of disputed points to Wash
There has been doubt that the
United States would take control of
Cuba, but instructions Wt-b Ouuao
military copfm'on settles any ques
tion regarding that island, and means
t,0tt for the present at least, the
i niced States will assume the goyern
ment and control of the remainder of
tbe island, as has been the case in
An order has been issue I at the
navy department detachingSchley from
command of the second squadron of
the North Atlantic fleet, and ordering-
him to Porto Rico as a member of the
evacuation commission during which
time he is authorized to fly his flag on
the cruiser New Orleans, which will re
main in those waters until the com
mission is ready to return to tbe
United States. The order for Schley
to fly his flag on the Na Orleans is
made in order to keep him construc
tively ou sea duty while serving on
tbe evacuation commission thus en
abling him to receive pay accjrding
to his rank, $6000 per annum.
The CubaD commission will sail
from New York next Sunday on the
cruiser Resolute, which will proceed
direct to Havana.
Conflict Imminent
London, Aug. 29. A special dis
patch from Shanghai says it is stated
that the Chinese minister at St.
Petersburg has reported to his gov
ernment that in his opinion the
Chinese question will precipitate a
conflict between Great Britan and
This state of affairs, he says, is. tbe
result of the British ambassador
having presented a note at St. Peters
burg of such a peremptory nature, de
manding freedom of enterprise in
regions where iiussiao Influence . is
supposed to predominate, that Count
is to take one of tlie fiurlinirton Route's
t weekly personally conducted tourist car
1 Denver, Burlinirton Route from thereon
1 No chance of cars. Portland to Kansas
1 City and St. Louis. Only one change to
' imana ana (.nicairo. recursion man
' awj-r Willi pnrli i.r.rtv. Tdrtr -t-ifli artU
1 car.
f The tonristisL-e-wrr. usrd for the Burl-
?inirlon excuroi'-.i- .-r;- I'ullman's beM
clean,'.!-. ::ui.prn. Onlv
f for a bert.;. Portlan i to Omaha or
f Kansas City: 5. to fm's or Chicago, f
J Throuirh tic'kot ...ud bp.-ths on sa'.o at
an j. k. n a. and u. 1.. ticket
o:tices. t
j A. C. Sheldon. Gen"! A-i
250 vVasbiiit'ion St., 1'nrilai:
utl. Ore.
MuratietT cannot .acce pt it. The
Chinese minister indeed expects that
a conflict will certaiuly break out be
foro the end of the year.
Dnlie at Havana.
New Yoinr, Aug. 30. A dispatch to
the Herald from Santiago de Cuba says
General Blanco has sent, a cable
message to General Toral, asking
what duties have heen imposed at San
tiago, with a view to regulating the
tariffs at Havana.
At the request of the merchants,
Customs Collector Donaldson has ask
ed General Lawtori to decide whether
or not duty paid On goods entered at
the port of Santiago shall be refunded
on transshipment to such ports as
Cienfuegos and Manzanillo, which are
still in possession of the Spaniards.
Populists Divided.
Boise. Idaho, Aug. 29. The two
wings of the populist party, after a
vain effort to get together today, nomi
nated full state tickets. The Taylor
wiug named George B. Hill for gov
ernor and James Gunn for congress.
The other convention named D. H.
Andrews for governor and L. T. D.
Anderson for congress.
Ordered Mustered Ont.
Washington, Aug. 30. The follow
ing regiments have been ordered mus- j
tered out: Ninth Massachusetts, First,
Fifih and Seventh Illinois, Sixty-fifth
New York, Fifth Ohio, infantry; First
Wisconsin, Third United States vol
unteers, cavalry (Grigsbv's,) and
Fourth Texas.
Governor Black Will Investigate.
Washington, Ang. 28. Gavenor
Black, of New York, left today for
Chickamauga Park to make an in
vestigation Of tho Condition of the
New York troops' at Camp Thomas-
Before lea ving he secured the issuance
of an order for the mustering out cf
the Sixty-fifth New York volunteers,
now at Camp Alger.-' ; .
Narragaksett Pier, R. I.. Aug.
28 The condition of Miss "Vinnie
Davis, who is critically ill here", was
slightly Improved today. At a con-
sultation, her illness was pronounced
to be gastritis.
Plafrue la Spreading.
Simla, Aug. 29. It is officially an
nounced that there were 2300 deaths
from plague last week in Bombay
presidency. The epidemic is spread
The Universiiy of Oregon graduated
last June the largest class in its his
lorv. The class numbered thirty.
The fall term will begin September
19th. Students who have completed
the tenth grade branches can enter
the sub-freshman class. No examina
tions are required for graduates of ac
credited schools. Reasonable equiva
lents are accepted for most of the re
quired entrance studies. Catalogues
will be sent free to all applicants.
Persons desiring information may ad
dress the ' president, Secretary J. J.
Walton, or Mrs. Max A. Plumb, all
of Eugene, Oregon.
Tbe courses offered are those of a
good university. There are depart
ments of modern and ancient lan
guages, chemistry, biology, geology,
English, elocution, advanced engineer
ing, astronomy, logic, philosophy,
psychology, mathematics, and physi
cal education. Music and drawing
are plso taught, The tuition is free.
All students pay an incidental fee of
ten dollars yearly. Board, lodging.
heat and light in the dormitory cost
2,oo per week. "" i9i-7
For 8ale.
A choice stock ranch of 330 acres al
deeded, 300 acres under good-three-wire
fence, with plenty of wood and water,
about 50 acres in cultivation, and eight
acres in orchard and vineyard, two
barns and some, outbuildings. This
ranch is equally as good for darying as
or raising stocit. Located 4J miles
from The Dalles on Chenoweth creek.
Price $2200. Apply at this office or at
tbe farm or . A. Fleck
After this date O. R. & N. train No
17,ieaving Dalles at 3:20 p. sr. on Sun
days and train No. 18 arriving at The
Dalles at 1:30 p. m. from Portland on
Sundays will be discontinued. This
discontinues the Dallas-Portland ac
commodation service on Sundays only.
The week day accommodation will run
as heretofore.
Jas. Ireland,
All freight for points east of The
Dalles must be delivered at the O. R.
& N depot by 3:20 P. m. in order to go
forwa: d same day. All freight for
points west of The Dalles must be de
livered at the depot before 5 p. 11. to
go forward on train No. 23 leaving at
7:4.) next morning, except perishable
freisht which will be received from 7
to 7:15 a. M. on date train ieaves.
aug3-30d Jas. Irelanu, agent.
Why suffer with coughs, colds, and
la grippe when Laxative Bromo Quin
ine will cure you in one day. Does
not produce the ringing in the head
like sulphate of quinine. Put up in
tablets convenient for taking. Guar-
Price Z.) cents, f or sal hi Klolrola.,
& Houffhton. druujristH. rh n.ll.
Or '
! excursions. ; 1 ney leave I'omana every 4
Wednesdavm-enintr, runuintr overtheO. I
R. 4 X. Co.aiid O. Si L. to Opdcn, R.G.W . Z
f and Denver F-io Grande railroads to
Misunderstanding May Cause
Trouble at Manila.
London, Aug. 29. A dispatch from
ManiU to a news agency, dated August
9:Y ria Vlftncr Ifrtrtt rt,T.,n on.,.-..
"The friction bttween the Ameri-
ca'is and natives requires exceptional
ability to avoid total alienation. I
find that several bigh American offi
cials, of mediocre education, are
utterly unacquainted with Oriental
ideas, aud unable to understand the
primitive races. Most of the Ameri
cans are deficient in patience, and
numerous trifling misunderstandings
intensify the friction.
I believe the
Americans too hard. The American
censor absolutely prohibits the send
ing of a single word about the Cavite
incident of yesterday, and he threatens
to expel any co-respondent who men
tions it.
A deputation from the press is going
to General Merritt to protest against
his action. The affair began in a
drunken American shooting, and
natives sentries tried to shoot him. In
consequence of the melee four natives
and one American were killed, and it
is now generally misreported as being
a deliberate inauguration of hostilities.
General Merritt returned their arms
to the company of natives who fired
upon the Americans, presumably In
advertently. The natives assert that
Aguinaldo forced General Merrit to
liberate them and return their
"The Americans condemj General
Merritt's conduct."
The same correspondent cables that
the Americans are only "partly patrol-
ing the town."
To Cure a cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tab-
lets. Ali druggists refund the money
if it fails to Cure. 25c. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggi sts.
A" Unfair Attack,
The following printed on a email
slip of paper wasfou id posted in an
out building in this -city, and was
probably issued or circulated by the
I agent of some insurance, company as
an "argument" aealnst her beneficial
"A. O. U. W. getting weak. Mem-
bers getting old
"Average age of 63 deaths during
the past year, 68 years, 3 months and
8 days
"Average term of membership of 65
deaths past year, 10 years, 27 days."'
Good for old man, hard on tho
"'Eleven hundred and thirteen sus
pensions for non-payment of due9 dur
ing past two years.
"Net gain in membership past year
onlv 14."
"Fourteen thousand dollars appro-
priated by grand lodge for aggressive
campaign the coming year."
These statements the oircular credits
to the grand lodge report for the ses
sion held in Portland last July. Then
lt comments thus: "Who pays the
Bill? Who gets the campaign? He
who thinks much learns much."
Such an attack as this upon an order
that has accomplished as much as has
the A. O. U- W. is unjust, and is not
only an attack upon this particular
order, but upon all like institutions.
Life insurance, no matter on what
plan, is a good thing. Perhaps the
old time companies are the solidest
and best, but they are, out of the reach
of many, their rates being too high for
the insured to meet. To this class the
fraternal societies offer insurance at
cost, and it is unbecoming to attack
them in an undermining way.
To Indian Stone Relie Collector
Nathan Joseph, of 641 Clay St., San
Franeieco, California, is now stayiner
At the Umatilla House up to the 31st of
August and will be pWsed to meet
'.vnnPi, interested. He Is a purchaser
for cash ot any quantity of stone arrow
points or stone relics in aay form. He
also purchases ancient silver, ivory,
copper, or works of art Id any mater-.
ial. Any on calling will please leave
name and address enclosed in an en
velope so that Mr. Joseph can eUl to
see them in case he is out. 2d
Ice Cream Poisoning.
C. V. Lincoln and Robert Dunn
were poisoned Sunday from eating ice
cream at the picnic at Ladd canyon.
They were taken sick in tbe afternoon
soon after they left the picnic grounds
and by tbe time they reached the
city they were suffering severely. Dr,
Bacon was summoned and antidotes
were administered, which brought
them around all right. It is supposed
the ice cream absorbed poison from
the tin vessel in which it was made.
One other young man whose name
could not be learned, residing in the
country, was also sick from eating the
cream. Ihere are probably others,
but these three are all who have been
heard from. La Grande Chronicle.
En tray Notice.
A stray bay filly, branded H W (con.
nected) oa left stifle came to my place
near The Dalles on or about February
8th, 1898. Owner can have same by
proving property and paying charges.-)
d-tw Hcgb Farmer.
To. Core a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If it
fails to cure. 2o cents. The genuine
his L. B. Q. on each -tablet. 8m
Carati WaaT Bowel witn Ceacarei.
cawycatnartlc cure constipation forever.
We carry constantly on hand
a large stock of Rough and
Dressed Lumber of all kinds.
Paints, Oils and Glass, Build
ing Paper, Cedar Shingles, and
Redwood Shingles. .
The biff battleship Ore nun has a.
chieved a worldwide reputation, and is
a credit to the state, the coast and the
nation. She cannot be brought to the
exposition, but the Portland exposit-
ion managers are arranging to do that
as near 88 possible by bringing to the
1 exposition a 30 foot model of the Ore-
gon, showing the ship's part to per
fection, and probably having a good
speaker near by delivering short lec
tures explaining the warship and the
part 6he took in the battle on San
tiago. Everybody is interested in the
Oregon and everybody will have a
good chance to get close to her junior
1. production and see arid bear just now
it was all done. This featrue of the
exposition alone will be worth coming
miles to see.
Wall Paper
Can we interest you in
Wall Paper? . . .
15c Grade now.
45c Grade now.
8c Double Roll
20c Double Roll
Bed lioom Sets, $7 and up.
Stoves and Ranges from 2 to $50
And our prices are equally low
on Matting, Linoleum, Portiers,
Lace Curtains, second hand Or
gans and Pianos, and everything
in the House Furnishing line.
Also agents Wheeler & Wilson's
Ball Bearing Sewing Machines.
133 Second Street.
OCTOBER 22, 1898.
The Finest and Greatest Exposition Ever
'nit' - the rotthwesr
Horticultural, Agricultural,
Products of Oregon and Washington -ni
be displayed in wonderful profusion, in
cluding more varieties than ever before
gathered together in one exhibit.
..Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals..
Marvelously Rich Specimens from Our
Gold, Silver and Other Mines.
Bennett's Renowned Military Band
Has been engaged for the season.
Astounding Aerial Feats and Acrobatic
Very Low Rates on all Railroads.
Adults 25 cents. Children 10 cents
H M Beall.
First National Bank
General Banking Business Transacted.
Deposits received subject to sight draft
or check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly re
mitted on day of collection.
Sight and telegraphic excham
sold on New
industrial ExpositioD
m,mm?W!,mm?jjmmmmmm?ii m?mmmmmmm
1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 u n 1 1 iiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiii life ' J
1 leather Belting v
For Agricultural Use.
l i Rubber Belts
For Threshing Machines.
C We have taken the agency for Rubber Mf g 3
S Co's Gutta Percha and high grade Leather 3
Belting. We also have the "MOHAWK," 5
E the "MONARCH," and the "RED STRIP" 2
S Rubber Belting. These are all standard 3
j brands and are well known. - j5
jr Soliciting a share of the Belting Trade,
Sr we are respectfully, 3
The Dalles, Oregon. 3
5 Spnd us your mail orders for Belting. 3
P..mmmm.mmii.umium.. uuimuimmuimmmmmi
p. m
Suit Lake. Denver. Ft
3:10 a. m.
Worth. Omaha. Ran
sax City, St Louis.
Chicago and East.
5:35 p. m
Walla Walla. Snokane.
8:50 a. m.
Minneapolis. St Paul,
uuiutn, Muwauke,
Chicago and East,
8 p. m.
Occaa Steamsklpfr--
All Sating Dates sub-
.- ject to cnange.
For San Francisco
August 2, 7, 12. 17, 22, S7,
7 p. m.
To Alaska
5 p. m.
Sufi Aug
In. m.
Columbia River
To Astoria and Way
Landings. 4 p. m.
Ex. Sunday
10 p. in.
6 a. m.
Willamette River
4:30 D. m
Ex. Sunday
Oregon City. Newberg,
buiem a wav-Land s
7 a. m.
Willamette aid Yamhill
3:30 p. m.
and Sat
Mon. Wed,
and in.
Oregon City, Dayton, and
8 a. m.
Willamette River
30 p. m
Tues, Thur
and Sat-
Port'and to Corvallls
and Sat
and Way-Landings
L.v Riparla
Soake River.
Riparla to Lewlston,
Lv. Lew'n
i ms a. m.
6:4a a. m.
Sun, Tues.
and Thur
No. 18 arrives II :30 a. m.
No. 15 departs at 3 p. m.
W. H. HURLBURT. Gen. Pass. Art-
Portland, Oregon
J. Ireland, Agent, The Dalles.
The Wasco Hotel one of the best
paying properties in the state $2,000.
one-half down. Proprietor has other
interests demanding immediate atten
tion. W. M. REYNOLDS,
To the Oregon Beach
By the new
. -Columbia
Eiver Co..
Xo Delays! No Transfers!
Through Parlor Cars from Portland to
Astoria, Flavel, Gearhart Park
and Seaside.
Through tickets and close connections at As
toria with I. R. & N. Co's boats for Ilwann nrl
all North beach points.
Trains leave Union depot, Portland, as fol
lows: Through Seaside Express Dally .eicept Sun
day, at 8:00 a M.
Astoria Express Dally, except Saturday, at
7:00 PM.
Seaside Special Saturdays only. 2:30 r kt.
Seaside Special Sundays only, 7:30 a m.
, 255 Morrison St., Portland.
J. C. MAYO, G. P. A., Astoria, Or.
Seventh and Wash ngtor Sts.
Thos. Guinean,
2.01 2WI 1.60
13.00 11.50 t&00
Doat Tobacco Spit las Sank Tow Lift Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be u
netio. t uU of life, nerve and Tlgor, take No-To
Boc. the wonder-worker, that makes weak bus
strong;. All dnvglsta,(Ooorll. Corcnarav
2 .j'
roric, nan rrancisoo
lm Wasco, Oregon. .
Biarunc tnjiy no ripi rn i -