The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, July 30, 1898, Image 1

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Physician and Surgeon,
Boom over Dalles Sttionai Bank. Office boors, 10
a m to 12 in, and irom 2 to 4 p Qi. Ileal'
donee Went End of Third Street,
8. BlkNMKX
Attorney at Law
Booms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
wasco County.
Cincinnati Coventon, plaintiff, '
. Andubon Winans. Mattle A. Winaas. Linnaeus
Winanx. L.. C. Winans, J. M. Huntimnon. P.
J. McGowan & Sons, a corporotion. The
Dalles numbering Comp iny, a corporation
and the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com
pany, a corporation, ueienaants.
By virtue of an execution, decree and orde
of sale, duly issued out of and under the seal of
the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Wasco, to me directed and dated
the 18th day of July, 1898. upon a decree for the
foreclosure of a certain mortgage, and judg
ment rendered ana entered in saia court on
the 7th day of July, 1898, in the above en
titled cause, in favor of the Plmntiff and against
the defendants Andubon Winans and Linnaeus
Winans as judgment debtors, in the sum
of nine thousand one hundred and twenty-f ur
dollars and twenty-two cents. (W. 124.22), with
interest thereon from the 7th day of July. 1.S98.
at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and
the further sum of five hundred dollars, as
attorney's fees, and the further sum of $51.60
costs, and the further sums of $288-17, and Inter
est thereon at the rate of eight per cent per
annum irom July Z7, I8U7, ana snu.2o. ana inter
est thereon from June 17, 1897, and $92.47 and
interest thereon from June 18. 1x97. and $50
atterneys fee, and S3.75, and the costs of and
upon this writ, and commanding me to make
sale of the real property embraced in such
decree of foreclosure and hereinafter described
1 will, on the
25th Day of Auerust. 1898,
at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of
said day, and at the front door of the County
Court House in Dalles City. Wasco County.
Oregon. selat public auction to the highest
oiaoer ror casn in nana, an the right, ntle and
interest which the said Defendants Audibon
Wieans and Linnaeus Winans. or either of them
' had on the 2d day of January. 1893. the date of
the mortgage foreclosed herein, or which such
ueienaants or any of the Defendants herein
had, have since acquired, or now have in and
to the following descrited real property, sit
uate and being iu Wasco County, Oregon,
to wit:
The North half 04 of the Northeast quarter
oi section one (D.Tp one (!) Nona of ange
13 East; also the Southeast quarter of the
Southeast quarter of section thirty-six (361 in
township two (2) North of Range thirteen (131
Eas' W. M.,or so much of said property as will
satisfy said judgment and decree, with costs
ana accruing costs.
Said property will be sold subject to confirm
ation and redemption as by law provided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 18th day of
wuiy, leva.
Sheriff, Wasco County, Oregon.
Notice i hereby given that the undersigned
-was by order of the Hon. Cou ty Cou t of
Wasco County, Oregon, by order duly made
and entered on the ltith day of July, 1898 duly
appointed as administrator of the estate of
Jacob Bauer, late of Wasco ounty. I'regop,
and now deceased All persons having claims
against the estate of said deceased are hereby
nounea to prese; t tne same properly verineu,
so me at my resioence near eoya posiomce.
Wasco County. Oregon, or at the office f my
attorneys. Lufur & Menefee, at The Dalles,
Oregon, within six months from the date of this
Dated this 16th day of July. 1898.
Administrator of the Estate of Jacob Bauer,
. . v deceased.
Laud Orici at Thb Dalles, Oregon, i
July 21. 1898. (
Notice is hereby given that the following
namea seiner nas niea notice oi nis intention
to make final proof in suooort of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the register
and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Tues-
aaj, August au, iwb. viz.
Of The Dalles, Homestead Application No.
4232, for the EH SEX Section 10 and SWW
NWK. NWX SW3 Sec. 11, Tp. 1 N., R. 12 E.
W . U.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Charles Craig. Frank Craig, William Jordan
and John Hoy t, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
J23 JAS. F. MOORE. Register.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned. I
was on tne wen aay oi June, ires, duly ap-
uregon. lor wasco county, administrator of
the estate of Jacob Fritz, deceased, and that
he has duly qualified and entered upon the
duties thereof. All persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate settle
ment, snd all persons having claims against
saia estate are nereDy nounea to present the
same, properly verified, as by law required, to
me at my residence in Dalles City, Oregon,
within slx.months from the date of this notice.
Administrator estate Jacob Fritz, deceased.
Dated June 17. 1898.
Latest Style
Lowest Profits
: In Mens and Boys .
Cliithi!g. Dry Go ds.
Boots aod Shoes
134 Second Street.
Wn r s k ul
First-Class Nursery Stock a
Sole proprietors of Yakima Apple
Send for Catalogue and asV fci I iiif
Has opened a Boot and
Shoe shop in the rooms
next door to the Times
Mountaineer office.
Firs-Class Workmanship
: In Every Line
He Has Declared Martial Law
in the Philippines.
LoXDON.July 23. A cablegram from
Manila stat&s that General Affuinaldo
has been declared dictator and has
proclaimed martial law toroughou
the islands
The insurgents have attacked outly
in j- fortifications about Manna, ariv
ing the Spaniards hack into the Bee
ond trenches, where the latter made
a bold stand and repulsed the insur
gents who suffered heavy loss.
The Powers Cannot Agree on His
Portland. July 23. The one dem
ocratic police captain who is retained
is said to be kept because the powers
that are, cannot agree on a successor.
Commissioner Hunt wishing to put in
ex-Captain Holly, while Commissioner
Cohen favors Cox having the place.
David Boaky etill holds the fort as
health officer, the council having
failed to confirm A. Ferrera, the
mayor's choice for his successor. It is
said that as long as Dan McLaughlin
U chief of police and Hunt is commis
sioner that all-night hoi?es will Dot
be allowed to run and Portland will be
a closed town. The religious element
say they are going to hold the admin
istration to their anti-election promis
es, and the way icings nave started in
it looks as though they would succeed.
Pana, Illinois, the Scene of Lively
PANA. Ill , July 23. Riot runs wild
in the city today, and authorities are
unable to keep order. The coal
miiersareon a strike and have vir
tually taken possession of '.he c.ty.
At one time this n.orning it. looked
as if there would be blood shed when
the police attempted to disperse a
body of miners. Police, sheriffs, iren,
women and children were mixed up in
the melee, but abide' from a few crack
ed beads, no damage was done.
European Powers Don't Want Us to
have the Philippines.
Berlin, July 23. It is stated on ap
parently good authority that the
European powers have determined
to prevent the annexation of the
Philippine islands by the United
States It is understood that all the
nations in Europe except Great Britain
have agreed to act together in pre
venting the American government
from absorbing the islands.
Leader of the Rough Riders to Gov
ern Santiago.
Playa Del Este, Santiago de Cuba
July 22. General Wood of the rough
riders, was appointed military gover
nor of Santiago de Cuba yesterday,
succeeding General Mc Kibben who
return to his old duty and who is on
the sick list. A squad of natives was
sent today to clean the streets and
bury the doys and horses, hoe re
mains have been ling in thf streets
f r days and wieks. Other steps to
improvi-lh-sa:iit:iry co'idition of the
city are b ing taknn.
The French cruiser rf'giult de
Genoally arrived ths afternoon with
supplies for the relief of the French
citiz ns of Santiago.
A large exoiius of Cubans is expect
ed in the next few days, as they are
returning to the cultivation of the
country, that work being the chief,
source of wealth of tue inland.
Good Outloos for Hops.
Portland, July 23. The outlook
for a large crop of bops t is year is
very flattering, in the Willamette val
ley. The yines are clean and thrifty,
and with the season permitting, there
will be the bext and largest crop for
years, in comparison with the amount
of acreage now in vines As it will be
remembered that a large number of
growers grubbed up their yard during
the past year or two of low prices. A
few contracts are reported by dealers
at 10 cents. The price of the unsold
'97 crop averages about 4 cents.
The Advance on .Wailla Begins.
New York, July 22. A special to
the Journal from Cavite says the en
tire regiment of th First California
volunteers advanced today to Janbo.
only two miles from the Spanish lines
surrounding Manila. The California
troops have been thrown out by Gen
eral Anderson to form the advance of
the attack in force. South Manila is
to be captured first. The Colorado
and Utah batteries are being landed at
Parangua directly from the ships.
Off to the War.
Portland, July 23. The Washing
ton volunteers arrived here at 3:30
this afternoon and were given a rous- ;
ing reception by the citizens of Port- '
land, and were supplied with many j
necessary articles by the ladies of the ,
l mergency Corps. They leave on the
Southern Pacific train for San Fran
cisco tonight, and expect to get away
for Manila next week.
The Hawaiian Queen.
San Francisco, July 23. Ex-Queen
Liliuckalaoi and party arrived here
yesterday en route to the Hawaiian
Royal makes the tood pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
islands, and today visited camp Mer
ritt. They will sail for Honolulu next
Tuesday. Tho ex-queen refuses to be
interviewed regarding the annexation
of the islands.
Preparing for Defense.
Giber atar, July 25. There are act
ive preparations being made along the
Spanish Mediterranen coast for defense
against the American squadron that is
expected to cross the Atlantic. Yes
terday the transport Valdes landed a
largequantity of heavy guns and war
material at Algeciros to strengthen
the fortifications inside the strait.
An Intereatine Kellc.
Portland, July 23. In a Fourth
street window is an interesting relic
consisting of the electric guillotine
used to sever the rope at the launching
of the battleship Oregon, Oct. 26, 1893,
and presented to General Compson by
the Union Iron Works.
Is On a Strike.
Portland, July 23. Something
that was never before known to hap
pen occurred yesterday -wnen tne
town clock on the Odd Fellow's Tem
ple, which for ' many years indicated
the hour to the passing traveler, stop
ped at 12:20 p. m. It is still on a
Stamping Out the Disease.
Washington, July 23.Advices re
ceived by the war department are that
iu surgeons are getting the better of
the yellow fever scourge at Santiago,
nd hope to soon eradicate the disease '
ntirely. There were no deaths from
l yelioiv ieer yesterday.
VVuuLiied .soldiers Home.
Cincinnati, July 23. A special
hospital train bearing the Ohio sol
diers disabled at Santiago araived
here this morning. There were 140
men either wounded or sick on the
train. Somo will be taken to the
hospital while others will be cared for
at their homes.
Pushing on to Porto Rico.
Newport Sews, July 23. The
transports carrying the troops from
Chickamagua to Porto Bico arrived
here this morning, and all on board
the vessels were in splendid spirits.
The stop here will be short, and they
will push on to Porto Rico with all
possible haste.
Confederate Veterans Adjourn.
Atlanta, July 23. After having
selected Charleston as the place for the
next annual reunion, the Confederate
Veterans a ijourned last night. The
meeting here was the most enthusias
tic and the largest ever held by the
Tne Pennsylvania Regatta.
Philadelphia, July 23, The
twenty sixth annual regatta which
opened here today has attracted an
immense crowd, and devotes of rowing
and sailing from every where are
Spaniards -ho wed Fight.
LONDON, July 23. The daily press
publishes a" statement th"ton Wednes
day Fort Molate challenged the
American fleet, but there was no res
ponse Tue Americans simply sailad
out of reach of tue guia at tue f rt
Irfist at tea.
TTAWA. July 23. .Vord has been
received that eight whaling vessels,
out of a floet of eleven cruising in the
Arctic ocean have been lost. Five
men belonging to the lost whalers
were drowned.
Artlllarymen Arrive.
Portland, Jul 23. The volunteers
from lioiseCi'.y for battery B arrived
here by O. R. & N. train this morn
ing. Thay are lu?ty fellows, and will
be a valuable addition to the battery.
Will Play Ball.
Astoria, July 23. Astoria's
ball team left this morning
Portland to engage in a game at
city tomorrow.
for that
If you have coughed and
coughed until the lining mem
brane of your throat and lungs
is inflamed, .
Scott's Emulsion i
$ of Cod-liver Oil will soothe,
a strengthen and probably cure. j
The cod-liver oil feeds and
a strengthens the weakened tis- $
sues. 1 he glycerine soothes
and heals them. The hypo-
phosphites of lime and soda
$ impart tone and vigor. Don't
s neglect these coughs One
m bottle of (Se Emulsion may do
more for you now than ten
n can do later on. Be sure you
get SCOTT'S Emulsion.
Q All druggists ; 50c. snd S1.00. w
AH druggists ; 50c. snd S1.00.
T & BOWNE. Chemists, New
SCOTT S BOWHt, uicnusts, new Torn.
Manilla Will Probably
Fail This Week
London, July 25. All Europe
looking toward Manila with expecta
lions that a decisive move will be
made this week by the Americans and
insurgents. London papers predict
that a great land battle will soon be
fought asd that Manila will probably
be forced to capitulate during the
The belief is general that the Span
ish at Manila cannot hold out long
against the combined forces of the
Americans and the insurgents under
Aa-uinaldo. and that the Dattle will
not last longer than two days. The
Spanish however are expected to make
a strong resistance, and a fierce bat'
tie is considered certain..
It Claimed Four More Victims Among
Washington, July 25. Santiago
advices state the excessive heat is
having a telling effect upon the sol
diers encamped there and many of the
men are suffering from its effects. The
surgeons are able to keep down yellow
fever to a certain degree, and there
are but few new cases, though there
were four deaths from fever yesterday,
The construction boat Panama ar
rived at Santiago yesterday bound for
Porto Rico, and after having taken
on supplies, proceeded on its way to
the island.
of Men "XiFected
by the
Chicago, July 25. The American
wire and Steel company., one of the
largest manufacturing concerns in the
United States, posted notices in their
works in ten different cities through
out the country that the wages of all
their employees would be reduced on
August. 1st. They announce that their
mills will be shutdown unless the new
scale of wages iu accepted by the men.
Thousands of operatives are affected
by the reduced wages. The American
Wire and Steel Co. two years ago
promised their men an increase of
wages provided a protective tariff law
should be passed by congress. The
increase has never been made and now
that a reduction is threatened, trouble
is likely to ensue.
Santiago Insurgents Clamoring
Washington. July 25. Serious
complications may yet arise in dealing
with the Cuban insurgents. They
have so long been forced to combat
the Spanish forces, that tbey consider
every Spaniard captured a subject for
ransome, and are clamoring for re
wards for each of the Spanish officials
taken prisoner.
Portland Democrats Will Reorganize
Judge George for Senator,
Portland, July 25. Ths democrats
of Multnomah county are making a
strong effort to reorganize, and from
present indications Chairman Davis,
of the county central committee, will
be succeeded by either Col. W. H.
Ettiiiger, who opposed M C. George in
the candidacy fur jud- of tu criminal
court, or by J. c Uaverly, first yii'e
president of Columbia Democratic
Club. The selection of either of these
gentlemen would have a tendency to
heal existing differences and cement
the warring factions of democracy into
an unbroken front.
The common opinion is that the
senatorial plum will fall to a comprom
ise cendidate, and judging from pres
ent indications Judge M. C. George
stands the best show for the place.
Under the leadership of Chairman
Williams, the populists claim to be
better organized and stronger than
ever before, and have practically
abandoned silver as an issue and will
endeavor to make the fight two years
hence under the banner of direct leg
islation. Will B. Cody, one of the henchman
of the late Pennoyer regime, and a
brother of Al. Cody, has returned from
an outing trip to St. Martin's springs.
Mr. Cody states that he has bad enough
politics to do him for two years, and
will after a short visit to California,
like Cincinatus, devote himself to
agrarian pursuits.
Sugar Ladened Ship From Hawai
Bath, Maine, July 26. Sewall &
Co., have justireceived notification of
the burning of their ship Kenilworth
off the coast of Chili. The Kenil
worth was commanded byCapt. Baker,
and cleared from Hawaii, with a cargo
of sugar, bound .for New York. The
vessel and cargo are a total loss, but
the crew was saved. Only meager ac
counts of the disaster are obtainable.
Four Thousand Troops in Eastern
Cuba Surrender.
Santiago De Cuba. July 25. Cap
tain Rosill arrived here yesterday
fiMuli ,l,u '"UJ i
I w
: to take one of tbe Burlineton Route's a
1 weekly personally cooducted tourist car
' excursions, iney leave roriiuna eTery a
Wednesday evening1, running' over tne o
R. & N. Co. and O. S. L. to Ogden, R. G.W
bo. I
i to
' and Denver tt Kio urande ranroaas t
1 Denver. Burlincrton Route from thereon
No chance of cars, Portland to Kansas
1 City and St. Louis. Only one change to
' umatia ana umcapo. excursion man
1 aver with each party. Porter with each
F car.
f Tbe tourist sleooers used for the Bnr
t in.trton excursions are Pullman's best
clean, comfortable, modern. Only
?a for a berth. Portland to Oiiialia or
Kansas Citv; S to St. Louis or Chicairo. f
Through tickets aiid berths on sale at f
1 all O. R. & N. and O. S. L. ticket offices. V
A. C. Sheldon, Gen'l Ap-ent,
250 Washington St., Portland, Ore.
from Guantanamo to ascertain if Gen
eral Torars capitulation was genuine.
As a result of his inquiry 1000 Spanish
trooDs at Guantanamo have laid down
their arms. f
Lieutenant Miles returned from
Palma, Soralno and San Luis today.
where he received the surrender of
3450 Spanish soldiers under the terms
of Toral's capitulation. All the sur
rendered soldiers are suffering from
diseases of various kinds and starva
Red Men In Session.
Portland, July 26. The annual
session of the grand council Improved
Order of Red Men convened at the
wigwam in A. O. (J. W. temple at 10
a. m. today, livery trioe in the state
was represented in the council. A
banquet will be given the visitors this
evening by the Minnehaha Associa
tion, and the Past Sachems Assoc'a
tlon will take them on a moonlight ex
cursion to Oregon City where they
will pay Waiteno tribe a fraternal
Some Populists In.
Portland, July 26. The populists
seem to have gained considerable
recognitioa from Mayor Mason's ad
ministration. Two populists who
were let out by the Pennoyer commis
sioners, because they would not sup
port Montag for mayor, have beeu
reinstated on the police force. Tbey
are Bailey and McNlcker. Further,
the deDuty license collector. Fisher
Rogoway, is a populists.
Will Sail for ban Francisco.
Seattle. July 26. The transports
Samoa -and Nelson, that have been
chartered by the government to carry
troops to Manila, will sail for San
Francisco tomorrow. The next
Manila expedition, in which the
Samora and Nelson will take part,
will probably get away from San
clsco the first of next week with Gen
eral Charles King in command.
Another Stltcttell Appointment.
Portland, July 26. It is rumored
in Portland that Charles Sllter is to
succeed J. B. Mullay. in the secret
service of the internal revenue under
collector Dunne. This is another vic
tory for the Mitchell push, who still
control the federal appointments,
notwitbstandicg the lamentations of
the . Simon-Corbett-Scott Company
Chill Shaken Up.
Valparaiso, July 25. Severe earth
quake shocks were fell, throughout
Chili Saturday night. Many houses
were destroyed and the damage to
shipping was quite heavy. There was
slight loss of life, though there were a
few fatalities in coast cities where the
shock was severest.
Landed in Portnjral.
London, Ju'y 25. Two Spanish guu-
boats landed in Figueira bay, Portu
gal yesterday. Their destination is
not known, but it is presumed they
are seeking shelter from the Amer
ican squadron that is expected on the
Spanish coast at any time.
Red Cross Physicians.
Tampa. July 25 Thirty Red Crose
physicians left here last night for
Chickamagua to assist the army sur
geons and to work with the hospital
:orps. They will go either to Santiago
or P.irio Rico if their services are re
quired at those places.
Want to See the Fight.
London, July 36. Advices have
been received from Port Arthur that
four Russian warships stationed there
have sailed for Minlla, for the pur
pose of watching the-: battle that i ex
pected will take place there in a few
Surrendered Their Horses.
Santiago, July 25. Yesterday the
Spaniards turned their cavalry horses
over to General Shatter. There were
only 143 head remaining, all the others
having been eaten before Toral sur
rendered. Two Men Drowned.
Wallace. Idaho, July 25. Thomas
Allen and Frank Holland were drown
ed yesterday while beating on Lake
Cour'd Alene. Their boat was caught by
the wind and upset.
Some Have Gone Home.
New York, July 25. The first in
voice of Spanish prisoners started
home yesterday, when a transport with
54 Spaniards sailed for their native
Still the Troops Hove.
Newport News, July 25. The
Fourth Ohio and Fourth Pennsylvania
arrived here yebterday. They will re
main here until ordered to the front.
Troops Are Embarking.
Newport News, July 25. Several
regiments of soldiers embarked today
for Porto Rico. Thirteen hundred
troops arrived here yesterday from the
Sailed for Porto Rico.
Tampa, Fla., Jul.' 25 The trans
port -hip Morgan sailed this morning
for Porto Hico with soldiers to join
General Miles' army.
Bad Fire In Pittsburg-.
Pittsburg, July 25 A large steel
car house wa destroved by fire yester
day causing -a loss of $200,000 in cars,
apparatus and buildings.
t i,
Refugees From Caney in
Pitiful Condition
Santiago, July 20. The refugees
who have come la from Caney, a few
miles north of Santiago present a most
pitiable appearance. They are clad in
rags aud show evidence of terrible
suffering from want of food.
i any naa been living on scanty ra
tions for weeks before the surrender
of the Spanish army, and many of
them were beyond human aid. Forty
of the refugees died from the effects
of starvation. Others are so emaci
ated that they cannot be sayed.
Torpedo Boats Nearly Completed-'
Inland Flyer About Ready to
PORTLAND. July 26 work has so
far progressed on the torpedo boats
now building at Wolf & Zwicker's
iron works that one at least will be
ready for her trial trip in about two
weeks. The third and largest one for
which they secured the contract a
short time ago is beginning to assume
shape, and even a landsman can now
tell that the conglomeration of steel
ribs, etc., now visable, will some day
be a boat. Work has so far progressed
on the new light ship that she will in
a few days be ready to go into the
caulker's hands.
The new boat, the Inland Flyer,
building at Supple's yards for the
Dalles run, which is expected to make
the round trip in one day, is nearly
ready for launching. She is as hand
some a propeller craft as one could
wish to see.
Portland's white elephant, the Mor
rison street bridge, is again under
going a repairing. The taxpayers are
beginning to find free bridges a rather
expensive luxury.
The steam schooner Ruth, of Cal.
ifornia, is discharging a cargo of red
wood lumber at the Couch street
wharf. The Ruth is one of the finest
schooners now on tbe coast that is en
gaged in the lumber traffic, and her
trips are always noted for quick dis
patch. And her cargo of red wood is
the finest that ever came to this port,
which will be used exclusively for
fancy interior finishing.
Spain Will Ask That Hostilities Cease
Pending Peace Negotiations,
London, July 25 It is announced
from Madrid this afternoon that the
Spanish government has drawn up a
mPS9ageadressed to the government at
Washington proposing an armistice
for the purpose of discussing terms up
on which peace with the United States
can be arranged.
Madrid, July 25. An official of
high rank, in conversation with a
correspondent of the Associated Press
'The present goverment will not in
itiate peace negotiations, but a mod
ified cabinet, headed by Senor Gamazo,
minister of public instruction, will
conclude the negotiations and then
retire, and Polavieja, with a combi
nation, including Senor Silvelia and
General Campos, will reorganize
the government. Everybody thinks
Spain should treat direct with the
Americans, wbose good sense Will
prevail over spread egleism."
They Disembark on the Southern
Washington. July 26. The war de
partment is advised that General Mil s
11 :bU p. m
Salt Lake. Denver. Ft. Fast
Worth. Omuna, Kan- Mail
xas City, St Louis. 3:10 a. m.
Chicago and East.
5:30 p. m.
Walla Walla, Spokane.
Minneapolis. St Paul.
Dulutta, Milwauke,
Chicago and East, i
6:50 a. m.
8 p. m.
Oceas Steamships
4 p. m.
All Sailing Dates sub
ject to change.
For San Francisco
July 5, 9, 13. 1J, 21, 35, 28
7 p. m.
To Alaska-
5 p. m.
Sail Ju y 19.
8 p. m.
Columbia River
To Astoria and Way
Landings. I 4 p.m.
'Ex Sunday
Ex Sunday
10 p. m.
6 a. m.
Willamette River
I 4:30 p. m.
! Ex. Sunday
Oregon City. Newberg,
Salem & wav- uana s
7 a. m.
and Sat
Willamette and Yamhill! 3:30 p.m.
hi vers. iiuon. wed.
and Fri.
Oregon City, Dayton.andi
II a. m.
Willamette River
4:30 p. m.
Tues. Ttaur
and Sut-
Portland to Corvallts
and Sat
and Way-Landings
Lv Riparla
1 :46 a. m.
Mon .Wed.
Snake River.
Ripariato Lewis ton.
Lv. Lew'n
5:45 a. m.
Sun. Tues.
and Thur
W. H.
HUBLBURT. Gen, Pass. Agt.,
Portland, Oregon
J. Ibclaxd, Agent, The Dalles.
We carry constantly on hand
a large stock of Rough and
Dressed Lumber of all kinds.
Paints, Oils and Glass, Build
ing Paper, Cedar Shingles, and
Redwood Shingles. . .
4i-JOS. T. PETERS & CO.--
has begun disembarking his troops on
the Southern coast of Porto Rico, near
the town of Ponce, on -the opposite
side of the island from iSan Juan.
It is expected an advance will be
made on Ponce at once both bv the
land forces and the navy. After it shall
have been taken, the invading army
can be carried by rail to Coamo, and
from there marched across the island
40 miles to San Juan.
A Million From Klondike.
Seattle, July 26. The steamer
Nelson arrived yesterday from St.
Michael's with a number of Klondike
miners and $1,000,000 in dust and
c docks. All of toe returning: miners
had more or less gold with them.
Noted Murder Case on Trial.
Victoria, B. C, July 26. The trial
of the Belle Adams murder case began
today. The case has attracted con
siderable attention, and will be hotly
contested. -
Report to be Published.
Washington, July 26. Admiral
Sampson's official report of the battle
between the American and Spanish
fleets before Santiago on July 3d will
be published tomorrow.
To Succeed Aberdeen.
LONDON, July 25. The Earl of
Minto has been appointed governor
general of Canada, in succession to the
Earl of Aberdeen.
On the Turf.
Chicago, July 26. Some great
racing events were pulled off on Har
lem track today. The racing was
fully up to the standard, and betting
was heavy.
Whales In Puget Sound.
Tacoma, Juiy 26. A number of
whales were seen in the Sound today.
It is an uncommon thing for them to
get inside the harbor.
Battery IS. Recruits.
Portland, July 26. Tnlrty recruits
from Salem for battery B. arrived to
day and will be sworn into the service.
From here they go to Vancouver bar
racks. Will Go to Baker City.
Portland, July 26. This afternoon
the Portland Presbytery transferred
Rev. A. J. Montgomery from Oregon
City to Baker City.
They rought a Draw.
New York, July 26. Last night
Jack Everhardt and Kid McPartland
met in a five-round contest that was
decided a draw.
R. E. Saltmarshe
HighestCash Price for
Hay and Grain.
Qregori Bakery
and . 0Ab
: A. KELLER, Prop'r. :
Am prepared to furnish families, hotels and
restaurants with the choicest
Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Fresh Oysters Served in
Every Style.
Second Street, next door to
'c . Dalles National Bank.
gmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmimnmmK
leather Belting j
For Agricultural Use.
Endless : :
Rubber Belts
For Threshing Machines.
: We have taken the agency for Rubber Mf'g 3
; Co's Gutta Percha and high grade Leather 3
: Belting. We also have the "MOHAWK,"
: the "MONARCH," and the "RED STRIP" 3
- Rubber Belting. These are all standard 2
brands and are well known. 1
: Soliciting a share of the Belting Trade,
: we are respectfully, 2
: The Dalles, Oregon. 3
: Snd us your mail orders for Belting.
in these lines will save money by dealing with
Warm Weather coming
Protect your health by using light corbonated
drinksjmanufactured by WEAVER & NAGEL
at The Dalles
238 Second Street.
Sheepmen's Supplies, Shears, Oil and Lamp . Black
for marking Sheep.
Mitchell Wagons
McSherry Drills, Osborne Mowers, Binders,
Reapers and Rakes, Myers' Hay Tools and
Farm Implements of all Kinds.
Full Lineof Hachine Extras-
Nest Door to A. M. Williams &
Money Saved
Money Made
Would inform everybody that he is still in the Undertaking
and Picture Frame business, and anyone needing anything
him instead of elsewhere.
Phone 35.