Oi; TlVeU. Volume XXXV xm! CONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. JULY 23. IMS H aCSTAISBKB. - PROFESSIONAL.. C. CLUSTER, Physician and Surgeon, Rooms over Dalles Sstional Bank. Office hours, 10 a in t 12 :o, an.l from itoipm. Reai denoe We-t End of Third Street, A. S. BEN.NET Attorney at Law "yyM. TACKMAN Dentist. Rooms 8 9 and 10. Voet Ulock, The Dalles. Or. J. A. Oeiskxdokffek. A. H. Rfeijy nRS. GKISKNUOIIFFER & RUEDY. Physicians and Suie vms. Rooms 21 and 22 Vout UIol-U. The Dalles, Orjr n. Surgeri a Specialty D1 WR. O. C. HOIXIhTER, Ph., .lctan ar.d Sur- peon. Kooms over Dalies National name. Office hjurs 10 A. M. to 12, and 2 P. M. to 4 P M. Residence west end of Third street. D CFUR & MEN'EFEE. Attornr-vs at Li.w Kooms 40 and 43. Chapman Ulock. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby mven that the undersigned was on the Ilith dv of Ji;ne. IHI8. duly an pointed by the Countv Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco county, auminisinuor 01 the estate of Jacob Fritz, deceased, and that he has duly qualified and entered upon the duties thereof. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate st ttle tnent. and all persons having claims amiinst said estate are hereby not i tied to present the same, properly verified, as by law required, to me at tny residence in Dalles City. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. L S. FRITZ. Administrator estate Jacob Fritz, deceased. Dated June 17, lsus. Latest Style Lowest Profits : In Mens and Boys : Clothing. Dry- Goods. MENS FUBMSHIKGS. : HONEST VALUES IN : : -Boots and Shoes C F. STEPHENS. 134 Second Street. BOSTON BKED BEANS Brown Bread and Coffee served every Sunday Morning from 8 to 10 o'clock at the . . ' . CGNTRHL HOTEL HOOD BIVEK TILLETT & GALLIGAa PHOPKIKTOHS. First-Class Nursery Hock a Specially. Sole proprietors of Yakima Apple Send for Catalogue and ask for Prices NEW WA1IIC HOTEL WAMIC, Wasco Co., ORE. MRS. A. J. SWIFT, Proprietor. Meal: ic; Board and Lodging pej week, $3.50. Feed Stable in Connection SV1A A MAN AJX TALLE7S VCl ITIVI LY CUES A I.Ij Acn-fii; l:..ic rzse j. ailing 1V.CC'.- . I by Al;Uii cr utliur Ex-wms and Isdi;- "Sr rBBtnrn Tsszt ir fli t v in nM Tnnfur riT-.rl fit a paa f .t ntudy, but ice js or narriacn. r PioT-nl Insanity ond Consamiition if taUnn in time. Xhoirmft sliowa immediate fmorove meat and efforts a ( Li! nliaro rll other fail In ist npoa ha7inff the p;anin3 Ayx TaMots. They have cared thousands and vriiloareyon. V.'oplve apo itive written Rimranto to effect a euro PTO in eachcBFeor rof uud tho iconey. Prico w I viper packaco; or six fkcGs (full treatment) for 2A. By mail, in plain wrapper, iiptm recifipt of pure. 1 irtniir AJAX REMEDY CO., uJSSTff PALACE OF SWEETS COLUMBIA Candy Factor) AXD CRFE Fresh Candies, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Ice Cream Parlors in connection CAREY BALLARD, Proprietor. Job Printing: Of all kinds done on short notice and at reasonable rates at this iHice. reus OAKES Successors to J. H. Blake s EXPBESSJ1AN .0 II II H I I II M i no way i to go east! is to tnkeonoof tile Hurlinq-ton Route's 4 T weekly jK'roM:tlly cnmlucxeu vmnst car ft t fxcursions. They leave Portland every 4 t Wetlnesday evening, running overlheO. I R. Jt X. Co.aiid O. S. L. to Ojrdon, R. G.1V . J t and Denver i; Rio Grande railroads to J Denver. Uurlinirtun Route from thereon. ? No chanire of cars. Portland to Kansas t Cliy and St. Louis. Onlv one chanire to k Omaha and Chicago. Excursion man- J airer with each partv. Porter with each t t car. f J The tourist sleepers nsed for the Hurl- ini'ton excursions nri Pttllin.-in's 1..., clean, comfortable, modern. Onlv J for a berth, Portland to Omaha or t Kansas City: 5f. to St. Louis or Chicago. j 1 nrouirn iici.eis ana certns on sale ai all (). R. x X. and O. S. L. ticket offices T A. C. Sheldon. Gen-! Awnt, t 2S0 'V'asliinjrtou St., Portland, Ore. "111!) Riplalo: Line" Ths L 2 i i is, Portland and Astoria N v fatten Go THROUGH Flint an Pwpim LOWEST RATES BEST SERVICE FASTEST TIME. The steainer3 of this ine will leavt The Dalles at 8:30 a. si. Shipments received at;any time, dar or nig ht. Live stock shipments solicited. Call on or address, tL' O HLLH3c7tY. regon Bakery and o-a-ifie! : A. KELLEll. Prop'r. : Am prepared to furnlsn tinillics. hotels and rostauruUs with tliecuoicest Bread, (Jakf sanc! Fies, Fresh Oysters Served Every Style. in Second Street, next door to The Dalies National Bjnfe."-- - R. E. Saltmarshe -AT THS m m eni m, WILL PAY THS Hi Sill Ai l n iv Has hii Gram. DKAl.Kk N LIVE STOCK San Francisco BEER HALL F. LEMKE, Proprietor. ine Wines. Liquors, and Ciga ALL KINDS OP BOTTLED BEER, Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught. S.'.-uud street, oet. Court duil l!uln SSiTClani chowder served free every day except .' unday, f.-om 11 a. m till 1 p. m. CHARLES FRA.SK THE- Butchers i EX0 HANG' Keeps on draught tln cele'oraied Columbia Hkku, ucknmvU-uged the best beer in Che Dalles, al the usual price. Come in. try it. nd be convinced. lso the Finest brands of Wines. Liquors anu Cigars. SANDWICHES, all kinds. ON fUND Ho i : ; i r : '!!! THE DALLES, OH. BeSt Kentucky Whisk.y F - '-M .,1(31 1. Very Best Key West Cigar an es of Wines. F.nglisb Porter, Ale and Milwaukw Beer always on hand. MAETZ & PUNDT PROHRI ETt): ;S AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PLAN LiiiiL finm Seventh and POX 1 LAND Wa.-h ngtor Sts. - - - OREGON THO!. GTJINEAV, 1,ROPRIE"'OK KATES TROPE AN P1.AH AMEUICAN PLAN iHl 1.50 jl.5U MU TORAL HAS GIVEN -UP AT LAST a He Accepts Shatter's Terms of Surrender. Washington, July JR. General Shafter nas cabled the war department that General Toral has accepted the terras of surrender offe-ed by the Americans, and has sinned an agree ment that delivers Santiago into the hands of the American army. The terms are that Toral surrender his entire army together wiih their arm-; and munitions of war. The city of Santiago is to be delivered over to the United States atlthotities and the Spanish general with his array to be famished transportation to Spain. The provisions of the Surrender are to be carried into effect at once. The .Spanish array will inarch out of San tiago and the American army will occupy the city, 'l he conditions of the surrender are perfectly satisfactory to the department. GOING TO THE CANARIES. Commander Watson's Squadron is Now Assembling1. Washington. July l. Commodore Watson's squadron is assembling, and in a day or two will be away for the Canaries, 3000 miles distant. What is to be the nature of tha oper ations conducted by Comodore Wat son when he reaches this archipelago of beautiful, semi-tropical islands is kept a profound secret for the present. Two of the principal ports of the group in tuct, tne only ones in the Canary srroup are known to be strong ly protected by very exte nsive land works, behind which is alarjre number of troops, presumably determined men who will not surrender. Perhaps the reduction of these forts will be part of the duties of the eastern squadron, in which case a temporary base 700 miles from Cadiz and about 3000 miles from New York could be established, and attack against the const of Spain could be cciductt d until Port Man on or go::ie othi-r place near the Spanish v isfc, or on the Spanish coast itself, be l. live a ALL IS NOT HARMONY. T.-.era is Dh-ord in Portlands Munici- ."j " paIGpvernment. Poutland, July 16, Trouble is brewing in the "republican camp in Iortiaud, and a spirit of insubordina tion ia. being, manifested by some of the divisional chiefs that is positively alarming to some of those high in authority. H. S. Rowe has tendered his resignation as a member of the new firo coinu. ission, but the board have refused to accept and have per suaded Mr. Kowe to defer action at least for the present. Mr. Rowe, ac companied by his family, has gone to the sea-side for an indefinite period, any way it is cooler at the coast than in Portland. Further, Larry Sullivan, chief henchman to the administration, is decidedly at variance with his honor, the mayor, in regard to making this a moral town Closing everything in the sporting line must interfere with somebody's corns. GOLD FROM THE FAR NORTH. Over a Million Dollars Worth Reaches Seattle. Seattle, July 16. Two steamers arrived heie this morning bringing 38 Klondike miners who have mde their fortunes and havo with them some thing over a million dollars worth of dust. The miners report no new dis coveries in the Klondike reigions. but old claims that were worked this season have canned out well, ai d will send out a corisideraole amount of gold this season. The output may reach SI 0,000,000. OREGON ARMY" OFFI CERS IN TROUBLE. Four of Them Under Arrest Awaiting Court Martial. NEW YORK, July 19. A World Ma nila special reports lhat four officers of it e Second Oregon volunteers are confined in quarters awaiting court m u lial for hav.ng abused leave of ab- Who woo!fJ prescribe only tonics and bitters for a weak, puny child ? Its muscles and nerves are so thoroughly ex- hausied that they cannot be u)hipped into activity. The child needs f od ; a blood- : maing nerve-strengncaing: and muscle-building; food. Scott's Emulsion Children $ .of Cod-Liver Oil is all of this, SI 913 in Andalasia, and inteose excite vP arti you Still have a tonic in jf ment prevails. It is with difficulty tbe the hypophosphites of lime and soda to act with the food. For thin and delicate children $ there is no remedy superior a, S to it in the world. It means 5 . .11 2 $ nm-nrth. strength, olumoness $ .y, tuntuf 7 r I VV and comiort to them, isesure g you get 2W I I o iimuision. ft 50c. and 1 1 .00, all druggists. J SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists, New York. sence while visiting; the rebels. None of the specitications in the charges against the officers are given. The orticers who are under servi lance are H.L. Heath, of McMinnyille, captain of Company A; A. F. Pres cott.of La Grande, captain of Company D: H. L. Wells, of Portland, captain of Company L: and Geo. F. Telfer, first lieutenant Coraoacy L. 'ompaiiy L is the one in which a majority "f the volunteers from The Dalies ate enlisted TWENTY TIIOl'SAXn PKISOXEItS. That Is the Result of the Surrender at Santiago. Washington. July 18 The victory of the Americans is greater than ex pi'. -ted at first. The Spanish troops in the Fourth corps, the military division of Santiago province from a line drawn north from Acerraderos, 18 miles west of Santiago, through Los Palmas, P!m.i Soriano, Alcantaza to Saua de Tanamo in the north coast and eat ward to Cape Maysi are surrendered and the territory is abandoned. Between 16.000 and 20,0u0 Spanish prisoners are taken, about 10,000 of whom are in Santiago. The remainder are at tiuantanamo and others are garrisoned at' th towns of eastern Cuba. All these troops are to be em barked and sunt back to Spain under parole. Loot inff fur Ori-Knii InveMtments. PoiiTl.AXD, July IS. A number of eastern tourist, visitors to the Trans- Mississipoi Exposition. attracted by the low rates are paying a visit to this citv. and several have expressed an in tention of visiting the grain producing country of Eastern Oregon with a view to permanent residence and invest ment in this section. They will make a most desirable class of settlers. C. Putson Gliddon, tf London, Eng land, formerly of the staff of the Den ver, Colorado, Times, is in this city representing the interests of a large foreigu syndicate looking to possible investment in this Western country. Mock Economy. Portland, July 16. A contract has been let by trie school board by which the Oregon Telephone Company furnish phom a for school use for th( ensuing two vears in spite of tbe fact that the Colombia Company offered t-ervice a.a rate of less than one-half that of its sueeesMful rival. Economy is tiieorder of tne day. Comment un- niccessiiiy. sixty Trmimuml More Soldiers. Washington, Jnly 16. Sixty thousand soldiers under the second have now been mustered into the service It is not probable that an other call will be made as the govern ment now has al the-troop-thab--ca be used or will probably be needed in prosecuting the war. Change of Management. Portland, July 16. Wm. B. King has been succeeded as president and managar of the Oregon Telephone Company by J. C. AiDSworth. Mr. Ainsworth will proceed to reorganize the company and place it on even a firmer footing than before. A. Change of Editor. Portland, July 16. Mr. Brundage, of Los Angeles, will on Monday next roleiVB Otto Greenhood of the editor ial charge of the Evening Telegram. Mr. Greenhood will reassume his old duties as reporter. A Panic at I'orto Rico. St. Thomas, D. W. I.,. July 16. Ad vices received from San Juan de Porto Rico show that the inhabitants of that place are greatly alarmed. They ex pect the port will be attacked by the Americans tody. Tne terrified in habitants are fleeing into the interior. Will Shut off Communication. Washington, July 10. The de partment is determined to cut off all communication between Blanco and Madrid, and the work of taking up and cutting all cables connected with Cuba will be commenced at once. Bad Fire at Fomeroy. POMEROV, Wash., July 16. A bad lire occurred here yesterday afternoon, destroying property valued at $30,000. I'he loss is total, as there was no in surance carried on the preperty. Tne Arizona Starts. Tacoma. July 16. The steamer Arizona that has been chartered by the goverment to carry trooys to the Philippinss. left here this morning for San PruucUco, where she wiil take on troops, and go direct to Manila with tbe next expedition. Corhett Will I- liter the King. Buffalo. N. Y., July 16. Jim Cor bett will euter the ring again, he hav ing been matched to box with Kid McCoy here on September 10th, for a purse of $20,000. More Wounded .-oldlers. Atlanta, July 16. A ho.-pital train arrived hire last night bearing 90 sick and wounded soldiers who were in jured at Santiago in the battle on the 1st, 2d and 3d. Have Left Honolulu. San Francisco, July 16. Honolulu advice, dai d July 9th, state that the ships of t e third Manila expedition sailed from there for the Philippines on the morning of the 9th. Idaho I'upuliHts. Boise City, Juiy 16. The populist stall central comoiit'ee will meet here this afternoon to set a dale for hold ing the state convention. Bread Kiot ln,Sp:iiu. Madrid, July 18. A bread riot ex- police maintain order. Karl's Clover Root Tea, for coosti nation its the best ana after usingii yOU don't say so, return and get your money. Sol tlouhton. The Dulles. - ru the package Sold ty Hlakelct More Transports for Manila. San Francisco, Juiy 18. Three nore transport ships will leave for Uanilii duri-ig tie Wrfek. They will pi-oOably sail ou I'll ui Jay ur Friday. VICTORIOUS ARMY IS MOVING The Start For Potro Rico Has Begun, Washington. July 1. The war department is in receipt of advices that General Shafter'g army has begun embarking, and the victorious army is now leaving Santiago for Porto Rico. Within a few days the entire array except the immiines left to occupy Santiago will be headed toward San Juan, and an attack upon Porto Rico will be made within four or live days. MARCHED OUT OF SANTIAGO Toral's Vast Army Gives Place to the Americans. Washington, Julv 18. Advices have been received from General Shafter that the Spanish army march ed out of Santiago yesterday forenoon and their places were taken by the American foces. The evacuation began at 9 o'clock, and the Spaniards marched out in good order, giving their arms over to General Shatter's soldiers. Tbe Span ish flig was hauled down promptly at 9 o'clock in the morning, and cave place to the stars aud stripes. Thus just one week from' the time the Span ish fleet was destroyed General Shat ter accepted the f.ill surrender of the strongest city in the southern part o Cuba. THE TABLES ARE TURNED Transportation Companies Offer a Premium on Alaska Traffic. PORTLAND, July 18. A local trans fer company are advertising a round trip rate of $100, from Portland to St. Michaels, aud speak of the tr'p as a pleasure exc irsion, instead of an opportunity to get to the gold Gelds. A few months ago people were paying a premium for a tihance to get Nortu on any old boat, now it is the trans portation companies who are beggirig for p.ttrona J'e. As another evidence of the decline of -the Klondike, , a First street out-fitting firm are adver tising their stock at less than manu facturer's cost. Possibly tow the peo ple will begin to recopnie-tbe .min eral and agricultural weajth we have at home, without the riskf. life and limb in the hospitable, frozen. North. PORTLAND NOTES. Interesting Items Picked Up in the Metropolis City. Portland, July 18. The remodeled Dalles City was yesterday moved to the Willamette Iron Works dock where the boiler will" be placed and the finishing ' touches put on. She will come out as handsome and stanch as any craft on the river. Dealers in agricultural implements and farming machinery are reaping a harvest this season . The farmer with the idea of dollar wheat is restocking his place with new and improved machinery. ' The stemship Geo. 'Elder,has been withdrawn from the Alaska run and her place has been taken by the Oregon. There is a persistent rumor going the rounds that Portland is. to haye a newspaper in opposition to the Ore. gonian and backed by sufficient cap ital to guarantee its permanency and Snal success. The high water this year has done more damage to the scow dweller than has been done for a long time, and the river wherever bouse boats abound is strewn with wreckag and over turned floats, due mainly to the owners being off harvesting and fishing and not attending to their property. THE TERMS. OF SURRENDER. Twenty-Four Thousand Soldiers Lay Down Their Arms. Washington, July 18. The depart ment has posted a bulletin setting forth the terms on which Toral sur rendered. The conditions are that the Spaniards surrender all their arms and munitions of war within the de scribed territory, and that all Spmish soldiers, numbering about 24.000, be given transportation to Spain at the earliest possible convenience of the Unite! Scales. Spanish soldiers will be yiven the option of remaining in Cuba under parole of the present war, after giving up their arms. The United States is to establish a customs post at Santiago and collect all import duties and other revenues of the province. BLANCO CHANGED HIS TUNE. Willing to Throw All Responsibility on the Home Government. London, July 18. All dispatches from Madrid to London papers agree that General Blanco is now willing to resign all responsibility of continuing the war, and will not oppose peace measures. He is desirous that all further responsibility rest upon the government. HU change of attitude is probably due to a lack of provis:ons and munitions of wirat his disposal. WAR RELICS. Spanish Machetes on Sale in the Metropolis. Portland, July 18. An enterprise ing gentleman in this city has placed on sale at two dollars each a job lot of S pa n Is n machetes as war souvenirs. 'I bey compare, favorably with the vil- Royal makes tbe food pure, wholesome and delicious. Bp &4KIN-5 POWDER IE! Absolute! Pure lage grocery cheese kuife, being a lit tle longer, or atiout the same length of the Japanese shorn sword, but do not compare with them either in weight or material, as the Japanese sword is made of the finest Quality of steel, or what is known as the Damascus blade, and are very heavy, while the machetes have a thin blade and made out of a cheap grade of pot metal and being a fair samples of Spanish ingenuity. WATSON'S EASTERN SQUAERON TO SAIL, It Will Get Away by the Last of the Week. Washington, July 18. Commodore Watson's Eastern squadron will sail cr the Canary islands and the coast of Spain no' later than the end of the present week. This much has been de:-ided by the nav department. Plarjs for the sending of tbe squadron have reached a point where govern ment officials are considering the mat ter of fixing the exact day for its de parture. In the meantime, positive orders haye Keen given to the effect that the work of ' preparing' the war ships for their coming cruise must be brought to a close immediately, with a view to ha ving everything in readiness by the end of the week. ' The naval war board- is at present in conference with the president; presumbly arranging the final details' regarding Watson's coming cruise. ' A? jof'ye stated in these dispatches It is calculated tha,'., Watson will reach the Canaries about "Aue'ut and be ready to strike a blow at tbe Spanish coast a tew days later. SAILED FOR . r IsOUTH AFRICA British Bark Leaves : With Wheat for New London. -Portland, July 19. The British bark Penrhyii Castle cleared yester day for New London,-Africa, wheat' laden. The -Peorhyn Castle, will be remembered as the bark . that was towed up from San -Francisco " to .save her charter and was cut loose by the tug to saye the ship. Captain Evans, who is in charge of the bark, Is quite well known on the coast, having made several previous and always successful trips. The Penrhyn Castle "cleared from Australia for New Castle-on-Tyne from which port she made clearance in eight days for San Erancisco, where . ' ' .: - - - , ., - sue lay lor some time ana tnen was compelled, to be towed to Portland and after' 14. days here, is. now loaded and ready to s iil as soon as repairs to her windlass are made. DIRECT FROM ALASKA; The St. Paul Brings Down Several Millions. San Francisco; July 18. The steamer St. Paul arrived yesterday di rect' from ' St. Michaels, bringing-.a number of Klondike miners and treas ures valued at between two and three million doli?rs. ' The miners estimate that th' output from Klondike this season will amount to $10,000,000. all of which will be out by the list of September. The St. Paul bring the report that two river steamers and' two large barges, Alaska bound, were '" lost re cently ou the northern coast with' all on board. REPORT IS NOT CONFIRMED, Nothing Definite Concerning the Sink ing of the Irene. Washington. July 19. Inquiry at the navy . department fails to bring forth any statement concerning the reported sinking of the' German gun boat Irene by Admiral ' Dewey. Officials say if such a thing has occur red the department is not informed of the fact. A high official in the department however stated that if the Irene or any other foreign vessel should attempt to run the blockade at Manila, it would certainly be fired' " on by Admiral Dewey and sunk if necessary. - . Hail to.Give Coder. Omaha, July I8.f-The striking meat handlers and butchers- have virtually won. Cudahay -has given in to the strikers demands, and other operators will be forced to concede to.an advance, o' wages'. Twenty Thousand Lout. Aberdeen. Wash., July 18. The large cooperage plant here was totally d stroed by fire ast night. The loss on building, machinery and stock will amount to $20,000. . " BIr Raft Aground. Astoria, July IS. Robertson's big raft of logs en - rail, to. to Sao Francisco has gone aground, and. wjll. likely go to pieces, in which case it will be a total loss. . "- , Re not deceived! -A cough, hoarse ness or crouo are not to. be trifled with A dose in time of Shiloh'g Cure will save you much trouble. . Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, The Dalles, Or. ' If your eyes trouble you, attend to them at once. Glasses fitted and satis faction guaranteed by the optician, T. G. Daut 1j umber We carry constantly on hand a large stock of Rough- arid Pressed Lumber of ail kinds. - .SASH- AN D; DOORS. Paints, Oils and Glass, Build ing Paper, Gedar Shingles, and Redwood Shingles. . ; . JOS. T. piTERS & GO.fr "v. 1 ' THE DALLAS, 'OREGON - . ; WISE ONES ARE AT. SEA Nobody Knows Where the Portland Reform Will End. . - PORTLAND', July 19 The people of Portland "are perplexed and-puzzled. No one "knows exactly "where he is at." It all comes over the curious maneuv'ers of the new city administra tion. No sooner was It inaugurated than Larry'Sullivan, a wtfrd heeler of the dominant forces, opens an all-night-dance house in ai building' "ibwhed' b State Senator Joseph Simon, who is regarded as the great factorum behind h'e municipal throrei--.ThtiU fnt machines, were, re-installed in th'e saloons and for a . week Portland was wider open than ever before. 'Then came the removal of the slot machines,', the closing of the ' dance bouses, Sulli van's included, 'also the gambling dens conducted by whites and Chinese:' The white gamblers are leaving' tbwn-' Sullivan attempted to re:open and was promptly closed;, the Chinese caucus daily in f h"rongs( and the Oregbniah demands the closing, of the saloon an- oexes where women are 'admitted 'through side entrances. '.The report is credited of a stormy interview be- tween S.ulliwn and Mayor Mason and everybody is at sea. The saloon men assert that the yi'r tue is assumed and is spasmodic; that they can re-instate the slot machines when enough are put in to assure an exoediture of $2000 monthly for "pro tection" at the rate of $5 per week for eaco machine; that the dance houses can be re-opened for a' money consid eration, exceeding that of the Pen- noyer graft, which is credited with having collected, from vice in one. form or another -$4o,00O in eighteen .months.. On the other hand a majority, of the city couuciKare not only non-frequenters of saloons, but, if the truth were known, would prefar absolute pro? bibition of the. liquor traffic to a '.'.wide open town", policy. But what, of Larry Sullivan and. Joe Simon? Sure- Iv they would not invest thousands of dollars in a bussness tha,t, they .know will not be permitted: 4p:be carried. on. Hence the doubt of Portland citizens as to the sincerity of the era of. reform Grand Lotlgei In Session. Portland, July 19. The grand lodges Ancient Order.- United Work men and Degree, of Honor convened at 10 o'clock this morning. . The Work men were called to order by Grand Master McFadden, of Salem, and .the Degree by Grand Chief;. Mamie W. Briggs, of The Dalles. The attendance is quite ; large, all : the .su bora mate lodges in the state being represented-, besides there is a large number of paat masters and past cbeifs: of honor, in attendance. : : To iVovern'SaDtrco. Washington, July 19. Last night Pres. dent McKinley issued a procla mation providing for the provisional government of Santiago during pres ent hostilities. General McKibben is named as.the military governor. Brjan Goes to the Front. ' ' ' Omaha, July, 29. Col. W. J. Bry an's regiment left here this morning for Jacksonville, via. Chicago. The regiment is in fine shape and is anx ious to be assigned to active service .at the front. . ..... " . ' ; Foroed .'H Lm to -horrender. . WA'sfiHN(?TeN', July ' 19. Advices have beeri- feceived' by '-the ; navy de partmentt'h'atT yesterday a launch from the "gunboatr Marblehead entered Guantanamo bay and forced the com mander at uainameia to surrender.- ; For Sale. A ehoioe stock ranch of S60 acres all deeded, 300" acres under good three- wire fence, with plenty of wood and water, about 30 acres in cultivation, ant eight acres'lij orchard and vineyard, two .barns, and some outbuildings." This ranch is equally as good for dttrying-as for raising stock. -: Located. miles froja .The Dalles on Cbenowelh creek Price $2200. Apply at this bfHco or at the farm of .:.., A. Fleck, LUMBER vmmimnmmmp katlier, Belting For 'Agricultural Use. iirierBelt - ----- z ". ., For Thres.hing Machines. . t 3 z - - 'We have, taken the agency for Rubber Mfg- 3 z Co's Gutta Percha and "high grade Leather " 3 3 : ., Belong. , yfe also have theVIOHAWK,'' 3 - tlio "fnY4RPIl " onA f"RP,Ti RTP1P" Z3 Jfc - HIV i' V aV A. IVVl) CWftVA VMMJ- J.VUJ4r tr A All A g '-. . Xw.bPe.r JBelting;'. These are ' all' standard .S g - . : brands and are well knowu. . ' 3 "ST . Soliciting,; a share , of the Belting Trade, 3 jgr .- we are respectfullj', ' 3 : , MAIER & BENTON j "... . . '. .. ! - '. The Dalles, Oregon.. 3 " '"Solid' us yourniail orders" for Belting;-. ' . 3 aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiimiiiiiaiuiui HARRY O. LEBBB, WatcliDialer and Jeweler ..i4 :... 4 ,-DEALPR IN . WATCHES,. CLOCKsj AND - JEWELRY,. '7: SlLYEBWARE AND ' DIAMONDS. ' . . Firie Repairing a Specialty. Watches for Woolgrowers .' -''V " I'A SPECIALTY V0GT RIi)CK, - - . ii la leatlie Protect yQur health by. using light corbonated . ' ' "dri:nks;manufactu'red by WEAVER & NAGEL at The. .Dalles , . . . . DISTILLING & CARBONATING WORKS 238 Seeond Street. THE DAUBS : MARBLE WORKS, K: ' ' LOUIE COMLNI,- Froprietor. Six years experience here and not a single complaint against liis work. It speaks for itself. Go to' the "cemeteries and Be samples of monuments and licadstoues. 'Pure Italian Marble. Friees reasonable. A Complete Notion Store, in connection with the Marble Works, conducted by .Mrs. Comini. Best quality of Tinware at very reasonable prices. Also Notions,' Candies, Nuts, Choice Laces, Embroidery, Etc. : ' t ' Job Printing T Lumber mmmnimnimnig 3 2 All Work Warranted THE DALLES, OREGON r coming .. Phone 33. Of all klndi done at short notloe and to reasonable rttea at tbitofnoe 3 -! n -a; " "J