;u-. rn ttUVTUXKKK. Vtlue XXXV CONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLES. OKEGON. SATURDAY. JULY 2. 189S n JCXT4ISEKB. " XIII NO 41 I-' . . .;: -V0 PROFESSIONAL. Q C. HJLL18TKR, Physician and Surgeon, Booms orer Dallas National Bank. OSes hours, 10 Imnlz in, and irom X to 4 p m. Bsi denoa Wst End of Third Htrsst, A. 8. BBNNVt Attorney at Law M. TACKMAN Dentitt. Booms 8 8 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Clrcntt Court of the state of Oregon for vv asuo voumy. R. M. Oatewood, Plaintiff, TS. lleory C. Coe and Kittle Coe. Defendants. By virtue of an execution and order of saie, duly issued out of and under the seal of the a bore Court, to me directed, and dated May 24. 1808, upon a judgment in uwreo entered in saia uourt jnay s-iin, 1898, In the above cause, in favor of plaint iff and against said defendants in the sum of V814.44. ana tne further sum of S7S attorney fees, and the further sum of $16 50. costs and disbursements, and the costs upon the writ, and commanding me to mane sale or the property belonging to said defendants as described in said decree and as hereinafter described Therefore, I will on the . 28th day of June, 1898, At the hour ot 2 o'clock, in the afternoon of said day, and at the front door of the County Court house, in Dalles City. Wasco County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand. all the right, title and ia- eresL wnicnv tne defendants Menry u. coe ana ; iUttle Coe, or either or them had in said prem ises on the date of the execution of the mort gage foreclosure in this action, or which they -Jnay have -since acquired, or now have in, and to the following described real property in Wasco County. Oregon, to-wit: All of lots Nob. 6 and 7, in block No. 2. of Waueoma. Wasco County, Oregon, as the same appear upon the duly filed and recorded maps of said Waueoma. at the office of County C'erk of said Wasco County: also all of that portion otthe Nathan Coe donation land claim lying nortn oi Oregon Hallway and Navigation com pany's right or way through said donation claim and west of the line running north and'south through said claim, dividing the west and east halves thereof, being in sections 25 and 24 (twenty-five and twenty-six). Township 3, North Range 10 East Willamette meridian, save and except those two certain tracts or portions or said claim, the first of which is de- Kenoea in aeea executed by Henry (J. coe ana Kittle Coe to Ttaos. J. Watson, dated May 23. 1891. recorded page 455. book 1. or deeds or Wasco County, Oregon: and the second or said tracts being a tract 209 feet square and lyini north or the line or the Oregon Railwav an Navigation Company's right or way, described in and executed by Henry C. Coe and Kittie Coe to the Hood River ManufacturingCompany, dated July 28. 1892, recorded in Book F, of deeds of said Wasco county; the tract hereby described being 28 acres, more or less in Wasco uoumy, uregon. or so much thereof as may ne necessary to satisfy said judgment, costs, at torney fees and accruing costs. Said property will be sold subject to confir mation and redemption as by law provided. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 24th day of T. J. DRIVER. Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. Coovert & Stapleton, att'ys tor olalntiff. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for wasco county. E. E. .Savage, as administrator of tue estate of Annie Kicb, deceased, plaintiff, vs. William A. Lanellle. Sarah Laogille. H. D. Langille and James L. Langille, defendants. By virtue of an execution, decree and order of sale, duly issued out oi ana unaer tne seal or the Circuit Court or the State or Oregon, for the County oT Wasco, to me directed and dated the 26th day of May, 1898. upon a decree for the loreoiosure or a certain mortgage, ana judg ment rendered and entered in said Court on the 25th dav of May. 1898. in the above en titled cause, in favor of the Plaintiff and l tne defendants William a. Lamttlte ana Sarah Langille as judgment debtors, in the sum or One thousand and sixty-five dollars and six . teen cents, with interest thereon from the 25th day or May, 1H08. at the rate or ten per cent per annum, ana tne runner sum oi one nunarea dollars, as attorney's lees, and the further sum of thirty dollars, costs, and the costs ol and upon this writ, and commanding me to make sale or the real property, embraced in such. uecrvo ni loreouraure ttuuficreiuttiber uesuriucu, , 1 will, on the t -25thl)ay of June. 1898, at the hour of one o'clock., in the afternoon of said davrand at the front door of the County Court House in Dalles City. Wasco County, Oregon, sell at pubiie auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and . Interest which the Defendants William A. Langille. Sarah Langille. H. D. Langille and J. L Langille, or either of them hod on the 28th day or April, 1891. the date of the mortgage fore closed herein, or which such Defendants or any of the Defendants herein, have since acquired. or now have in and to the following described, real property, situate and being in Wasco . Countv. Oregon, to-wit: Lots numbered six (6) in block lettered "C," in the first addition west to the town of Hood River, or so much of said property as will satisfy said judgment and decree, with costs and accruing costs. Said property will be sold subject to confirm ation and redemDtion as bv law nrovided. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 26th da; of joy, lew. T.J. DRIVER, herlff, Wasco County, Oregon. Notice foi publication. Lahd Offici at Ths Dalles. Orbgoic, I April 21, 1898. ( Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and ' that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Mon day, June 6, 1898. viz. CHARLES H. SMITH, Of The Dalles, H. E. No. 3884. for the NK SE and E NE 1-4 Sec. 11. Tp 1 S . R 11 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses -to prove Lis continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land, viz: " W C Clark, W H Clark. Albert Turner and Charles Goason, all of The Dalles. Oreg in. a22 JAS. F. MOORE. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Ths Dalles, Oregon, I May 18, IrSS. I Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention - to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at The Dalles. Oregon, on Wed nesday, June 30, 1898. viz: RICH A 3D H. VIBBERT, OP CELILO. Homestead Application No. 4013, for the SB 1.4 See 28, Tp. 2 N, H 15 E. W M. He names the following witnesses to prve his continuous residence upon and cultivation of sold land, viz: Thomas Welch, or Celilo, Oregon, James Ful ton, William Brookhouse, Franklin Fulton, of The Dalles, Oregon. Jas. F. Moors. Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was on the 16th day of June. 11-98. duly ap pointed by the Countv Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, administrator of the estate of Jacob Fritz, deceased, and that be has duly qualified and entered upon the duties tiiereof. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to .make immediate settle ment, md all persons having claims against .said estate are hereby notified to present the same, properly verified, as by law required, to me at ray residence in Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. L S. FRITZ. Administrator estate Jacob Fritz, deceased. Dated June 17, 1898. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. L abo Office at The Dalles. Ob egos, i May 8. 1898. f Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice or his intention to make final proof in support or his claim, and that said proof will be made before register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednesday. June 18 1698. viz: EBEN W. CARLISLE, OF THE DALLES. Homestead Application No- 5888, for the EH VKu uii 8EK See 4. To I N. R 15 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation Af mtrt lund via; James Fulton, Gabriel Deckart. Franklin Fulton, William Brookhouse, all of Ths Dalles, mji JAS. F.MOORE, Register. NEW WAMIC HOTEL WAMIC, Wasco Co., ORE. MRS. A. J. SWIFT, Proprietor. Meals, 25c; Board and Lodging per . week, $3.60. Peed Stable in Connection mm DSPART rROX THIS DALLES Ahiuvi Fast Mail Salt Lake. Denver. Ft. Fast Mall 3:10 a. m. Worth, Omaha, Kan sas City, St. Louis, 11 30 p. m Chicago and East. Spo :ane Flyer 8:30 p. m. Walla Walla. Spokane. Spokat Flyer Minneapolis, St raul. uuluth, Milwauke. Chicago and East, 8:50 a. m 8p.m. rROM fORTLASD 4p.m. Oceaa Steamships All Sailing Dates sub ject to change, For San Francisco June 6, 9, 12. 15. 18, 21, 24 a and 30. 7 p. m. T0 Alaska 5 p. m. Sail June 7 and 26. 8 p.m. Colombia River 4p-m: ExSunday Steamers fc.x.Sunday Sa.urday 10 p.m. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6a.m. Willamette River 4:30p.m. Ex.Sundav , Ex.Sunday 0:egon City. Newberg. Salem & Wav-Land's 7 a.m. Willamette sad Ysmhil, 3:30 p.m. Tues.Thur. It I vera. Mon. Wed. and Sat and t'ri. Oregon City, Dayton.anc Way-Landings. 8a.m. - Willamette River . 4:30 p.m. Tues, Thur Tues.Thur, and Sat- Port'and to Corvallis and Sat and Way-Landings lv Riparia Saake River. ' v. Lew'n 1:46 a.m. 5 45 a.m. Mon. .Wed. Riparia to Lewiston, iun. Tues. Friday and Thur W. H. HUiii-liURT, Gen, Pass. Agt., Portland. Oregon J. Ireland, Agent, The Dalles. HOOD EIYEtt NtjeseeY TILLETT & GALLIGAN PROPRIETORS. First-Class Nursery Stock a Specialty. Sole proprietors of Y.tkima Apple Send for Catalogue and ask for Prices CHARLES FRANK THE eis EX0HANGE Keeps on draught the celebrated Columbia Beer, acknowledged the best beer in The Dalles, at the usual price. Come in, try it and be convinced. Also tne Finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars.1 - SANDWICHES, all kinds, ON H ND MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUBE AI.Lr i9ov Diseases Failing k 'em ery, Ira potency, SleepleasneM, eta- caused by Alius or other xceue and India- eretloo. Xney quickly atul munlu restore Lost Vitality in old or jormg. and . lite man for study, business or marriage. iVPreTnt Insanity and ConsnmDtion if taksninume. Their use shows immediate improve ment and effect a CUBE where all other atf In sist upon hsTina; the genuine Ajaz Tablets. Thef Kare cured thousands and will cure yoo. We give a poe itire written guarantee to effect a cure CA PTC eaohomseer refund the money. Price W WWi per package; or six pkgee (full treatment) for 9&GU. tJy maiL In nlain wraiier. uuon receipt of price, rireoicr AJAX REMEDY CO., Say "Burlington" when the ticket agent asks yon what rail road east of Denver, yon want your ticket to read over. The Burlington Is the shortest line from Denver to everywhere east. The Burlington tonrist car excursions, which leave Portland every Wednesday evening-, are the cheapest and most com tollable way to make the over land trip. Only $5 for a berth to Omaha or Kansas City ; $6 to St. Louis or Chicago. Fine scenery; fast time; good cars. Ex cursion manager with each party. Porter with each car. Through tickets and berths en sale at all O. R. A N. and O. S. L. ticket offices. A. C. Sheldon, Genl Agent, 250 Washington St., Portland, Ore. Royal nakea the food pare. FOVDEfl Absolutely Pure row wm vowm ee NfwvomE. HENRI L KDCK, Manufacturer of and Dealar 1 Harness me Saddlery, East End, Two Doors-West-of Diamond Flour log Mills. - Becond Street. THE DALLES, OREGON All Work Guaranteed, to Give Satisfaction. EXECUTIVE NOTICE. Notiee is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed exeeutor of the es tate of LJzza Bachelor, deceased. All persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them properly verified to me at my ottlce in Dalles City. Oregon, within x months from the date of this notiee. And all persons owing said estate are hereby Deified to settle the same at onee Dated at The Dalles. Or.. April SO. 18M. i. L. 8TOKV. Executor, Butchers Farm FIRST DECIS- IVE BATTLE Our Troops Won Victory. a Slight Off Santiago, June 25 The first encounter with the Spaniards occurre east of Aguedores yesterday when 1000 American cavalry were attacked by a body of 2000 Spaniards. The fight was hot for a time, and men were cut down thick and fast. The Americans held their ground and finally forced the Spaniards to retreat. The American loss was 13 killed and 50 wounded. A number of those wounded will die. The Spanish loss was 50 killed and 100 wounded. Rousevelt's rough riders were in the thickest of the fight and acquitted themselves admirably. They stood the brunt of the battle, and conducted themselves like old veterans. BOLD ATTEMPT AT ROBBERY. Train Held Up and the Engineer Was Killed. Whitehall, 111., June 25. A dar ing attempt to hold up a passenger train occurred here last night. The highwaymen began firing on the train, and theenginee was killed and the fireman fatally wounded. The robbers escaped into the country and are being pursued by a posse. TERRIBLE ELEC TRICAL STORM The Great Western Distillery Was Burned. Peoria, 111., June 25. A terrible electric storm occurred here last night which was one of the severest eyer nown in the cauntry. The Great Western distillery was struck by lightning and a portion of the establishment was burned, causing loss of 8400,000. The Great Western wan the second arrest, distillery establishment in the world, and was one of the leading in dustries of Peoria. ROW IN THE SPANISH CHAMBERS Kobledo Viciously Attacks the-Government's War Policy. Madrid, June 24. The debate in the chamber of deputies yesterday on Ih Philippine question was marked by great disorder. Kobledo, the con servative leader, attacked General Polavieja, the former minister of war, for treating with Aguinaldo, the, in surgent leader, and was interrupted with shouts of, "It is untrue." The greatest confusion followed and the sitting was suspended. When busi ness was resumed, Robledo continued his remarks. He asked if the govern ment desired peace or war. If pnuoe, he added that Spain bad better have negotiated directly with the United Suites, as the powers would demand a broker's commission in case they in tervened. In the course of the speech Robledo censured the minister of ma rine and Admiral Cervera, accusing the minister of granting unpatriotic inter views. Captain Aunon defended the navy. The minister concluded his speech with the announcement that Admiral Camara was on his way to the Philip pines to defend the Spanish flag. THE EIGHTH ARMY COPRS. General Merrit Has Selected Staff Officers. San Francisco, June 26. The Eighth army corps, just organized by General Merritt, iuuludes the entire Philippine force. Tne troops not yet named as part of the expedition forces constitute an independent di vision of the new corps, and will be under the cammand of General Otis. On arriving at Manila the entire army will be reorganized. General Merritt has designated a number ot otS.sers for positions in the Eighth corps. His personal staff will be con stituted as follows: Major Lewis H. Strother, United States voulunteers, acting aide; Major Harry C. Hale, United States aide; Captain Qentley IJott, United States volunteers, aide. Brigadier-General R. P. Hughes is named as chief of staff and inspector general under Major-General Otis. Lieutenant Colonel Barry is named as adjutant-general. An order has been Issued bv General Merritt stating that he will -ail for the Philippines on Wednesday with ! his staff and some of his clerical force on the Newport, thr) rema nder being instructed to go on the Indiana. a nr.nnnv stTu,i7"r piiiit I Thomas Connolly Fatally Wounded In Portland. Portland, O-., June 27. Thomas Connoly and Edward Flannae-an en gaged ip a stpeet fight last night, and the former was shot through be)i)nga. Connplly is fatally wpunded. Manna? gan has been arrested and is held (waiting the result of Connolly's wounds. Fleet Will Be Sent to At tack. Spanish Cities. Washington, June 27. It was an nounced from tbe departments this morning that arraneremen ts are per fecting to attack the Spanish coast. A fleet under Commander Watson will be sent across tbe Atlantic im mediately to lay siege to and bombard the principal Spanish ports. This de termination was reached at a cabinet meeting last Saturday. As yet it is not given out what ves sels will comprise the fleet, but it will be powerful enough to blockade any of the Spanish ports. The fleet will sail inside of a week. Miles Will go to Cnbst. WaSHINGON, June 24. Doubt as to General Miles' future movements was cleared up today when the definite statement was made that he would eo to Cuba, but when it is not stated Tampa is again to be made the reodoz vous for a large force, and the depart' ment is securing complete details with a view to centering another large fleet of transports there. With the troops moved to Tampa and Newport News. and the expeditions well advanced Gen. Milles will then be free to join the army in the field. Can t are For Himself. Washington, June 24., Secretary Alger denies that another call will be made for troops. Discussion of war matters occupied the session of the cabinet. It was agreed that no worry need be felt for Dewey on account of the eastern move ment of Carruar. Dewey can care for himself. Tne cabinet is unani mously of tl.e opinion that no trouble with European nations is likely over American possession of the Philip pines. - . " Act of an Insane Mother. BKER CliY, June 26. Saturday afternoon Mr. Oliver More, of Pleasant Valley, near this place, who is insane poisoned her two children. She put strychnine in milk and gaye it to them and two hours after the little ones drank the deadly -fluid, the 6 year-old girl died in terrible agony. The 4 yearoldooy did not drink so freely, and may recover. The unfortunate woman confessed that she had planned to skill her children and then com mit suicide. Camera at Port Said. Port Said, June 27. The Spanish fleet under command oi Admiral Camera, has arrived here and consists of 15 vessels, including warships and transports. Camera has not as yet made application to be permitted to go through the canal. It is doubtful if his large ships can be passed thi ough the canal safely. Train Jumped the track. St. Joseph, Mo., June 24. The sec ond section fif the Burlington train carrying part of Torry's cowboy caval rymen, was detailed just outside the union d-j-ot this morning. The en gine toppled over, killing Engireer Fu'ler and fatally scalding Fireman CUristman. None of the troopers or horses were injured. Railroad Presidents to Meet. New York, June 24. The presi dents of the Great Notbern and Canad ian Pacific railroads will meet here next week and try to settle northwest ern railway rates. Foreign Vessels Notified. Washington, June. 24. Foreign representatives 'have been notified that no vessels carrying contraband of war will be allowed to clear American ports for Cuba or Porto Rico. 1 orpedoea for the Cadis Squadjoo. New York, June 24. A Journal dis patch from Rome says the Austrian cruiser Zruin has taken aboard a great number of torbedoes and sailed to join the Spainish squadron in Suez canal. Disastrous Fire at Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Jube '25. The lino leum factory was destroyed by fire last night, causing a loss of $250,000. Sev eral adjacent buildings were damaged, but the fire was confined to the imme diate vicinity of the factory. A North Dakota Taagedy. La Moure, N. D., June 24. At Edley, a small place near here, last night Charles Handley.a hotel-keeper, shot and instantly killed his wife. He then attempted to kill himself. His death is expected momentarily. The Cortes Dissolved. Madrid. June 25. Last night the queen regent sierned a decree suspend ing the cortez. What step the govern ment will take next is not known. The dissatisfaction with the war-policy of Sagas La has not abated. Reluforeemente for Charter. Camp Alger, June 25. Taansports left here last night with 8000 troops to reinforce General sbafter's army at Santiago. They expect to reach San tiago in from 10 to 13 days. Another Lot of Volunteer. Walla Walla, June ajFifty volunteers left here this morning for Camp Merritt at Sao Francisco. SCROFULA. 2 & m S One of Ami&'$ tw? g moos physicians says: "setof- $ uU is external consumption." 2 Scrofulous children arc often jft beautiful children, but they S ft larfe- rrrvr. torer. itrrmcr txyns. m stout muscles and power to . . 7 resist disease. For delicate $ children there is no remedy I Wait Scott's Emulsion I of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo- phosphites of Lime and Soda. It fills out the skin by putting: S the cheeks red by makino; rich blood. It creates an appetite for food and gives the body power enough to digest it. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emut-, m sion. Jocsnd$i.oo; sit druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Ownists, New York. . 5 TO BLOCKADE SOUTHERN COAST It Will Extend from Cape Frisco to Cape' Cruz. Washington, June 28 The presi dent ha issued a proclamation declar ing a perfect blockade of the southern coast of Cuba, extending from Cape Frisco, the extreme western point of Pinar Del Rio to Cape Cruz, ths west ern terminus of the province of San t ago de Cuba, also blockading San Juan. Porto Rico. The fleets under Admiral Sampson and Commodore Schley will be dis tributed along the southern coast of Cuba with instructions to prevent the landing of any vessels bearing war supplies or provisions. : This blockade is intended to prevent the Spanish army from getting- sup plies of any kind, and with the block ade maintained along tbe northern coast of Cuba, will bottle up the Spanish army as completely as is tbe fleet bottled up at Santiago. Shut off from provisions and ammunition tbe Spanish army In Cuba can hardly bold out longer than two months. REIGN OF TERROR -AT HAVANA. Severe Orders Issued by Captain General Blanco. Key West, June 27. A Rritish sub ject who arrived yesterday from Ha vana, says affairs are in a critical state at the Cuban capital. The city is panio stricken, the inhabitants ex pecting every moment to be bombard ed by tbe American fleet, since Blanco pursued a course that releases the United States from the obligation of givine the customary bombardment notice. Blanco has issued a proclamation announcing that any one daring V ex press an unfavorable opinion of, or suspected of being dissatisfied with the present policy of the government, will be summarily shot without trial or in vestigation. This proclamation, it appears, caused dissatisfaction among the members of the police force, who threatened to revolt if full rations were not given them. It is expected that, as the police force is a numerous body, trouble will result. Spanish in fantry and artillery soldiers are main taining guard over them .at every corner. - Famice is imminent, food supplies having become ' very scaroa. The troops are suffering from hunger, and volunteers see their wives and child ren starving to death. Under these conditions, it will be difficult to keep down riot much longer, and a revolt among the soldiers is liable to occur before the Jity is bombarded by Amer icans. There are about 120,000 .me n under arms in Havana, and many of them would rather surrender than suf fer longer from hunger. DISASTROUS STOR1W ON THE PACIFIC' Two Alaska Bound Steamers Badly Damaged. Astoria, June 27. The tug Thomp son, which left here last Friday es corting tbe steamers Gamecock and Staghound bound to Alaska, returned yesterday, and reports having encoun tered very severe weather at sea. Both the ships suffered terribly and were forced to unship nearly all their cargos. All the freight on board the vessels was lost. Their cargoes were valued at (129,000, which was covered by $100,000 insurance. DRAWING NEAR SANTIAGO. Americans Closing In on the Spanish Stronghold. Washington, June -27. Advices have just been received that the ad vance of General Shatter's army yes terday pushed ahead to within two miles of the outskirts of Santiago. They met little resistance and will be able to hold 'heir position until the main army can advance. A decisive battle is expected as soon as the & merican army can be moved up to the position held by the advance guard. SIXTEEN, AMEKI: CANS KILLED. They Fell in the Battle Near Jaragua Last Week. Washington, June 2'. Official re ports of tbe battle on Friday of last weeK near Juragua, between 1000 of our cavalry and 2000 Spaniards, place the number killed at' 16 and 60 wound? ed or mi-sing. No accurate statement of the Span ish loss is obtainable, but it is quite certain that at least 60 Spaniards were iueu MAY CROSS THE ATLANTIC A proposition t,q Sgqd. a Fleet, tq " (Spain. Washington. June 26. The prop osition to attack the coast of Spain it self, while not having progressed to any definite stage, has not been abon doned by tha administration. In this connection, the statement of a cabinet official ; yesterday that he favors an early ordering of about ten of our vessels of the first rating, with orders to ca-ry what will be needed in the course of so long a journey, to be taken away from our fleet in Cuba and sent direct on this misuion. is significant. He said he believed that until some such work as that is dooe by our forces j Spain will fail to apprecaite the re sources of the goverinent with which he is at war. Members of the adminstratlon have no hesitation in sayiag such vessels might be easily spared before long with out detriment to our campaign In Cuba. WORSE THAN SPANISH BULLETS Cheyenne Troops Killed in ' Railroad 1 Collision. Tupelo, Miss., June 27. A fright ful collision occurred here yesterday on the K. M. & B. railroad, a train conveying troops from Cheyenne was run into and wrecked. Five soldiers were killed outright and a number were severely injured. Some of the injured will probably die. The acci dent occurred thiough a misunder standing of orders by the train men. MORE TROOPS FOR MANILA. Remaining Volunteers Are Ordered to San Francisco. New York, June 28. A Washing ton dispatch states that orders have been Issued from the war department that all volunteers not now mobilized in the South be sent to San Francisco and from there to Manilla as rapidly as transports can be secured. General Merrltt's army in the Philippines will be reinforced until it will probably. number 30,000, which is deemed suffi cient, in connection with the insur gent army, to not only overpower the Spaniards but to hold the islands in definitely. REORGANIZING THE TROOPS General Otis Gettnisr His Command in Shape. San Francisco, June 28. This morning General Otis issued order reorganizing the remaining troops at tbe Presidio, that are to make up the next Philippine expediton. General Otis has command of the Presidio now and will accompany the xt expedition to Manila. Camara Ordered to Proceed. Mad.hID. June 27. A dispatch has been received from Admiral Camara announcing his arrival at Port Said. He adds that tbe ships under his com mand had - a "captial voyage" and averaged a speed of 10 knots an hour. It was announced here this afternoon that Camara had been ordered to pro ceed through the Suez canal with the warships unber his command. As Interpreted at Madrid. Madrid. June 27 It is announced from Aavarm that the "Americans are still encamped at Siboney." This Is interpreted here as an indication that the American troops are "meeting with stubborn resistance," and has caused an "excellent impression in official circles." For The Spanish Fleet. London, June 27. A special dis patch front Fiume. a seaport town of Austro-Hungary, says an Austrian vessel is on. her way to tbe Philippines with 500 torpedoes, "intended for the Spanish fleet." Oomraodore Watson's rleet. Washington, June 27. The squad-J ron with which Commodore Watson will cross the Atlant'c, and attack Spanish seaports, will consist of the Newark, Iowa, Oregon, Yosemite, Yankee, Dixie and three colliers. Troops For Porto Rico. LONDON, June 27. A Madrid dis patch this afternoon says tbe Spanish government is actively preparing to dispatch reinforcements to Porto Rico by the first available transportation. A Brush With the Terror. Washington, June 28. Captain Sigsbee, commander of the auxiliary cruiser St Paul, reports having had a battle with tbe Spanish torpedo boat Terror yesterday, in which one Span isb officer and ten seamen were killed. Probably a r!cht in Progress. Maqrid, Ju 16 23. Reports are clr, culated here that the Americans are firing on Santiago. A decisive battle is exp ;cted to be fought within few days. For Orer Fifty Tears. An Old and Well-tried. Rem Epv.i'Mrs, Wiusiow's Soothing Syrup has been used ior over nity years by millions of mothers lor their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by arug- erists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value Is uncalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's far Saia. A choloe stock ranch'-'of 360 acres all deeded, 300 acres under good three-wire fence, with plenty of wood and water, about 50 acres in cultivation, ant eight acres in orchard and vineyard, two barns and some outbuildings. This ranch is equally as good for darying as for raising stock. Located i miles from The Dals, on Qbenoweth creek. Prioe S2200. Apply at this office or at the farm of . J. A. Fleck, To Woolg-rowers of Eastern Oregon. Before disposing of your wool this year, see C. F. Merry, agent (Chicago Wool Exchange) Silbey Warehouse & Storage Co. of Chicago. Thjs b,qi)s.e is in position tq take care qf your business, and give and secure you more money for your wool than you can pos sibly get through through any other house - Fonrcu of July Bates. For the Fourth of July, the Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company will sell tickets frpm The Dalles to any station in Oregon and return, including -Wallula and Walla Walla, Washington at rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale July 2d, 3d and 4th. Tickets good for return np to and includicg July 6th, 189J. - Strayed er Stolen. Oi e dark bay horse branded on left motlder with T under a half circle. A nnard of 110 for leaving him at my ptace. KD. KRAMER, ! Tha Dalles, Or Lumber We carry constantly on hand a large stock of Rough and Dressed Lumber of all kinds. .SASH AND DOORS. Paints, Oils and Glass, Building- Papers Cedar Shingles, and Redwood Shingles. . . f v JOS. T. PETERS St CO. THE DALLES, OREGON GlenmoragT to be Wrecked. All visitors to Ilwaco for the past few ynars will remember the Glen morag that went ashore on North Beach. Several attempts have been made to haul her into deep water, but without success. At one time she could have been floated bad a big tup; been in readiness to give assistance but since then she has gradually work ed toward the shore, and is settling In tbe sand. John Kierman, who bought the vessel since she stranded, has abandoned all hope of eyer saving her and intends wrecking her for the iron ropes, fixtures, etc. He will probably come out about even on his invest ment, as he has expended quite a sum in the hopes of saving the vessel. To those who have been aboard and walk ed around the Glenmorag since she has been in the present predicament, it seems a shame that such a handsome and large vessel will haye to be sacri ficed in this manner. However tbe old hull will be quite an attraction to visitors at the beach, and many will be the snapshots taken at the once mag nificent Glenmorag which e proudly vailed the Pacific. Ping- Ugly Parade. It is requeued by the Fourth of July amusement committee, that all those intending to take part in the plug ugly parade, which will take place at 'i P. U, on Independence Day, report at tbe store of Mays & Crowe, to John F. Hampshire, not later than Saturday evening. To make this affair a success, it is desired that all the young men arrange to take part and help swell the affair. The "bys" are at the bead of thls,so all join in and show by your presence in the parade that tbeir efforts have not been in vain. You may rest assured your service will be duly appreciated. Prises are offered for tbe best obaracter, so use yeur imagination and get up a unique costume. A Crook I onnty Klondike. Warde Huston, of Trout creek, is in the city, and brings a good account of the quartz ledge recently discovered in that section by Alex, Friend and Clyde Gay. The ledge he says averages about four feet In with and can be traced for several miles. So far the ledge has not been prospected to any extent, holes having been sunk only a few feet on the load. Tbe ore is free gold and the yellow metal can be seen with the. naked eye, though only crude tests have as yet been made. Mr. Huston says tha discovery has caused quite an excitement, and large number of claims have been located on the lodge and in the vicin ity where the discovery was made. An Arsay and Kavy. A memorandum book is what you have been wanting. The Northern Pacific has It. It contains a out of the Maine, map of Qi)ba, list of United States and Spanish naval vessels, in terior drawings of a battleship, lllus tratlons of United States and Spanish ships, glossary of navy and army words, table of distances, commanders of U. S. ships and army corps, lfot of U. S. regiments and their-commanders and other information very useful and valuable at this time. The hook fits the pocket, and is up-to-date. Send Chas. F. Fee, general passenger agent N. P. R. R., Rt. Paul. Minn, 10 cents and the book is yours. The number of bogs about Salem is being considerably reduced by reason of an epidemic that is prevalent throughout the valley, says the Salem Journal. It is not thoroughly under stood, an! the proper course to pursue to evade Its fatal results is not known. At first it was supposed to be cholera, but from the fact that the hogs suffer from the disease tor two or three weeks before death occurs, it is con sidered a more serious aliment. Headquarters for the Fourth. In addition to our other business we are manufacturing light carbonated beverages, and we, app; v the very best LUMBER I sprnmnmimmmmmmmmm tnmmmmmmmmm I leather Belting I For Agricultural Use. Endless Rubber Belts For Threshing Machines. We have taken the agency for Rubber Mf g Co's Gutta Percha and high grade Leather Belting. We also have the "MOHAWK," the "MONARCH," and the "RED STRIP" Rubber Belting. These are all standard brands and are well knowu. Soliciting a share of the Belting Trade, we are respectfully, I MAIER & BENTON 1 : The Dalles, Oregon. 3 E Send us your mail orders for Belting. 2 niiuimiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiuiiuuii WHTTiriiltTTTT T Wonld Inform everybody that he Is stIU In the t'ndertsklne VV lYl.iill VO. ji-i Li and Picture Frame business, and anyone needing any thi nr In these lines will save money by dealing; with him Instead of elsewhere. systems and machinery in our bottling shop. We guarantee our goods to be the cleanest because we use no wire or metal to stoppers, but a new orown for every bottle (the only crown stopper used in Tbe Dalles.) We guarantee our goods to be the best because, we make our soda or carbonated water with natural gas and use no sulphuric acid (the only soda made by this system in the Dalles.) All we ask of custom ers is to make an investigation and cam pare our goods with other brands. The Dalles Crystal Ice Co. JOE Foloo, 2w. Manager. Tbe special attraction at Bonne ville every Sunday during the summer season wilt be an attractive and pleas ing out-door specialty performance un der the management of the Fredericks burg theatre of Portland. Round trip fare from The Dalles, only II. Maier & Benton have just put in a complete line of Electric Cutlery raz ors, shears and razor straps, every knife, razor, shear, guranteed, or mon ey back. Call and see our new line Maier & Bknton It is a mistaken idea that a photo- graphic outfit is expensive. They used to be like watches, bicycles, sew ing machines, etc., but are very cheap now. Call at Donnell's drugstore and he will show you any price camera and outfit you wish. Troy Laundry. Don't forget that A. B. Estebenet has taken charge of the Troy Laundry again, and all orders will be attended to the same as before. Telephone 119. A. B. ESTEEtSNET, Agent. Fares for One hundred and ixtv acres near The Dalles. Price $800. Address this office. 2m Lumber 3 a 3 3 v3 umumuamiiauiiiuiiuuiK The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation .Co. THROUGH FieigHt ami Passenger Lias LOWEST RATES BEST SERVICE' FASTEST TIME. The steamers of this line wilt leave The Dalles at 7:00; A. M. Shipments received at anv time, dav or night. Live stock shipments solicited. Call on or address, A' O HLLHJbIKY. THE. jCary House Bar I Prlneville, Oregon. Presided over by Joe Hinkle. Carries the best brands Wines, Liquors Cigars " "-i - Money Made When la that city call on Jo 1 y" 1 c