7 y.-' MfM. v. ' k i Krbin WednesdM'a; Dally. City oouacil meeting tonight. A'r'.Afibft, of Goidebdale, is In the lty. . Judge J5a,veu port, or Mosier, i tp town oa business. . j Ec. Murphy, from Antelope, To in the city.. ' .-' " Jno D. Whlfen, of Kingsley, is in the city on business. Kf.KwLtU Messrs. Prank' teef -and Wo. Ellery left last night for Arlington" A Ci J ". EditorBr6wn,;o!"Vne!Grass Valley Journal and wifs, are in the fltyvj ;j tj ? Jt in the city attending to business. GebXFergiison will leave in the morning for Albany on a short visit to Ms wife. :; Samuel McDonald, a prominent farmer from"nearMoio is in town on business."'""--?-' - ' ' ' Postmaster TS-dssen went to Port land thtt morning and will return In a feway8.rr-f . J. D DaUey, -representlnjrGordon & Ferguson,' Sf. PauU is In the city in the interest of his firm. : John Castner. of Hood Rivor, re- 1 turned home today iiavlng-trought up .1 the blection returns last night.' I) . T ,ot 4 .nld alajaaaa with case A suitable, reward will be paid oadellveringabthisofflcer. -.- ; '. Thomas s Hamilton prominent sheepman of Trout Creek, came in on thSsrageTOday'Trbm" Antelope. MellMurchie, who has been, visiting in Portland for the last two weeks, re turned home last evening. '. During the past twenty-four hours, the river has risen two-tanths of a foot and this morning stood at 32.6 feet. Wm. Whitmer, special agent for the Home Mutual Life Insurance Co. is in the city in the interest of his oompany. Hon. J. D. Wilcox and wife, of Grass Valley, are in the city and will remain until tomorrow, when they go below. R. H. Lonsdale left this morning for Dufur and Kingsley on a business trip in the Interest of Mays & Crowe. The Dalles Packing Co. are very busy today, haying received several tons of Salmon and are running full "blast. Miss Malissa Hill leaves tomorrow for Eugene to spend a week, and from there goes to Oakland, Cai., to remain until school begins next fall. The largest vote received by any candidate was by Bradsbaw, the demo cratic .nominee for district judge, being almost, three for one. Chas. M. Dial, a prominent young attorney from Olympia, Wash., was in the city last evening and left this morning for Antelope, where he will Visit his father. ' . The Columbia has sufficiently sub sided to allow the steamers to pass through the locks. The Regulator went through this morning but will return fcjnight. Will Langill, of Hood River, was in the city last night, and left this morn Ing for Portland, from where he will , again go to Klondike. He sails on the Elder tomorrow. The warni weather of the past few - days has gaia put Oregon people to thinking of the seaside, though there yp -wilt probably be .no general movement '. of townspeople beach ward until about the middle of July. Hon. W. ;H. Biggs, returned last ; evening from Wasco, where he has been for the past few days. Mr. Biggs resorts erupt flourishing, and farmers ape feeling confident of a good yield. Through a mistake on the part of the secretary, the Horroeopathic Med- ' ical society did not meet to-lay. The regular date is the second Tuesday in , June and hot the first as published . esterday. - Messrs. Frank, John and Joseph Bens and family, who have been living At Wapinitia for some time, left last evening for their old home at Green Bay, Wis., where, they 111 reside in the future. A number of young ladles left this j morning on the Regulator for a days outing on the river. Among them were Misses Laura Thompson, Cad JJoptb, Mabell Mack and Alma jjcjipildt. A telephone message was received last evening from Goldendale, stating : that H. P. Jackson, an old and much respected citizen of Klickitat county, had died. His son Hugh was notified, "and left immediately for Goldendale. This mornirg the Silby Warehouse &, Storage Co., of New York, shipped three carloads of wool from this place, it t?pP! the first wool shipped from per this season. Q. E!. Jyferry', agent for the company, has been traveling oyer the interior and expects to handle a large amount of wool this year, ' On Thursday evening from ft to 8, thp jfunior Endeavor Society qf the Congregational efeureh 'y'W giVe a children's social on the churoh lawn, Ice cream and cake will be served at 10 cents a dish, and all children are in Invited to be present, also to come prepared with their dimes to have a good time. Complete election returns have been Received, (rpqa al preojnoU except An: t&jbpor Wbiob will obme lri this even ing. Antelope will probably swell the republican majority 100, which will Increase Mr. Geer's plurality to 411, an Increase about 80 over McKinley's '" Yesterday' the school board elected teachers for the ensuing year. ' All th'e former teachers' but Miss Snell, ho has resigned, were re-elected, and in' addition, Misses 3f, ' L. Douthit.'bf orftand, and t'annle TJ',Ren, of Mon mouth, were elected. Prof. Gavin was elected superintendent of the city school's and Prof. Landers principal of fhe high schpq. The" present steamer Dalles City made hqr first tpip to the Cascades under command of Capt, Sherman Short, and will pjake her last qtie to day Jq h(s charge. Qn her returq tq PortUud, ber machinery will be trans ferredto the new boat just built by the D. P. & A. N. Co.. which will bear , tbe same name. Until tbe new boat Dalles city Is ready for service, .the ' jSafab Dixon-wii ber place ahq &aki iiftfi trfp -itietfceeir' Aope 444 Portland. ' ' , Tnm Tbanday's Oally. v.;-; V i J i Cbas.Hixon, of Antelope, is in Sa'mU McRonald, croT ia in town mo. up on tne ooat of -Wasco, the Spokane rf iW. TTjaSfcdon. of HoocH'Riverrtrf-tend the funeral of the law C. A. Ed regidterecf at the Umatilla. 'Messrs. Al. JOnes.and Allim Grant; r'of Antelope, are" In the city. 'J.TT Bennett, a 'merchant' from" Antelope, is in the city h TJusiness. ' ! A nw sidewalk , is being placed-in front-of the Columbia .Caady.Jjtctory. IT. S. Hamilton,' one of the commis sioners of Crook county, is in tbe-city. jGeo. Ruch, the pioneer grocer, has a newdelivery wagon o,n the streets to- day. - '. . . ; .-. - Miss' Annie iL'., Lang , left oti the train t.hia mmining tnr r ahnrt. stay in Portland Pi:.!-tr"r we-n f n j Albert Roberts, representative- elect, is Ii the city from hia borne on the Deschutes. - ' : '. fj. S. Fish, returned, on ? this-morning's train from the Greenhoru mines whtffU he llgsbeel-for the past- few days? -:-:y- .. - TjEOjcarioads of jcattlewere shipped to the Union Meat Co., at Troutdale today by C M. Grimes. -' E. B Dufur ' left -this morning for Gold Hill, in Southern Oregon, where he goes on legal business; A regiment from Walla Walla will pass through the city .tomorrow morn-lng-at-6.55 OH-tb through-passenger, ArBurkhardt, mauager of the Union Meat Co., was in the city this morn ing, and went put to the farm with Tom-Ear gbecjio spend the day. August ' Buchler is making a super ior grade of beer, and from tbeamount he is disposing- of - the -public surely appreciates, buf hoaeproauctlou. Miss Berrigan who has been visit ing near Dufur for the past few- days, is iu.ih.c.city and will return to Port land on the boat tomorrow morning. Wm. Johnson was tried this morn ing before Justice Filioon, for larceny, and was found guilty. He was sen tenced to thirty days in the county jail. The recorder had two individuals before him this morning, charged with peddling without a license. They were found guilty and fined five dol lars each. The funeral of the late C. A. Edwards will take place at 7 o'clock this even ing from the undertaking parlors of Crandall & Bureett Friends of the deceasea are Invited to attend. An error was made yesterday in mentioning that Miss Fannie U'Ren had been elected to a position in The Dalles public schools. It should have been Miss Etta Wrenn, instead of Miss U'Ren. Weaver & Nagle have received the latest and b.est appliances on the'mar ket for making carbonaceous goods. Today they are. placing in their estab lishment a machine weighing 2100 pounds, which will be used in the manufacture of soda water. This morning C. E. Sando?, of Mill preek, brought to the Times-Moun-aineer office, a box of strawberries grown on his farm, that was just right. The berries were of t.be Clarks Seed ling variety. Mr. Sinrioz has the reputation of raising the best berrje? fh the country. Miss Eunice Scott, who has been vis iting at the residence of Mr. Chas. Deitzel for the past few weeks.left this morning on the boat for Portland. Miss Scott will remain some time with her sjster In .be metropolis, and will Return to our fair city for a short stay during August. The William Johnson who was sen tenced to 30 days in jail today for stealing, is not our popular grocer, W. A. Johnston, however he was an interested party to the action, being a member of the firm of Filioon & Co., from whom some of the property was' stolen The Dalles brass band, lait nl?ht, serenaded several of the successful candidates who appreciated their thoughtfulnees and made several little talks, thanking , the band for their kindness and thp yqters tqr their supT port. Among those serenaded were Congressman Elect M. A. Mpody, Cir cuit Judge W. L. Bradsbaw and Sher- iff-elect Robt. Kelly, , (From Friday's Daily.) J. B. Barnes, of Portland, is in the city. C. A. Harper, of Wasco, is in the city. ' Victor Cooke, of Hood Riyer, is in toyo. P. E, Ormduff, of Wasco, is in town on business. M. FiuMaurice, of Fossil, is regis tered at the Umatilla. Weather forecast tonight and to morrow fair and warmer. Wm. Ellery, the wool buyer, return ed from Arlington this morning. Geo. K. Burton, a prominent sales man, is in the city, on business, Ad Keller is having a fresh coat qf paint put on (he front of his saloon. Geo. Kelsay and wife, of Hay Creek, are stopping at the Umatilla House. The riyer Is again rising quite rap idly ant this njqrnlnfr stood at 33. feet. A new walk is being placed iq front of J. P. Mclnerny's place of busi ness. Mrs. E. O. McCoy and family left last evening for a few days stay at Wasco, The official count of the vote of this county will be made by county Clerk Kelsay tomorrow. Gunning and Hockman are putting twenty-four foot addition to the rear of their blacksmith shop! John Bennett and Ed. Murphy left tha' morilng for Antelope, .'having spent Several days in the city: John Potter arrived in town yester day with several head of beef cattle for the Columbia Packing Co. JSlwooa ibompson and Oscar Hulz, prominent xarmers irom near Monk land,' are in 'the city on business. Hugh Japkson who has been in yowu fqr the past few days returned hqme tnis morning in a new buggy. N, W, Wallace, of Antejope, and Jay Saltsman, of Burnt Ranchtarrived n town on the early morning train Sheriff W. L. Wilcox was the c democrat elected in Gilliam -a vtA Vi o wan t. i n wli.K a ji i-r ii!(naajority Ai:yHendersonca frQnjwl Salmop a nigTf; tur itte r. - Si jTvnvf Wojf accompanied A marriage license was issued by the County Clerk today to Wm. H. Young and Dollie Johnson, both o this yj cinity. Chas. Clarke left last evening for Ar lington, where he goes in tbe interest of Clarke & Falk of the Postofflce Pharmacy, . W. pampbell. chief train dis patcher for the jf. R. & N. Co,, at Portland, came up last evening to f- ijtv" . j - - . - waras. r " J. E JJafdwick: lfas qloBed" brsTstore for a short t"nne,and'in company "-with his -ife will leave for Bingham SDrinoA.- far u.n mr.inct. .County Clerk Keleay-Jutitkcaor Uia Peace Filioon and Recorder Sinnott will make tpe offidaf count of Waseo county-ceurnB lotuoj-row. C "y T H. D. Parkins ofthe Efite' barW shop, has received an elesant and ex- pensivefautomatio-baroerchairrwlycli t races hii place ( Of business. I J IParties who have not yet subscribed to the Fourth of July fund and jdesire to do so are requested to call on H..C. Liebe. C. F. Stephens or Andrew "Kel ler and put down their subscription. Wm. M. Blakeley bratSe? bi SvSlge Blakeley of this city, was elected sher iff of Umatilla county on the umo;: tickeU-recemng a majority TTo43 A. jv ei; H. A. Faxon, tb.9 present sheriff. L Wv-HvntiBg,-editor of the-.Moi'o Leader, is in the !-city, : and reports everything in 2the vicinity of Moro flourishing. It is expected the Colum bia Southern will' reach Moro by Sept. 1st, and in time to carry the immense crop. In every section of Wasco county crops are said to be looking well, though the pa9tfew days of hot weather is not doing them any good. A day's rain, however, would insure an abund ant yield, and as the acreage is larger than common, it means an Immense harvest. I ncomplete.-returns'i'from Crook county give Geer lvz majortiy ana Moody 157. Williamson, republican, for representative-, 158. - M. A. Moore, union, for sheriff, is elected, and Arthur Hodges, the present county clerk, who ran on the gold democratic ticket, is re-elected. Notices for the city election to be held June 20, 1898, have been posted. and the voting places for the different wards will be as follows: First ward, recorder's office: second ward, Wm. Miehell's undertaking parlors; third ward, Union ytreet school house. Polls will open at 9 a. m. and close at 6 p. m. John Dalrymple has returned from a trip to the extreme southeastern portion of Crook county, and reports a splendid rain Having fallen all over the county last week, that came just in time to save the crops. Mr, Dalry impls says now the prospects are very favorable for a good crop being bar- vested in Crook county. Quite a crowd gathered on Second and Washington streets last evening when Louie Comini's horse balked. Louie had beon out driving and on re turning, the horse took a notion that he had done enough work, so refused to go further. Mrs. Cominl and an other lady were also in the buggy and they were compelled to get out and walk home. Louie was "joshed," a good deal but took it all good natured ly. Finally not being able to do any thing with the horse, be was unhitch ed and led home while Louie brought up the rear dragging the buggy. Hhecmaa Cpanty Vt Thq republicans carried everything in Sherman county. Complete returns from the county are as follows: Congressman, Cortney 164, Donald 241, Ingalls 7 Moody 475. Governor piinton 9a, Geer 477 Kin; 285, Luce 38. Secretary of state Davis 68, Dunbar 4P2. KL cald 290, Wakefield 69. Z.a'jC treasurer Booth 291, Moore 456, Sears 76, Votaw 69; Supreme judge Hackman 86, Moore 360, Ramsay 308. Superintendent cf public instruct- ion AcKerman 4otJ, JtmrlCK IV, Hosmer 50, Lyman 262. State printer Fitch 254, Grace 52, Leeds 427, McDaniel 74. Attorney-general Blackburn 432, Bright 61, Story 252, Joint representateye.Eighteenth dis trict Iorton 459, Roberts 820, Brig ham 327, Morse 294. Circuit judjfe. Seventh districtr-r Bradsbaw 535, Wilson 292. District attorney Gates 282, Jayne 500, A Patroltlo Hen. Over in Union county an ambitious hen has produced a war egg which lays every other one sq far in the shade, says the Sumter ' Nev?s.' The old lady who owns the afo resaid hen went out oi e day to gather eggs and found one bearing tbe cabaiiatio letters OSH, The find oreated much - ex citement among the women of the neighborhood, and they quickly gath ered. They all agreed it was propbetio of something, but what, puzzled them. One lady suggested that it meant "Give Sinners Help." Another sug gested that it meant "God Sepd EJelp" Stm another sa'iq it meant"Goq Save Heathens.?:. Another declared that it meant that '.'God Sends Harmony." Finally, one old lady noted for her re ligous devotion, who had been saving little, sprang to her feet and vehemen tly, declafetl the 'lettqr? stqqd for Give Spain Hell." All present agreed that hep interprefcign wa cgrregt, Judges' Hard Lack. n The dispensers of justice in this city seem to be rather unfortunate in hav ing articles stolen from them. Yes terday Jtjdge Filioon lost a monkey wrench, and later 00 the fellow was caught, having stolen articles from other parties. The judge gave him thirty days, that was all. The weather haviog taken such a warn; t(ra Judge Sinnqtt thought of his linen suit, and smiled to himself, thinking how cool he Would be today, in this becoming garb.-' The suit having been put care fully away last fall was resurrected, washed and placed on the lipe tq dry. During the absence of the family, they we're called for by parties unknown, and today the judge is- bemoaning his loss. If tbe fellow' is caught, very likely "Justice'.' will be dealt him yr ithj a vengeance. Town. Wm.."; Kay in Q shot Murdoch Mc- tolope Tuesday morning, was br to town this morning bv Sheriff Chai. Wallace, and in ths county jail. Rolfl had a preliminary examination at Antelope, and was bound over in the sum of $6,000 to await the ferlousqasa pf ?,leKay's wound. 'fhe Bhot entered tcKay's left breast and striking a rib ranged 'downward, and' was taken out just aboye the hip. The doctor states that the chances for recovery-are very slight,. , - . -LanOolte A pfiointroents. Despatches were' received from Washington today, stating that the president had ' appointed Otis Patter- eon, of Heppner, ' register, and J. p, Lucas, receiver of the land office at The Dalles. ' Mr. Patterson is editor of the Heppner Gazette, and Mr. Lucas Is an attorney of Ariingtqu. " BplfT Broach. fJ6 7h - ROLL OK -HONOB. Paplli of Ttir Dalle Public Schools Who " wer Jiiuher bseat j Nor Tardy AJuruic me lerm. The following roll of honor, whjch has been baaded irt by prof. Gavinan cludeshe pupili whovh,a?e2 ben neither absent nor tardy('Bring the spring term January -24th to lay MfSS COOPER, TEACHEEi .Dollie Davis, ' Louis 1 aylor, f MildreoVCpopeK' James Fergusoff, J J f fr "! i .VI KN. KIMJ.H1!;. Ed.ith Creighton, Zepporahr Harris, Hugo Hbyle, frturrday Kent, Henry Hooper., " Laira1 Halghtr John Rooperj' - -isaHnaHaieht, MISS PHIKMAN. . .Vepna Uitbxe'v $moria Young. - , MISS KOWE. Jennie Buchler, Graham Ruark, JJellie Kauffman, Maud Sego. 4 -f-t.t ."HOISS -E,-COOPER. ' --'--w. i.'lifton fonilun, Carrie Dutcher. Kellit. iLwK-ilei' -WaUer Huntington Edith Pi-r'r..r.-on, HattieLongmire. . MISS FUSS AXD MRS. BALDWIN. Susie BarrelL, Nellie Jones, ' Anita Bennett, . Howvrd , StiUwell: Rett a Eddon, r- Allie Groat. ... MISS SNELL. ' Hazel Huntington, Clara Bunn, ' Josie JSTickeUen, Grodie Davis,' Annie Oatlund, Joyce Herbert, Ethel Ruark, . Lela Kelsay, . Phillip Rinehart, John Dunham. MISS BALL. George Baker, Walter Parrott; ; Ger.trude Brown, George Snipes, , Anna Hansen, Elvida Melquist, ' Bessie NeiKen, . Arthur Drews, Arlie Steel, Ralph Eddon, ' Maggie Steyns, George Richmond, " Grover Young.7 ... .. . MISS CHEESE. George Eaton, Stella Young, -Ruth Gibons, John Sehrrer, AVillie Pease, Lulii Ward,' Marshall Young, Delia Young. MISS L. RINTOUL. Marie Beck Guy Sexton, Nora Young. Joi.n Stillwell, Burnie Dufur. MISS T. RINTOUL. Mamie Buchler, Lillie Ostlund. Loto Kelsay, Jennie Martin, Sylpher Kent, Lena Sand rock, Dessie Kelley, Grace Williams, Hal lie Rice. MISS MICHELL. Katie Barrell, Silvey Kelsay, Emily Cro89en, Ninon Cakes, Theodore Drews, Lena Zimmerman, Bess Eddon. HIGH SCHOOL. Oscar Beck, Oiive, Slate, James Cooper, Bertha Willerton, Joseph McArtbur, Martha Baldwin, Stella Brown, Hester Kent, Pearl Grimes, Dora Sexton, Bessie Vogt, Bessie Snipes, Lizzie Sherrer, Ernest Cobleigb, Paul French, Claud Kelsay, Frances Pa rott, Grace Willerton, Edythe Randall, Charles Campbell, Burt Pruyne, Mabell Collins, Ardie Looney, Dora Nielsen, Lulu Rowe. PREPARING TO CELEBRATE. Committees A ppolnted Q Take Chferge of Eery Detail. Beyond doubt The Dalles will have the best Fourth of July celebration in Eastern Oregon, and extends a cordial invitation to everybody to come hee and help observe the nation's birth day, trudge Blakeley, president of the Commercial and Athletic club, has ap pointed the following committees tq arrange for the celebration: Program Capt. J. W. Lewis, If. J. Sinnott, J. B. Crosyen, August BuJh-: er, John Gavin, Music C. J. Crandall, E. M. Wil liams, O. D. Doane, Al. Bettingen. Fireworks J.S. Fish, H.J. Maier, G. J. Farley. ' Decoration H. C. French, C. C. Cooper, A J. Tolmie, H. D. Parkins, J. M.-Toomey, imqsement J. F. Hampshire, H. Lonsdale, Fran it French, Fred Van Norden, Ed M, Wingate. Liberty car and floats C. F. Steph ens, E. J. Collins, D. W. Vause, Miss Minnie Michell, Mrs. C. F. Stephens. Printing C. L. Gilbert, J. A. Dou thit, R. G. Davenport. - Fiqanpe-H.'C. Liebe, O. F. Steph ens, Andrew Keller. Entertainment M. T. Nolan, F- W Wilson, R; B- Sinnott, J. S. Landers. Transportation Frank Menefee, W, C. Allaway, James Ireland, 6A.D ACCIDENT. C. A. Edwards Falls Beneath a Train at The Willow, and Has Both Legs, Se vered Fro,m. B Body Died, From His Injuries. About four o'clock this morning, C. A. Edwards, better knqwn as. "SJiqr.ty," was killed at. Heppoep Junotion, by falling beneath the train. Edwards started out last night in charge of freight train No. 24, and qq reaching the Junction had seven oars to place on the switch for Heppner. He en deavored to cut the air while the train was in motion, and in some unexplal li able manner, lost h.ls oot'ing, and fell beneath the train, and' had bgth legs, taken oil above the knees. He wag taken to the depot, but died in twenty minutes, having not regained con sciousness since the accenf. The cproqer qf fUUiam county was sum. rnqned and held gn inquest this morn ing. Mr. Edwards, waa well known at bU place and was universally liked. He has relatives at Spokane, and a wife at Portland, who were notified of his untimely death. 49TZVOF 8HOOTINQ. Hnvdock Mi-Ray Serloasly Wounded by His Partner. Win. Rolff. This morning news was received that Wm. Rolff shot and seriously wounded Murdock McKay, at Antel ope. The shootiug took place early '1 uesday morning In the Eureka hotel, and from all accounts was accidental. It appears as though Wm. Rolff was having trouble with a couple of m in the barrpqn of the hotel, and 'jQ scirmage Rolff took a Bb0vSC"one of the men, but his aimjf-J ftnd 0 harm was doney theB tried stop the iniepeDce 'and, coming up iron Jn'H nraabad ana of th man. T-r.-" -O ; . ? he. turned received a shot in the abdomen from Rolffs pistol.. A9 far as qan be learned the wound is a very serious one, and the chances are against McKay's recovery. Rolff and McKay aro partners at Antelope and have a lease oq the barroom of tbe Eureka saloon. McKay is a Scotch man and quiet and peaceful citizen, citizen, and in trying to quell the dis turbance probably received 4 wound that wUl prove fatal. ' 1 MORTHffKST KOTB8. William E. Jennings, a student from Zena, Poik county, attending the state agricultural .pqllegq a. Cor vallls, was drowned while bathing, in d)ak Isreek, near' the college farm, last Monday. Ills body was recovered after having been In the water 45 minutes, - ; Articles of Incorporation of the Bridgeport & Helena Railroad Com pany were filed Tuesday in the secre tary of state's office. Bridgeport 'and Helena and pamed as the termini, and Ontario, Malheur county, Or., as the office. Capital stock $6,000,000. The" coarse of the new road is frOm 'eist.end. of "Hingtoir bridge'f'acrbss Snake river, down the eastern bank of the river via Mineral City ferry ,"Stur- gill.bar.Brownlee's'ferry'.Diikes creek'. along the,, mountain, side "through the southern part of Indian creek valley CO a point west of Boise, Idaho. i Ed Roarers, son of Governor Rogers qf Washington, has been .appointed receiver of the Bank, of Sumner, in place upJ. Robert. Montgomrey, editor of tbe Sumner tieraur, Tn pet itidn"t)t tlie bank' creditor. r r - George, Stevenson, the. .Seatufi, map, who. ia accused of swindling various people out of sums of money - aggreg ating over $5000, and - whose 'case has excited"' considerable comment," has decidedto sue three locai gambling iouse3 for a.return of $500 which beL'- -.' . . .v - ' . ' . ' i-A ' ' ; ,wJsi ' '71Tcommended by the marsbal ordered gambled away an .their (daces ..of, I ;.. - -i. " : -v- i" 77. - .- . .' - - I paid... An .ordinance was read and buisinese.-' William Yafe; -who " lives some dfs" tance up ,tne , Mckenzie,; ju jjm .-uuiu,j,.uio v. "-.? fv." .: " fJ, result iatauy. tie was urawiuga. nw, Thich be thought was not loaaea from; a wf goh when' the weapon rwasacci deft t'airydrecTjsYjedi"" The" ball enter--edbis' hipj and made" aserfous" wound, shatterihg "the "bone a n d. 'pen e trali n v. deeplyv - ,;1rv-"- xr sc' '..;.- :i The largest Cattle " drive taade .-in Grtuit "county for seme time passed through Long';-Creekc' last ' Friday; There were over2000.headin the band consisting chiefly of 2- and 3-year-old steers, racently-.-purchased in .Grant ccra nty by M r. Board ma n . of Mo n tan a. William Butler has charge'of Jfce drov Fifteen cowboys and 60 bead- of saddle horses wer.o employed in. the drive tq Pendelion. ;- -'-.. V ,.., .-'. ." . .' '.', ' '. The run of salmon has been very fair during the' past' few days at Astoria -and the fishermen are ' doing better than they have done at any time during the season. A new run of bluebacks has begun, and promises good returns to the fisherman. Mews of the War. Two more transports, -the Morgan City and Senator, have been chartered at San Francisco to carry trooDS to Manila. It is rumored at Key West that three Spanish warships have run the blockade at Havana, and entered the harbor. They are said to be one bat tleship and two cruisers. Word has been received at Montreal from Ottawa that a messenger has left there with notice of the expulsion frrm Canada of Lieutenant Caranza and Se nor DuBosc the Spanish officers, who were recently attached to the Spanish legation at Washington. Walter ' Bett, secretary of the British consulate at San Juan, bas been given his passports and banished from Porto Rico. Bett was imprision ed for 56 hours before being sent away, and this will cause complications to arise between Great Britain and Spain. The Post, of San Francisco, pub lishes a statement that the cruiser Charleston will not go direct to the Philippines.but will first take possess ion of the island of Guahjvn, which is about 1500 miles from Manilla. Qua han i? gtrqngly fortified and is de sirable as a coaling- station. Advertised Letters, The following is the list of letters remaining in The Dalles postofflce un called for June 10,1898. Person? pall ing for these lett&rg wil please give date qu fblch they were advertised; Atkins, Bert 2 ' Allen, Henry H Arown, L W Bunnell, Ella Bolton, Kitty, Bennett, Walter Bingteman, Mrs A Cannon, Wayne Carpenter, Charley Collins. M E Carman, W H Cooper, John C Campbell, Delia Dyeon, Geo A D Dilly, Alice Belling, Jennie, Breeding, Geo Davis, Grace Deqnisnn, Jennie Davis, E Dav.isi Nellie ' Emerson, E R Fresker, H Miss fields, Qsoar,'A Fohs, ET ' Gordon, J L Gillaspy, Tom Green, Ezra Gasoway, L A uaiway, Mattie Hugg, R H 2 Howard, James . -Humiston, L P Heeks, John Haynes, E A Johnston, Nellie Hughes, S P Huff, H N Hollingsworth, Mr A W Halsey, Claud, Johnson, Cora Jackson, Stella MoGonagie, W L McDonald, r'ayden, McHugh, M J Morgan, Ben Moore, C H Modeller, Ella Marshall, F Morris, J Mrs Me,are, Ethel Morris 4ob.a Moore, J J MQPahuen, Frank Miller, William Manning, Alex Mack, Chas McKeller, Lillie Pickalas, Lulu Page, Lizzie Pickett, O B Puaburn, L ' Price, A J Rohads, Phobe 2 Robsen, Bell Raby, Will Sampson, H Sorrenson.Kamma 2 Stone. Mrs S Sbaw, Lew 2 Steers, H bdoemaKer, U M Steers, Lee Swelt, C. H Mrs Stfitie, Geo " S"mith, Sherman Thorbwrn, Mat Sawmons, G W Slater, Jake Shott, Lewis Throup, E E Williams,; Violet Whitman, $1 Wilson, Arch Wagoner. J H Woodward, B 2 Whitell, Henry Y.ue, Matbiaq. J. A, Cbossen, P. M. fourth of Jolj Celebration. The name of P. W. DeHuff was in advertently ommitted from the capa mlttee on liberty car and goats and said cqm, mkt.ee. should include the ame pf Mr. DeHuff. The executive committee will be composed of the chairmen of the sev eral committee, viz. Capt. J. W. Lewis, chairman, C. J. Crandall,. J, S. Fish H. W. French,, J, F. Hampshire, C, F, Stephens, C,'. q. , GJgrtT" H,C. Llebe,M, T. NjjjinFrank Menefee. Geo. C. PAKELEYt ChmaD. c. & At c. v gat on Hbrjm 's Brde. fJ,?6fcqident which occurred on 54erar' grade yesterday, it was re ported that a freighter named McKel lar was run over by his wagqn loaded with about 4000. pounds of freight. We learned, Jrqm a man, who came in today that McKellar's brake slipped off the ratchet and in endeavoring to replace it, he was thrown from the wagon, by the frout wheel going in a ohuck hole. Instead of the wagon running over bim, it just graaed and bruited bis body. It is stated, bad the wheels passed over bis abdomen, as reported, he would surely have been cut in two. Fourth Of Jalf Hates. For the H'ourth of July, the Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company will sell tickets from The Dalles to any station in Oregon and return, including Wallula and Walla Walla, Washington at rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets gn sale July 2d, 3d' and 4th. -Tickets good for return up to and tincluditg July 6th, 1898. ' r ,tcm ps is a- kj rfrttrA " W on ojaught at B CiKK ; the White House saloon. Chas. JiiQBBCBACH, Pxoprietof. . Karl's Clover Rppt Tea, for consti nation its" thq heat and after usingit you don't say so, return the package and get your money. Sold ly Blakele & Houghton, The Dalles. CODHCIt- MEET1MQ, the BoiIdmi Trannacted-and Bills 1 1 Hlot'Hachfoei RnockeiTUnC? t a meeting'of the common council last evening in this "city.TJayor "Nolan presiding, and GouncirmSn'Thompson,' Woodj5" Kdck Stephens', -and Clough' present, the ' following business was transacted':''.'-" "' j After roll calf the minutes of pre vious meeting were read and approved. I Report, of , the judiciary committee in regard to.payLng , a New York bank or taking up coupons was read, and It was recommended that the bill should not be allowed. A nuisance existing back of Emile Schanno's DroDertv on First street was reported and the mar shal was ordered to abate the same. Officer's reports were received, and on notion placed. on file and the amounts laced on final passage, entitled "An ordinance to regulate the use of streets ,of Dalles City by railroad companies. i ireei cars or other transportation time Council ,Companies ." At this man Johnston, appeared . at. the meet ing. A petition ofR. F. Gibons for confirmatory deed : was read, and on .inotion the petition was granted.. An .ordinance was : passed . entitled ?'An ordinance directing the mayor and recorder, of Dalles Citv. to make, ex ecute, and deliver a confirmatory deed to lots 1 and 2 in block 25 in Gates addition to Dalles' City, Wasco county, to Mary McG rath." , Petition of Chas. Frank. for deed was read, and on motion the petition was granted, and the. petitioner order ed to.prepare an ordinance-- forsame. An ordinance making it a misde meanor to operate a nickel -In-the-slot-machine was read and on inotion plac ed on final passage. The ordinance having received a majority vote of the entire council was declared passed. Tbe amounts recommended by the finance committee were allowed and warrants orded Issued for same. Bill of Dr. Doane for attending Indian who was run oyer by the switch engine, was referred to tbe O. K. & N. Co. Bill of Dr. Doane for attending scar let fever case, ordered paid. The balance due on hospital bill for service to Millard, and the bill of Dr. A. C. Smith, of Portland, for atten tion, were ordered paid. Tbe recorder was ordered to post notice of city elec tion to be held June 20, 1898. Tbe fol lowing judges and clerks were ap pointed: First ward C. Scbutz.A.Parkins, T. A. Hudson, judges; Vic Schmidt and Frank Abernetby, clerks. Second ward Wm. Michell, J. W. Blakeney and John Gates, judges; A. L. Var and Ralph Rowland, clerks. Third ward J. Doherty, J. W. Lewis and Geo. Darch, judges; N. H. Gates and W. H. Butts, clerks. On motion, council adjourned. The following bills were allowed and ordered paid: C F Lauer, marshal.. .3 75 00 Geo J Bro-rn, engineer 75 00 J J Wiley, nlghtwatch 60 00 C J Crandall, treasurer 20 00 R B Sinnott, recorder 50 00 Dr A C Smith, professional ser vice. 100 00 St. Vincent hospital service 41 00 O D Doane, pi ofesslonal service 2 5Q J T Peters & Co., mdse 8 06 W A- Johnston, mdse. ... . . ... 5 75 P F Burham, hauling 5 75 Dalles City Water Works water rent , 32 75 J E Ferguson, hauling 1 50 Dalles Lumbering Co., mdse. . . 44 70 L B W Stone, labor 7 50 C Jo ies, labor 32 70 A S Cathcart, teaming. 8 40 FEagan, labor 17 60 J WHeebner.labor 23 o JOon urate, special police Uu James Hannan, special police.. 2 00 Californi Restaurant, meals... 2 70 flONPS WILL BE ISSUED. A Compromise Has Been Reached by the Conferees. Washington, June 10. The con ferees on the war revenue bill conclu ded their work at noon yesterday, but decided not tq report their agree ment tq either house of congress until theamendments can be printed. The committee declines to give out any items in the agreement in advance of the report to the house. In is well known, howeverj that toe senate &u. Ver seigniorage provision was re tained, though iq a modified form. The compromise for the coinage of silver bullion and seigniorage in the treasury provides for coining $1,500, 000 per month instead of $4,000,000, as ia the senate bill. Tne silver is to be coined under, the existing law, and it is estimated that at the rate provided it will require about five years to coin the silyqr i the treasury. The amqugt of bonds was also compro mised, being placed at $400,000,000. SOLDIER BOYS TO GET JA,Y, Those at Sa,r prsmcisca Will Be Paid to July. Washington, June 10. The soldiers stationed at San Francisco will hare money in their pockets when they em bark for the Philippines. The wjjctt?' partment baa ordered, thaeyreceive their pay up f tStTwhich will re ftoirefaipenditure of $740,000. Tbe JSsJ master is instructed to pay them' in full from the time tbey enlisted up to July 1. This will giyo many of them two month's pay, and will ena,ble them to provide themselves with many lux uries not provided by the government before they sail for Manila, Dupltalte (btdsbj's lrlcea. Qadaby, tbe furniture man in Port land, is supposed to be tbe leader in low pricee, and many people imagine they m.qst go to him to get right prices, but this Is a mistake. Tbey only have to go to the Great Northern Furniture store to get them. Here are Gadsby's prices ' and they are duplicated by tbe Great Northern, hence the purchaser savea the freight by buying here: White enameled iron bedsteads hraaakuobs. ..$4 00 Triple-weave springs, ribbed to at.: Soft-top mattresses, purified.... Chiffoniers, ash, extra large. . . . Ladles' dressing-tables oak, mir ror, 24x30 , , Washstands, antique, two drawers and commode. ..... Bureaus, with mirror, as low as. . High-top ash bedsteads, full size Common wood bedsteads. ....... Household treasures, good ones Mahogany chamber suits, ...... Mahogany parlor suits. Oak cbatoer suits as low aa. . , . 2 50 3 50 Q 50 10 00 3 00 6 50 4 oo 1 50 2 50 60 00 6 S 00 15 00 Mrs. Gilmore's restaurant, opposite Mays & Crowes, open day and night, furnishes tbe best 15 cent meal in tbe city. . Patronage solicited Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All Druggists refund the money if it fails to Cure. 25c For ea,k by Blakeley & Houghton., S :OIvOl!:!ll'IXEIS !,. ST Troop Train in Santiago , ; Target, For- the dolphin- i Kingston, ..June 10. During 'uthe oomqacament of Santiago Monday, traid conveying Spanish troops' was swucKDya snell from the Dolphin and was terriably demolished. A large number pf the troops on the train were killed and many wounded.' 'The train just happened to pass by in' "time to offer a good target' fbrthe Dolphin's gunners. . ! During the bombardment' half t'fie Spanish guns at Oorda,"Caspara, Lasb copa and Catalina were demolished dnd are now useless. - The Spaniards have no other gnus with which td re- place those destroyed, and the fortifi cations are now almost ' useless as a means of defense.' - '." ' " :' " v Government forthe Philippines. . . : Washington June 10. Plans for a provisional government in the" Philip pine islands have been perfeoted, and will be put in force whon a sufficient army shall arrive -at Manila to occopy the country, The- arrangements are to place the islands under military ruler at first,.-with . a , governor -and courts clothed with authority to enforce the laws...-., , .. ,.,-; .... .... ' ' "" Mall -for the -Soldiers.'' ,r " " ' Washington, June 10. The postal deuartment has determined to estab lish postal stations in Cuba and tbe Philippines so that the men in the army may be supplied with mail regularly during their stay on the Islands. Evangellna Cisneros Weds. Baltimore, June 9. Miss Evenge lina Cisneros, whose romantic escape from a S banish prison in Havana several months ago, is recalled, was married here today to Carlos F. Carbonel, who assisted in her rescue. For Sale. A choice stock ranch of 360 acres all deeded, 300 acres under good three-wire fence, with plenty of wood and water, about 50 acres in cultivation, and eight acres in orchard and vineyard, two barns and some outbuildings. This ranch is equally as good for darylng as for raising stock. Located 4i miles from The Dalles on Chenoweth creek. Price $2200. Apply at this offico or at the farm of J. A. Fleck. Everybody Says So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most wen derf ul medical discoverv of the age, pleas MJt and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire eyswrn, dispel colds, cure lieactaolie, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 2o, 50 cents. So id ana guaranteea to cure Dy an druggists. For constipation take Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood purifier. 1. 3 1 ourea udbuhuub, nervousness, erup tions on tbe tape, and makes the head clear as a bell. Sold by Blakeley y Houghton, The- Dalles. Strayed or Stolen. Oi e dark bay horse branded on left shoulder with T under a half circle. A award of $10 for leaving him at my , ' The Dalles, Or Tn f7iir Coostli.lon rcrf wn Take Cuscarcts Candy Cathartic. 10c ora It C. O. C. fall to care, drugsiats refund monea BURN. SPRINGER In this city, June 2d, to the wife oi s. u. apnnfer, a son. I CAHPENTEB- MILEY In this citv. yester day, Charles Carpenter and Laura B. Smiley, Rev. Bolts ofLciattng. ROBINS ON In this city, on May 8, to Mr ana Jire. j. w. tiouinson, a son. MAstaiEU. DUKHAM-HINM AN In this oily, on June 4, Wn.H. Durham, and Miss Laura Uinman. Have You Seen Car Lady's iVANBOE?" Up-to-date in every re spect. . Adjustable Steel Handle Bars. Celebrat ed G. & J, Detachable , Tires, A beauty and tbe price only 35.00. It's a CORKER. Take a-"' look at it. , . ' , : We hayep'opened ouJtentiig Department "with a line of New Wheels MAYS & CROWE Say BurIngon,, wWea the tic-t aent asks you what rail road cast of U.'uver, you want your til ket to read ver. The Burliojrton Is the shortest line from Denver lo everywhere east. The Burlington tourist carexenrsions, which leave Portland eTery Wednesday evening-, are the cheapest and most comfortable way to make the over land trip. Onlvf5 tura berth to Omaha or Kansas Citv ; S to St. Louis or Chicago. FineMrnery; fast time; (rood cars. Ex cursion manager with each party, porter with each car. ... . . ., Throai'h tickets and berths m sale at all O. R. 4 N. and O. S. h. ticket offices. A. C. Sheldon, Genl A (rent, 250 Washington St., Ponlaud, Ore. AMERICAN nd EUROPEAN PLAN Seventh and Wash ngtor Sta. PORTLAND, - - OREGON Thos. Guteak Pboprtetor BATES nrBOPmurPLsJi ta.00 119 AaTBBICAB FIA PERI1L BOTE - V' tr t W ' f. V vT i -. -. irR is r',i ii j ...... -s-r r. .r....r,-f ru. r,,r j ..,r t ,'r w Ulll lUVl mm w-i-a etyij -vij ? 6.?inS t'darf Vitjfj Mens HIT SWIMMING TRUNKS Mens Sizes, per Boys Sizces, per I A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. i iiiiuiwiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiii im mmmmmmmnnnimnmm mmimnmmmniinmfe! B NEW LINE OF I GABLMD AND- Empire Garland No. 7 Woodland Cook Stove. No. 8 Woodland Cook Stove; No. 8 Home Garland, square. tail and 8ee-55r stock ranges-fcefore you buy. Sole Akents tZZ. uummmiiuuuiuimttuuu Fruit and g rno. o nome uanana Kange, witnout BasiFihl'KH'iZo- W' No. 8 Empire Garland Steel Ranged .i-n n $ty g No. 8-20 Empire Garland 81 63 The oven doorsainminumij mn utd tm ,3 Made from Yellow Pine &t aP.-hyier . Also Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Paints, Lead and -t'1 Oils, BrusheTandE Building1 Hafda' To- MlH im-a Get our Prices Before Buying THE DAUES MARBLE L0UIC0MINI, Six years experience here, and -not: a single, complaint agsimt his work. It speaks lor itself.,.. 0o,jo the cemeteries o4 see samples of monuments afldJjeadstcmes,,; ure, Jtajian. ipfrlf. Prices reasonableii.i- f . . . , ,. A Complete Notion , Store,, in. connection, with tht:Jtfarble Works, conducted iy Mrs- Coniini. Bes,t quality "of Tinware at very reasonable, prices. " Also ' Notions, Candies, Nuts, Choice Laces, Embroidery, pte."''! ' ui . .r, j iii.-ciumJ h-jI.' I i ' .Y'i'i Wir irinTTT?r T1' Would In (orra eTerjbady that be toeUUIa the Gnflartakln 111. Il I 11 CiLi Li and Picture, Frame bmlnewi, and anyone needing avthiar n these lines will sare money by ojeallns with bim .! e;j;.i i Job Eriiitiiig '1 W ol v. nf '.Al , ,!;;: ,n .T .' t-tn' e't IX? ((' tflsT-9 wft , h -Ait ,it y j-nrW NvFI S .! ftJ , .'V X .)muiAM "t. bt 'fl :';-VVtli;,T M -tfi tit vls B-.vjtr --sr f(slT .lh sTifa haore and .fr-ii!rttftB,, Alpaca Coats and Vests' Linen Dusters Delayed shipment just arrived. pair i.25c pair.... 15c i-ih ST0YES?a fill ft'llVT Steel Stoves:! e-jj .'.', .-s2 J-iov rni jijij-j iZZi J.'i :t'nu'l!:itS i . of stove, and.j -I'.i limn ',;iji.l iiidiI vie 0"i.CS for The 'Dalles'. Orefon..Jf 3 ,'tl " 1, ,0-K'ff lit ii"rI ,H'jII3 iuiiummmuaiiuimup f'i-jj:fi) i,,ii(J i'.ifii-j-i'.ivia mi i' hs -j-i1i;h kill ! jr,U!iiiii. In ..'hi'iJo!!'. fi'ir'. M s.l I ! !-! 'VI "'i vt. ji twi nii"Hr.l .i'f. Troprietor v !!! JMI .:'!ltl :iV ll:, I .'l h.';(J ,ilti Sk:-,!" .njtM.cneyjrStved la i'i;n-;n.i, .;,rr Money 'Made 'is' in'ii'L Ja .u'.i instead of elsewhere. .v".;i !. i ..: iiur. 0."j .'.( ni aaorc ouwn snu'in rate at FigJi mm II Villi u (it lit' N. W 4 tni tr