The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, June 11, 1898, Image 1

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    rtlVKKK. Volume XXXV
MO 38
i iiTtrtlHEKK. X
a i!
C. llJLi-iSl'tlt,
Physician and Surgeon,
Room, war O ule SUionml Bank. Office hoars, 10
m ti 14 io. n;t from t to 4 p m. Ktau
Jenoe We.t &a nl Third (Street,
Attorney at Law
Vogt. Block, The Dalles, Or.
Rooms 8 9 and 10.
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for
Wasco County.
K. M. Gatewood, Plaintiff,
Henry C. Coe and Kittie Coe. Defendants.
By virtue of an execution and order of
sale, du v Issued out of and under the
ieal of the above Court, to me directed,
and dated May 24. 18HS. upon a judgment
and decree entered in said Court May 24th,
in the above cause, in favor of plaint
iff and against said defendants in the sum of
tU.44, and the further sum of 175 attorn y
fries, and the further sum of $16 50, ensts and
disbursrment-s. and the costs upon the writ, and
commanding me to mane sale of the propertv
belonging to said defendants as described in
Slid decree and as hereinafter described.
Therefore, I will on the
28 h day of June. 1898,
At the hour ot 2 o'clock, in the afternoon of
said day, and at the front door of the County
Court house, in Dalles City. Wasco County.
Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash in hand.all trie richt. title and in
erest which the defendants Henry C. Coe and
Kittie Coe, or either of them had in said prem
ises on the date of the execution of the mort
gage foreclosure in this action, or which they
may have since acquired, or now have in. and
to the following described real property in
Wasco County. Oregon, to-wit:
A'l of lots Nob. 6 and 7. in block No. 2. of
Waucoma. Wasco County. Oregon, as the same
appear upon the duly filed and recorded maps
of said Waucoma. at the office of Cour ty Clerk
of said Wasco County: also all of thnt portion
of the Nathan Coe donation 1 -nd claim lying
north of Oregon Railway and Navigation Com
pany's right of way through said donation claim
and west of the line running north and south
through said claim, dividing the west and east
halves thereof, being in sections 25 and I
(twenty-five and twenty-six). Towns,1-'
North Range 10 East Willam'"'
save and excent thos- two ce. i irl ' ir
nnrt-Innsnf Raid claim, the firs of which is de
scribed in deed executed by F.enry C Coe and
Kittie Coe to Thos. J. Watson, dated May 22.
1H9I. recorded page 455. book 1. of deeds of
Wasco Conntv. Oreeron : and the second of said
tracts being a tract 2U9 feet square and lying
north of the line ot tne Oregon Ksiiiway uuu
Navigation Company's right of way, described
In and executed Dy Henry u. toe ana n.itiie
Coe to the Hood River Manufacturing Company,
dated Ju v 28. 192. recorded in Book F. of
deeds of said U;eo county; the tract hereby
described zi acres, more or less in Wasco
County, Oregon, or so much thereof as may be
necessary to satisfy saia juugmem, costs, at
torney fees and accruing costs.
Said property will be sold subject to confir
mation and reaemption as by law provided.
Dated at The Dalles. Oregon, this 21th day of
May, 1898.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
Ooovert & Stapleton, att'ys for plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
v asco County.
E. E. Savage, as administrator of t'je estate of
Annie Rich, deceased, plaintiff,
William A. Langil'e, Sarah Langille. H. D.
Langille ana James L. LangUlr, defendants.
By virtue of an execution, decree and orde.
of sale, dulv issued out if and under the seal of
the Circuit Court of the State or Oregon, for
the County of Wasco, to me directed and dated
the 26th day of May, 1898. upon a decree lor the
foreclo-ure of a certain mortgage, and judg
ment rendered and entered in said Court on
the25tn dav of May. 1898, in, the above en-
titled cBTlsei-lir-ravrOf - the. Plaintiff "and
(gainst the defendants-William A. Langillo and
- Sarah Larfillle as judgment debtors, in the sum
.'of One thousand aad-tixty-bve dollars and six
teen, cents. With mterestunereon from "the 25th
'. flay of May, 189& at the rate ot .ten per eent per
annum, and the further sum. of 'one hundred
doUars-as attorney's fees, and the further sum
. of tairty dollars, costs., and tne costs of and
' .npon.ttus writ. -and commanding- me to make
sate of the 'real property emoraced in such
' decree - foreclosure and hereinafter described,
I will, on the
2dth Day of June. 1898,
at the hour of one o'clock, in the afternoon of
said dav. and at the front door of tne (Jounty
Court House In Dalles City. Wasco County,
Oregon, sell at pub ie auction to the hignest
biddei for cash in band, all the right, itle and
Interest whicu the Defendants William A.
Langille. Sarah Langille, H. D. Langille and J.
L Langille, or either of tftem had on the arth
day of April, 1894. the date of tne mortgage fore
closed herein, or wnich such Defendants or any
of the Defendants herein, have since acquired,
or now have in and to the following described
real property, situate and being iu Wasco
County, Oregon, to-wit: Lots numbered six
(6) in block lettered "C," in the first addition
west to the town of Hood River, or so much of
said property us will satisf y said judgment and
decree, with costs and accruing costs.
Said property will be sold subject to confirm
ation and redemption as by law provided.
Dated at Tne Dalles, Oregon, this 2(ith day of
May. 1894.
Sheriff, Wasco County, Oregon.
Land Office at The dalles, Oregon, i
April 7. ifcSW f
Notice 1 hereby given that the following
named settlers have tiled notice of intention to
make fin d proof on their respective claim be
fore Register and Receivir. at i'i e Dalles,
Oregon on Wednes lay. May 25. 1898, viz:
on Homestead Application No 3808, for the E!4
N H and WH NEK Sec. 15, tp 1 n, r U e, W.
on Homestead Application No. 38i9, for the EH
N and JfiVi SE! Sec 15. tp. 1 n, r 12 e, W.M.
They named the following witnesses to prove
their cont nuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land :
Witnesses: Joseph L. Banna. Henry S.
H nna. O. F. Arnold, J. S. Hoyt and W.G.
Spencer, all of The Dalles. Oregon.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
Auril21. I8B8.
Wntlno is hprphv elven that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his Claim, and
that said proof will be made before the register
and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Mon
djy, June 8, 1898. viz.
Of The Dalles. H. E. No. 3384, for the N'4 SE4
and E hi NE 1-4 Sec. II. Tp IS.R It E. W. M.
He names tne following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of sold Ibnd. viz:
W O Clark, W H Clark, Albert Turner and
Charles Gosson. all of Toe Dalles. Oregon.
a22 JAS. F. MOORE. Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, i
April 21, lb98. f
Notl e is hereby given that tne following
named settler nas tiled notice of his iutent.on
to make fiaal proof in support of his claim, and
.i,t iri nroof will be made before Hegistei
a id Receiver, at Tne 'alles. Oregon, on Tues
day Mav 31. 1898, viz: Andrew AlcLabe. or 'ine
Dalies; H E No. 559, for the NW 1-4 sec 29,
n.n In U l-l ft.. W 4 .
He names the following witnesses to prove
his co tiuuous residence upon and cultivation
of. s.iid land, viz:
M M' Wstterman. Timothy Evans. L A Sears,
and J C Benson, all of i he Dalles. Oregon.
jAa. r . njuitc
223 Register.
Land Office at The dalles Oregon, I
Notice is hereby given that the following
named Settler has nled notice of his intention
?8 .... - ,.,f In sunnort of his claim, and
;n7 aid Driof will be made before Register
tod Rece ver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wed-
nesu ty. juuc -
Homestead Application No. 4013, for tiie SK 1-4
Bee 28. Tp 2 N. K 15 E. W At.
He in imes the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residencj upon and cultivation
" nf fieltlo. Oregon. James f'ui
ton William Brookhouse, Fraiiklin Fulton, of
The Dalles, Oregon.
J as. F. Mtime.
.t.! re is hereby given that the undersigned
Ni,on duly appointed executor of the es
b3f ?S Llza bachelor, deceased. All persons
t3nl:iiras against said estate are hereby
hoi?i present them properly verified to
atinyo'iicein Dalles C ty Oregon, within
aiiuj" . - , f tQlg notiee. And
l" Xn owing said estate are he
.J ts. settle the same at once
Ll?.t The Dalles. Or.. April 1898.
J. L. aiua x , jcxecuu
Land Office at The Oregon, 1
Mav 3. lMttt. f
Notice is herebv given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
ti make final proof in support of his clam, ana
that said proof will be made befoie register ana
receiver at roe uuuea, uickwu. u .. w- -j.
June 15 1M. viz:
Homestead Application No. 5sss. for the EH
NKHand E'i SEH Sec 4. Tp I N, R 15 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon auu cujuv.uuu
of said kind, viz: , ,,
.lamps Fulton. Gabriel Deckart, Franklin
Fulion, William Brookhouse, all of The Dalles,
"The Regulator
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co
The steamers of thia line will leave
The Dalles at 6:00 A. M.
Shipments received at any time, daj
or nig ht.
Live stock shipments solicited.
Call on or address,
Candy Factory
CamKes, Nuts,
and Tobacco.
Ice Cream Parlors in connection
Keeps on draught the celebrated
Columbia Beeh, acknowledged
the boiit beer in The Dalles, at
the usual price. Come in, try it
and b t-onvinc-d. Also the
Finest brands of Wines, Liquors
anu Cigars,
San Erancisco
F. LEMKE, Proprietor.
Fine Wines, Liquors, and Ciga
Columbia Brewery Betr on
Second Street, bet. Court and Union.
0Clam chowder served free every
day except Sunday, from 11 a. m. till
1 p. m.
Qregon Bakery
and CJ-A-E
A. KELLER, Prop'r.
Am prepared to furnish families, hotels and
restaurants with the choicest
Bread, Cakes and Ties,
Fresh Oysters Served in
Every Style.
Second Street, next door to The
JDa;les National Bank.
Brown Bread and Coffee
served every Sunday
Morning from 8 to 10
o'clock at the
when the ticket spent asks j-on what rail
road east of Denver, you want your ticket
to read over.
The Burlinpton Is the shortest line from
T" ...... ...nvliBMpet 'I'll., nnrlini'tnit
ntrat rsrATmniiniiB. which leave Portland t
every Wednesday evening, are the cheapest J
and most comfortable way to make the over- J
land trip. Only $S for a berth to Omaha or I
Kansas City; $6 to St. Louis or Chicago. J
jriM ur.nprv : fast time: erood cars. Ex- I
enrsion manager with each party. Porter J
with each car. 1
Throuirh tickets and bertha en sale at all
O. R. & M. and u. a. L,. ticKet omces.
A. C. Sheldon, Gen't Apent,
250 Washington St., Portland, Ore.
Men on the Merrimae Fall
Into Spanish Hands.
Collier Merrimae Destroyed in San
tiago Harbor.
Washington, June 4 The Ameri
can collier Merrimae was destroyed in
Santiago harbor yesterday while at
tempting to force the passage at the
mouth of the harbor. The Spaniards
permitted the Merrimae to cross the
first defense unmolested, but when she
reached the second defense they blew
a hole in her side, totally disabling
the vessel. Eiirht Americans were
taken prisoners by the Spanish forces
There is no explanation as to why the
Mer-imac was attempting to enter the
Spaniards Still Claim He Is En Route
to Man ia.
Madrid, Jut.e 4. Madrid pppprs
this morning confirm the report pub
lished yesterday that Admiral Cervera
is not ut Santiago, but is on his way
to the Philippines where he is ex
pected to arrive befoi-e he can be in
tercepted by the Americans.
Officials refuse to give any informa
tion concerjmg the whereabouts of
Cervera's fleet on any of the other
Spanish vessels. The srenerul belief
is that Cervera is not at Santiago.
Stated That American Fleet Destroyed
the Spaniards at Cape Haytian.
Washington, June 4. It is re
ported here on what appears to be
good authority, that the American
flet met the Spanish squadron at
Cape Haytian yesterday and destroyed
Io particulars of the battle are
Indlrted for 4 on&piracy.
Portland, June 4. Word has just
been received here that John VV.
Srntth, oho A; P. A. 1-adar who was
sent to Alaska with a government ap
xioiurtient some time since, together
with eight other republican official?
(all 'sound money" howlers) were In
dicted at Skagway for conspiracy to
il. f.uiii;he govern meow- 7"-
Uot a Cool Bath.
Empire City, Or., June 4. Yester
day morning five people attempted to
cross from the main land to the light
house in a basket, when the cable
broke, letting all fall into the serf 60
fett below. All the parties were
Only a Report,
Washington, June 4. The report
from Cape Haytian that the American
fleet yesterday destroyed the Spanish
squadron at that place is neither af
firmed or denied. No information can
be bad from the navy department con
cerning the reliability of the report.
Offers to Exchange Prisoners.
Kingston, June 4. The prisoners
taken on the collier Merrimae a
board the Spanish fltgship, a
Spanish admiral offers to exchange
them for Spanish prisoners held by
the American forces.
A . P. A.'s for Geer.
Cefgon City, June 4. General
Tborp, who wil' speak here tonight in
support of the republican ticket, says
the A. P, A, 'a of Oregon are solid for
Mr. Geer, and, on tnis account, he
will be elected,
Landed on Cuban Soil.
Key West, June 4. A dispatch
bout just in claims that the Americans
have landed a large expedition on the
island of Cuba, and that the soldiers
have joined the insurgents.
Monterey Leaves Mare Island.
VALLEJO, Cal., June 3. The
monitor Monterey left Mare, island
this afternoon for San Francisco. She
will probably sail Sunday. As the
vessel steamed away from the dock
she was greeted with cheers from
h u u tired a of sailors and people on the
shore who witnessed her departure
All the steam whistles in the vicinity
saluted the vessel as she passed down
the bay. The collier Brutus, which s
to accompany the Monterey to Manila
will leave for San EYanoisco tomorrow
and the two vessels will probably tail
from San Francisco on Saturday or
The Pacific Koad Matter.
Washington, June 3. Senator
Gear, from the committee on Pacific
railroads, has made a favorable report
on the amendment to the deficiency bill
authorizing the appointment of a com
mittee to settle the indebtednes of the
government growing out of the issue
of bonds in aid of the Pacific railroads.
Storm at Aberdeen.
Aberdeen, June 3. The most ter
rific windstorm in the history of this
place struck here about 1 o'clock this
morning. Many windows and minor
buildings wero wrecked. The North
westren railroad coal sheds were
totally demolished, and great damage
was dona in the surrounding counrty.
Slide on Valdes Glacier,
Nanajmo, B. C, June 3. The
steamer Albion, from Copper river,
reports a seeond heavy slide on Valdes
glacier. A number of pack animals
were buried in the snow, but no lives
were lost. The glacier is now impass
aple and traffic for the season is said
to be at an end-
Another Transport Arrives.
San Fbancisco, June 3. The
steamer Centennial, which was chart
bred by the goverment some time
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Purs
ao to carry troops to Manilla, arrived
f om Seattle this morning in ballast
She will be emptied atonceand turned
over to the goverment.
The Senate Willing to Coin the Silver
Washington, June 3. The senate
has aareed to substitute the Wolcott
amendment to the war revenue bill for
the finance committee's provision in
regard to the coinage of the silver
seigniorage lu the extent of $42,000,000
which U to be the amount first coined.
The vote stood 48 to 31.
The Wolcott amendment adopted
today provides for the coinage of all
the silver bullion in the treasury at
the rate of not le?s than $42,000,000 a
month and an issue on account of the
seigniorage derived of not exceeding
$42 000,000 in silver certificates.
The senate agreed to the amend
ment of the republican minority
finance committee substituting the
bond provision for greenbacks, as re
ported by a majority vote of 45 to 31.
Has a
Stem Sometimes Three Hnndrea
Feet Long.
One of the most extraordinary sea
weeds among the Laminariaceaj is the
Nereocystis, the stem of which occasion
ally attains a length of 300 feet, though
extremely slender, even at the top,
where it is surmounted by a huge float
ing bladder six feet or seven feet in
lccgth, that affords a favorite resting
place to the sea otter. This plant is
found on the northeast coast of
America and the opposite shores of
sia. :The filiform stem, which is
about s thick as pack-thread, sudden-
v swells above, when two feet or three
feet long, into a globose bladder, from
the top of which springs a tuft of ger
minate leaves mostly rising pn five
petioles. As the plant grows older the
stem increases enormously in length,
but only slightly in thickness. The
giobose bladder swells into a turnip-
shaped or. retort-like cyclinder, six fee.
long and four feet six Inches or more id
diameter In the widest part, the lowet
extremity gradually passing into thi
stem. The leaves, which at first were
marked with a few faint nerves, split in
the direction of the latter, cover a wide
space by their entangled mass, and at
tain a length of 30 feet or more. When
Ihe plant grows in any quantity, il
forms large floating islands, and the
surface of the sea becomes impassable
to boats. The stem, when dry. Is em
ployed by the Aleutians for fishing
lines, some of which have a length ol
40 or more fathoms. The large bladders
are used by the same people as syphons
for pumping water out of the'r boats.rr
Fishing Gazette.
lor over fitly Years.
An Old and Well-Tried Rem
edy. Mrs. Wiusiow's Soothing Syrup
has been used for over lifty years by
millions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect success
It soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by a rug
gists in everyoart of the world.
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value
is uncalculable. Be sure and ask for
Mrs. Winslow'a
Why suffer with coughs, colds, and
la grippe when Laxative Bromo Quin
ine will cure you in one day. Does
not produce the ringing in the head
like sulphate of quinine. Put uo in
tablets convenient for taking. Guar
Price 23 cents. For sale by Blakeley
& Houghton, druggist s, Xbe Dalles,
Or. .
Timely Warning lirttiu (Saved Is Money
To save tne se tin u-jj Fry's concen
trated squirrel poison. This prepara
t!on is the cheapest and' most econom
ical for the farmers. One grain kills.
guaranteed. Price 2" cents per can or
$5 50 per case of two dozea. For sale
by all druggists
Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa
says: "My child is worth millions to
uie; yet I would have lost her by croup
had I not invested twenty-five ee rut
in a buttle of One Miuute Cough
Cure." It cures coughs, colds and alt
throat and lung troubles. Snipee
Kinersly Drug Co,
umption !
cure consumption?
Yes and
no. will it core every case f
No. TTtat cases will it cure
then J Those in their earlier
stages, especially in young
people. We make no exag
gerated claims, but we have
positive evidence that the
early use of
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod-liver oil with Hypo
phosphites of Lime and Soda
in these cases results in a
positive cure to a large ntn
ber. In advanced cases, how
a . aw
ever, where a cure is impossi-
?! blc this well-known remedy c
should he relied upon to pro-
long life surprisingly
5oc and f i-oo, all druggist,
SCOTT & BOWMB, Chainlets, New York.
Brave Crew of the Merrimack
Will be Promoted.
Washington, June 5. When the
house convenes tomorrow, a resolution
will be introduced calling on the
secretary of the navy to ascertain and
report to congress, immediately, the
names of the seven men who with
Xava! Constructor Hobson. formed the
crew of the Merrimae, just before she
was sunk in the channel at the en
trance to the harbor at Sintiago. It
is the present iiiiunton to offer a reso
lution of thank- to each one of the
eight men by name.
The fact that Cervera, under a flag of
truce, sent to Sampson his recognition
of the magnificent act of gallantry,
is an indication that in volunteering to
man the Merrimae, the eight men who
are now prisoners of war in Santiago
performed an act, the peril of which
can scarcely be appreciated at this
distance, and that there should have
been 400 eager to volunteer for duty,
demonstrates more forcibly than could
be demonserated in any other manner
that the American navy is composed
of men who can be depended on for
any sort of perilous duty on aiiy occa
sion. Every one of the Merrimac's crew is
certain to be promoted as soon as re-
eased, and it is likely that some
means will be devised whereby war
rants or commissions will be provided
for the enlisted men.
Torpedo Boat Terror Is a Thing of
the Past.
Key West, June 6. The report that
the Spanish torpedo boat destroyer
Terror was blown up, is confirmed.
Advices just received are convincing
ttat the Terror is a perfect wreck.
The loss of the Terror criDples the
Spani;-h fleet materially, as it was one
of the best boats of its class in the
Spanish navy. Nothing is given out
concerning tne ciroumstances ol us
Plowing up.
Torpedo Boat Davis Launched
Portland, June 5. Exactly at the
stroke of 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon,
the United States torpedo-boat Dav's
started down the ways at the Wolff &
Z.vickeriron works, and a few seconds
later she was floating like a swan on
the Willamette, As the last restraining
shore was knocked from beneath her
keel, the last line severed, and a quiver
of her bow told that she had cleared
for her Br&c voy-ige. Misa. Helena
Woliitiashed - a bottle ol champagne
against hr port bow, and, as the
beverage went foaming down the steel
sides the words, "I ch.ris.t8a thee the
Dayis" gave the little craft the name
to which every one hopes she will
bring additional lustre.
Fully 10,000 people, crowding the,
Madison-street bridge to the danger
point, swarming about the boat and
covering every possible point of vant
age within a radius of 1000 feet, broke
forth in a cheer as she bejan to nova,
prolonged, till loqg alter the way
gathered in the brief journey to the
river had been lost in the resisting
The Davis is a torpedo-boat of the
first class. Her length is 146 feet,
with a beam or width amidships of 5
feet 2 inches. The normal draft is
five feet. Her displacement is 120
tons, and she has a coal carrying
capacity of 40 tons. The load on trial
is 20 tons. Two triple expansion en.
gines, developing 1850 horse-power,
will drive her at the rate of 22i knots
per hour, The engines are supplied
by two Tbornycroft water tube boilers
in compartments forwari and abaft of
the engine room. She has twin screws,
live feet in diameter. The shell is
built of quarter-inch steel, over a
frame of f.ngle iron ribs, about 2x2
inches. She will carry three officer?
and 18 men. Her radius of action, ie
2000 miles.
The armamen t of tne Davis will con
sist of three 1-pound rapid-fire guns,
three tubes for 18-foot torpedoes, two
modern navy rifles and 24, revolvers,
The cost of the boat was $81,546,
Congress A boot ton-pletcd the Work of
. 'Ibis tseiisiou
Washington, June 5. It isbelieyef
by many people here that Senator
Hanna's declarati in that congress
will adjj.irn by June 23 means taht
the republicans of th seaato and
house have made a general argreement
upon the features of the war revenue
measure and that the bill's time in
conferance will coasequently be short.
Chairman Diogley, of the,. hou?e
ways and means committee, is quoted
as saying that mot.t of the provisions
of the bill inserted by tho senate
would be eliminated in the bouse
and that the bill would finally pass
substantially as it left the house in the
first place. This positive aatement
would hardly bo made by Mr. Dingley
unless be had some assurance as to
what the senate would Anally acquiesce
in when the bill is in confer- nee.
Mr. Dingley is understood, iq admit
that some of the senate amendments
will stand, but bis intimation is that
they will be of an unimportant kind.
For instance, he says Woloott's pro
vision for coinage of aeignoi-iage will
have to go, and that the house section
relative to the sale of bonds whl be
restored. It is judged that the con
cessions to the senate will lie largely
in some details of the tax on epcoia!
articles, like tobcco,
Reached Gibera'tar.
NEW YORK, June 6. A cable dis
patch just received from Giberaltar
says tbaat the Spanish armored cruise r
C irlos has reached that place .en route
to the Phillipines. The vessel is in
good sailing trim, and seems c pert
feet condition.
Voting a Slow,
FOHTLAND, June 6, 2:30 p. m. At
this hour only about one-third of the
vote of the city has been cast. The
election is passing off quieter than
expected, there being but little ex
citement so far and comparatively lit
tle drunkenness. All sides are claim
ing a victory, and the indications are
that majorities in the city will be
small. ' '
Decisive Battle Fought in Vicinity of
HONG KONG, June 1. A fierce bat
tle has been fought near Manila be
tween the insurgents and Spaniards,
in which the latter lot 1000 killed and
1800 taken prisoners.
Manila is surrounded with insur
gents and residents not connected
with the army or in ofHhil positions
are getting away as fast as possible.
t he refugees not directly connected
with the government are seeking
refuge in Cavite.
The London Press Continues to Laud
the American Lieutenant.
LONDON, June 6. Every evening
paper in this city echoes the morning
newspaper praise of Lieutenant Hob-
son s exploit witn tne collier Merri
mack at Santiago, which they say was
a grand deed, ably planned and pluck
ily carried out. The Pall Mall Gazette
;l'he heroism of these men and the
corteous chivalry of Admiral Cervera
will not bo forgotten in a hurry."
Continuing, the Gazette says it
thinks as a result of the Merrimae ex
pedition the naval war between Spain
and the Unitad States is practically
Republican)) Elect Eversthing.
Portland, June 7. Election re
turns irom the state are coming in
slowly, but enough is known to make
it certain that the republicans have
elected a majority of the legislature
and the entire state ticket, with the
exception of congressman -in the first
istrict. R. M. Veatcb is probably
Santiago Must Fall.
Washington, June 7. There is
now no hope for the Spaniards to
much longer hold out at Santiago.
Morro castle has been reduced, and a
large expedition of American soldiers
has been landed near the city. The
city must fall into the hands of tne
Americans when the next engagement
Simon anu Mason Lead.
Portland, Or. June 7, 1 P. M.
About 6,000, votes have been - counted,
and Simon leads Hiime1 ty.abouji'aOOj y
Mason', for mayor,, leads "Montague J?y
about 400. Indications are that Simon
ap.rl Maon are elected, though the
official count may be required to de
termine the contest between Simon
and Hume.
Served 1 heir Masters.
Portland, June 7. Middle road
populists are rejoicing over the repub
lican victory in the state, apparently
satisfied with having served their
masters, the gold republicans. Their
preference between the union ticket
and the republican was for the latter.
Earthquake In Kentucky.
St. Louis, June 6,---A special to
the Post-DUpatch from Cincinnati
A severe earthquake occurred In
Northern Kentucky between 2 and 3
a. m. today. At Paris several persons
were thrown from their beds. At
Maysville the vibratiuns las.ed 30 sec
onds, and were strong. At Millers
burgh the people were panio-stricken,
and many fled from their homes. Ttie
shock was felt for two minutes, spread
ing terror among the people. At
Cynthiana the shock was accompanied
by a loud r port, and at Owdnsville
meteors have been falling during the
Captain Uridiej Dead.
Erie, Pa., June 6. Last night the
family of Captain Gridley, residing
here, was notified by the uavy depart
ment of the death of the husband and
father in Japan as the result of the
battle pf Manilla, Captain Gridley
has two daughters and a son. Mrs.
Gridley was in the midst of prepara
rations to go to San Francisco to meet
ber husband and accompany him across
the continent to his home,
The Conferees Meet.
Washington, June 6. The con
ferees on the war revenue bill met In a
room of the senate committee on
flnaaee at 3 o'clock. The senate con
ferees express confidence that the con
ference will be concluded before the
end of the week.
Hartoian HevUieamy Generous.
Washington, June 6. represen
tative Hartman introduced a joint
resolution directing the secretary of
the navy to have prepared and deliv
ered suitable medals of honor to Lieu
tenant Hobson and. each member of
his crew for gallant, heroic and patri
otic, services rendered the United
States at Santiago harbor on June 3,
1898. It appropriates $500 for the pur
pose. A Rea,l Old Irish Good Time.
Belfast, Ireland, June 6. Great
excitement was caused here by a na
tionalist demonstration in honor of
tho revolution of 1898. Several col
lusions occurred between the demon
strations and the opposing orowd.
Stones were thrown, a. general melee
followed and arveats were made.
fussed the Senate.
Washington, June 6. At the be
ginning of today's session of the sen
ate, Hale reported from the appropria
tiooscommittee the urgency deficiency
bill, and it was passed.
Everybody Say So.
Cnscnrets C'ao'l ' Cathartic, tUe most won
tferful iiitKlioul tiiscov erv of Uie ape, p eas
ant, and refreshine to the tasie, art pently
anil iKisitlvely on kMneys. liver and bowrls.
Cii anainir the entire nvBts in. dispel colds,
cur" lienditgiie, lever, IihI'HiimI ronstfpation
lliid hi iniwne!i. Pleaso bnv and try a lnx
etc C. C. to-day; 10, '. Mi cents SwiJaaa
guaranteed to cure by all druggist.
We carry constantly on hand
a large stock of Rough and
Dressed Lumber of all kinds.
Paints, Oils and Glass, Build
ing Paper, Cedar Shingles, and
Redwood Shingles. . . .
41- JOS. T. PETERS 8t CO.
You Seen
Onr Lady's illW
. ' -
""LTp-io-date in every.. re'--' s
lipect.-: Aduistabla J3teel :
' Handle -Bari vKfele&rt- -ed
G. & J. Detachable
Tires. A beauty and the
price only $3.5.00.
It's a CORKER. Take a
look at it.
We have again opened
our Renting Department
with aline of New Wheels
ymvYf ywwvrv ywww
The Whltehonse
First-class Wines Liquors and Cigars
Always on Hand.
Corner Second au Court Streets,
Ji T.T; Kvrvou Zicae Failias Mem
r ory, Impotence ISteepleuness, eta, cusej
rl by Abuse o. '"r Excesses sn4 India-
VxfrL cretiODS. 27 aw ureu
T restore Loot VitaKtj. in ia or young, and
fit a man for stuu tmsinoss or marriage.
Prevent Insanity and Constu&pti
mentand eifecta a UX:E where all other fail In
an in Lima. ThctlmM snows la medial improve
6ic npon bavins the gonnine Ajax Tablet. Thei
have cared thousands and wil 1 cure yon. Wo eive a pos
itive written guarantee to effort a enre E pTC in
each case or ret and the money. Price wV W I vi per
paoKasei or em rue uau ueaimenti ior aou bj
mail, m plain mr&pper. upon receipt of price, i ircnicz
Columbia W?
Corner Third and Washington
Beef, Veal, Mutton, PorUard
CureJand Dried Meats,
Sausages of All Kinds
0.deR Delivered tuAnj Part of th3 Ciy
Manufacturer ot and Dealer In
Harness and Saddlery,
East End. Two Doers. West'Of Diamond Flour
ing Aims. - - aecooa otrem.
tjs bAuau,
All Work Guaranteed to Give
J S Schenck.
H M BlAtx.
First National Bank
G3neral Banking Business Transacted.
Deposits received subject to sight drift
or check .
Collections made and proceeds promptly re-
mitted on day of collectli
Slant and telegraphic exchange sold on Nw
York. San Francisco and Portland.
This well-kuown brewery is now turning out - the best Beer
and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances . for the
manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, and .
only the first-class article will be placed oil the market
East Second Street
The Dalles, : Oregon
Ben Wilson Saloon
Second Street, opposite Diamond Mills,
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Free Lunch served at all, hours
Wines, Upr& Cigars and Beer.
The Celebrated Val Blatz B3er, Anhauser-Basch
Nutrine, a non-alchoholic beverage unequaled as a tonic
Protect your health by usjrtfglight corbonated
drinks manufactured VEAVER & NAGEL
at The Dalles .
238 Second Street.
I Sailor Hats
For Spring and Summer.
Suitable for All Seasons
Handsome fine of Spring Trimming jutt received
Job Printing
V. v. --- ... .
Weather CoiiDg ..
Phone 35.
East Second Street.
Of all kinda lone at
short not lie and to
raaaoaabl rataa at