m!C0NS0LIDATEI 1882. TUB DALLES. OREGON. SATURDAY. MAY 28, 1898 ISO 36 tS-CSrlXKKK. PROFESSIONAL. MUM IS TO BE THE WORD that the volunteers from the state of ! IS OUT OF ALL DANGER THE TWO FLEETS HAVE MET Washington be detailed to coast de Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. Johnstons c. ujllistkr. Physician and Surgeon, fense duty They will . e held at the Pre&idio for the present. Booms over Dalle. Ntionl Bank. Office hours, 10 t m to 12 m, and from I to 4 p m. Kt-ni denes Wsit End ol Third street. AMERICAN BULLETS -IS THE PLACE TO GET- OUHrilVBAH. Volume XXXV I lavaSaSSSSSSBSSBfisBBaBSSSSSSSBBSSSBBBBSBBSaisBBn A. B. BSNNET TO THE- WERE HARMLESS. Attorney at Law -yyM. TACKMAN Dentist. Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, I April 7. lfeW). 1 Notice io hereby given that the following named settlers have Bled notice of intention to make final proof oo their respective claim be fore Kezlster and Keceivrr, at li e tiaiies. Oregon on WednesJay, May 25. 1898, viz: JOSEPH I.. HANNA, OF THE-DALLES, on Homestead Application No. 3808, for the E'4 N X and Wtt NEJ4 Sec. IS, tp 1 n, r 12 e, W. M, HE NUT S. HANNA. OF THE DALLES, on Homestead Application No. 3fcu9, for the E',i NEH and E'L SEX Sec. IS. tp. 1 n, r 12 e, W.M. They named the following witnesses to prove taeir cont auous residence upon ana cultiva tion oi saia land : Witnesses: Josenh L. Banna. Henry S. Htnna. O. F. Arnold. J. S. Koyt and W.G. bpencer, all of The Dalles. Oregon. JA24ESF MOORE, Kegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dam.es. Oregon, I April 21. am. ( Notice is hereby given that the following named settler Has niea notice oi nis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the reaiter- ana receiver at 'i tie Dalies, uregon, on aion day, June 6, 18s. viz. CHARLES H. SMITH, Of The Dalles, H. E. No. for the N', PE'i and E NE l-i Sec. 11. Tp lS.Rli E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to p:-ove his continuous residence upon :ilu cultivation I of said h.nd. viz: W C Clark, W H Clark Alliert Turner and Charles Uosson. all of Tfce Dalles, ore g n. a22" JAS. F. MOOKE, Kegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION L4ND Office at The Dalt.fs, Oregon, I April 21, 1 MM. f Notiee Is hereby given that the following named settler nas filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Kori-ster and Receiver, at The Dalles. Oregon, on Tues day, May 31. IS98, viz: Andrew MiCnbH. of The Dalles; H E No. 52S9, for the NW 1-4 sec 29, Tp 1 n , K. 14 e., W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his co tinuous residence upon and cultivation of. a.-: id land, viz: M M Watterman. Timothy Evans. L A Sears, and J C Benson, all of xhe Dulles, urezon. JAS. F. MOOKE, a23 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBL1CATI N. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, t May 16. 1 IK. f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Rece.ver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wed nesday. June 3, 18U8. viz: RICHARD H. VIB3ERT, OF CELILO, Homestead Apolication No. 4013, for the SE 1-4 See as, Tp 2 N. K 15 E. W M. He names the following witnesses to pr ve his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Thomas Welch, of Celllo, Oregon. Jaraes fc-ul-ton, William Brookhouse, Franklin Fulton, of The Dalles, Oregon. J as. F. Moore. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, I May 3. lts. f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his elui n, and that said proof will be made befo. e register and receiver at The Dalies, Oregon, on VVednesd y, June 15. 1BU8. viz: EBEN W.CARLISLE, OF THE DALLES. Homestead A pplication No. 5888, for the E4 NEK and EK SE Sec 4, Tp I N, R 15 E, W. M. He Dan es the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James Fulton, Gnbriel Deckart. Franklin Fulton, WLliam Brookhouse, all of The Dalles, Oregon. my7 . JAS. F. MOORE, Register. EXECUTIVE NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed executor of the es tate of Lizza tiaclielor, dtceaat d. All persons noiding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them properly verified to me at my on.ee in Dalles C ty. O egon, within six months from the date of this notiee. And all persons owing said estate are hereby notified to settle the same at once Dated at Tne Dalles. Or.. April 30. 1F9S. J. L. STORY, Executor, II JUST OPENED NEW SHOP J. -NEAGrLE Has opened a Boot and fchoe shop iu the rooms next door to the Times Mountaineer office. Firs-Class Workmanship : In Every Line REPAIRING A SPECIA LI Y. PALACE OF SWEETS COLUMBIA Candy Factor) AND CHFE Fresh Candies, Nuts, and Tobacco. Cigars Ice Cream Parlora in connection CAREY BALLARD, Proprietor. NEW WAMIG HOTEL WAMIC, Wasco Co., ORE. MRS. A. J. SWIFT, Proprietor. Meals, 25c; Board and Lodging per week, $3.50. Feed Stable in Connection For constipation take Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood purifier. Curea headache, nervousness, erup tions on the face, and makes the head clear as a bell. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, The Dalles. BOOTS AND UUl ST GIVES THE Ccoice of Two TnnsssriSsentai Ro ie GKEAT OREGON NORTHERN RY. SHORT LINE VIA SPOKANE VIA SALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA AND MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO KANSAS CITY LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES : : Ocean steamers Oregon. Geo. W, Elder and City of ToDeka leave Port land eyery five days for Alaska Points. OCEAN STEAMEKS leave- Portland every five days for ShN "-RHNCISCO. steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohorua and Hun? Koitr.' via 1 h- Northern Pacific Steamship Co., in connection with O. U. & N. For full details call on the O. R. & N. Airent . THE' ft All L'k; 1, W. H. HUKLBTJRT. Gen. Pass. Agt.. Portland. Oregon DonwEi.i,. CAHr.it.r, & Co.. Gen' Agts Noi-thera Jac. a & co.. Portland, Ore-on. The New O. R. tt X. TlniH Card. Train No. 2 east via. me Union Pacific and Oregon Short Line jrrivee here at 11 :4 a p. M-, departs at 11:50. No. 4, east by Spokane and Great Northern, arrives at 5:25 P. m., departs 5:30 No. 1, west from U. P. and O. S. L . arrives at -i:Z) A. M.. and departs 3:30 No. 3, west from Spokane and Greal Northern, arrives at 6:5j a. M. aud de parts at ti.55. Passenger for Hoppncr-, take No. '2 leaving Dalles 11 50 P. il. r.i.ioivint- rreignt trains earry pass- ns;ers on nrt and see.nd districts. but do not Slop at station platforms. iO 23 west arrives 5 P. M ; departs y.4o A. M So. 24 east :irnes 12:30 p. M.; departs 1:45. OLUMBiA SOUTH THvIE SOHEOU'E; Effective Oct. 10, loK7. lo. 1 Leave No. 8 Arrive 6:00 A. M. 5:00 a. m. Leave 6:15 P. M. 7:1" P. M. BlGGS WASCO Arrive Connection made with O. R. & N. passenger trains at Biggs. E E.LYTLE. President C. O'REILLY, General Manager Qregon Bakery and O-AJF1 A. KELLER, Prop'r. Am prepared to furnish families, hotels and restaurants with the choicest Ited, Cakes and Pies. Fresh Oysters Served in Every Style. Second Street, next door to The Da les National Bank. CHARLES FRAHi THE- Bote ft hum EXCHANGE Keeps on draught tho celebrated Columbia Beer, acknowledged the best beer In The Dalles, at the usual price. Come in, try it and be convinced. Also the Finest brands of Wines, Liquors ant. Cigars. SANDWICHES, ali kinds, ON H.AND R. E. Saltmarshe AT THE ESS! M STOi TADS, WILL PAY THE HighestCasb Price for Hav and Gram. D3V.LER IN LIVE STOCK Say " Burlington " when the ticket agent asks you what rail road east of Denver, you want your ticket to read over. The Bnrlington is the shortest line from TA.... ..,...,-,-..'),.- uitt Th. Hurl i n crt,m toaristcarexcursions, which leave Portland f every Wednesday evening, are the cheapest f and most comtortame way to maxe ine over land trip. Only $5 for a berth to Omaha or Kansas City ; $6 to St. Louis or Chicago. Fine scenerv; fast time: good cars. Ex cursion manager with each party. Porter with each car. Through tickets and berths on sale at all O. R. & N. and O. S. L. ticket offices. A. C. Sheldon, Gen't Agent, 250 Washington St., Portland, Ore. EH - g I i War Secrets Will Be Retained by MeKinley and Long-. NOTHING TO. BE GIVEN OUT A Censorship Will Be Exercised Over the Cabinet. WASHINGTON, May 21. Hereafter the president will exercise a censor ship over the cabinet, and will not permit anything that transpires at cabinet meetings concerning tho war or movements of the army and navy to be made public. All war secrets will be confide! oo'y to the president and Secret-.iry Long. This plan has b-jon determined upon to prevent the Snanish from gaining any information in advance of the contemplited action of either branch of the army. Proposed movements will be discussed only in secret, and nothing will be given to the public uutil after orders have been executed. OREGON SOLDIERS TO BE GIViiN A CHANCE. They Will Sail for the Philippines Monday. San Francisco, May 21. The First reyiineut, Oregon volunteers, will leave .-an Francisco f.r Manila ntxt Monday, under command of Brigadier General Anderson, of the Fourteenth infantry, who is expected to arrive uere tomorrow. The OrefOo reiriment has been quar antined on account of a few cases of measles breaking out in their camp, but no serious cases have developed, aud the health of the rejjimeut is gen erally trood. The soiiiiers from Oregon have at tracted unusual attention at the Pres idio, ai;d are considered to be the best volunteer troops that have so far ar rived. Io iieni-ral appearance and soldierly bearing, tbey are very strik ing, being of fine physique aud excep tionally well drilled. ONLY WARSHIPS MAY ENTER. And These to Take Away Citizens Who Desire to Leave. Wasaington, May 21. More strict blockade regulations wwl ba enforced at Havana in the future. An order has been issued that no foreign ves sels except warships shall be permit ted to enter the harbor, and these can only enter for the purpose of taking away citizens of their respective countries who may want to escape from Havana. No merchant or mail ships of any country will be permitted to enter the harbor on any pretext whatever. CERVERA IS CAUTIOUS. Did Not Take Chances, on Being Bot tled Up at Santiago. Washington, M.y 21. Admiral Cervera's fleet did not enter the har bor at Santiago, but anchored outside and sent small boats ashore. He took no chances of being caught in the harbor by the American fleet. No in- formj,tioti is at haud as to the where abouts of Cervera today, though he is probably in the vicinity of Sautiago. TRAIN HEARING SOLDIERS WRECKED. Five Were Killed and Twelve Seriously Wounded. Chattnooga, Tenn., May 21. A frightful railroad accident occurred near here this moruiug. A special train going south with the First Mis souri miuntrv, wrecked, rive soldiers were killed instantly aud twelve seriously injured. Ti.e troops were en route to Tampa. THE MYSTERIOUS CADIZ FLEET. It Is to Set Sail With ders. Sealed Or- Madrid. May 21. Admiral Camara has reiured to Cadiz with orders to set sail at once. His destination is not made public, but it is believed he has been ordered to the Philippines. The government is maintaining the strict est secrecy with reference to the move meat of water forces. Made Another Start. San Francisco, May 21. The Charleston, which returned here Thursday to have her condenc -rs re paired put to sea aaia at 11:20 this morning. The damage to her pipes was only slight and was quickiy re paired at the Mate Island navy yards. She is once more headed toward the Philippines to relieve Dewey. Naval Resrrve Called Oat. PORTLAND, Miy 21. The Oregon battalion naval reserve has received orders to be held in readiness for ser vice and to be ready to be called out at any time. The reserve is to prepare for sea at once, and will probably be called into service within ten days. 1 he Middle-Koail Champion. ALBANY, Or., May 21. Dr. J. L. Hill, middle-road candidate for con gress, openea tne campaign of that party here yesterday. He made a rousing speech, but failed to create much enthusiasm. Sigshce at Kingston. Washington, May 21. Captain Sigsbee is reported to have reached Kingston, Jamacia. this morning. To Be Held for Coa-t Defense. San Francisco, May 21 Orders have been received from Washington ' Guaniam Shalled' 3ut Not Seriously Inj ji-ed. Madimj. Mhv 21 A H-ivana dis patch says two A.ueiictti w I: ? Snellen criiantamo several Incurs yes terday but did do damage. The shi;s laid welt out to sea out of reach of the oast defense inins. arid their shot fell short of the mark. Little excitement was caused by the bom lardment. Another Transport Ordered. San Francisco, May 21. Tho steamship Centennial has been order ed from Seattle to load Troops here for the Philippine expedition. First Colorado and Wyoming infantry have arrived. &hoontiiiker at St. Helens. St. 1 elens, Or. May 21. F. X. buhoon maker spoke here last night in support of the republican ticket and platform to quite a large and enthusi astic audience. He speaks at Forest Jrove tonight. Kegimrnts to He Increased. San Francisco. My 21. The Nineteenth and Twenty third Tegi- mer.ts are to be recruited to full trength of fifteen companies, of 100 men euch. 1 hey are to 10111 the Philip- pit.e ex. .edition. Cau e fjneasiut ss. Washington. Miy 21. The report that the Cadiz ll.;et has been ordered to sea causes considerable uneasiness in official circles. It is feared the Meet has been sent hastily to the Pa citic ocean. Adventints iu Session. Salem, Or., May 21. The Advent- ists opened their annual meeting at the fair grounds here vesteruav. There is a large attendance, people from every part of the state being present. Probably llutrne. New York, -May 21. A Madrid dis patch says the Spanish fleet has left Santiago. The report is not credited, and is believed to have been given out to mislead the American fleet. Polo Goes flome. Montreal, May 21. Senor Polo, ex-Spanish minister to Washington, leaves tonight for Madrid. Polo has been in Canada ever since receiving; his pisports from the United Stales government. Starting for Philippines. "S Vancouver, Wash., May 21. The regu:ars stationed here are preparing to luaye for.. San Fraaei8c,ihIViig Wen ordered thera to join the Philip pine expedition.. .. ' " Sighted From Havana. Madrid, May 21. A special from Havana says several A'mericin war ships have been sighted. They did not co'ne within range of'the city. Stopped For xtepakrs. Key West. May 21. Sampson's flag ship, the New York, which put in here for repairs, put to sea again to day and will j in the fleet. Yellow Fever at Havana. Washington, May 21 Yellow fever is reported in the garrisons of Havana. For Sale. A choice stock ranch of 360 acres all deeded, 300 acres under good three-wire fence, with plenty of wood and water, about 50 acres in cultivation, an-, eight acres in orchard and vineyard, two barns and some outbuildings. This ranch is equally as good for darying as for raising stock. Locited 4i miles from The Dalles on Chenrweth creek Price S22DO. Apply at this office or at the farm of J. A. Fleck, Why suffer with coughs, colds, and la grippe when Laxative Bromo Quin ine will cure you in one day. Does not produce the ringing in the head like sulphate of quinine. Put ua in tablets convenient for taking. Guar Price 25 cents. For sale by B!akeley & Hjaiita, drarUu, Taa Dalles, Or. The Dalies ?3 keeping well posted on -war news, ihe limes-Mountaineer each evening publishes the events of the day, while war bulletins are post ed at Nolan's book store and the Umatilla House each afternoon, also in front of Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. It is as easy to catch a cold just and easy to get rid of it if you commence early to use One Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis pneumonia and all throat and lung troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe to use and sure to cure. Snipes and Kinersly. Mrs. Maty Bird, Harrisburg, Pa. says: "'My child is worth millions to me; yet I woul i have lost her by croup bad I not invested twenty-five cents in a bottle of One Mmut Cough Cure." It cures coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Va., was frightfully burned on the f-tce nnd Deck. Pain was instantly relieved by De Witt's Witch Haznl ri;ilve, which healed the injury without leaving a Bear. It is the famous pile remedy. Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co. Cure tht coagh with Shiloh's cure The best cough cure. Rt-lioveB croup D omptly. One million bo'.tles sold last year. 40 dosei- tor 2") cents. Sold by Blakeley & Uouguton, druggists. Small pill, safe pill, best pill. De Witt's Little Early Risers cure bilous ness, constipation, sick headache Snipes. Kinersly Drug Oo. f ? Beware of "cheap" bak ing powders. Alum makes good medicine but bad food. Ask your doctor. u No Resistance to Their Land ing Offered by Spaniards. J j THE OK EG OX I REACHES KEY' WEST It Was Given a Warm Reception on Arriving. Key West, May 23 The ba'tle- ship Oregon arrived here this morn itiir. t,Tier iisoT journey around the horn. The ship is in perfect condi tion, aud the crew are hearty and well. the snip we.3 given a hearty recep- .ion.the demonstration being eplendid, citizens of Key West turning out en masse to receive the Oregon It will remain here awaiting oiders from Washington. . SUVPLIES ; IjA XDEI) -ON CUBAN SOIL. Transport FloriJa Met With No Re sistance From Spaniards. KEY West, May 23. A boat that has just arrived, brings the intelli gence that 'Jibe transport Florida, which left here last Wednesday, made a successful lancing on Cuban soil, de livering arms and supplies to the Cu ban insurgents. The Spaniards of feree? no resfatance, and the supplies were landed without opposition. The expedition was one of the most suc cessful that Rac yet been attempted to aid the insurgents. WILL EE PAID IN ADVANCE. Volunteers . Going io the Philippines Get One Month's Pay. Washington, May 23.': he war de partment has ruled that all volunteers assigned to .duty on; the .Philippines shall be paid jbne: month's salary in advance. Tb'S waafleemed advisable because of the-fact that a majority of the voluuteers' were called away from tbeir business on .sho.-t notice, and were given no time in which to supply themselves with-articles not provided by army regulations.? " f . GLADSTONE'S FUNERAL. Next Saturday Selected as the Date When Honor Will Be Done the Grand Old Man. LONDON, May 23. Next Saturday has been selected as " the date of Glad, stone's funeral. All business will be suspended in London On that day, when tribute will be paid to the mem ory of the departed statesman. The royal family will be represented at the funeral, and every departmant of government will attend in a body. All the departments will be closed during the day. WERE FORCED TO RETREAT. Two American Gunboats Failed to Enter Isabella. Washington, Ma- 23. Two Ameri can gunboats attempted to enter the harbor at Isabella, Sogua, yesterday under heavy fire from the garrisou, and were forced to retire. The tire from the ga.-rison was brisk, and was returned with sp'rit by the gunboats, but tbey were at a disadvantage, and withdrew to sea without loss and without doing any damage to the bat teries. FIRED ON THE WRONG BOAT. An Accident That May Cause Spain Some Trouble. Washington, May 23. One of the worst blunders yet made by the Span iards in the present war occurred yes terday. The cruiser Isabella fired on the British liuer, Both, which was claimed to be an accident or a case of mistaken identity. The act unless apologized for is liable to iuvolve Spain in serious complications with the British government. An immedi aty apology and explanation will be demanded. SPANIARDS WON A SLIGHT VICTORY". Repulsed a Body of Insurgents Near Matanzas. Wasaington, May 23. An account has just been received of a skirmish between Spanish forces and a body of insurgents near Mi anzis last Thurs day and Friday. About 300 Cubans were engaged and withstood a superior force of Spaniards, but were forced to retreat on the -ecood day. The loss was slight. on both sides. INSURGENTS WERE REPULSED. Spaniards Drove Them Sariana. Away From KEY WEST, May 23. Yesterday Cuban insurgents attacked Palma Saruina, Santiago, with rapid firing guns, but were repulsed. The siege lasted only a few hou-s when the in surgents were forced to withdraw. The insurgents suffered but slight loss. It Was Only a Bamor. ! Washington, May 23. The report that Sampson had met Cervrra' fleet Saturday - night and sunk 12 vessels is not credited. No official re port of an eagd.:emntit has been re ceived bv the department. It was evi dently an idle rumor. Had Sampson Wit k Hp Absolutely Pure povai eKr) powof en., hpwvoak. engaged the Spanish fleet, the depart ment here would have been notified e.-e this. Ftrtal flailroad Accident. San Francisco. May 23. A regu lar train on the Oakland narrow gauge wis uerailed yesterday afternoon Engineer Baldwin and Fireman Hicaey were killed instantly. The wreckage has been removed and trains are run ning on schedule .ime. Reported for Service. San Francisco, May 23. The first egiment, California volunteers, re ported at Pacific mail dock this morn ing ready to take the steamer City of Peking for the Philippines. The reg' iment will be among the first to reach Manila. Train Wrecked Near Savtnab. Jacksonville, Fla., May 23. A train conveying troops from the north to this place, was wrecked near Savanah this morning. No account of the number killed or wounded has been received. ' Itellaniy Is Dead. . Springfield, Mass., May 23. Ed ward Bellamy, author and writer on political economy, died yesterday, aged. 49 years. Arrangements for the funeral have not yet been made. Ariottier Prominent Englishman Dead. '. -IjONDON, May 23. Walpole, sccre- tacy-of "state during Salisbury's second and third terms died yesterday. The stile department is closed out of res pect to .the deceased. California Volunteers Ready. San Fkancisco, May 23. The Cali fornia volunteers went on board the City of Peking this morning, and are ready to sail for the Philippines. Appointed Consul General. Washington, May 23. United States Consul Wildman at Hong Kong ias been appointed consul-general for China.' Granges In Session. " Forest Grove, May 24. The state grange opened its annual session here today. There was a large attendance of delegates from Dearly all the coun ties west of the Cascade mountains. Excitement la Intense. London May 24. Excitement here runs high over the belief that Samp son has conquered the Spanish fleet. Tne report is believed to be true. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. Kegulates tho bowels, puri fies the blood. Clears the complexion. Ea?y to make and pleasant to take, 25 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Hough ton, druggists, The Dalles, Or. Ston that cough! Taice warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25c bottle of Shiloh's Cure may save ynur life Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, Tb Dalles. Change of Schedule. To all concerned: Commencing Monday, May 2J, the steamers of the Regulator line will leave Portland at 6:30 A. M., and The Dalles at 8:30 A. il. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. Dentistry. Dr. Benham gives every Wednesday from 10 to 12 A. M. for free extracting absolutely painless. Gold fillings $1.50 and upward Don't forget that the Troy Laundry Co. has an agency at the Elite barber shop and all orders promptly attended to. Telephone 119. H. D. Parkins Karl's Clover Root Tea, for constl pation its' the best aDd after usingit you don't say so, return the package and get your money. Sold ty Blakele & Houghton, The Dalles. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All Druggists refund the money if it fails to Cure. 25c. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Thin Blood Where the. blood loses its intense red prows thin and f e watery, as in anemia, tnere is S a constant feeling; of exhaus- 4 5j tion, a lack of energy vitality g. m and the spurts depressed. I Scott's Emulsion I of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo- chosohites of Lime and Soda (h is peculiarly adapted to correct I Ills condition. i lie tou-uvtr f j$ fineness, enters the blood direct and feeds its every corpuscle, restoring-the natural color and $ f o-ivinof vitality to the whole m svsiem. reach the brain and nerve fti centres and add their stren g-th- ening and beneficial effect. 2 If the roses have left your cheeks, a you are growing; wrn-t. er if acre, is fceerinnfficr to tell, use SCOTT'S Emul- - T is e c m sion. m Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion All druggisu; - ,nd SCOTT 4 BOWNE. Chemists, New York. Word Received at Key West From Sampson. THE SPANIARDS WERE DEFEATED Impossible to Confirm the Report or Get Particulars. Key West, May 21.-3:30 p. M. A dispatch boat has just arrived with word from Sampson, and after news hospital supplies, etc. The report is that Sampson has met the Spani fleet and defeated it, but it is impos sible to get particulars or confirm the report as the cables are cut. THE SITUATION MOST SERIOUS Citizens of Cavit Are Suffering for Food. Hong Kong, May 24. K Japanese cruiser just arrived from Manila bring ing news from Dewey and Williams to Consul-General Wildman. to the effect that the situation at Cayit is serious, Since the blockade no provisions from the outside have been allowed to be landed, and as the insurgents inter cept all supplies coming from the in terior, food is becoming very scarce. The citizens are on the verge of starva tion, and many of the poorer class have already died. The German council at Manila at tempted to land provisions from Ger man vessels but was prevented by Dewey. Britrsh and German subjects are leaving Cavit and are going to Manila. IT WAS ALL A HOAX. No Truth in the Report of the Battle in Windward Passage. Washington, May 24. Govern ment officials here are puzzled over the report published in London papers of the battle between the American and Spanish fleets in Windward pas sage last night. They cannot tell from what source the London papers got their information, as the navy de partment here has received no advices concerning the engagement. The re port is branded as a sensational hoax, and is given to credence whatever. IX HONOR OF GLADSTONE. There Was no Celebration of the Queen's Birthday. London, May 24. All public cele brations of the queen's birthduy were suspended today out of respect to Gladstone. There was no demonstra tion in any part of England, because of the funeral of the late premier, which takes place Saturday. It is the first time in the reign of Qaeen Vic toria that her birthday has not been celebrated by the people of the king dom. BATTLE HOURLY" EXPECTED. American and Spanish Fleets May Come Together at Any Time. Portland, Or., May 24. A special to the Tribune from Key West says it is now known that the Spanish fleet is still at Santiago, where it bas been anchored since its arrival last Friday. Sampson and Schley are supposed to both ho closing in on Cevera, and a battle is hourly expected. ARE READY TO SAIL FOR MAXILLA. Oregon and California Troops Have Embarked. San Francisco, May 24. The Fourteenth California volunteers and the Oregon troops have been placed aboard the City of Sidney . They went on board this morning and the PeklDg and Sidney are now lying in the stream awaiting orders to sail. la Not Credited. Key West, May 24. There is little credence put in the report that the lighthouse tender Mangrove was takn by the Spaniarls and all on board murdered. There appears to be no foundation whatever for the report, t is not thought Commander Everett would have hazarded an engagement or that he would have allowed himself taken in by Spanish vessel as she would have kept out of the way of any enemy. Volunteers Arrived. San Francisco, May 24. The Twentieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, arrived here today. They are assigned to duty on the Philip, pine islands, and will be sent there at an early date. ' Naval Reserve Goes Sooth. Chicago, May 24. Two hundred members of the volunteer naval re serve left this morning for the gulf coast. They are expected to be as signed to active duty on their arrival at the seaboard. Spaniards Mattered Heavily. Key West, May 24. Col. Java, of the C'ubaD army, has arrived bringing word from Gomez saying that 1100 wounded Spaniards were taken from Carabanas after Nashville's bombard ment. Railroad Commission Case. SALEM, May 24. Next Monday bas been set by the supreme court, as the date Tor hearing the railroad commis sion case that is to decide the validity of the present board. Use Clarke Quinine Bair dandruff and a ness. & Falk's Compound Tonic, a specific fo: preventative of bald- CHOICE HND CR0K6RY Sheepmen's Supplies, Shears, Oil and Lamp Black for marking Sheep. Mitchell Wagons McSherry Drills, Osborne Mowers, Binders, Reapers and Rakes, Myers' Hay Tools and Farm Implements of all kinds. . . . Full Line of flachine Extra !Next door to A. M. Williams & Co. The study CF ECONOMY IS THE FIRST STEP TOWARD solving the great Money-Saving problem. Your interest demands it and C. F. STEPHENS' STORE paves the way for it. . ' . Our Goods are of a superior quality and our prices the lowest. All we want is to be compared and judged. We want to be studied. The more we Hre studied the more business we do. ... Our motto has always been: "Fair prices and kind courtesy to all customers whether they buy or not." The Best Clothing and DryQoods p House in The Dalles. Hi 98 Model Clevelands Now ready for inspection. Also Bicy cles Rented and Repaired at MHIER & BGNTON'S Cyle Store in Hardware'Dept DRUGS Wall Paper. Paints, Oils, . . BRUSHES . . WINDOW GLASS SNIPESOTEBSLY DRUG CO. 129 Second Street HARRY Watchmaker -DEALER IK- WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE AND Fine Repairing a Specialty. Watches for Woolgrowers A. SPECIALTY VOGT RI.0CK, - Z. F. MOODY General Commission- and Forwarding Merchant 391. 393 KND 395 SECOND STREGT. (Adjoining Railroad Depot) Consignments Solicited rompt attention will be paid to those who favor ue with their patroatg GROCERIES rfTtTf Yf Tf ttttTt fi R V FPHrNS 1 OILl 1 llvi. VJ C. LIBBB, and Jeweler AND JEWELRY, DIAMONDS. . . All Work Warranted THE DALLES. OREGON