J , 7TV 0 X v. .' ft t 4 tJbrtr inifTilfRfiK. Volume XXXV THE DALLES. OREGON.-SATURDAY; MAY 21, 1898 vmC0NS0LIDATED 1882. NO 35 ..9CmlSBBB. " i P KU r ESSION At.. o C. HjLLISTKK, Physician and Surgeon, D.. over ivulca Sitionai Bunk. Otfice hours, a. int 12 m, ami from i to 4 p w. lu.ni ionca We-t Eim oi Third straat, A S. BcN'tT Attorney at Law y M. TACK MAN Dentist. Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the stale of Oregon for Wasco C ounty. The First National trm'-t of The Dalles Oregon, a corporation. Plui'-iil, vs. William BirKfeld and Laura E. Birgfeld. De fendants. By virtue of an execution rtu'y issuedc t of and' under lht.-seal or the Circuit. Court of the State of Oregon, for the Cju ity of W:is o. to me directed and dated the IBth day of April. . . lPH. upon a jtuleim'nl rendered and -nter;d in : said court on tne 4tn nay oi Augusi. im. :u im auo e entiiied c iu.-e. iu fnvor of the plaintiff and asamst the delendants above named as iudsmeni d'-hiors. in the sum of six hundred and einhtv-one dollars and sixiy cents. with interest thereon from the -iih d:;y of Aujrusr. IK-J. nt the rate of ten per cent trr an num. and the further sum of sixty dollars, a; attorney's fees, and the further sura of sixty four dollars and sixty -three cents, eots. and ' the costs of and upon this writ, smd co-' maud iru? me to make sale of the iro!?ertv tielo:.i;iuir tosaid defendants I did. .on tin th d:.y of March, lt9o. duly levy uiion, and I will, on the 21st day of May. 8!)8, At the hour of 2 o'clock, in the afternoon of said day. and at the front d.jor of iti- Con.ily Court House, in Dalles City. Wasco Cmiutv. Oregon, sell at public auction to th" hr es bidder for cash in hand. all tne riu'ht, title and in terest which the defendants W i:liam llir'eiU and Laura K. Birgfeld or either of them had on t:.e4lh day of Aiiut. the date of tii jaan- meat herein, or winch such defendants or any of the defendants herein, have siace ac.i'u:eii or now have in and to the follo.'.in duM '-iLed real property, situate and 'Hiiny in Wuxro County. reon. to-wt: An undivided one-ilfth interest in and to all the S. l,t of M. W. k- section ah of seciiu.,. 21,83. 25. 17. and 35: S li. ami N. vt N. IV. ., section '1: N. W. H section 'Jo: V. l j N W 1 1 AV. . S W. 4. S. K 4 S. W. i and .S '.. S. K U section SI: S "4 S. W. '1 section Srt: all it tonshm7 ri. ranire 17 E. Y. M.; al-o :11 oi section 3 township 8 S . mr" 17 K. V. M. in Vasc county. -re;?on: said interest in the nhove described real property !ei ! he same descended to and inherited by t'ie -aid t cira K. Biritfeld upon the death -f Alex;.i,(!er 2o ers. and Matilda K. etrs. fcer f-.tl-r iimi mother, or so much of said ;rope. ty i s will featisfy said judgment and di-cree, with costs and accruing costs. ' Said property will be sold suhjert to ccnlir mation and receraption as by ia.v proviiieu. Dated at The Dalies. Oregon. ;his 2Uiii day of April, 1698. T. J. DRIVER. Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of O ' on for Wasco couaiy, K F. Haroobtt. luinii:r. vs. Louis Harbnldt. Deteniiant. -To Louis Harbolilt. t'ie ale named defend m: In the uame of the State of Orenou you are hereby required to apoear ami answer the above complaint nt-iein filed ayab'st you in the above entitled suit within ten day from the date of the service of this summons upon you. if served within this county, or if served within anv other county of this state, tneu within ttfertv days of the date of the service of tli.s summons, or if serv- d by oublii ation then by the first day of the term of this court following the expiration of the time pre.-cribed in the orler for tlie sei vice of the summons upou you by publication there of. to-writ: the aid dcy of May. ISiis. and if ycu fail so to appearand answer. Judgment will be taken against you for want thereof, and the piaiutiff will apply to the court for the relief jirayeu lor in u r eompiaiuL. io-it. a urticc m divorce from you, the above named defendant, and for her costs and disburs ments herein, and for such otnernnd further relief as to the . court may seem equitable and just. This sum mons Is served upon you by publication thereof once a wee it for six consecutive veeKS in me Dalles 't'liiies-Mountitneer, a weekly news- naueftiiiblired iiWr--?rr- county. Orefrpu. '- by otuer "of W7L. BradsVaw. jacge of the seventh judicial nistrict. of the State of Oregon made at chambers. Dal es Citv, Wasco county r Oregon, the 8th day of April. lfc'JX SlSNOTT & SlNSOTT, ?- 'Attornevs for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Wasco O uu:y. w. t'. Magui. piamtiu, vs. M Mainll. defendant. To M. Magill, the above named defendant: In the name of the state of i -regon ou are nere by required to appearand answer the complaint of the above named plaintifLJiM in the above entitled suit against vou on Monday the 23d day of May. 189s. said day being the first dav of the next regular term of said Court, following the final publication of this Summons: and if vou -fail so to appear and answer suid com plaint the above named plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wii: For a decree o said Court to the effec that the bonds of mat rimonv heretofore and now existing between you and said plaintiff be forever annulled, set aside and rieiu tor naugnt. This Summons is served upon you by publi cation thereof for six consecutive weeks in tlie Times Mountainee oy orderof tee Hon. W . L. Bradshaw.. judge of the above entitled Court and of the seventn juaiciat uwrn-i oi ine State of Oregon, which ordpr bears date the lflh day of March. lt&W. DUFTTR & MENEFEK. Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the Countv of W isc-i. Clara Hays. Plaintiff vs. John Hays. Defendat.t. To John Hays, the ain.ve named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the "om plnint hied against you in the above entitled suit by the first day of the next regular term of the ab-.'Ve entitled court following the expira tion of the time prescribed in the order for the pull icatiou of this summons, to-wits on the a3d day of May, .is, and if. -you fail so to appnar and answer, p'ain tiff will apply to the court for the relief proved for in her complcint. to-wit : for a decrei that the bonds of 'macrimonv heretofore and now existing between plaiutiff and defendant be dis solved and held for naug t: that the plaintiff be awarded tne f'iUire care and custody of the minor children, and for her cosis and disburse ments herein and for such other aud further re lief at to the coort may seem eqitableanii just. This service is made upon you by the publi cation of this summoasonce a wees for six con secutive weeks by order of Hon. W. L. Brad shaw. judge of the above en tith d court, which order was made at chambers in Da.lcs Oily, Oregon, on the 1st day of April IK'S. N. H. Gates. Attorney for Plaintiff SUMMONS. In the County Court of the Stne of Oregon, for the County of Wasco. Ana S H.-nry. Plaintiff vs. Gray S. Henry. Defendant. To Grav S. Henry. Defendant: la the name " of the Slate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you. in the above entitled suit in tne above entitled Court, on or before the Ilrst day of the next term of said Court, after six weeks publication of this summons, to-wit: t.n or be fore Monday, the 2'day of May. lf-M. ami if you fail to appear aad answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint The relief demanded in the complaint is for a decree dissolving the lmnds of matrimouy sub sisting between plaintiff and defendant on t'ie ground of desertion: for the cut.dy of three minor children of the parties, and for such other relief as te the Courl may seem equitable. This ummors is published pursuant lo an order made by Hon. W. L. Hradsi'aw. judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco count. which order wi s made aud entered on the 1st day of April, IsKS. C. H. Moor. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for theCounty of Wasco. C. W. Taylor, Plain tiff, vs tva H. Taylor. D- feuJant To Eva B. Taylor. Defendant : In the name of the State of Oregon vou are hereby required to appear and au-wer the compiaint Hied mrainst vou ill the above entitled court and suit on or before Mon lay. the SW day of May. lsfs. that being the first day of the term r'ii-i-nit Court of the Mate of Orego i for of tbe 4 si mintv next following the expiration of tim. nrescritied bv said coui-t for the pu tion of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer the coaipiamt Herein within aikid time, for want thereof, the pLuntirf apmy to the court tor ine reiu-i uemiinurn in the complaint herein, lo-wit: for a decree dK Kolvintr the bonds f miitrimonv now existing between the plaintiff an 1 defendant, for the costs and distmp-ement-s of this suit, ami for ttueh other and further relief a- may seem enuitaol -. This summons is published Ik orderof the Hon. Wm KnuNi.aw. ju tu of ti e said Court, ma''e c thoflff. i - ,,l lKi; . COOVKRT & ST PI.ETOW. Attorneys for Plaintiff. For constipation take Karl's Clovi-r Hoot Tea, the great blood puriBer. Cures headache, nervousness, erup tions on tbe face, and makes the head clear as a bell. Sold by Biakeley & Houghton, The Dalles. .SUMMONS. In the ClrcuitCourt of the Slate of Oregon W..mu intv. K. K. S vawe as adruiui-,tra t,-iftn. inte of Annie llich. deceased. Plaintiff, vs. William A. Lani-'ille. Sarah Lanirille. H. D. Lanirille and James L 10 To William A. Lansrille, one of the defend I..iriin 1 1. Tlifpi1:m!t). ants above named: lath nam of the tat of Oregon, you are hereby required to appea and answer the -omiiiaitit OI in- inanui ab ve nam'-d on. or Is fore the first day of tht; next regular term of said court. to-vit; the ld dav of May. I. or the plaintill wi 1 apply to the court for ihe relit f prayed for in his com plaint, to-u'it: a decree foriclo-m" aertain mortL'.icre executed bv William A. Lan.'ille and Kara Lamri le on lot N'o i. in block C. in the fl.-st addition Wi-st. to t le town of ilool iiivi.-r. asco count v. Oreiron Service of tins sum muns is iiiatie by publication thereof m lb Dalies Times-Mountai eer in iH-rsiiance o' ai order made by (on. W. L. Uivdshaw, Circuit judye. at chambers April M.i. ss'-. 11. H h'TDDKM,. Attorney for Plaintiff. XOTiCE FOR PUBLICATIOX. Land Office at The Dai.i.ks. Ohfoon. i April 7. i: f Xoti.e i hereiiy sriven that tia- t'ollowim; name: settlers Jiave tiled notice of intention t m:uie tinnl proof on their repecii t claim le- fore KeLister and Keceivi r. at T. e Dalles. Oregon oil Wednes lay. May ia. ls'.ts. viz: J 1SEPH I. HAXNA. OK THE DALLES. on Homestead Application No Ssiis. for ihe ,N ) i.id V,V, NE'i See. In. to 1 n. r I- e. Vv . M, HEXRY S. HAXNTA. OF THE DALLES, on Hom'-st'nd Anplict:on Xo. Hfs.u. for the E!s NK' and K 1 ., HkH See 15. tp. 1 n. r Vi e. W.Ml 'I'hey named the followi-'g witnesses to prove their eont nuou.s residence upon and cultiva tion of said laud : Witnesses: Joseph L. Banna. Henry S H nna. G. F. Arnold. J. S. Hoyl and W.CJ. Spencer, all of The Dalles. O eeon. JAMEd f JinoSK. Kegisier. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tne Pau.f.s. Oncnos. I Starch 'JS. I UK. f N otice is hereby pi'ven tli:'t the foHowing nnmeil settler has tiled notice of his intention to niai,-e iiaal pniof in siipnin of his --Nim. and thai saitl proof will l-e made before Re'isli and Kece verat The Dalles, Oregon, on Wed nesdav. MavU. viz: PAUL CAPTKIfl'. OK TfH-l DALLES: TIones:ead Atoli(-atiin No :i- -. foe tin? Lois 2. 3 :vd -t Sec. 31. tp I u. r l i K V. M. He na nes the fullon-ne' w itn-sses to -irave his coal inuous resulenc uron an-i ecltivalion of said land, viz: Jo'.m ?Te.si:e. ri'h-'Od re Mc pile. F. Mithieu aad Alexa rJjr Hneaenin. all oi ineuallcs. Jas r . .M-o:tK. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dai.ui. oupcw, i An il -1. l-'i's. ( Notice is hei-cby criv.-n that ilie fo!l:nv; earned settler bas fl ed notice of his iuleiitii to liial-a iinal pi-.ief in s!iii'ort of his claim, a mat sati! nroor vsii be made fa rore t.ie register and receiver at The Dalles. Oi-eifou. on Iilun d y, JucC. IW. viz.- CHARLES H. SMirif. Of The Dalles. H. E. No. asM. for -he S"- E' und E 'i iE 1-1 Sec. II. Tu 1 S . K II E. W M. fie names the following witnesses To p. -ovc jis conimuous resiuence upou ana cultivation of sanl lauu viz: W C Clark. W H Cla k. Albert Turner and cnai-ies Co.ssou. n'l of The Dalies. Ort g -n a2 JAS. F. MOORE. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Lasd Office at Tun Paw,k A .irii ' Notice is hereby itvck t :;r t . OlIK'lOS, ( ;i. t;-!is. f e follov.'ing- nameusettier nas !;e . ;,i-;; t;i liilention n make tidal proof in a:i:;i taal said proof v. iii be :': and rtei-eiver. at The aile t in fiis claim, and ie before lieijister Oregon, on 'Iv.i.'s- day. Aiav tJ-I'H. iz: An.;re Mci al Dalles: H E No ft'.'.n!). for the NW I 4 sec ill. Tp Id.i:. U e.. W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his co tintious residence upon and cultlvaiio.i of. s id land, viz: M M Watterman. Timothy F.vuns. L A Scars, and J C Benson, ail of 71ie Dalles, Orei'on. JAS. F. MOORE, a23 Register. TO THE GIVES THE Choice of Two TrmscontinBiital Ro:te GKEAT REGON SH0.1T LKE VIA SALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CITY SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES : : Ocean sfe.imers Oivjron, Geo. W. Eider and City of T peka leave Port land every five days for Alaska Points. JCEAN STEAMERS leave five days for Portland even S7YN "-RHNCISCO. St-eamors monthly from Portland to Yokohoina and Hung Konjr,- via i he Northern Pacific Steamship Co., in connection with O. R. At N. For full details call on the O. R. & N. Agent at THE DALLES, or address W. H. HURLBURT. Gen. Pass. Agt., Portland. Oregon "DoowEi.f.. Caumi.i, & Co.. Gen Agts Northern pac. s Co.. roi tiauu. ureson. The New O. Train No. 2 It. & N. Time Card. east via. tue Union Pacific and Oregon Short Line, arrives here at 11:45 p. M. , departs at 11:50. No. 4, east by Spokane and Great Northern, arrives at 5:25 p. M., deuarts 5:30 No. 1, west from U. P. and O. S. L., arrives at 3:20 a. m., and departs 3:30. No. 3, west from Spokane and Great Northern, arrives at G:5J A. M. and de parts at 6.55. Passenger for Heppner, take No. 2 leaving Dalles II 50 P. M. F.-. lowing freight trains carry pass nsfers on firi-t and sec nd districts, hut do not stop at station platforms. No "3 west arrives 5 P. M ; departs !):4 A. M No. 24 east arrives 12:30 P. M.; departs 1:45. Sav 44 Burlington " when the ticket apent asks vou what rail- road east of Denver, you waut yuur ticket 1 to read over. The Burlincrton is the shortest line from ' TI.h v.r tu .ivrvnlmr. mci . T ! Rti rl i n irtnti 1 tourist car excursions, which leave Portland f everr Wednesday evenmir. are the cheapest T ana mosi comtortame wav to make tne ov land trip. Only S5 for a berth to Omaha Kansas Citv: So to St. Louis or Chicatro. Finescenerv; fast time; pinl cars. Ex cursion manager with each party. Porter with each car. Throutrh tickets and berths on sale at all O. R. & N. and O. S. L. ticket onices. A. C. Sheldon. Gen"! Acetit, 250 Washington St., Portland, Ore. Situation- Wanted by an honest, en ergetic and reliable young man. Can furnish references if necessarv. S. W. S., Box I, The Dalles, Or. E7TCX FELL BEFORE for One of Our Cruisers Was De stroyed at Cienfugas. THIS CRUISKIS MAllBLliHEAD LOST. It Was Destroyed in the Battle Before Cienfugos. KEY WEST, May 14. A full report of th entTd-eraent b -fore C'ien rujs list WedoesJay ba-j been received. In the e:i'aircru:;nt one s-tilor was killed and six wuiridd. The cruiser Marblihead :is destroyed in the en faj4!raeiit, but all on board were saved. Tho Marblehe id iva an unarmored ruiser of 2JS'J tons displacem -nt arid ad a spee l of 18 44 knots. It was .uilt in im) at a cost of $(74.000. The iarbleht'ad's main battery consist d f nine 5 inch rifles, and its secondary oattery was six (J pound aud two 1- pound rapid flriajr guns CARDEXA IS IN" ASIIES. Wjs Burned by the Gunboat Wilming ton. Washington. M y 14 A full re-po- t of the h) n"3 trd n jrit of Cafd ina last Wifdn ;siiy. hn lM-n ri'cived by the n.ivy depart nent. T.ie tfunhoit Wilmington cintinud to shell the city aft."r thrf o.mr vs--'ls had left, a id afier the b;t t-ios li t V',uen sil -need, hnroed thcit.y sto. Yi at T-d y insp-'c 1 m boats found 115 d uaii S,a.ii.iit siil-tirtr-i in the raa-ked 'in terim?, a id 3J.)d'.ai Spaniards were found in the city. Tha dad will be b'.irii-d by A:n ;ric i'i sevnm, and the wounded, of which thr-ri is a lat-fre number, are being cared for by the Americans. THE COLORADO VOLUXTEIiKS. They Are Given a Farewell Reception at Denver. DENVER, Coio , May 14. The Colo rado volunteers are breaking camp and getting i readiness to move to San Francisco tonight. They will tro by -pecial train this evening;, and will have riirht of way over all other trains. This city 19 givinga grand reception to the troops. Patriotic speeches are being made and an ovation is given the soldiers wherever they pass through the streets. The reeiment is enthusiastic over the prospects of beiifg se'nt to the fronfT"rhey will be assigned to duty on the Philippine Is- slands. ?"- NAVY DEPARTMENT IS LIBERAL. Men Will be Discharged at Expiration of the War. Washington, Alay 14. An order has been issued from the navy depart ment that all men enlisting now will be given au option of being discharged at the close of the war if they so de sire. This is intended to encourage men to go into the service durinjr the time of an emergency, feeling mat they will be free to reti n to their homes when the war shall lose. THREE HUNERED SPANIARDS KILLED. This is the O.Ticial Report of the Manilla Battle. ' London, May 14. The official re port gtvjii out fro.n .Miami or tne battle at Manilla in which Dewey an nihilated the Spar.uh flee", is that 300 Spanish sailors were killed and 600 wounded. This is believed to be au thentic, and is coasidered a fair esti mate of the Spnish loss. DEWEY GOT ANOTHER PRIZE. He Captured the Spanish Gunboat Callao. Washington, May 16. A cable re- ceiveu irom uewev yesiernay states hat the American fleet captured the Spanish gunboat Callao on the 12th without any resistance. He also states lat Manila has not yet surrendered, the Spanish authorities still holding tbe city and fortifications. THE EXPEDITION A FAILURE. Gussie Returns to Key West Without Making a Landing. KEY West, May 16. The trans port Gussie has returned to this port with the supplies intended for the Cuban insurgents, after having made two unsuccessful attempts to land the supplies on Cuban soil. The Spaniards made a strong resistance at each point and drove the Americans back. It was expected the Cubans wou d keep he Spanish forces back while a land ing was being made, but they failed to furnish any assistance. Tnis was prubably owing to the failure to es ta Itsh communication with tbe in surgents. SOLDIERS FOR PHILIP PINE EXPEDITION. Thirteen Thousand Five Hundred Sold iers Will Be Sent. Washington, Mty 16. The navy department has determined to assign an army of 13,500 to duty in the Philip pines to support Admiral Dewey in re taining possession of tl,e islands. Should this number be insufficient, an additional force will be sent there later. At present there ar-i 15,000 Spanish regulars and 10,000 volunteers on the Wands, with which the American army will be compelled to combat i order to retain supremacy. It is pre sinned the Philippine insurgent-swill co operate with the Americans as soon as t-tiey are convinced that Spanis rule is not to predominate. AI.I. ARE HEAVY AR.-.IOKED CRUISERS Some of Ihs Besl Spanish Boats Sud denly Appear. Washington, May 16. A surpn's. was cau.-ea in i-nlcial circles today uv the receipt of dispatches announcing: that three armored cruisers that were supposed to be at Cadiz, suddeoly mak ing- their app-arance at Martinique, '1 he Spaniards had eluded tne watch that was kept upon their movements and quietly moved their ships across unobserved. The three vessel are the armored cruisers Catilina, Princess de Austria and Cardinal Cisnros. The Leonoria is also reported coalinsr at KiDyston, Jamaica. Knowine where these ves sels are. the department has issued or ders to the commanders of the differ ent fleets to intercept them at once. GOOD BYE TO THE SOLDlEIt BOYS. They Were Given a Splendid Farewell at Portland. Portland, May 16. The White city at Irvino-tou Park (Camp Mc Kiiiley) is deserted today. The streets are dusty and show the footprints of the soldiers, but the tramp of soldiers there is no lotiJrer heard. The rows of white tents have di-appeared, and all in all Irviuton r'a.rk presents today a forlorn ap;ea:nce. The last c mianies of the First re;jiiniiD left by last night's train for Sa'i Francisco, b::t before leavibgf were iven a iriand farewell reception As they marched throgh the streets they were cheered from every quarter, and made to feel they were appreciated by Portland's patriotic citizens for the sacrifice they are making1 for the country's defense. PEACEFUL BLOCKADE DOES NOT SUFFICE A More Vigorous Policy Will Be Pur sued at Once. Washington, May 16, The ar debartment has abandoned the idea of a peaceful blockade of Cuban ports, and will adopt a more vigorous policy of prosecuting the war on the Atlantic ocean. The Spanish forces -will be hunted down and made to fight or fle) from the Caribbean sea.' : ..r Jsecreta ry Long ha.a-ab!edJ: Schs.'y Clark ard Sampson to chase down the Spanish fleet on the Caribbean sea and destroy it immediately. Their -'orders are to nse no delay, in finding the enemy's fleet, and to give battle wher ever found. t HURRYING AFTER . THE ENEMY. Two American . Vessels Sent to Inter cept the Spaniards. Washington, May 16. The St. Paul and Yale are hurrying across the Caribbean sea to intercept the Spanish fleet. If they meet the Soan iards there will be a decisive engage ment. The Flying Squadron Moves. Charleston, May 16. Sebely's fly ing squadron passed here last evening, eroing north. It is presumed the pur pose is to intercept the Spanish fleet should it attempt to attack any Atlan tic coast port. Two Dsiabled Spaniards. Washington, May 16. Advices have been received here that a Spauish torpedo boat, and tbe gunboat De Frauce have entered the port at .Martinique disabled. Died ou the Mage. San Francisco, May 16. Edward Kemengi, the noted violinist, died yesterday afternoon while Dt-rforming on the stat;e at the Orpheum. Heart failure was the cause. Slxty-Tnree 'thousand Enlisted. Washington, May 14. Thus far there has been reported to the war de partment 63.000 men having enlisted in respond to the president's call for 125,000 volunteers. This includes only those who have passed examination and been accepted. Have Cut tbe Cables. Key West, May 14. All Cables leading to Havana from Cuban points have been cut. Thus Blanco is shut off from communication with his troops outside of the city. A Prominent Horseman Dead. Portland, May 14. W. D Hester, the well known horseman, who ship ped the first trainlosd of horses across the continent, died here last night. Caught at Charleston. Charleston, May 16. Tbe Span ish steamer Rita landed here yester day. The vessel and crew will be held as a war prize for tbe piesent. Mrs. Lese in Portland PORTDAND, May 16. Mrs. Leese lectured here yesterday to a large au dience, and will bold a meeting to night. Refused t online Privileges. Washington. May 16. Both United States and Spanish vessels have been refused the privilege of coaling at St. Thomas without special permission. A comfortable room in a new dwell ing on Fourth street for a lady or gen tlemen or for a man and wife can be had on reasonable terms sor tbe sum mer. Call at this office. 3d. The Power of Schilling's Best baking powder is wonderful. 638 ANOTHER CALL FOR SOLDIERS Opportunity Will Be Given for Others to Enlist. FIFTY THOUSAND MORE VOLUNTEERS WANTED Proclamation for Sacond Call Ready for President's Signature. Washington, May 17. The need for more men to prosecute the war with Spaiu is evident, and a call for 50.0U0 additional volunteers is pro posed, and is ready for thi president's signature. The proclamation will be issued this evening and the apportion ment to the different states will be made tomorrow. The term of enlist ment will be for one;'year or until the war shall close. MILITIAMEN WILL BE -PROVIDED FOR. The Government Will Pay TrTetr Ex penses Before Being Mustered in. Washington; May 17. The war department ha determined to bear the expense of all militiamn who of fered their services to the government, whether accep'.ed or rejected. It will pay transportation f.-om their home" to the point of mobilizing and subsis tence while in camp, also subsistence and transportation from the camp to their homes. ' UNCLE SAM'S VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS. Eight Thousand of Them are Mobil- Jzed at . Tampa. Tampa, FlaJ jlay 17. Volunteer troops have beeti' arriving from the north continuously for several days past, and at present 8,000 are mobil ized here. Tttey are held under march ing orders -ready ' .be transported to Cuba on a moment's warning. As yet no orders have been received as to when the troops, will be forwarded from here to Cuba. TO STRENGTHEN THE BLOCKADE FLEET. Sampson Ordered ' to Send Two - Monitors to Havana. '.-'. Washington. - May 17.-.Orders have been issued to Admiral Sampson Havana in order it may. beperfectly invulnerable. He bas therefore sent the monitors Puritan and Ampbitrite from his squadron to engage in that service. PHILIPPINE INSURGENTS WILL.CO-OPERATE. General Aquinado Will Organize Land Forces. HONG Kong, May 17. General Aquinado, leader of tbe Phillipine in surgents has returned to Manilla, and will organize land forces to co-operate with Americans. Phillipine insurgents are wild to engage again in battle with the Spaniards, and will prove valuable soldiers if properly officered. Took the Oath of Office. Portland, May, 17. Deputy TJ. S. District Attorney C. J. Sehnabel form ally severed his connection with the district court yesterday, and saw Ed win Mays installed as his successor. Upon motion of Mr. Schnabel, Mr. Mays was first admitted to practice in the two departments of the federal court and .the retiring official then handed the court his successor's com mission and oath of office. Judge Bellinger administered the oath and then congiatulated Mr. Mays upon his appointment. A Blc lemoustrtlon Portland, May 17. The greatest demonstration in tbe history of Port land was the farewell given the Ore gon volunteers when they took the train for San Francisco. The city was alive with the throng that congre gated to see the soldiers leave. Off for the Philippines. Madrid, May 17. It is reported that an exp- dition will be fitted out here at once and sent to the Philippines. The extent of tbe expedition or the num ber of fighting men to be sent has not been made public. Millions for War. Washington, May 17. The total appropriations passed by congress thus far for war purposes is $400, 020,000. This far exceeds the amount expended, but wil' not be sufficient to conduct the war more than one month. Arrived From Cuba. New York, May 14. John F. Jora, a Cuban insurgent currier, arrived at Key West this morning with import. ant communications. They have been transmitted to Washington, but have not been made public. Blew Cp a Schooner. KEY WEST. May 17. The cruiser Wilmington overhauled a Spaniin cruiser in the gulf yesterday and blew it up. The Schooner was completely demolished. Headed for Cuba. Point De Paix Two Spanish war ehipa were sighted, passing here this morning going: west. It is presumed they are beaded for some point on the southern coast of Cuba. Died From Heart Failure. Vancouver, Wash., Jlay 17. Amos Shaw, a well known resident of this section, died last evening while com ing to town in a wagon. Heart failure was the cause of his death. Eighty Thousand Enlisted. Washington, May 17. The total Ryal makes tbe food pure, wbelesome and delicious. 111 POWDER Absolutely Pure enlistment of volunteers up to date is 80,143 men and 3,532 officers. The ex amination of state militia Den is not yet completed, and when it is probably 100,000 will be accepted out of the first call for 125.000. CAPTURING ELEPHANTS. Sport That the Maharajah Occasional Indulges In. The enterprise is organized for the amusement of the maharajah, and takes place only once in about four years, else the forest would be denuded of big game. A small array, consisting of about 5,000 men and perhaps three ele phants and a few horses, take part in the hunt, says Chambers' Journal, and they carry tents and provisions, just as if a campaign against a powerful en emy were in prorrress. vhen the pad marks of the elephant are found he is steadily tracked down, and as soon as he is found a trained fighter of his own species is urged against him. As a rule, he steadily retreats upon ight of his pursuers, and their ob ject is to press him so as to tire him out. He then stands at bay. and ihe tug of war commences. The opposing animals butt at one another with their heads down, and should one show his i flanks, he is quickly brought to earth, j When finally conquered, the wild ele phant is pressed by his pursuers toward water, of which he is so much, in need after his exertions that his hind legs can be shackled as he drinks. He is then kept attached by ropes to other ele phants until he gradually becomes ac customed to bondage, and. in a few months he is completely under control. The sport is a bloodless one, and the el ephants when captured are most kind' ly treated. AN A.v.ww.i-. ni STORY. It Besulted in Heating the Heads Instead of Cooling. Necessity is the mother of invention, and among those which this hot weath er has called into existence chapeaux a glace are perhaps the most ingenious and extraord ianry. This new article is'nelther more nor less than a top hat fitted with, an inner apartment for tie reception of a fair-sized lump of 4ce, which freshens the layer of air. about the 'head, and is' yet so thoroughly wuterpropf lUnl, .ycumay wear .it f.05.. (-hours after tte is thawed without experiencing the slightest discomfort. An individual who, wise in his genera tion, was provided with one of these head-refreshers took his seat outside a cafe on one of the boulevards the other afternoon, shortly after the dinner hour. The scats on the sidewalk were almost all taken, and he was about to retire in dudfeon, when the waiter es pied a free table and invited him to ty.ke it. After he hsd freely indulged in bocks of ?Iunich beer, it occurred to him thnt r.o.v was the time to renew the ice in his hat. Xo sooner thought than (lone. He poured out the water from the receptacle, and then noticed that there was no ice about, whereupon he rcrl.'.crd his hat on the ground and called out to the v.aitcr, who usually takes a f-cc.l deal of callitif'at that busy hour of the c'ay. Meanwhile another individual, whr.se curiosity was moved by th'.; strange spectacle of water issu ing from a silk hat, purreptitiously took the headnrar in his hand, inspect ed it, ai.d put it l ack, but not, as it chanced, in exactly the same plqe. Now, there were many top hats on the ground at tho rrorr"?nt, for the heat was excessive, and the bulk cf the visitors had indulged in abtm-lant dining, and were eager to te rcfi esni'd. v nen at last the ice crroe, the gentleman for whom it was intended was busy con versing with a friend who had just arrived, so he took the ice in his hand, ard, without lool.ii?g under the table, tc-mporiirily j 'laced it, as he thought, in the watertight receptacle of his patent topper, mtrnd'ng to arrange it proper ly iati-r on. "Put r r" rori-.t:fm V' ITirp and UNION TICKET STATE. For Governor WILL K KLNG, of Baker County For Secretary of State HARRISON R KINCAID, of Lane County For Supreme Judge W M RAMSEY, of Yamhill Coanty For Attorney-General J L STORY, of Wa?co County For State Treasurer J O BOOTH, of Josephine County For State Printer DHAS A FITCH, of Clackamas County For Supt Public Instruction H S LYMAN, of Clatsop County DISTRICT, for congressman Second District. C M DONALDSON, of Baker. For Circuit Judge Seventh District W L BRADSHAW, of Wasco County For Prosecuting Attorney Seventh District. N H GATES, of Wasco. For'Member State Board of Equaliza tion, O P KING, of Sherman. For Representatives of Wasco and Sherman Counties, C L MORSE, and A J BRIG HAM. COUNTY. For County Clerk, M J ANDERSON, For Sheriff, I D DRIVER, For Treasurer W H ARBUCKLE For Commissioner FM JACK-iON For Assessor J H ALDRICH For School Superintendent P P UNDERWOOD For Surveyor H L HOWE For Coroner J H JACKSON DALLES - DISTRICT, For Justice of the Peace CHARLES SCHDTZ For 'onxtable FN HILL interesting, and might not have ended us abruptly as it did but for an unfore seen accident. A neighbor of the pos sessor of the patent hat, having paid the waiter, leisurely donned his own silk headgear, rope up, Ftretehed himself, J and then cxclanted hurriedly to a 1 friend: "Tiens! it is killing hot this evening. The perspiration is coming , oil my head in torrents.'" "Ah, yes; j it's enough to make a man melt where 1 he stands and leave nought but a stag j car.t pool to mark the place he oecu- I pied," replied the friend. "Do vou I know what it is, mon ami?" said the 1 other, in a Ei-pulchral tone, as he slow ly resumed his seat. "I am seriously ill That accursed fever that I contracted in C'reeea is on me affain, and I feel as if-- Good heavens, look at that?" he exclaimed, as little streamlets of ! icy cold water f owed rapidly over bis eyes, nose and chin on to his white pique waistcoat. His companion looked in sheer amazement at the liorror stricl.en face of his friend, which was as T.le r.s a rhcot. Then he said: "We had better drive home at once. What ever have you been eating for dinner? Xot mushrooms, I hope? But first take oft your hat and unbutton your vest." The moment the hat was removed a !:jge chunk of bluish ice dropped into .he wineelass on the table, knocking it ou to the ground, where it smashed with a loud ensh that aroused the at- tention of the public. "Millie ton ' uerrcs!" cried the white vested indi vidual; 'what mauvais drole has been trying to play his practical jokes on me? What the is thrs?" he contin ued, looking at the patent headcover ing; and then.ina lit of passion, he caved in the unoffending crown against his humid knee. "Xom d'une pipe," shout ed the owner of the chapcau a glace, "how dare you treat my property in that unceremonious fashion? I will leach you manners;" and with that he seized upon a hat that lay near the of. fender, and reduced it to a shapeless pulp. "Ma's, men Deu! that's my f roperty." exclaimed a thhd individual, r-uttic his face provolringlj' up beside '.hat of the other. "What right have you, monsieur ?" "I'e is a madman, Uo carries ices and soups in his hat mid pockets,' exela'med another. "Then he should be sent to Charenton," remarked a bystander. "No, Francois; 'io fighting," whimpered one man to his friend, the hero of tbe hat. It was with extreme difficulty that a free fight was avoided, but the gentlemen duly ex changed cards, and, having nearly lost their heads, went bc c hatless and .oled to bed. London Telegraph. "Tie Water Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH FieigHt am Passe p Lite jr'' ' . . l'V- ' . , LOWEST RATES BEST SERVICE FASTEST TIME The steamers of this line will leare The Dalles at 8:00 A. M. Shipments received at any time, dav ornignt. Live stock shipments solicited. Call on or address, H' C- HLLHJalHY. COLUMBIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY TIME SCHEDULE. Effective Oct. 10, 1697.' o. 1 Leave 6:15 P. M. 7:15 P. M. Arrive Mo. S Arrive BlGGS Wasco 6:00 A. M 5:00 A. M Leave Connection made with O. R. & passenger trains at Biggs. E. E.LYTLE, .C. O'REILLV N. E.LYTLE, President General Manngor R. E. Saltmarshe AT THB East Eg STOCK T S, WILL PAY THE HighestCash Price for Hay and Grain. DEALER IN LIVE STOCK THE. Cary House Bar Prineville, Oregon. Presided over by Joe Hinkle. Carries tne best brands Wines, Liquors I Cigars When in that city call on Joe Ionnt lid Sample Room THE DALLES, OR. BeSt Kentucky Whisky FROM LOTJS VIXXE Very Best Key West Cigars and Bes of Wines. English Porter, Ale and Milwaukee Beer always on hand. MAETZ & PUNDT PROPRIETORS Z. F. MOODY General Commissioa- and Forwarding Merchant 391, 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE8T. (Adjoining Consignments Solicited rompt attention will be paid to ANDY in k 4 - j r 1 -ii 1 mm 1 ssi T"in . . -r- (ABSOLUTELY 6DARANTECD '' " "y ,'pof "'p'. rwmrKs h. Md u. 1 Yl J? r. . J:r :"'-,"',,''l"rr.p.biitciijee.fiitnnilrnilts. Sam lend booklet free. Art. STTRMXJ KLIIEllV 1 0- rhirn:ro. Mosti-wl. Caa.. rS;w TorsT Pom Medicinis for Liitle Stomachs Tn procuring nny prescription, you ought to know that the in gredients are absolutely pure, but lor the baby's delicate stom ach it is so very serious if med icines given it are not so. Your physician will tell you that you can rely on what you get here. BLAKEEY & HOUGHTON Family Druggists DRUGS Wall Paper. Paints, Oils, . . BRUSHES . . . .window glass: SMPES-KMEESLY DRUG 129 Second Street HARRY 0. LIB BE, Watchmaker and Jeweler DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY, SILVERWARE AND DIAMONDS. Fine Repairing a Specialty. Watches for Woolgrowers A. SPECIALTY VOGT BLOCK, STUBLIMG & WHOLESALE Wines, MPft 173 SECOND STREET The Celebrated Val Blatz B3er, Anhauser-Busc i Nutrine, a non-alchoholic beverage unequaled as a tonic THE DALLES DISTILLING & GARBONATING WORKS Weaver & Nagel, Proprietors. Manufacturers of Light Drinks delivered to any 238 Second Street. Fruit and Fl$li Boxes Made from Yellow Tine at our Factory at Lyle. Also Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Paints, Lead and Oils, Brushes and Building Hardware. Get our Prices Before Buying Job Printing Railroad Depot) those who favor tne with their patronage - - CATHARTIC ALL CO. All Work Warranted THE DALLES, OREGON WILLIAMS Oigas and Beer. and Fruit SvruDS. Goods x . part of the city. Phone 35. ROME 5 CO. Of all kinds done at ahort notice and to reasonable rates at this otnoe. m -I