3 EASTERN EPART WOMAN'S EDITION THE DALLES TIMES-MOUNTAINEER. OREGON'S GREATEST D MENT STORE Up Against Bargains 3)0(0 Note the few suggestions w footwear and make your selec e make regarding !easoiiablc tions earlv. Mens Russia Calf, Lace, Vesting top new coin toe 5.00 g3 50(0 o)oa 0)0(0 Ladies Vici Kid, lace, in chocolate or Black $2.50 to $4.00 opera V J & TIPTOE. TIPTOE. COMMON StSjga Ladies Kid Oxfords in Tan or Ox Blood, needle or coin toe $1.50 to J4.00 Childs Kid foxed, Vesting top, lace. A good wearing as well as dress shoe. Sizes 5 to 8 $u$0 Sizes 8 to 1 1 75 NSV 0)0(0 Misses Vesting top, lace, Tan Vici Kid, foxed, sizes n to 2 $2.50 Misses Kangaroo calf, lace or button. Good, hon est school shoe, 11 14 to 2 l.Rb to -.2o The Printer Said ... He would put this Ad. right under the marriage notices so that the ladies would all be sure to see it, but if he doesn't we hope they'll see it just the same. U J You don't go it blind when you walk into our store for groceries. The quality is there before you, so apparent that it cannot be concealed or questioned. It's this broad, open-to-inspection method of dealing which has won for us the cnoice trade of careful buyers. If You want to buy quality As well as Groceries, You Should Try Us. o)o(o hoppin Interests WASH FA1BRICS That fairly whisper thoughts of warm days of Summer. Delicate tinted fabrics greet the eye. French, German, Eng. lish, Scotch and our own American makes are blended into one bewildering show. Organdies join hands with filmy, airy Batistes; Linen Novelties, with daintv Dimities. PEHSE ORGANDIES AND 131 VL IT IBS. At 8 l-oc, 10c, 12 l-2c, loc and 20c, that are worth double the money. Percales that will wash and keep their color. In Dimity patterns at 10c, 12 l-2c and 15c. DRESS GOODS FOR SPRING. A collection, double, yes, almost treble the quantity we have hitherto shown, in assortments that will compare favorably with any in the state. If the largest variety to select from, at iowest possible prices, will win your trade, we are bound to sell you your spring costume. NEW ARRIVALS Consists of Bayaderes, Etamines, Vigeroux, Whip Cords, Cheviots, Poplins and French Fancies at 50c, G5c and 85c. 0 WORDS OF OURS Can add to the attractions of this storeful of new suits and top coats. There's elegance here, there's style and quality, good cloth, honest tailoring, the mak er's guarantee and ours back of every Hart, Schaffner & Marx garment THERE ARE KINDS ENOUGH HERE TO PLEASE ALL AND PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY IE can't make these facts greater or less by talking about them. We can only ask you to come and see .for yourself. The best arguments we've got are on the counters and shelves right here in the store. HART, 80HAFFNER & MARX. GUARANTEED OLOTHINQ. MT SOWTMCI fcf THE DALLES HHYS OREGON o o