MAI ER &. BENTON Is it a Good Rig C L EVE LA N D You Want THEN CALL AT (CLEVELAND) 1 MANFfi' CO m I Mureiiie Brothers livery Barn. '98 Models Xo Ready for Insperction Acknowledged by all- to be tbc best wheel made. Wlieels rented and repaired. 167 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. They will fit you out with the best that is going. Single or Double rigs, one, two or four horses. Special attention to boarding horses by the day, week or month. SECOND STREET, THE DALLES. JOS. T. PETERS & CO BUILDING MATERIALS tadebakers Lead the World in High Grade Vehicles' We invite 'you to call at our Salesrooms, 320 to 328 E. Morrison Street, Portland. Our goods are sold in The Dalles by PEASE & MAYS. A FIRMER IE IN THE LINE OF RURAL IMPLEfl E N The Finest G-oods in the Market m OSBORNE 6t CO'S All Steel Mower, "Columbia" Self Binding- Harvester, All Steel Rake, All Steel Hay Tedder. ' Also full line of Plows, Harrows, Seeders, Cultivators, Planet Jr. Tools, Weber Wagons, Mountain Hacks, Columbus Buggies, Wind Mills, Feed Mills, Feed Cutters, Root Cutters, Cider Mills, Spray Pumps, Force Pumps, Hay Presses. Sole Agents DB LAVAL "BABY" HAND-POWER CREAM SEPARATORS . And Farm, Dairy and Creamery Machinery. P. O. Drawer No. 26. ASSORTHENT ENDLESS. 13 to 27 First Street, New Market Block, Portland, Ore, Hention This Paper. 4 AGENTS EVERYWHERE.