TH E. LARGEST; AN DBEST ASSORTED STOGk iAYS GROW 1L THE DALLES, OREGON. Rushford 11 3 Wag ons Have Made a Reputation for Themselves They are made at Winona, Minn., in the heart -of best .timber section in America, and it is the pride of the Winona Wagon Company to build. . .... u. Not the Cheapest, but the Best Wagon Made. AGENCY FOR THE Victor, Crescent and Waverley . ... New 'Wheels from $25 to $50... CRESCENT CHA1NLESS, $75. We keep a Well Equipped Repair Shop. Majestic Steel Range Barb Wire, Iron, Steel and Goal, Horse Shoes, Hardwood and Wagon Makers Materials and Supplies. LASTS A ' LIFE TIME. FIRST COST IS THE LAST COST. . It don't pay to buy a CHEAP STEEL RANGE. We carry a full line of Cook and Heating Stoves i Light and Heavy Hard ware, :---Tinware, Granite ware, Winchester Rifles, Shotguns, Reyolvers, and Ammunition, Etc. Fishing Tackle PLUMBING and ' ? PLUMBING SUPPLIES , ' Sewer and Chimney Pipe, Water Pipe, etc. -. , Bath Tubs, Closets, etc. : -Wind Mills, Pumps, etc. We carry a full and Complete Line of ' v : - Paints and Oils, Doors, Sash, Glass, Jossen Cement We are Distributing Agents for y V W. P. FULLER & CO. OF POUTUN1), OUE. RACINE AND BANNER BUGGIES Carriages, Hacks, Buckboards and SpringWagons of all kinds. We buy these goods in carloads, direct A from the makers and are in a position to make ; prices that defy competition. . ' ' ; . , Orders sent us direct will receive: the same attention and will be .billed at as low prices as if sent direct to them at Portland. " John Deere PLOWS AND HARROWS - The goods are too well known to need a description! There is nothing better made. MOLINE,ILL. ' Piano, Buckeye, Hodge, and Acme flowers. We are sole agents for abovebuy them direct from the manufacturers FOR Cash, and our prices are down to bottom. . . We also carrv the following: Jones Chain Drive Mowers, Jones' Reapers, Jones' leaders', Jones' Binders Buckeye Reapers, Hodge Hay Rakes, Jones' Hay Rakes, Maud Muller Hav Rakes. - Get Our Prices and Savef Money. .