MKSCO At: w Compnj arenouse General Storage, Forwarding, and Commission Agents LARGEST ALL BRICK STORAGE WAREHOUSE In Oregon, Over loo,ooo Square Feet Floor Room Liberal Cash Advances on consignments Wool and Wheat. Highest price paid for Wheat, Oats and Barley, also Indian Pulled Wool and Pelts. . . . . FOR SALE Feed and seed grain of all kinds, Bran, Shorts , ' . and Flour; also Cement, Lime, Plaster, Hair, Lath, Shingles, Barbwire, Nails, Wool-bags, Grain-bags, Twine, Sheep Dip. Sole Agents in The Dalies for "Peacock" Brand of Flour THE DALLES TO PORTLAND ! flay or June Are the most beautiful months in the year for a trip on the Columbia. From The Dalles to Portland it is ouj continual panorama of the most magnificient scen ery the world affords. ....... Good time is made, and with the low rates in effect, THE REGULATOR LINE . . Should increase in popularity, and grow in public favor. Information furnished upon application. . . W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent, The Dalles, Oregon DONT YOU KNOW The Best Place in The Dalles to get a Stylish Rig and Fast Team is at LP m tith oil IN THE EAST END All teams and rigs turned out are strictly-first-class, and it is a pleasure to use them: Farmers and freighters find it to their ad- i - Archer's. vantage to put up their teams at Kiel: mono s O Id Stan d , T he Da lies. Or