& 14 WOMAN'S EDITION THE DALLES TIMES-MOUNTAINEER v 41- 0. R. N. The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co Do You Know That you can get a 10-day round trip excursion ticket The Dalles to Portland via the O. R. A N. Co. for $4.50. .... That the loss of two days required to make the round trip on the river costs you more than that, ;:nd when you pay your necessary expenses and your fare, you are "out and iujured."- ..... Are you going "down the valley" orio Eastern Washington, then take the O.R.&N. through between Portland and your destination and save a day or two in time and expenses. Through Tickets . . TO ALL POINTS EAST are on sale at The Dalles. Personally conducted Weekly Excursions to' the 'East in modern upholstered tourist sleepers leave The Dalles on train No. 2 at 11.45 P. M Mondays to Kansas City, Chicago and Boston via Salt Lake, Mo. Pacific Railwav and Chicago & Alton Railway. .... Tuesdays to St. Joe, Kansas City and St. Louis, via Salt Lake and C. R. I. & P. "Wednesdays to St. Joe, Kansas "Cfty and Boston, via Salt Lake and Burlington route. Thursdays to Kausas City and St. Louis via Salt Lake and Mo. Pacific Railway. First-class and Tourist Sleepers leave The Dalles daily for all points east at 5:25 P. M. via Spokane and the Great Northern Railway, and at 11 45 P. M. via Huntington and the Union Pacific Railroad ..... The elegant steamers "Geo. W Elder" and "City of Topeka" leave Portland altern ately about every eight days for Alaska points. Fare Dalles to Wrangel, cabin $33.45; steerage $23.45; Juneau $38.45 cabin, $25.45 steerage; Skagwaj-, Dyea and Sitka $43.45 cabin, $28.45 steerage. Steamer "Geo. W. Elder" connects at Sitka for Yakulak, Orea, Copper River i nd Kodiak, fare from Dalles $88.45 cabin, $63.45 steerage Through tickets The Dalles to San Francisco $15.45 first class and $11.45 second class. Steamers leave Portland every three days. .... Trains Nos. 1, leaving The Dalles 3:30 A. M., and 2, leaving The Dalles 6:55 A. M., make close connections at Portland with Southern Pacific and Northern Pacific trains. For further information or time-cards, cell on, or address W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. I JAHES IRELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon, The Oregon! Railroad & Navigation Gompainiy 0. R.