The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, May 07, 1898, Image 1

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    titlmd Mirry
AO 33
Physician and Surgeon,
Room, over Dalle National Bank. Office hour., 10
a m to 12 m, and from z to 4 p in. liesi
denca Wert End of Third Street,
Attorney at Law
Rooms 8 9 and 10. - Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or.
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregoiffor
Wasco County.
The First National bank of The Dalles Oregon,
a corporation. PlaintiO,
vs. .
William Birtfeld and Laura E. Birgfeld, De
By virtue of an execution, duly issued out of
and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the
."vSrtiUo or Oraron. lor me uounty oi was u. iu
ma (liriu-tpd and dated the lKtD aav OI April
)S8. upon a Judgment rendered and entered in
said court on tne fin aay oi August. m, iu iuc
above entitled cause, iu favor of the plaintiff
and against the defendants above named as
judgment debtors, in the sum of six hundred
-ana eu;nty-one aoiiars ana sixty cents,
with interest thereon from the 4th day of
Aumist. mrl. at the rate of ten per cent per an
num. and the further sum of sixty dollars, as
attorney's fees, nud the further sum of sixty
four dollars and sixty-three cents, costs, and
the costs of and unon this writ, and command
trig me to make sale of the property belonging
to sal a aeienuanis i aia,on me na uuy ui
March, lfc98, duly levy upon, and I will, on the
21st day of May. 1898,
At the hour of 2 o'clock, in the afternoon of
said day. and at the front door of the County
Court House, in Dalles- City. Wasco County,
Oraron. sell at Dublic auction to the highest
bidder for cash in hand. all the right, title and in
terest which the defendants William Birgleld
and Laura E. Birgfeld or either of them had on
the 4th day or August, iwi. the date oi the judg
ment herein, or which such defendants or any
of the defendants herein, have since acquired,
or now have in and to the folio a in; described
real property, situate and ?eing in Wasco
County. Oregon, to-wit:
An undivided one-fifth interest In and to all
the S. Vt of N. W. M section 16: all of sections
21, 23.25. and 35: S. E. X and N. H N. W.
section 22: N. W. h section 26: W. H N. W. H
W. A S. W. W. S. E. 4. S. W. M and S. V. S. E.
H section 34; 6 V, S. W. H section 36: all in
township 7 S. range 17 E. W. M.; also all of
section 3 townships 5. range 17 w. m. 10
Wasco county. Oregon: said Interest in the
above described real property bei: g the same
descended to and inherited by the t-ald Laura
E. Birgfeld upon the death ur Alexander Kog
ers, and Matilda Rogers, her father and
mother, or so much of said property ns will
satisfy said judgment and decree, with costs
and accruing costs.
Said property will be sold subject to confir
mation and redemption as by law provided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 20th day of
April, 11m.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco county, K F. Harboldt. Flalntm,
vs. Louis Harboldt. Defendant.
To Louis Harboldt. the above named defend
ant: In the name of the State of Oregon you
are hereby required to appear and answer the
above complaint herein nica against you in me
above entitled suit within ten days from the
date of the service of this summons upon you.
lf served within this county, or 11 serveo
within any other county of this state, them
within terty days of the date of the
service of this summons, or if servtd by
publication then by the first day of the term
of this court following the expiration of
the time prescribed in the order for the service
of the summon upon you by publication there
of, to-wit; the 23d day of May. 1W8. and if you
fall so to appear and answer, judgment will be
taken against you for want thereof, and the
plaintiff Will apply to the court for the relief
prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: a decree of
divorce from you, tbe above named defendant,
and for her costs and disbursements herein.
. and for such other and further relief as to tbe
. court may seem equitable and just. This sum-
, mons Is i-erved npon you by publication thereof
once a week for six consecutive weeks in The
? Dalles Times-Mountatneer, a weekly news-
'-. paper published itt Wasco county. Oregon,
fViS '"nsventh Jhrl-ciol district, of th State) of Oregon
made at chambers. Dalie3 City. Wasco county.
- Oregon, the 8th day of April. 1891
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for
Wdsco County. W. F. Magill, plaintiff, vs.
M Magill. defendant.
To M. Magill. the above named defendant: In
the name of the state of Oregon : You are here
by required to appeirand answer the complaint
of the above named plaintiff nld in the above
entitled suit against you on Monday the 23-1
day of May. 1898. said day being the first dav of
the next regu'ar term of said Court, following
the final publication of this Summons; and if
you fail so to appear and answer suid com
plaint the above named plaintiff will apply to
the above entitled court for tbe relief prayed
for in his complaint, to-wit: For a decree of
said Court to the effec that the bonds of mat
rimony heretofore and now existing between
you and said plaintiff be forever annulled, set
aside and held for naught.
This Summons Is served upon you by publi
cation thereof for six consecutive weeks in tbe
Times Mountaineer oy order of the Hon. W. L.
Bradshaw. judge of the above entitled Court
and of the Seventh Judicial District of the
State of Oregon, which order bears date the 18th
day of March, 1808.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Wasoo. Clara Hays, Plaintiff
vs. John Hays. Defendant.
To-John Hays, the above named defendant:
In the name of tbe State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit by the first day of the next regular term of
tbe above entitled court following the expira
tion of the time prescribed in the order
for the publication of this summons,
to-wit: on the 23d day of May, H8M,
and if you fail so to appear and answer, plain
tiff will applv to the court for the relief praved
for in her complaint, to-wit: for a decree that
the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now
existing between plaintiff and defendant be dis
solved and held for naugl.t: that the plaintiff
be awarded toe future care and custody of the
minor children, and forher costs and disburse
ments herein and for such other and further re
lief at to the court may seem eqitable and just.
This service is made upon you by the publi
cation of this summons once a wee it for six con
secutive weeks by order of Hon. W. L. Brad
shaw. judge of the above entitled court, which
-order was made at chambers in Dalles City,
.Oregon, on the 1st day of April 18D8.
N. H. Gates,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the County Court of tne State of Oregon, for
the County of s Wasco. Ada S. Henry,
Plaintiff vs. Gray S. Henry, defendant.
To Gray S. Henry. Defendant: In the name
of the Siate of Oreson. yoa are hereby required
to appear and answer the complaint filed
against vou, in the above entitled suit in tne
above entitled Court, on or before tbe first day
of the next term of said Court, after six weeks
publication of this summons, to-wit: on or be
tore-Monday, the 23dday of May. and if you
fail to appear and answer, the plaintiff will
apply to tbe Court for tbe relief demanded in
the complaint
The relief demanded in the complaint is for a
decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony sub
sisting between plaintiff and defendant on the
ground of desertion ; for the custody of three
minor children of the parties, and for such
other relief as te the Court may seem equitable.
This ummors is published pursuant to an
order made bv Hon. w. L. Bradshaw. judge of
tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Wasco county, which order wns made and
entered on the 1st day of April, 18S8.
Attorney lor Plaintiff.
In the C'rcnii Court of the State of Oregon, for
th County of Wasco, C. W. Taylor, Plain
ti" vs. Eva B. Taylor, Defendant
To Eva B. Taylor, Defendant: In the name
of the State of Oregon you are hereby required
to appear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled court and suit
on or before Monday, the 23d day of May. 1898,
that being the first day of the term of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
county next following the expiration of the
time prescribed by said court for the publica
tion of this summons, and If you fail so to
appear and answer the complaint herein within
said time, for want thereof, the plaintiff will
apDly to the court for the relief demanded in
the complaint herein, to-wit : for a decree dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now existing
between the plaintiff and defendant, for the
costs and disbursements of this suit, and for
such other and further relief as may seem
equitable. This summons is published by
order of the Hon. Wm. Bradshaw, judge of the
aid Court, mae on the fifth day of April, 1836,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
For constipation take Earl'a Clover
Koot Tea, the great blood purifier.
Cures headache, nervousness, erup
tions 00 the face, and makes the head
.clear as a bell. Sold by Blakeley k
Houghton, Th Dallei.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco county. E. E. Savage as administra
tor of the estate of Annie Rich, deceased,
Plaintiff, vs. William A. Langille, Sarah
Laneille, II. D. Langille and James - L.
- Lantrille. Defendants.
To William A. Langille. one of the defend
ants above named: In th 1 nam of the State
of Oregon, you are herebv required to appear
and answer the complaint of the plaintiff
abi:ve named on. or before the first day 01 tne
next regular term of said court, to-wit ; tne zaa
day of May, 1898. or the plaintiff wl.l apply to
tne court ior tne reiiei prayea ior in nis com
plaint, to-wit: a decree foreclosing a t-ertain
mortgage executed bv William A. Langille and
Sarab Langille on lot No. 6, in block C. in tbe
nrst addition West, to the town or Hood ruver.
Wasco county, Oregon Service of this sum
mom is made by publication thereof in Tbe
Dalles Times-Mountaineer in persuunce or an
order made bv Hon. W. L. Brydshaw, Circuit
judge, at chambers April 8th. ihus.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, t
April 7. 1W8. (
Notice i hereby given that the following
named settlers nave tiled notice 01 intention to
make final proof on their respective claim be
fore Register and Receiver, at The Dalles,
Oregon on Wednesday, May 25. 1808. viz:
on Homestead Application No. 3808. for the E'
K'Ma tnd W NE! Sec. 15, tp 1 n, r 12 e, W.
on Homestead Application No. 3S09, for the E'4
NE4 and E SEX Sec. 15. tp. 1 n. r 12 e, W.M.
They named the following witnesses to prove
their cont auous residence upon and cultiva
tion or said land :
Witnesses: Joseph L. Banna. Henry S.
H.nna. G. F. Arnold. J. S. Hoyt and W.G.
Spencer, all of The Dalles. Oregon.
Land Office atThe Dalles. Oregon, i
March 21. 1898. f
Notice is herebv given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before register and
receiver at The Danes, uregon. on Monday.
May 2. 1898. viz:
H. E. No. 37U8 for the svx sec 25. tp I n.. r
14 e. W. M.
He names the .following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultivation
or said land, viz:
Matthew Randall. James Kelly. John Quirk.
Martin w aterman. au ox 1 ne uanes uregon.
Land Office at The Dalles. Orecok, I
March 28. I98. f
Notice is hereby given thot the following-
named, settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
thai, said proof will be made before Register
and Keceiver at The .Danes, uregon, on. Wed
nesday. May 11. 1898. viz:
Homestead Application No. 38.S8 for the Lots 1,
2, 3 and 4 Sec. 31, tp 1 n. r 12E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: John Meslie, Theodore Mes
plie. F. M-ithieu and Alexander Huguenin. all
ofTheDalles. Jas F. .Moors,
Land Office at The Dai.i.hs. Oreoon, I
A'jrfl 21. 1898. (
Notice is herebv given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the register
ana receiver at Tne Danes, uregon, on aion
dij, Jue 6, 1(98. viz. -
Of The Dalles, H. E. No. 3884, for the N!-5 SE;
and E V, NE 1-4 Sec. 11. To. 1 S . R 1 1 E. W. M.
He names tbe following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
W C Clark, W H Clark. Albert Turner and
Charles Gosson, all of The Dalles. Oreg m.
az JAS. r . muukis, Keglster.
Laud Office at The Dalles. Oregon, I
April 21, li-98. S
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler cas filed notice of bis intention
to make flnul proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver, at Tbe ualles. Oregon, on Tues
day, May 31. 1H98. viz: Andrew MeCa be. of The
Dalles; H E No. 52S9. for the XW 1-4 sec 29,
Tp 1 n . R. 14 e.. W M.
He nam; s the following witnesses to prove
nis co tinuous lesiueuoe uyon aua cuit.vatlon
of. :i id land, viz:
M M Wattermau. Timothy Evans, L A Sears,
and J C Benson, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
a23" Register.
R. E. Saltmarshe
HighestCashPrice for
Hay and Grain.
Effective Oct. 10, 1897.
ho. 1
6:15 P. M.
7:15 p. M.
no. a
6:00 A. M
5:00 A. M.
Leave -
Cod nection made with O. R. &
passenger trains at Biggs.
President General Manager
ojo 'pncjvKM JS noiSninseAA OSZ
nua3v Uu0 'uopraijs -3 -y
saorgo isjpi j "1 -s "O P 'NVS'O
irewoxra uosifiidq. p siospii qitaojqx
MC3 l0V3 m
J3oi '.twed qora till ja3iueu uoisjns
-xg sjbd pood iamii tAiauaDS aui
oilesiiio jo sraoq is oj 95 iv.D sbsucx
jo cqcuio 01 qusq c joj cj j'iuo "dut puel
JMO m SlfHIU Ol AEU eqt!tJ0JUI03 isoiu pus
isadestp sqi aae 'auiuaAa Svpsaujam ajsas
pnciuo j qaiqAt Suoisjnxa Jca jsijooj
uoiStniijng aqx isro j3U.AAjaA3 01 J3aucI
uiai) auji jsdMOqs m S uovuijna aqx
-J3AO peaj 01
jsipn Jnoi iirej noi j3ad3t jo jsea pvoj
-lEj" JBqJl BOA SI(S8 JBiSE )31P!1 9qi HSR
Job . .
Of all kinds done on short
notice and at reasonable
rates at this office.
Governor Lord
Appoints the
Regiment Officers.
Irving-ton Park Is the City of White
Tents and Dashing- Sol
dier Boys.
I Summers Appointed Colonel Voran, E-st-
wiclc, Willis and Gantenblen, Majors-
Portland Alive With Soldiers
and Officers
Washington, April 31). The war
department has just placed orders for
100 dw torpedo boats.
PORTLAND, April 30. The trains
today coming- from the east and south
have brought militiamen from differ
ent parts of the state, and the city is
full of blue coats. They have estab
lished camp at Irvington Park, where
the men are busily engaged erecting
their quarters. As each company
arrives it is taken to the park where
it is greeted with cheers. Co. G, from
The Pailes arrived on the 10:30 train.
and proceeded at once to Irvington,
Today Governor Lord announced
his appointments of regiment officers.
They are, Summers, colonel; Yoran,
Eastwick, Willis and Gantenbien,
majors. Yoran and Willis belong to
tbe Second regiment and the others
te tbe First.
It is as easy to catch a cold just and
easy to pet rid of it if you commence
early to use One Minute Cough Cure,
It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis
pneumonia and all throat and lung
troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe
to use and sure to cure. Snipes and
Havana Falls to Respond to a Challenge to
Key West, April 30. This morn
ing the American fleet appeared in
front of Havana and opened fire on the
fort, but failed to elicit a response
from the Spaniards. Not a shot was
fired from the Spanish fort. The
Spaniards are either not ready to
fight, or hoped to entice the American
fleet within nearer range of their
Yesterday's storm was disastrous to
the Spanish fleet at Cape Verde Is
lands. Several of the vessels are bad
ly disabled and have been taken in
tow to Canary Islands.
The flying squadron has put to sea
intending to intercept the Spanish fleet
on its way to the Canaries, and a bat
tle may o?cur tonight.
Troy Laundry.
The Elite barber shop is the author
ized agent in The Dalles for the Troy
Laundry, and patrons of the lauudry
will be promptly served by calling at
the Elite. Calls answered on phone
119. Packages collected and delivered
promptly. H. D. Pakfins;
Pror netor.
General Hhafter Ordered to Invade the
City Next Wednesday.
Washington, April 30. Orders
have been issued by the war department
to general Shafter to proceed at once
to Cuba and invade Havana next Wed
nesday. The manner of invasion has
not yet been made public, but those
who appear to know give out the state
ment that the troops will be landed at
Matanzas,and the base of action will be
from that point. The Americana will
arm and co-operate with -the in
surgents. The navy will convoy the
land forces and protect them until
they are safely landed.
Mrs. Stark, Pieisant Ridge, O., says
"After two doctors gave up my boy to
die, I saved him from croup by using
One Minute Cough Cure." It is tbe
quickest and most certain -remedy for
coughs, colds and all -throat and lung
troubles. Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co.
Spanish Soldiers Sick.
Matanzas, April 30. The Spanish
army throughout Cuba is in a deplor
able condition. What insurgent bul
lets has failed to do disease is doing.
Over 30,000 soldiers are sick, and in
hospitals incapable of active service.
The death rate amon; the soldiers is
very great. .
Change of Schedule.
To all concerned: Commencing
Monday, May 2d, the steamers of the
Regulator line will leave Portland at
6:30 A. M., and Tbe Dalles at 8:30 A. M.
W. C. Allaway,
General Agent.
British CodsqI Alarmed.
S anti AGO, Cu ba, April 30. Foreign
ers are no longer safe here, the Span
ish authorities being unable to main
tain order and protect liyes. This has
aroused ti e British consul here to call
upon the English government to sta
tion a warship in the harbor to enforce
order and keep down riot.
Lost, Strayed or Stolen.
One small gray mare krgjwn as
"Cricket," a race pony. Strayed away
about the 1st of April. She is branded
E on right hip and three small Os on
left hip, one O under two thus, OO.
A reward of $5 will be paid for her
delivery-to Mrs. Maloney, Tbe Dalles.
d&w 1 mo.
Entertained by the Grays.
Tampa, Florida, April 30. Ex-con
federate soldiers here today gave a
rousing demonstration in honor of tbe
army. The city was festooned with
national colors, and patriotic speeches
were made by many men who wore
the gray in the rebellion.
The L leer Defeats One mt Onr Torpedo
Key West, April 30. This morn
ing the Spanish gunboat Liger en
gaged one of our torpedo boats off tbe
One of America's most fa
mous physicians says: "Scrof- $
u!a is external consumption."
Scrofulous children are often
beautiful children, hut they f
2 lack nerve force, strong hones,
(fS mm
t stout muscles and power to
m resist disease For delicate
children there is no remedy
equal to
T -m aim t
rt nmmmmmmmmmmmmmMlmmmmwmmMmm
of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo-
2? t cm r t s oj- )
'I' nnoxnnim (11 -T T T 1 r: sltici -mhi.
m It fills out the skin bv nuttin?
S cood flesh beneath h. It makes
S the cheeks ted by making rich
tti Lf J Ti i-. i'x. v.
$ for food and gives the body
power enough to digest it. Be
sure yoti get SCOTT'S Emol- t
you get
50c and $1.00 ; all druggists.
SCOTT 4 BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
coast Cardenosiand defeated it after a
brisk run nig fight. The torpedo boat
escaped, but was considerably worsted.
Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ruddell's, 111., suf
fered for eight years from dyspepsia
and chronic constipation and was fin
ally cured by using De Witt's Little
Early Risers, the famous little pills for
stomach and liver troubles. Snines
Kinersly Drug Co.
Oetve's fleet Sighted.
San Francisco, April 30. It is re
ported from Manila that the American
Pacific squadron was sighted off the
coast of Bolena, north of Manila this
morning, but the weather was too
stormy to communicate with the in
surgents. A battle between the Amer
ican fleet an d the Spanish squadron is
expected at any time.
Prosperity comes quickest to tbe
man whose liyer is in good condition.
De Witt's Little Early Risers are fa.
mou9 little pills for constipation, bili
ousness, indigestion and all stomach
and liver troubles. Snipes, Kinersly
Drug Co.
Cannon Was Booming.
East Port, Maine, April 30. Great
excitement was caused here last night
by hearitg 33 shots off the coas-. It is
not known Lf there had been-an en
gagement at sea, but it is presumed
that the firing was occasioned by some
cruiser running down a merchantman.
A splendid city block for sale at a
jacrifice. SThis is a -rare opportunity
to get a home adapted for healthful
residence, good garden, stable, etc.
and convenient to school, for a smal.
amount and on easy term. Call at
this office at once for terms
- They Want Defense.
Washington, April 30. Pacific
coast senators were in conference with
the war department today insisting
that better defense be givenJPaciflc
coast ports. The department is arous
ed to tbe needs of better defense on
this coast and will speedily strengthen
the fortifications.
Strayed or Stolen.
One dark bay horse branded on left
shoulder with T under a half circle. A
reward of $10 for leaving him at my
ptace. Ed. Kramer,
The Dalles, Or.
Mariel Bombarded.
Key West, April 30. Marie!, Cuba,
is being bombarded by three Ameri
can vessels, and it is expected will be
reduced before night. The Spaniards
are maintaining a brisk defense.
Don't forget that the Troy Laundry
Co. has an agency at the Elite barber
shop and all orders promptly attended
to. Telephone 119.
H. D. Parkins
Going Homo to Fight.
Boston, April 30. One hundred
Spanish subjects left here today and
will join the Spanish army. It is un
derstood Spaniards are being called
home from all over the world. .
Small pill, safe pill, best -pill. De
Witt's Little Early Risers cure bilous
ness, constipation, sick headache
Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co.
Manzanllio rails.
Key West. April 30. Insurgents
today captured. Manzanillo, after a
bard fight with the Spanish forces.
Karl s Clover Root Tea, forconsti
pation its' the best and after usingit
you don't say so, return the package
and get your money. Sold by Blakelev
& Houghton, The Dalles.
Galle is Captured.
Tampa, Florida, April 30. This
morning the cruiser Dolphin captured
the Spanish gunner Galle.
Attention Freighters.
Bids are wanted for hauling about
100,000 lbs of woel and 25,000 to 35,000
lbs back freight, consisting of grocer
ies and heavy goods.
All wools to be hauled from Muddy
All of said wot la and back freight to
be well protected with wagon sheets
and delivered in good order and con
dition between the loth day of May and
1st day of July next.
Terms One-half cash will be paid
on delivery of each load at The Dallea
if desired, and the remainder on com
pletion of tbe contract.
Bids will be opened May 10th at 1 P.
M. and award made known at Moody's
warehouse May 12th, 1898. Bidders
with endorsements touching their re
sponsibility will be given the prefer
ence. The right is reserved to reject any
and all bids.
Address all bids to
O. C. O'NEIL, Superintendent,
Prineville Land & Live Stock Co.
dtw2 Antelope, Or.
y Ho-To-Bse for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit core, makes weak
Hen strong, blood pure. 50c, . All druggist
Dewey Wipes Out the Spanish
Fleet at Manilla.
Ever Ship in the Squadron Was
Either Destroyed or Disabled
Beyond Service.
T:ie Greatest Battle Unr Foaght Upon
the Water Modern Fightlag Machlno
Come Together With Awful
Washington, May 2. Owing to
Spain having a censorship over the
cable lines connecting with Phil
lipine Islands, it is impossible to get
full particulars of the battle that took
place Saturday night between the
American and Spanish fleets near
Manilla, still enough is learned to jus
tify tbe statement that it was the
quickest and most decisive battle ever
fought on tbe water.
Tbe two fleets met at midnight and
immediately the big guns began belch
ing forth and hurling heavy shots in
to tbe opposing boats. Tbe battle was
at comparatively close range and the
loss on the Spanish side was very
heavy, while tbe American loss of life
wad light. Two American cruisers
were disabled, but not beyond repair.
When tbe Spaniards saw they were
defeated, many of the sailors deserted
the ships and were drowned, while
those who remained aboard the sink-
ng vessel went down to certain death.
Co mod ore Dewey has crowned him
self with glory by having so complete
ly demolished the Spanish squadron
and virtually driven Spain off the
Pacific ocean. Army and navy of
ficials consider the battle the greatest
ever fought, and look upon Dewey ao
the most brilliant naval officer of the
Report Confirmed.
Comodore Dewer Won a Complete Vic
tory at Manilla.
Washtngton, May 2. A cablegram
from Paris confirms the report of Com
odore Dewey's victory over the Span
ish fleet at Manilla Saturday night.
The Spanish fleet was totally anni
hilated, while the American fleet es
caped with very little damage and a
light loss of life. '
The report caused great rejoicing in
the departments here, as it is proof of
the supremacy of tbe .modem naval
vessels over the antiquated ;boats' of
the Spanish navy. ' When' the Span
iards saw that they were overpowered
they began burning jD'diakingtheif
own vessels rather than be captured.
The victory of Dewey removes all
danger of an attack upon any of the
Pacific coast ports, as Dewey's fleet is
sufficient to drive any ships that may
be sent to the Pacific oceau off the sea.
What Dr. E. A. Salter 8ayi.
Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my
personal knowledge, gained in observ
ing the effect of your Shiloh's Cure in
cases of advanced Consumption, I am
prepared to say it is the most remark
able remedy that has ever been
brought to my attention. It has
certainly saved many from consump
tion. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton:
The Dalles, Or.
It Falls an Easy Victim to the American
Paris, May 2. At -an early hour
this morning Comodore Dewey lined
his fleet up in front of Manilla and be
gan pouring heavy shots into the for
tifications. Tbe bombardment lasted
several hours and after an unsuccess
ful attempt to defend themselves, tbe
Spaniards surrendered uncondition
ally. The appearance of the American
fleet before Manilla caused conster
nation among the citizens and they
began fleeing from the city. Many of
them succeeded in getting away before
tbe city was shelled. The blockade of
Manilla is complete, and not a vessel
can get in or out ot the port. -
Why suffer with coughs, colds, and
la grippe when Laxative Bromo Quin
ine will cure you in one day. Does
not produce the ringing in the head
like sulphate of quinine. Put ud in
tablets convenient for taking. Guar
anteed to cure or money refunded.
Price 25 cents. For sale by Blakeley
& Houghton, druggists, The Dalles,
Spam Will Not Give Up as Long as a Man la
New York, May2. A special to the
Times say the government at Madrid
acknowledges its fleet at Manilla is
utterly demolished and that it is vir
tually driven off the Pacific ocean.
Tho Spanish loss is estimated in
Madrid to haye been 400 killed, though
it is believed to be much greater.
The Spanish government will not
concede that the war is at an end, but
declares that it will be continued as
long as there is a Spanifh soldier left
to fight. This indicates that only tbe
intervention of. other powers can pre
vent further hostilities.
For Sale.
A choice stock ranch of 360 acres all
deeded, 300 acres under good throe-wire
fence, with plenty of wood and water,
about 50 acres In cultivation, ani eight
acres in orchard and vineyard, two
barns and some outbuildings. This
ranch is equally as good for darying as
for raising stock. Located 4t miles
from The Dalles on Cbencweth creek.
Price $2200. Apply at t his office or at
the farm of J. A. Fleck
Qnlet on the Atlantic
Key West, May 2. This has been
the quietest day yet witnessed in
Cuban waters since the declaration of
war. The Spanish fleet is supposed to
still be at Canary Islands while the
American fleet is cruising about look
ing for merchantmen, but have made
no captures. Indications are that a
united onslaught will be made Wed
nesday, the date on which General
Royal make the food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pur
povai BAtnwn powopii so.. Nfwvem.
Shaffer's command is
the island.
to be landed oa
Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant
laxative. Regulates the bowels, puri
fies the blood. Clears the complexion.
Easy to make and pleasant to take
23 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists, The Dalles, Or.
Hay Intervene.
Washington, May 2. Since the
destruction of tbe Spanish fleet in tbe
Pacific ocean, it is confidently believ
ed that the powers of Europe will in
tervene and will use their endeavors
to stop the war. They recognize tbe
impossibility of her holding her own
agains: American arms, and will prob
ably insist that she give up the con
Mrs. Marv Bird, Harrisburg, Pa.
says: "My child is worth millions to
me; yet 1 would have lost ner by croup
bad I not Invested twenty-live cents
in a bottle of One Minute Cough
Cure." It cures coughs, colds and all
throat and lung troubles. Snipes
Kinersly Drug (Jo.
Blot In Madrid
Madrid, May 2. The report of the
destruction of the Manilla fleet caused
the wildest excitement throughout
Spain. Condemnation of the cabinet
is very severe, and riot runs wild in
Madrid. Grave fears are entertained
of a resolution. There Is a bitter feel
ing among ' the populace against
Sagasta on ac:ount of the destruction
of the fleet.
Cure that cough with Shiloh's cure
The best cough cure. Relieves croup
promptly. One million bo'.tles sold
last year. 40 doses for 25 cents. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Surrendered to Dewey.
Paris, May 2. At noon today the
Spanish authorities at Manilla sect a
flag of truce to Dewey, acknowledging
a complete surrender to the American
forces. -
Stop that cough! TaKe warning. It
may lead to consumption;'' A 23c bottle
of Shiloh's Cure may save ynur life.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, Tb'
Dalles. China Is Neutral
Hong Kcng, May 3. The Chinese
government has declared a state of
perfect neutrality, which may inter
fere with the delivery of coal by Com
odore Dewey for the use of his vessels.
Be not deceived! A cough, hoarse
ness or crouD are not to be trifled with
A dose in time of Shiloh's Cure v. ill
save you mucn iroume. ooiu oy
. . i r 11 i
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, The
Dalles, Or.
To Care a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
if it fails to Cure. 25c. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggi sts.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All Druggists rerund the money
if it fails to Cure. 25c. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
Latest Orders.
Washington, May 3. Secretary
Alger at noon today Issued orders for
all forces on the Pacific coast not
especially detailed to coast defense
duly to mobilize at San Francisco as
soon as possible.
Use Clarke & Falk's Compound
Quinine Hair Tonic, a specific for
dandruff and a preventative of bald
Wouldn't Bespond
Key West. May 3. A plucky little
gunboat challenged Havana today,
but the guns at Morro remained silent,
not responding the challenge. Wild
excitement prevails here.
At Rio Janeiro,
Rio Janiro. May 3. A Spanish tor
pedo boat entered the harbor today.
but has not yet communicated with
the land. -
Farm for Sale.
One hundred and ixty acres near
The Dalles. Price $800. Address this
office. 2m
Tney Are One of the Host Convenleas
Things About the Honse.
Hardly any implement of the house
gives so much eatisfaction to the house
keeper as the right brush in the right
place. Who has not lost patience when
the stove brush of hair was out of place?
This takes up all the dust pjf ashes as
carefully as cloth, and does not, like
a cloth, allow the ashes to be driven
into the hand. A whisk of broomcorn
does not do the same work, but is more
valuable for whisking out the corners
end edges of carpeted rooms and sweep
ing down the stairs than anything else.
Long-handled brushes of hair are far
better than a broom for sweeping.
hardwood or painted floor. When these
have a light handle, into which an ex
tension handle may be fitted, they are
valuable for sweeping down ceilings.
If ceilings are thus carefully brushed
once a mouth, the moth-miller will find
no lodging-place in the house. With
the proper brush this is an easy task.
The beat brush for blinds is that quaint
jhaped one of hair called the "pope's
nose." The knot of bristles on the end
is just the proper shape to reach into
the shutters. The miniature scrubbing
brushes, which are generally soli at
about five cents on bargain counters,
are invaluable to clean a grater, the
sieve and any utensil or dish with rough
or corrugated sides. They are of spe
cial value to the cook in washing pota
toes and other root vegetables, and in
cleaning the rough stalks of celery.
Such a small brush is also valuable for
washing window ledges. W. Y. TrrV
Madrid Is Patroled by Armed
Old Glory Waves Over the Philip
pines, and a Provisional Gov
ernment Will Be Formad.
General Shafter's Army Ready to Hon on
- Cuba Spanish Ships Have Pnt to
SeaAnother Prize Has
' Been Captured.
Madrid, May 3. The scenes wit
nessed here today are without parallel.
Tbe streets are patrolled by cavalry
and infantry with drawn swords and
loaded rifles. The city is under mar
tial law, and the government is exert
ing every means to prevent a rebel
lion. Smothered condemnation of the
government is heard on every hand,
but the rioters are not so outspoken
as they were yesterday. The entire
reserve has been called into service,
and every known means is applied to
quell the excitement. Nothing but
the iron will of those in authority will
prevent an attempt to overthrow the
Sagasta seems equal to the occasion
and declares the govern meat will be
maintained and the war against Am
erica will continue as long as there is
a Spaniard left to fight. The queen
regent is also firm and urges the
people to be true to the crown and
continue the war against the United
Five Thousand Troops to Be 8ent to Aid
Washington, May 3. The war de
partment has decided to send 5000
men to the Philippines to aid Dewey
in holding the islands. They will be
the regulars now stationed on the
Pacific coast and the volunteers from
the Western states. They will be
mobilized at San Francisco, and will
be sent forward as soon as a transport
boat can be secured.
The orders to Dewey will be to hold
Manilla and on the arrival of the land
forces to reduce and occupy the entire
island. Dewey hes already made
demand upon the governor-general at
Manilla for privilege to take coal and
other supplies for his vessels which
demand has been complied with.
England Intervenes.
London, May 3. The British gov
ernment has offered its friendly offices
as a mediator between tbe United
States and Spain, and has advised
Spain to yield to the demands of the
United States, free Cuba and pay such
indemnity as may be asked for the de
struction of the Maine. Spain has not
yet replied to the offer of Great 'Brit
ain, but it is hardly to be expected
that she will make any concessions al
Hay Go te Philippines.
Portland, May 3. A special from
Washington says all Western regulars
and volunteers from the states of Ore
gon, Washington, California, Nevada
and Colorado will probably be sent to
Philippine islands to hold that coun
try instead of going to Cuba to engage
in the war there. This arrangement
would be quite satisfactory to the Ore
gon regiment.
Manilla Capitulated.
London, May 3. Tbe British house
of commons has been officially notified
by Spanish authorities that Manilla
has capitulated, and that the city is
now in the hands of the United States
naval forces. Comodore Dewey awaits
orders from Washington as to what
course to pursue to maintain order
and protect life and property.
More Spanish Treachery.
Washington, May 3. Even after
having capitulated the Spaniards at
Manilla granted no security to Amer
ican vessels, and before Dewey bad
secured full control the citadel batter
ies opened on the Americans and did
considerable injury to our fleet. The
batteries have now been silenced and
no repetition of the treachery will
occur. -
Communication Shut OS.
Hong Kong, May 3. The Ameri
cans have cut the cable, connecting
ttia PhilfnnlnM nrir.K f ba main land
and all communication with the isl-
ands is now under their control.
Americans here are in wild glee, and
are parading the streets cheering over I but for the baby's delicate 8 to HI -the
downfall of Spanish rule at Ma- acn jt jg Sq very serious if med-
Han Vat to ties
Cadiz, May 3. Tbe Spanish war
ships Pelay, Alfonso and Victeria,
and a nuaiber of smaller crafts have
put to sea, but their destination is not
known. No information is given out
by the Spaniards with reference to the
movement of their navy.
Bhafter's lnwpistTsmp
Tampa, Fla., May 3. The big trans
port Comax has readied this place
carrying a portion of General Shafter's
army and five others have been sight'
ed. The entire aripy can be landed
on Cuban soil tomorrow, and that now
appears to be the intention of the de
partment at Washington.
The Philippines Arc Ours.
Washington, May 3. Manilla has
surrendered completely, and the star
and stripes now float proudly over the
Philippines. A provisional govern
ment will he established at once. For
the present Commodore Dewey will
have full control of the islands.
Captarrd Another Spaniard.
New York, May 3. Advices have
just been received, stating that the
American gunboat Castine has cap
tured the Spanish boat Izaco, with
valuable stores on board.
A Battle in Cuba.
Matanzas, May 3. A fierce battle
between the insurgent and Spanish
forces was fought in the interior this
morning. The result of the battle Is
not known, but it is believed the In
Burgenta were victorious.
98 Model Clevelands
Now ready for inspection. AlsojBicy
cles Rented and Repaired at
Cyle Store in Schanno's Block.
I Sailor Hats
For Spring and Summer.
Suitable for All Seasons
Handsome line of Spring Trimming just received
In order to reduce my large stock of , Wall Paper,
I am offering special inducements to buyers. . .
All goods are a BIG REDUCTION for a
few days. Call and examine stock and get price
3D- "W-
Third Street,
Wine?, Ljquors,
The Celebrated Val Blatz Beer, Anhauser-Busch Mi
Nutrine, a non-alchoholic beverage unequaled as a tonic
Pioneer Bakery.
I have reopened this well known Bakery, and am
now prepared to supply everybody with
Also, all
Pure Medicines
for Little Stomachs
In procuring any prescription,
VOU ought to know tnat tne ln-
I eredients are absolutely pure,
icines given it are not so. Your
physician will tell you that you
can rely on what you get here.
Family Drugffists
Ben Wilson Saloon
Second Street, opposite DiamondJMills,
Fine Wine3, Liquora and Cigar8.ll
Free Lunch served at all hours
5ewing Machines
Save traveling agents expenses by buying the
White and other standard machines of C. W.
PHELPS, East end Second Street, The Dalles.
Job Printing
East Second Street.
Cigars and Beer
kinds of
Of all kinds lone at
short notioe and to
reasonable rates at
this office.