' - r - 1 V - CM 3 1 . 7 SiMiS-Mimnteto 9ATURDAY. APRIL 9, 1898 ITEMS IN BRIEF. (From Saturday's Daily.) Jno. Yajflo,of Klickitat, is in town today. E. C. Clement, of SDokane, is regis tered at the Umatilla House. Fourteen bead of horses were ship ped below this morning by beat. Pr. Hugh Logan returned last night from a short visit to Portland. D. L. Bolton, from Columbia pre cinct, is in the city today on business. Jno. W. Minton, ex-chief of police of Portland, but now and employee of the O. R. & N. Co., is in th city. A. J. Leland, traveling freight aod passenger agent for the Chicago K or t western Ry., is in the city. Seven head of cattle came up on the boatlasu night from White Salmon, for J. L. Kelly and are at the stock yards. - Attorney C. H. Moore, of Stevenson, who has been in the city for some days on legal buiinesa, ( returned to bis borne this morning. O I Y IT 1 I ) : Ina. DAmuui vviiKiuauu roturuou iooi night from San Francisco, where be has been looking to the interest of the coming wool market. Work on the Second street main was completed last utht., and now ' citizens in the East End baye as good water supply as anv in the city. One hundred bead of hogs were hiDDed to Portland on the bo-' 'bis morning, by the Columbia I ack Co. They were consigned to the Union Meat Co. The engine on the Columbia South ern was brought down from Wasco last night for repair and is at the - round house today. It will be over bauled immediately and returned on the regular run tomorrow. - . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Morgan left "' this morning on the boat for tbe Cas cades, where Mrs. Morgan will teach a three months' term of school. Mr, Morgan will return Tuesday as he has considerable business to attend to in raornrd tn unhnnl matters. es Chas. Corby, a prominent business van of Chicago, stopped over today to have a look at our town, and ;et somewhat acquainted with Etstern ' Oregon. Mr. Corby is on his way to . Astoria, where be w 11 visit P. J. Mc Go wan, the veteran canneryman. Harry Mabew came in last night bringing with him bin little 6-year-old daughter, who bad fallen off a horse - - -. , u! w : i J b tueir place on cijfuir i nr nnu frar-t.niwl hfr rlo-ht elbow. Dr. Hol- list--r reduced the fracture and the little one is getting along nicely today. Cedar Circle gav a very pleasant and amusing April fool party at their hall room last night, after lodge had closed. A good many jokes were per-J Detrattd. but all were takes in etod nature, and everyone had a royal good time. After the pragram was rendered, a bountiful lunch was served, and then - the majority of those present indulged in a social dance. - Active work of prospecting for coal on A. M. Kelsay's farm below town, will h commenced on May 1st. P. L. rr . .i 1 1 .a l !- r 'Eastern Oregon, who is now at Wasjo, writes mat oe is now operating some new- drills that work exceptionally well and that he will ' be here on May' -1st to begin on the coal prospect. He will run his apparatus day and night until the coal vein is reached. Messrs. S. L. Brooks and W. C. Allaway returned last night from a visit to Chicago where they were on business for tbe D. P. & A. N. Co. . On ttiuli. .at ii n ttiov orruiflflnfpi1 a torn peiatureof 26 degrees below zero in Dakota, and were consequently de- lightet with the fine .spring weather on reaching home. Mrs Brooks re Mainail at Ct Uuiil uhita U.a A Ha way went to Missouri to visit friends Mrs. Ed. Wicks is in receipt of a letter, from her husband, wbo is at Dyea, datea March 20th. Mr. Wicks ays every hing in Dyea is overdone ' and few people are making money, though J. C- Wood, of this city is making from 125 to $40 a day in the truck and dray business. Mr. Wicks has gone into business, but is not well satisfied with the prospect to accumu lating a fortune. He advises bis friends to stay away from Alaska. ' A local teachers' institute was held at Hood river today, and quite an in teresting and instructive program was rendered. A number of teachers and visitors from this place left on the Dalles City this morning to attend, Among them were Suot. Gilbert and wife, Prof. Gavin and wife, Mes dames Baldwin aod Roche, Misses Katie " and Ella Cooper, Tina and Louise Rintoul, Charlotte and Emma Roberts, Nan Cooper, Salina Pbirman, Melissa Hill and Lena Snell. Mention was made In yesterday's paper regarding Mamie and Mabel Dante who are detained in town await ing information regarding their resiJence. Today we learn from J. E. Adcoz. watchmaker for llarry Liebe. mat IQ9 giri woriteu ior oi lamiiy at Lebanon four years ago a domes tics." Mr. Adcoz states they were ex ceptionally bright children and even at their tender age performed duties in household duties usually done by older people. He was rather surpris ed on learning of their escapade as when they were in the valley they seemed very quiet and pleasing child ren. (From Monday's Daily.) I. H. Taffe, of Celio, spent Sundsy In tbe city. Mrs. E. E. Lytle returned from a few days visit at Wasco this morning. Mr. Nelson, business manager of the Grass Valley Journal, is in the city. Daste (Eliason) the great magician and wife are registered at the Umatilla House. Mrs. W. A. Johnston went down on the boat this morning for a short visit at Portland. Two carloads of hogs from Weiser. Idaho, and one from Island city passed through today, bound for Troutdale. We are sorry to learn that the con dition of I. J. Norman is no better, in fact today he is reported some worse. Jack Leahy, the popular O. R. & N. agent at tbis place some years ago. passed through town this morning on bit way to Portland. H. P. Bally, of Philadelphia, who baa been visiting at the residence of Mrs. Lang for some time, departed for bis borne this morning. Fred Fisher is loading a car with potatoes to be shipped to St. Louis to jnorrov, A good anv tons of Wasco county potatoes have been shipped east andsoutti duling the past month, which speaks well fur our productions. ' W. D. Jones, who has been to Ante lope for some time lookiug after his interests, returned last evening and reports evtrythiug flourishing. . August Bucbler spent Sunday in Portland, and while there learned that the lurn Vereia would give an ex cursion to this place some time in July. Wallace Weaver has the letting of the contract for carrying the mails from Grants to Kent, Oregon. Call at the Dalles Distilling & Carbonating works. Rev. Joseph DeFurest has rented tbe Newman house and is getting ii in readiness for occupancy. Mrs. Dc Forest is expected to arrive from the east soon. Wm. Morganfield and family, who have been living at O.den, Kansas, the past few years, have returned to Tbe Dalles and will make this their future home. Mrs. B. F. Miller and three children, wbo baye been visiting at the res I dence of Dr Sanders in this city for some time, returned to tboir home in Portland yesterday. Messrs. Geo. . K. Burton and F. E, Sanders, representative salesmen of San Francis o houses, are in the city interviewing our merchants in the In terest of their respective firms. Wasco Siwash association will give a stug and war dance tomorrow even ing with corn and venison attachments, All braves are invited to get out th-ir scalping knives, put on thoir war-pait.t and attend. The steam fire engine pumped tbe water out of tbe cistern at the inter section of Second and Madison streets tor" ay. The reservoir is in bad condi tioo and will be thoroughly overhaul' ed and placrd in order.. About 8:30 yesterday morning fire was discovered in tbe rear of the store recently occupied by Mrs Bri 'gs. An alarm was sounded, but before the de partment could get to tbe scene, a few buckets of water put out what might have resulted in a large conflagration How the fire start d is a mystery, but by a grert many it is thought to be of incendiary origin. The fire was in a box on the rear porch of the buildini and it it presumed to have been stai I ed by a lighted candle early in tbe mor"ing. Among the season's novelties non have been accorded a heartier public reception than that which invaria ly greets the performance of the incom parable Dante, (Eliascn) tbe popular illusionist and greatest of magician who will positively appear at the Voi opera house tbs evening, lor two nights ocly. The dextrous and nim ble fingered Dante, incomptrable among the few left in bis profession charms his audiences by b'S graceful manner and tbe singular maguetism of his personality. "Prom Tuesday's Dally. C. Mell of Centerville is in town. Mrs. E. Dufur and daughter of Dufur are at the Umatilla Bouse. M. H. Mc kelson of Hood River is in the city for a few days stay. T. H. Johnston, tbe well known merchant of Dufur. is in the city. Jno. Little, a prominent sheepman of Antelope, is in town on business Mrs. Tolmie and sister left for Port land on Tbe Dalles City this morning for a few days visit. D. J. Harris, Supt. and C. F. Forden. Asst. Supt. of the Columbia Souther, Ky., spent yesterday in the city. . B. F. Shambrock, traveling sales man for the Cu4hay Packing Co., is in the city in the interest of his firm. J. M. Russell, member of the firm of J. M. Russell Sz Co., wool merchant of Portland, is in the city on busi ness. .aier& Benton have 'be contract for roofiug ' tbe . Wasco Warehouse, and have a force of men euiployeu rushing the work to completion. The nw building erected for the Great Northern Furniture Co., ha been completed, and is being tilled with house furnishing goods today. Larry Lakin, at one lime a resident of this city but uow representing the Roseufield-Smiih Co., tobacco jobbers of Portland, is in the city interviewing our merchants. Geo. Ferguson, who has been to tbe val ey for the past week, returned borne last night. Mis. Ferguson i at Scio, Linn county, where she will visit for some time. Robt. C. Mays and John Malone.bot h of Antelope precinct, arrived in town last night, having come in as delegate to the republican convention, which will be held in this city tomorrow. R- H. L msdale. - wbo has be n so journing in Southern California fi ome time, has just returned fr m trip to Missouri. Mr. Lonsdale is- greatly improved in health and ex pects to remain permanently with us Al. Jones, Chancy Clark, and Chas Hlxon. all from Antelope, left for that place this morning with about 14,000 pounds of freight for Bolton & Co. of that place. They report the road through the, country in an excellent condition. On tbe eighth day of May the Chi nook tribe of I. O. R. M. of f'ortlai d will give an excursion to this city. Judging from the success of tbe excur sion given 'ast year by th-Redmeu, this will undoubtedly be a grand and popular affair. Here, you Grand Arfay fellows, and bona of Veterans, go and see your comrade Lynch and cheer him up. Tbe grip has a hold of him aad be wants some one to talk to. He is ling sick at Douglas Dufur's on Seventh street,between Court aud Wasblngtor. Wm. Kelsay and Mike Reeder, botb well known sheepmen of Autelope, are in the city and will remain a few days. Uncle Billy says lambing is in full i blast, and there will be a large per cent this season. The loss will be very s nail as tbe elements are quite favcr able. King Hallababoola II at the Vof on tne evening of April 12th. Ticks-' are selling rapidly at 75 cents. Th re is no extra charge for reserved seats, aod no seats will be reserved prior to 9 o'clock Friday morning. At that hour there will be a clean box sbeet, aod everybody will be given a fair chance to .secure desirable seats. No one will be allowed to reserve a ore than five seats. TBK BEVIVAL. Great Crowds to Hear Mr. Miller g peak nd Bias. Mr. Miller, tbe evangelist of Chi cago, arrived In our city by boat Sat- urday evening. A full bouse greet) i H. S. & M, line of men' clothing be bin Sundajr suorniog At (be MetbodJat ton buying your suit tor BmU. church. -His singing caotured the crowd. He is also a gifted sp aker, and holds the audience to close atten tion. His theme in the morning was "Heaven." He has his own way of doing things. There is nothing formal, stereotyped or sensational, but natural, ea-iy and intensely earn est. No one will go to sleep. In closing hesang with -ucb fee'ing and power "I Shall Know Him," that strong men wept, and three of them arose, went forward and kne'.t at the altar. At night the church was pack ed. and now tney did sing! After a brief song service and prayer, Mr, Miller sang, "In My Father's Keep ing." His talk was on -False Hope," using the parable of the two builders. in Matthew 7ih chapter. At the close he sang a moat thrilling song, "What Will You Do?" This caused som of the old saints to shout. The effect was marvelous. The altar was soon filled with earnest seekers. Mr. Mil ler is regarded by leading church peo pie, as one of the best gospel singers of this country. Such expression a these were heard:yesterd;,y: ' Whnl a singer; ineean understand every word Its worth going ten miles to har him sins. Tonight he will sing the famous. 'Xintvan-i Ni."and "My MotherV Beautiful Hands " A ' ) ld amm Well-Tried Rem EDY. Mrs. W uituow's Soothing Syrup has been used lor over dfty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy tor aiarrnoea. is pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug- gisti in every part ol the wond. Twntv-five cents a bottle. Its value is unaalculable. Re sure and ask for fn. Wirslow'p Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. t resh Report from tbe North. A. B-own, who returned to Portland last night, was up the Skagway trail hp far as Porcipine creek, 12 miies. H- left Skagway last Sunday, and since February 27 the weather had been very fine. General health was good, and spinal meningitis has entirely subsidt-d. Skagway, Mr. Brown sys. has a population of about 4- 0 that it- pretty permanent. The ice in Skag way river is wearing out, but mar last two weeks yet. The ice in the Dyea river baa broken up, and the conse quent flood came near swiping a lot of outfit- along tbe banks Tbe toll road from Skagway runs up the canyon about eight miles. Some travelers on it pay 1 cent a pound, but most of them refuse to pay anything. ,tnd use the r ad part of the way a nd the old trail the rest of the way. The telephone line is completed to the summit, where construction was stop ped by the Canadian p ilice until per- nission shall be ob'-ained from Queen Victoria's deputies at Canada's capital- Mr. Brown says that there is quite a town at bake Bennett, and that the tramways on the Dyea trail are work log part of the time. A Frenchman whom Mr. Brown met on tbe way dowo raid there were 15 tons of gold corded up in D.twaon, and be bad seen it. Mr. Brown will soon return to Skagway aod go on to Sal mon river. Oreponian. What Ur. K. A. Salter Hays. BUFFALO, N. Y. Gents: From my personal knowledge, gained in observ ing tbe effect of your Shiloh's Cure in .ases of advanced Consumption. I am prepared to say it is the most remark able remedy that has ever been brought to ray attention. It has -certain ly saved many from consump tion. sold by Blakeley & Houghton, Local Teacher Institute at Hood River. A local teachers' institute was held tt Hood River last Saturday under tbe direction of the county t-uperintendent. The names of seventeen teachers that went from The Dalles were pub lished last Siturday, in all there were about two hundred present, Including ptrents, school officer, and teachers. Hood River has a new school build ing, erected some two years ago at a cost of eight thousand dollars. It has six ro im-i aod ha all the moiern im provements. The teachers and pupils of thrf district had ad led to its beauty 0 hanging appropriate pictures on tho walls, decorating the bla ;k boards with drawings, while potted flowers and wild flowers were in profusion everywhere. At half past twelve o'clock luncheon was served by the ladies of Hood Riv-r, who are famous fer preparing the best in a land of plenty. Why suffer with coughs, colds, and i grippd when Lucttive Bro-no Quine line will cure you in one day. Does not produce the ringing in the bead like sulphate of quinine. Put u in -ablets convenient for taking. Guar- in teed to cure or .money refunded. Price 2 cents. For sale bv B akeley & Houghton, druggists, The Dalles Or. STATE KNC)1PIIK.T. Mrnd Army of tlin Republic, Womvn's ttelief Corp and Sons of Veteraus. The seventeenth annual encamp ment of tbe G. A. R , W. R C. and S. of V. will be i eld in this city on May 17, 18 and 19. The members of the local posts. Tbe Dalles Commercial and Athletic Club, and the citizens gener ally are taking a lively interest in the gathering and are giving unstinted aid to its success. Reduced rates have been secured from the transportation companies, and hotels, while the peo pie generally will do all in their powe to make the affair a success and pleas ure to those in attendance. We hop to welcome to tbe encampment nex1 May the largest number of veteraus- and their friends ever before assembled tegether on any similar occasion in the state. He Loved Truthfulness. A careless mason dropped a brick torn -the -second story of a building on which he was at work, says an ex change. f Leaning over tbe wall and glancing downward, he discovered a respectable citizen with his silk hat jammed over his eyes and ears, rising from a recumbent posture. The mason, in tones of apprehension, inquired: Did- that brick hit anyone down there?" The citizen, with great diffi culty extricating himself from the ex tinguisher into which his hat had been converted, replied, with considerable wrath: "Yes, sir, it did. It hit me." "That's right," exclaimed the mason, in tones of undisguised admiration; "noble man, I would rather have wasted a thousand bricks .than &ave you te. me a lie about it." IJOb't Horrjr au mtudaourter. You remember the story of Carlyle aud the rooster ho crowed early iu the morning Carlyle complained and tbe owner promptly suppressed the rooster. But Mill Carlyle didn't sleef . "It isn't the nois-t of ois crowing that disturbs me now," be sair"; -'it is lyin awake expecting him to crow.1' We will allow you to mage your own ap plication of this story.' All Pease & Maya ask Is tbat you will look at their AHUCr TIMBER RtiSSKVES. Home Statements From Comml-sioner Her mau uf ih General Land office. The following letter was received by a resident of The Dalles in answer to inquiries about the Cascade reserve, and conveys xouie iufurination of im portance to sett ers. Your kind favor is j ist at band in which you call attention to matters connected with the ('as -ade Forest Reserve. I aui glad to receive your opinion as to tbe proved jurisdiction over that reserve. Thecomplaintcon tained in the clipping f om tbeTacoma newspaper is without any foundation whatever; there is not an item of truth in it. No reservation has any effect upon mining territory, nor does it af fect whatev r any claim, agricultural or otherwise which have been initiated prior to the reservation order. Tbe clipping referred to state that its ef fect is to reserve frm settlement, and mining operalicns 84 per cent of Jt ffer son county. That cannot be trut since all such settlements a d all rain ing operations are recogniz d undi i the reserve. Any lands inside of reserve more Valuable for other put po.-es tbau fr forestry can under lh la, us it now stance aod under our regulations, upon a satisfactory show ing, be excluded from the rsei vation. 1 he geological survey is uow at work under tbe large appropriations madt by congress making surveys of all such character of territory in the re serves. There has been a yreatdeal o' erroneous impression with regard to the nature of these reserves. You also fun that there should be an orUt r allowing any citizen for a reasonable compensation to go upon said reserve and tat-- any dead, down or o'.her tim ber that is ful'y matured and which can be removed without injury to tbe young growing timber. I have tore ply that this is also permitted to be ione under our rules and regulation. We are selling timber from reserva tions such as you describe. Having been a long time iu the West myself, I baa much to do in the framing of the reser vation rules, and I made it my duty to make tbem so liberal as well as elastic tbat no material interests should be impaired, while at the same timeout great forests would be protecteu. I expect to realize enough money frnai timber sold from reservations to pa for tbe entire force required to protect t;it-ra as well as to prevent fire.. The ques ion that is agitated cow is as lo whether stock men going in upon tbe reserves sii. uld be permitted to grazt upon any specific portions, or whether they should be required to baye per mils for a general pasturage upon anj portion, and whether they should alst be subject to some compensation in or der to recompense the government for tbe expense of protecting tbo reserves Very truly yours, Binger Hermann, Comuiiss.oner. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasan laxative. Regulates the bowels, put i fies the blood. Clears the complexion Easy to make and pleasint to take 25 cents. Sold by Blakelev & Bough ton, druggists. The Dalles, Or. Serious Accident. G is Heilburg and Mr. Can Geld werf brought to town last night from near Celilo, where they were badly hurt ii a premature explosion. They bad been working a few weeks putting in cribbing lor a ti.-h wheel belonging U -tome Chinaman, and yesterdav wer x.iavating when they had to put in t hlast. Everything was ready and r.hey lit the fu9e which was supposed to burn three jiinutes, hut for so m unknown reason only burned half a iniut, when th explosion occurrer nd both men were hurled in the ait Heilburg being thrown in the rivet. tits vas rescued by his companion whi vas not so hanly miured. On x i m in itio n it W".s found thit Heilburg wa badly bruised, and bis eyes were in a ernble condition. He was brought to town and exam ined by Dr. Hollister. who is rather lo ib ful whether tbe man will evet -egam bis eeslgnt U?ie eye is total is destroyed and the other is badly in flamed. Cure that cough with Shiloh's cun The best cougb cure. Relieves croui promptly. One million boules sol last year. 40 doses for 25 cents. Sob by Blakeley & Houghton, druggist. O.ve Himself Up. Last night a man by the name o1 Arthur Kdie gave bimstlf up to Night- watchman Wiley saying that be -wa wanted in the Eist. Tod y h- wa turned over to Sh riff Driver and w. learn tbat about two years ego be go into some trouble with his cousin i Clark county. Mo , and shot him. bu not fatally. After the shooting Edir left for tbe Pacific coast and has beer ut here ver since. He cane to towi. lasf. night from Seattle, and says he ir noxious to go back to tbe scene of hi ime, and stand trial, for his con science has been troubling him sioci he co:n'uitted the oeed. He is abou 24 yt:ara of age, aod of pleasent ad dress. A telegram was sent this mornW to Sheriff G. L. Drew, of Clark county Mo., stating tbe particulars of tbe cas and until a reply is received Edie wil remain in custody. For constipation take Karl's Clnvei Root Tea, the great blood purifier lures headache, nervousness, eroi- 'ions on the face, and makes the hem tear as a b-ll Sold by Blakeley i Houghton, The Dalles. Laid to Rest. Tbis forenoon ail that was mortal if Albert Bettingea. Sr. was deposits in the tomb at tho Catholic cemetert tear this city. The body was takei from the residence to the Catholic hurch where a requium for the d-m was chanted by R-v - Father Bohla, o Portland, and a funeral address wa leHvered by Rev. Father Brnnsgeest. as'or of St. Peter's church. After he services at the ch-irch the pro fession m ved to the cemetery, the pall bearers being Governor Moody, Judgi Liebe, John Bntn, Fred Lemke. T. T. Vicholasand Enil Sc'ianno. Attn rave the rituilistic services of thf 'atholic church were observed in the iresence of a large aeaemhlape H ipigbbors and friends of the deceased, vho gathered to pv a I it tribute to an honored citizen and friend. On the Alleys. .Tbe following are the high scores at the different alleys, for the week ena-i-ig Sunday night Club Monday, G. C Blakeley, 55: Tues-iay, J. C Hosteller, 63; Weda day Miss Sadie Redmond, 33 and H. vf. Ogden, 60: Thursday. H. M. Ogden, 59; Friday, Mr. Condon, 39; H. . Ogden, 62; Saturday, J. C. Hosteller, r.6; Sunday. A. S. Bennett, 61. ' . ' Umatilla House Monday, FT. Vtf , 65; Tuasday, Win. aicbolu,wt w tu nesday, Maetz, 51: Thursday, H. ! Maetz. 60; Friday, U. Maetz, 57; Sat urday, H. Maetz. 66; Sunday, C. Schmidt, 66 Moody Monday, E. Chrisman, 60; Tuesday, Bowe, 51; Wednesday, Chris m m, 5-; Thursday M. Montenson 59; Friday. Hetzler. 52; Saturday D. Dufur, 61; Sunday, J. Cquhait. 61. Phelps Monday. H Allen, 51; Tu s day, Geo. Hace. 51; Wednesday. Brry. 57; Thursday. D. Dufur, 50; Fridy, G Sao 'dman, 51; S.tturday, F. 60; Sunday. H. Na. el. 56. Nichola- Tske Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab le s. All Druggists r- iuud tbe monej it it fails to Cure. 25c. For sale b.i Bo kelex & H'ughf n. FLGRIDAS HELPFUL SPIDER. He la Asalatlnff to Clear the St. John' River -of Hyacinth Blockade. Prof. H. J. Weber, expert appointed by the agricultural department last year to investigate the pest of the water hyacinths, which are fast blockading our rivers, has faith in the destructive ness of the red spider which has been ravaging the leaves of the plant. To examine more closely the work of this insect, says the Florida Times-Union, he gathered plants in Lake Monroe and placed them in ponds in his own yard. The spider, he says, is not quite so large as the head of a pin, and is a new spe cies, according to Prof. L. O. Howard, chief of the entomological division of the department of agriculture, to whom were sent specimens. The little fellow multiplies with exceeding great rapid ity, weaves his web from leaf to leaf, raises his numerous family and attacks the leaves, devouring them almost com pletely. "Don't understand me to say," said Prof. Weber, "that the red spider will destroy the hyacinths completely. His work will be beneficial, and if reen forced by other diseases of the plant will no doubt open the rivers complete ly. It is highly important, in my opin ion, for the government to eend an ex pert in South American rivers to im port all of the enemies of the hyacinth. This, I think, will be the most effective way in which to destroy the pest." 'rook County ttepu llcn-. The Republicans of Crook county held their convention last Saturday and nominated a full ticket. The nomin-es are: Representative, J N. Williamson: county judge, M R. E.liott; sheriff, J. H. Gray; clerk, I. S. Belknap: treasurer, B. F. Nichols; commissioner, H. B. Stewart; sur veyor C.'F. Smith; superintendent, U. G. Kibbee; coronor, A. Lippman; lelegates to the slate convention, J. B. Cartwrigbt, B. F. Allen, Dr. Ges ner, J. H. (Jakes. Threeof tbe dele gates to the state convention are pro nounced anti-Mitchell, and one of them probably has leanings toward Mitchell. Re not deceived! A cough, hoarse ness or croup are not to be trifled with. dose Id time of Suilon's Curo wil lave you much trouble. Sold h lakeley & Hougbtjn, druggists, Tb Dalles, Or. Metallic Cheese. It has been a common theme of con gratulation by not a few writers and philanthropists, says the London Lancet, that the days are over when people were poisoned by the indiscrim inate practices cf the adulteror, and that now they are enly cheated. What will be said, then, cf the announcement that both the salts of zirrc and lead are used in the rreparution of cheese? "Cheese spice" is the delectable name of crystallized sulphate of zinc, which, ac cording to Mr. Allen, the public analyst of Sheffield, is used to prevent the heav ing and cracking of cheese. Worestill, Mr. Stoddart, another public analyst has described a sample of Canadian cheese in which ha found metallic lead, and it is probable that the highly poi sonous acetate of lead was employed for the same purpose as the sulphate of zinc. rhe Dalles Commercial ft Athletlo Club Minstrels. Tbe entertainment to be given by his organization on the 12th will no loubt be a success It certainly should oe as the boys have given lots of lime ind hard work to it- preptration. ii jromises to be a brilliant affair; indent. ve hardly see bow it could be other- is considering tbe number of beauti ful bats that are being pu-chased ot Pease & Mays by tbe ladies of Tbe Jalle8. WHITE. Vkl.l.OW. Kl.tlSO U ill imifc a m.icitirti-i'itl nftlc. hrantlful lu.l tot lie piuxxa. hi ai-lMrmitia ll nti,itii iil,ioiii.r. iwr xltg uunlv om- iaul i,r.Mliu-r llituviii.lul Ojia ON LI r'OUTI (tXTS. IlKLIVEUCO. ICK'S Garden P.lliril? Free roa aca Floral uuivu ...Ayum-niiea the nrav ha or a catauu;vk anil the Lathes' Gartleuer unit Atlviaet 'li onlr on rntit:untti l-ill !ie-4-rt-'!nn, sh! Ilrer mm fur it;i!iltuj iiimI oiir-t luiiiprenriuuirc. rie rlM-. l-juft-ltil-l Sli't IIUII-X-.I lliul le Wbo ICun Im, Krad. Msnr lllultrstloi,. III nllliir. .Mlulf.1 ,l:Ut lr lt I -Iu, nfttui i:i.4 'lulM-miis His'.iilu4 i..i,i-i lid.v l.itr (situ. hlllt Ifcivl.it-iile Alf4 R-billllMtit ltib&Fd rrr .v.ttiur ,ux-rtitti-Vily lill.il witlUtifc! iuu.istmM JAMES VICKS SONS. Rochester, N V rn pr Virt'c InrTrio Magazine, 'Jot UiepnMairF) I Mia a M,mni.t Tbe Famous Gardening Authority. s Trltnh mmnf inhrminn slttii! Flow.r. nm 11-Mnii.i riiiuji. fciin now to etnf ai:l Cfcre fur U.Pin inr'(u;jy. Tie -rlr ur it k ll.utrair.l Mni.Ui.y fcMZtn Is Firnr Out, ir ,-r. l.ui if rn, trial re. urn fiil routine wirli .ik i o.rmr ihmm ,.r iiimi.-i'.m--iii n,:inrii 10 Tou f?U.bliy lul a.S ki..w , , - .... I'm. niii.ni UUICUI VI CK FOB. COM KOCKESTER. N. Y. La Grippe, Followed by Heart Disease, Cured by OR. MILES' HEART CURE. B. C C EHUIiTS, of WInteraet, Iowr Inventor - and manufacturer c Shnlts' Safety Whiffle tree Coupling writes of Dr. lilies' Heart Cure. Twoyeai ago an attack ot LaGrippe left me with weak heart. I had ran down in flesh 1 mere skin and bone. I could not sleep lylr down for smothering spells; fxeqnent shai dartlng pains and palpitation caused a cot stant tear of sudden death, nothing cool Induce ma to remain away from borne ore night. My local physician prescribed D. HUes Heart Core and In a few days I wa able to sleep well and tbe pains gradnaU: lessened, and finally ceased. I reduced th the doses, having gained fifteen pounds, ant am now feeling better In every way than ) hare for years." fir. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drag- MW A gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle IHssnCursg benefits or money funded. Book on dis eases of the heart and .Hearth 4 nerves free. Address, ! RAMBLER EES! 4t 1V a "KM 1ISG. Matters of Importance V 1 uu Before the City fathers. At a regular meeting of tbe common council Monday, Mayor Nolan pre sided and the following councilman were present: Thompson, Stephens, vVond, Kuck, Saltm irshe, Jubnston and Clougb. Minutes of the regular meeting read and approved. Tbe pe ilion of A. H. I urtis for a t -nek to he Diamond Mil), read and on motion -- ferrt-d to tbe committee uu streets nd public property. Ib was tl en aovt-d and carried that Thompson and Kuck be added to tbe committee on treets and public propeity to act with he regular committee In this matter. Jouncilm n C. P. S.evens was ap niiiteu to till the vacaucv iu tbe com .nittee an streets and public property :aused by the resignation of Couocil nan Champlln.' The remonstrance of M istz St Pundt, on tbe proposition to improve Coir street between Fi-st and S com streets, was on motion referr d So com mittee on streets and public property aiid filed with the ordinance. The re monstrance of T. T. Nicholas and others agiinst the proposition to im prove Union street, read and on notion b!ed with the ordinance. Special ordinance to vacate an alley between lois ABC and D. and lots R J K and L, in block 51 was read and on motion placed on final passage. On roll call all c-iuncilmen present voted yes. O -dinance declared passed. Thompson of judiciary committee I made a verbal report in regard to tbe O. R. & X. Co's. franchise on First street. and recommended an ordinance be prepared to regulate the use of said street. Moved and carried tbe report be received. Clough made report that the fire and water committee be instructed to purchase 500 feet of hose. Moved and carried the report be received and the action of tbe committee be declared tbe action of the council.. At tbi juncture councilman Johnston was excused. Ku :k of the special com mittee on streets and lights made a verbal report recommending that an ordinance be parsed granting a fran chise to the Northwestern Light & Mfg. Co. to pipe the city, and Instruct ing the mayor and recorder to sign the contract for furnishing street lights. On motion the report was received and . the recommendation adopted. -Moved the ordinance printing tbe franchise be adopted. The Oi dinance when placed on final passage was lost. Tbe vote was as follows: Yes Thomp son, Wood, Kuck and Stephens -No Saltmarsh and Clough. Moved a special meeting of the council be called for April 11th to re considei tbe passage of the ordinance granting a franchise for street lights. Reports of officers receiv-d and all bills ordered paid by the finance com mittee. The following is the list of bill: C L Lauer, city marshal $75 00 Geo Brown, fire engineer .-. 75 00 J J Wiley, nightwatchman 60 00 C J Crandall, city treasurer 20 t0 R B Stnnott. recorder 50 00 Dalles Electric Light Co, lights. 14 BO Dalles Lumbering Co. mdse .... 17 50 Mays & Crowe, mdse 8 05 W A Johnston, mdse 8 99 J W Blaker.ey, hauling 1 25 Wm Henzie, hauling 1 (K) E W Mann, hauling 50 T Ferguson, hauling 1 25 Guntiing & Hock man, labor .... 11 50 St Arnold & Scboren, labor ..... 3 25 E Benjamin, labor 2 40 U Ulough, la or 2 25 H Sandrnck. labor 85 C Jones, labor 41 20 L M Wilson, labor 42 50 J Hebner, labor ' 34 40 C Fleurer, labor 4 00 J Brittan. labor 8 00 W Lane, labor 40 A Johnson,- labor 15 00 P Eben. labor I 80 H Lane. lbr 3 80 J Lane, labor 7 40 A S Cathcart, labor 8 20 J Malon y. labor 2 00 T Teater. labor 2 00 P Heater, labor 2 00 California RestRursnt. meal,... 11 2-"i TIRE HINTS. Carry Tire Tape, Chewlnar Gum, Fost Sfe Stamps and Plnge. A puncture haa been successfully sealed by a postage stamp and tire tape. Chewing gum, carefully spread over a puncture and held fast by tire tape, baa saved many a weary step. 1 A leaky valve is quite beyond the stoutest and "stickiest" tire tape ever made. The best remedy for a side cnt along the rim is a walk to tbe nearest railway station. Don't try to mend a No. 10 puncture with a Nd. 2 plug. It's time and pa tience thrown away. Instances are on record wherein a cyclist, without any other available remedy, filled his tire with water, and thus rode home. Neither broken toothpicks nor matches make successful plugs. Don't believe the man who told you he mend ed a puncture in that manner. A tire that jumps the rim can bekent , in place, even if the rider has no cement. oy tying xigntiy ana innating it after it is tied in position. Wheelmen who live in states where the pine trees grow, and who do not chew gum or carry postage stamps, scrape resin from the trees and mend the punctures with that. Court plaster, assisted by tire tape, will last for a time over a puncture. Some kinds of court plaster ore quite porous, and, if used, will require many applications of a pnmi to the tire. Moral Carry tire tape, chewing gum postage stamps and rings whenever you are going out of sight cf a repair shop. You can probably get water and sand on the way. Jew Haven (Conn.) Palladium. - ' New Voice lit the Telephone. A gentleman who has a telephone in his house has in his employ a faithful but stupid German girl, who one day re sponded to the ringing' of the telephone bell. "Who is there?" came over the wire. "It is I," replied Katrina. "And who is I?" "Why, I am I." "But who is I?" came over the wire. "I am rue, my own self," retorted Kat rina. "How should I be anyone but me. "But who are you?" "I am my own self." "What is your name?" "Katrina Kupr-er." "Well, who is Katrina Kupper?" "She is me. I, my own self." And when Katrina beard laun-hter at fhe other end of the line she said, in- iignantiy: I vill not sthay here to be made a :hoke of," and she walked array from i he telephone, rTumtlinc: "How cou!d f be anyone but me? I let 'cm know ow to make a shoke of me!" Youths fvt vm Manufacturer of-and Dealer In ' iarness and Saddlery, art End, Two DncrWest of Diamond Floui lag Mill. Second Street. K ua. L'b All Work Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. COUNCIL Use only one heap ing teaspoonful of Schilling s Best Bak ing Powder to a quart of flour. You must use two teaspoonfuls of other baking powder. 600 ANDY 10 25 SO 1 RlrtT TlTPf 7 IITI 1? I UTPPn ar Biiuvuuiuiii uuuuaniuuu tire, n-r-r plesn bsoklet free ii. STKill,l0 BEHEDT THE CELEBRATED Columbia 15 AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. This well-kuowu brewery is now turning ou the best Bee) and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for th manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, ar... only the first-class article will be East Second Street The Dalles, : Oregon. HARRY Watchmaker -DEALER IK- WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVER WA HE AND tine Repairing a Specialty. All Work Warranted Watches for A SPECIALTY VJGT BLOCK, STUBLIK6 & WHOLESALE Wines, Iprs, 1T3 SECOND ST KELT The Celebrated Val Blatz Beer, Anhauser-Busch Ma Nutrine, a nn-ulchoho!iu Leverage unequalel as a tonic Z. F. MOODY General Conmission and 391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE6T. (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Consiiinmciits Solicits Prompt attention will hv pair! to thow Ben Wilson Saloon Second Street, opposite DiamondMilh, THE DALLES, - OREGON Fine Winss, Liquora and Cigara. Free Luanh aerved at all hour Job Printing PORTlAIiDtOR CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS rase of constinsttra. famrets srs tli Iilral Ua rris ar rrir. bat mid mj mat taralrflsnlts. K,bi-A CO. f airsTO, Montreal. Css.. erfteir Isrfc. in, rewery placed on the market, , O. LIEBE, and Jewder AND JEWELRY, DIAMONDS. . . Woolgrowers THE DALLES OREGON WILLIAMS Cigars and Beer. Forwarding fckmi who favor mi with their patronag Of all kinds joneot - short notice and at reasonable rate at thU offleet TIIEHfJ PACIFIC R U N S PULLMAN SLEEPING AxiS ELEGANT DINING CARS TOURIST SLEEPING CARS MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL GRAND FORKS DILUTB FEO CM OKSTON ' WINNIPEG HELENA sod BL'TTE. TO THROUGH TICKEUS TO CHICAGO iWASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA 1EW YORK IOSTON and all POINTS EAST and SOUTH. Kor information, tlnie cards, maps sod tlrkrks all on or write. W. C. ALLAWAY. Arrnt r A. D. CHARLTON. Assent Gi nrrsl Pss- mogi-r Am-nt. No. ft MorriFon Street. Cor ner ol Third Street. Portland. Oregon Latest Style Lowest Profits. : In Mens and Boys : lothiDg, Dry Goods, MIES FURKISH1KGS. : HONES VALUES IN : : -Boots and Shoes F. STEPHENS. 134 Second Street. Eastern Oregon Stale Jformal I School Weston, Oregov Only State School tn Eastern Oreiron. Located on tbe O. R N. Railway, mldwa between Pendleton aud Walla Walla. , Students admitted at all time oftthn fear. First-Class Training School For Teachers. Vocal and Instramenial MokIo taairht by competent Instructors. A vraduate of tbe Bos ton ConHervatorj baa charge ot tbe lnstrumea tal department. The Ladies' Boarding Hall la thoroughly equipped and offer 'exeeUesl accommodations at reasonable rates. bend for calulnvue. Adlress ,vC. &r.. President of Faculty P A. wOR rdlNGTON, Secretary Boar Agents .weston, uregon The Sun The first of American Newspaper. Charles A. Dana, Editor. The American Constitution, The American Idea, The Aruertcan Spirit These first, last, and alj the time, forever. Daily, by mall $6.00 a year Daily aad Sunday, by mail, $8.00 a year The Sunday bun Ts tha greatest Sunday Newspaper ' in the world. By mail, $2 a year. 6c a copy. HOOD BIVEB Nurse eY TILLETT & CALLIGAN PHOPBIITOBS. First-Class Nursery Specially. Stock a Sole proprietors of Yakima Apple Send for Catalogue and ask for Price 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE i3 i4 Tradc Marks rb. . ...or Designs 'rTlrfrO Copyright Ac. AnTons smdtnf a sketch and d orlntlon star Quick)? asrertnln onr opinion frse whstber sa InTentlnn Hprnhnhlf nntntahle. Onmmunk tionsstrlotlrrnnadentliU. Hsndbnos on Pstenta sent f rea. OMest stem? for semnns patents. Patents token throorh Munn A Co. rsoslre special noties, without coins. In tbe Scientific American. A handsomel? lllafttratod weklr. cuUtton of any actentiflo Journal. Term. $S ft w: four month L Bold by all nwdalri. MUNN tUo.,B New York Branca OBw, eg r Bt. WssMnjion, D. C. AMERICAN and EUROPEAN mi iu Seventh and Wash tig-tor St DKUAM). . . OklGOX H08. GUINEAN, l'ROPRIE't)R BATES nKnpaAMPisa AHKRICA' rLABT i no i.i e mi LOUIS OAKES Suoaeaaon to 3. H. B Laker? EXPPESSMAN tooda Delivered to Anj Part ot aba Okty. WNuta. tajMd tt aaa ra M PLAN UPFRUI. HATH II. w I If J.