The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, April 02, 1898, Image 4

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    sATUttDAX AfitlLi Z. lBUO
- (From Saturday's Daily.)
'.Edward L. Corson, National bank
examiner, is in tke city.
Wm. Johnson, the Wa?co merchant,
is la tbe city on business.
- Mrs. Capps, from Marquam, return
ed to her home this EOrning.
Miss Anna Dufur ca-ee np on thp
boat yesterday and is visaing- in tbe
eity. - -
The court of inquiry reports that
h" iaiue was blown up by a floatin
; Wm. Ashby and P. J. Walsh left
tnm RTternoon lor their home at
Spain refuses to recall the torped
flotilla and is ' vidently fortifyin
Porto Rica. "
- ; Mrs. S. E. Horton, of Tygh Valley,
left on The Dalles City for a shor
stay in Portland.
. The report is given out that Orejjo
militia has orders to be ready for
call within ten days.
Mrs. H. W. French who has bee
visiting in Portland for some time re
turned home last evening.
.' A bunch of stock hogs were deliver
ed by J. P. Kelly tj the Columbi
Packing Company today.
Bay Logan came up last evening
from Portland on the Spokane flyer
and returned this morning.
-In a private letter from Harry Lons
dale he states that he is greatly im
- proved and that he expects to be here
about the 10th of next month.
. Marshal Lauer has been doing som
good work today. He had at noon
rounded np 32 hobos, and now has
them safely housed in the city jail
Miss Katie Phelps will return on th
evening train from San Francisco
where she has been for the past six
' months learning tbe millinery art.
-Johnny Williams, manager for
Dante (Eliason) the great magician, is
in tbe city arranging for an enter
tf ament to be given April 4th and
.- Miss Marguerite Shelly and Miss
Emma Ward -were passengers on the
. stage this morning for Kingsley where
Miss Shelly will teach school during
the coming term.
. M E.Montgomery accompanied by
his wife, left last night for Spokane
when his brother who is master idp
chanlc for the 'Northern Pacifica
. that place, is not expected to live.
' We learned today that the wedding
of A. J. Douglas and Elirh Peabody
will take place at Du ur tomorrow.
Monday a grand fret ball will begivon
. at that pi ace"! a the Odd Fellows hall
to celebrate tbe event.
Fred Burcbtorf cut his wrist quite
bidly this morning, on ajickplane
It was necessary to - take several
stitches in tbe wound, and it will
probably be some time before the
- young man will be able to return to
A telephone message from Dufur
this morning stated that J. A. Gulli
ford of that place ' had . met with
r severe accident. . Dr. Holhster left at
' once, and until his return we will be
. unable to state the seriousness of his
, Injuries.
. Manager Kinersly of the Vogt opera
;. house has some excellent attraction
"' billed for tbe last part of next month.
- The celebrated Ftederick Warde will
.' appear in Virginius on the 14th, while
on the I6th James O'Neill the great
' tradgedian, appears. -
E, W. Carlisle, a veteran of the
' Mexican war and over 70 years of age
was brought to town from Ten-Mile
by Constable Hill, charged with malic
iously tearing down a fence. Tbe
hearing i set for 1 o'clock before Jus
tice Filloon. Dick Brookbouse being
the complainant.
The Columbia river scenery is noted
- far and wide, and is uneqial'ed in tbis
- country. Last evening Lester H
Jacobs, of San Francisco, came up ea
pecially to view the beautiful Colum
bia and other points of interest be had
heard so. much about. He was great
ly pleased with his trip and returned
to Portland by boat this morning.
About noon today an old man .who
lives on Mill Creek, was going up
Second street in an intoxicated con
dltioo, and when in front of C. F.
Stephens store gave a lurch and
thrust nil arm through one of the win
dows, n officer gathered him in.
and while on the way to the city jail
he gave as an excuse for bis condition,
that there was too much politics today,
and be had been talked to until he got
thoroughly rattled. .
- Tbe only news from the convention
in Portland at noon todiy was that
the conference committee had report
ed. The following is tbe apportion
ment of I'ffices: Democrats, Congress
man in tbe first district, state treas
urer and supreme judge. Free silver
republicans, secretary of ttate anii
congressman second district. Popu
lists, governor, state printer, tchooi
superintendent and attorney general
Tbe most unique bill ever offered in
the legislature of Virginia Is' one to
regulate the admission of members in Tbe bill reads as follow?:
Be it enacted by tbe General Assem
bly of Virginia that it stall be unlaw
ful for any person of Ma state to be
received into' membership of any
church of any denomiration until he
has first paid all of his just and honest
debts, or obligated himself by which
tbe same shall be paid, and after his
being received as such member, be
shall be bound to fill all obligations ol
debt contracted, or be expelled from
said membership or organization. Any
person violating tbis act by joining
any church or organization shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeauor and
fined not less than $50, nor more thai.
$500, "and by imprisonment in the
county jail not less than one nor more
than twelve months.-
(From Monday's Daily.)
Frank Fulton, of Biggs, is in
The report of the Maine disaster
will go to congress today
Ed Mays spent Sunday in the city
visiting his parents and friends.
Sydney G. Watt, a merchant from
Wasco, is in the city on business.
There will be two initiations in the
03d Fellows lodge next Friday night.
Malcobm McLennan, a prominent
tockmon of North Yakima, is in the
H. M. Beall returned last night from
an ' extended trip through Southern
- Winetdr the president willaak
for an appropriation to relieve starva
tion in Cuba.
Geo. Stanger, of Lewis & Stanger,
dealer in barbers supplies at Portland,
is in the city.
E. O. McCoy and Wm. Johnston
went to Portland en the delayed train
this morning.
Negotiations between this country
and Spain are being made to end the
war with Cuba.
J. A. Edwards, representing Olds &
King of Portland, is registered at tbe
Umatilla House.
P. O. OrouufT, who has been to Kan
sas on a visit, returned to his home at
Rufus. yesterday.
C. W. Lord spent Sunday visiting in
tbe city aud returned to Arlington on
No. 2 last night.
D. C. O'Reilly, superintendent of
the Columbia Southern, returned to
Wasco last night.
M. J. Manning, this morning bought
1400 pounds of pulled wool, paying 10c
per pound for the same.
Mrs. Ally Henderson left for her
home at White Salmon on tbe
Regulator tbis morning.
Miss Martin, who is teaching school
at Mosier, spent Sunday in tbe city
returning by boat tbis morning.
Passenger train No. I, was 4 hours
late this morning. There were 10 coach
es attached, and all were well filled
Fred G. Wonder, the costumer from
Portland, is in tbe city fitting out the
characters cf King Hallabahoola II
The boiler for Hanson & Thomp
son's new planing mill came up on tbe
Regulator Saturday and will be placed
in position today.
There is 35 tons of ore at the Was co
warehouse from tbe Ocbnco mite,
which will be shipoed to the smelter
at Everett, t' ash. this week.
The case of Ricbard, Iiroekhouse v?
E. W. Carlisle, charged with tearing
down a fence, was dismissed by Justice
Filloon Saturday afternoon.
It is the well dressed man who wears
a tailor made suit, and no tailor in
Oregon makes a better fit than John
Pashek. Call and see his new line of
spring and summer suits.
Lumber is on the beach for a new
s?ow to be built for Foley and Peters.
Messrs Ostlund & Berry aro the
contractors and began work this morn
Mrs. Baldwin and Mrs. Mclnerny re
turned home last evering, having got
ten no further than Portland when
thev received tbe sad news that their
fat.ber, A. Bettengen, was dead.
Hon. W. H. Biggs and wife return
ed tbis morning from a t-hort trip to
Wasco. Mr. Biggs reports fll grain
looking well, and says from all indi
cations there will be a large crop (Lie
Tbe following gentlemen are repla
tered in the city, having returned
from the convention at Portland: Jos.
Binkle, Prineville: J. W. Mefsinner,
Erskinevillc: John Forbes. F. H. Wil
liams. Geo. Meader, Moro: A. J. Brig'
bam, Dufur.
Following are the high scores at the
Umatilla Hou?e bowling alley for tbe
week ending Sunday night: Monday
H. Maetz 60; Tuesday, Maetz 59; Wed
nesday, Maeiz 62; 'I hursday, D
Wilder 63; Friday, Maetz, 62; Saturday,
W. Birgfeld, 69: Sunday, C Groehler
Election was held by Cascade Lodge,
No. 303, B. P. O. Elks, last Saturdaj
night, and the following officer were
elected for the ensuing year. Exalted
ruler, L. E. Crowe; E-teemed Leading
Knight, J. F. Hampshire; Esteemed
Loyal Knight. W. L. Brad sh aw; Es
teemed Lecturing Knight, Grant Ma s;
Secretary, E. M. Wingate; Tyler, lieo.
A. Ferguson; Trustee, Thos Keily.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Work Miner, an attorney
Portland, is in tbe city.
H. Glenn returned from a business
trip to Portland last night.
D. B Gaunt and-wife, of Centerville,
are in the city visiting friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Howaid left on tte
boat this morning for Portland.
Alex. Stewart, a merchant frem
Mosier, is in tbe city on business,
Huse and Henry Johnston of Dufur
are in the city today on business,
Today 500 sacks of wheat were ship
ped below from Moody's warehou.-e.
Miss Betsie French left on The
Dalles City for a short visit in Port
land. C. D. Frazer representative for the
Dr. Price Baking Powder Co., is in
ths city.
A. A. Rsberts, deputy U. S. marshal
from Portland, is in ths city on official
C. W. Fairchild, a resident of Grass
Valley, leit for Portland on tbe Spo
kane flyer.
All the stages leaving town this
morning were heavily loaded with
Walter Casto and C. M. Matlock, of
New Era, leave today for a visit to
J. W. Rondeau, from Geryias, leaves
today fur a short visit to his brother
at Grass Valley.
There is quite a lot of freight in
town awaiting teams to take it to tl
John Day country.
C. H. Moore, a prominent attorney j
from Stevenston, is in tbe city tod a;,
on official business.
I. Herrmin, traveling freight agent
fir the Oregon Short Line, is in tbe
city solicting business.
A. Kistner, wbo ha-t made an ex
ceptionally rich find at Spanish Gulcl
is at tbe Umatilla House.
Much disatisfaction is expressed at
the stand taken by the oreJent on
tbe complications with Spain.
Mrs. Landers and two children o'
Grass Valley weut to Portland by boat
tuis morning for a short stay.
A car of stack hogs was shipoed to-
d ty to the Union Meat Co. at Trout-
dale, by Kettle Bros, of Union
Tbe Wasco warehouse today receiv
ed a load n' pelts from the Baldwin
Sheep & Land Co. at Hay Creek.
Louis Davenport, justice of tbe peace
it Mosier, and an old resident of tbi
place is in the city on business.
Mnjnr Stephens Marshall, chief
division offl.-er of the Salvation Army,
ill speak in the Armory tonight.
Wm'. Hahn, representing Benham,
Trumbull & Co. of Chicago, is in the
city interviewing some of our merch
A. P. Bradbury, (alias Crackerbury)
is in tbe city m tae interest oi toe
Oregon Cracker Co. of Portland
Oregon. '
Pease & Mays yesterday receivet
1,000 racks of salt and today they art-
unloading 2,000 sacks. This, in being
stored la tbe new warehouse built last 1
fall by Samuel Wilkenson. They have
at the present writing about 1 500 sacks
of assorted salt storel and are awaiting
Spain's report of tbe Maine disaster
differs very much from ours, and they
barely aumit that there was an ex
plosion. J. F. Fordyce, representing Wad
hams, Kerr Bros. & Co. of Portland,
Or., is in the city interviewing our
. Alex McLeod, who for years was m
business it tbis place, but now a resi
dent of Palouse, is in tbe city meeting
old acquaintances.
E. J. Collins &Co. yesterday shipped
a carload of potatoes to New Orleans
Wasco county potatoes are receiving a
world wide reputation.
. Miss Annie Lang left for Portland
on tbe delayed train tbis morning,
wh0re she will meet a relative who is
coming from the East.
C. M. Cartrigbt came up last nigbi
from his home at Portland and left
this morning for Hay Creek accom
panied by Jas. Hackett.
E. B. Duffy, traveling freight and
passenger aye tit for the Denver &
Grande railroad is in the city, in the
interest of his company.
oarauel Broiles, who has been to
Portland for some days returned, to
his home at Tygh Valley today. Hv
was accompanied by his mother.
Jno. Thomas, whe for some yearp
was a resident of this city, but now is
iu business at Bowman, Ioaho, is in
the city renewing old acquaintances.
Hundreds of telegrams have been
received by the president from ail
parts of the country insisting that con
gress take immediate action in regard
to Cuba.
Tbos. Fargber is in town today fron
Tygh Ride. He brought with him
1,800 bead of sheep which be is taking
to tbe Cascade mountains to tbe sum
mer range.
T. Brownhill, of Grass Valley, re
turned from Portland where ie hai
been in the interest of settlers on lh
land belonging to the Eastern Oregon
Land Co.
The first shearing that we bv.
h' ard of tbis spring has taken place ii
the John D.iy country. 'Ibis is uu
douo'edly a Oand of wethers, for it U
very early in the season to beyii
The stock of liquors and cigars be
longing to Otto Birirfeld is being sold
at auction today to the higtust Didder,
to satisfy the claims of L. .Meier, Al
Nelsen and Tbe Dalles Commission &
Grocery Co.
Dr. Forest Richards and wife, Ban
lett Richards and wife, and Mrs. J. G
Turner and child from Nebraska, wb
are touring in tbe Northwest are in
the city. The Messrs. Richards are
extensive sheep buyers.
Tbespecial car of the president of
the B C R. & N. whs attached to the
Spokane flyer last evening. Tbe pres-
dent and his family visited in the cit
during the evening and departed on
tbe 11:40 overland train.
At the club room?, the highest score
for last week are as follows: Mondai
A. Keller, 57; Tuesday. Miss Scbanno
44 and N. Sinnott. 60; Wednesday,
Mrs. Fi h, 44 and N. Sinnolt 6i;;
Thursday, MissLang, 45 and Fred
Van N. rden, 62; Friday, Mrs. Seufi-n
58 and N. Sinnott, 61; Saturday, P.
StadlemaD, 59; Sunday, C. Ballard, 56.
There is a great deal of talk of im
proving the grade from Wapinitia to
Pygh Valley, by running a road up
Steers gulch. Tbe present grade is
three feet to tbe rod, while tbe proposed
new one will be one foot to tbe rod.
bis will be a good improvement ana
will meet with tbe hearty aporoval of
all who live in tbe vicinity aud travel
tbe road.
"And they winked the other eye"
when Butts showed them some snaps
in real estate, and Butts didn't do a
thing but make three sales last week
How does he do so much business is
now tbe common remark among the
home seekers of this city and business
men looking for locations. The ex
plination is easy enough and can bt-
illustrated in this way. When you
shojv a man a $20.00 gold piece and
offer it to him for $15.00, be will uk
it, won't be? When Butts shows you
property worth $1000.00 for about
$400,00 you will take it, wou't you?
you want any of these kind of proposi
tions Butts has them.
It is often amusing to see how many
mistakes are made by persons presum
Ing to recognize old acquaintances
For instance, a few days ago one of
our popular young business men while
in Portland was taken for J. J. Cor
bett, tbe pugilist. The young man
was with a few friends at the conven
tion, and while talking with an ac
quaintance was accosted with Why,
hallo, Jim, how are you?" To the
chagrin of the presumptious pirty be
was informed by the gentleman from
The Dalles that he was not a bruWer
but a quiet and peaceable jeweler, who
made no pretense of being a bad man
or a theatrical '-tar."
Dante .It th Voct tlper House.
Tbe groat magician and illusionist
Dante, (Eliason) aided by Mile.
Eiminda, and a carefully selecter
ompany of twelve artists at the Vogt
Opera House on Monday and Tuesday
April 4th and 5th. Dante, the most
wonderful magician and one of trie
Everest public entertaineis of mod
ern times iu bis New Boqnet of Mayic
and Oriental Illusions of bis own ori
ginal invention, and to say that Danu-.
is great is not beginning to express i',
he is superb, superlatively wonderful.
The opportunity to see this mystifier
is a rare treat and certainly no anr'i-
ence will be more delightfully enter
'ained with Dante's new array of
Magic "up to date."
There is a charm about a perform
an co of this kind which attracts every
body, and his marvelous exhibitions
will be thrice welcome.
Dtnteisa great master of India'?
ronjuroring mysteries and he work?
his spells with such finish, ease and
-ace, that one sits quite content to
be so deliciously deceived.
There aro a number of novelties all
new and equally astonishing. Tbe
entertainment is one that can he tin
hesitatingly commended to the public.
A Pendleton Forger.
Since last December a young man
named Jack Murphy has been employ
ed a pressman in ' the Pendleton Tri
bune office, but quit last week and
went on a spree. Sunday afternoon
he presented a number of forged
checks with the signature of Homer
Baltock, drawn on the Pendleton sav
ings bank, and had them cashed In
saloons and restaurants. The checks
ha forged aggregated $71 60, and he
had no difficulty in getting them cash
ed, as he was known to be an employ
of the Tribu office.
Found Acrou the ttallroad Ireetle With
His skull crashed.
Last night after the 11:40 train had
left, word was receied that a man bad
been killed just across tbe railroad
ires' le. Nigbtwatchman Wiley was
summoned, aud with tbe informer pro
ceeded to the scene of the accident.
1'bey fouud the body between the cut
and the bridge lying a few feet from
the truck. Tbe right side of the bead
was mashed, and death must have
been instantaneous. At the coroner's
inquest held today it was ascertained
from men that rode up with him, that
ne was beating bis way to Spokane.
He got on tbe blind baggage at Hood
River and wben Iht train whistled for
tbis place supped to tbe edge of tbe
platform, aud the next instant jumped
off. At tbe lime of the ccidt-ut the
train was moving at tbe rate of 18 or
20 miles an hour. In a conversation
wi h one of bis companions held be
tween Hood River and Mosier he
stated that be bad been under the in
fluence of liquor for the past four
mouths but for tbe last five days he
bad not had a drink or anything to
eat. From all appearaucss he was a
laboring man, and was likely com
ing to ibis vicinity to look for work,
l tie following is tne coroner's verdict:
We tbe jury empennelled by the
coroner, W. H. Butts, to inquire into
the cause of the death of an unknown
man, whose body is now before us, fiud
from the evidence produced, as follows:
That the deceased, whose name is
unknown to us, came to bis death at
or about 11:40 by jumping or falling
off tbe overland passenger train, close
to ihe Dalles, Oregon, that he was
probably uuder some mental abbera
bion, and that his description is as
follows: About 46 yeurs of age, dark
complexioned, about 6 feet in height,
lark moustache, and bis weight about
ISO pounds; a dark suit of clothes,
pretty well worn, black J. B. Stetsou
uat, and a dark overcoat, dark woolen
lovi.8, and a heavy woolen shirt, blue
iocKs, lace shoes. From tbe evidence
we tinii that he came to bis death
nruiigh his own act, and that no fault
or blame attaches to anyone.
Glo. tl Dufur.
A. A. Urquhaht.
E. M. W ingate.
J. E. Palmer.
W. W. Hanna.
C. F. -TEtHJ2N3.
Hen Whom the Itrform Par Ilia Hat
placed iu Nomination.
The three conventions in session at
Portland last week concluded their
labors last S.tiurdav evening Tbe
iiominees of each party were rati fie
oy tbe several conventions, aud the
candidates of each were made the can
lidate8 of all Following is the tick
c implete:
Governor Will R. King, populist
of Baker county.
Secretary of State Harrison R,
Kiucaid, silver republican, of Lin
State Treasurer John O. Booth
democrat, of Jotephine county
Supreme Judge Wm. M. ifamsey
iemocral, of Yamhill county.
Attorney General J. L,
populist, of Wasco county.
State Printer Charles A. Fitch
populist, of Clackamas county,
Superintendent Public Instructions
H. S. Lymau, populist, of Clatsop
Congressmen first district, Robert
VI. Veatch, democrat, of Douglas
county; second district, C. M. Donald
son, silver republican, of Baker county
Circuit Judge, seventh district W
L. Rradsbaw, democrat, of Wasco
Prosecuting Attorney, seventh dis
trict Sam E. Van Vactor, democrat,
of Wasco county.
State Board of Equalization, seventh
district O. P. Kiog, populist of
Sierman county.
Joint Representative, Wasco and
Sherman cointies. A. J. Brighair
s;l 'tr republican; C. L. Morse, pool
Wasco County Republican Primaries
At the republican primaries held in
the county last Saturday the following
delegates were elected from the differ
ent precincts to tbe county convention:
East Dalles Joel Koontz, Geo Reed,
William Floyd, P T Sbirp. John
Wagonblast, Charles W Phelps. Wm
Tackman, James Furlong, C E Chris-
Bigelow L E Crowe, Charles F
Stephens, Josenh Bonn, El F Sham,
Frank C Connelly, C LG.lbert, Simeon
Bolton, James Burns.
Treavitt M A Moody, John S
Schenck, W H Jones, T T Nicholas,
C L Phillips, .VI T Nolan. R B Sinnot.-.
West Dalles F S Gunning. P WDe
Huff, A J Anderson, S S Johns, Au-
Irew Urqubart. W S Clark.
West Hood River T J Cunning, P
Nenberg, G Gessling, J H Watt, E E
Sivage, H bl Ba'ley, Joseph Marti ,
William Yates. Hood River J H Duke?, C
Diet-nan. N C Evans. W H Harbinso ,
W M Smith.
.Cascade Locks Walter Fraine, L
V Russell. A Fiu-ichmer, R Miller, A
1' Di-iscoll. C H Trask.
Bakeoven Wm Leuder, Bud Lohr,
fno Karlan.
Columbia D J Cooper,Harry Gilpii .
Deschutes Geo Rice, L Smith.
tight-Mile W J Davidson, H
Mosier W A Stark, G R Wood, A
Dufur H Johnson, Eli Hinman,
vIcManemy, Tim Eimundson.
At 2 P. M. today all preiinc'f
have been heard from, with the e -
option of Wamic. Wapinitia,Nan9en ,
Vntelope, Tygh Valley, and Baldwi .
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine" Tab
etn. All Druggists refund the monei
' It fails to Curo. 25c. For sale by
Blakeley A Houghton.
Beamy of form.
Coloring and embellishment mark
the suits which we are showing fo
ittle boys in s fro n 3 to 8 years.
The . make-s have given pretty
ames for each individual style, which
f we were to quote her. 3 would hav-
40 meaninr for you, without soeini
he suits. Prices are interestingly
ow, qualities supremely high, v ile
11 the styles are exclusive with us.
nd cannot be duplicated at any other
tore in town. A. M. Williams & Co
Re not deceived! A cough, boarse
ess or croup are not to be trifled with.
dose In time of Shiloh's Cure v,ill
avn you much trouble, sold -by
lakelev & Hougbton, droggi9ts, The
Dalles, Or.
... Party at Chenowlth Creek.
Last Saturday evening; a pleasant
party congregated at the' residence Oi
Michael Oojle on Chenowlth ereec, to
have a pleasant time, and in every in
stance they succeeded. After conver
sation they indulged in dancing, after
which they partook of a beautiful
lunch, and wished that the host and
hostess would give many more occa
sions of the same sort. Those present
as far as we could learn, were:
Mr and Mrs James Hannin, Mr and
Mrs Wm Miller, Mr and Mrs E Waud,
Mr and Mrs D'fvle, Mr and Mrs Jor
don, Mr and Mrs Munson, Mrs Bren
nan, Miss Musen. Miss Widner, Mis
Nagle, Miss Gordon, Meters. W H
Bints, Wm Vanbiber, Geo Dufur.
Frank Pickins, C Jobonsen and O
Cure that cough with Shiloh's cure
Tbe best cough cure. Relieves croup
nromptly. One million boUles sold
last year. 40 doses for 25 cents. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists,
la Over seventy.
Umatilla county has 9ent one of the
oldest, if not the
to the Klondike,
for many years a
wbo has passed
oldest, gold seekers
He is G. W. Cole.
Cold Spring farmer.
the age of "0, but
whose blool is made eager and youth
ful again by the stories from tbe Gold,
en North.
The old farmer, who is known famil
iarly as "Wash" Cole, recently sold
bis ranch consisting of a section of
land, his cattle, and ill of his portable
properly except that needed for the
trip. Then he started with two other
men, and is now on his way overland
to i he gold fields of Alaska, via the
Spokane route through the British
The Cole outfit consists of a gubstan
tial wagon drawn by four good ho'ses,
a 1 1 ten pack horses. Tbe three men
are well equipped for tbe vicissitudes
of Alaskan life.
For constipation take Karl's Clover
Root Tea, the great blood purifier.
Cures headache, nervouxneps, erup
tions on the face, and makes the head
clear as a b-U. Sold by Blakeley &
Hoiightm. The D tiles.
Read the Dible for a "Shine."
The other Sunday morning in Wash
ington a gentleman sa'lied forth be
times to have his shoes polished, and
finally discovered a coal-black "profes
sor," who was intently reading the
Bible. "Hullo," says the early citizen;
"give me a shine." "Yes, I will, boss,
if you'll read this second chapter of St.
John while I'se work."
"All right," responded the gentle
man ; "go ahead." And he read aloud the
chapter as requested. "Thank you,
boss; fruess you read it straight," saM
the old darky, "an yer boots am right,
too." Boston Herald.
EDY. Mrs. Wiusiow's Soothing Syrup
has been used tor over fifty years by
million.- ol mothers for their children
wbile teething, with perfect success
It soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy -for diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug
gists in every part of the world.
Twentv-fiye cents a bottle. Its value
is uncalculable. Be sure and ask for
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
Whit Dr. E. A. Salter May.
Buffalo. N. Y Gents: From my
personal knowledge, gained in ohwerv
ing the effect of your Shiloh's Cure in
cases of advanced Consumption. I am
prepared to say it is the most remark
able remedy that has ever been
brought to my attention. It has
certainly saved many from consump
tion. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton,
Why suffer with coughs, colds, and
a grippe when Lixitive Bromo Q line
line will cure you in one day. Does
not produce tbe ringing in the head
like sulphate of quinine. . Put u i in
tablets convenient for taking. Guar
anteed to cure or money refunded,
Price 2 cents. For sale by Blakeley
at uougnioo, druggists, Tbe Dalles
thiol Tobacco Spit aal Smoke Tour Ule
To quit tnba-co easily nnd forever, be oaf
letic. full of life, nerve and viior, take No-To
ac. tne wonder-worker, that makes weak met
trong. All druggists, DOo or f l Cureguarac
oid Booklet and sample free. Addres
lfn"lir Co. . Chicago or New York
FAGAN In thi3 city, March J6, to Mr and
Mrs. ieary i. f'agan. a sun.
WILBURM -In this city, March 27. to tr. and
Mrs. w. a. wuD-ira, a aauKbter.
TiJTPD nnrrni w'"T-
liuliiiU UUuhd: ikiwso
Wilt mitkf a iti.i"iiiHt'tiii iifHtirrV txautifiil lnt tin
0NLT KOim rtNTS. UKMVfcltm
Garden fmrtt? Free lesa
and Floral vviuu .Appiimilaa
THE Ill'SV MAX'S CA T.I l.fHll'E
ami the Ijtihrs' Giinlrner Mail Ailvinrr
riienitlr nu rntiMuillij Mil l--l.l.:i !l inr-r
tiA .i.itius nni (-,1,1 I.. tt tuu.(reiruiuTe turn
I'lIlft-lllMl ituitsl thai
le Hun Uii, Urad. Man IMuttratioi..
.in nnliin. .ltitl t-l;tir ..r sn-t IVa Ntut
.UTt.4 'lllMIO IWellltl.. I...I.J!. llrfV I.HV
.V.klLi:,);.-iiii.,plv ftlliil Will; l.'.Uf lllu'IlfcTTVI
111,. ..IfMK M.. t-.llliIH f . .1
JAMES VICKS SONS. Rochester. N v
riT K vtnlr'o IiirTBreo
;m Hi pwner) w.,m,i,..
Tat Famous GardVnln? Authority.
wHIh:. m;ii of itifnrmhliMN aUvit Flunn Vmm.
WW.IIT. Ill- IIH. Ml h t. If II II. I Mh,..
.Mguzin is Kiflf (riilft iir r. I til if v.hj irtil r..
urn IliU rn pun wiMi i io-renr turnip
,m- hi,e.i- miii ii.:i.r,i io TUU lfCU.Ui.V lol m.S
u- ..- . . I t .- :i i uiK4l u
V1CK PUB. CO.. l:r f.TRTFP. N. V.
Her Health Restored
THE misery of sleeplessness can only be
realized by those wbo have experi
enced It. Nervousness, sleeplessness,
headaches, neuralgia and that miserable
feeling of Unrest, can surely be cored by Dr.
Miles' Restorative Nervine. So certain is
Dr. Miles of this fact that all druggists are
authorized to refund price paid for the first
bottle tried, providing It does not benefit.
Mrs. Henry Brnns, wife of the well known
blacksmith at Grand Junction, Iowa, says:
''I was troubled with sleeplessness, nervous
ness, headache and irregular menstruation;
suffering untold misery for years. I used
various advertised remedies for female com
plaints besides being under the care of local
physicians, without help. I noticed in Dr.
Miles' advertisement the testimonial of
lady cured of ailments similar to mine, and
I shall never cease to thank that lady. Her
testimonial Induced me to use Dr. Miles'
Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pills, which
restored me to health. I cannot say enough
for Dr.Mlles'Bemedies.1
Dr. Miles' Bemedies
are sold by all drag. -gists
under a positive
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re
funded. Book on dla- .
eases of the heart and
MHeV "-a
& Nervine 3
Health v
nerves free. Address,
PB.Mn.K8, EUaarfclf
J U II u
n h i
J9 -Leave
7 l" P. M
Albert Betllnffen, Sr.. Dies In Baa Fraa-
At noon yesterday in San Francisco,
Albert Bettingendied from pneumonia
haying been taken ill at Los Angctes
en the preceding Tuesday. Mr. Bet
tingen had gone to California with bis
brother, Alfred Bettingen, of Montana,
to spend the winter, and while in Los
Angeles, took a severe cold. He im
mediately went to the home of bis
niece, Mrs. Ed. Duffield, in San Fran
cisco, wbere tbe Otj.-t .medical chill !
that city was called, but the disease
bad s cured such t strong hold upon
bim that it cttuld not be eradicated.
Mr. Bettingen was born in Luxem
burg, Germany, March 1, 1827, and
wben 25 years of age with his wife
came to America, locating in Ne
York, wnere he resided five years, and
from there went to San Francisco,
Thirty-eight years ago he came to The
Dalles aud since then has been one of
tbe substantial citizens of this place,
For yeaes be was engaged in the tin
and hardware business, and accumu
lated a comfortable fortune. Four
years ago his wife died in this city.
and since then Mr. Bt-ttineen has
spent much of his time traveling.
Mr. Bettingen leav, s four children
Sister Mary Alberta, of Ashland: Al
bert Bettingen, Mrs. T. Baldwin and
Mrs. J. P. Mclni-rny. of this city.
Albert was with bis father at tbe time
of bis death, having arrived in San
Francisco Saturday night.
It is expected tbe remains will reach
here Thursday evening, and the funeral
will probably take place Friday fore
noon from the Catholic church.
Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant
laxative. Regulates the bowels, puri
fies the blood. Clears the complexion
Easy to make and pleasant to take
25 cents. Sold by Blakeley It Hough'
ton, druggists, The Dalles, Or.
A great deal of interest is taken to
day in the primaries by tbe republic
ans. Two tickets are in the field, and
both are fighting for recognition.
Nu nerous carriages are on the streets,
ready to take tbe voters to the desired
precinct. Following are tbecandidates
for delegates in the different precincts:
WeBl Dalles piecinct,seven delegates
Thos Hudson, Waiter Klinrit, WS
CI rk, F S Gunning, O C Bo, lister, P
H DbHuff, Wm Go.-ser, A J Audir&on,
S S Johns, Andy Urqubart.
Trevitt precinct, seven delegates
Jno S Scbenck, T T Nicholas, C L
Phillip?. W H Jones, J M Toomey, R
B Sinnott, M A Moody. J C Hostetle,
Larry Hayes, M T Nolan.
Bigelow precinct, eight delegates
L 12 Crowe. C F Stephens, Jos Bonr,
Ed Sharp, F C Connelly, C L Gilbert,
Simeon Bolton, James Burns, E M
Williams, H L Kuck, L Cnrisman, L
Rorden, M Rindall, J M Patterson.
East Dalles, nine delegates Joel
Koontz, Geo Reed, Wm Floyd, PT
Sharp, John Wagonblast, Cbas
Phelps, Wm Tackman, James Fu long.
C E Chrisraan, D Creigbton, F C Sex
ton, Fred Fisher,- Dan Baker, J H
Wursley, Dan Roberts, H W Moore.
l atent Pram the Coavantlon.
A telegram from the convention at
Po-tla'id. received at 4 o'clock states
the following nominations were made:
Governor, W. R. King.
Secretary of State, H. R. Kincaid.
Treasurer, J. O. Booth.
Supreme Judge, W. M. Ramsey.
Atto-ney General, J. L. Story,
Congressman Second District, C,
Congressman First District, R.
Dtath of George W. Rowland.
George W. Rowland, a well known
and much respected citizen of The
Dalles, died about 7 o'clock last night
after a lingering illness continuiug
for several months. Tne death of Mr.
Rowland came with little surprise to
those who were cognizant of his con
dition though tbe regret felt at the sad
occurrence will be none tbe lessened.
Vr. Rowland was born in Missouri
fifty-eight years ago last August. In
1844, when but a wee lad he crossed
the plains with his parents in the long
procession of hardy pioneers who were
journeying in those days to tbe land of
the setting sun. The Rowland family
first settle! in the Willimeite Valley
and there George Rowland grew to
manhood. Tbirty-two years have
passed since Mr. Rowland and Cynthia
Taylor were married near Salem. Ore
gon, and the bride of that day survives
Mr. Rowland lived for several years
t Rockland, across tbe river from The
)alles but the last ten years he has
nade his heme in this city, wbere he
as been actively engaged in business.
de leaves a widow and six children to
nourn his loss, the children being
Irs. M. Ainswortb, Mrs. Geo. B.
Glummer, Allie. Bessie, Ralph and
rudie. Tbe funeral will take place
omorrow afternoon at two o'clock
rom tne lamiiy residence on Fourth
Cdocara Your tooweis with Caaeareui.
Oandy Cathartic, enre constipation forever
P. 25c 1IC.CC fail, druggists refund monej
Effective Oct. 10, 18T.
6:00 A. M.
5:00 A. M.
Connection made with O. R. &
passenger trains at Biggs.
General Manager
Manufacturer of "and Dealer- In
Harness and Saddler
East End, Two DocrsWeat of Diamond Flou
ing Mills. Second Street.
All Work Guaranteed to Give
EiaiituJy Bays Wo.
Casraireta Cand v Cathartic the most W0 a
flerf ul medical diacot err of Ui age, pleas-
Mit and refreshing to toe tasie, act gently
uid iKMitlvely on liver and bowels
.ipaiisin tlie enure ayawm, uaci coma,
sum liemlRolie. fever, habitual constipation
Hid bi'iniinnesa. Please buy and try boa
nlii.eC to-day; 10, ", r cent. Bold ana
guiariuitsed la cure by aU iniaW.
Sheepmen's Supplies, Shears, Oil. and Lamp Black
for marking Sheep.
Mitchell Wag-ons
McSherry Drills, Osborne Mowers, Binders.
Keapers and Rakes, Myers' Hay Tools and
Farm Implements of all kinds. . .
Full Line of Hachine Extra
"Next door to A. M. Williams & Co.
i mirir'w , .f r wmmmr-m
rJ Commission and Forwardiott Merchant
391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE6T.
r"' (Adjoining Railroad Depot.)
Prompt attention will by paid to
Pioneer Bakery,.
I have reopened this well known Bafcery, and am
now prepared to bupply everybody with
Also, all kindsW
GEO, iK-cr-H,
Pioneer Grocer.
25 SO
I DPAT rpnnr fTTI'B JITPPri N tin id?
t nnw
I aaa besklet free.
t 1 1 1 nu i ii r
This well-known brewery is now turning out tbe best Bee)
nd PorUr east of the Cu sondes. The latest appliances for th
manufacture of cood healthful Beer have been introduced, an.
only tbe first-class article will be
East Second Street
The Dalles,
Wines, . liquor Cigars 'and Beer.
The Celebrated Val Blas Beer, An' auser-Posch , Ma
Nutrine, a non-alchoholic beverage unequaled as a to 'ic
Job Printing
v SSk
those who favor ms with their patronage
rancor erartipitioa. raseards an the Ideal Un4
wria or rrine.bnt raa ml aaiaral ma Its, Saafi
flfc. l airaao, nonireai. l.u.. ion. an.
placed on the market.
Of all kinds iorVet
short notice and al
reasoaable rataas at
BOSTON and all
For Information, time carda. nana lad tlrkcla
U oo or write. W.C. ALLAWAY. Arent
ur A. u. uhakltiin. AmiMani utneral y
4en arr Am-nt. No. S Morrtftoo Street. Cor
er of Third Street. PortlancUOresoa
Latest Style ...
Lowest Profits-
: In Mens and Boys :
lothing, Dry Goods.
-Boots and Shoes
134 Second Street.
Eastern Oregon
Slate Normal
School s
Weston, Oregon
Only State School fa Eastern OreiroB.
Located oa the O. R AN. Railway, midway
between Pendleton and Walla Walla. -StndeaU
admitted at all tlmeaof(tb year.
Training School
For Teachers.
Vocal and lnntromemal Ifuaia ttui
uiit by
competent instructor. A graduate of tba Boa
ton Conservatory baa charge of the laatcunea
tai department. t 'i
llie ladies'
Boarding Hall
la thoroughly equipped and offeri "eicelleat
accommodation!) at reasonable ratea.
Send for catalogue.
ActdresaM. tOfAL. President of Faealty
P A. VORTdINQTON, Secretary Boar
Agenta.Weaton, Oregon
1 --XiN
The first of Amencaa Newspapers.
Charles a. Dana, Editor.
The American Constitution, :
The American Idea,
The American Spirit
These first, last, and all the time,
Dally, by mall $6.00 a year
Dally and Sunday, by mall, $8.00 a year
The Sunday Sun
Is the irreatest Sunday Newspaper
in the world.
By mail, $2 a year. 5c a copy
First-Class Nursery Stock a
Sole proprietors of Yakima Apple
Send for Catalogue and aak for Prices
Trade Marks
Copyright die. '
Anyone amdlnf a aketra aaa daaerlptfcm aaaf
enlokly ascertain oar opinio free wbcbr aa
niTentlon la probably patantabia. CoaBnmfftlea.
tkmaatrletlronnadantlaL Handbook on Patau
ant f pee. OKIaat aaanrr for sararinapetania.
Patanta taken ttoroerb Mnns A Co. Moalve
feial waUca, without ebarae, la tbe
Scientific American.
A handaomelr llhiatratad waaklv. larmt ehk
culattoa of anr soientiSs SnarnaL Terma. SI a
Tear ; four months, $L 8oM by all naaradralara,
ikaacsi OOorn, (Q T St- Waahfetoa, ii U.
Seventh and Want, ng-tor Sta
0 LAM). . . . CklGON
i on i.m
aaiBRicas PLAR
to. im
ours OAFES
Buoaeasors to I. B. Blakar y .
Dellrered to Any Part of
xhrn OttT.
PaaatM'n aa4 aaaKie takaa eaa4
C Mi
MPEW.L era,