ort!:m! LlUuiy OUmiSERK, Vritme XXXV) vtt ini itt. 100a THE DALLES. OKEGON, SATURDAY. MARCH 19. 1898 NO 26 4 8 Ijii is PROFESSIONAL. 0. ULLISl'KK, Physician and Surgeon, Rooms over Dalles National Bank. Office noun, 10 a m to 14 m, and from i to 4 p m. Keai dence West End of Third street, A. S. BKN.NKT Attorney at Law yyai. tackman Dentist. Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for wasvo county E. E. Savage, administrator of the estate of Annie Rich, deceased. Plaintiff, vs. . Rosa S. Howells, Defendant. By virtue of an execution, decree andop'er of sale duly issued out oi ana under ine se:u of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Wasco, to me directed, and dated the f :h day of February 1898, upon a decree for tne foreclosure or a cer tain mortgage, and judKnvnt rendered and en tered in uiu court on the ltn day of January. 189X. in the above entitled caue. in favor of the plaintiff and atraiast the defendant. Kosa b ' Howells, as judgment debtor, in the sum of 1347.10, rfith intere.-t thereon from th-j 12tii day of January. at the rate of ten percent per annum, and the runner sum or s attorne fees, anil the further sum of $11 costs and the costs of and upon this writ, aid commanding me to maKe sale or tne real urooeriy emnracea in such deert e cf foreclosure and hereinafter described, I will, on Monday, the 14th day of March, 1898. At the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day and at the front aoorof the County Court House in Dalles city. Wasco l ountv. DreTOn. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in nand. an tne right, lit e ami interest which the dereDrta-it. Kosa f. rioweiis. had on the IHth day of June, 194. the date of the mort gage foreciosed herain, or which such defend ant has since acquired o- now has in and to the following described real property situate and being in Wasco County, Oregon, towit : Begin ning at a point GO rods east of the northwest corner of section 10 in township - north of ranse 10 E. W. M . . running thence East 20 rods, thence South 80 rods, thence West SO rods, and thecce North 80 rods to the place of beginning, con taining 10 acres, except that in the N. E. corner thereof containing 4 acre heretofore conveyed to school district No. 31. or so much of said pr- p erty as will satisfy said judgment and decree, with costs and accruing costs. Said property will be so;d subject to confirmation and re demption as by law provided. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon. Feb. 8. 1S9R. T. J DRIVEN. Sheriff of Wasco County. Oregon. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County. O. F. Schowalter.as administrator of the estate of S. G. Krchbiel. deceased. Plaintiff, vs. Wilson R. Winans and Mary Winans and J. M Huntington. Defendants. Ki virtue of an execution, decree and order of sale, duly issued out of and undor the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Wasco, to be directed ana dated the 2d day of March 1S9S. upon a decree for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage, and judg ment rendered and entered in said Court on the 15th day of February. 1X98, in the above entitled cause, in favor of the Ph'.intm and against the Defendants Wilson li. Winans and Mary Winans as judgment debtors, in the sum of eleven hundred twenty-live and 6J-1H) dollars, with interest thereon from the 15th day of February, 19A at the rare of ten per cent per annum, and the further sum of one hundred dollars, as attorney's fees and the further sum fo fifteen dollars, costs, and tne cost of and upon this writ, and commanding me to make sale of the real property embraced in such decree of foreclosure and hereinafter described, I will, on the IS day of April, 1S9S, at the hour of two o'clock, in the af ternnon of said day. and at the front door .t the County Court House in Dalles City. Wasco County. Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in band, all the right. Title and Interest whicu the Defendants Wilson R. Winans and Mary Winans and J. M. Hunting ton or either of them had on the 12th day of February, 1S92. the date of the mortgage fore closed herein, or whioh such Defendants or any of the Defendants herein, have since acquired, or now have inond to the following described real property, situate and being in Wasco County, Oregon, to-wit: Lots one. two, three, four and the southwest quarter XI of the northeast quarter Hi and the southeast quarter of the northwest qarter H of section one W in township one fl north of range nine (9 cast of the Willamette merid ian, Wasco county, Oregon. Two hundred forty four and 72-100 . res of hind or so much of said property as will satisfy said judgment and decree, with costs and accruing costs. Said property will be sold subject to confirm ation and redemption as by law provided. Dated t The Dalles, Oregon, this 3d day of March 1M8. T. J. DRIVER. Sheriff, Wasco County, Oregon. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County. William Clark. P.aintiff. vs. John W. Watson and Carrie M. Watson, Dt-fendants. - By virtue of an execution, decree and order of sale, duly" issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Wasco, to me directed and dated the 2d day of March. 1898, upon a decree for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage, and judg ment rendered and entered in said Court on the 5th of Decemb. r. lStfi. in the above entitled cause, in favor of the Plaintiff and against the Defendants John V. Watson and Carrie M. Watson as judgment debtors, in the sum of three hundred eleven and ru-lOC dollars, with interest thereon from the I2th day of November 1804, at the rate of leu per cent per annum, and the further sum of fifty dollars as attorney's fees, and the further sum of i J 5' costs, and the cost of and upon this writ, and commanding me to make sale of the re;il property embraced in such decree of foreclosure and hereinafter de scribed. I will, on the 13tb day of April. 1808. at the hour of two o'clock, in the afternoon of said day and at the front door of the County Court House in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the Defendants John V. Watson and Currie M. Watson or either of them h?d on the 12th day of June. 1891. the date of the mortgage foreclosed herein, or which such Defendants or any of the Defendants herein, have since acquired, or now have in and to the following described real pronerty. situate and being in WascoCounty.O egon. to-wii : Lots numbered one (1). two 2. three 3 and four 14). in block numbered one (1) in Iclewild addition to the town of Hood River, in Wasco County, State of Oregon; also block numbered srven 17) in Erwins and Watson's second addition to the town of Hood River, in Wasco County. State of Oregon, or so much of said property as will satisfy said judgment and decree, with costs and accruing costs. Saidproperty will ho sold subject to confirm ation and redemption as by law provided. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this Sd day of March, 180?. T. J. DRIVER. Sheriff,. Wasco County. Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that th undersigned, executor of the will of George F. Beers, de ceased, has filed his final accounrassuch execu tor, with the county court of the state of Ore gon for Wasco county, md the judge thereof has appointed Monday, the 7th day of March, 1XH8, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. ut the county court room in the court house in Dalles City, in s:iid county and state, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final ac count and the settlement thereof. All heirs and creditors of tlie deceased, and all other persons interested in said estate, are hereby notified to file their objections to said final account, if any they have, ou or before the date fixed for the hearing and settlement thereof. Dalles City, Oregon. Feb, S. 1898. iMIJHAEL DOYLE. Feb.5 Executor ADMINISTP.ATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the underslcced has been duly apiiointed by the County C urt of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, in probate, administrator of the estate of J. A. Dickerson, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present ttem to me with proper vouchers at the law otnee of Condon & Condon, In Dalles City. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dalles City. Oregon. January 'g;rER Administrator of the estate of J. A. uu-kerson, deceased. ESTRAY NOTICE. C-jme to my place oa Lone well farm, on Dutch Flat, four head of cattle, three of them two year olds and one a yearling. One of the two vear olds is black and two of them red : the yearling Is red. ;No visible brand, but ear marks as follows: Two of them with spi t in left ear with riuhtear cut off. one with right ear cut o3 and one with left ear split. Also came to my place August I. one mare about three years old with blaze in face no brand visible. I want the owner to prove properly, pay charges and take them away. The mare came August 1, and the cattle ctme Nov. 1,1897. .R. F. WICKHAM. Wanted-An Idea Who ean thraa thing to patent? Protect Write J onr Idea; they may bring you wealth. HN WKUilKKiJUKM IAS RUCRN CO.. Patent Atlor- Waahlngton, D. C for their i.8U0 prime offac -TO THE GIVES THE Choice of Two Transcontinental Routes GREAT OREGON NORTHERN RY. SHORT LINE VIA SPOKANE VIA SALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA AND MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL. AND CHICAGO KANSAS CITY LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES : : Ocean steamers Oregon, Geo. W, Elder and City of Tnpeka leave Port land every hve days for Alaska Points, OCEAN STEAMERS leave- Portland every four days lor SHN r-RHNCISCO. Steamers monthlv from Portland to Yokohotna and Hong Kong; via The Northern Pacific Steamship Co., in connection with O. R. & N. For- full details call on the O. R. & N. Agent at THE DALLES, or address; W. H. HTJELBTJRT, Gen. Pass. Agt., Portland. Oregon Dodwell, Carlili. & Co.. Gen' Agts Northern Pac. t S Co.. Portland, Oregon. The New O. R. tt N. Time Card. Train No. 2 east via. the Union Pacific and Oregon Short Line, arrives here at 11:45 A. M., departs at 11:50. No. 4, east bv Spokane and Great Northern, arrives at 5:25 p. ai.. departs 5:30. No. I, west from U. P. and O. S. L.. arrives at 3:10 a. m., and departs 3:20. No. 3, west from Spokane and Great Northern, arrives at ti:50 a. M. and de parts at 0:55. Freight trains Nos, 23 and 24, second divisions, will carry passongers. No. 23 arrives at 5 p. M. and No. 24 leaves at 1:45 p. M. THE" "HUNSON" WRITER Is M'lhj Fcsl 1 . 11 ; 1 1 . . hine The ' Contro-j The- -.j... ... L.. . . ?i ; , ints Of adv. mi l oVrf Mta--' -vr-r.: N..cl t:jt-s. The most dui of u. A :ax c-t.-wijue, TiiK ML'SSON TYPEWRITER Co , 240-2U W. Las? St., - - Chicago, Ills SHERIFF'S SALE la the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco county. Mrs. Mun-'iiret E. Sykes, plaintiff, vs. Wi'liam turner, defendant, liv virtue of an execution, on order of sale. duly tsuvd out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of W-.isco. tome directed and dated the 'id d iy of March. lh!K upon a judgment ren dered and entered in said Court on the l.'ith.day of February. IMX!, in tha ah ve entitled cause in favor of the Plaintiff and OK-uust the De fendant William Turner us judnmi-ut debtor, in the sum of two hundred twenty-four and R8 1M dollars, with interest thereon from tiie loth day of February, IWiK. at the ra'X! of eiKht per cent per annum, aud the further snm of nine teen collars, costs, ana tne cose oi ana upon this writ, and commanding me to make sale of the real uroDertv embraced in such decree of foreclosure and hereinafter described. I will, on ti:e I'lh day of April. IMW. at the hour of two o clock, in te ifternoon of said day. and at the front door of the County Court House in Dalles City. Wasco County, Oregon, sell at purine auction to the biiraest bidder for cash is hand. nil the right, title and imen-st which the de fendant William T'irner or either of tbem bad on the 15th day of February. l.'Ss. the date of the jiiiig.neat herein. or which such Defend ant herein, has since - acquired, or now has in and to the following de scribed real property, situa'e and being in Wasco Ccuntv. Oregon, to-wit: Uots seven and eight in block eighteen of Gates audition to Dalles City, in Wasco County. Oregon, or so much of said property as will satisfy said judg ment and decree, with costs and accruing costs. Said property will be sold subject to confirm ation and redemption as by law provided. Dated at Tne Danes, Oregon, mis so. uay oi March, 1S9S. T. J. DRIVER. Sheriff, Wasco County. Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Thk Dalles. Oreros, February 16. li.. t Notice is herebv given that tho following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at. The Dalles, Oregon, on Sat urday, Mart h 26, IKH'. viz. JOHN E. FKRGUSOX. Of The Dalles. Hd. E, No. -trfll for the SE! Set. 1. Tp. 1 S.. K. 13 E. W M. He names the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon and cultivation of said li.nd. viz: a Savrcs. f ; W Robertsrn. John Baker ana W liiam Henzie. h11 c f Toe Dalles. Oregon. Feb.17 JAS. F. MOORE, Register. A. . IfROWN -Eee i FULL ASSORTMENT lim m FAISMEi! J AND PROVISIONS, psslal Prices to Gish Buyers 170 9FCOND 8 fREET. J S SCHZKCK. President H M. Peall, Casbiet First National Bank Trie DHL LES, OREGON & Ceneral Eank'ng Business Transacted.' Deposits received subject to sight; draft or check. Collect! ms made and proceeds promptly re mitted on day of collection. S;gtt and telegraphic exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Portland.- DIRECTORS: D. P. Thompson, Jno. Ed M. Williams, Geo. H. M. Beall. S. Scheni k A. Liabe, EAST 10 25 50 iRflT TITFT Y filTiPHHTITn V cure Uwwuuu.iuux u wtin.ii, i ulj tIV(, iifTT pie ind booklet free. id. STEISMXtt liKKKltT .,-! ri'iiiiiai:.?! tiit- in in ut vcLiL-: WHOLESALE 173 SECOND STREET The Celebrated tVal Blatz Beer, Anhauser-Busch M i Nutrine, a noa-altliohoiiu beverage unequaled as a tonic Z. F. MOODY General Commiion and Forwarding iketel 391. 393 KND 395 SECOND STREGT. (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Consignments Solicited Prompt attention will by paid to tUoso who favor we with theii patronage no Clarke & Falk, Propr's Drugs, Medicines and Drug-gists Sundries. Physician's Prescriptions a Specialty. Vogt Block, One Door West Postoffice. Phone 33b Pioneer Bakery I havejjreopcnedthis well known Balcery, and am now prepared to supply everybody with.. BREAD, PIES . and CAKE Also, all kinds of. STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES Pioneer Grocer. Sewing Machines AT COST Save traveling agents expenses by buying the White and other standard machines of C. W. PHELPS, East end Second Street, The Dalles. jBftaiio . jnBwarasgar' a.. ALL DRUGGISTS : anycaseof c.instip.ilion. fasenrcts arc the Ideal Laxa-j mp or griT.s.Cnt cause crisr natural resells, hum-j O.. f liirr?, Montreal. Can., or New To.-k. su.l vMmmCM'-yM. vaniimi or- Clioicc Medicines. Are keeji 011I3 the Lest grade of all articles we dispense. All oar drugs are of the finest qual ity, an l our prescriptions may altvays be relied on as absolutely accurate and truthful. BLAKELEY &' HOUGH fOS 175 Second Street Ohormonii UO a 1(1 WARLIKE The Government Getting "its Fighting Maehnes Ready. RETAINS HIS NERVE Sagasta is Taking' Matters Coolly and is Not Worrying of Probabilities of War. The Coart Qf Inquiry Has Completed ita Labors anil Will Report Soon Kate War on Afrula. s Wasuixgto.v, March 11. Negotia tions are proceed in ; for the purchase of the Brazilian cruiser Amazonus and her sister ship, the Darboso, by the United ."states, but so far as the navy department is advised, iiave not yet been closed. Th; negotiations for the purchase of ttvo Japanese cruisers jo Miildini at Philadelphia and San Francisco are off, and present indi cations are that no further steps will be taken toward acquiring the ships. The Japanese government appears to be even more desirous of securing hese ships than the United States, xnd owing to the delicate character of the aspect of affairs between Russia and Japan, it is felt that the needs of Japan are quite as urgent as those of this couBtry. Secretary Alger has authorized Gen eral Flagler, chief of ordnance, to make arrangements at once for procuring a large number of rapid firing guns for tlie sea coast defenses. This action is taken without waiting for an allot ment among- the various bureaus of the war and navy departments of the $50,000,000 voted for the national de fense. It is now stated by the ordnance officials that directions have been ;iveu to the various arsenals aud armories controlled oy tne govern ment to increase their working force to the fullest practicable extent, with 1 view to hurrying to completion ex isting projects. Likewise all firms having contracts to supply the govern ment with orduance have been re quired to work night and day in order to finish the work in hand and to ar range their business w th a view to in creased orders. (-AGASTA JS UNRUFFLED. Spanish rremit-r Professes to Fear no Trouble With the United State. New York, March 11. A Herald special irom Marina eays: The torpedo squadron, unless the plans are altered, will start Friday of this week to the Canaries, while the two torpado destroyers leave direct for Cuba. A strong sentiment is growing that peace or war should come without delav. .. . ' ' "'The'tnercurial 'TDerturbations of thffH stock market met with the criticism here of being undignified. For exam ple, at the cabinet council the price of corn and the elections occupied more time than the attitude of the United states. Senor i.iga3ta is totally un ruffled and keeps optimistic. The government organs, the Liberal and the Correo, caustically state that t!ie Eiiglish false reports circulated have created a daDgerous condition of publi3 sentiment. Further reinforcements of troops have sailed from Santandor for Cuba. There is no truth in the report that the king is ill. The anxiety as to relations between Spain and the United States which has pervaded financial and commer cial circles for several days, culminated Thursday in a heavy fail in funds, all securities of the exterior and interior debts declining 1 per cent. Foreign exchanges have risen in an unprece dented degree, prices on Paris being 3o premium, and on London 39 pre mium. All the newspapers call upon the government to stop the panic by a prompt and clear statement as to real conditions existing in Cuba, and also by defining international relations. A S17S.U4KIM-: MINE. President Paid ta Have Ueen Adviited of the CauKC of the Explosion. New YORK, March 12. ' he Army and Navy Register t.ayt: The Regis ter is in possession of information, the correctness of which it has no rea son to question, that certain evidence sratherd by the court of inquiry at Havana has come in semiofficial form to the president, from two prominent members of the board. Tho informa tion has been in the hands oi tne president since Sunday, and has been the occasion of the unusual activity during the past wtek. The informa tion is that tho Maine was destroyed by a government suomarino mine orn S Do you come to tne. close of tncdaythorougnlyexhausted? Does this continue day after t Perhaps you are even too es- hausted to sleep. Then some- thing: is wrong-. All these s things indicate that you are S rr . X ....... n..- SUIicrlllg jruiu ? fiaustion. Your nerves need feeding: and your blood en- ! nuuujji Scott's Emirfsio?? of Cod-liver Oil. with Hypo- 5 phosphites of Lime and Soda, m contains just the remedies to S meet these wants. The cod- Vf-vrr oil o-ives the needed & strength, enriches . the blood, g 8 feeds the nerves, and the hy- t- pophosphites give them tone and vigor. Be sure you g;et & SCOTT'S Emulsion. Ail druggist. , fw enrvrr B(1WNP Oumicte. New York. J WeCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCeg ' w Out?! planted in Havana harbor and deliber ately exploded. More than this, it appears the Maine was purposely moored in the vicinity of the mine, and that the explosion occurred at the moment when the ship had been opportunely carried by wind and tide directly over the mine. These facts have been hinted at and written about in dispatches from Ha vana, Madrid and Washington, and among the varied statements made, the actual conditions have been touch ed upon, but nothing authorative has been permitted to escape from thj court. There can be but one outcome of such a report, and preparations for the inevitable result are being industri ously and ladefatigably prosecuted. The work of the week chows that the government at Washington annre- ciates the situation, and will be readv to meet what has now ceased to be a mere emergency. Mrs. Maiy Bird, Uarrisburg. Pa. savs: "Mv child is worth millions to me: yet I would have lost her by croup had I not invested twenty-live cents in a bottla of One Mintitn Cough Cure." It cures coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. THE 1'LAN OUTLINED. Policy to He Pursued Toward Cuba and Spaiu. St. Paul, March 14. Tho Globe's Wash'ngton special says: The president and his cabinet know officially the result of the Maine in quiry. They are prepared to aft. They have canvassed the coursa of events so far as they can forsee them and have formulated a policy to meet the emergency. Along its lines the administration expects to move unless it is swept off its feet by a wave of pop ular dissatisfaction. The Globe's spec- al correspondent is able to present the forecast of events as viewed by the president and his cabinet. It can be outlined thus: One The court of inquiry will re port that the exploion was external. Two Tho pret-ident will immediate- y. through Minister Woodford, de mand from Spain an indemnity of $10,- 000.(100. Three Spain is expected to reply expressing lir willingness to pay if she is responsible, but maintaining that her own investigation shows that the explosion was internal and purely awidedtal. She will therefore sug gest reference to an international board of arbitration. Four In such an event the admin istration would be disposed to comply with the suggestion unless an irresist able demand for war sweeps through congress. Five If congress acquiesces in tho suggestion, the attempt will bo made to adjourn the body and leave the whole matter in the president's hands. Six It is expected that a large majority of congressmen will claim that such a matter of honor cannot be arbitrated. It is further expected that the leaders of both houses, including Senator- Davis, - ot-.-Minnesota, ...will favor arbitration. COFIRMFO AT WASHINGTON. Government Has Bought the Amazonas mid Admiral Urea. Wasiiixgtox, March 14. The re ported sale to the United States of the Brazilian cruisers Amazonas and Ad miral Abrenall now receiving their finishing touches in English shipyards, was confirmed here this afternoon. It is said furthermore tbat Spain cannot purchase ships either from Chili or Argentine Republic. 'JhebL', armored cruiser Brooklyn arrived at Fortress Monroe this morn ing direct frm La Guayra, Venezuela. She made a fine run up and it is ex pected await at Hampton Roads the arrival of the Minneapolis and Columbia, which are j'let fitting out at Philadelphia. This force will form an excellent nucleus for a protected "fly ing squadron," in case the depart ment decides to form one. Orders have been sent toCorarro dore Howell, commanding the Euro pean station, to send a force of men from the San Francisco to take posses sion of and hoist the United States flag on the Brazilian ship that is ready to go into commission at New castle. This will prevent any diffi culty in cane hoitiUuies should break out, as the ship would be under the flag but lying in a friendly harbor. ONE-HALF FAVOK ANNEXATION Beujamin duff's ICepurt on Native Senti ment in Huwail. San Francisco,, March 14 Ben jamin Cluff, jr., president of the Brig ham Youi g academy at Provo, Utah, l as returned from a visit to the Ha waiian islands, where be went at the solicitation of Uuited States senator Frank J. Cannon, to determine the status of the anr.exatioa sentiment among the Hawaiian islands. He speaks the Kanaka language fluently, and has made a thorough cuuyas among the natives of Oahu, Maui and Hilo. He said: "As a result of my investigation I would say tbat probably one-half of the intelligent natives of the islands are pronounced advocates of annexa tion. Of the remaining half I would say tbat the great majority are pri marily in fayor of the restoration of the monarchy, and secondly they would much prefer annexation to the United States to a continuation of the present government. EVIDENCE IS ALL IN. Investigation, of the Court of Inquiry Practically Ended. New York, March 1 1. A dispatch to the Tribune from Havana says: The naval board has substantially completed its investigation. Every thing now is in the nature of cumula tive testimony strengthening the evi dence that the Maine was blown up by an external explosion. The divers this week have been able to add little to what they previously learned. In effect the proof from the condition of the hull and the kt el, as well as the magazines, makes what might be called a complete case of structural evidence of an external cause. Many accounts of conspiracy are eifted by the board without result. A digest and analysis ef the testimony bt-s been made. It is understood tbat this is on ita way t Washington FORTY MEN PERISHED Fire n the Bowery Mission n New York. SPAIN MUST ET TLE, The President Will Demand Heavy Indemnity for the Loss of the Battle-Ship Maine " Evidence That a Sub Marine Mine Kxploded I'mler the Main Now in the Hands of the 1'resldent. New York, March 13 Just before o'clock this morning fire was dis covered in the Bowery mission. The building, which is a five-story strut ture, contained between 170 and 200 lodgers, and while the majority of them escaped, it is known that at least 40 of the men who had gone to sleep there for the night lost their lives in the conflagration. There were many hairbreadth escapes, some of the oc cupants jumping from upper floors. Several of those who jumped were badly injured, while others escaped without a seratcb. It is supposed that one of the lodgers accidentally sit fire to some paper in a closet on the third floor, and the flames were soon beyond control. Some one shouted fire from a window, and several policemen rushed up the stairs to the rescue of the occupants. By this time most of the lodgers had been awakened and were rushing about in their night clothes, panic-stricken. An alarm was turned in by a pedestrian, who saw the smoke coming from the third floor, when a lodger had thrown open a window to escape being suffocated and was hanging half way out to avoid inhaling the smoke. By this ti-ne the men who had gone to sleep in the mission and been so suddenly awakened to battle for their lives in the flames were in such a con dition that neither the police nor fire men could cope with them. Tbey were mad in their effnrts to escape, and in many instances the firemen had to struggle desperately with the lodg ers to b'-ing them to the street in safety. At 3 o'clock, when the flames were under control, one of the firemen, who bad made a tour cf the entire building, emerged and reported to Chief Bonner that he bad seen at least 40 dead bodies, nis report was that he had discoverad two bodies on the first floor, five on the second, eight on the third, 12 on the fourth and 13 on the fifth floor. Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ruddell's, 111., suf fered for eight years from dyspepsia and chronic constipation and was fin ally cured by using De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for all stomach and liver troubles. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. IN TUB DUMPS. SpanlRh Supremacy in Cuha In Perfectly Paralyzed. New York, March 14. A Tribune dispatch from Havana says: The political and military condition of Spanish sovereignty in Cuba today is described in a single word. It is a condition of paralysis, and tho United States is feeding its starving inhabi tants. Knowledge, of the desperate situation apparently is nerving the of fical classes to excite feeling against the United States as a means of cover ing up their internal weakness. The presence of the Spanish warships serves this purpose General Blanco's autonomist govsrn ment, so far as an autonomist govern ment exists, is reflecting the instruo tions from Madrid, encouraging re. sistance to American intervention on the grounds laid down in the president's message. Abstrac'b of Minister Moret's speech are published b'.-re and all classes are exhorted to unite. No result follows, because, while Spain might be deceived by the colonial minister's pretensions, the people of Cuba cannot bo misled. The claim that the Spanish arms are making progress only draws attention to tho failure of the military operations, and to tho knowledge that in what little fighting is going on tha insur gents are generally successful. Ono Minute Cough Curo cur s quickly. That's what you want! Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co. WILL DEMAND INDEMNITY. The rreldent Will A kit 810,000,000 for the Loms of the Maine. Washington March 13. The pres ident has before him sufficient evi dence to be convinced that tho Maine was destroyed through the treachery of Spaniards, and at a cabinet meeting it was determined to demand an in demnity of $10,000,000 for the l:ss or the vessel and the death of the sailors who lost their lives in the disaster. It is learned that Spain will ask for an international board of arbitration to adjust the iodemnity and this will be granted by the administration. In the mean time there is no cessation in the preparations for war. Convict! Walkout. Salem, Or., March 12. C. F. Moore and George F. Betz, trusties at the penitentiary, deliberately walked away from tbat institution tonight about 8 o'clock. Both men were serving three years for robbery committed in Port land. They were received here April 24, 1897. Moore was cook in the of ficers' kitchen, and Betz was teamster and stableman. As they conspired in crime, so they conspired for freedom. The penitentiary officials have put the police of Oregon and Washington on their track, and expect to have them back shortly, as both are well-known crooks. Shearing In Morrow County. Heppnek, Or., March 12. Sheep shearing will commence earlier than usual in Morrow county. Oae crew of eight men is now at work on Butter creek. A number of bands are slight ly affected with the scab, and will be sheared and dipped in orJer to ch ck tho spread of the disease. Lambing will betrin about March 1 in the northern part of the county, and will be in full blast by the 20th throughout the county. It is as easy to catch a cold just and easy to get rid of it if you commence early to use One Minute Cough Cure, It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis pneumonia and all throat and lung troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe to use and sure to- cure. Snipe9 and Kinerslv. THE ALDER GLEN ePRlfGS A Pictareaque, Healthful and Fanhlonable Keaort of California. Will be formally opened to the public on May 1, with an excellent pro gram, cons'sting of vocal and instru mental music, intersperced with short and spicy addresses by prominent speakers from various points. These springs are admirably situated in the midst of tho orange belt in Sono ma county, three hours run from San Francisco, near tho S. F. & N. P. R. Fine camp grounds arid cool tempera ture, the heat seldom reaching 80 deg. The delicious' and health restoring waters of the five mineral springs are unexcelled anywhere on the Pacific coast. Hot and cold baths, playgrounds and platform for recreation, with a dense shade over the springs and grounds the entire day. A commodious hotel (now in course of construction) with a largo pleasant ining room capablo of seating one hundred guests, where the best the market u fiords ill be served on the European plan, and the viands pre pared in French, Italian and American tyles. Young gentlemen waiters in iniforms will cater to the require ments of the guests. Bill of fare un- er cards with display holders for each guest, and line orchestra music uring luncheon from 11 a. m. to 1 P.M. and duringdinner from -il'. M. to 7 P. M. will be attractive features of this well appointed house. Musical concerts, and dancing in tho hall during the eveniugs of picnic and excursion days, where those inclined may glide the inlastic too until the midnight hour. Th; best of order and decorum will be maintained at all times, and the most Ritideous may bo assured that no in icorous language or conduct will be '.erated. All letters of inquiry cheerfully ans wered, and the analysis of the springs, and testimonials of former visitors sent free on application. Ad iress J. C. Robertson, prop. F S. Barzee, Clerk. Cloverdale, Cal. Smail pill, safe pill, best pill. De- Witt's Little EaHv Risers curebilous- ness, constipation, sick headache Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co. Sliver Kepulillcau Delegate. The following delegates to the silver republican county convention from the four Dalles precincts have been selected: East Dalles B. H. Thurstor, L. L. McCartney, James Taylor, Jpmes Sherrill, Charles Harper, Geo. Ross. Bigelow: Geo. D. Ferguson, J. C. Paid win, Geo. H. Dufur, G. E. San ders, D. S. Dufur, M. D. L. French. Treavitt H. C. Jacobsen, James Harmon, M. A. Robinson, J. H. Bur- graff, Cha-les Chaplin, John T. Rey nolds. West Dalles Dan DaiTron, Free- mont Foster, Warner McDonald, Al bert Davidson, Julius Pankonine, .Albert Weigle. Flood, In Ontario Touonto, March 14. Dispatches from Western Ontario tell of the over flow of the Grand and Thames rivers, cauing serious damage along their valleys. Sections of London, Brant- ford and Gait are submerged to a depth of from five to seven feet. In London loOO people are homeless. Bridges and buildings were swept away by tho rushing torrent. In Brantford the firemen and citizens fought the raging waters an nay yesterdav, but were finally beaten out, and West Brantford is a regular lake. At Grlt a heavy loss is sustained ny the business portion. The ice jam iu tfce Grand gave way and the flood following it tore away bridges, trees and v. recked a number of factories and private residences. Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, 0.,t "After two doctors gave up my ocl die, I saved him from croup bytti One Minute Cough Cure." It is the quickest and most certain remedy for coughs, colds and all throat and lure troubles, snipes, Kinersly DrugCo. Union Pat'ille Meet, the Cut. Omaha, March 11. The Burlington and Union Pacific announce a rate from Omaha to Portland and Seattle, meeting the latent cut made by the Northern routes. Tho fare from here is $20 for first class and $10 for second class tickets. Lomax, of the Union Pacific, and Francis, of the Burlington, are both opposed to the war and are doing all they can to get the rates restored. J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity.O., was for thirty years needlessly tortured by physicans for thecure of eczema. He was quickly cured by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve the famous healing salve for piles and skin diseases. Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co. General Rosecran, Dead. Los Angeles, March 11. General William Stark Rosecrans died at 7 o'clock this morning at his home near Redondo. His death was not unexpect ed, it having been realized several days ago that his illness could not have other than a fatal termination. Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Va., was frightfullyburned on the face and neck. -Pain was instantly relieved by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, which healed the injury without leaving a scar. It is the famous pile remedy. Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co. The success of Dr. Lannerberg, the eye specialist, is due to close attention to business and a thorough knowledge of the eye. Persons with defective eyesight should not fail to call at his office in the Vogt block and have their eves examined free of charge. Xo-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco haul; cure, makes weak men ,troo, blood pure. 6uc, K. Ail drugf ta Royal make the food pare, wbolesom, and dellcloM. POWDER Absolutely Pure ovm aucmo Mwnt no., Hfw vow. SiAM SAPPHIRE MINES. - Vain of Their Product I Id th Quantity Not Quality. The Pailin mines are spread ever an area six miles by two, and consist of 13 mining villages, the chief of which are Baw Tulia and Baw Dineo. These two are more than four miles apart, but. they ore joined by un excellent road cat through the forest and well drained. Sapphires, says the London Times, are found all over this district; the whole countryside is riddled with hole sunk In tlie red soil down to the sapphire layer. Formerly the stones were found quite near the surface, but those places have long since been exhausted, al though the Burmese still continue to turn over the old heaps in the firm con viction that precious stones grow. Now the stones are found at a depth of from IS to 25 feet, in a reddish, gravelly layer of varying thicknesB up to 18 inches. The pit sunk is usually some fire feet In diameter and either square or cir cular. Soil is raised in bamboo bask ets, attached to the end of a balanced lever, and when the sapphire layer is reached the stratum Is carried to the nearest water and washed carefully for stones. Not more than one shaft in three pays for its working expenses, but when the sapphire layer is struck the profits may be large indeed. It is all a question of luck. To dig and workout one shaft occupies two or three men one month. Two or three Burmes; iren- erally go into partnership and hire Laos miners to work for them and sink the shaft at the rate of two ticab (two shillings eight pence) per 18 inches. Oc casionally sapphires of considerable value reward the miner, but tho sap phires of Pailin are of more commercial value because of their quantity than be cause of their intrinsic excellence. A NEW RECORD. ' Doapeat Bpot la the Ocean Nearly Sis HUH. For 20 years or more the deepest spot in the ocean has been supposed to be to the northeast of Japan, says the New York Journal. There the bottom lies 4,655 fathoms down, or more than five miles beneath the surface of the waves. In the latest hydrographer's report of admiralty surveys, made by the British government, this ocean record, whioh has Btood so long, is beaten, for there is official information of a deeper sound ing than has hitherto been made. The deepest ' spot in the ocean, so far as known nt present, has been found to be in the neighborhood of th Friendly and Kcrmadee islands, in the Southern Pa cific. Here the maximum depth is 5,155 fathoms, or close upon six miles. The observation, made by the officers on board the British ship Penguin, is all uin.ii all A ct that it If ious re- . J noughas " the more interesting for the fact bears out the result of previous searches, showing curiously enou it does that the deepest parts of the sea are not far from land. Deep-sea 'sounding has come of late years an exact science in itself. One cu rious feature of it, and one which is lit tle known, is that the "leads" used have to be constructed with especial strength in order to withstand the enormous pressure of the mass of water which bears down upon them when they lie upon the bottom. So great is this pres sures that the sounding apparatus ia ordinary use would be crushed. SPARROWS IN TEXAS. 7 Driving- Out the Mocking: (Birds and if t tacking- A! f-thlne; In Bight. The little English sparrow is becom ing so numerous that there is con siderable discussion about adopting methods of getting rid of the pest. They are here, says the Galveston Aews, by the thousands and are re markable for their fecundity, as they lay from five to six eggs each sit ting and raise three broods a year. They are no longer considered insec tiverous, and owing to their pugnacious habits, making war upon the birds that are desired and destroying their eggs, as well as making themselves obnox ious in a great many ways, and with their rapidly increasing numbers, their extermination will be a matter of s serious nature here at an early data. Other towns are doubtless experiencing trouble with them, as the bird is mi gratory in pairs, settling only where there is habitation and springing into the thousands like a mushroom. . A prominent citizen here who has a sum-, ber of mocking birds in the trees and shrubbery in his yard, and who has . time and again watched the onslaughts of this vicious little bird with an inva riable victory, states that it will be a question sooner or later of state legis lation by offering a bounty for thenu They were introduced into Australia about the same time as their introduc tion into the United States for tha same purpose of destroying the tree caterpillar, and that country event ually had to use the bounty method to get rid of them. DEMOCRATIC COLNTT CONTENTION. The democratic conveation for Wasco county Is hereby called to meet at the court heuso in Dalles City on Saturday, March 19, 1893, at 10 o'clock a. M., for the purpose of nominating candidates for county offices, electing delegates to the state convention and to transact such other business aa may properly come before the convention. The convention will consist of 01 dele gates appointed among the different precincts as follows: Falls fl East Hood River 6 Eight-Mile S Naosene a Dufur fl Kara se y a Dukeoven 2 Tyirta a Ouk Grove 4 Wamie ft Kinirsley 4 Antelope.. S V lento t West Hood River ....4 Baldwin 8 Mosier 4 West Dalles 8 Treavitt Hlgelow 6 East Dalle, B Columbia s Deschutes t It is recommended that the precinct conventions be held at the usual places of voting on Saturday, March 12, 1896. F. A. Seufert, R. H. Weber, Chairman. Secretary. Don't Tobacco Spit aa4 Satok, Tow lift Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be maf. netie. full of life, nerve and vigor, take Mo-To Bae, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, tOe or 11. Cure guaran teed. Booklet snd sample tree. Address Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York X J