The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, February 26, 1898, Image 4

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    SATURDAY.. .FEBRUARY 26, 1898
(From Saturday's Dally.)
M. P. Isenbeiy-, the Hood River pol
itician, is In the city.
Hon. A. J. Dufur, of Dufur, is regis
tered at the Umatilla.
Deputy Sheriff dinger came up
from Hood River last night.
. . The river fell a foot since yesterday
morning, and is now a trifle over 15
feet abeve low water mark.
The rock crusher is being overhauled
and put in shape for a good ruo. The
broken rock will be used on Seventh
. The editor of this paper went to
Portland this morning to attend a
meeting of newspaper men favoring
" free silver.
Miss Ina Cooper who has been visit
ing relatives here for some time, re
turned to her home in McMinnville
. this morning.
The republican county central coa
' saittee mat this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
This is about the "beginning of the
campaign. A sort of looking over the
field preparatory to plowing.
The grand jury adjourned Thursday;
the republican county central com
mittee met today. Being charitable,
we place this as a coincidence not as a
deliberately planned arrangement.
. County Commissioner Blowers came
up from Hood Kiver last night. He
- is interested in a merchandise business
at Sumpter Baker county and is highly
pleased with the business outlook
If the government relief expedition
to the Klonkike does not get a move
on. it will be too late to tret rid of its
supplies. The secretary of war should
remember the old adage to "go early
and avoid the rush."
For the oast week a warm chinook
' has prevailed in the Blue Mountains,
- which is undoubtedly the cause of the
rapid rise in the Columbia. The snow
' fall on the headwaters of the Columbia
is unusually ligh t, and with a chinook
or two now the June rise will be light,
' The last term of court, or rather the
. oreseat one. was inexpeneive. The
. ,. grand jury returned five tru bills, and
to each a plea of-guilty was entered
Three were sent to the penitentiary,
; one to the county jail, and one the
sentence was suspended. There was
not a case for jury trial.
Mr. Farrell, who came up from Port
. land yesterday to look after his fishing
interests, expresses the opinion that
, the season will probably be a light
' one, even though this is the year for a
big run. He bases his opinion on the
reports of an unusually light snow fall
on the headwaters of the Columbia
and Snake. '
Politics is, or are, because politics is ,
or are, plural, beginning to boom
Candidates are cropping up, like the
gentle bunch grass, between rocks, on
. the hill sides, and in the pUasant
- -vales. They are, to carry out the sim-
ilie, young tender and green and liable
to be nipped by the early spring
frosts, or if not later on by the arid
wave that will sweep over the country
about the first Monday in June.
It is to be hoped that the old rock
crusher will be kept at work until
every street in the city is covered with
brcken rock. At present our streets
are not sightly aod our crosswalks are
an abomination. There is only one
" ' gleam of sunshine, ' one redeeming
. factor in the present conditions, and
that is that every Dalles woman wears,
per force, a prettily trimmed skirt and
. high-grade stockings. The condition
of the street crossing compel it.
The great question agitating the
American mind is, "Was the Maine
blown up, or down?" From the num
ber killed it is not probable the ex
- plosion came froas'outside of the vessel
but within. The dispatches show be-
tween lines, that some one has been
. guilty of gross carelessness and that
the real cause of the tragedy will not
be given out. until the excitement has
blown over. Then it will be doled out-
piece at a time, in order to let the
guilty person come down easy.
There seems to be no doubt but that
the steamer Clara Nevada was de-
' stroyed by fire between Juneau and
Skagroy with all on board. Among
the passengers was Jesse Wilkias, a
prominent mason who was at one time
the organizer for the Eastern Star.
E. T. Holgate is also supposed to have
been a passenger on the illfated vessel.
Mr. Holgate was from Portland but
had a number of relatives living in
this county. The Clara Nevada was
originally the Hassler and was built
' for the government in 1871. She was
engaged in surveying the Pacific Coast
until a short time ago when she was
condemned and sold, and was put on
the Alaska route by the McGuire.
exercises. The large ball was filled to
the very doors, and some 200 or 300
persons still could not gain admit
tance. "The Story of My Life" or "Sun
shine and Shadows of Seventy Years,"
is the tlt'e of a most valuable work by
Mrs. Mary Liverinore, one of the most
pleasing and instructive writers of the
age. Mrs. C M. Sisson has the agency
for this work in Wasco county.
Passengers who came down on No.
1 yesterday morning report a serious
wreck on the O. R. & N. near Huron,
the first station this side of the sum
mit of the Blue mountain a, Saturday
nijht. A freight train went off the
track and two men were killed.
The 5-year-old son of Frank Yar-
brough, who lives near Scio, in Linn
county, fell from a birn loft to the
floor beneath, the other day, a distance
of 16 feet. The little follow's breast
bone and several ribs were broken by
the full, but it is thought be will re
Bowling on the Umatilla House
alley was up to the standard last week.
The hi 'h scores were: Monday. J. P.
Benton 56; Tuesday, D. Wilder 60;
Wednesday, J. P. Benton 57; Thurs
day, F. Pundt 68; Friday, H. Meatz 52:
Saturday, "V. Lytle 61; Sunday, J. P.
Beaton 55.
The big damage suit of the Nase
Logging Company against the Shoal-
water Bay Mill Company .came to an
end Friday in the federal court in
Tacoma. The court, after hearing a
lengthy argument, allowed judgment
for costs only. The total amount of
the damages asked was 1153,000. .
A pitiable case of insanity was
brought to light' in St. Helen's last
Monday, when Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Brothers, of Rainier, cane to town
seeking protection from an imaginary
foe. They were immediately taken in
to custody and held uutil Tuesday
afternoon, when Judge Doan arrived
before ' whom their case was tried
Beth were committed to the asylum
where Constable Robinson and Dr,
Cliff took them Wednesday. Mr. and
Mrs. Brothers recently moved from
Clatskanie to escape their imaginary
persecutor, but the change made no
difference. They said that the ghost
of some unknown person enters their
housa every night and holds high ' car
Hpaln's Cruel Methods of Exterminating
the Cubans.
No sadder story of modern times has
been related than that which Julian
Hawthorne tells concerning the con
ditions in Cuba.
Mr. Hawthorne went to India when
the famine aa doing its mof-t terrible
worn in that far-off land. He described
scenes of suffering there which touched
the heart of the world and caused a
movement throughout Christendom to
provide swift relief. Every Christian
land rushed cargoes of food to the
starving Hindoos, and soon the ravages
of starvation were ebecked.
"I have seen famine in its awfulest
form in India," writes Mr. Hawthorne
from Cuba, "but there it was not ac
companied by the brutality, willful
cruelty aod wanton insult that have
pursued its victims here. Had the
same proportion of the population
died in India that has -died here, net
less than one hundred millions would
have perished."
Can anything more terrible, be im
agined than is set forth In this one
DaraerraDh? To the pitiful agony of
hunger in Cuba the Spaniards have
added brutality, willful cruelty and
wanton insult. Fathers who dare at
tempt to protect their daughters arc
shot by soliers from Europe, who
throw over their murder the cloak of
the exigencies of war. Small boys are
shot down upon the highways as they
drag their weary, emaciated bodies
over the barren country in search of
food. Infirm old women, shriveled and
crying pitifully for bread, are huddled
into foul prisons under the concen
trated policy inaugurated by Wejler,
the butcber,and maintained by Blanco,
the assassin.
tProm Monday's Dally.
H. H. Riddell went to Portland yes
terday. Judge Bennett went to Portland
tnis morning-
Miss Annie Lang visited friends in
Portland yesterday.
Miss May Enright ' was visiting in
Portland last Saturday.
Father Bronsgeest was a passenger
on the morning'train for Portland.
Mrs. Lowdens, of Billings, Montana,
was in the city yesterday visiting her
brother, Frank Somera.
' Messrs. E. E. Lytle, of Wasco, and
W. H. Moore, of Moro, returned Sat
urday night from San Francisco.
I. if. Mills, of Crook county, is in
the sity, having just returned from
California where he - spent the winter.
The O. R. & N. Co. has laid a side
track on First street to connect with
the' new warehouse constructed by
Sam Wilkinson.
The Elondke craze has struck even
Japan. News comes from that country
that a standing army of 5000 ablebodied
laborers are preparing to sail for the
gold fields.
The high hills ' surrounding The
Dalles were covered this morning with
a coat of snow that served as a re
minder that spring has not yet arrived
in this locality.
The eating of horse meat in France
Is on the increase, owing to its cheap
ness. The cheap cayuse of Eae'ern
Oregon is both a stomach medicine
and table delicacy In France.
One of the Columbia river can nery
men has made arrangements to build
a cannery at Fairbaven, between Dead
Man's point 'and . Ocean dock. -The
cannery will have a capacity of 2000
cases, and will be 250x350 feet.
Vogt opera bouse was .entirely too
small to accomodate those who desired
to attend the Washington birthday i
From Tuesday's Dally.
Richard Sherlock and George Pike,
of Paible, are in the citr.
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Hartley,
Hood River, are visiting in the city.
D. C. Wigle has bought the'stage
line between here and Moro aod will
take charge the first of next month.
Messrs. W. M. Cake, G. A. Herden
ger and J. H. McKibben, of Portland
were In the city last nigt attending
the K. of P. anniversary.
Messrs. Wm. Birgfeld, J. P. Benton
and Carl Gotfried went to Heppner
last evening to furnish music for the
Elk-'sballto be given at that place
Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant
laxative. Regulates tho bowels, puri
fies the blood. Clears the complexion
Easy to make and pleasant to take
25 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists, The Dalles, Or.
This is a holiday that should be dear
to every American heart, for it is the
anniversary of the', greatest man the
world ever knew, George Washington
the father of his country, the father of
independence and of human freedom
Pendleton is soon to have the finest
flouring mills in the state, W. S
Byers, whose mills were recently
burned, has just returned from an ex
tended trip east, where he examined
all the best mills in the country; and
has wisely concluded to rebuild on his
property In Pendleton a mill with a
capacity of 1000 barrels.
Never in the history of Kittitas
county has the ground been in so good
a condition for crops as it is now
Heavy rains last fall gay ample mois
ture. Then the fall of snow was such
that at least 18 inches was in sight
when the February break-up came.
a immense quantity of water has
gone into the ground, and the result
moans much for the coming season's
G. W. Smith, of Klamath county, re
Cvntly sold to A. Knierr, of San Fran
cisco, 90 out of his 280 head of 3 and 4-
year-old steers, and received for them
140 a head. Mr. Smith purchased
them last summer and fall at from 120
to $30 a head. The remaining 190 Mr.
Smith will hold until April, when he
expects to sell them at $45 a head. He
started the cattle sold Mr. Knierr for
Montague last Tuesday and will pay
half the delivery costs, which will be
about $75.
The Union Woolen MM Company
in Union is having estimates made for
a dye house U be built at the factory
as soon as it can be done. This will,
be in the form of an addition to the
main building on the northeast corner,.
and will be 44x46 feet. . It will be used
to contain a large boiler that has been
purchased for the purpose .- of heating
water for scouring and dye purposes
and for making steam for heating build
inga. When these improvements' are
made, the company will be prepared
for a steady run. It is expected that
in a very short time the mill will be
run to its fullest capacity and probably
both night and day.
For constipation take Karl's Clover
Root Tea, the great blood purifier.
Cures headache, nervousness, ' erup
tions on the face, ana makes the head
clear as a bell. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, The Dalles.
XSalles Public School Honor the Father of
-Our Country.
Monday was a day of patriotism with
the students of The Dalies public
schools. At 2 o'clock the pupils from
al: tha. schools in the city, led by a
drum, corps and the national colors,
marched from the high school building
through the principal streets to the
opera house, and there rendered ' a
program that was indeed a credit
alike to the teachers and pupils. There
were 750 children in line of march ,and
the manner in which they deported
themselves indicated most - careful
training on the part of the teachers.
Following is the program that was
rendered :
Chorus "Welcome Fatal Mom."
Flog salute
Song "The Flag of the Free". Double Quartet
Essay "The Character and Home Life of
Washington" Mabel Collins
March of the Red. White and Blue
eighteen girls. East Hill Primary
Recitation "I Would Tell of Washington"
Five boys
Song "Our Flag Colors" Primary pupils
Essay" Washington as a Soldier". Violet Kent
Song "Soldier's Chorus" Lyric Quarte
Recitation Washington's Birthday"
Hugo Hoyle
Recitation "Something Better"
ieona sexton
Sons "We'll Stand bv the Flag"
Chorus Dy Hoys
Song "Would You Like to Know?"
soio ana cnorus oy gins
Recitation "One Little Hatchet"
Niel McNamara
Flag Song Primary' Pupils
Concert exercise and custom drill
Twenty-seven boys ana girls
Address "Washington as a Statesman"...
cnaries ixunpoeu
Grecian Poses (exercise prepared by Miss '
johnanessonj ... Twelve girls
Recitation -'Our Flag".; Willie Lynch
Recitation "The Days of Washington". . . .
james iiuniingion
Solo "Washington" Hattie Cram
Dec "Tribute to Washington". Walter Reavis
Chorus "America". .-
magnificent, full powered steamship
Ocean Wave, of Portland, Ore., from
Tacoma to Dawson City, via the Yukon
river. George Mason, the holder of
one of these tickets, says he paid $50
down and was to have paid the balance
$250 at the company's office in Tacoma,
TSut he can find no one here who knows
anything about tbe company. During
the past week, reports have been made
to the Tacoma police of a dozea differ
ent kinds of fraudulent tickets that
men have brought to the coast.
A Feasible Plan Suggested by the Com.
merclal Club Committee.
The question of good roads leading
into tie country is one that is of vital
importance to every town, but is
probably of more importance to The
Dalles than . most other places, since
this place must depend almost solely
upon its traffic with the outside, hav
ing no manufacturing industries that
are large employer?, and in fact not
beiog a great creator of wealth.
. This is recognized by the Commer
cial Club, and its committee on com
merce has devised a plan that is prac
ticable and if carried into execution
will result in good roads leading in
every direction from The Dalles. It is
this: A fund is to be created by popu
lar subscription from the business men
of the city for road building and re
pairing. The committee has made a
cirefnl estimate of what should be
subscribed .by the different business
houses, aod has estimated that $000 a
month can be raised for three months
to be expended on roads., Tbe com
mittee has further made an estimate of
probable exoenditures that will put
every road leading into The Dalles in
good condition. This iucludes eight
laborers at $1.75 a day, one man and
team at $3.50 a day and one foreman at
$2.00 a day. This would be an ex
pense of $507 a month, which for three
months would, the committee believes,
put every road leading into Tbe Dalles
in first class repair.
Be not deceived! A cough, hoarse
ness or croup are not to be trifled with.
A dose in time of Shiloh's Cure- vill
save you much trouble, bold by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, The
Dalles, Or.
A Slew Railroad Company Incorporated In
The Dalles.
Prospects for railroad connection
with the country to tha south- have
been somewhat brightened by the in
corporation oi new railroad . com
pany. . Tbe Dalles Dufur-Deschutes
Railway Co , with E. E. Lytle. D. C.
O'Rielly and W. H. Moore as Incor
porators. The capital stock of the new
corporation is $300,000 dividend into
shares of $100 each, principal place of
business. The Dalles, Oregon.
The objects set forth in the articles
of incorporation are tr build and oper
ate a line of railroad from Tbe Dalles
to the mouth of Deschutes, also- a
branch line to Dufur, to construct and
operate steamboats on the Columbia
river from Celilo to Astoria, and to
build and operate warehouses. The
incorporators intend putting engineers
the field at once to make prelimin
ary surveys, and if a practicable route
is found work of construction will be
commenced at an early date.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All Druggists refund the money
if it fails to Cur. 25c. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
Head Quarters Jas. W. Nesmith )
Post No. 32.G. A. R. f
Whereas our comrade Jacob Fritz
has finished the weary march through
life la'd aside his knapsack and
weapons of warfare and answered to
bugle, call 'from the shore beyond
where tbos s who have fought a good
fight receive their reward. Be it
Resolved:- That as we continue the
march toward our last camping ground
we shall miss from our side one who
was ever foremost in the ranks, facing
shell and shot bravely for tbe right
and that as we meet in council we
Bhall look in vain for the sheering
kindly smile of our lost comrade.
Resolved: That though unlike our
brave General Grant, by whose side be
marched in other days, he had not
attained to such renown; yet as he
performed faithfully the duties of his
bumble station his name shall be im
mortal, for to live in the hearts of
those we love is not to die.
Rasolveat: That while we shall meet
and we shall miss him yet' we do not
forget those jrho are compelled hour
by hour to see the vacant chair of one
who was not a comrade alone but a
kind father and loving husband. To
those we would extend all the sympathy .
which mortals can express and com
mend them to tbe great General of tbe
universe. .
Resolved: That these resolutions be
spread upon the 'minutes of this post
and a copy sent to each daily paper of
this city also a copy sent the family of
our late comrade Fritz. -
C. H. Browne,
L. H. Nichol,
H. H. Learned,
Republican Commits Meeting.
The republican central committee
for Wasco county met in The Dalles
last Saturday afternoon, chairman J.
M. Patterson presided and M. T. Nolan
was elected secretary. The recom
mendation of the state committee was
followed with regard to fixing the date
of the county convention, April 7th
being selected, but in order to be more
convenient for sheepmen, March 2G
was recommended as the date for hold
ing primaries instead of April 2. The
county convention will be composed
of 93 delegates, apportioned to the
several precincts as follows:
East Dalles 9 Nansene... 2
Mnnshlae and Shadows of Seventy Tears by
Mary A. Llrermore.
This new and superbly illustrated
book is the crowning life work of the
famous Mary a. Livermore, and, as
she herself states, it is the last that
ever will come from her pen. It is a
narrative of her life from infancy to
old age, portraying tbe sunshine and
shadow of seventy years of the most
marvelous career, told in ber own
It seems almost incredible that a
woman now so famous made "mud
pies" in her childhood, was often sent
supperless to bed, and was frequently
bounce-1 down into a kitcbeu cbair
with an emphasis that caused her to
"see stars." When a youtg girl,
gtruggling to support herself, she took
in '"slop-work," made shirts, and sub
sequently learned the trade of a dress
maker at which she worked for twenty
five cents a day. At eighteen she "ran
away from home like "a boy," and
spent three eventful years on a
Southern plantation years full of
comedy and tragedy, and packed with
thrilling experiences.
Mrs. Livermore threw her whole
heart and soul into measures for the
relief of sick and wounded soldiers,
and spent four years as a nurse in tbe
Union army. Her intellectual great
ness and nobility of character led ber
to rise from those thrilling experiences
to become tbe beat known woman of
America, and opened tbe way to ber
phenomenal platform career, tbat has
continued for more than thirty years.
At her feet millions of people have sat
and listened in admiration and wonder.
The rich and poor, the high and low,
the learned and unlearned have been
alike thrilled aifd moved by her burn
ing words. She has swayed brilliant
audiences of fashion: has spoken in
stati prisons, jails, and penitentiaries;
to audiences composed of outcast?,
and to audiences numbering thousands
of children. In this autobiography
she gives many reminiscences of her
platform experience?, with anecdotes
and incidents "too funny for anything.'
The book i9 splendidly illustrated by
beautiful and costly full-page photo
gravure plates and portraits, aud over
one hundred fine text illustrations.
Many of them are intensely humorous,
while others deoict thrilling scenes
full of pathos and tragic interest.
Mrs. C. M. Sisson has the sole
agency for the book in Wasco county.
Thirty-fifth Anniversary of the Order
Celebrated by Friendship Lodge.
February 19th was the 35th anni
versary of the order of Knights of
Pythias, and the occasion was appro
priately observed by Dalles Knights.
Castle Hall was comfortably filled with
tbe guests of tbe lodge and when Chan
cellor Commander Huntington rapped
for order at 8:30 every seat in the spac
ious lodge room was occupied.
Tha exercises began with a piano
solo by Mrs. Varney, followed by an
invocation offered by Rev. L Gray
pastor of the Lutheran Church. This
was followed by a vocal solo, "It Was
Thus to Be," rendered by Miss Myrtle
Michell, in her usual pleasant manner.
Next Master Clyde Gilbert recited
tbat touching verse "A Brother's
Hand." Then Chancellor Commander
Huntingtop, in a few well-cho9en re
marks introduced Hon. Wm. Cake, of
Portland, who delivered one of the
most pleasing and scholarly addresses
ever listened to la Tbe Dalles. Mr.
Cake's theme was friendship and he
bandied the subject exceedingly well.
Prof. Lundell sang "The Bugler"
exceptionally well, and respond
ing to a hearty encore, rendered
a pleasing solo that was hap
pily received. This concluded the
program, ana botn balls were con
verted into dancing rooms, and until
after 12 o'clock the guests and mem
bers engaged in dancing, which ter
minated a most enjoyable meeting.
lated the report that the Mutual Pro
tective Insurance Association of Port
land, Ore'n. did not pay in full tbe
amount of insurance on my dwelling,
which was destroyed by fire in Septem
ber last, and which was insured in that
Association for $3(K), I hereby state
that such report is absolutely untrue.
That said Association not only paid
the full amount of their policy on said
dwelling, but they paid $150 thereof
before tbe same was due, according to
the terms of their policy, in order to
accommodate me, and I would further
state that I am en t'rely satisfied with
the treatment I have received from
that Association, and cheerfully rec
ommend them for the manner in which
they adjusted and settled my loss.
Mrs. Estella Lawson.
dlw4 Grants Pass, Oregon.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. Ali druggists refund the money
if it fails to Cure. 25c. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Teoples farty County Convention.
Tbe peoples party county convention
for Wasco Co. is hereby called to meet
i i the court bouse in Tbe Dalles on
S-tirt'ay, March 10, at 10 o'clock A.M.
for the purpose of nominating candi
dates for county oiH jes, electing dele
gates to th3 state convention, and
transacting such bisiness as may prop
erly come before tbe meeting.
Tbe convention to consist cf 81 dele
gates, apportioned among tbe pre
cincts of tbe county as follows:
East Dalles 9 West Dilles.
West Hood River9
Dufur 2
Ramsey 2
Bigelow 3
Baldwin 3
Might-Mile 3
Bakeoyen 1
East Hood River. 5
Nansene 3
Oak Grove 2
Columbia . .
Tygh Valley
Vieato .
Deschutes . .
Wamic 2
Treavitt 5
M osier 2
Kingsley 2
Antelope 2
Tha county central committee re
commend that the precinct primaries
be held-on Saturday March 12, at the
usual places.
C. L. Morse,
H. F .Davidson, Chairman.
What Dr. E. A. Salter Says.
Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my
personal knowledge, gained in observ
ing the effect of your Shiloh's Cure in
cases of advanced Consumption, I am
prepared to say it is the most remark
able remedy that has ever been
brought to ray attention. It hps
certainly saved many from consump
tion. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton,
Mlver Republicans.
The silver republicans convention
for Wasco county is hereby called to
meet at the court house in Tbe Dalles
on Saturday, March 19, 1S93 at 10
o'clock a. M. for the purpose of nomi
nating candidates for county officers,
delegates to tbe state convention and
to transact such other business as may
properly come before the convention.
The convention will consist of 57
delegates appointed from tbe different
precincts as follows:
Falls.. 3 Eight-Mile 2
East Hood River 3 Nansene. 2
West Hood River 4
Baiuwin 2
Mosier 3
West Dalles 2
Dufur 4
Ramsey 4
Bakeoven 2
East Dalles. .
Deschutes ...
Oak Grove
G. E. Sanders,
Cbairman S. R. C.
The democratic convention for
state of Oregon is hereby called to
meet in the city of Portland, Oregon,
Wednesday, March 23, 1898, at tbe
hour of 10 o'clock A. M. . for tbe pur
pose of nominating candidates for state
and district offices, including congress
men from the first and second districts,
and to transact such other business as
may properly come before said conven
tion. Tbe convention will consist of
Brown Bread and Coffee
served every Sunday
Morning from 8 to 10
o'clock: at the . . .
iw m nm mm
267 delegates apportioned among the
Dufur 4 several counties of tbe state as follows:
tj: 1 o
jjiBoiuw o iuiur i several counties oi toe state as ionows: -l n.- . . ,
Treavit. 7 rjight-Mile 2 Baker 10 Lane 14 SpBSISI PflCSS tO CaSil BUySfS
West Dalles 7
East Hood River. 5
West Hood River 8
Baldwin..: 3
Mosier. 3
Columbia 2
Deschutes 3
u-ingsiey z Rfinmn
Lya; I Clackamas 13
rVJLil- Clatsop 7
v. wu-c o 1 I'n'nmhin ft
Ramsey 2
Bakeoven 3
Antelope 8
Viento 2
Cure that cough with Shiloh's cure
The best cough cure. . Relieves croup
promptly. One million bo'.tles sold
last year. 40 doses for 25 cents. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Montana R ponded.
Governor Robert Smith, of Mortana,
has responded to the invitation of The
Dalles Commercial and Athletic Club
to appoint delegates to tbe wool-
growers' convention and has notified
Secretary H. M. Beall tbat the follow
ing appointments have been made: J.
Morse, Frank Lando, of Dillon; E. A.
Maynard, Ennis; C. W. Williams,
Deer Lodge: Lafayette Humble, Stev
ensville; T. C. Power, W. J. Bickett,
Saml. Kennett, J. B.' Cool man, A. J
Davidson, Helena; T. E. Collins, John
Work, Dr. W. A. Tudor, Bozeman; W.
C. Gillett. Dearborn; Paris Gibson,
Great Falls: B. Percy Clark, Cateau;
David Helger, J. B. Bartes, T. E.
Wright, Lewiston; Prof. Bowers,
Utica; J. O. Hussey, Unity; Al. Spen
cer, White Sulphur Springs; Harvey
Blins, Big Timber.
Dreadfully Nerroas.
Gents: I was deadfully nervou. and
for relief took your Karl's Clover Root
Tea. It quieted, my nerves and
strengthened ray whole nervous sys
tem. I was troubled with constipation,
kidney and bowel trouble. Your tea
soon cleansed my system so thoroughly
that I rapidly regained health and
strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hartford.
Conn. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton,
druggists, The Dalles, Oregon.
Shiloh's Consumption Cure -cures
where others fail. It is tbe leading
cougn cure, ana no nome sbouta b3
without it. Pleasant to take and goes
right to the spot. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, The Dalles. ) .
i be apportionment was basea upon
the vote cast for T. T. Greer at the
election held in November, 1896, being
one delegate at lare for each pre
cinct, and one for each 25 votes or
major fraction thereof.
Doat Toltaeea Spit aail Smoke Tear life Amy.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be vaag
neUc. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bsc,
tbe wonder-worker, tbat makes weak men
strong. All druggists, Mo orl. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Addrest
Sterling Bemedy Co.. Chicago or New York,
Coos 9
Crook 4
Curry 3
Douelas 11
Gilliam 3
Grant.... 5
Harney.. 4
Jackson 13 Washington
Josephine 7 Yamhill
Lincoln 4
Linn 15
Malheur 4
Mariott 18
Morrow T. 4
Polk 8
Sherman 3
Tillamook 4
Umatilla .11
Wallowa 4
Wasco ,.. 8
.. 9
vuiuiiiuiu rnMPiivrY
WW X & ill, x
Corner Third and Washington
Tha Sphere of Woman.
. All honor to those . women . who,
having neither fixed home nor the
sacred duties attached thereto, have
resolutely undertaken to right the
wrong of her sex, the name of which
is Legion. But let her not, because
of the bravery and strength of will
she has thus exhibited, look with
scorn or speak with contempt of such
of her sisters who.'having yielded to
the heaven implanted desire for borne
and husband and children, . wisely
choose to devote their time and talents
to tbem. More noble is her part and
mere worthy she who faithfully per
forms this, her share of the world's
work, than those women who having
husband and children, desert them,
the former to seek consolation at his
club, tbe latter to the care of loo r-
suffering maiden relative, or - the
tender mercies of hirelings, while
they wandered over the country mak
ing speeches on woman's . -rights.
Women's rights have been much
trampled, one must admit, but let . the
zealous - champion of those debts
beware of trampling on the . sacred
name of wife and mother, and of turn
ing a revolting public siotiment
against ber and the great woi-k she has
undertaken. National Intelligencer.
Dyspepsia cured. Shiloh's Vitalizer
mmediately relieves sour stomach.
oifotnlntr up of od, distress, and is the
creat kidney and l'.ver remedy. Sold
or blakeley & Houghton, druggists
The Dalles, Oregon.
- ' Backers Will Bite.
Three men have arrived at Tacoma
with ticKots purchased in the east
reading as follows: 'This ticket! is
good for one first class passage on tbe
Klamath 3 Lake 3
The same beiog one delegate at
large for each county and one delegate
for each 200 votes, or fraction thereof
over 100, cast for William J. Bryan at
the presidential election in November,
1896. F. A. E. Stark, Chairman.
Geo. C. Stott, Secretary.
Beef. Veal, Mutton, Pork, Oard
Curedand Dried, Aleats,
Sausages of All Kinds
O.ders Deliverel to Any Part of the City
La Grippe,
Followed by Heart Disease, Cured
AnOlo; asp Weli. -Tried Rem
edy. Mrs. Wiusiow's Soothing Syrup
nas oeen unea lor over utty years by
millions 01 motnere ior tneir cnunren
while teething, with perfect success
It soothes the child, softens the (rums.
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
tue best remeov lor diarrbcea. Is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by arug-
gists in every part of the world.
Twentv-five cents a bottle. Its value
' is uncalcuiable. Be sure and ask for
Mrs. Wmslow's Soothing Svrup, and
take no other kind.
B.O.CL SHULTS, of Wlnterset, Iowa,
Inventor and manufacturer of
Sh tilts' Safety Whiffletree Coupling,
writes of Dr. Miles' Heart Cnre. Two years
ago an attack of LaOrlppe left me with a
weak heart. I had ran down In flesh to
mere akin and bone. I could not sleep lying
down for smothering spells; frequent sharp
darting pains and palpitation caused a con
stant fear of sadden' death, nothing could
tndnce ma to remain away from home over
night. Hy local physician prescribed Dr.
viler Heart cure and in a lew days I was
able to sleep well and the pains gradually
lessened, and finally ceased. I reduced the
the doses, having gained fifteen pounds, and
am now feenng better in every way than I
have for years."
Dr. Miles' Remedies I
are sold by all drag-
glata under a positive
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re
funded. Book on dis
eases of tbe heart and
nerves free. Address,'
DB. MILE3 sfKPIOAL Oft. Elkhart, lad.
The democratic convention x for
I Wasco county is hereby called to meet
at the court house in Dalles City on
Saturday, March 19, 1898, at 10 o'clock
A. M-, for tbe purpose of nominating
candidates for County offices, electing
delegates to the" state convention and
to transact s-ich other business as may
properly come before the convention.
The convention will consist of 91 dele
gates appointed among tbe different
precincts as follows:
Falls Eight-Mile S
East Hood River..... 5
West Hood River ... .4
Mosier 4
West Dalles 8
Tnavitt .....6
Binelow 6
cast Lhiues
Columbia 2
Deschutes 2
Nansene 3
Dulur 6
Ramsey t
Bakeoven 2
Tygh 3
Oak Grove 4
Wamie 6
Kingsley 4
Antelope 3
Viento 2
It is recommended tbat the precinct
conventions be held at the usual places
of voting on Saturday, March 12, 1896.
F. A. Seufert,
R. H. Weber. Chairman.
Secretary. .
To whom it may concern: Having
been informed tbat the agents of
another insurance association circu-
PUAT Best in
pa QnVt the World.
rot u yean tnu ihoe, by merit
alone, has dlatanct-d all competitor.
W. 1 Doufflaa ajUO. atA-AO nd BUt-A
shoe are tha production or kilied workmen,
from the bpt material rtomlble at these prices.
Aln and 8S.OO shoes for men. SSJW,
8.00 and 81.75 for boys and yoatbo.
v. I. Douplaa aboes are Indorsed
by over l,u,iu m-earers as tbe best
In style, fli and durability of any
shoe erer offered at the prices.
They are made In all the latest
shapes and styles, and of every vari
ety of leather.
Tf dealer cannot supply too, write for rata
lotfiie to V. L. Douglas, Brockton, Mass. Sold by
Wall Paper. Paints, Oils,
129 Second Streat
Watchmaker and Jeweler
Fine Repairing a Specialty. All Work Warranted
"Having lately secured the services of Prof. P. G.
Daut, Scienli c Optician, am now prepared to cor
rect any defective sight. Examination free-. - Call
and have your eyes examined. ....
The study
TOWARD solving the great Money-Saving problem.
Your interest demands it and C. V. STEPHENS' '
STORE paves the way for it. .
One Goods are of a superior quality and our prices
the lowest. All we want is to bo compared and
judged. We want to he studied. The more we re
: studied the more business we do.
Our motto has always been: "Fair prices and kind
courtesy to all customers whether they buy or not."
The Best
Dry Goods and Clothing H R QTRPHRATQ
House in The Dalles. L'. 1. O 1 lvl 1 ilvJAO
all Paper
In order to reduce 'my large stock of Wall Paper,
l am offering special inducements to buyers. . .
All goods are offered at a BIG REDUCTION for a
few days. Call and examine stock and get prices.
ID- -W..
Third Street,
This well-known brewery is now turning ouJ the best Beer
and TortrT east of the Cascades. The latest appliances fcr the
manuiacture oi good iieallhful Ueer have been introduced, and
only tue hrst-class article will be placed on the market.
East Second Street
The Dalles, : Oregon.
BOSTON and all
For Information, time cards, maps aad tlrk ta
call on or write. W.C. ALLAWAV. Aeent
Or A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas-
sender Agent. No. Morrison Street, Cor
ner of Third Street. Portland, Oregua
Latest Style
Lowest Profits
: In Mens and Boys :
lotting. Dry Goods.
-Boots and Sloes
134' Second Street.
Eastern Oregon
State Normal
: : Wkston, Oreooh
Only But School In Eastern Oregon.
Located on the O. R AN. Railway, midway
between Pendleton aud Wolla Walla.
Students admitted at all times ofjthe year.
Training School
For Teachers.
Vocal and Instrumental Muxle taught by
competent Instructura. A irradunle of the Bos
ton Conservatory bos charge of the lnslrumea
tal department.
The Ladies' '
Boarding Hall
Is thoroughly equipped and offer 'excellent '
accommodation at reasonable rates.-
bond for catalogue.
Addre-ts M. O. R'JVAL. President of Faculty
P. A. WORTHINaTON. Secretary Boars
Agents .Weston, Oregon i
The Sun
The first of American Newspaper.
Charles A. Dana, Editor
The American Constitution,
The American Idea,
The American Spirit
These first, last, and all the time,
Daily, by mall. .......... . .tO.OO a year
Daily and Sunday, by mail, 98.00 a year
The Sunday Sun
Is tha greatest Sunday Newspaper
in the world.
By mail, $2 a year. 5c a copy
flU B S E El
First-Clasa Nursery
Solo proprietors
of Yakima Apple
Send for Catalogue and ask for Prices - r
?r r,
wJM 60 YEARS' -v
Wholesale Dealer ...
... In Malt Liquors
Finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Tuaoi Marks
Anrone sending a sketch and description msr
qnlcklf ascertain oar opinion free whether an
lnrentlon Is pronsbly patentable. Commnnlr.
tlonsstrlctlroonfldsntlal. Handbook oa PfttenU
sent free. Oldest agency for securlnspatents.
Patenta taken thmuffh Mono A Co. reoslvej
fprrial twUa, without cbarye. In tbe
Scientific Jitncricam
A hsndsomelr ntastreird weeklr. Lsnrest de.
filiation of any scleniine Journal. Terms. M a
rear ; ronr monies, il Bold by all newsaraieia.
MUNN& CO wiBro.-,. npW
uraocQ umos, arit,, rraantnsion, u.
The Celebrated Gambrinus iicer
Families supplied with Keg and Bottle
Free Delivery to nnypart of the City.
Phone 54.
Manufacturer of-and Dealer In
Harness and Saddlery,
East End, Two Doors-West of Diamond Flour-
ing anus. seoona street.
All Work Guaranteed ' to Give
Ben Wilson Saloon
Second Street, opposite Diamond Mills,
Wines, Liquors and Cigara
Free Lunch served at all hours
Seventh and Wash nptor Su.
B-'W 41. MJ tJ Ul
(2.0U t-IXt 1.60
Successors to J. H. B laker. y
Ooods Delivered to A ay .Part of
tbe Oicy." r
PasMurers and ban;e taksa to and from
tbe boat or train.