The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, February 26, 1898, Image 1

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    . v ' - . : ' . ; - ;
NO n
U. U-.t,,
Physician and Surgeon,
Room over DMlei Nitional Bank. Offlo boon, 1
a m t li in, irom z w . p
lanca We Umi of TbiniTftrwt,
8. Bi.iiKr
.iKorncy at Law
Rooms 8 and 10. Vogt Block. The Dalles. Or.
In the Crcult Court of the State of Oregon, for
waaou county
E. E. Savage, administrator of the estate of
' Annie itlcn, deceased, r-iainiiu,
vs. .
Rosa S. Howells, Defendant.
By virtue of an execution, decree andoner of
Rale duly issued out of and under the sol
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Orfeon for the County of Wasco, to
me directed, and dated the 8th day of February,
ItiPS, upon a decree for the foreclosure oi a cer
tain mortgage, ana juagmni n-nuereu uuu eu
lered in aid court on the 12th day of January,
1898. in the above entitled cause, in favor of the
plaintiff and airainst toe derenarnt, itosa .
Howells, as judgment debtor, in the sum' of
I-M7.40, rlth Interest thereon from the 12ih day
of January. 18, at the rate of ten percent per
annum, and the further sum of $i5 attorne s
fees, and the further sum of (II costs and the
costs of and upon this writ, aid commanding
roe to make sale of the real nroperty embraced
In such deerc e cf foreclosure and hereinafter
described, I will, on
Monday, the 14th day of March, 1898.
At the hour of i o'clock in the afternoon of said
day and at the front door of the County Court
House In Dalles City, Wasco county, iregon.
Mil at public auction to the highest bidder for
c ish in hand, all the right, tit e and interest
which the defet da t, Rosa S. Howells, had on
the 18th day of June, 1804, the date of the mort
gage foreclosed herain, or which such defend
ant has since acquired o- now has in and to the
following described real property situate and
being in Wasco County, Oregon, towit: Begin
ning at a point 60 rods east of the northwest
corner oi section iu in townsntps ponu oi ruuge
10 E. W. M., running thence East 80 rods, thence
South 80 rods, thence West 20 rods, and therce
North 80 rods to tne place or Degmning, con
taining 10 acres, except that in the N. E. corner
thereof containing 4 acre heretofore conveyed
to school district No. a, or so mucn oi saia pr. p
erty as will satisfy said judgment and decree,
with costs and accruing cost. Said property
will be so d subject to confirmation and re
demption as by law provided .
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, Feb. 8. 1898.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
To the Honorable County Court of Wasco
rnnntv. Orpirnn ;
"We the undersigned legal voters of Falls
Prwinct. Wanco County. Oregon, respectfully
petition your Honorable Board to grant to
Thomas Baddeb a license to sell spiritous,
vlneous and malt liquors in less quantities than
one gallon for tne term oi one year ai tne cas
cade Locks:
PatMcAllaney ChasAlln
James Stewart John Thiesen
J F MoGrath H Hemm
J C Falryue Pat Snllivan
N Nelson - J C Jones
f Rogers '. John G Browne
Harry Gray Herman Jensen
Rudolph Schmidt - Frank l-ouglas
A M B rrett - AJKninhtly .
J W Attwell . P Aug Nelson
H P Skaaden Kobt Black
J F Stout Fred E Leavens
Timothy Miller Sam McCary
John Trana J f Attwell
John McCary Mathcw Sands
E P Ash AG Hall
P Lillegard A Fleischhauer . ,
- HLil ygard H Glazier
T H Williams W H Washburn
O Olin Wm Nestler
Oscar Skoog C H Trask
Aug Peterson JP Westman
Robt B-own . M C Martin
John Fladeboe Jos Habinger
MMcKinnon FConlon
HnsWi. ks -AmFrser
Nick Eiden L L Lang
-t T Woodwaro. . , .,, iE Bapgblam .. .
John Anderson ChnR Hegblam
Mel Leavens H Fitzsimmons
HH Miller .. rregon Washburn
Jas M Dixon Matnleu Butorao
Pat L ihey . H A Leavens
W Houston Andrew Traversa
W M Fraine A B Andrcwa: .
HH Weston C J Carisoi ,..
Came to my place on Lone well farm, on
Dutch Flat, four head of cattle, three of them
two year olds and one a yearling. One of the
two vear olds is black and two of them red ; the
yearling is red. No visible brand, but ear
marks as follows: -Two of them-with split in
left ear with right ear cutoff, one with right ear
out off and one with lef Lear split. .
Also came to my iace August 1, one mare
about three years old wltn blaze in lace no
brand visible. I want the owner to prove
property, pay charges and take them away.
The more came August 1, and the cattle came
Nov. 1, 1897. .
"administrator's notice.
Until- hnmhv riven that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court
Ul bile iamia vi wifivu w uov . j ,
- MiniotMtn, nt t.hA nNiftt of J. ti. Koontz. de
ceased. All persots having claims against said
estate are hereby required to present the same
to me. or to Verne Koontz. at J. P. Mclner
nffv' stim. Dalles Citv. Oregon, properly veri
fied, as by law required, within six months
from the date nereor.
Dated this 8th day of December. 1898.
j. w. KOONTZ.
Administrator of the estate of J. O. Moontz.
Sinnott & Slnnott, attorneys for the estate.
Jan 15
Notice is hereby given that I have been ap
pointed by the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Wasco County, in probate, at the
January term thereof for the year 1898. sole ex
ecutor of the last will and testament and estate
of William L. Ward, deceased, all persons
having claims against said estate are hereby
required to present them to me. with proper
vouchers, at the law offlce of Condon & Condon.
In Dalles City. Oregon, within six months from
the date of the first publication of this notice.
January 8, 1898.
Executor of said Estate.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court
of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, in
probate, administrator of the estate of J. A.
Dickerson. deceased, and all persons having
claims against said estate are hereby notified
and required to present ttem to me with proper
vouchers at the law office of Condon & Condon,
in Dalles City. Oregon, within six months from
the date of this notice.
Dalles City. Oregon, January yjg
Administrator of the estate of J. A. Dickerson,
u February 1. 1808.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
nimed settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his olaim. and
that said proof will be made before the register
and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Sat.
urdiy, March 86. 1888. Tiz.
. Of The Dalles, Hd. E, No. 4f51 for the SEH
Beo. I. Tp. 1 S., K. 13 E. W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said ltnd. viz:
L Savres. G W Robertson. John Baker and
William Henzie. all of The Dalles. Oregon.
Feb.17 JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
was on the 84th day of December. 1897. duly ap
pointed by the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Wasco County, administralorof the
estate of Ellen Black, deceased, and that he
has dulv qualified as such, and entered upon
tho duties thereof. All persons indebted to
said deceased are requested to make setilo-
. meat, and all persons having claims against
aid estate are hereby notified to present them,
roperlv verified, at my residence at Cascade
,ocks 'in said county, or at the office of Juyne
to Michell in The Dalles, In said county, within
six months from the date hereof.
The Dalles, December si. 187.
jWg Administrator.
. . i v.ui. ktit that ihp nnrf.nfirshln
heretofore existing between M. W. Hoyle and
J N L-auer, doing business under the firm
name' and style of Hoyle to carpenters
and contractor!,, ,. - . -
tual cons nt, J. N. Lauer retiring f rom sa d
firm M. W. Hoyle will hereafter conduct said
business, pay all debts due and owing by aald
.1 n .li AHuiirs Haul fl rm.
- Dated at The Dalles. Oregon, tlus 4th day of
, February, law.
Choice of Two Transcontinental Routes
- via
OCEAN STEAMERS leave- Portland every
nve days for
Steamers monthly from Portland to
Yokohoma and Hnntf Kontr; via 1 he
Northern Pacific Steamship Co., in
connection with O. R. & N.
For full details call on the O. R. to N. Azert
at THE DALLES, or address;
W. H. HTJRLBURT. Gen. Pass. Art
Portland. Oregon
Dodwelu Cahlti.l & Co.. Gen' Agts Northern
F ac. a 9 Co.. Portland, Oregon.
The New O. R. A N. Tim Card.
Train No. 2 east via. the Union
Pacific and Oregon Short Line, arrives
here at 11:45 a. M., departs at 11:50.
No. 4, east by Spokane and Great
Northern, arrives at 5:25 p. M., departs
No. 1, west from U. P. and O. S. L.,
arrives at 3:10 A. M . and departs 3:20.
No. 3, west from Spokane and Great
Northern, arrives at 6:5 J a. M. and de
parts at 6:55.
Freight trains Nob. 23 and 24, second
divisions, will carry passengers. No. 23
arrives at 5 p. M. and No. 24 leaves at
1:45 P. M.
Is "The Best" Writing Machine
The highest grade. Standard of excellence.
Controlled by no trust or combine. -
The "Munson" oossesses manv distinct points
of advantage over all other writing machines.
The most aunoie 01 au. Address lor catalogue,
240-344 W. Laac St., - Chicago, His
J S. Scbcrck.
H M. Beaix,
First National Bank
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Deposits received subject to fight- draft or
Collections made and proceeds promptly re
mitted on day 01 collection.
Sight and telegraohio exchange sold on Kew
YorK, ban rancisco ana rorimau-i
D. P. Thompson, Jno. S. Schsnck
Ed M. Williams, Geo. A. Liebe,
11. M. Heal).
R. E. Saltmarshe
HighestCash Price for
Hav and Gram.
Cary House Bar
PrineviHe,' Oregon.
Presided over by Joe Einkle.
Carries the best brands
Wines, Liquors Cigars
When in that civ ea'.; oo jop.
Nntl-e is herebv eiven thnt thi nndersiened.
executor of the will of George F. Beers, de
ceased, has filed his final accoun t as such execu
tor, with the county court of th- state of Ore
Kon for Wasco county, ' nd the judire thereof
has appoiniea monany. ine in ay m ivinn-a,
ihus. at ihe hour of 10 o'clock A. M. nt the
countr court room in the court bouse in Dulles
City, in s lid county n 1 state, as the time and
place lor nearing or.j jcuonn 10 suiu nnat ac
count and the settlement thereof. All heirs
and creditors of the dO-'eased. and all ether
persons Interested In s itu estate, are herebv
notified to tile their objections to said flal
account, if any they have, on or before the
date flxed for the hearing and settlement
tb; eof .
Dalles City, Oregon. Feb. S. 1898.
Fcb.n Executor
Troy Laundry Cos
Tola-phone Number 119
7 '
-All kinds of work. White Shirts a specialty.
Family work at reduced rates. Wash collect e 1
and.delivered free.
H D. PARKINS, Agent.
25 50
IRRftT.nTPT V fiTlSlJIITrrii rare case of constipation, rasearets are (lie Ideal Laxa
HDOUljUlLbl UUflllflil 1 CiiU tiTf. Bl.T.r CTip or ripe.bnt ranu ensynatnralresniti. Sua
pie and booklet free. id. STKHMNO REIlKnV ).. rhir.-ro. Jlonireal. Can., or New Tort. til.
Sheepmen '3 Supplies, Shears, Oil and Lamp Blact
for marking Sheap. -
Mitchell Wagons.....
McSherry Drills, Osborne Mower3, Binders,
Reapers and j Rakes, Myers' Hay Tools and
. t " Farm Implements of all kinds. . .
Full Line of flachine Extra
S Next door' td-AMWiHfniiadbK5rWiwi
Winev IIquor$.- Cigars and Beer.
The Celebrated Val Blatz Beer, Anhauser-Busch Malt
Nutrine, a non-alchoholic beverage unequaled as a tonic
General Commissido and Forwarding Merchanl
391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE6T.
(Adjoining Railroad Depot.) -
Consigniiien ts Solicited
Prompt attention will by paid to those who favor we with their" patronage
Furniture and Carpets
The entire stock of PRINZ & NITSCHKE will be .
Sale to commence from date and continue until all
soil. Parlies knowing themselves indebted to
said firm will be requested to call and settlej lifcir
Sewing Machines
Save traveling agents expenses by buying the
White and other standard machines of C. W.
PHELPSE, ast end Second Street, The Dalels.
Job Printing
Of all kinds 3ono ot
short notice and at
reasonable rates at
this office. . .
Evidence That Points to Span
ish Treachery.
United States' Fleet in Pacific Waters
Prepared to Defend All Points
Against Spanish Intrusion.
Ambushed and Murdered One of the Van
Pelt's Killed by an Unknown Assassin
He Is tb Victim of an
Old Fend.
Havana, Feb. 20. The following in
connection with the blowing up of the
Maine has developed: '
Three days before the . explosion a
boat containing three Spanish sailors
was seen rowing from Machina in the
direction of the Maine. The Spanish
sentinel of the Machina wharf chal
lenged them. They stopped and came
ashore, and, after being detained about
an honr, were released, as they gave a
satisfactory explanation of their sus
picious action.
A beat with two persons on board,
which was going from Havana to
Pregia, on crossing the bay, found
Itself intercepted by a wire which
seemed to come from the drydeck and
extend in the direction of the Maine.
The men in the boat had to lower it to
be able to pass.
These men, whose names are kept
secret for the present, intend to pre
sent themselves and report the facts to
the commission, which is expected
here to investigate the Maine disaster.
A Spanish woman, who recently
arrived here from Spain, on hearing
of the report of the disaster, said to a
number of persons whom she supposed
were all Spaniards:
"So the Maine has been blown up!
No wonder I wasjtold yesterday not to
go near the wharf, ai the ship was go
ing to be blown up."
Another suspicious incident is that
a few seconds after the accident sev
eral Spaniards from a distant part of
the city all said: .
"That is the Maine, which has been
blown up.!"
Santos Gusman, a representative of
the Spanish Constitutional Union, was
n his bouse In Cerro, entertaining
friends. As soon at he heard the ex-
osion, he said: ''
"I guess that is the boat that has
blown up in the bay!"
Since the disaster, there has been
great rejoicing among the Spaniards,
and many bottles of champagne have
been opened in .Havana to celebrate
the killing of Americans. '
lo-dlspatehes fiiuraadrtd PissSip
Marina, says' El Nacional organ, Wey-
ler is reported as constantly referring
to the blowing up of the Maine, with
out expressing any regret that the dis
aster occurred.
It is as easy to catch a cold just and
easy to pet rid of it if you commence
early to use One Minute Cough Cure,
cures coughs, colds, bronchitis
pneumonia ana all throat ana lung
troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe
to use and (sure to cure. Snipes and
Accident Theory Adhered to Iv the Abtence
of Contrary Proof.
Washington. Feb. 18. At an early
hoar this morning President McKio
ley consented to make the following
statement regarding the Maine, which
was given out by his secretary :
"Based on information iiow in his
possession, the president believe? that
the Maine was blown up as the result
of an accident. If it is found that the
disaster was not an aeeiden. prompt
and decisive steps will be taken in the
premises. The finding of the naval
court will develop the cause, and until
that is submitted nothing will be done."
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O.. sajs:
"After two doctors gave up my coy to
die, I saved him from croupby using
One Minute Cough Cure.': . It is the
quickest and most certain remedy for
coughs, colds and all -throat and lnrg
troubles. Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co.
' Dissolution bvat Baad.
Chicago, Feb. 18. A special from
New Orleans says:
Positive information has reached
this port from San Salvador that the
Greater Republic of Central America
has practically' ceased to exist, the
principal state, Salvador, having with
drawn from the Union.
This action was precipitated by the
step of Guitorez, president of Salvador,
who is at present assisting indirectly
the revolutionists of Nicaragua, and
! Worn Out?
Do you come to the dose of
ttcdaythoroughly exhausted?
Does this continue day after
day, possibly week after week?
Perhaps you are even too ex
hausted to sleep. Then some
thing is wrong;. . All these
thing? indicate that you are
" suffering- from nervous ex
haustion. Your nerves need
feeding: and your blood en
riching. m
Scott's Emulsion t
of Cod-liver OiL whh Hypo
phosphites of Lime and Soda,
contains just the remedies to
meet these wants. The cod
liver oil gives . the needed
strength, enriches the blood,
feeds the nerves, and the hy
pophosphites give them tone
and vigor. Be sure you get
SCOTT'S Emulsion.
AH diu&&It ; 50c and Sixth
Kew York.
who has declared officially that the
liberal party of Honduras is unworthy
longer to retain power.
Story of an Infernal Machine Keen Ap
proaching the Bow of the Maine.
New York, Feb. 18. The Ne
lork Herald this uorniog prints the
following from its Key West correspon
"I learn on undoubted authority that
one of the Maine's sailors who was
taken to. the marine hospital, out of
gratitude for the kind treatmeat and
careful nursing received from surgeons
and attendants, has broken the seal of
silence enjoined by his superior officers
beforn leaving Havana, .and makes a
statement, the truth of which cannot
be doubted and which points to the
deliberate destruction of the vessel.
"The sailor, whose name for obvious
reasons is withheld for the present,
says he was on watch on the forward
aecic snortly before tne explosion oc
curred. Whilu looking over the
Maine'j bow into the waters of the
bay he saw a black object slowly com
ing toward the vessel. The object,
whatever it was, was apparently illum
inated and emitted smoke. Ha sus
pected something wrong and started
to communicate the fact to the officer
of the day, when the explosion took
placa. Ihe Maine was reared in the
air and he was thrown to the deck
stunne'd and bleeding.
He also says simultaneously with the
raising of the Maine he saw the steam
launch which was moored alongside
the Maine also thrown out of the water.
This was before the second exploticn
n the Maine's magazine was felt, and
which sent her to the bottom.
Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ruddell's, 111., suf
fered fur eight years from dyspepsia
and chronic constipation and was fin
ally cured by using DeWitt's Little
Early Risers, the famous little pills for
all stomach and liver troubles. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
Frances Wlllard's Nelghors Deplore ber
CHICAGO, Feb. 18. Although the
fatal termination of Miss Willard'a ill
ness was not entirely unexpected in
Evapston, it was nevertheless an in
tense shock to ber friends when (bey
beard of it. It was here that she de
veloped those qualities of leadership
which raised her to a position of so
great prominence as an - advocate of
temperance. Mias Willard was well
nown to rhaay now living in Evans-
ton, whose friendship was on the same
ntimate footing when the great lectur
er attained tbe height of her fame, as
when her gentle iofluenc and. badding
genius first made itself felt in the little
"Rest Cottage," where Miss Willard
made ber borne, was always kept ready
for her return. The souvenirs of ber
ork and the many-jlec -of homer
bold furnitvre made dear by association
were cherished with great care, and
her room was kept in constant readi-
ess for an unexpected return.
Mrs. A. M. Kimball, a personal
friend of the lamented leader, and well
newn in temperance circles, lived in
le cottage, and when told of tbe
death of Miss Willard. she was inex
pressibly shocked.
People ail ovw the world will feel
er loss, for Miss Willard occupied a
porkion which can never be filled.
The good work will go on, but the loss
of l or advice as a leader will be deeply
It. Tbe impetus which Miss Willard
ha.l riven to the work of saving the
temple will be carried through. Her
fi'i"i:l3 will accept the duty of con.
thiuii'sr the work commenced by her
as a beq lest, and will feel that it wiU
be a violation of ber confidence to, tbe work to flag.
Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Va.,
was frightfully burned on the face and
neck. Pain was instantlv relieved bv
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, which
healed the injury without leavingr a
scar. It is tbe famous pile remedy.
Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co.
Mafblflccnt Battleships Beady for Vig
orous Action.
San Francisco, Feb. 20. There are
signs of activity about-all military
posts in the harbor. Everything that
can be done is being done to put forti
fications in readiness in the event of
trouble. ' Guns are receiving minute
attention and are being put in perfect
working order. Tbe Pacific coatt
would never suffer from attack in event
of war with Spain. This is tbe opin
ion of naval experts. Should Spain,
however, undertake to send vessels to
bombard Pabific coast ports she would
be met by a powerful fleet of vessels,
among the foremost of which are the
battleship Oregon and tbe coast de
fense vessels Monadnock and Monterey.
There is not a vessel on the Asiatic
station flying tbe Spanish, flag which
is powerful enough tp cope with the
squadron that could be called to defend
our exposed cities. , In addition to the
three powerful ' sbips mentioned, tbe
Philadelphia and Charleston are at
the navy yard at Mare Island, and the
Petrel, Concord, Yorktown, .Benning
ton, Wheeling and Marietta are with
in easy call.
The Baltimore, Boston, Olympla and
Machias are available, from Asiatic
and Hawaiian duty. Stould trouble
arise, the United States would undoubt
edly send the Oregon, Olympia and
Boston to the Atlantic aide, which
xould still leave us with more than
enough ships to r)fnrl our commerce
and the ports "fthp Pfo'fie.
Karl' Plover R.Nt Tea, for consti
tution Us' rst and after usingit
you don't say so, return the package
and get your money. Sold by Blakelev
& Houghton, The Dalles.
The Sundry Civil BUI.
Washington, Feb. 21. The appro
priations committee of the house has
agreed upon tbe sundry . civjl appro
priation bill and it will be reported to
the hou6e today. It appropriates (44,
749,893, being $13, 234. 541 less than
the regular and supplemental estimates
and $8,861,890 less than the appropria
tions for the current fiscal year.
One 'Minute Cough Cure cures
quickly. That's what you want!
Soipea, Kinersly Drug Co.
This Is the Report of the
A Resolution Passed the Senate
Ordering a Full Investigation
of the Maine Disaster.
Two KappoMd Southern Oregon Murderer
Arrested They Beat Their Victim to
Death on a Train Rothschilds
Investing In Klondike.
New York, Feb. 21. A dispatch to
theHerald from Key West says:
It is learned from "what may be con
sidered a semi-official source 'that
divers sent down on behalf of the
United States to examine the wreck of
the battle-ship Maine have)mide a
preliminary report -of the result of
their work.
Incredible as it may seem, it saj
that after a partial examination of the
magazines of the Maine, the divers
report the one in which the explosion
is supposed to have occurred is intact.
According to the correspondent's in
formant, the contents of the magazine
are uninjured. Therefore, if this i
true an entirely different aspect is
given to the terrific explosion which
brought death and destruction to the
This report reaching KeyWest, it is
said, caused the members of the court
of inquiry to decide to proceed to Ha
vana and begin their investigational
once, instead of organizing tbe court
here. At any rate, tbe lighthouse
tender Mangrove, with tbe court of in
quiry aboard, left for Havana yester
day evening.
.T. A. Perkins, of Antiquity.O., was
for thirty years needlessly tortured by
physicans for tbecjre o: eczema, hie
was quickly cured by using ue wilt's
Witch Hazel Salve tbe famous healing
salve for piles and skin diseases.
Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co.
Tho flurry Count Fued Claims Another
Crescent City, Cal.. Feb. 19. An
other tragic death occurred near Cbet-
co. Or., this morning about 9 o'clock.
Thomas Van Pelt and two of bis sons
were but a short distance from their
home, when the father was inst&ntly
killed by a bullet fired from the under-
bruHh by an unseen, foe. The mur
derer is unknown, but is suspected to
be a friend of Ai Coolidge, jr., who wis
killed near Chetco last fall in a similar
manner. '
A fued has existed between tbe Van
Pelt and Coolidge families for a long
limeF'-The first Wood : was shed last
fall, although many dark deeds have
been committed.
Thomas Van Pelt,' five of his sons
and a son-in-law. E. C. Hughes, have
just been released on &500 bonds at
Gold Beacb, tbe county seat of Curry
county, where they were under indict
ment for the murder of young Coolidge. .
The people of Chetco thought that
after the arrest of the Van Pelts, the
Coolidges having gone to Silverton,
Or., there would be no further t-ouble
in the otherwise quiet little village, or
at least until after the trial of the Van
Pelts, which will take place in the
circuit court at Gold Beach next Sep
tember, but it seems there was some
one left who was hunting for revenge.
Mrs. Marv Bird, Harrisburg, Pa.
says: "My child is worth millions to
me; yet I would have lost her by croup
had I not invested twenty-five cents
in a bottle of One Minute Cough
Cure." It cures coughs, colds and all
throat and lung troubles. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
Senate Naval Affairs Committee Directed
to Investigate tho Maine Disaster.
Washington, Feb. 21. The gal
leries were filled today when tbe sen
ate convened, the crowd of spectators
doubtless being attracted by he proba
bility of further debate upon Cuban
affairs or matters connected with the
catastrophe to tbe battle-ship Maine.
Hoar introduced a joint resolution
directing the transfer of valuable his
torical documents from several de
partments to the national library.'
Allen Introduced the following reso
lution: 'Resolved, That the committee on
naval affairs be and is hereby directed
to make a thorough inquiry into the
destruction of tbe battle-ship Maine in
Havana harbor on the 15th InsU, and
report to the senate."
The resolution was passed without a
word of debate.
-. .
Spaulsh Belp Doe.lned.
Washington, Feb. 19. The news
event of the' day in Washington w s
the prompt decision of theadrainintr .
tlon to make an independent I" vxm,- i
tion into the disaster t Mki- Mc
Kinley, Long and D ty. afi-r two h.mrs
of conference. d-cidd to cable Lee to
respectfully, bur, firmly, declare to tbe
Spanish authorities that their aid in
ascertaining what caused the explo
siou ou tiie Miiiue is not needed and
will not he accepted. Tbe United
States is quite capable of satisfying
it-elfasto what caused the disaster.
If. after the United States' investiga
tion shall have been finished, Spain
wishes to make an independent inves
tigation, this government will have
no objection.
On Thousand Volunteers.
St. Loins, Feb. 19. At an enthusias
tic meeting at Fraternal hall tonight,
1200 men hissed Spain, frantically
cheering the stars and stripes and sent
a telegram to McKlnley announcing
that there are already 1000 organized
volunteers here eager to start for any
point to avenge the Malae incident.
Henry W. Noel, contractor, presided.
Spain Baying Ammunition.
New York, Feb. 18. An order for
3,000,000 Mauser rifle cartridges, charg
ed with aotl-pyrite powder, has been
placed with a Dowder firm in this city
by the Spanish government. The or-
der was given through a contractlrg
agent, who has so far managed to son
ceal his identity. Tbe oowder, as its
name implies, is smokeless. It Is used
by the Russian and German armlet
and England.
Suspected Slayers of Peter Kelson Safely
Lodged In Jail.
Medford, Or.. Feb. 21. Sheriff
Barnes, of this coirbty, arrived yester
day here from Roseburg with Frank
L. Smith and George Stewart, arrest
ed on a charge of murdering Peter
Nelson near here last Tuesday morn
ing. Tbe prisoners were taken to
Jacksonville for safe keeping. The
preliminary trial will take plai-e here
before Justice Jones.
(Peter Nelson was brought to Med
ford early last Tuesday morning. He
was unconscious, and died shortly after
his arrival. His head was horribly
crusneu, ana mere wero several deep
cuts on his scalp. Vint Beall, who
lives near Central Point, brought him
to Medford,' having picked him up on
his porch about 2. o'clock that morn
ing. It developed that be had been
thrown from a passing train, and had
managed to make bis way there, the'
residence being, only a short distance
from the track. An autopsy and in
quest developed suspicion of foul play,
as a valise and a sack of clothing were
found near the railroad track. Both
Wire cut open and their contents scat
tered. Blood was found on tbe man's
belongings and other garments. The
cjroner's jury finally learned beyond
the question ot a doubt that Nelson
had been murdered on board a train
and his body afterwards thrown off.
Tbe result was tbe arrest of Smith aud
Stewart on suspicion of having com
mitted the crime, as related above.)
Small pill, safe pill, best pill. De
Witt's Little Early Risers curebilous
ness, constipation, sick headache
Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co.
Two Millions In Mines.
Tacoma, Feb. 21. Joseph Ladue,
recently from the northern gold fields,
say 8:
"The North American Transporta
tion &, Trading Company is tbe only
one now buying claims in tbe Klon
dike. I understand that tbey are act
ing as agents for the Rothchilds. I
met Mr. Cudahy on the train from
Chicago to San Francisco, and be told
me that tbey bad just received $400,000
in drafts which had been glveo in
payment for claims there. He said
the company as acting as agent in.
purchasing, and I learn that tbe Roths
childs are preparing to spend $2,000,
000 for the purchase of mines. It looks
a little as though the great English
banking-house would make stupendous
efforts to control most of the claims on
the Klondlke."
Tho Macaxlae Keys Found.
Kew York, Feb. 21. A dispatch to
the World from Havana says: '
"The" divers have made only three de
scents to the wreck of the battle-ship
Maine. Captain Sigsbee's state docu
ments were rescued from a private
drawer in bis cabin. : The keys to the
magazines were found just above the
hook over the bead of the captain's
bed, the usual place. They had been
floated upward by tbe rising of the
mattress. -
About 100 of tbe Maine's heroes are
yet in the wreck.
Through Tourist Cars to St. I-ouw.
A tourist sleeping car will leave
Portland every .Monday via Mo.
Pacific and every Wednesday via the
Burlington Route at 8:00 p. M. and
The Dalle3at 11:45 p. M. via the O. R.
& N. through . Salt Lake and Denver
without change to St. Louis, and
under the supervision of experienced
conductors. No change of cars to
Kansas City or St. Louis.
Keep this service in mind when eo
ing east and consult O. R. & N. agents
or address, W. H. Hurlburt.
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
For Sale.
A choice stock ranch of 360 acres all
deeded, 300 acres under good three-wire
fence, with plenty of wood and water,
about 50 acres in cultivation, and eight
acres in orchard and vineyard, . two
barns and somo outbuilding. This
ranch is equally as good for darylng as
for raising stock. Located 41 miles
from The Dalles on Chenoweth creek
Price $2200. Apply at this office or at
tbe farm of J. A. Fleck,
A splendid city block for sale at a
sacrifice. This is a rare opportunity
to get a home adapted for healthful
residence, good garden, stable, etc.,
and convenient to school, for a small
amount and on easy term. Call at
this office at once for terms.
Tbe success of Dr. Lannerberg, the
eve specialist, is due to close attention
to business and a thorough knowledge
of the eye. Persons with defective
eyesight should not fail to call at his
office in the Vogt block and have their
eyes examined free of charge.
For Sa'.e or Trade.
Having two thoroughbred jersey
bulls, will sell one of them, or trade
for jersey cow. Enquire of B. T.
Collins, Jersey Dairy, north side of
Subscrib3rs to the Daily Times
Mountaineer who do not receive their
papers regularly will confer a favor
upon tbe publisher by notifyioy tbe
office either personally or by telephone
so that any errors or neglect may be
For chapped bands and rough skin
use Floral Lotion, manufactured by
tbe Postoffice 'Pharmacy,
Furnished rooms with steam heat to
let by the day or month In the Chap
man and Vogt blocks.
Use Clarke & Falk's Compound
Quinine Hair Tonic, a specific for
dandruff and a preventative of bald
ness, - 4duest Your BoofC With Caaeavota.
Candy Cathartic, eure ornstinatlon forever.
10s. 26c It CCC.faU.drutfKUta refund mouar
CRM In Portland. February SI. to Mr. and
Mrs. W, S. Cram, a son.
CAMERON In Tbe Dalles. Feb. tt. to Mr.
aud Mrs. 1- Cameron, a daughter.
tbe food pars.
Absolutely Pure
Hindoos Constantly Btraggllns;
. folythmam and Mothaloan.
The gods of India are everywhere,
and yet they seem to be nowhere. The
religion' has been one long 'winter of
discontent; one prolonged straggle on
the part of the people to worship many
gods under many shapes, while al
ways on the point ot believing in one
single divine essence as the canse and
creator of all things; a hand to hand
fight between polytheism and monothe
ism, in which the priests have contin- -nally
endeavored to play the part of
conciliators. Vishnu and Siva are now
the chief contending parties, and the
priests have tried to make them agree .
by adding a third supreme deity in the
shape of Brahma. Of this fact Ingen
ious searchers after collateral evidence
of Christianity have made capital, say
ing that Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are
Inseparable, and that the Hindoos are
evidently in possession of the dogma of
the trinity, says a writer in the ven
ttiry. As a matter of fact this is pure,
nonsense, and contains aa much truth,
as the parallels that have been drawn,
between Christ and Buddha, Christ and
Krishma, Napoleon the Oreat and
Apollo. Archbishop' Whately, in his
great squib, showed once and for all
the absurdity of such demonstrations.
For the chief of Buddhist institutions'
was the monastery, and in no Catholic
country have the mendicant and priest-
ly orders ever nourished in -sncn. num
bers, in, such wealth or in such power
aa they did in India during the eight
or nine hundred years which elapsed
from the rise to the extinction of Budd
hism. The monks took the vows of poverty
and mendicancy as individuals, but tho
order, aa a body, owned vast estates,
magnificent buildings and untold
riches. Their error lay in severing
themselves too much from the people,
in making their religion too abstract
for popular comprehension, in leading
lives which were too secluded to admit
of any breadth of view and too well
provided with good things for any great
intellectual activity. They have left
but little behind them worthy to De
ranked as literature. In countries -where
people live much in the open air,
dress simply when they dess at all and r
eat what they can get, it requires little
effort of imagination or skill of pen to
make them seem aa primitive as one
pleases. As a matter of factT where" tT."
is very easy to live, or, at least, where
little thought or labor is requisite to '
obtain the means of living, a nation en
dowed with any natural activity is very
likely to devote its energies to intel-.
lectual pursuiter-and the result is sure
to be a state of national tbonght which,
in despite of scanty clothing and rice
for breakfast, dinner and supper, will "
turn out the very reverse of primitive. :
India is such a country, and, so far as
the Aryans are concerned, always has
been. What it was before the Aryan
conquest we have no means of know- '
Inir. but it is not at all likely that tne
modern religions and customs belonged
to the aborigines prior to that date. It '
seems much more natural to suppose
that the Vedio hymns and the Vedie
faith if we may so call it were at all
times the exclusive property of the
higher class of Aayans and that popu- ,
lar religions existed among the masses,
as they do now, simultaneously with
the highly-civilized belief of the veoie
Brahmans. The word brahmana, as
designating a member .of the priestly
caste (distinguished from the brahman,
the officiating priest and singer of the .
sacred verses), is found only in the very
latest of the hymns, showing that no '
such distinction was necessary before -
the fusion of the classes which proba
bly accompanied the southward migra
tion. COLUMBIA v
Effective Oct. 10,1687.
No. 1 Ho.
Leave . Arrive
6:15 P. m; Biggs 6:00 A. M.
7:15 p. m. Wasco 6:00 a. m. '
Arrive Leave
Connection made with O. R. & N.
passenger trains at Biggs.
E. e lytle,
. a o'bkilly.
General Manager
' President.
regon Bakery . :
i"A. KELLER, Prop'r.
Am prepared to furnish families,' bo tela sad
restaurants with tat oholeeat
Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Fresli Oysters Served
Every Style.
Second Street, next door -to The
Dalles National Pank.
Of all kinds done on xhort
notice and at reasonable
rates at this office.