y .4 ; pjrt'auil Library I- c. Yf7 C0NS0LIDATED 1882. THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 19, 1898 JlK-MQUSrAlSEEB. " XIII NO 22 re "f Hi KOFESSIONAL. ' Q C. UoLLiaTStt, Physician and Surgeon, Boom, over Dalle. Nttlooal Buk. Ofllco hour., 10 m in t 12 m, uj from t to 4 p m. item- dance Wet Had of Third stmt, A F. BEN&KT ' Attorney at Law "yM. TACKMAN Dentist. Rooms 8 B and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or. " - : SHERIFF'S SALE. " In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon, for E. E. 8aviue, administrator of the estate of Annie ivi ju, vejeuseu. x-iuiuuii, vs. Rosa S. Howellf , Defendant. By virtue of an execution, decree andoir er of . sale on ly Issied out of a a under the sei 1 of th) Ci cuit Couit of the State of Orecoa for -the County of Wasco, to me rirected. and doted the 8 h day of February, 1(8, upon a uecree for the foreclosure of a cer tain mortgage, ana juafrnr nt r- naen a ana en tered in -Si.i court on tne 12th day of Januury, 1898, in the above enti led ci ti e, in favor of the glainrin and auninst the defendtut. Rosa S. owells, as Judgment debtor, in the sum of (247.4. 1tb intere-t thereon from tb 12th day of January, 18, at the rate of ten per cent I er annum, and tbe further sum or c5 attorne s fees, nod tbe further sum of til costs and tie costs of and upon this writ, aid commanding me to mute sale or the real oropcrty emD area in such dert e cf foreclosure and hereinafter desonl e i, I will, on Monday, tbe 14th day of March, 1898, At the hour of 2 o'clock in the a'ternoon of raid day and at the front door of the County Court House in Dalles City. Wasco County, "recon sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, tit e and interest wmcn the acreraa. t, Kosa s. uoweus. nao on - the 1Mb day of June, 1W4, tbe date of the -mortgage foreclosed herein, or which such defend ant has since acquired o now has in and to the louowiu? described real property situate ard being in Wasco County, Oregon, towit: Begin ning at a point GO rods east of the northwest corner of section 10 in townships north of range 10 E. W. M., running thence East 20 rods, thence South HO rods, thence West 0 rods, and thence North 80 rods to the place of beginning, con taining 10 acres, except that in tbe N. E. corner tnereoi containing v, acre nerew iore conveyed to school district No. 34, or so much of said pr. p erty as will satisfy said judgment and decree, with costs and accruing costs. Said property will be so.d subject to confirmation and re demption as Dy law provided. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon. Feb. 8. 1808, T. J DRIVER. Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. PETITION. Td the Honorable County Court of Wasco County, Oregon: We the undersigned legal voters of Falls i Precinct. Wanco County, Oregon, respectfully petition your Honoroble Board to grant to Thomas Baddkr a license to sell spiritous, vineous and malt liquors in less quantities than one gallon for the term of one year at the Cas- cpde locks: Pat McAllaney James Stewart J F McGrath J 0 Fairrue -N Nelson K Rogers Harry Gray Rudolph Schmidt A M Barrett J W Attwell B P Skaaden J F Stout Timothy Miller John Trana John McCary E P Ash P Lillegard H Lil'ygard T H Williams OOlin Oscar Skoog Aug Petersen Robt Brown John Fladetoe MMcKinnon . Huns Wii ks Nick Eiden T Woodward John Anderson MeL Leavens R if Miller Jas M Dixon Pat Lihey W Houston ' W M Fraine H H Weston . ChasAlin John Thiesen H Hemm Pat Snllivan . J C Jones John Q Browne Herman Jensen Frank Douglas AJKniehtly P Aug Nelson Robt Black Fred E Leavens Sam McCary J f Attwell Hathcw Nands A O Hall A Fleiscbhauer H Glazier W H Washburn Wm Nestler C H Trask J P Wesfnan M C Martin -Jos Habinger . F Conlon VmFrnser L L Lang E Hasrs-'blam Cluis Hegblam H Fitzsimmons rregon Wnshhu. n Matnieu Butorao H A Leavens Andrew Traversa A B Andrews C J Carlson ESTRAY NOTICE. Came to my place on Lone well farm, on Dutch Flat, four hoad of cattle, three of them two year olds and one a yearling. One of the two year olds is black and two of them red ; the yearling Is red. JNo visible brand, but ear marks as follows: Two of them with split in left ear with right ear cut off, one with right car out off and one with left ear split. Also came to my place August 1, one mare about three years old with blaze in face no brand visible. I want the owner to prove property, pay charges and take them away. Tbe mare came August 1, and the cattle came Nov. 1, 1807. , R. F. WickhAm. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ornci at The Dalles. Oregon, I January 6, 1898. ( Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Feb ruary 15, 1898. viz.' PHILLIP T. SHARP, Hd. E No 4871 for the S54 N VTH Sec 19, Tp 1 N, BHEWM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Joel Koonti. James M. Benson, John Ryan nd Frank Taylor, 'all of The Dalles, Oregon. Jan8 JAS, F, MOORE, Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by tbe County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasoo County, ad ministrator of the estate of J. G. Koontz.de. oeased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to me. or to Verne Koontx. at J. P. Mcluer ney's store. Dalles City, Oregon, properly veri fied, as by law required, within six months : from th date hereof. Dated this 8th day of December. 1898, a. W. KOONTZ. Administrator of the estate of J. G. Mooctz. deceased. Bqqot( & Sinqott, attorneys fpr the estate. jRn 15 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I have been ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, in probate, at the January term thereof for the year 1898. sole ex ecutor of the last will and testament and estate of William L. Ward, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them to me. with proper vouchers, at tbe law office of Condon & Condon. In Dalles City. Oregon-, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. January 8, 1898. JOSEPH W. WARD. Executor of said Estate. NQTJCE FOR PUBLICATION Land Ofticb at The Dalles. Ob., I December . 197. ( Notice is hereby given that the following, named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and commute to cash entry, that said proof will bo made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon. on February 15th, 18, viz.: CHARLES RALPH SMITH, Hd. E No. 5797, for Jot No. 1, Setion 31, TP t N, R 12 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: W H Husbands. E J MiJdleswart, Thomas MeClure and Ephraim Hamlin, all of Mcsler, Oregon. . Jas. F. Moobe. Janl Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice ts hereby given tbat the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court Of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, in probate, administrator of the estate of J. A. Dickerson, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present ttem to me with proper vouchers at the law ofnee of Condon & Condon, In Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dalles City. Oregon, January 1gpCER Administrator of the estate of J. A. Dickerson, deceased. A number of White and other stand ard sewing machines for sale at rea sonable prices. The purchaser of uAa. M.nklnoa aa vpi the exDertge of bUDSO m ra I trovelin? agents, by buying direct Irani J.w. rneips. no morphine or opium In Dr. Miles" pais iSxa. Cum All Pain. "Onocont adoee." -TO THE" GIVES THE Choice of Two Trinscontinental Routes GREAT OREGON N0OTR1RY. SHORT LIKE SPOKANE SALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA . AKI) KANSAS CITY MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES : : OCEAN STEAMERS leave Portland every five days for SHN r-RHNCISCO. Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokofiorra and Hongr Kontv via The .Northern Pacilic bteamship Co., in connection with U. K. & IN. For full details call on the O. R. & N. Airent at inn tJALLbb, or aaarcss W. H. HURL BURT. Oen. Pass. Art.. Portland. Oregon Bodwili. Carlill 4rCo., Gen' Agts Northern -ac. a s uo.. Portland, ureon. The New O. R. A N. Time Card. Train No. 2 east via. the Union Pacific and Oregon Short Line, arrives here at 11:45 a. M., departs at 11:50. No. 4, east by Spokane and Great Northern, arrives at 5:25 p. m.. departs 5:30. No. 1, west from U. P. and O. S. L.. arrives at 3:10 a. M., and departs 3:20. No. 3, west from Spokane and Great Northern, arrives at 6:50 a. M. and do- parts at 6:55. Freight trains Nos. 23 and 24. second divisions, will carry passengers. No. 23 arrives at 5 p. m. and No. 24 leaves at 1:45 p. u. THE" it flUNSON" ..TYPEWRITER Writing In Sleht flail filWrVM.5L'rtir )u Is "The Best" Writing Machine The hlehest orrade.' Standard of excellence. Controlled by no trust or combine. The "Munson" possesses many distinct points of advantage over all other writing machines. ine mosiiurioie oi an. Auaressior catalogue, THE MUNSON TYPEWRITER Co , 240-34 W. Las e St., - - Chicago, Ills lug Up Phone NO. 12 Foryour Fruit, Vegetables, Fish and Poultry. The best the markets afford. Prompt delivery guaranteed. . . Poultry dressed to order every day in ' the week. A. N. VARNEY, Cor. 3d and Washington, J S. Schenck. President H M. BBAIX, Cashleii First National Bank THS DALLES. OREGON k General Banking Business Transacted. Deposits received subject to sight; draft or check. Collections made and prooeeds promptly re routed on day of collection. Sight and telegraphic exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Portland.- DIRECTORS: D.P.Thompson, Jno. S. Scbenck Ed M. Williams, Geo. A. Liebe, H. M. Beall. NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT Noti e is hereby given that th nndersicned, executor of the will of George F. Beers, de ceased, has filed his final accountassuohexecu? tor. with tbe county court of tbe state of Ore. gon for Wascp county, nd the Judge thereof has appointed Monday, Vho 7th day of March, 1W8, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. at tba county court room in the court house in Dalles City, in sjid county and state, as the time and place for bearing objections to said final ac count and the settlement thereof. All heirs and creditors of the deceased, and all ether persons interested in said estate, are hereby notified to file their objections to said final account, if any they have, on or before the date fixed for the hearing and settlement tbnteoi. Dalles City, Oregon. Feb. S. 1MK. oMI.HAEL DOYLE. Feb. 5 Executor DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given tbat the partnership heretofore existing between M. W. Hoyle and J. N. Lauer, doing business under thj firm name and style of Hoyle & Luuer.as carpenters and contractors, is this day dissolved by mu tual cons' nt, J. N. Lauer retiring from sid firm. M. W. Hoyle will hereaftiT conduct said business, pay all detts due and owing by said firm and collect all credits due said firm. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 4th day of February. 1888. M. W. HOYLE, J.N. LAUK. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was on the 24th day of December, 1897. duly ap- Sointed by the County Court of the State of iregon for Wasco County, administratorof tbe estate of Ellen Black, deceased, and that be bas duly qualified as such, and entered upon too duties thereof. All persons indebted to said deceased are requested to make settle ment, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to p.-esent them, properly veiified. at my residence at Cascade Locks, in said county, or at the office of Javne & Michell in The Dalles, in said county, within six months from the date hereof. Tbe Dalles, December 31. ROBERT BLACK. jlwS Administrator. emst R ANDY 10 sii Brefs feW!rik"5i3!fer 25 SO mMHW aRSfH.TITRT.Y frTTJTi I STFP ,! tun 9r fnnstrwitioii. fasesrcti sre the Ideal Laxa- auaUUUlLUl VU&n&lUUau live, new irrip or sripe. ..it ranse enatoralrcsnlt. Sam ple and booklet free. Ad. STKKMXG FEW KiY CO.. fbirr,!rc. S.wtreal. Can., or New Tort. 111. r m U U rtTTiT, a.TH I Sfeooepina l HARRY Watchmaker -DEALER IN- VVATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE AND Fins Repairing a Specialty. Having lately secured the services of Prof. P. G. v Daut, Scienti c Optician, am now prepared to cor rect any defective sight. Examination free. Call and have your eyes examined. . . VOGT BLOCK, - - ISO the dian drugs BLHKELEY & Reliable Pharmacists STUBLIHG & WILLIAMS WHOLESALE Wines, Wpi Cigars and Beer. 173 SECOND STREET The Celebrated Val Blatz Beer, Anhauser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alchoholic beverage unequaled as a tonic Z. F. MOODY General Commissi aod Forwarding Merchant 391. 393 HND 395 SECOND STRE6T. (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Consignments Solicited Prompt attention will by paid to those who favor ue with their patronage Sewing Machines AT COST- Save traveling agents expenses by buying the White and other standard machines of C. W. PHELPSE, ast end Second Street, The Dalels. $Jj0j$$ Largest Mutton t? 245 vffj? Strong, vigorous c.n.rnaA White for -prices. CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS O. LIEBE, and- Jeweler , AND. JEWELRY, DIAMONDS. . . All Work Warranted THE DALLES. OREGON The Changes of Time doubt there was much good in concoctions of the ancient In doctors. Greater good comes from using the tetter remedies of science and skill. Our knowledge of is such that we can compound correctly - the; picscription lhat'your physician knows will help you. HOUGHTO 175 Second Street SHROPSHIRE- RAMS.- Ram Breeding Farm in America animals now reaay lor snipment. lnta for ranp-e use a specialty. H. O- FOX. DE LOME IS LET OUT His Resignation Promptly Ac cepted by Spain. THE STORM HAS BURST Guatemala Is in thaThroes of a Civil War as a Result of Barrios' Death. The Fortification Bill Lelter Srlla Ills Wheat From Pulpit to the Variety Mage A : Compromise Scheme Sale of a Railroad .Ratified. Washington Fbb. 11. The follow lag fctatement was given out for publi cation at the state department this morning: "General Woodford had telegraphed that the Saanish minister' resigna tion had been accepted before he pre sented the telegram from the depart ment." It is believed here that the incident is practically closed. All sorts of rumors were in circula tion last night, including one that a special cabinet ineeeting was held at midnight. It can be stated positive ly that no cabinet meeting, formal or informal, was held last night. It is the present purpose of Senor de Lome to leave this country early next week. He will probably sail by one of tbe French liners te Havana, and thence will proceed direct to Madrid. .i. a. t-ei-Kins. oi Antiauitv.u.. was for thirty years needlessly tortured by physicans for thecure oi eczema. He was quickly cured by using De Witt's witcn Hazel balve tne famous heahner saive ior piles ana skin diseases. I Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co. THE STORM HAS BUBST. Guatemala la in the Throe of Civil War aa a Result l Barrios' Death. San Francisco, Feb. 11. A special from San Jose de Guatemala of Feb ruary 10-says civil strife and bloodshed have followed tbe killing- of Barrios Before the body of the late ruler had found sepulture the factions were flying at each other's throats, and as a result General Marrequina, the chief sup porter of Prospero Morales, one of the aspirants to the presidency, is dead and his forces are seeking safety in flight. Last night General Marrequina at tempted to seize the reins of govern ment in behalf of Morales. He made an attack in force on the palace bar racks. The assault' was vigorously re sisted, and in the fighting General Marrequina and five others were killed. Seeing that- their .-efforts . would not prove'successful, the attacking forces, consisting of 2000 men, headed by Gen eral Majera and Colonel Aravello fled from the city. Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ruddell's, 111., suf fered for eight years from dyspepsia and chronic constipation and was fin ally cured by usingiJDeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for all stomach and liver troubles. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. A Compromise Sehetne. CniCAOO. Feb. 11. A novel sug. gention as to obtaining a compromise between tbe adherants of the gold standard and their opponents is being advanced by W. S. Herbert, of this city. The plan is for a circulating medium consisting of coin certificates payable half in gold and half in silver, two-dollar certificates for example, to be redeemed by one dollar in gold. coin and one dollar .in silver 'coin. If the relative value of one-half shall diminish-tbe value of the other half, according to Mr. Herbert, would rela tively increase and the value of the cer tificates payable in both metaU jointly would be substantially unaffecteJ. Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Va . was frightfully burned on the face and neck. Pain was instantlv relieved bv DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, which healed tbe injury without leaving a scar.- It is the famous pile remedy. Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co. From Folplt to Variety Stage. New York, Feb. 11. Rev. James H. W. Harris, a fully ordained minister of the Protestant Episcopal church, is going on the vaudeville stage. Harris is 33 years old, and up to a short lime ago was pastor of the Church of the Holy Redeemer, in Oakland, Cal. He will make bid professional debut in the burlesque of ''Antony and Cleopatra," in Boston. February, 28. Letter Bells His VThet. Chicago, Feb. ll.-r It is positively stated that contracts for moving 1,503, 000 bjsbels of Leiter wheat to the sea board have been made. The cereal will be carried on a through rate from Chicago to Liverpool. It is reported that Leiters entire holdings, amount ing to 10,000.000 bushels, have been disposed of loan English syndicate. Awkward Question To Answer. Topeka, Kan., Feb. 11. Webb Mc Nall, fctate superintendent of insurance requests companies making reports to Uiiu for 1898 to include a statement of th amount of money appropriated by each fr the purpose of influencing legislation in Kansas during the year. The statements are to be made under oath. The Fortification Bll'. Washington, Feb. 11. The senate committee on appropriations today completed consideration of the fortifi cations bill. The committee recom mended an increase which, will double the figures of the bill as pissed by the house. Tbe amouot carried by the bill a agree upon is a little over 89,000,000. - The Sale RatlBed. New York, Feb. 11. At a meeting of the trustees of the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eas'ern today, the sale of the property to the Northern Pacific was ratified.. Over 90 per cent cf the certificate-holders gave consent to the deal. To Care C cms 11 patio a forever. Take Cascarets Condy Cathartic. 10c or 25c U C C C tail tooare. druftfuua refund money CUBA HAS AN 1NN1NU. Washington, Feb. 14. Senator Morgan today reported from the com mittee on foreign relations an amend naent to the diplomatic and cousular appropriation bill offered by Allen recoguizing the belligerency of tbe Cubans. The report, which was quite long, stated tbat the senate bad already acted on this matter, aud was still of the same opinion, and would be glad to nave tne nouse co-operate in secur ing the recognition of belligerency. Harris introduced a resolution cull ing for information regarding the abandonment of the government's purpose to bid in the Kansas Pacific under the guarantee of the full amount of the principal of the indebtedness. On Chandler's objection it went over until tomorrow. A resolution by Morgan was passed. calling for consular report regarding affairs in Cuba, and inquiring whether this government had recognized r"" " utonomous government of '.-. authorized negotiations for aL-ctfTproc- ity treaty. In the house Quigg, of the foreign affairs committee presented a Cuban resolution.'' It was the' resolution of fered by Williams, slightly modified. Quigg made a brief statement, saying tbat in December the president notified the house that tbe indefensible policy of concentration in Cuba would be abandoned by Spain in deference to the repeated requests of our govern ment, and that a more peaceful and hu mane policy bad been adopted. The object of the resolution was fcimply to ascertain what bad been done and what steps had been taken towards the acceptance of autonomy by the Cuban people. Dinsmore, democrat, of Arkansas, senior minority member of the foreign affairs committer, said the resolution had been unanimously reported by tbe committee. Its purpose was to put tbe house and country in possession of the real facts concerning th,e condition of people in Cuba, both in military and private life. Karl's Clover Root Tea, for consti pation its' the best and after usingit you don't say so, return the package and get your money. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, The Dalles. A BPAMSH 8CHKMB OF REVENUE. Efforts Making to Get Lee In the Same Boat With De Lome. New York, Feb. 14. A dispatch to the World from Havana says: There is a rumor that the palace au thorities have a letter written by Consul-General Lee, the contents of which are as iteresting, even exciting, for Spain, as the De Lome letter to Canalejas was for the. "United States. Another report was set afloat that Gen eral Lee had resigned. A strong effort is beiog caade to get General Lee in the same boat with Da Lome.-The members" of the autono mist cabinet do ot like him. . He did not visit them officially as the real Head of the government in Cuba, so they thought to secure some private letter written by General Lee which would give robust yiews of the Cuban question. It jvastbonght tbat General Lee's frankness in conversation in sured the existence of such missives, and the opinion was openly expressed that General Lee would have to go, too. Evea if some seemingly compromising letter from Geaeral Lee were in pos session of ibo palace people it is un likely that General Blanco would pub lish the affair. He admires . General Leo. De L i.nj's resignation is really con sidered here as a severe blow to Spain. The CuS tns are jubilant. They say Spain has no other diplomat with equal brains, industry, private fortune and brilliant diplomatic life. They think there wiil be ''fewer senators from Spain in congress now." The text of De Lome's letter printed here caused a great stir. Hi candid opinion of MeKialey was mildly translated in the English version circulated in the United States. ACTONOUV IS A FAILURE. General Lee Said to Hve so Reported to the. State Departmedt. Washington, Feb. 14. Autonomy is a failure. This is the meat of a volu minous report which Consul-General Lee is said to have forwarded from Ha vana to the state department. And as if to prepare the people for action by this government, Senator Foraker, of Ohio, granted an interview, of which the most noteworthy sentence was: "Tbe whole chapter, as it ts now be ing written on tbe Island Tjf Cuba, is one of horror, shocking to civilization, and of such a nature tbat intervention should bo resorted to if necessary to put an end to it." bun't Toliarro Spit and Smote Toar Lift iwiy. To quit tobacco easily snd forever, be mas oeih lull of life, nerve and vit'or, take No-To-line, the wonder-worker, tbat makes weak men strong. All druggists, SOc or fl . Cure guaran teed Booklet and sample free. Addrcsc Rrwitmr Itemedy Co.. Chicago or New York. Well Children that are not very robust need a warming;, building and fat-forming food something; to be used for tw or three months in the fall tha they may not suffer from cold. SCOTT'S of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda supplies exactly what they want. They will thrive, grow strong; and be well all winter on this splendid food tonic Nearly all of them become very fond of it. For adults who are not very strong;, a course of treatment with the Emulsion for a couple of months in the fall will put them through the winter in first-class con dition. Ask your doctor about this, - Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion, Ses thit the awn and. fish arc on Ac wrapper. All druggists ; 50c and $1.00. SCOTT 4 BOWNE, Chemists. New York. ADDRESS TO VOTERS Principles of Democracy Are Clearly Defined. SILVER AND REFORMS These Are the Issues That Will Be Presented by the Democrats of Oregon. The Republican Party Arraigned for Its Failure to Keep Its Pledges In State Adminis tration. At a meeting of the state democratic v-eommittee held in Portland last month a committee consisting of Judge W. S. McFadden, of Corvallis; F. A. E. Star, of Portland; Judge A. S. Bennett, of Ice Dalles: Judge John J. Daley, of Dallas, and H. L. Heath, of McMinn- ville, to prepare an address to the people 01 uregon. rney nave com pleted their Iabors,and have issued the following as the principles on which the democratic party will ask the suf frage of voters in the coaling cam paign: To the people of the state of Ore gon: The democratic party of the state of Oregon reiterates its firm ad herence to the principles of the party, as laid down by the national demo cratic convention of 1896. We believe that no character of legal tender money should he discredi'ed or de monetized; tbat tbe option of redeem ing obligations of tbe United States in silver or gold belongs to the govern ment and not to the holders thereof; tbat interest-bearing bonds should not be issued in times of peace; that secret trafficking with banking syndicates for tbe sale of bonds is reprehensible and intolerable, and that congress and not private banking ins itutions should coin and issue money and notes in tended for public and private debts and receivable for dues to the govern ment; that greenbacks should not be retired, but should be continued with the same attributes they possess under existing Jaws; that the financial ques tion is now as it was in 1896, and will be until eettled rightly the living issue before the American people, and that its correct determination offers the only effective and complete reme dy for the present impoverished condi tion of the masses. We believe in direct legislation as the only means by which wise and economical laws can be placed upon our statute books. ' Tbat as citizens of Oregon we are at this time confronted with responsibili ties paramount V6 a party considera4a tions. Uur system 01 government was wisely instituted for the sole benefit of the people; not for mendicants and mercenary spoilsmen who eat out their substance. Flagrant profligacy and financial im becility are everywhere prevalent in this state; the treasury is full to over flowing and locked on 8537,000 of the tax money of the people and still state warrants stamped not paid for want of funds, with interest accruing on state liabilities at the rate of over $50,000 annually. Within two months tbe extortionate exactions of the various counties from the sweat money of the tax payer will aggregate nearly another half million dollars to still further glut the state treasury; rrith no means provided to disburse the same under existing conditions. Yet, notwithstanding this, sixty- eight of the - ninety members of the present legislature are solidly republi can for sound money, retrenchment and reform. Republican inaction and studied con tempt for platform pledges have forced an exigency whereby monied sharks are making merchandise out 01 tne holders of state warrants. Our state and its interests have been persistently outraged, and dominated by one or the other of the factions of tbe republican party, to. the general disgrace of the body politic. A sys tem of spoil has been fastened on the state whereby an army of retainers, place hunters, beneficiaries, leaches and kindred concomitants in the shape of commissions, haye become enthron ed as the special champions of either Simoniam or Mltchellism. In this in cessant strife of isms every interest of state and its people have gone into total eclipse, while Mr. Corbett. armed with a goveruor's commission as U. S. senator, stands forth triumphant as the highest exponent of honest methods and sound money. With the chasm between these two isms bridged by a covernor's commission - and Corbel t as the keystone thereof, honest men are forced to- action or love of state has become extinct. '. The republican stale platforms of 1892-94-96 contain the most emphatic. . binding pledges of retrenchment and reform; with fierce denunciation ol other republican legislatures furai- of omission and commission. In IK! 4 it reached this graphic climax: We condemn the prodigality and excess of past lerip'a'i'rpH. and call upon the next legislative awmblv to keep all approirimiuu . wiimu limits, etc." "The sovereign voter, ever slow to wrath, and prone to accept platform pled. in kood faith, In order to en able these pledges to be verified, elect ed both branches of the legislature re publican by from two-thirds to three fourths majority. While the call was loud and long it reached not tbe ears of toe Baal of prodigality. The promis ed reforms slumbered and the people still cried for relief, for there was no balm in tbat Gilead. Oblivious to the pledges of 1894, that same party again pledged itself to tbe people in its platform of 1896, as fol lows: "We pledge the republican party to rigid economy in the expenditure of public money, to- the reduction of ex cessive salaries and the abolishment of all useless commissions and oppose the incorporation into tbe general appropriation bill of items for tbe ex penditure of public money not author ized by law." The people again ac cepted these pledges in good faith, and -1 . j . , ... bers to tbe legislative assembly "As an evidence of verifying tb pledges the practice of employing un necessary clerks has become an abrse that must be cut off and we pledge the republican party to the accomplish mentofthi9 reform." Yet tbe state senate of 1897, with its thirty members and as a weather vane to point out what might be expected from full 1 legislative organizations looms up grandly with its sixty-five clerks as a nucleus to build to. With all the organized boodle rs ar-d hangers on in the state with full letters of marque and reprisal on tbe state treasury for four years, conditioned only on which . 1 , ... ui iu isms Bnouio nave a senator, an It be seriously doubted whether the state lostor profited by the failure of Igislative organization? When the last legislature convened there was a universal demand for re iorm in every department of state affairs; tbe lopping - off of extravagant and useless commissions and uncon stitutional salaries, chanirea in the modes of assessments to the end that all property should bear Its equal por tion 01 taxation; tbe reduction of sal arias to constitutional limits, a radical change in legislative clerkships, etc.. which afflictions were forced upon the people of the state by the republican party. Its legislation of 1893-4 is still afflicting the people in a grievous manner: its appropriations amounted to $2,214,809. It manifested a greater solicitude for the offk-e holders than for the tax payers; during the last eight years 160 offices have been created Independent of the officers of the new counties. There was $24,399 70 expended for legislative clerk hire; $20,000.00 for a useless railroad commission; domestic animal commission, $12,000.00; board of horticulture, $8,000.00: state board non-equalization, $8,000.00; $97,- 000.00 for state printing; $100,000.00 for tbe Oregon national guard; $190, 000.00 for & jute mill, and thus to the end of the chapter, making the appro priations of that session $2,214,809.00. Tbe Federal appointments In this state have thus far been In close touch and accord with tbe diseased condi tion of the party in power in Oregon, erveillancy and abject consecration to a trinity of small bosses is the test preferment. Men of fixed Ideas, oown integrity, who represent a principle, and something in them selves, are turned down to make place for the orgaaized syndicate of healers nd promoters who follow in tbe wake of tbe twin isms of perfidy that the stream of sound money nay glide soft ly onward to the sea. There is, no avoiding the irresist- able conclusion that reform in our state is an absolute necessity; prof ligacy and, methodical scoundrellsm must be stamped out. We denounce nd execrate tbe policy which has 1 1 11 inn-lUu Tii'llU 'i'AUiTarc JUI'b'e to each aoi all of them, so that withont any sacri fice of principle tbe common people may present a united and unbroken front in favor of government "by the y ople," and against the party which ... represents but little more than an ..xuization of the wealth of the uouuiry for the purpose of magnifying .tseif at the expense of all the best in terests of the masses. Florre Strife la Guatemala. New York, Feb. 14. Dispatches from the Herald correspondent in Guatemala states tbat anarchy reigns supreme throughout the country, as a direct re&ult of the assassination of Barrios and the plotting of leaders of various factions to get into power in the republic. General Mendizabela, who was called ppon by the military to assume the presidency, is now marching on the capital, Guatemala City, with a force of troops. Besides the military. Gen eral Mendizabela bar influential leaders such as General Najera, behind him. Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., says: "After two doctors gave up mjr ooy to die, I saved him from croup by using One Minute Cough Cure." It is tbe quickest and most certain remedy for coughs, colds and all -throat and lung troubles. Snipes, Kinerely Drug Co. Wanted-An Idea s7bo eaa tlnus of some eunple tolas to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring yon wealth, Writ JOHN WBUPEkWRM CO, Pateut Attor neys. wasblBa-toa. B. c ror taetr ni prise aaa ttu oi two taadsed InvcaUons wanted. . eieuwu sixty-eignt republican mem Royal snakes the food para. mi FOVDEH Absolutely Pure DKatOCBATIC 8TATK CONVENTION. The democratic convention for tbe state of Oregon is hereby called to meet in the city of Portland, Oregon, ' Wednesday, March 23, 1898, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. H.; for the pur pose of nominating candidates for state and district offices, Including congress- ' men from tbe first and second districts, and to transact such other business as may properly come before said conven tion. The convention will consist of 267 delegates apportioned among the several counties of the state as follows: Baker 10 Lane. 14 Benton 6 Lincoln 4 Clackamas 13 Linn ..'.15 Clatsop........ 7 Malheur 4 , Columbia 5 Marion...... ...18 Coos 9 Morrow 4 Crook 4 Polk 8 Curry 3 Sherman 3 Douglas 11 Tillamook 4 Gilliam 3 Umatilla 11 Grant 5 Wallowa 4 ney.. ....... 4 Wasco 8 Jackson 13 Washington.... 9 josepnine 7 Yamhill.... -..JO. Klamath 3 Lake 3 The same beiag one delegate at large for each county and one delegate for each 200 votes, er fraction thereof over 100, caat for William J. Bryan at the presidential election in November, 1896. . F. A. E. Stark. Chairman. Geo. C. Stott, Secretary. -1 , DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION. The democratic convention for Wasco county is hereby called to meet at the court heuse in Dalle City on Saturday, March 19, 1898, at 10 o'clock M., for the purpose of nominating candidates for county offices, electing delegates to the state convention and to transact sich other business as may properly come before the convention. The convention will consist of 91 dele gates appointed among tbe different precincts as follows: , - . . ' Falls Kant Hood River 6 Eight-Mile., Nansene.... Dufur Ramsey West Hood River Baldwin .... Moxier West Dalles Treaviu.. Iffelo uresu uysiers &e Every Style. Second Street, next door to Dal lea National Panic A. A. BROWN -Ess 1 FULL ASSORTMENT AVD PB0VISI0H8, Special Prices to Gash Buyers 170 8BOOND 8TBBTBT. ; THE. Cary House Bar Prineville, Oregon. Presided over by Joe Hlnkle. Carries the best brands Wines, Liquors Cigars When in that city call on Joe. To Care Coastlpesttoai Take Caacarata Cand v Cathartic. Mkt Ka i KC.C.C. fall U oure, drugglsta rereaa axwoa, S C- 1