The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 29, 1898, Image 1

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m 72
- V
Physician and Surgeon,
Rooms orer Dalle JUtionat Bunk. Office hour,
m t IS in, oi (ran t to 4 p m. Real-dsn.-o
Wo t End ol Third Strwt,
S. BES.N'tl'
Attorney at Law
Dentist. ' ..
' Booms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or,
I Meets In Keller's Hall every Thursday
, evening at 7:30 o'clock.
tl HextH every Saturday evening at 7:30 In
K. of Jr. Hall.
I j Meets evorv Fridav evening at their
i Meets evoi
ball at 8 o'clock.
OP li. E. Meets every Friday afternoon
in l- of r . uml -.
WASCO TRIBE, NO. 18, L O. R.M -every
Wednesday evening in K,
of P
VJT evetTSadday evening at Baldwin Opera
T OFL P. DIVISION. NO. 187. Meets in
D K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes
day of each month at 7:30 P. M.
T.OP.OK. NO. 15. A. F. & -A. M.
f T
Meets first and third Monday of eact
month at 8 P M.
1 NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third
Wednesday oi eacn montn msr, m.
I i Mt nvnrv Friday eveninc at 7:30 o'clock
In K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court
streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome.
nRiKjinsiiip T.rriOE. NO. 9 K. of P.
P . iwfAAfca mapv MnndAv evening at 8 o'clock.
In Sohanno's building, corner of Court and
Second streets. Sojourning brothers are In
TJNIOM Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock
n the reading room.
Vi ml Tlood CamD. No. 69. meets every
Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. In Keller's
Hall. All sojourning brothers are invited to be
j Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and
fourth Tuesday of each month.
Visitors cor
diall invited.
i'T. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo.
site Fifth. Sunday school at 9:30 A. M
Evenin(yrnyerr,a Friday at 7:30.
Vj Rev L. Grey. Pastor service in me Eng
lish lanruAge at First Baptist Church every
, Sunday 9:30 A. U. and 7:3U p. M.
ME. CHUBH Kev. J. H. Wood, Pastor.
. Services every Sunday morning and eve
lng. Sunday school at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A
cordial invitation extended by both pastor and
people to all.
CurtistPastor, Services every Sunday at
II A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school after
morning service
ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest
Pastor. Low mass every Sunday a 7-A. M.
High mass at 10:30 A. M, Vespers at 7:30 P. M.
1 lor. Pastor. Corner Fifth and Washington
streets. Services each Sunday morning at 11
o'olock. Sunday School and Bible class at 12:15.
Pastor's residence Northeast cor. of Washing
ton and Seventh streets. ,
Hazel, pastor. Preaching every Sunday
morning at-11 and In the evening at 7 o'clock
Hundav school at 10 A M. Prayer meeting
every Thursday evening. Y. P. S. C E. meets
every Sunday at : SOP. M. -
Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miller.
?astor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and
30 P. M Prayer meeting on Wednesday
evening. Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. All are
cordially welcomed.
December 7, 1607.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notic8 of his intention
to make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Reg
ister 2nd Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon on
January 22, 1868, viz . ;
Of The Dalles: H. E. No. 8831. for the NEX of
Sec. 25, Tp. 1 N-. R 13 E. W. M,
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of.
said lana. viz:-.
J. W. 'Koontz, John Ryan, R. E.Williams
and Elijah Koontz. all of The Dalles, Oregon,
dll, ' JAS. F. MOOR H Register-
Came to my place on Lone well farm, on
Dutch Flat, four head of cattle, three of them
two year olds and one a yearling. One of the
two vear olds is black and two of them red; the
yearling Is red. !No visible brand, but ear
marks as follows: Two of them with split in
left ear with right ear cut oil, one with right ear
out oB and one with left ear split.
Also came to my place August 1, one mare
bout three years old with blaze in face no
brand visible. I want the owner to prove
property, pay charges and take them away.
The mare came August 1, and the cattle came
Nov. 1,1897. p, WXCKBAM.
jLakd Oftice at .
-January ft, 1898.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the register
and receiver at The Dalles. Oregon, en Feb
ruary 15, 1898. viz.
Hd. E No 4871 for the SH N H See 19. Tp 1 N,
m 14 a m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Joel Koontz James M. Benson, John Ryan
and Frank layUwvallof The Dalles, Oregon.
jug JAS. F. MOORE, Register. .
Notice Is hereby given ths' l have been tp
Doioted by the County Court of t ie state of
rrreuon. for Wasco County, in probate, at the
January term thereof for the year 1898. sole ex
ecutor of the last will and testament and estate
of William L. Ward, deceased, all persons
havinz claims against said estate are hereby
Teauired to present them to me. with proper
vousner. at the law offlo- of Condon Condon.
In Dalles City. Oregon, within six months from
the date of the first publication of this notice.
January 8. 1898. jqsePH W. WARD.
.Executor of said Estate,
lavd Orncs at Thb Dauces. Ob.,
- . December 28, 1697, f
Notice Is Isereby given that the followlng
nainel settler has filed notice of his intention
i, Mnoi nmnf in suDooil of his claim, and
commute to cish entry, that said proof will be
made before tbe Register and Receiver at The
Dalles, Oregon, on f eoruarj lauu. .-, in..
Hd. E No. 5797, for lot No. 1, Section 31, Tp 3
ul ih. followine witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
fOT w u'shands. K J Middleswnrt, Thomas
MMjlure and Ephraim Hamlin, all of M osier,
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
aai been duly appointed by the county t.ouri
2? the State of Jre-oa. for Wasco County, in
bickerson. deceased, and all persons having
elitfuisWMinst said estate are'hereby notified
and required to present ttcm to me with proper
wouehers st the law office of Condon & Condon,
J? Dalles City. Oreiron. within six months from
tne ante oi mis lc3
Dalies City. Oregon, January 1"
Administrator of the estate ot J..A. Dickeram,
A number of White and other stand
ard sewing machines for sale at rea
sonable prices. The purchaser of
raelinir sffeni,- by buyine direct
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Wasco County.
19 I and University Lands and for the Invest
ment of the funds arising therefrom.
P. T. Sharp, Mary Jane Sharp, E. F. Sba:
Kathleen Sharp. Frank H. Sharp. J.
Condon, as assignee of the estate of P. T.
bnarp. insolvent ueotor, tne estate or Mrs.
Grace V. Coatsworth, deceased, and J. C.
Melns. Wasco County, and F, P. Taylor,
By virtue of an execution and orrerof sale
Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Wasco County, on the 17th day of
December. 18tf7, to me directed, upon a judg
ment and decree rendered In said tcurt on tbe
9th day of November, IES7, in favor of the above
named plaintiff and against the above named
defendant. P. T. Sharp, for the sum of i8.864.43
and Interest thereon at the rate of eitrht Der
cent per annum irom novemoer v. inn. anu
S3 0 00 attorney's fees in said suit, and 115. Ul
costs ana aisbursements. ana accruing costs
which decree among other things ordered
the sale of the lands hereinafter de
scribed to satisfy said sums; and against
the defendant F. P. Taylor, to exhaust
any Interest he may have in the real
property described in said judgment, decree,
execution and order of sale, I did, on the 17th day
of Leeember. 1K97. at the reauestof DlaintifTs
attorney, duly levy upon tne follow mguescriDed
real property, tying ana Deing in w asco county
tnte of Oregon, described as follows, to-wit:
a The northeast quarter (X) of the southwest
quarter (H) ana inesoutnnau (HI oimesoum-
west quarter f mi oi secuon twelve u-,1 anu me
northeast quarter (U) of the northwest quarter
f (i) of section thirteen(13)in township one north
of range thirteen (13) east w M, containing one
hundred and sixty (160; acres; and fractional
lots numbered three (J) and four li) of tbe
north half n-21 of the northeast Quarter (1-4) of
section twelve (12) in township one north of
range thirteen .(13) east w M, containing eign-
teen (18) acres and eighty-lour nunareatns ot
an acre: also a fractional part or the northwest
quarter (1-4) of the northwest quarter (1-4) of
section thirteen (13), townsnip one ill nonn oi
ranee thirteen 1131 east Willamette Meridian
containing twerty-five 2? acres; also the west
nan i-2j or the southwest quarter L'-J oi sec
tion No. seven 71 in township one 11 north
ranze fourteen 114 1 east Willamette Meridian,
containing one hundred and seven acres and
twenty hundredths of an (107.20-100 acre; also
the north half TI-2J of the southeast quarter 1-4
and south half fl -21 of northeast quarter f H of
section twelve 12 in township one north of
ranse thirteen 13 East Willamette Meridian,
containing one hundred and sixty 161 acres, in
all two hundred and sixty-seven and twenty
hundredths I2H7. .'0-1001 acres; and situated in
Wascr countv. State of Oreiron All of said par
cels of land contain f. ur hundred and seventy
en acres and four hundredths 471 4-IOiiJ of an
acre. Together w th the tenements, here tita-
ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging
or in anywise appertaining.
Now. therefore, in Dursuance of said judge
ment, decree, execution and order of sale, I
will on
Saturday, the 29: b day of January, 1898.
at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M". of said day, Tit the
Court House door in Dalles City, in said Wasco
County, Oregon, sell the above described real
property at public auction to the highest bidder
or casn to satisfy tne sum or tarn , wiw in
terest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per
annum from November 9th. 1897. now duo upon
said judgment and decree, and the further sum
of 15.00 costs and disbursements in said suit,
and accruing costs.
Dated wis ibtn oay oi uecemDer, iw.
T J DKiVrUt,
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
In the circuit court of the State of Oregon for
the county of Wasco.
Margaret E. Sykes, Plaintiff,
William Turner, Defendant.
To William Tnrner.tbe above named defendant
V,.n are herebv notified and reaulred to be
and appear in the Circuit Court of the State
m Di-pirnn. for the countv of Wasco, on or be
fore the first day of the next regular term of
said court, to wit. on or Deiore atona iy, we ia
day of February. 189S, then and there to
answer the complaint of plaintiff, filed against
you in the above entitled action, and If you
fab to so appear and answer said complaint,
the plaintiff will take judgement against you
for the sum of &2I9. together with interest on
nid snm at the rate of 8 per cent per annum
since October 16th. 1897. and for plaintiff's costs
and disbursements of action, and plaintiff will
apply to the Court tor an order directing that
. .I . . .. -,l Q In KlnMlr 1Q nf ffou' A illli f inn t1
nailpa t:itv. Wasco Countv. Oreiron. heretofore
ntt:uAh.ii and levied tirjon in said action be sold
and the proceeds of such sale applied In pay
ment OI piainun s aemanos s ioreMiu, auu
the accruing costs aad expenses of su ch ale. -This
oruer U'se.ved uiion you, the said de
fendont, by publication for six consecutive
weeks in the Tim&i-Mouutaineor a weekly
newspaper of general circulntion published in
Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, by order of
the Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of the above
entitled Court, which order was made in Cham
bers and bears date the 31st day of Decmber,
Jlt7 Attorneys ior -iaintin.
the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
WfLum rrmintv.
Annie B. Oty, Plaintiff, ts. W'lliam Otey, de
To William Otey. the above named defend
ant: In-ternameof the state or uregonyou
are hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint herein filed against you in the above
entitled suit within ten days from the date of
the service of this summons upon you. u servea
within this county, or if served within any other
rnnntv of this state, then within twenty days
from the date of the service bf this summons.
if served by publication ti.en oy tne mst
day of the term of this court following the ex
piration of the time prescribed in the order for
the service of tbe summons upon you by publi
cation thereof, towit. 14th day of February.
1893, and If you iau so to appear ana answer,
inrimnent will be taken arainst you for want
thereof, and the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for in her complalnt.towit,
a deeree nf dlvoroe from vou. the above named
defendant, and for the care and custody of the
minor children of plaintiff and yourself. Myrtle
Otey, Eligh Otey and Julia Otey. and for her
costs and disbursements herein, and for such
other and further relief as to the Court may
seem equitable and just. This summons is
served upon you by publication thereof once a
week for six consecutive weeks in The Dalles
Times-Mountaineer, a weekly newspaper pub
lished In Wasco County, Oregon, by order of
Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of the Seventh
Judicial District, of the State of Oregon, made
at chambers Dalles City, Wasco County, Ore
son, the list day of December, 1897.
JsdI.98 Attorneys tor Plaintiff.
Vntrlro u hembv iriven that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court
of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, ad
ministrator of the estate of J. U. Koontz. de
ceased All persots having claims against said
estate are hereby required to present the same
to me. or to Verne Koontz. at J. P. Molner-
ney's store, Danes inty, uregon, property on
tied, as by law required, within six months
from th date hereof.
Dated tula stn oay ot uecemoer,
d. W. KOONTZ.-
Administrator of the estate Of J. G. Moontz,
Slnnott & Slnnott. attorneys for the estate.
Jan 15
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
was on the 4th day at - jeoember, 1897, duly ap-
Soiuted by the County Court of the State of
iregon for Wasco County, administratorof the
estate ot Ellen Black, deceased, and that he
has dulv qualided as suoh, and entered upon
tho dutUs thereof. All persons Indebted to
said doeard are requested to make settle
ment, and all persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to present them,
Eroperly ve. ifled. at my residence at Cascade
,ocks. in said county, or at tbe office of Jayne
& Mionell in The Dalles. In said county, within
six months from the date hereof.
Tbe Dalles, December 31, 1897.
- - Administrator.
Manufacturer bf"ond Dealer'ln
H ?rniss
East End. Two Dnsrs'West of Diamond Flour
ing Mills. - - . Second Street.
-Work Guaranteed to Give'
. Seventh and Wash ngtor St9 '
tiCINEAN, , r'
Kopnie-N i
H. tlM M
Mot Z-Uf I fo
Or Crown and Bridge Work at
Greatly Reduced Trices
kind of Filling known to the Dental Profession
carefully and thoroughly done.
Shows moutn wltn on t four toeta
prepared for reception of bridge. No
plate to be used.
Over French & Co.'s Bank, The Dalles, Or.
. 7 lSrTGfW!Wffi;H:Eea
h. m h m m m hi ir .r la 1 1 k-.'-sw
Reliable Pharmacist?
Sewing Machines
Save traveling agents expenses by buying the
White and other standard machines of C. W.
PHELPSE, ast end Second' Street, The Dalels.
Job Printing
Choice of Two Transcontinental Bout
YIA ' '
fire days for
Portland erery
3teamere monthly from Portland to
Yokoboma and Hong Koog; via Tbe
Northern ' Pacific Steamship Co., in
connection with O. R. fc N. ,
For full details call on tbe O. It. & N. Agent
t THE DAlxUKS. or aaoress . ;
W. H. HURLBTJET. Gen. Pass. Ast.1
. Portland. Oretroo
Dodweix, CABT.TLL & Co., Gen' Agts Northern
yv. o S co.i"ortiana, uregon.
The New O,
B. V. Tine Cud.
Train No. 2
east via. the Union
Pacific and Oreeon Short Line, arrives
here at 12:45 A. M., departs at 12:50,
- "No. 4, east by. Spokane and Great?
jNortnern, arrives ai. o: r. m., aeDarts
t i rr o .j n c r
arrives at 3;2i A- M- and 4eparts 3:30.
No. 3, westfrom Spokane and Urea
Northern, arrives at 9:2 a. M- and d .
partu at :25. - i
Freight trains N. s. 23 and 24, second
diviaions. will carry passengern. No. 23
arrives at 5 P. if. and No. 24 leaves at i
1:45 p. U.
EETH raanot be extracted or
filled pai lessly by anyone in all
instance but we know that skill
ful use o. nstruments and pain
obtundant8 help to allay pain.
We are properly prepared with
all such agents and successfully
use some while our competitors
o i
All appliances requiring mo-.
tive power are run by electricity, '
the only office in the city bavin?
such complete equipment for
doing the rough work.
The Question of Health
You consult the doctor to
know how to return to
,healthv, Whenjhe doc- :
ior gives a prescription v
see that it is carefully
compounded for you.
you want it to make you
well. We make it as the
doctors prescribes, and
you get the best results.
175 Second Street
Of all kind done ot
short notice and at
reasonable rates at
this office.
Effective Oct. 10, 1887.
Leare .
. 9
7:40 A. M.
6:30 A. M.
Leave ..
1X0 P. M.
8:IS p. m.
Connection made with O. B. &
passenger trains atBi?gs. .
President. General Maoager
First National Bank
. .
k General Banking BnsiaKs Transacted.
Deposits received subject .tonight draft or
check. ,
.. . - V
collections made and proceeds promptly re-
mitted on day of eolleciU
Sight and telegraphlo ezebane sold on
York, San Francisco and Portland.
D. P. Thompson,
Ed M. Wiliiam,
H. M.
Jno. S. Scheni k
Go. A. Liebe,
-Co i
VfK m P 15". pl?PY
ilSffciil 03 J j
hd pbovisiom., ...
n.-l, 0..
3a5!3' i-fiCBS 13 G3Su BUVBS
New Mexico. Arizona and
Oklahoma Must Wait.
He Wants to Resign the Foreign
Secretaryship But Will Remain
Premier of England.
Mew England Strikers Iteceivlne Liberal
Support Sneliffh Papers Comment
on MrRlnley's Co ban Policy no
Work tor Laborers In Skagway.
Chicago, Jan. 21. A special to the
Tribune from Washington says: -
The fate of the territories now press
ing forward-for ..statehood already'has
been practically settled, and unless
the unexpected happens there will ba
ao territorial legislation at this sas
slon. The bouse committee on terri
tories, after eiving- hearings on the
expediency of admitting Arizona, New
Mexico-and Oklahoma to the sister
hood of state, fixed on next Wednes
day for tbe vote on these measures.
There is little doubt' of tbe result of
that meeting. The membership of the
committee is 15. Of these the repub
licans number eight,: while there are
seven democrats. Tne republicans
will vote solidly against the adasieaion
of any ter-itories, which will prevent
the measures coming before the house.
The senate committee is likewise dis
posed. ;
Chairman Knox, of the house com-
mi'tee on territories, . has talked over
the subject informally with members
of the committee of either wing, aad
both bedies are working along the
same line. -
Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma
are the regularly organized ter
ritories now remaining, in view of the
parceling- out of Indian territory
among tbe five civilized tribes, and
the only remaining territory legisla
tion in eight will be on the transition
of Alaska from a district into one or
two territories, and the admission into
statehood of Indian territory after the
five tribes are broken up and the sec
tion reorganizod.
' As to Alaska, Mr. Knox does not be
lieve the time is yet ripe for making it
a territory. He believes the popula
tion there is too shifting a-id that the
existing form of government should
be breadened in the way of extending
tbe jurisdiction of the United States
courts and commissioners and enlarg
in? the military feature of the admin
istration of the district.
It Is as easy to .catch a cold just and
easy to eet rid of it if. you commence
early to use One Minute Cough Cure,
It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis
nnAllmnnift Anrl - t.firna.1-. . n.nrl Inner
troubles. . -It i plesWs iaakesaf
to use and sure to
Snipes and
galitbarr Will Give np the Office of Fer
' elgn Secretary. .
Chicago, Jan. 21. A special to the
Times-Herald from Washington says:
Lord Salisbury's early retirement
from the secretaryship of state for
foreign affairs in ths British cabinet
is foreshadowed by information re
ceived in Washington. In case this
report proves to be well founded, the
marquis will be succeeded by a states
man who is - able to give Great
Britain a uore vigorous foreign policy
than that which has marked the ad
ministration of tbe marquis. It is
hinted that England's foreign policy
will be made more agp rosslve.
According to the information upon
which this dispatch is based, Lord
Salisbury does not intend torefi;."! the
premiership of the cabinet. That ;ost
he will retain, but will surrender the
foreign secretaryship to a younger aad
more vigorous man. .
Although most of the prime minis
ers of England have preferred to hold
both posts, there is ample precedent
for the course which Lord Salisbury is
now believed to have decided upon.
Mies Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Va.,
was frightfully burned on the face and
neck. Pain was instantly relieved by
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, which
healed the injury without leaving a
scar. It is the famous pile remedy.
Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co.
Smalt Prospect of a Resumption at Bldde
turd Cotton Mll:s.
BlDDEFORD, Me., Jan. 21. An effort
will be made by offlriila of the Pep
perell aad Laconia mills to start Mon
day next. The nniin men are almost
positive that not enough operatives
will go back to start the mill.
A paper was circulated among the
business men today and was freely
si aed, pledging assistance to the
I Thin Blood
A vv ncrc tne diooo ioscx iu
& intense red stows thin and.
watery, as in anemia, there is
a constant feeling of exhaus-
tion, a lack of energy vitality
and the spirits depressed
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo-
obosohitcs of Lime and Soda f,
a is peculiarly adapted to correct
this condition. The cod-liver 3.
oil, emulsified to an exquisite $;
fineness, enters the blood direct
m and feeds its every corpuscle, t
g restoring the natural color and Jj
giving vitality to the whole
8y?tern The hypophosphites
reach the brain and nerve $
centres and add their strength-
eningt and beneficial effect, f
$ If the roses have left your
cheeks, if you are growing
thin and exhausted frprnpyer-
f wrV. or if "aee is beginning
1 to tefi, use SOOTTS Emuf-
sion - '
J : , urt yoa get SCOTTS Emulsion
2 Alt drustiiw; joe. and f i.oot
X. SCOTT & BOWHE, Chemtna, Kew York.
strikers. Even Chinese laundrymen
gave cash donations.
Laconia lodge of Odd Fellows has
offered ths use of its banquet hall and
its dishes if necessary, and to furnish
soup and other edibles to the oper
Food Stores Seized.
Seattle, Jan. 23. The latest from
Alaska is that Captain Ray, United
States army, has taken charge ot tbe
stores of the Alaska Commercial Com'
pany and the North American Trad
ing & Transportation Company, and
proclaimed martial law in Fort Yukon
and placed its 500 inhabitants on
rations, compelling those who have
money to pay for them, and those who
have not to work for them. This step
was rendered necessary by the small
stock of supplies on hand, which, it
was feared, would be exhausted before
the Yukon river opened next spring
After taking this action, Captain Ray
sent a special messenger to Dawson,
with a letter to the commercial com
panies notifying them that he had
taken possession of their stores. It is
stated that the letter also asked the
commercial companies to use their in
fluence in securing legislation by con
gress giving to the soldiers in Alaska
the same civil functions as enjoyed by
the Canadian mounted police.
The news of Captain Ray's action
reached here yesterday on the steamer
City of Seattle, which brought 45 per
sons from Dawson City, and gold dust
and drafts estimated at $500,000.
They bring advices up to December
21. They contain no other late news
of importance.
It is almost the universal expression
of those arriving yesterday, that while
there is no immediate need of a relief
expedition it will be very acceptable
late in the spring. All say that an ex
pedition cannot be taken in at this
season, but that It would be a wise
move on the part of the government
to have it at the lakes reafy to start
when the ice runs out. It will then
reach Dawson in time to relieve dis
tress that now seems probable to occur
before boats can ascend the river.
Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ruddell's, 111., suf
fered fur eight years from dyspepsia
and chronic constipation and was fin
ally cured by using De Witt's Little
Early Risers, the famous little pills for
all stomach and liver troubles. Snipes
iunersly urug uo.
Developments -uln
the Ohio
Bribery ,Case.
Cincinnati, Jan. 23. The legislat-
lyee committee investigating the Han-
na bribery charges met yesterday. '
There was a big crowd of prominent
men prsseat.
The principal testimony at yester
day's session was given by Allen O.
Meyers, jr.. key clerk of the Gibson
house. He swora that on January 6,
P. P. Boyce registered at the house
and talked by long distance telephone
1 Hanna headquarters at Cojum
bus. Meyers says he""wasTi 'afanoTSirer
telephone and heard the whole con
versation. Boyce was talking to a man
he called Ms jor. Boyoe said be could
get Otis' vote for $10,000 cash and
$10,000 when the fight was over, and
told to exchange notes with Otis.
Several conversations ensued be
tween Boyce andN Columbus, one of
which was heard at another telephone
by Mi-s Jacobs, a stenogranber, who
took tiown the conversation.
Clerk Uyland testined that Boyce
left a i"tr!--,t-e at the hotel. It was in
a big wiilio envelope and was thick.
He lefr It i. h Ryland for safe-keeping,
and rem:., . '! that there was "more
than $. i "i it." iv Miller testified that be
was emplupcd by Jerry Bliss,' an anti-
Hanna rr-v:lilican of Columbus, to
shadow i.o;.!6 -and P. P. Hollenbeck.
He heard the conversation between
the t- vo over tho telephone. '
Hollenbec'r. said to Boyce: ''Have
Otis here at the depot and can have
him all evening if necessary. He says
Droste and Lane will vote for Hanna.
I think I cau get something on Otic
before morning aad if we get him we
will be only one vote short."
Prosperity comes quickest to the
man whose liver is in good condition.
DaWitt's Little Early Risers are fa
mous littlo pills for constipation, bili
ousness, lndigesMon and all stomach
and liver troubles. Snipes, Kinersly
urug uo.
MrKlniej'a band May Be Forced.
London. Jan. 21. The Times in an
editorial on Representative Hitt's
speech in the house on Wednesday ,
We assume that President McKln-
ley does not wish bis hand to be forced
by the opposite party. He ioes not
wjnt war with Spain, because his
bsart is set upon promoting tbe eco
nomical and commercial development
of tbe United States. Yet it is doubt
ful whether he will . prove strong
enough to resist the pressure brought
to bear upon him. Oae of the usual
kaleidoscopic changes in American
politics has just been effected. The
Cuban question is evidently much
graear than it was two days ago and
tbe government is not any stronger.
An accident may precipitate anything-
One Minute Cough ' Cure cures
quickly. That's what you wantl
Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co.
' Alaska Ibor Market Glutted.
Tacoma, Jan. 21. There U at
pre-ienta glut in the labor market at
Juneau, Dyea and Skagway. More
workingmen than there are jobs for
have gone to those towns, with the
result that wages are coming down,
and tnarjy men are now eating up their
supplies and earniqg nothing. - When
a good fall nf snow comes, followed by
a freeze, the situatiorr-will b good, for
then the carryinr of supplies over
Chilcoot and White passes will begin
in earnest and every man there cau
get work.
Running Omj and Might,
Salem, Or., Jan. 22, Day and night,
the Salem- woolen mills are turning
out blankets, flannels and roacklnaws
for the Klondike trade. Two new
mules have just been set up, and 100
men keep the machinery going to its
utmost capacity. Orders are coming
in rapidly. .The mills- could secure
orders a year ahead If the proprietors
weuld assume , the risk of fixing the
prices that far ahead. -. .
The Maine Goes There on
Friendly Mission.
Californians Celebrate the Fiftieth
Anniversary of the Discovery of
Gold in that State.
Finland Reindeer Conld Do. Stand tbe
Trip Across the Atlantic Only Fif
teen Out of a Herd of Forty
Survived the Jourury.
Washington. Jan. 24. The United
States steamer Maine has been ordered
to Havana. It is said at the navy de
partment that no disturbing news has
been received, but that the' movement
is rather in the line of a resumption of
tbe free Intercourse of our naval ves
sels In Cuban waters, the same as pre
vailed prior to their withdrawal on
account of the outbreak of hostilities,
Secretary et the JNavy Long was
seen this morning concerning rumors
afloat regarding the movements of na
val ships and said:
'So far from there being any founda
tion for rumors yesterday of trouble at
Havana, matters are now In such a
condition that our vessels are going to
resume their friendly calls at Cuban
ports and go in and out just as the ves
sels of other nations do The Maine
will go in a day or two' on just such a
visit. The department has issued or
ders for vessels to attend the public
celebration at Mobile and the Mardl
Grass at New Orleans and for a tor
pedo flotilla to visit Galveston."
Never before has the majesty of the
United States been represented by so
large and useful a fleet of warships as
that gathered off the Southern oast
of Florida within direct 'striking dis
tance of Cuba. Whether the ships
are called into action or not an exam
ination of the squadron uow engaged
ostensibly in drill, but really in watch
ing the progress of events in Cuba,
shows that it was not collected for
dress parade purposes. For a year the
navy department has been preparing
for this very emergescy.
The Atlantic fleet urder tbe order of
Admiral Sicard, with' headquarters at
Tortugas, is made up of tbe battle-shipj
Indiana, Iowa and Massachusetts, the
second-class battleships Maine and
Texas, the monitor Terror, the crui
sers New York and Brooklvn, the
cruisers Detroit and Montgomery and
the torpedo boats Cushing, Dupont,
Eriesson. Foley and Porter, with the
dynamite cruiser Vesuvius and the
little dispatch-boat Fern. With the
exception of tbe Cushing, not a ship la
tbe fleet has been, in commission five
years.' They are the flower of the nenr
paTyiatrdtribina machines r$
manned by 337 officers and 3834 men
besides the marines.
Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrlsburg, Pa.
says: "My child is worth
me; yet I would have lost her by croup
had I not invested twenty-five cents
in a bottle of One Mirjutn Cough
Cure." It cures coughs, colds and all
throat and lung troubles. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
Reindeer Ceuld Not Stand the Trip Across
the Atlantic
New Ycrk. Jan. 24. Seventeen
reindeer were executed by banging on
the voyage from Hamburg on tho
steamer Glendon, which reached here
after a tempestuous veyage of 14 days.
The rolling ship was their executioner.
Fifteen others survived the trip, but
one of them has a broken kneecap,
hich has been rudely bounu in
splints. The fifteen are all that are
left of a herd of 40 reindeer started
from a small village in Finland a
month ago, destined for a journey of
more than 10,000 miles to the Klondike
The reindeer are not a part of Uncle
Sam's plan for .relieving the miners.
They were purchased by an old Klon
diker, who believed there was money
in shipping reindeer to the . land of
gold as beasts of burden. They were
shipped on the Glendon, It has no
stalls for cattle, and the reindeer were
tied to stanchions.
Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., says:
"After two doctors gave up my boy to
die, I saved him from croup by using
One Minute Cough Cure." It is tbe
quickest and roost certain remedy for
coughs, colds and all 'throat and lung
troubles. Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co.
The Golden Jabllee Opened at San Fran-
6an Francisco, Jan. 24. With the
rising of the sun this morning the
celebration of the 50th anniversary of
the discovery of gold in California!
known as the Golden Jubilee, was
heralded by booming guns at the vari
ous forte which line the shores of tbe
bay at the entrance to tbe Golden Gate.
The weather was bright and bracing,
and as the day progressed it became
much warmer.
At 10:30 o'clock one of the most in
teresting parades ever seen in this
state marched through the streets,
which were decorated with flags and
bunting and thronged with people
from every part of the state.
At loast 50,000 strangers poared into
the cUy last night and this morning,
and half as many more from the towns
across the bay swelled tbe crowds
from this city along the line of march.
Market street from tbe ferry to Van
Ness avenue was packed oa either
side. Every window along the line of
march and many roofs of buildings
were pressed into seryioe by the sight
seers. It is estimated that 16,000 men
were In line.
In the afternoon literary exercises
were held in Woodward payllllon, at
which appropriate addresses ' were
made. The celebration will continue
throughout the week.
Small pill, safe pill, best pill. Der
Witt's Little Early Risers curebllous
ness, constipation, sick headache
Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co.
Reindeer Die In Transit. '
New York, Jan. 22. The British.
tramp steamship Glanton, which ar
rived tonight from Hamburg, afer a
storm v passage, had fifteen reindeer
for the Klondike. She had thirty-two
head originally, but seventeen died.
R. Le Proux, of Dawson City, arrived
yesterday on the British King with
thirtv dogs for tbe Klondike.
The Colorado Htrlke.
Denver, Jan. 24. Representatives
of the striking miners and the opera
tors of the northern coal district have
decided to submit their grievances to j
the state board of arbitration. A mass
meeting of miners in the Lafayette
and Louisville districts will be held
today to ratify the action of their com
mittee on agreeing on arbitration.
The board of arbitration will go to tbe
seat of tbe trouble aad fully investi
gate the conditions before suggesting
any method of settlement of the dis
Carload of for Alaska.
Heppner, Or., Jan. 22. A carload
of horses, bought by V. D. Maddock
.for the Alaska trade, will be shipped
tonight. Mr. Maddock also bought a
number of mules, which will be driven
to Pendleton for shipment. Be will
be here again in March to buy up as
many as be can find suitable for the
Pensions for Lighthouse Keepers.
Washington, D. C, Jan. 22. Sena
tor Perkins of California, today intro
duced a bill relating to keepers and
their assistants at lighthouses. At the
age of 05 years they are to be retired.
ana granted irom tbree-Iourtbs to one-
third of their salary, according to the
term ot service. .
Tonas; Huston's Coudltlon.
Harry Huston, rbo was so badly in
jured while .hunting near Camas
Prairie, in Umatilla county, last week,
is in a critical condition.
Additional particulars of the affair
are that Huston and his two cousins
went out horseback on a hunt for
jackrabbits. Arriving at a fence,
Huston dismounted and removed the
top rail, jumping his horse across.
Ernest Rippey was behind blm, aad
held a shotgun in front of the addle.
Just, as Rippey 's horse also jumped the
fence, the gun's hammer caught in the
pommel of his saddle and one barrel
was discharged, the entire contents of
No. 4 shot striking Huston at a dis
tance of six feet. .
The wound was a terrible one. The
hot took effect in the upper third of
Huston's right thigh, and ranging
down word emerged at the rear of the
leg. The wound was 2 Inches in di
ameter and penetrated. eight Inches of
flesh, barely missing the bone and
femoral artery.
A small pearl-handled jack o If e in
his pocket was torn to pieces and
driven through the leg, and wads of
clothing were imbedded in the wouad.
This, in a measure prevented a hemor
rhage, or the oatiect might have bled
to death. Young Huston was carried
two and a half miles by his coi
panions-to his home, and was there at
tended by Professor link, a school
toanhee'l who Dossessed soma know
ledge of surgery 'T2e dressed" thej
wound as well as possible, administered
opiates, and kept the patient compara
tively easy until the doctor's arrival.
The Moon on a Spree.
Sunday night Conductor Mike Rice's
train was coming down tbe road from
Umatilla, bowling along at a comfort-
able speed, and everything moving
serenely, when Mr. Rica climbed into
the cupola of the caboose to observe
the beauties of Columbia river scenery
and cogitate over the events of the
day. He bad cot been in tbe cupula
long when the new moon in tbe south-
era horizon attracted bis attention by
performing some peculiar' feats, It
appeared to be playing bide and seek
with some dark object in the heaven.
It would shine out bright and clear,
then the dark object would pass before
it. obscuring it from view. It kept up
Its play for about aa hour, and Mr.
Rice savs it was observed by all on
board tho train. He Imagines some
tsamp plannet was coquetting with tbe
moon that eveulng, aad anxiously
awaits the report of astrouomors on Its
. Evaporated Potatoes.
Potatoes are being evaporated for
the Alaska market, and this is tbe way
it is done: The. .potatoes, after being
first washed, are boiled with the skins
on. After having their jackets re
moved they are run . through a colan
der, and evaporated and ground. One
bushel of potatoes will make from 8 to
10 pounds . when evaporated. They
are packed in 25 pound screw top tin
cans and shipped to tbe far north and
as fast as they .can be turned out.
Later on parsnips, carrots and turnips
may be treated in tbe same manner,
there being a great demand ' in' the
mining region for these goods for use
in making soups.
Musical Instructions.
. Prof. A. W. Lundell, a post-graduate
in voice, harmony; and theory is
in the city for the purpose of teaching
voice culture, harmony and vocal
music He desires to make The Dalles
bis permanent-home If the encourage
ment he receives in his professional
work will justify. New beginners are
just as acceptable pupils in voice cul
ture as the most accomplished musi
cian. Those desiring te form the ac
quaintance of Prof. Lundell, or to en-
er any of bis clases, are Invited to
lave their address either at I. C. Nick-
elsen's store, or at the store of the
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
Weekly Excursions to the East.
A tourist sleeping car will leave
Portland every Tuesday at 9:00 P. M.,
by the O. R. & N., without change to
Boston, and under tbe supervision of
experienced conductors. No change
of cars to the cities of Omahs, Chicago,
Buffalo or Boston. The ideal trip to
the E-ist is now before you. Remem
ber this service when going Eat, and
consult O. R. &-N. Agents, or address,
General Passenger Agent,
Portland Ore. ,
Troy Laundry.
The Elite barber shop Is the author
ized agent in The Dalles for the Troy
Laundry, and patrons of the lauudrj
will be promptly served by calling at
the Elite. Calls answered on phone
119. Packages collected and delivered
I promptly, H. D. Parkins,
Rejral makes the toed pare.
Absolutely Pure
iwh samno Pomes ee..
A very pleasant little party gathered -
at the residence ot W. C Curtis, pastor
of the Congregational church of ibis
city; to witness the nuptial coremonjr
between Dr. Alton Richmond and Mix
Qllaa n IP ft..... . 7
The bride is a modest and., bright '
young weman much esteemed by
all who know her. Dr. Richmond 1 a
new comer In the city bnt has made
not a few friends who highly appre
ciate him both personally and prcfee .
sionally. The T.-M. understands .
that the Doctor and wife are to make
their future home In . Taooaa, aad ax
tends congratulations . and elnoere ,
wishes for their success and ' happl- -- -.
ness. i .,,,.',.
Babbit Drive in Lake Ooaarr.
Last Sunday a week ago a number of
people met at Bernard's - leld, - near
Cottonwood, in Lake county, and made
a rabbli drive in which over 500 of the
tormentors were slaughtered. Rabbits
have become so numerous la that sec
tion that they are actually a pes to
the farmer, destroying everything of a
vegetable nature planted. . There was
great sport In the drive, as hundreds
of the bunnies were seen rushing la
bands toward the trap. There was an
other drive at tbe same plaee last Sun-t,
day. and all who could conveniently de
so were iavlted to. attend from Lak?
view and vicinity to assist In extermi
nating the pest. " i . J-
Special School Meeting-,
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voters of School District No. 12, of
Wasco County, State of Oregon, that
a special meeting ot the said district
will be held at tbe brick school bouse
on court street on tbe 28th day of Jan- .
uary. 1808,' at 2 o'clock in the after
noon, for the following object: To
levy a tax for the ensuing year, for
school purposes, and to create a sink
ing fund to pay the bonded Indebted-"
ness of said district. Dated this 17th
day of January, 1898.
Chairman Board of Directors.
Attest: , . Geo. P. Morgan,
v .J. . " District Clerk ,
Mount flood Sample ficca
DeCf If onfiirlrr WMelrw
15851 DlUCKy - YYillSKy
Very iieet Key West Cigars aad Bess
of Wines.
English Porter, Ale and Milwaukee
Beer always on hand. - -
Suoeesaors to J. H. Blakerjv . '
Delivered to Aoy .Part of
the Otey.
Pssseurers and basnn takes
aad frea
tbe boat or train.
R. E. Saltmarsho
At THS '
Bit fid OT TM3,
HighestCash Price for
Hay and Grain.
- . ... . . ..
'OP THE - " '
Butchers (fe Farmers
Keens on draught the celebrated
Colombia Beee, acknowledged
the best beer in The Dalles, at
the usual price. Come in, try it
and be convinced. Also the - -Finest
brands of Wines, Liquors -and
regon Bakery
and O-sAJriB
JL KELLER, Prop'r.
Am prepared to furnish. famUlee,' hotels and
: restaurant wltk ths oholoest
Bread, Cakes and jPies,
Frasli Oysters Served in
Every Style.
fiEOOND Stbkxt, next door to Tbe
Dalles National Pane,
. : S .--'TV.---. -