The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 22, 1898, Image 3

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.J AN UAH i 22. 1808
Prom Wednesday's Daily.
"'- M.-Harlan, of Hosier, la in the
- A case of measles is reported in Mr.
Parkins' family.
A. A. and Clyde Bonney. of Tyffb
. Valley, are ia the cHy.
: Yesterday Judge Cleland took the
oath of office as judge of the circuit
court in Hultoornah county.
" Hon. W. H. Wilson, and Sheriff
Driver went to Portland today to at
.tend to a case In the circuit court at
that dace.
Ex-Detective Welch has returned to
Portland from Klondike with his pock
ets full cf du3t. He has been in -Alas
ka several years.
H. E- Owen, of Eugene, is in th city
-visiting his aunt, Mrs. W. H. Mans
field. He is en route to Burns, where
he is interested in the stock business.
John C. Wood went to Portlnd to
day to arrange for transportation to
Skagway. Mr. Wood intonds goin
there o engage in the truck and dray
The funeral of the late Mrs. Lauh
lin was conducted from the family res
idence at 2 o'clock this afternoon, and
was largely attended by friends of the
John Campbell and Eldon Hamilton
arrived hero yesterday from Prine
ville. They are en route to Mr. Camp
bell's mines in British Columbia, near
Yesterday there was a wreck on the j
Southern Pacific near Colfax, Cal., ,
causing the death of the engineer an
fireman. The accident was caused by
W. W. Wilson, for several years
steward in the Umatilla House, re
signed his position this morning and
packed bis crip with the avowed in
tention of going to the Klondike. It
- is to be hoped he will make a fortune
In the gold fields.
A delegation of. about 50 laps were
sen oa the streets of The Dalles today,
They ero a solid looking set of little
brown men, who appeared to 'e used
to toil. To a reporter they stated that
they verm iners an - bound for Klon
dike, but had got side-tracked.
The O. R. & N. Co. intend buildiag
a dock on the bank of the river north
of the CDal bunkers this yeir. Work
of driving piling for the dock will be
gin in about three weeks. This lsoks
as if the company intended putting a
line of boats on the river next season.
This morning train No. I carried a
large Dumber of passengers bound for
Klondike. They were principally from
Colorado, Nevada and Montana. When
Conductor. Glen Denning took up the
tickets he found oyer 50 of his passen
gers were en route to the Alaska gold
On Saturday eyening, Jan. 22, Past
Supreme Master Tate, will deliver an
address at the Vogt opera house in the
Interests of the A. O. U. W. Mr. Tate
is an eloquent speaker, and all should
avail themselves of hearing this dis
tinguished orator. A good program
by Bome of the best local talent will be
rendered and will be published later
in the week; The Elks have kindly
eonsented to leave a goodly portion of
their decorations in the hall, so that
iL . i : : 1 1 i,A . , u
tended to the public. No admission,
no collection, free for everybody.
yj-pm Tnursaays uauy.
Mrs: H. 3, Wilson went to Portland
Horatio Fargher and wife, pf Nan
sene, are visiting in Ihe city,
Wm. Shelly and wife and Mrs.
Beatty, of Celilo, are in the city.
M. B. Zum wait and D. S. Miller, of
Tygh Valley, were in tte city last
Fred W. Wilson was called to Hood
River, on business today, going down
on the boat this morning.
Frank Seufert went to Portland to
day to look after a ease be is interested
In before Judge Bellinger's court.
One car load of cattle and one of
bogs was shipped from Saltmirsbe &
Co's stock yards to Troutdale last
v.. ivicuonaia, lormeny a resiueuv
of The Dallas, hut now in the employ
of a Portland hardware firm, is in the
city today.
Farmers on lower Ti
ily engaged plo
seeding, tay
mistress having deposited all the
money in the bank. As was the case
at the time of the first burglary, there
is no clew to the perpetrators.
It is to be hoped that all members of
the Commercial Cub will be present
this evening at the reception to be
given Mr. Judsoo, industrial agent of
the O. R. & N. Co. His visit to The
Dalles is of more than passing impor
tance, and the more that is done to il
lustrate the resources of the country
to him, the more likely is The Dalles
to secure favorable action from the O.
R. & N. in advancing the interests of
the city.
D. L. Do Wolf, of this city, died at
Newhall, California, yesterday, and
bis remains will be brought here for
burial. Mrt De Wolf had been afflict
ed with weak lungs for a number Of
years, and were to California about a
year ago in the hope of deriving bene
fit. He was 35 years of age, and leaves
a wife and one little girl. Deceased
was a member of the Workmen and
Woodmen lodges of this, city and held
insurance in each order.
F. W. lu Skibbe and his brother
Paul, who lives in Portland have de
termined to start a lodging house in
Skagway. Mr. Skibbe was in Port
land a few days ago for the purpose of
buying supplies with which to furnish
his Skagray lodging house, and found
prices to much higher there than here
that he determined to patronize Dalles
merchants. This is another evidence
that The Dalles is the best trading
point in the state, and that Klondike
excursionists will do well to get prices
ere before going to Portland to out-
As an outfitting point for the Klon-
ike, The Dalles cannot be excelled.
This has been proven in a number of
nstsnces. The latent is that of one of
our citizens who -is about to start
hotel in the Klondike. He naturally
supposed he could fit himself out to
better advantage in Portland and
made a trip to the metropolis for
that purpose. As he purchased a
large bill of goods from Pease & Mays
this morning, one item of which was
sixty-one pairs of blankets and com
forts, the conclusion is apparent.
According to a celebrated anatomits
there are upwards of 5,000,500 little
glands in the human stomach. These
glands pour out the digestive juices
which dissolve or digest the food. In
digestion is want of juice, weakness of
glands, need of help to restore the
health of those organs. The best and
most natural help is that given by
Shaker Digestive Cordial. Natural
because it supplies the material need
ed by the glands to prepare the dlges
tive juices. Beeause it strengthens
and invigorates the glands and the
stomach, until they ar able to do
their work alone. Shaker Digestive
Cordial cures indigestion certainly
and permanently. It does so by
natural means, and therein lies the
secret of its wonderful and unyaried
At druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00
per bottle.
for Portland, and from there goes to
Baker City, where he and P. C. Sny
der are working oa a special edition of
the Democrat which will appear some
time during the summer. Since last
August Messrs. Arnhold and Snyder
have been connected with the Times-
Mountaineer, and much of the success
of the souvenir edition is due to their
efforts. They are both accomplished
gentlemon, and made many friends in
The Dalles.
The session of the Rathbone Sisters
last night was an exceptionally pleas
ant one. A pleasing program was
rendered, and a guessing ccntest on
advertiting cards was indulged in.
Mrs. E. E. Lytla displaying the best
faculty at guessing was awarded the
first prize, a box of bon-bons, while J.
B. Crossen got the booby, not having.
been able to make a single correct
guess. Spreads were laid in the ban
quet halt for all present, and after en
joying the lunch and the music which
followed, the members of the lodge re
paired to their homes, all of one
opinion, that the Rathbone Sister's
lodge is a perfect social organization
Endorsed by Mr. Pg-ne.
Portland, Or., Jan. 19, 1898.
Ed Timks-Mottntaineir:
Two copies of your souveu'r edition
of Jan. lbt, liOS.have been received for
which please accept my thank?. A
city paper of 50 or 6J pages is quite
an undertaking, but for you to issue
50 pages of descriptive matter con em
lag Sherman -and Wasco counties,
splendidly illustrated with cuts of in
dividuals, places, residences, public
buildings, etc., was a still greater un
dertaking and you are certainly to be
congratulated, for no finer edition of
Us kind bas ever been issued in the
Pacific Northwest or elsewhere. It re
fleets great credit upon the publisher,
ton people who gave it their loyal
support and upon their county and
No better counties than Wasco and
Sherman are to be found in the state
and their development will be hastened
by the dissemination of your most ex
cellent publication.
Very Truly Yours,
B. S. Pague,
Local Forecast Official.
Following is a list of the claims al
lowed at the January term of the
county court.
1 50
Ella Harper
Mrs S A Conklin..
Burt Conklin
James White
S 4 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
George Landis 4 00
Ida Omeg 4 00
Lucv Omeg .- 4 00
MrsE Omeg 4 00
A M Allen 4 00
M Mclnnis... 2 00
Chas Schutz 2 00
R U DarneiJle 4 00
Frank Sexton .. 2 (Ml
D E Thurber 8 00
E Warren 8 00
F YV L Skibbee 8 00
j E !lrooi:s 8 00
Doujrlas Allan 2 00
E J Collins 2 00
JoeScb -olir.g 2 00
Jack Mathews 8 00
J L Story . . 2 00
Mat Gilmore - 8 00
Rinehart Borden 2 00
H Loa-an 4 00
Paul PauUen 17 00
Henry Matzen 10 00
Kmile Woll.. 12 00
Harry Allen 10 00
Ike Bunnell 4 00
R Wells 10 00
; Chas Jones witness cor jury. . .
J Powers ' " ...
I G Hayden ' " -...
RLChenoweth" " " ...
C J Crandall " ' " 1 50
J A Geesendorffer M D exam... 5 00
J M Tnomt-y exp insane person 3 50
Joseph Purser gravel co road.. 17 00
H C iooper ser supervisor 22 90
H C Powell " , 44 00
John Doyle 5 13
Mrs John Wood Wit jus court ' 1 50
H C Nielson " " ". 1 50
Jas Hogan " ,! . 1 50
Mrs V Li Jones " " ".1 50
J BGoitestab sec corners 27 00
J H Cross sup pauper 2 45
F S Smith labor on road 5 00
Boys and girlraid society allow
ed by county 10 (X
Henry Bartell.
John McAllister.
Di.-k Gorman ,
Irwin Parkins
L Rord"n
Tunis Parkins.....
Allie West
Clyde Williams
Chas Newburger. . .
N H Gates
Leflia Brooks.....
J M Filloon
Julius Wiley
J O Egbert
J Millard.....
Blanche Millard...
Mrs M Millard
. 4 00
. 2 00
. 2 00
. C 00
. 2 00
. 6 00
. 18 00
8 00
; 2 oo
. 2 00
. 2 00
2 00
. 12 00
. 9 20
4 00
4 00
Stoekmens Union
W A BCamdbell
Henry Stewver
.1 P Snndarass
Frank Gabel r.l,
J L Hanna .
H J Vorehead' ' .
Mat Busick .
Ralph Dovle
J F Smith-
T F Grey
Kov Taylor. -
LC Fremont
CE Mackintosh
Harry Smith
J Cushiog
I W Elton
M A Childers 4 00
Julius Wiley 2 00
George Tooroey $ 23 00
Charles Shot-berg 22 00
Charles Albert. 22 00
Georee Poe 22 00
Jake Kueps 22 00
Louie (Indian) 22 00
Bet ie (Indian) 22 00
$165 00
16 0(
5 (H
2 K
.11 00
1 00
8 00
2 00
3 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
5 00
1 00
1 00
3 00
4 0
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 M
3 00
I 00
19 00
4 V0
10 00
1 00
. 1 00
2 00
1 00
8 00
3 00
44 Go
33 00
Joint Installation.
(From Friday's Daily.
Frank Coleman, of St. Paul, is visit
ing friends in the city.
Judge Mays was a passenger on the
morning train for Portland.
C. J. Crandall went to Portland this
morning, and is expected noma to
Ben Snipes, who has been in the city
several days, left this morning for
E. B. McFarlad, of Portland spsnt
last sight in the city, returning home
on the 9:25 train.
T. Burgee, pf Bakepyen, came in
from bis farm yesterday, and left this
morning for Portland.
Mrs. Margaret Boy n ton, of Astoria,
is visiting her father, "Grandpa"
Brookhouse in the city.
This morning Dr. Hollister was call
ed to Hood River to attend one of -Dr.
Brosius' children, who a very ill.
Tho remains of the late D. L. J)o
Wolf ill not arrive here tonight as
Tuesday the Woodmen and Circle
held joint irstallation of officers in
their hall over Harris' store. There
was an interesting program rendered,
and a splendid lunch served after the
installation. Quite a number of in
vited guests were present, and a very
enjoyable evening was had.
The Woodmen officers were installed
by D. W. Mann, deputy commander.
and were as follows: Consul com
mander, James Snipes: V. C, James
Taylor; E., Will Gosser; B., C. L.
Phillips; C, William Harper; M., W.
R, Brown; sen., J. B. Goit; I. W., J.
S, Filloon,
Mrs, Inez, Filloon wis installing of
ficer for the Circle, and those installed
as the officers for the ensuing term
were: P. G., Ella Cushing, G., Kate
Williams: Adv., Ollie F. Stevens; B.,
Ella Dawson; M., Eva Reynolds; Atd.,
Viola Rorden: J. S., Belle Berger; O.
S., Jane Taylor, Mgr., Anna Blakely;
musician, May Gushing; phjsieiai,
Dr. Belle Rh I eel) art.
R Newlin
W Pasbaak
George Hall
A D Fox
A P Vauce
T C Farger
Earnest Bomomi.
Paul Carleia
W Thompson....
J J Christman...
Henry Butchek..
Alex Frazier
M Mclonis
J Gollagher-
P FFoutz
Job a Ries
Katie Foutz
E S dinger......
William Hunt....
Tim Edmumdson..
Richard Nolan....
R Bordeu
DE Thurber
Chas Nen burger..
David Touregene.
I J Brittan
James Bridger. . . .
R H Darnielie
Fannie Howland..
FWIj Skibbee...
Harry AUen
4 00
2 00
4 00
8 80
8 65
7 60
5 00
6 40
6 60
5 80
44 20
3 40
4 00
4 00
11 00
11 60
H 60
10 40
4 00
4 00
8 00
8 00
23 60
8 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
6 00
4 00
2 00.
a oo
12 00
Henrv Bwen
W R Winans
C E Bland
fti Porter -
G R Sripes
John Murray
Joe Co ver
Mat husic
Frank Johnston..
Gorse Sturnweis
AY Marsh -
FJ Bird
Walter Hill
J G Fisher
O F Salinger
F Klindt
E'S Mavs ser as supervisor
D S Kinney cnon fees
Irwin-Hodson Co supplies clerks
oraco So 80
Irwin-Hcdson Co supplies sher
iffs office 2!) 00
A S Blowers corn fees 32 80
I, A. M Kelsiy. county clerk of
Waco county, state of Oregon, do
herehy certify that the above and fore
going is a full and complete statement
of the claims presented and action
taken thereon by the county court of
Wasco county, Oregon, sitting for the
transaction of county business at the
January term, 1898, thereof.
A. M. Kelsay,
County Clerk.
Witness my band and seal of the
county court, affixed this 21st day of
January, 1898, .
Judgment UMplayed by the State
Central Committee.
Wednesday the state central corn-
mitten of tbe populist party held a ses
sion in Portland, and displayed extra
good judgment in their deliberations
and conclusions. Chairman Young
and W. S. U'Ren were dealt with so
adroitly that they realiy had co jut
grounds for complaint, although their
tittle scheme to deliver the populist
party into the hands of Simon and the
Oregonian were thwarted. The wiser
element of the party the men who
stand for principle and ignore boodle
predominated in the meeting, which
was attenoeu Dy representative pop
ulists from all over the state, and their
counsel for a union of the reform
orces predominated.
. Mr, U Ren desired to revoke the
action of the executive committee fix
ing March 23 as the date for holding
the state convention (presumably be'
cause tbe democrats, silver republi
cans and union party had also fixed
that date for holding their state con'
ventions) but his etTi rts were without
avail, and tbe committee ralifii d the
action of the executive committee in
selecting a date for the ttiteconven
l'he sentiment for a union f forces
predominated, and from ever, thing
that came to the surface during the
me ting it was evident that the n;aior-
ty of the populists in Oregon aro men
who hold principle at.ove spoils, who
are ready to meet the other reform
forces half way. and who stand for
honest government both county, state
and national. -
The action of the committee is cer
tainly commendable, for itthonsthe
men who compose the party, outside
of a few self-styled leaders like Young
nd U'Ren, are men w ho desire a gen
eral reform In public affairs ato are
ready to stand shoulder lo t-hxt.lder
against corrupt b ss rule and the
spoils 8jsu;m,
13. ill
gives the
Choice of Two Transcontinental Rostes
NO.lTHfR IRY. -f
OCEAN STEAMERS leave Portland every
five days (or
Steamers monthly from Portland to
Yokohoma and Hon? Kone-.- via Th
iNorinern raciuc Steamship Co.. in
connection with O. R. & N.
For full details call on the O. R
at THE DALLES, or address
& N. Agent
W. H. HURLDURT. Gen. Pass. Art-
Portland. Oregon
DoDWSLt.CABi.rLL A Co., Gen' Agts Northern
v . a a iu., x-urtiuna, uregoa.
R. N. Time Card.
east via. the Union
Rudolph Mell. 8 00
Julius Wiley 8 00
Hon ner Frank 8 00
Sarah Armstrong - 8 00
W Thompson..; 6 60
ODDoaoe.. 2 00
P T Sharp 2 00
Ida Omeg 4 60
Lucy Omeg . 2 00
Mrs. E Omeg 2 00
Oregon Celery In Demand. .
g. B. Lodge, a market gardner who
resides on the McKenzie river bottom
a few miles north of Eugene, recently
sent samples of celery to the Gerber
Fruit Company, of St. Louis. The
samples were of the Golden Yellow
and White Plume varieties. A day or
two ago Mr. Lodge received an order
from the St. Louis house for a carload
of the celery. This be was unable to, as he has grown the product
only for the local markets. He will
grow it more extensively pexyear.
A carload of oelery would, bring
$1,000 in St. Louis at wholesale prices. ;
It is shipped east quite extensively j
from California. Eugena Register.
Since this vicinity grows tbe best i
oelary produced anywhere in tbe i
expectel, lunce tbe funeral will pot ' x IP mlCb be wel1 ior meof the
take plaei until Sunday,
Antone Bettingen, of Grafton, Pa-
kota, is in the city visiting bis brother,
Alfred Bettingen, sr. He ia en routs
to alifornia, and may be accompanied
by his brother.
"Ordinary and extraordinary in con-
vertion" is the subject for discussion
at the Christian church tonight. To
morrow night the subject will be
seeming safety."
This morning Geo. Bremer, of Lew
is ton, Idaho, passed through on the
routi to Skagway and Dyea,
lusipesg in one
lpcal gardnerg to send samples to this
Stt Louis firm. One. sample could get
those Missouriana wfld oyer Dalles
Married Thirty Year.
Wednesday was the 30tb anniversary
of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Huott, and the event' was celebrated
by an olu-fashioned f-imilly reunion at
their home on Eight-Mile. All the
children, grandchildren and tbe great
grand child, Master Huott, Fargher,
were present, and a right royal tima
was bad, Such a wedding dinner wag
served as kings might relish, and the
resents showered upon H. and Bfrs.
avisb. - The three daught-
d Mrs M. Bulger,
'argher, of
VOgt ii '
John M Pa vis ....
W U Jones
A A Bonney... '. .
j W Adams.,..,,,.
H HOutnrie.i,,,,
H M McCoy
M J Manning
Thos Harris-
T T Nicholas .....
J H Raker ,
W Harper
W G Obrist. . . . . . .
Grant Ashby..... .
W H Bodwhiser ..
M W Hoyle
i P Hillstrom
Wm Floyd
C L Schmidt
J w i;ary,,.,,,
Phil Bro.-an.,.
David Cooper ...
John W Hioricks
Hans Lge 45 40
W B. Rodman 48 00
J C Means 4 00
LA Bunch 2 00
Chas Kohle- 2 00
FA Abernatby 40 00
JHBlakepey ,, g 00
J EBarnett. ........ 2 00
on stranahan. 45 rO
M V Rand.......,,,.,,,,.,,,,; 40 80
J M Elliott , 43 60
H C Batebam 45 60
Geo. Miller ; 49 00
(Geo Cooper 40 00
uugn farmer w uu
L L McCartney... 40 30
8 00
25 20
"6 Op
2 00
5 00
4 00
6 00
4 00
8 00
4 00
4 00
6 00
41 00
4 00
2 00
34 20
2 00
6 00
4 00
I 00
8 50
46 00
A Declaration of Principle Promulgated
by tke Patriots of America.1
M OSIER, Or , Jan. 11, 1898.
We, the officers and members of
America" Lodge No. 4, Patriot of
Ame ica. in lodge assembled, do affirm
our. allegiance to tho principles of
humanity, and equality . before the
law. ' I
Realizing that the allegiance be
tween tho powers that control public
affairs in tbe United . States and the
oiany powers of great Britain through
its Wall street agenoy, has been under- j
mining our liberties since April, 1873, I
ard will destroy popular government '
if not sayed by tbe people, we do most
earnestly urge all patriotic people
throughout the state, to organize and
get ready for tbe battle of principles j
which is to be fought in June next. j
We declare that tho demonetiza
tion of silver has resulted in destroy
ing the yalue of our homes, of our,
hprses, oup cattle, and diminish log '
the value of our toil.-Ttbair added a f'The Times-Mountaineer woul I have
million tramps and Sundry beggars to ; been pleased to have given Hood River
tbe army of the unemployed, who are j and vioiaity unlimited space in the
asking alms at labor's door, while i souvenir edition, for it recognizes
mongolian labor, contracted through j Hood River valley as being one of the
tbe Six Companies in the ictorest of richest sections of Wasco county,' hut
capital and corporate greed, keeps it could not force the people of that
bread from the mouths of two million ' locality to lend their patronage or
American children. Prosperity has
been promised, and poverty has been
A Mistaken Impression.
The Glacier is in receipt of a cony
of the souvenir edition of the Times-
Mountaineer, giving a writo up ol
Wasco and Sherman counties, with
illustrations. It is a fine specimen of
the art preservative and a good ad for
the country it aims' to make known,
the wheat producing seotionsof Wasco
and Sherman counties. We regret
that Brother Douthit didn't see fit to
send his representative to Hood River
and give it a place in his publication;
A write up of Wasco county is defici
ent in. the most important "part when
Hood River is left out. Hood River
Glacier. . ,
. The Glacier ar.d perhaps tlm people
of Hoot! River valley ar labouring
und-ira mistaken idea, for that S" tIon
was . solicited to take apace in the
souvenir edition, hut refused. During
the fruit fair Mr. Charles ArnhoM, one
of the solicitors fop the publication
yiaited Hood River, and interviewed a
number of the leading citizens and
prominent busiJess men of that city,
but was unable to interest a single
one in the publication; not even one
conseoting to write an article for tbe
paper, which would have cost th- m
notning. ...
. Not being able to interest those who
would have been nost benefitted by
me puoiication oe could do n,o more,
bence Hood River was not represented
except it) a goner il way in an article
pn the fruit industry of the county.
The Mew O.
Train No. 2
Pacific and Oregon Short Line, arrives
nere at 12:40 a. m., departs at 12:50,
ISO. 4, east by SDokane and Great.
JNortnern, arrives at 5:2o P. m.. denarta
ISO. I, west from U. P. and O. S. L..
arrives au a:ai : A. m., ana departs 3:30.
No. 3, west from Sookann and f 5 roar.
XT .
wonnern, arrives at :ju a. m. and d-
parts at :Zo,
Freight trains Nos. 23 and 24. SAP.nnn
divisions, will carry passengers. No. 23
arrives at o p. M. and JNo. 24 leaves at
iaa p. ii.
Effective. Oct. 10, 1S97.
January . .
CI earance Sale
' . . ' , i
Presents new features
Almost Daily
This Week the Special Attrac
tions are in our.
: : Gap and Tants ;
Departments . :
Caps of all Styles offered at
Clearance Prices,
; - SpeciaJ J.qts at 15c, 25c, 35c, 60c, 75c.
' Buy your Caps of us':
So. 1
7. -00 P. M.
8:tft p. m.
' Wasco
So. S
7:40 A. M.
6:30 A. M.
Connection made with O. R. & N.
passenger trains at Biggs.
President. - General Manager
M Sl Si I
L L Lane
T tJ Lubln
M Dichtenmiller
C E i'hrlstman...
H 9 Johnson
F H Button
W N Wiley...,
Truman Butler!
F M Childers.:.;.
H ftiot . , , , ,
C W Haipht......
J A Parish
D Smith
m b pptter... :..;::;.
George BU. ppjamls Wjcfcham
Vance, same.............
,B Vance, mmH...,,,.
bam, same 6 40 :
k'.ntosb.rame 6 00
... 4 00
... 6 30
... 4 00
4 00
!r- .
2 00
2 00
43 20
8 20
5 00
16 40
4 00
4 QQ
4 00
13 00
10 40
17 00
6. 4Q
6 40
given. .
. There is more wealth being pro
duced now than at apy time since tbe
beginning ef this government, yet by
reason of monopoly, transportation,
rent, interest, bonds, mortgages, sal
aries of officers, taxes add other non
producing ageneies under republican
protection, tbe laborer, who makes the
wealth, sees bis family want for the
necessities of )ife.
While this inequality goes on, at
Portland, the politicl center of the
state, factions are quarreling over the
, division of spoils whioh the voters of
(.Oregon are to give them in June.
Upon one side of these factions in tbe
grand old party, that points with pride
at its past achievements, we find a
political boss of questionable honor,
and upon the other a traitor.
These chieftains settle, their dis
putesja'doilars aprj cents, while the
voters of Opogpo are looked upon as so
many cattle in the shambles for the
Voters pf Wasco county, of Oreeon,
so far as our. influence goes, this lodge
appeals to you to prganiza' and get
ready tq p"Qct the rights of free inen,
. Resojved, Tfiat eony pf these state
ments be sent to tbe..'Tine8'Moun
taineer and to the National Bulletin,
with a request for publication.
"America" Lodge No. 4, P. of A.
good w.ill. Every section that showed
a willingness to take hold of the en
terprise was given all the spac- it de
sired, while those places whioh ignored
the solicitors wbwa they called on
them were of. necessity left out, be
cause they could not be taken in
against their will.
regon Bakery
A. KELLER, Prop'r.
Pants Department....
By the way,, we ought to 6ell more Pants
this tteek than we ever did all on ac
count of the Pants and Prices. : '
We have taken from our regular
. stpck'a quantity of our $3.50 and
$4,00 Pants and have reduced the
price to $2.37. All sizes of a great
variety of patterns. ...
.' -
All the. Pants left over from. our,
Suit' Stock, and also a large and"
fine. lot of $5 00 values taken from
the regular Pants assortment make,
up the bargain table 'at $3.37. ; '
Special numbers at $1.50 and $2.00
?2.37- I
Am prepared to. furnish families,, hotels
restaurants with the choicest
rad, Cakes mi Pies.
Frjsh Oysters Served in
, Every Style.
Reood fTBXET, next door to Ihe
Dalles National rank, -
Com pi I man t from Dafar..;.
The special edition of the Dalles
Times-Mountaineer has arrived. After
due inspection, our citizens ope-and
all, deolare it to be a most excellent,
mplete and comprehensive publlca-
and superior even to what was
by the publishers. Now then,
t to be derived from this pub-
within reach of the
ty. As we have
JV asco never had,
have better
to present its
id at large.
ilon thither-
tbls ex-
pur own
AdTertised Letters.
The following is the list of letters re
maining in The Dalles oostoffjee un
polled for January 21, 1893. Persons
ealllng for these letters will please
give date on which they were ad
Andrews, Mm M Anderson, Harry
Barnes, Mas A M Balis. Mr Eugene
Brown, D Colton Coy, Mrs Mary
and Carrie . Creter Bros
Cawpbell, Mr Otis Cooper, Miss Lizzie
Coler, Mr Geo Eiliott, Mrs J fl
Fisher. Mr Clinton Fisher, Dan
Ginger, Mrs Belle Goederby. Albert
Grove, Miss Sadie Hansen, MUs Annie
flardtle, Mr John Hammond, MrsFS
Haqrln, Q E Hargue, Claud Mc
Harris, Mr ' H Hilton, Mr Fred
Henquie, Mr Wm Hutcteson, Sana
Joss, Mr James
Lautrhlin Lizalo
Marshall, E J
MeKillop, Mr Wm
Onrien, L iddvbuck
Pat'on, Mrs M B
Smith. Mis Ida
9own8end,Mr Elry Vinson, Mrs Agnes
waiso, i. if' waisn, Mr Jos
J. A . Ckossen, P. M.
Jacobsen, Mabel
Johnston, Geo B;
MsrtiB, Mr J A
Miller, Miss M
Nilson, K"rles
Odell, W H
isetta, O O
A. O. V. W. Lecture.
Tomorrow evening Past Supreme
Master Tate will d liver an ad rets in
tho Vogt opeaa house, under t' e are
pices of the A. O. U. V. Two years
ago Mr. Tate delivered an address in
Portland to a crowded house,' aid was
pronounced by all as one f. the n ost
eloquent speakers they ha1 ever eard.
Come and hear him, whether joj are
interested in bis subject or set. The
following musical numbers will be ren
dered: Overture Piano Duett, Misses A-..Si-hanno,
and Gea-eia Sampson
Vocal solo "I Cannot Help Lov- .
jnir Ihee,-'.. Myrtle Michel!
Corner. Solo Mr. Leon Dawson
Vocal Solo -'Your Voice,"..
.Mrs Varney
Program begins promptly at 8
o'clock. A cordial invitation to all.
No admission.
For m Kberp li rowers Ueetlnf.
Last night R. C. Judson, industrial
agent of the O. K. & N. Co., met with
ha Commercial club and perfected ar-
gramsfor holding a convention
,h Pacific Sheep Growers' Associa-
Ln The Dalles on Tuesday, March
convention will be attended
sheep raisers of Qpegon,
daho and Montana, also
shippers and repre-
shecp dips. As
not be'n arrang-
etermined that a
informed sheep.
ill be here and
M. Bkaix.
First National Bank
Watchmaker and Jeweler
& General Banking Business Transacted.
Deposits received subject "to sight draft or
Collections made and proceeds promptly re-
miueo oa aay 01 collection.
Sight and telegraphic exchanse sold on New
Fine Repairing a Specialty. All . Work Warranted
York, San Francisco
D. P. Thompson,
Ed M. Williams,
H. M.
Jno. S. Schenck
Geo. A. Liebe,
Having lately secured the services of Prof. P. G. .,
Daut, Scientific Optician, am now prepared to cor- :
rect any defective sight. Examination free. Call ". ;
' and have your" eyes examined. "' .. . .....
Ring Up
Phone NO. 12
For your Fruit, Vegetables,
Fi h and Poultry. The lest
th unrket 3 afford. Prompt
de.ivery guaranteed. .
Wall Paper Wall Paper !
Poultry drBsed to order every day in
tbe week. '
Cor. 3d and Wasbingtoo.
-Kes i
im it: mn mis,
pecial Prices to Cash Buyers
Seventh and Wash ngtor Sts.
13.00 IJ S2-0U
AmtBTCAK run
2-OJt .1X1 1.60
roi ifePEDucEt
tr mnota dj a nxxm.
-a uesunetu or orao
ielnsvbrslOsnnf 20 rears' experience.
No bad etfecuordetoaUun fn.m business.
Vn Bitervir wrinkles or flAhhlnMA. Im
jrores axnenl bealtti and beautifies ooraptexloa. Phj
idans and sodMf ladles ladoras 1L Tlwaisaaas eared,
identlsllf.. rnr putKuun aaarssa nu mrrgi,
5000 ROLLS
Just received- The best
paterns. The most beauti
ful colors. New invoice of
Paints and Oils. Any color
or brand supplied.
Snipes Kinersly Drug Qo.
The Up to Date Photo Artist of Portland
Cbnpman Block, (in the gallery formerly occupied
by Uerrin). Studio newly fitted and furnished for
. doing First-Class Work. ... ... .
Duplicates from the D. C. Herrin negatires furn
ished at any time. MY WORK MY. SUCCESS.
Largest Mutton Ram Breeding Farm in America
S tron 4', vUrorous animal now taady for shipmeat, . '
Carload lots for range um a ipeolalty.
H. O. FOX.