The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 15, 1898, Image 4

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    I .1
( gATPPPAY January is 1897
.(from Saturday's Daily-)
Booth, of Wasco, was In
i today.
ir.V. U.-Jonnsoo, 01 jjescnutes, is
quite dangerously 111.
Henry Driver, of Wamic, was In the
city today making final proof on his
In the county court today Jas. Foss,
' subject of the king of Sweden, was
all citizenship.
to Portlaud to
! the dem
Irrigation Corn-
lies. A Mr. uroaaus,
itk melon grower, will super-
operations at the Baily
bre it is the intention to
ores to melons.
Why suffer with coughs, colds, and
. rlDD when Laxative Bromo Quin-
line will cure you in one day. Does
2j -not sroduee the ringing in the head
like sulphate of quinine. Put uo in
uoiets coavemenv tor ui&iuk. uur
anteed to euro or money refunded.
V?rlce 25 cents. For sale by Blakeley
& Houghton, druggists, The Dalles
.is,. "Vf-iae-open
gambling will soon be
,ru Seattle- No one seems to
.sjcabw iSIt how it will come about, ex
iSfcfciae gamblers, and they, of course,
jpTnot giving it away; but the state
smen of one of the fraternity, when
. he tried te rent 24 rooms on Secon
- avenue for $350 a month, that the
mwAlnr-A w atiA rxnt. Via nfrntn tn ran
t- them . the place, because the pclice
m ' ti fai 1 a.
jirereaquarea, wouia inaic-te turn, muse
iu power must have sanctioned It.
Several Was hint? ton state officers
have written letters to the Seattle Ty
pographlcal Union, in reply to resolu
tions passed by that body, calling upon
the administration to remedy the
abuses existing in the Washingtoi
state printing office. The officers ap
pear to object 'mainly to that part of
. the resolution calling upon them to
"curtail the work." ;
There will be no invitations issued
In the city for the charity , ball to be
given by the Elks next Friuay even
iae. Those residents of The Dalles
who dance and are charitably inclined
need no invitation when a call for
charity is made, and since the net pro
ceeds are to be given to those who are
in need, tha committee concluded it
was not best to go to the expense of
. Issuing invitations to residents of the
Plana are on foot for a cattle con
vention at Pendleton to be held at
some date during thefsecond and third
weeks of February, not yet decided on
From all indications this will be an
event of great interest, and of decided
Value to the cattle-raieing industry
throughout the Pacific Northwest
Breeder will meet grower and grower
will meet buyer personally, with the
result that the mutual interchange of
Ideas should prove beneficial to all.
Already the ordinance recently
passed by the council regulating ped
iler's lieense is having a good effect.
An orange peddler got out of town the
other day, and a Portland jewelry firm
who wanted to come here and sell out
their stock were scared away on ac
count of the license. The Dalles will
gladly welcome any legitimate dealer
WHO want to come nere ana engage in
business, but it has no use. for itiner
ante who bilk: the people, and then
disappear with .-'the-' wealth of the
country in their pockets.
AM Old and Well-Tried Rem
jtDY. Mrs. Wiaslow's Soothing Syrup
has been used for over nfty years by
millions of mothers tor their children
while teething, with perfect success
It soothes the child, softens the gums,
Allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the beat remedy for diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug
gists in every part of - the wond.
Twentv-flve cents a bottle. Its value
Is uncaloulable. Be sure and ask for
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take ne other kind.
The Corvallis Times says that fully
20 persons in that city have under con
deration a plan for a trip to the Klon
dike, and will leave as soon as all
, arrangements can be made. The plan
involves the purchase or lease of a
suitable vessel, and its equipment with
stores, provisions and tools. Also a
. departure from some port hereafter to
be decided upon, and a cruise In the
Alaskan waters, with a landing and a
search for gold wherever there may be
: promise of finding a fortune.' In all
if the expedition - materializes, 30 peo
ple may sail in this gold-searching
ship. Many of them who are interest
ing themselves in the plan, are Cor
vallisites'.rwbQa few. people suppose
have any notion of, joining in a north
ern gold hunt, s . ''.-",?"'' "
Charles Butler, the Port Townsend
cattle buyer, is in the city.
-' Ben Snipes, of Seattle, is in the city
looking after hi interests here.
A rein of fine coal has been opened 1
on the farm of H. C. Owen near Eu
gene. .
Messrs. V. C. Brock an? J. W
Armsworthy, of Wasco, spent yester
day in the city.
"Pan" Stroud, grand lecturer for
the Masooij order spent yesterday and
today in the city:-
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lord returned last
night from San Francisco, where they
havo been visiting the past month.
Last night Saltmarshe & Co.'s stock
yards shipped a car load of fine hogs
to the Union Meat Co., atTroutdale.
Last night E. C. Fitzpatrick returned
from Troutdale where he had been de
livering two car - loads of hods. He
sol J them at 4i cents on foot.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All Druffgists refund the money
If it fails to Cur. 25c. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
Mrs. J. B. Havely and daughter, of
and A. J. Brigbam, of Dufur.
. . i .
e returned from a two raonin s
intending to attend the
ill please bear in mind
nd march will begin
and Frank French
sou horns.
Ted in Alaska,
Fare specimens. Mr.
r a collection of nearly
Toroa of different kinds of
Charlie Frank made the high score
on the Umatilla House alley five days
last week. On Monday he made 59.
Tuesday 54, Wednesday 52, Thursday
56, and Saturday 55. C. Phelps car
ried off the laurels Friday with a score
of 68. and C. Schmidt won the cham
pionship Sunday with a score of 55.
Karl's Clover Root Tea ia a pleasant
laxative. Regulates the bowels, puri
fies the blood. Clears the complexion.
Easy to make and pleasant to take.
25 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists, The Dalles, Or.
Yenterday was Mrs. A. L. Bunch's
birthday, and in the evening eighteen
neighbors celebrated the eyent by un
ceremoniously invading Mr. and 'Mr?.
Bunch's residence with the object in
view of making it a joyful birthday
celebration. Mrs. Bunch was com
pletely surprised, though this added
to the pleasures of the occasion, and
helped to make the hours fleet as min
utes. It was a late hour, before the
visitors departed, and all pronounced
(t a most pleasant ptrty.
Prom Tuesday's Daily.
Capt. A. Ad. Keller went to Portland
Dr. Logan returned last night from
Father Bronsgeest want to Cascade
Locks today.
Hon. J L. Cowan, Indian agent at
Warm Springs, is in the city.
Charlie Frank, jr. is confined to his
room with a very bad sore throat.
Henry Stagrnan and wife, of Center-
ville, Wash , are visiting in the city.
D. C. Lear, of Goldendale, was in
the city this morning, returning from
a visit to Portland.
Almost two inches of snow has fallen
today, and in consequence the small
boy with a sled is in clover.
The teachers of the public scnoolp
are busily engaged at present conduct
ing the regular half-yearly examina
There will be a "hot time in the ol
town" of Col'Jmbus tonight, after the
first ballott is taken on the United
States senator.
Don't have any doubt but the charity
ball to be given by the Elks next Fri
day evening will be the finest party
ever given In The Dalles.
Meetings are held each evening at
the M. E. Church, beginning at 7:30
P. M. JV. general invitation is extend
ed to everybody to attend.
Today the directors of the First
National bank held their annual meet
ing and elected J S. Schenck president;
Geo. A. Liebe vice-president, and H
M. Beall, cashier.
M. A. Moore, ex-postmaster at
Prineville, is in the city today, having
just returned from a visit to Portland,
where he baa been buviag goods for his
drug store in Prineville.
The weather prophet who sits in the
tall tower at Portland made a bad job
of predicting yesterday. He promised
fair and cool weather today, but in
stead there was a fine snow storm.
The town of Skaguay is up to the
limes in the way of advertising. A
eopy of the Skaguay News, of Dec. 31,
has been received that reads like the
boom editions of papers put out by the
ound cities a few years ago.'
In Portland last Sunday F. S. Camp.
nell, of Albany, was married to Miss
Mary Cox. of Kingsley. Mr. and Mrs.
Campbell have been visiMng friends
here the past two days, and leave to-
morrow for their home at Albany.
For constipation take Karl's Clover
Koot Tea, the great blood purifier.
inures upauacoe, nervousness, erup
tions on tne lace, ana makes tha he.Mi
clear as a bell. Sold by Blakelev &
nougnton, ids uaues.
Last night there were seven aoces
Kions .at the revival meetings bein?
oel I in the Christian church and to-
ilirht there will be six baptisms. The
nhject for tonight's discussion will be
Uneodly Counsel and the Effect of It,"
snd tomorrow nieht "a Good Soldier
for Jesus Christ " Members of the G.
A R are especially invited to attend.
This afternoon Perry Burfiam's ex
press team caused a little life on Court
add Second streets. The horses got
scared at a train, on First street, and
ran up oourt. and down, Second where
they were overhauled before 'any
damage was done.
It has been a pleasure today to the
publisher of the Times-Mountaineer to
ptesent to iu readtrs a New: Year!
Vni on the morning
Vap will attend the
qjyer's As90cia-
souvenir, knowing that it meets their
approval and is appreciated by them as
being the handsouiest present ever
given by any paper on the Pacific
coast. We don't think anything is
too good for our patrons.
Dyspepsia cured. Sbiloh's Vitalizer
m mediately relieves sour stomach,
oifuming up of od, distress, and is the
creat kidney and l'.ver remedy. Sold
bv Blakeley & Houghton, druggists
The Dalles, Oregon.
The Sanger mine, in Union county,
which has in the past produced more
than $1,000,000, after a temporary
shutdown of several months, has been
in full operatiun during tbe past two
months, giving employment to about
50 miners. The 10-slamp mill has
been kept constantly at work pound
ing out the precious mrtals from the
rich ores brought to the s'irface by the
two shifts that have been employed.
Cure that- cou-fb with Shiloh's cure
The best cough cure. Relieves croup
o omptly. One million boMles sold
last year. 40 doses for 25 cents. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton, drug-gists.
The murderer of Peter French, in
Malheur county, Edward Oliver, has
been admitted to hail in tbosumof
$10,000 to appear before the next grand
jury. It is said that the bond is not
satisfactory, but since there is a gen
eral sympathy for the accused in the
community where he resides, and
thern is no probability of a Malheur
ty jury convicting turn, any kind
d will insure bis appearance
al says that
the de
urdered ristmas
e con-
ers with
ade to save
the outcome,
ds an excellent
truck for several
Year's day. a 4-year-old
of James Bay, of Minerva, in
ounty, was severely burned by i
er clothing catching fire. The little I
rirl was in the house alone when the
fire started, and she ran out to her
mother, who was some distance off.
Mr . Bay, after trying unsuccessfully
to smother the flames, took her to
some water near at band and by its
use quenched the fire. The child's
limbs and body were badly burned,
and it is feared that she is fatally in
jured. Grading of the Northern Pacific ex
tension from Aberdeen to Hoquiam,
has been completed. The Northwest
Lumber Company,-of Hoquiam, is saw
ing the timber for the bridges on the
line, and is building a second pile
driver to be used in. the construction
of the approaches to the different
bridges. The mill company will build
the approaches, but the railroad bridge
crew will build the draws. It is ex
pected that a train will run into Ho
quiam by the 1st of March.
Ripe bananas, grown in the Oregon
agricultural college greenhouse, were
exhibited on the streets of Corvallis
by Secretary Yates last week. The
fruit is supposed to be the first of the
sort ever growu in Oregon, and was as
toothsome as bananas from tho tropics.
Banana trees have been kept in the col
lege greenhouse for several years,-but
they had never before born fruit, and
the cause f or the present production is
supposed to be that the trees, which
have hitherto been potted, were
planted in mother earth last year.
The projectors of the new fair
grounds and race track in Pendleton,
are meeting with success in soliciting
subscribers to the stock. Already
$25 JO has been subscribed, and more
is promised. Of these subscribers,
four agreed to each take $250 worth of
stock, $1000 in all. It is expected -that
in a very few days the total of $7500
required will be subscribed. This
item, taken from the East Oregonian,
is of 'oore than passing interest to The
Dalles. If Pendleton arranges for a
fair ground, it is quite probable that
the Second Eastern Oregon fair will
be taken away from The Dalles, and
located a Pendietpn.
What Dr. A. JS. Baiter Pay.
Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my
personal knowledge, gained in observ
ing the effect otyour Shiloh's Cure in
cases of advanced Consumption, I am
prepared to 6ay it Is the most remark
able remedy that has ever been
brought to my attention. It bas
certainly saved many from consump
tion. sold by laneiey & nougnton
Lynching- at Colfax.
About 2 o'clock Saturday morning
Marshal Cbadwick was taken from the
jail at Colfax, Wash., and banged to
the wall of the courthouse by a raob.
Cbadwick was suspected of the murder
of Yonng Hayden, ntar Farmicgtoi;
on the night of October 22, a most das.
tardly crime, and sentiment ran high
against the accused. He - was taken
from the jail by force, the jailor betnv
overpowered by the mob aud forced to
give up the keys to unaowick a ceil
Numerous threats bad been made ot
mob violence ever since Cbadwick wa
arrested. and much blame U attached
to the sheriff for not having taken
precautionary steps to either protect
tee prisoner or remove mm to some
place of safety.
Dr; Miles' Nervine
Effects of Tobacco.
THE excessive use of tobacco, especially
by young men is always injurious and
undoubtedly shortens life materially.
Mr. Ed. C. Ebsen, compositor on tho Contra
Costa Neict, Martinez, CaL, writes; "I have
used Dr. Miles' Bestoratl-re Nervine and re
ceived much benefit from it. I was troubled
with nervousness, dizzy spells and sleepless
ness, caused by the use of tobacco and stim
ulants. I took Dr. Miles' Nervine with mar
velonsly good results, allaying the dizziness.
quieting the nerves, and enabling me to
sleep and rest, proving in toy case a very
beneficial remedy." Dr. Miles' Restorative
Nervine is especially adapted to restoring
the nervous system to its normal condition
under such circumstances. It soothes, heals
andstrensthens. I 1 11 1 JMHmil'
Dr. Miles' Eemedles I -,e nl
are sold, by all drug-F -.T. '".-
guarantee, first bottle fGrviflQ-Jl
benefits or nonev m- R5 a I
cists under a tvwltlve """"ww
benefits or money re
funded. Book on dis
eases of the heart and
nerves free. Address,
' BOM 14 b'Sua THIS NORTH.
John O. Wood Uetnrned Saturday From
'Some time since John C. Wood, of
this city, weal to Alaska' to look over
the bituation for an outlook for busi
ness, and got home i'ird; niht,
having been just a week making the
return trip. Mr. Wood visitrd Juneau.
Dyea and Skagway while in Ala-ki
aud reports all thrt-r places b.ximi -iir.
Skagway and D.ea especially are live
ly, those cities being more closely con
nected with tho mines Ju Klondike
than is Juoeau.
During the two weeks Mr. Wood
was at Skagway, hardly a da passed
that someone did not arrive from
Dawsou. and all reported, rich strikes
having been made iu the mines during
the fa 1.
They are co:ning out in parties of
from 5 to 20, and are ab tat 3l days on
the trip between Dawson and Skagway.
Those who come out report plenty
of provisions on the Klondike; and in
sist that there need be no t-uffering
ftou hunger at Dawson during the
winter. The Alaska Commercial Co.
have abundant supplies in their stores,
bnt the impres-ion prevails that they
are holdintr everything for the highest
price obtainable, giving out the im
pression that there is a scarcity of pro
visions in order tn be enabled to put
prices to the higtest figure. The
number of people at Dawson is var
iously Pbtimateo at from 3000to700t,
and is in reality about 5000. The
greater portion of these have abund
ant provisions to last them until river
navigation opens on the Yukon, and
those who are not provided for can be
supplied from the stores.
Mr. Wood says there is no abate
ment in the rush to Ala-ka. Every
steamer that arrives there is loaded
with gold hunters, and within a few
weeks the great rush atyoss the differ
ent pesses will begin.
Traveling now is snmeahit diffi-
ont owiag to the fact that the rapins
onPtllyand Yukon rivers have not
frozen over, it is very dangerous
getting around places on the river
that bat e not frozen over.
While in Skagway, Vr. Wood saw
Leslie Butler, of The Dalles, quite
often, and found bira doing a thriving
business. He also saw Jai-k Huiirii-k,
who left here In September. Ho is
doing some real es&ate busini ss in
Dyea, and is making money.
Mr. Wood was quite favorably im
pressed with tha business outlook at
Skagway. and expects to return on the
steamer Oregon, whose sailing date
will bo about the 20th of the month,
providing he can get the freight taken
which be wants to take with him.
As a business proposition Mr. Wood
thinks Skagway and Dyea will both
furnish many opportunities -the com
ing 8ason, but he has no desire to
hazard a trip across the passes to the
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or ZSa.
U C C C tall to cure. -Irtiivints refund moras
The Little Man's Kama Was Not Rambo,
Nor Kill Uo Hail from Sandusky.
All the passengers in the car noticed
th-it the big men on the left of the rear
door was looLicg fixedly at the small
man opposite, end by and by the small
man himself noticed the same thing.
After oa embarrassing interval of three
minutes he observed:
"Well, what i3 it ?"
'.'Excuse ine, sir," replied the big man;
"but your face seems familiar."
"Though I can't place it."
"Is your name Itambo?"
"No, sir."
"1 thought it was. Didn't you used
to live in Sandusky, O.?"
"No, sir; cever was in Sandusky in
my life."
"Wasu't there in 1890, eh?"
"No, sir."
That's? queer. J ust the minute I got
sight of you I was sure you was Earn bo,
of Eandeskp. If you are "
"But I'm not!" interrupted the small
mo a, "I never heard of Kumbo and was
never in SanJuslcy."
"Well, that settles it, I suppose," said
the big man, aa be looked out of the
window and back again; "but if you
hadn't said so I should have continued
to ;hink you were the man."
"And what of it?" retorted the email
man, flushing up over it.
"Oh, r.othiug much. He eloped with
my wife from Sandusky in 1S90, and I
heard they were living in Detroit. If
you were Eambo I was going to ask
how" .
"If you'll et off the car 111 lick you
and Eambo and Eambo and Hoodoo
and all the rest of the gang put to
gether!" shouted the small man, as he
got up siid went out.
"No oh, no!" replied the big man.
"No, there is no call to fight. If you
Rre not Eambo, I beg your pardon.
Your face had a familiar look, and I jus
thought I'd aslc if "
But the small man bopped off the car
and went his way, and the big man
heaved a sigh and looked around and
said: '
"I'm sorry I offended him, but
thought it was Eambo, and was goingto
aBk if Maria uad had her teeth fixed and
her. eyes, straightened." Detroit Free
Is the Motto of a Party of Ycrang
Men Who Left The Dalles.
This jnorning- Henry Boyen, frank
Kline, Nicholas Fox and C. Stern man
took the boat for Portland, Intending
to sail on the steamer Elder Wednes
day for Dyea. Their final destination
is Dawson, and they go with the full
determination of digging fortunes
from the earth.
All are energetic young mea
capable of enduring hardships, and
taking tho world as they find it, so
will most likely reach Dawson as soon
as any who attempt to go in this
-winter. They will not encumber
themselyes with heavy outfits, only
taking with them enough provisions to
last until provisions can be brought
up the Yukon next spring. They pro
pose to start from Dyea across the
trail soon after they arrive at that
place and will drag their supplies over
on sleds, intending to travel at easy
stages, going just so far each day as
they can . comfortably take all their
supplies. In this way they will not
oyer exert themselves and hope to
reach the mines without breaking
themselves" down physically. The
young men all have plenty of determin-
asion, and it is safe to say that they
will succeed in the northern mines.
Educate Tonr Bo. With
Candv Cathartic, cure crnstimtion forovei
Us. 25c IX C-CC. fail druKRists -tit iuvt moou
Two Men Return to .Oregon City, bat Only
to Rc naln fur the Winter.
John Collins and A. Fairclnugb. of
Oregon City, wh'o left on the first trip
of tbe steamer Elder from Portland,
bave returned borne, being among
those who were chosen to leave Daw
son City on account of the shortage in
Collins and ialrelough state that a
meeting was held at Dawson and it
was decided t hat 500 of the strongest
men must leave camp anJ sell their
outfits to the men who were allowed to
remain. They were given but enough
to last until they could reach Dyea.
Fur the stuff confiscated they were
paid liberally, aud they arrived home
with mure uiuuey thau they had when
they left.
Judd Cinfer. who went in with
.h m, tiny say, had a good house
bum, pleiii.y of, aud ex
pjcls to make a uod cleanup lur ln
wintcr's work Wuilo liiere is uo
danger of ularvatiou in thau country .
the supply of provisions will ruu lo
before navigation opens in the spring.
1'lte greatest danger is ("rum scurvy.
Collins and Fircluugb will return
as so.iii as outjts a d transportation
can be secured. They consider the
country as rich as reported.
Trolley Lino in Chicago Which Operates
Ent Ono Car.
To the avcr:!-? Ch!cagoan a trolley
line i:nconf:tvously sufests gnat dis
tances. His city is so big. It will sur
prise many, therefore, to learn that a
line "actually in operation in the busi
ness (Vstrict, the rolling stock of which
runs a Iriiie U'es than five blocks.
TIi:v line, says the Chronicle, operates
on Ciarl: street and simply runs from
Washington to Illinois street. Its roll
ing stoe!; consists of one car, and its
operatives include one conductor and
one It is run for the
Fpecial 1 credit of South Water street
merchants who live on the north side,
but is safe to say cot one of these men
(n a thousand hr.oiv that such is the
rase. As for the pcneral public not one
person in the thousand, know of its ex
istence. Incidentally, too" the line is
operated to retain the franchise.
"We give transfers to the cable !ine
goii'T north." eaid the conductor when
nshed for information, "but we lon't
transfer to any other cars."
"nave .you many passengers each
"Yes; we're crowded," he said, with a
laup-h. "Sometimes I get one then
again another V
Everybody 5aya So.
Cncnrets Candy Cathartic, the mnsl won
Ceiful medical disco erv of tlio age, peas
ant and reftvslune tn the tasie, act gently
and iHisitivcly on kidneys. liver and hnnrls
cii-ansiiiir tho entire si-Rf m. disnel ;-oldv
cur Iieainclie. lever. Imlitul i-nnslinni ini.
and l. iniisn".R. Please liny nnd tryn l
Of C.t-.C. to-diiy; 10, 'Si. M'ceni. Kuldanti
guaranteed to dire by all druggists.
A f'lenftant Birtbday.
' Mrs. D. M. French gave her little
daughter Constance a birthday party
on Saturday. The afternoon was a
bright and sunny one, just such an af
ternoon as 17 young misses would en
joy for celebrating such a happy oc
casion. Among the many gifts was a
parlor bowling alley, which afforded
great amusement for all. Cocksd-hat
was played according to the very latest
rules, the champion player proving to
be Delia Young, whose score was 30.
Other amusing games were heartily
enjoyed as ringing peals of laughter
frequently testified. At 5 o'clock all
hastened to the dining-room, seats at
table being marked by cards, showing
guests initial, and in handsome girlish
figure. In the center of the table was
the birthday cake, with it 12 lighted
candles, after these being biown out
by the guests, the feast began. Cakes,
nuts, oranges, soon disap
peared, and amid happy shoutincs,
"good time,'' "good night," they wont
out into the beautiful evening on their
homeward way.
To Cure ConHLlpt.lon Forever.
Take Cosca- ets Canav Cathartic. 10c or ISC
(tC.CC. fail to cuie. Urnggists refund mocea
Wbi an Old Trick.
The fellow Claud Rice, who was
arrested on Wednesday of last week
for passing a forged check on Pease &
Mays, Beems to have a sort- of patent
right on bis mode. of swindling.
Having seen the account of his pro
ceedings, here published in the Ore
gonian, a firm at Waitsberg, who had
been victimized in the same manner,
wrote Pease & Mays concerning the
fellow, also sent the check they had
caehed for him and the description of
I a suit of clothes he had got froji them
.The check was iu the same handwrit
ing as the one taken up by Pease &
Mays, and was for S36.75. He bou
a suit of clothes of the Vaitsberg firm
1 getting change from them the same as
I he did here. On examination of
uit of clothes found in bis trunk, they
were found to compare identical
with the description sent from Waits
berg. There he went by the-name of
Campbell. He is evidently a sleek
scoundrel, and it was. a fortunate catch
when he was taken in.
Don't Tobasco Sjilt anil Smoke Tonr I.Ife Ixnj,
To quit toba-co easily nnd forever, be Dag
oeti lull or lilo, nerve and vigor, take No-Ti
Bac, tne wonder-worker, that makes veak men
-strong. All druggists, 50c or (1. Curecuaran
;ctd Bochlct and sample free. Addresr
sterling KemeJv Co . Chicago or New York.
The Flight of w. V, German.
The news con es from Elleneburg
that Professor L. German,
teacher in tbe state cormul t-chool
located at thai, placp, who is wel
known in Pendleton, where he taugh
school for a number of vears ani held
the position of prim ipil of Pendle-
ton's public school.' afterwards becom
ing a teacher in tbe normal school
Weston, from where hf w nt to Ellens
burg, had taken a hasty departure from
that town because of a criminal charge
made against him by a boy pupil.
The faculty say there was no con
elusive proof of his guilt but bis fligb
is accepted as practically a confession
German is about 36 years of age. of re
tiring, secret! ye disposition, but with
al courteous and gpntlemanly in bis
outward relation with others.
No-To-Bm for Fifty Unia
.Jnaranteed touac-o habit euro, makes weak
aieu hirotnj, blood pure. duc.Iw AJiaruggisv
Alaska Katlunal Bank.
Application has been made to the
controller of the currency, by S. P,
Young, of San Francisco, for the nec
essary papers preliminary to tbe
establishment of a national bank in
Alaska. The letter received from
Young does not indicate in what
town the institution is to be located
Controller Eckles said that there is no
legal objection to granting the appli
cation, and has forwarded blanks to
Young, on which his formal petition
must be written. Several persons in
Hawaii bave made application to havf
reserved for them the title, "First
National lank' of Hawaii," at Hono
lulu, for the first national bank to b
established after the ratification of tbe
annexation treaty.
Ednrate Xoor isoweie with Caaeareta.
Candv CnttiarTic. cure conKtirntion fnrm-i
(0c25c ItCO C fall.drufgisuirefundmaoc
Dreadfully Nervous.
Gents: I was deadfully ne-vou.. am
for relief took your Karl's Clover Roo
Tea. It , quieted my nerves ann
strengthened my whole nervous sys
tem. I was troubled with constipation,
kidney and bowel trouble. Your tea
soon cleansed my system so thoroughly
that I rapidly regained health and
strength. Mrs. S A. Sweet, Hartford,
Conn. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton,
druggists, The Dalles, Oregon.
Special Conacil Meeting.
A special meeting of the common
council was l-.eld last evening, Mayor
Nolan in the chair and Councilmeu
Thompson, WojJ, Saltmarshe, Kuck,
Stephens, Johnston and Johns present.
The first matter considered was a
pecial ordinance grantiug Mays &
Jrowe the privilege of erecting a roof
over the alley at the rear of their
-tore, being placed on its final passage,
d not receiving a mgjurity vote of
council was declared lost.
Gi?ucral ordinance Mo 294, regulat-al(-of
bankrupt stocks and fixing
ie license at $20i) a month, was put
i i a I passage, and recieving the
lanimous vote of all present, was de-
! -red carried.
Petition of C. J. Stuhlinff etal for
'ivilnge of erecting a gasoline tank
ar (he Lutheran Church, referred
yi committee on streets and public
rup-ri y.
Parrott & Co. ask -d for an extension
f time in which to begin laying pipe
or street lights. The petition was read
nd referred to the special committee
n lights.
Kuck, of the finance committee, sub
nuted a verbal report reeo'nmerjding
hat insurance on city buildings be
ed iced, and on inotioa the report
-vas accepted.
Kclfton-Teasae NuptlHls.
At tho residence of the bride's
parent's in this city yesterday Mr. O.
C. Nelson, editor of the Klickitat
Agriculturalist, was married to Miss
Wilma, the accomplished daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Teague, Rev. W.
C. Curtis oitiiating.
The weddiner was a' quiet one. only
immediate friends of the family being
present, and after the ceremony the
bridal party was invited to a wedding
dinner se -ved by the bride's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson took the evening
train for Grants, and from thera pro
ceed by private conveyance to their
borne at Goldendale. Mr. Nelson is a
rising yo'ing man of Goldendale, and
by his abl-i management of the Agri
cultuallst has won the esteem of all
residents of Klickitat countt. Sinci
choosing one of The Dalles' fairest
daughters for a life companion, he will
also havy'a warm place in the hearty
of this communitv.
It Gives Satisfaction.
The following endorsement, of tbe
Tl n s-Moiintnineer edition
has bee i receive I fro n a prominent
resident of Duf ir:
"Your sample cooy came to hand,
and every ono in Dufur who bas seen
it suya it is far ahead of expectations,
much better than any such publication
that ever came to this section.
"Dufur as a town is just hugging
itself to think that it did not let this
opportunity to -advertise escape. Tbe
work is simply elegant, and with the
mayor, council and all interested, let
mo thank tbe Times-Mountaineer for
its treatment of Dufur and its citizens.
An effort, is on foot to create a fund
for the purchase of extra copies for
future- use. in addittion to those already
Bolleta Deflected by Electricity.
In Switzerland recently conducted
experiments sho.v that the course of
bullets may be deflected by electric
wires. Four wires were 'strung par
allel to and 125 feet away from the
line of fire at tbe range nearTbun.
At intervals of 30 feet the course of tbe
bullet was marked by paper screens.
A current of 8,000 volts ' caused a de
flection of 75 feet from the course, and
toward the wires at a distance of 275
yards. Japanese rifle threw a slender-
bullet that went straight for the wircjg
and f jllowed their course in close con
tact until its energy was spent in fric
tion. Even cannon balls were affect
ed by tbe current. Chicago Inter
M. E. Meetlne.
The nsual extra mid-winter revival
services in tbe Methodise Episcopal
Church bave been in progress the past
week, with many encouraging sina of
permanent good to- all who attend.
The pastor, Rev. J.. H. Wood, is con
ducting the meetings without assist
ance from without, and his labors are
duly appreciated by tbe members of
the church.. Under his faithful leader
ship the meetings bave increased in
interest from tbe beginning, and
many bave signified a desire for &
fuller knowledge of Christianidy. The
meetings open at 7:30 eaeb evening,
and all are cordially invited to attend.
A. J, raniele, a special correspond
ent of the St. Louis Glebe-Democrat
who has been touring the coast, is in
the city.
J. M. Rir.ehart.
h 're visitirg M s.
of Summerville, is
Pr. Riel art.
$3 SHOE the World.
. For 14 yeara tbl shoe. Uy merit
alone, ha distanced all eon. pet Itor.
W. U. Douglas 88-SO, S4.0 and 85.06)
sboes are the producdoua of skilled workmen,
from the best material rosnible at these prices.
A o saJSOnii PS.OO shoes for men.
Sa.OO aud SI. 75 lur boys sad vootl...
V. L. Douglas shoes are Indorsed
DT over IT 0.IO) wearers as tne best
In style, fit and durability of any
shoe ever offered at tbe prices.
They are marie In all the latest
shapes and stylta, ajMl of every vari
ety of leather.
If dealer cannot snpnly too. write for eats
logueto W.L. Douglas, Crucktoo, Mass.. Sold by
Cary House Barf
Prineville, Oregon.
Presided over by Joe Hinkle.
Carries the best brands
Wines, Liquors ! Cigars
When in that city calLoa Joe.
Job .
Of. al kinds done on hrt
notice, and. at. reasonable
rates , at this office. .
25 SO ffllyiSBi-
mm. III II --r.
lR'JftTTITPI V flTTIP 1 WTTJ1 VTt tnenre arycaMofronstloatlon. rasemts ire the Idral lau-4
ADdUiiUlLljl UUAaaAlUlji; tirr.grrFrrriporrriie.biitraaieMsraatornlnsalUk eaai-I
pie tad booklet free. Id. STKItl.lG HEKKI1V
e ofifiec p t &fcN ns,w& mm
g ll III Jb , t l, rti ttimmrrrQiffrRaa
3i.7.'i;' - - ' fill1 HTTP V C ' 'STTs. T kmmW
Wines, Liquors,
The Celebrated JVal B'atz Beer, Anhauser-Buseh M It
"utrine, a non-alchoholic beverage unequaled as a tonic
Furniture and Carpets
The entire stock of PRINZ & KITSCHKB will bo
Sale to commence from date and continue until all
is sold. Parties knowing themselves indebted to
said firm will be requesteJ to call and settle their
This well-known brewery
and Porter east of the. Cascades.
manufacture of good healthful Beer have been introduced, ar..
only the first-class article will be placed on the market.
East Second Street
The Dalles, : Oivgon.
Reliable Pharmacists
In order to reduce my large stock ot Wall Pper,
I am offering special inducements to bt'yers. . .
All goods are offered at a BIG REDUCTION for a
few days. Call and examine stock and get prkes.
Third Street,
Ben Wilson Saloon
fSecoad b'treet, opposite Diamond Jl ills,
Fine Wine--, Liquors and Cigars.
free laacii served ab all hour
CO.. rhinro. Bontreal. Van., or new lore tit.
Cigars and Beer.
is now turning out the best Beei
1 he latest appliances for th
The Qiestion of H al h
You consult the doctor to
know how to return to
With. When the don
tor jjivs a prescription
see Jhit it i carefully
cotnjounled for you
You wtt it to make you
welL We make it as the
doctors prescribes, and
'-joa-jjet lhe best results.
175 Second Strett
1 Paper
r mam
BOSTON and all
For Information, time cards, maps and tic keta
?aU on or write, W. C. ALLAWAY, Aprnt
Or A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas
se d per Arrnt. Ko. iSh Morrison Street, Cor
ner ot Third Street. Portland, Oregon
"Ti R plator Lk"
The Dalies, P.rtland and Astoria
Nav ?aticn Co
FieTO aoflPasssngsr Lia&
The steamers ot this line will leave
Tbe Dalles at 7:00 A.M.
ShlDmeata received at anv time, flav
or night.
Live stock shipments solicited.
Call on or address,
General. Agent
Eastern Oregon
State Normal
: : Wk8tonv Oregc
Only State School In Eastern, Oreeea.
Located on tbe O. R &N. Hallway, saidway
between Pendleton and Walla Walla.
Students admitted at all times of ;tke year.
First-Class -Training
For Teachers.
Voeal and Instrumental Mosie tasc-Bt b
competent instructors. A (raduate of tbe Bos
ton Conaerratory baa charge of tbe lnstnunea
tal department.
The Ladies'
Boarding Hall
la thoroughly equipped and offers excellent
accommodations at reasonable rates.
Send for catalogue.
Address M. ttOYAL. President of Farult
P. A. WORTrflNOTON. Secretary Boars
Agenta Weston, Oretren
The Son
The first of American Newspapers.
Charles A. Dana, Editor.
The American Constitution,
The American Idea,
The American Spirit-
These first, last, and all the time,
Dally," by mall W.00 a year
Daily and Sunday, by mail, $8.00 a year
Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper
in the world.
By mail, 2 a year. 5c a copy
Latest Style
Lowest Profits
: In Mens and Boys :
Clothing. Dry Goods,
-Boots and Shoes
.134 Second Street.
Lfm B Pr """ 7 a harm-
Motto 114
tivstinent bv nrme.
i! r pnnmao nr zu raanr cxperieuca.
ju-i t-necisurdrti-ulttin f n-m business.
-:ian-lns. wrinkles ,-r flultMnfMs. Iin
vi-8 general iw-aiih and bt-auuAes complexion, ybr
&a& aail eisHeiy ladies Imiurre It 1 ooussud curco.
.Mror.Vlr. For particulars sddresa. Willi stamp,
K. 2il I Ur. X, ar INI! UnaasabftSa- uuut cu t.
,-a Tame Minus
Track Marks
Anyone sending a sketch and eeserlpUoo asay
qnlcklr asoertsln oor opinion tree newer an
Invention l probsblf pstentsble. CommuHlea.
UonsstrtotlrconadentisL Ham) book on Pstanta
sent free, oldest aisncy for secunnspatems.
Patents taken tbroua-b Mann A Co. reoaiTa
tpeeiat aotiet, without cbsnra. In tne
Scientific American
A handsomely tThtstrated weeklr. rsiweat eh
eolation of aor sdentlOe Journal. Terms. S3 a
vear : roar monios, aa. DMa,7tHlwnwaara
Ml m& CO SeiBr-da.,. NOW
Btancsi Qtaoa, 6tt F Bt, Washing! on, IX
JVanted-An Idea
s, eea
some simple
toine to patent
Protect Tonr Mess; tney mar bru ytm waelta,
aers. wsmofton. u. i-..ror uiir pnaaeaer
silsM af two aia4vsa aaTeaUeais waauaV