IVrllscl Library I 1 1 t . V V U tt r il HtCtt. Volume XXXV CONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. JANUARY 8. 1898 NO CD - KOFE8SIONAL. o Physician and Surgeon, . Boom orar Dules National Bank.- Offieo taoun, 10 m 1 1 U to, and Irom to 4 p m. dense Wet Bad of Third atrwt. S. BEXSKS Attorney at Law yyM. TACKMAN Dentist. Rooms 8 9 and 10. Vogt Block. The Dalles. Or. SOCIETIES. mEMPLB "LODGE. NO. 8, A. O. C - W. A Sleets In Kcller'8 nail every inursuuj evening at 7:30 o clocic TAS. KESMITH POST, NO. 32 G. A. R- t Meets every Saturday evoning at y:ju in tv. oi f. uau. COURT THE DALLES, A. O. F. NO. 8530 Meets every Friday evening at their hull At a n'lnlr B OF" L. E. Meets every Friday afternoon m li. or f. tutu w ASCO TltlBE. NO. 18, I. O. R. M Meets every Wednesday evening in a, ra r Halt fi ESANO VEKEIN HARMONIE. Meets VJT every Suucluy evening at uaiawin upeni douse. D OP L. F. DIVISION, NO. 167. Meets in U K. pf P.-HaU the first and third Wednes day of each month at 7:30 P. M. VITASCO LOEGK, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. ' fT Meets first and third Monday of each montn at a tr M. rpHE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER I NU. 0. Meets in Masonic nan roe smru Wednesday of each month at 8 P, M. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O F. Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. In K. of P. Hall, oorner of Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 0 K. of P. Meets every Monday evening at 8 o'clock. In Sehanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning brothers are In vited. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION Meets every Friday at 3 o'clock a the reading room. . VTODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD-- L Mt. Hood Camp, no. 0, meets every ; Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Keller's i Hall. All sojourning brothers are invited to be j present. COLUMBIA CHAPTER, NO. 33, E. S. Meets in Masonic Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Visitors cor dial! invited. - THE CHURCHES. C3T. PAUL'S CHURCH Union street, oppo. site Fifth. Sunday school at S:30A-M Evening prayer on Friday at 7 :30. I7VANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH a Rev. L. Grey. Pastor. Service in the Eng lish language at First Baptist Church every "Sunday 8:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ME. CHURH Kev. J. H. Wood, Pastor. . Services every Sunday morning and eye ing. Sundaawechool at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A . cordial invitAion extended by both pastor and people to aUVI CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C. Curtis, Pastor, Services every Sunday at It A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school after morning service ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. A. Bronsgeest Pastor, Low mass every Sunday a 7 A. M. '. High mass at 10 :30 A. M, Vespers at 7:30 P. M. IriIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tay 1 lor. Pastor. Corner Fifth and Washington streets. Serviees each Sunday morning at It o'clock. Sunday School and Bible class at 12:15. Pastor's residence Northeast cor. of Washing ' ton and Seventbjstreets. ITTRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. I. H. 1 Hazel, pastor. Preaching every Sunday ' morning at 11 and in the evening at 7 o'clock Sunday school at-10 A M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Y. P. S. C E. meets every Sunday at 8:30 P. M. - - CAVALRY BAPTIST - CHURCH Corner Seventh and Union. Elder J. H. Miller, pastor. Services every Sunday at II A-. M. and 7:30 P. M Prnycr meeting on Wednesday evening. Sunday school at BS5 A. M. Ail are cordially welaomed. . . NOTISy? PtffJXjlCATION. i r . ' .Xakd Oiticb at Thb Dali.e.s. Or., .. December 7, 1807. ' Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before t:'.e Reg ister aud Receiver at The Dalles. Oregon on January tl, 1S68, viz. : " WILLIAM H. SHARP, Q Of The DaHes:H. E. No. 3831. for the NEX of Seo. 25. Tp. 1 N-. R 13 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: J. W. Koontz.'John Ryan, R. E. Williams and Elijah Koontz. all of The Dalles. Oregon, dll..- JAS. F. MOORS Register- ESTRAY NOTI E . Came to mv nlace ok Lone well farm, on Dutch Flat, four head of cattle, three of them two year olds and o e a yearling. One of the ' two ye ir oldis black and two of them redTthe vaapiln-r (a rA. -No vfsiitle hrnnd. but ear ' marks as follows:" Two of them with hi 1 1 in j teifc Car WlfaU 1 It-ll l a.tr vuivu, uiic ni,u iiu, u, cut od and one with left ear split. Also came to my place August 1, one mare about three years oil with blaze in face no brand visible. I want the owner to prove property, pay charges and take them away. The mare caaie August 1, and the cattle came Nov. 1, lb7. ' -R. F. WickhAm. TOITHE - . GIVES THE Choice of Two Traascostlnental Bo tes GREAT OREGON NORTHERN RY. SHORT LIKE VIA SALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CITY SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO LOW RATES TO ALL i EASTN CITIES ti r : OCEAN STEAMERS leave Portland every five days for SHN "-RHNCISCO. Steamers monthly from Portland V Yokoboma and Hong Kong; via ie Northern Pacific Steamship Co., in connection with Q. JR. & N. For full details call an the O..R. & N. Agent at THE DALLE, ox address , W. H. HURLBURT, Gen, Pass. Agt., Portland, Oregon The New O. K. N. Time Card. Train No. 2 east via. the Union Pacific and Oreeon Short Line, arrives here at 12:45 A. if., departs at 12:30. No. 4, east by Spokane and Great Northern, arrives at 6:25 p. M., departs 6:30. - . No. 1, west from U. P. and O. S. L., arrives at 3:20 A. M., and departs 3:30. No. 3, west from Spokane and Great Northern, arrives at 9:20 a. M. and do parts at 9:25. Freight trains Nos, 23 and 24, second divisions, will carry passep eer s. Nq. 23 arrives at 6 P. itf. and No. 24 leaves at :45. V- fry Schilling's Bert to and kaklac fowtav SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County. Board of Commissioners for the sale of School and University Lands and for the invest ment oi the tunas arising tnereirom. . Plaintiff, P. T. Sharp, Mary Jane Sharp, E. F. Sharp, Kathleen Sharp. Frank H. Sharp, J. W. Condon, as assignee of the estate of P. T. Sharp. Insolvent Debtor, the estate of Mrs. Grace V. Coatsworth, deceased, and J. C. Meins. Wasco County, and F, P. Taylor, vs. Defendants Rv virtue nf an execution and orer of sale. Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, on the 17th day of uecemuer, wsi, to me a.reciea. upon juuy meut and decree rendered in said court on the th day of November. 1897, in favor of the above named plaintiff and against the above named defendant. P. T. bharp. for the sum of $8,864.43 and interest thereon at the rate of ef t'ht per cent per annum from November 9. 18W7. and 3 0 Oil attorney's fees in said suit, and lo.n costs and disbursements, and accruing costs: which d'jeree among other things ordered the Kale of the lands hereinafter de scribed to satisfy said sums; and against the defendant F. P. Taylor, to exhaust any interest he may have in the real property described In said j-dsment. decree. execution and orderf sale. I did, ud the I Tin day of December. I97, at the request of plaintiffs attorney, dulv levy upon the folio lng described real property, lying ana ueing in waseo county. tate ox ure on. aescrioea as iouows. lo-wii: Theportheast auanerit of the southwest -narter and tnesoutnna i 'ti oi mesoiiin west quarter ((d) of section twelve (I2,i and the northeast quarter ( 4) of the northwest quarter h) of section thirteeni3)in township one north of range thirteen (13 east W M.containii'gone hundred and sixty ( 10t acres; una imciionni lets numbered three (U nnd four 4X of the north half tl-2) of the northeast quarter (i-4i c-f section twelve (izj in townsnip one norm ot range thirteen (13) east W M. containing eigh teen 18) acre-s and eighty-four hundredths of an acre: also a fractional part of the northwest quarter1 (l-4 of tte northwest quarter (1-4 1 of section thirteen (isj. townsnip one 1 1 1 nonn oi range tnirteen iut east Willamette menuian. containing twertv-flve 2f J acres; also the west half f f -2J of the southwest quarter f l-4j of sec tion No. seven 171 in township one 111 north range fourteen f 14 1 east Willamette Meridian, containing one hundred and seven acres and twenty hundredths of an riOT.SO-luiil acre; also the north half 1-21 of the southeast Quarter 1-41 and south half 1-2 of northeast quarter K of section twelve J12 in township one north of range thirteen 1131 East Willamette Meridian. containing one hundred and sixty Iffl' acres, in all two hundred and sixty-seven and twenty hundredths 2ti7 -'0-1001 acres: and xitu&tcd in Wascc county. State of Oretron All of said nar eels of land contain f-ur hundred and seventy on acres and four hundredths 471 4-!0 of an acre, xogeiner w in tne tenements, nere -ita-ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. Now, therefore, in pursuance of said judge ment, decree, execution and order of sale. I will on Saturday, the 29th day of January, 1898. at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the Court House door in Dalles City, in said Wasco County. Orqgon, sell the ebove described real property at public miction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy the sum of fi'A. 43, with in terest thereon at ti e rate of eight per cent per annum from November 9th. 1S97, now due upon said judgment and decree, and tle further sum of 15 00 costs and disbursements in said suit, and accruing costH. Dated this 18th day of December. 1897. T J DRIVER, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. - SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the State of Oregon for the county of Wasco. Margaret E. Sykes, Plaintiff. vs. William Turner, Defendant. To William Turner.tbe above named defendant: You are hereby notified and required to be and appear la the Circuit CouS of the State ot Oregon, tor the county of Wasco, on or be fore the first day of the next regular term of said court, to wit. on or before Mond.y. the 14th day of February. 1S0S; then and there to en-wer the complaint of plaintifT.-filed uvalnst you In the above entitled action, and if you fai to so appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will take judgement against you tor the sum of 219. together with interest on said sum at the rate of 8 per cent per annum since October 16th. 1897. and for plaintiff's costs and cisbursements of action, and plaintiff w 11 apply to the Court for an order directing that lots 7 anu m diock is. oi uates- Aumtion to Dalles City, Wasco County. Oregon, heretofore attached and levied upon In said action be sold and the proceeds ot such sale applied In pay. ment of plaintiff's demands as aforcsa d. an the iccrumg easts and expenses of such m!e rt This order la served upon you. the said de fendant, by publication for six conseeutive weeks in the Times-Mountaineer a weekly newsnaner of general circulation published in Dalles City. Wasco County, Oregon, by order of the Hon. W. L. Bnsdshaw, Judge of the above entitled (Jou t, whtcn order was made in UDam- bers and bears date the 31st day of Deember, 1897. DUFUR & MENEFEE, jlt7 Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for wasco count v. Annie B Otey, Plaintiff, vs. W'lliam Otey, de fendant. To illiam Otey, the above named defend ant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the eomptaint herein fill d against you in the above entitled suit within ten days from tbe date of the service of this summons upon you. if served within this county, or if served within any other rounty f this state, then within twe:itv days from ihe date of the service of this summons, or If served by publication then by the hist d ty of the term of this court following the ex piration of the time prescribed in the order for the service of the summons upon you by publi cation thereof, lowit. 14th day of February. I' 9s. end if you fail so to appearand answer, judgment will be taken against yon for want thereof, and the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her eompluint.towit. a decree of divorce from you. the above named defendant, and. for the c ire and custody of the minor c ildren of plaintiff nd yourself. Myrtle Otev. Kli?h Otey and Julia Otey. and for her costs end disbursements herein, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable and just. This summons is served upon you by pub ication thereof once a week for six consecutive weeks In The Dalles Times-Mountaineer, a weekly newspaper pub lished in Wasco County. Oregon, by order of Hon. W. L. Bradsbaw. Judtre-of the Seventh Judicial District, of the State of Oregon, made at chambers Dalit s City, Wasco County, Ore gon, tne 31st day of "ecember. 1897. - SINNOTT & SINNOTT. janl,98 Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Ornci ax Ths Dalles, Orkgoh, November , 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The- Dalles, Oregon, on Jan uary 5, 1898, viz. - MYRON D. FARRINGTON, Of The Dalles, Oregon : Hd, E. No. 4619 for the SW4 NEM and SEh NWM of Seo. 81, Tp. 1 N, R. IS E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land-'viz: D. L. Bolton, John Quirk, Harry Gilpin and James Johnson, all of The Dalles. Oregon. Nov27 JAS. F. MOORE, Register.' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Lakd Omci at Ths Dalles. Ob., I December 28. 1897. f Notice Is hereby siven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and commute to cash entry, that said proof will be made before the Register and Reoeiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on February lUa, 18W. viz.: CHARLES RALPH SMITH, Hd. E No. 6797, fojr tot No. 1, Section St, Tn S N. R12EWM. He name the following witnesses to prove h(s continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: W H Husbands. E J Middleswnrt. T-rnm LMcClure and Ephraim Hamlin, all of Master. ureijuu, J as. F. Moore, jant Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was on the &Uh day of .ecember, 1807. duly ap pointed fey the County Court of the State of Q-egoo for Wasco County, administratorof the estate of Ellen Black, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such, and entered upon tbo duties thereof. All persons indebted to said deceased are requested to make settle ment, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them, properly verified, at my residence at Cascade Locks, in said county, or at tbe office of Jayne & Michell In The Dalles, tn said county, within six months from the date hereof. The Dalles, December Si, 1897: . . ROBERT BLACK. jlwS.. Administrator. . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been dnly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, tn Erobate, administrator ot the estate of J. A. lickerson, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present ttem to me with proper vouchers at the law office of Condon & Condon, in Dalles City, Oregon, wt&ia six months from the date of this notice. Dalles City, Oregon, January 1. 1898. - - W.O-SPENCER, Administrator of the estate ot J. A, iiitkeraon, deceased. Kdncat Tour Bowels with Caaearets. .Oandy Cathartic cure constipation forever 100,25c If C. C. C. tall, druggists refund money. If the Height of the Average Man Were Increased 40 Per Cent, He Could Light His Cigar at a Lamp-post This will give you some idea of the in crease in size of PIPER HE1DSSIEGK PLUG TOBACCO (CHAMPAGNE FLAVOR) Size of plug increased nearly one-half. No increase in price and quality better than ever. Ask for the new 5-cent piece. . Ml Paper 5000 rolls ? Just received. The best paterns. The most beauti 9 ful colors Newiavoica of Paints nd Oils., Anycoioc-w- or bra id supplied. Snipes Kinersly Drug Go. STUBLIMB & .-WILLIAMS WHOLKSAI.E VVr fes, iprs, Cigars and Beer. 173 SECOND STUKET The Celebrated Val Blatz Beer, Anhauser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a rion-alchoholic beverage unequaled as a tonic Blakeley & Houghton 75 Second Street - - The Dalles, Oregon inniruiirmuviruTuinnjinnnnju Country and mall orders will THE GEMINIA OTTO BIRGF6LD. PROP'R. Wholesal 3 Dea . : In a t Liquors Finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigirs . . : SOLE AGENT FR The 0 ltbrated Fimiliei. supplied, with FreeDelivery to nny Phone 54. SHROPSHIRE RAMS. Largest Mutton Bam Breeding Farm, in America -ftp . Strong, vigorous -- .VUU Write fob prices. Job Printing: Wall Paper! receive prompt attention Gambriuiis Beer Keg , and. Bottle Beer. part of 'the . City. ,. SECOND AND COURT STREETS animals now ready for shipment. 1UUO .VI 1 BUU UOV m D'QUUUUJ. H. O. FOX. Of all kinds dono-ot short noti and at reasonable rates at this office. ' MOLES FOR KLONDIKE Government Animals Taken ' - ta Vancouver Barracks. DROWNED LIKE RATS A Coal Mine in Mexico Flooded and Thirty Five Miners Lose Their Lives. Seattle and Taeonr.s OTprrnn 'With Bob brn Burglaries are of Night Occur rence Haana Ukea Four Totes la the Legislature. Portland Jin. 2 Th-re was -pti'tai-le or. the t efts of Po iltti.d N w YearV orriintr vihli-tv, mi native u;4.etve f ' tu '!h.Vh t old. Hit- aa8 oi told, the d;tv if '49." It consisted of a mule pai-k train whu-b attract'd genfral Htlen- lion as it murt-hed from the Union di-pot tbrt'Ugb East Portland and Albinit and out Vancouver avenue io tbe direction of Vancouver barracks, The animals are to be a partoftbe government relief expedition. There were 21 pack mules load- d with equipments for campaigning in tbe herd, which was transferred from the cars in which they bad arrived in tbe Union stock yards to Vancouver, The detachment was in charge of Packmaeter James Sweeney and five "colored assistant', from tbe Ninth cavalry, Fort Roltinpon, Nebraska. In tbe ride from Fort Robinson to Portland, about 2000 miles ' lasting about seven days, men and horses bad received no injury, nor bad tbey even become jaded. The 50 soldiers selected from the eight companies of tbe Fourteenth in fantry to escort the pack-train to and through Alaska are being dr lied daily tor the service before them. The dis tance of their daily exercise march with knapsack of 17 pounds weight is now five miles. As the men toughen, their praci ice will increase in severity, so that by the time they are ready to start tbey will be entirely prepared "to bit tbe E'ondike trail." In personal equipment the men to no on the expedition have already drawn upon the quartermaster, each as follows: Heavy sweater, buckskin jacket, moccasins, Dutch socks, Arctic overshoes, special fur caps,- regulation infantry fur gauntlets, and five to seven pounds woolnn underwear. It is easy to catch a cold and just as I easy to pet rid of it if you commence early to use One Minute Cough Cure. It cures, coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and all throat and lung troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe to use and sure to cure. Snipes and Kinersly. y y T HI BTT-FIVK-UKO Mexican Coal Mine Flooded (JuUergruuiid tUver. Chicago, Jan. 2 A special to the i'imes-Uerald from San Antonio, Tex., j a: A dispatch from Guanalaja, Mex., says: T tie "San Puerta coal miae, near bert, was suddenly flooded with water Irom an uiidtrgt ouud river, aud '6i turners cv re urovtued L'lie Uleu w re at wui k in a lower level of the mine. There was no suspicion that an uu dor-river existed anywhere within the vicinity of u,e u.ine, although that poriio j of thd level was exceedingly damp. Tbe rush of water came with out warning.- There was a. sharp, crack-like explosion, tbe wall of coal and slat; gave way, and before the men could ceek safety on au upper level, the rush of water followed, and tbe meu were swallowed up alu ost be fore they could drop their tools. An expedition will be sent into the mine as soon as possioie to recover tne bodies. Miss .Allie Lu4he9, Nor' lv, Va., was frightfully burned on 1 1 face and neck, i aiu wa-i iustantly r ileved by DeWitt's Witch Iiuz-1 Salve, which healed tbe inj jry without leaving a scar. It is tha famous pile remedy. Snipn-, Kitertlj Lnj tu. SoLberiea la sound Cktlea. Seattle, Jan. 1. House and' store robberies are if daily and almost hourly t ccurrei ce in this city and Ta coma, and, judging front the goods being btoleo, a "fence" of lar. e pro portions must be 1 cat-d in the imme diate vicinity ,is tbe goods would other wise be valueless, bilks,, satins, rib bons, handkerchiefs and fancy good seem to be what tbe theives are after, and as these kind ef goods can be iden tified, it is reasonable to suppose that there is a place at band for tbe thieves to dispose of their spoils. : All the torekeepers are strengthening their premises, and not a fesr are putting in burglar alarms in addition to hiring Modern Treatment of 1 The latest work on the treatment of diseases, written by forty eminent 'American g physicians, says: "Cod-liver g oil has done more for the con- p lumptrve than all Other reme- v S dies put together?" It also $ says 44 The hypophosphitCS 5 r f. " j .-j- m,J,A S oflime and soda .are regarded $ by manT English Observers as W a-aaif!.- AMM.fMff AM " Jfv 2 SCOtt'S EniulsiOIl - Z & contain! the best cod-Ihrer oil w $ in a' partially digested form, $ combined with the Hypophos- S 2 phttes of Lime and Soda. This, a ctanrfarri far x W y r iff to quarter of a century, is in g exact accord with the latest A views of the mcdica 1 profession, m 2 Be sure you get SOOTTS A FmoWnn. -. j.i , v R - W All drtngbti : toe and $1.00. S SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemisu, New York. gcavat.vffiaggragrgggc Cvtawveee .aejejeeieia..aj ! Consumption i d special patrolmen. One store on First avenue was saved from robbery through tbe agency of a burglar alarm which about 1 o'clock In the morning began ringing. When the watchman reached the store he saw a couple of men running for the wharves, where they were lest to view.' Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa. savs: "Mv child is worth millions to me; yet 1 woulii have lost her by croup bad I not invested twenty-five cents in a bottle of One Mlnuta lougn Cure." It cures coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Snipes Kinersly U'-ug Co. Short Foor Vote. Columbus. O., Jan. 2. The cau causes for the romi nation of officers of the legislature, which convenes Monday, were held tonight. Usually these caucauses are of state interest only. Tonlyht the re election of Sen a tor Hai na was directly involved, and indirectly, but openly and atrres'ive ly. tbe republican oupu.-Ulon in Ohio to . PrrsIUent McK nley ami his np- piuiitmeiits assumed an or-iauiz-d fiti; tional form Tbe result of "tho eiu Uses show that the nominees of the Uanna slate are sbort three votes of flout loo in the bouse and one votu In tbe senate, and tbe opinion prevails that Hanna will be short four yotes of election on joint ballot Wednesday, January 12, unless changes are made in the meantime. Mrs. M. B. Ford, Ruddell's, 111., suf fe ed fur eight years from dyspepsia and chronic constipation and was fin ally cured by using De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for all stomach and liver troubles. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Will Ead ThU Iteek. Salem, Or., Jan. 2. Th 30-day ses sion of tbe state board of equalization will end January 5. The board ad journed Friday until 9 A.U.Monday, when night sessions will be held. Class 1 and 2, comprising town and city lots and improvements thereon, and all property other than town and itv lots, have boon disposed of. All forms of personal property are yet to le passed on, and it is not improbable, as said by a member, that fcome of the equalizing done will be reconsidered. Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., says: After two doctors gave up my boy to die, I saved him from croup by using One Minute Cougl; Cure." It is the uickest and most certain remedy for coughs, colds and nil throat and lung troubles. Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co. Recommended by Secretary Bliaa. Washington, Jan. i. ine secre tary of the interior has recommended to enncrnsa the reneal of the clause in the law relating to "transportation of tho Indlttn service, requiring contracts oi over idjuu io do aureruseu sou let to the lowest bidder. He also urges legislation on Indian affairs, and army officers acting as agents to file bonds, and tiat registers and receivers be made liable on their official bonds for tbe sales of Indian lands and all other uiuuej; received by them. .. , Prosperity comes quickest to the man whose liver is in good condition DeW it's Littln Early Risers are fa mous little pills for constipation, bili ousness, indigestion and all stomach and liver troubles. Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co. Everybody kno-vs it, What? That Mrs. Nelson & On. have j'tst. received a lot of the finest candies in the city, fresh today. Go to their i ora 01 Court street and buy some,' yon w;ll r deliirhtd. 1 SiAM SAPPHIflE MINES. . Value of Their Product la la the Quaatlt? I . Not Quality. I The Pailin mines are spread over an ' area six miles by two and consist of 13 mining villages, the chief of whioh are Baw Taka and Baw Dineo. . These two ' are more than four miles apart-, but they are joined by an excellent road cqti through the forest and well drained, . Sapphires, says the London Times, aref i found all over this district; the whole countryside is riddled with hole? sunk in the red soil down to the sapphire j layer. Formerly the stones were found j quite near the surface, but those places ' have long since been exhausted, al though the Burmese still continue to tarn over the old heaps in the firm con viction that precious stones grow. Now the stones are found at a depth of from , 15 to 25 feet, in a reddish, gravelly layer of varying thickness, up to 18 inches. I The pit sunk is usually some five feet in diameter and either square or cir . cular. : Soil is raised in bamboo bask ets, attached to the end of a balanced lever, and when the sapphire layer is reached the stratum is carried to the nearest water and washed carefully for stones. Xot more than one shaft in three pays for its working expenses, but . when the sapphire layer is struck the profits may be large indeed. It is all e question of luck. To dig and work out one shaft occupies two or three men one month. ' Two or three Burmes-j gen erally go into partnership and hire Laos miners to work for them and sink , the shaft at the rate of two ticals (two I shillings eight pence) per 18 inches. Oc ' casionally sapphires of considerable value reward the miner, but tho sap phires of Pailin are of more commercial value because of their quantity than be cause of their intrinsic excellence. A NEW RECORD. peepeat Spot la tho Ocean Nearly Six J HUM. - xor SO years or more the deepest spot In the. ocean has been supposed to be to the northeast of Japan, says the New York Journal. There the bottom lies 4,655 fathoms down, or more than five miles beneath the surface of the waves. , ; In the latest hydrographer's report of admiralty surveys, made by the British government, this ocean record, -which K n c- ttjuul tin Inn rv la Kaa tan 4rf A,Ta la official information of a deeper aound- leg than has hitherto been made. The deepest spot in the ocean, so far as known at present, has been found to be tathhathooaottFiieadiyiii Kermadee islands, in the Southern Pa- ciflc Here the maximum depth is Jfl-. Tf .V. I Ca 6,155 fathoms, or close upon six miles. The observation, made by the officers on board the British ship Penguin, is all the more interesting for the fact that it bears out .the result of previous re searches, showing curiously enough as it does that the deepest parts'of the sea . are not far from land. . Deep-sea sounding has come of late years an exact science in itself. One cu rious feature of it, and one which is lit tle known, is that the "leads" used have to be constructed with especial strength in order to withstand the enormous PreMU of the roaf of water which bears dcrwn upon them when they lie nnn Ko hntlAm iinii,nil I I 1 1 1 a l Me. aura that the sounding apparatus in ordinary use would be crushed. - LOOKS BAD FOR HANNA Ohio Legislature Captured by the Opposition. BOTH HOUSES ORGANIZE Alexander For President of the Sen ate and Mason is Speaker of the House. Aatt-Hanaa Forces la Chareo ol Both Braachea aatt Hit Defeat la Likeljr--WUd Excitement PreTalla utheo Mews. Columbus, O.. Jan. 3. Tbe legisla ture convened at 10 A. M. today. Oing to the -senatorial contest, un usual interest was taken in tbe organ iz Jtioo of both houses. The caucauses of Saturday nicht were not on the usutl Iine9, some republican memb r having formed a fusion with the dem ocrats for tbe defeat of Hanna. At the republican senate caucus Sat urday night. Senator 13urke, republi can, of Cleveland, was not only aosont but he was at the same time nominated at the democratic caucus as president protein. Tbe caucus at the same time nominated Senator Alexander ' as president. The nomination of Burke meant not only his election, but the election of democratic officers of the senate. . Burke is opposed to the re election of Hanna. " Owing to the senatorship beingat stake, there was an unusually large attendance about the state house at an early hour All were present in the senate chamber except Senator Burke, of Cleveland, republican, - who is opposed to Hanna. Senator Voigbt, the fusionist, from Cincinnati, voted wiih the republicans. But even then, tbo vote stood 18 to 17 in favor of the democrats, who elected all the olBuers. The demoiratic organization of the senate was made complete in a very quiet way. In the ball of the house, the wildest scenes were witnessed during tbe first hours of the. session. All tbe mem bers were present. After the name cf Box well had been presented as reg ular republican candidate for speaker, tbe name of Mason, rcpu lican, was .: presented by Jones, republican, and" seconded by two other republicans. The democrats did not participate in speaking. As the ballot proeded there were loud cheers as doubtful member responded to their names, and when tbe roll-call approached its close it was seen that Mason had secured the necessary majority, and there was a long demonstration that delayed the .official announcement of tho . vote. The first ballot resulted: Mason. 56; Boxwell, 53. The combine then completed tbe organization ot bo house. " " " "- ' - Tbe result of tbe organization of tn egislature again revived rumors tha the Hanna men would combine win the gold democrats for tbe election ot Calvin S. Brlse as a gold-standari man rather than bave Mayor McKissoi and Governor Busbnull elected for thi long and short terms as silver repub linns. I The Uanna men this afternoon car rled war into the counties of nine ri p ibllcan members who voteu with th democrats, and trains will be charter ed to bring their constituents to the state capital to make "Rome howl," as one of the Hanna managers ex pressed it. Stop that couh! Taice warning. It may lead to consumption. A 23c bottle of. ohlloh's Cure may save your life. Sold by Blakeley St Houghton, The Dalles. - THI POJLltr or EKCLAND. Btltlah Rights In China Will lie Firmly Upheld. Manchester, England, Jan. 3 Tqh Manet ett-jr GuarcUn today says: "The government has categorica'ly 8 tiled that Great Britain will refute t recognize any special rights grant e at any Chinese ports to any panic ulir power. Any port opened to any one power must be opened to all or j open to none. It Kuraia has been ' granted the ilht to winter ships at ! Port Arthur, Great Britain will en force ber rights to tbe tame privileges and her ships will winter there whether China concedes or does not . Co- cede her tbe right to do so. "If Germany obtains naval stations at Kiao Chou, Great Britain insists upon having a lease of ground for a naval station at the same port, and she will support every other power io the bame claim. The contention of the government Is that the most favor ed nation clause in British and all other treaties with China forbids any special concessions of the nature con templated by Germany at Kiao Cbou, and prevents the nation from acquiring-, special benefits in which others have not a share. OVER A MILiaun IN GOLD. Coroaa Said to Hare Brought Much Klon dike Oold. San Francisco, Jao 3. A Chron icle special from Pi rt Townsend sajt: i here was over Sl.bOO.OUO in gold d li-taod tiugg- ts on the s earner Cor ana, which hti- arrived fr. oi Alaska. Che treas-ire on th stemu r u can :illy guarded tie it ij-di.w n l t catcbuieu o -1 i ;hl tli .f i moo the '- aMvayt-u hi, i Io U.Cte A il ill- il l . VnJuO:. . .i ui Cr.pple 're, i , !iuU a mi. that weighed 1 i ouncep O . the drawi rs in C putiu Cario.l'n rui iu was packvU v ith nig.ef of all lit. Your rorrerpoiideiit bod iLe picas ire if seeing' this wealth through the kindness of Captain Carroll. In addi tion to this amount there wai consid erably more tied up in sacks among the returning Klondikers From a caref nl estimate, it U safe to say that io drafts .and dust there was about 1,200,000 in wealth aboard the Corona GBASPIXO AT 8TBAWS. Darraat'e Attornej'a rtill KKhtlna; taSava tha Murderer. Sa Francisco, Jan. 3. Theodore Durrani's attorneys will agala seek to obtain tbe aid of the federal courts and will ask Judge Morrow for a writ of habeas corpus. While this legal con test is being conductnd another appeal to governor Budd will be perfected in the hope that he will be induced to grant Durrant a reprieve until all the legal points at issue have been fully determined. In case all efforts to save Durrant fail, which is expected, his father will be at the foot of tbe gallows to bear his son's last words and to witness his death. Mrs. Durrant will be with her son to within half an hour of the end She will not witness the closing scenes. Small pill, safe pill, best pill. De Witt's Little Eiirlv Risers cureblloui- ness, constipation, sick headache Snipes, Kinersly Drug Co. Wrylrra Organ Rampart. Biarritz, Jan. 3. According to mail advices sent here from Madrid, in order to escaoe censorship, the Na tional. General Weyler'.s organ, pub' lished a defiant article pointing out that although the government has seized the general's protest it could not prevent its being read in every barrack-room. The National, it fur ther appears, attacks President Mc Kinley and Minister Woodford in un measured " terms. The National has been twice confiscated, but the man ager of that paper is a deputy, and tnerefore cannot be prosecuted. One Minute Cougi Cure cures quickly. That's what you want! snipes, Kinersly Drug (Jo. A number of White and other stand ard sewing machines for sale at rea sonable prices. The purchaser of these machines saves the expense of traveling agents, by buying direct from C. W. Phelps. dw Ati TO THE NAME BILL. Every Boy Bearing It Should Be Proud of ths Title. There is something cordial and frank about the name of Bill, says the Chicago Record. It is a strong and sterling old name, which goes on multiplying itself iu a most meritorious manner. A large proportion of the men who bear it are good men, and the reason is simple. Most of the "Williams" are named for some other Williams. It is not assumed that it is possible for any-mother to jhooae that rough old -cognomen for her pretty baby unless she does it to Lonor some particular person. Other things being equal, she would call him Clifford or Adalbert or Reginald. But the remembers Uncle Bill Farnswortb, who was the best and fairest man in White Oak precinct when she woe a girl, and so she calls the child for him. Or the father recalls to mind a good, hearty and joyous character of earlier tlays some friendly Bill of other times a righteous nan and a good citizen, and he recommends the name of Wil liam for the little chap, so as to bring back the memory of that other Bill. Or there are Bills in the family of Bills known, to- fame. ' And now cornea the key to it alL These various Bills were all named for other Bills.and the other Bills must have been esteemed good citizens and worthy else no parent would bestow t he nameupon that whR-h is next to his heart, his man-child. Whenever you find a max. named William, and you will find many of them, you will please re member he was so colled because there was a respectable and upright William back of and beyond him, and that other William was named for a further Wil liam of goodly sort. ' It does not pay to belittle the com mon, plain name of Bill. Every male bearing that name represents some per son, presumably worthy, and if he him self disgrace and discredit the name then his punishment will be that no Bills will be called in his honor. MOURNING GARB RENTED. Hovel Bnstnee Built Up by an Enterpris ing; Dealer in Old Clothea. Persons who are forced to undergo a sudden change of clothing because of the death of relatives, and who haven't the ready money to buy out right an entire outfit of black for brief use, have found a welcome assistance in their embarrassment in a man whose business is obscure, comparatively, and of recent origin, but who has an active trade. The office of this man has a funereal aspect, filled as it is with heaps of somber garments, but its proprietor is anything but grave. He was, until lately, a dealer in old clothes, and was dismayed at the amount of competi tion. Everybody seemed to him to be Sealing in that commodity. A friend, short of cash, whose father died, borrowed a mourning outfit from him one day, paying a small sum for the loan. This transaction suggested to the dealer the idea of hiring out mourn ing drees as a business. He tried it, and soon found his peculiar trade well patronized. He began to read' death notices in the newspapers, and to send his agent to visit those whom he considered were not in extra good circumstances. Seven agenta now act for him, being paid !n commissions. Each has a regular cir cuit of streets marked out for his enn vaes.. COLORADO HOTEL ETIQUETTE. "Oenta" Are Prohibited fro i Doing; Many Thlnft-s. A gentleman of Contillton who ha lotely returned from the ' west has brought with him a copy of some rules he found posted in e. hotel dining-room. The hotel was the "Bustlers' Best" at Little Creek, Col. The "Bulea for the Guidance of Guests" follow: "All gents with shooting irons or other weapons must check them before entering the dining-room. Waiters are too scarce to be killed. "Gents are requested not to attract waiters' attention by throwing thing! at them. This is no deaf-mute asylum. "Seven kmds of pie are given with evciry dinner. "Tablecloths are changed every Sun day "Our food is all of the best quality. Our milk is pure, eggs new-laid and the , butter speak for itself. "Guests tipping waiters must pay funeral expenses in case one should die from heart disease. "Xo more than six eggs will be given each at a sitting. Any guest found try ing to work off his shells on a neighbor will be fired from the table. "Biscuits found riveted together can be opened with a chisel supplied by a waiter. The use of dynamite is strictly forbidden. "Disputes over articles of food must be settled outside. "Don't lasso the waiters, because the guests who can't throw the rope will be at a disadvantage. "Gents can take off their coats if the v want, but must keep on their vests." Baltimore Sun To Car Oonetlpatloa Tmoa, Tike Casearets Candy CMharUo. 10s or tea. u u. w. v. uu m sure, anuuu nrau i Royal aaakea the feed para. FOVDEF Absolutely Pure SUMMER COSMETICS. arreatlone Betariilaa; the Treatmaat of- - tha Efeia. ... ,. The word "cosmetic" originally vra .., applied to a healing lotion thatreatoredj . the skin to a wholesome condition, and did not refer to a preparation, that covf ered up natural deficiencies of the com- i plexiou. It is in the old sease that the term is twed iu this article. Nothing that improves the &kia by covering up. defects can long be used without, det riment to the skin. The pores, which. -rxerciiie a most important function in, 7 Utrowing oft impurities of the body, s must not bo clogged, but rather stim-' ulated, so that they may be kept in healthy activity. But there are cer-..' tain harmless powders that may be used ' in summer to subdue excessive per spiration. These powders in no way in- ; jure tie skin if they are washed off , daily. They ore usually made of pure starch, sometimes colored with a lit-'. tie saffron and a upeck of vermilllon' for persons of very dark skin. Excea-. live perspiration certainly coarsens the:. skin, and any harmless check like this ' used in moderation would probably act; : wholesomely. This simple powder is certainly cooling and refreshing. It-. should bo carefuly rubbed off with ar" piece of white velvet or a very soft- 4 linen handkerchief. Some authorities' ' especially commend the velvet; they i ' say it does not tend to injure the ten- ' der "gTain of the cuticle." The di; greeable look that some complexions , take on in hot weather can only be re- -moved by the judicious use of some harmless powder. .1 Snuburn may cause a serious blis- ' tering and disfigurement. A simple 5 cold cream, applied at night, will rem-' ; edy this. Take two ounce of oil ot , almonds, half an ounce of spermaceti and two drachms of white wax. Melt the whole in a cup which has been set in . worm water on the stove. Stir . the cream while the warm water is boiling ' , 'around it. Add two onncea of rose water when it is melted and a drop of " pink coloring matter if you wish it a ' . delicate rose color. Pour it into a jar or small cup to cool. Use it at night ,J ' after carefully washing the face In warm water. Wash it off in the morn- . ing with warm water. Finally tone the ' . skin by washing it in cold water. . Dry , ' the face with a very soft damask towel. A pint of milk, to which th juice of two -Mediterranean oranges is added, is said '. ; xo whiten the skin. To bleach the hands, melt a pound of white castife soap, add the juice of a lemon and half r t a cup of coarse oatmeal. . Let the prep- .' aration harden, and use it in washing -the hands. It is worse than folly to attempt to remove freckles) by . any lotion. This trifling disfigurement of " the skin is due to a discoloration of the ' -. lower layers of skin, and any pre para- ; lion, which will reach that must first . , eat through the foyers on top, leaving a ' -sc ar behind them. Time only bleaches ; out the "kisses of the sun." N.Y.TWb- Going East? If you are, do not forge( FIRST. Go via St Paul because tbe line to that (olnt will afford you ths very beat service, a. SECOND. See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via the Wisconsin Central because that line makes elose connections with all the trans'continental lines entering the Union De pot there, and lu servloe Is flrst-class In ever; particular. THIRD. For information, call on vonr neighbor and friend lbs nearest ticket atfent and oxk for a ticket via the Wisconsin Central lines, or address JAS. C. POND. or GEO. S. BATTY ' Gen. Pass. Airt., General Agent, Milwaukee. Wis. CM Stark at.. Portland .Or '' COLUMBIA SlUTHERN RAILWAY TIME SCHEOUIE. Effective Oct. 10, 1S97. no. 1 Leave o a Arrive 7:00 P. M. Biggs Wasco 7:40 A; M. A M. A. M. 8:15 p. M. Arrive 6:30 . Lea re Connection made with O. R. ic.N. passenger tralns.at Biggs. E. E.LYTLB. D. C.IO'BEILLV. E.LYTLB. President. General Marnier. Mount I'ood Saiple Kcoa THE DALLES, OR. BeSt Kentucky Whisky raOM tOTJIVIIAE. Very Best Key West Cigars and Best of Wines. English. Porter, Ale and Milwaukee Beer always on hand. MAETZ & PUNTJT PROFRTETOR3 bust Toesece S.U ana gawks Tear lift Awaj. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full ot life, nerve and vigor, take No-T Doc. tne wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All drugs' lata, 0c or 11. Curs guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Besaedj Co., Cbloafo or Mew Terav f J 1 - 4 . i ' - - r. .1 ,! . i- V t I I .A