"SI i 9 WILLIAMS & CO., F 1 BOOTS HND ? SHOES, "J54-156-158 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES OREGON Jos. T. Peters & Co., BUILDING MATERIAL AND AgrdealtUFal Implements, Second Street, THE DALLES, - OREGON. THE MARSH PRINTING GO. ' SnEnrf -SJb" W own and Operate the Famous linotype ...Machines conposmoN We make a specialty of Briefs, Pamphlets, Tax Lists, Special Souvenir Editions, etc. We Operate the .only Press In the Northwest that Prints Direct from Rolls. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. 122 Front St., Portland, Ore. CO CD u o to The Grekt Northern Furniturs New Wolf Block, Second Street, The Dalles. House The Only Complete Home Furnishing House in the City. .lOlMI... A Full and Complete Line of Parlor, Bedroom, Dining Room and Kitchen Furniture. AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED BORN STEEL RANGES A Complete line of Crockery, Glassware and Graniteware. When in The Dalles do not fail to visit this store and get the astonishing Low Prices. DEALER IN AFJD (ftXKERV, 5 5 5 Next Door to A. M. Williams & Co. urn r fa Cu n n r o n CO ALL 0 Jl A Y M o) o) fo)nrnf (n) IS Dp DEHLBHS IN LunER aub woob of ill kinds Shingles, Doors, Windows, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes, SECOND STREET, TH DKLLES OR6GON C. p. STEPHENS, -DEALER IN- Clothing, Dry Goods Furnishing Goods Boots and Shoes 134 Second street . .... THE DHLLES, 0R6GON.