THE DALLES TIMES-MOUNTAINEER. 37 r w y-r ; i i i rai?w.i t (ft GROUP OF HOMES IN MORO. I 1 r"u"""" "" -wV- . IJ' 5 II... tr-fr fTO AUC S iiaiMiPii RESIDENCE OF W. II. MOORE. RESIDENCE OF II. A. MOORE. mm P5 I r wS; . ' -- .;. -a ..r. mft.-ii. - - RESIDENCE OF II. S. McDANEL. RESIDENCE OF DR. I. M. SMITH. I ' I t " -t i f r - J. II1I IIII1IIHI1 F 1 V XV V si I n H V; J IT .' nii it ' :4:.ll-.,--fi--.i RESIDENCE OF WM. HOLDER. J r. ' DR. IRVING M. SMITH. Dr. Smith is well known in Sherman county as a skillful physician. Bora in Marion County, at an early age, he went with his parents to Linn, where he received a liberal education, in cluding a course of two years at the Santiam Academy of Lebanon. On his 26th birthday he commenced the study of medicine at the Medical Department of the Willamette Uni- lri:l --it . . I ICZh ILL i ln - .Jj'q. .. -.VT 1 . i J 1 versity, graduating in 1892. He then located in Moro, and has won his way to the confidence of the people to an ex tent which cannot but be exceedinly gratifying. He was married in 1893 to Miss Nellie Dickman, of Moro, and they hare one child a boy, three years old. Their present home was bought in 189G. Dr. Smith takes an active interest in fraternal circles, being a member of the I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W. and W. of W. RESIDENCE OF RORT. J. GINN. . -" V : ROBT, J. GINN. Robert J. Ginn, the vice president of the Moro Mercantile Company, was born in Canada, the 15th of December, 1857. At an early age he went to Minnesota with his parents, re maining there for some j-ears. At the age of thirteen he moved to Oregon with his parents. They located in Uma tilla county, where Mr. Ginn attended the public schools. In 1880 he moved to Sherman county, then Wasco, fol lowing farming until 1888, when he began handling wheat and farming machinery at Biggs. In 1892 he bought out the hardware establishment of Kason & Smith, of Moro, which business he ran until last August, when, in company with the Moore Bros., and several others, he incorporated the Moro Mercantile Company, and takes an active interest in it, being manager of the hardware and agricultural Im plement department. He is also acting independently as agent for Bain wagor.p. Hodge headers, Racine buggies and hacks, New Departure gaug plows, Pitt's threshing machinery, Flying Dutchman gang plows, and Aennoter pumps and wind mills. Mr. Ginu, having lost his first wife, was married again In 189-1, to Miss Belle Coleman, of Iowa, and his home, wi'ich is a model of refinement, is the center of a large and warm circle of friends. J. B. HOSFORD. J. B. HOSFORD. J. B. Hosford was born December 5, 18G2, in Limerick, Ireland,. and is a man of scholarly attainments, being a graduate of Killkenny College, of the county of Killkenny, and also of Trinity College, of Dublin, winning classical honors and prizes in his senior sophomore year in the latter. In 1882 he went to London, where he taught school in Alex andria Park College for two years, and then returning to Limerick remained there for a year. Passing an examina tion for the royal Irish constabulary, he volunteered for active service with the Bechuanaland Mounted Police in South Africa, against the Boers, and after serving a year and a half, was mustered out and honorably discharged.