29 A GROUP OF DUFUR HOMES. THE DALLES TIMES-MOUNTAINEER. 11183 rf ' 4! ilit ? L5SS Js j -- . TfaiiairgJaJgalr.g 1 i ill iniwn 1 ml - ! . - -V v' f 111 RESIDENCE OF T. II. JOHNSTON. RESIDENCE OF GEO. W. JOHNSTON. lit f . I , 1 RESIDENCE OF A. J. DUFUR, JR. RESIDENCE OF MRS. E. DUFUR. f&& jihl'!H!.iLH.,A 93 hxtsi RESIDENCE OF J. A. GULLIFORD. The jolly host of Dufur's popular hotel, was born in Ger many, May 13, 1870. Coming to this country at the age of 15, he was employed three years working on a farm in Minnesota. Moving then to Wasco county, Oregon, he en tered the employ of Mr. Dufur, and continued with him for two years. He then rented the "15-Mile" House, with farm and dairy connected with it. He is an ideal land lord, and has never had cause to complain of lack of pat ronage. His dining room has an established reputation, and that in connection with the large, airy rooms in the hotel, places him in a position to cater for the commercial A. DIETRICH, M. D. Dr. Dietrich, of Dufur, is a gentle man well and favorable known in the ranks of the profession, and as vice president of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons for Ore gon, is gaining an enviable reputation throughout the state. He is a German by birth, having been born in Hanover in 1858. He is a successful practition er, and his services are in constant de mand in a territory of over 200 square miles. He is especially an authority on surgery, and is continually called in to consult in cases of that nature. His home, lately ereted here, is of the mod ern style of architecture, and has helped to beautify our prosperous city. i trade. He is also dairying on a large scale, and his product is in constant demand, owing to its excellence. At present he has 800 acres of the farm under cultivation, just about one-half. In the halls of fraternal orders his face is a fa miliar one, being Consul of the Woodmen and Noble Grand in the I. O. O. F. MRS. E. DUFUR. There are few persons of either sex more widely known, and more universally respected than the subject of our sketch. She possesses all the qualities which makes one of her sex a leader, and at the same time has shown an apti- RESIDENCE OF MRS. E. DUFUR, INTERIOR. tude for business, which clearly outlines her judgment and penetration. Married to the late A. K. Dufur December 29, 1872, she arrived in Dufur in 1877, and found only one building there, the old "15-Mile" house. Her husband was interested in a great many enterprises locally, in fact after his death, which occurred February 19th, 1896, Mrs. Dufur disposed of the mill property, which formerly belonged to him. She and her daughter, Miss Daisy, occupy one of the most charming homes here, known as "River Side View." It was built in 1896, finished in a most thorough manner, and the cut we show of one of its rooms, will give an idea of its elegant appointments. i r j 1 is vz 5 v 1 . I"- " I ! ' "' ' ' ; :- - ; :' '.' 5v.i-' -"-- I ; I I i t j ! JOHN A. STEVENS. DR. A. DIETRICH. MRS. E. DUFUR.