The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 01, 1898, SOUVENIR EDITION, Page 19, Image 13

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The Dalles. Portland and Astoria Navigation Company.
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Popularly known as the Regulator Line, was established in
1890, in response to a demand for transportation favor sup
plied to passenger and freight traffic from no other source.
It was organized and has since been continuously directed
by prominent men of stalwart business character, whose in
terests were then, are now, and ever will be, identical with
those of the people whom their enterprise was designed to
favor with accommodations desired. Ini hearty sympathy
with those interests it has since leen most consistently con
ducted, and is to-day the chief factor in their promotion.
It has succeeded in the face of the most violent opposition
from many sources, and has built up a magnificent busi
ness by aiding largely in the development of the vast re
sources of the country tributary to the great water course
on which it conducts its traffic. Thus the Regulator Line
has been a factor of immeasurably great character in the
upbuilding and maintenance of the cultivable country re
ferred to. Its power as a factor has steadily increased un
til it is now practically indispensable to the growth of the
country which depends on it for low transportation to ready
market. In this respect the Regulator Line never had a
competitor, and has no fear of one now.
The river route between Portland and The Dalles is bor
dered with scenic attractions equalled in physical beauty
and extent nowhere else in the world. For 100 miles the
eye of the tourist never loses its interest. The pictur
esqueness of the rugged scenes varies in character, but is
never less awe-inspiring, and at many points it enchants
the vision and inspires the soul only as the mysterious hand
work of nature can. No watercourse on earth presents a
grander view in such wonderful variety as may be enjoyed
from the channel of the Columbia river between Portland
and The Dalles. On this route may be seen at one time
the crystal-crowned peaks of five great mountains of the
world, while suddenly they are hidden by rock-ribbed hills
near by, and the eye, strained to view the majesty of far
away summits, quickly drops upon the beautiful Multno
mah Falls, the falls of Bridal Veil, Cape Horn, Rooster
Rock, and the pretty hills that surround it, Castle Rock
and its entrancing envirnoments. The boats of the Regula
tor Line are alone in accomplishing the feat of daily navi
gating the rapids at the Cascade Locks, and in this feature
alone is a volume of interest worthy of extensive travel to
Returning again to the personnel of the management of
The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company, it
is necessary only to mention the names of those who con
duct that enterprise, and who have for years done so
much to develop the growth and advertise the resources
of the magnificent region in view of its line, to convince
the reader of its estimable character and the sincerity of
its purpose in promoting the interests of its patrons:
Officers: H. Glenn, president; M. T. Nolan, vice pres
ident; C. L. Phillips, secretary. Directors: II. Glenn, M.
T. Nolan, J. T. Peters, S. L. Brooks, E. M. Williams, J. P.
Mclnerny, L. E. Crowe.
Through the able management of these gentlemen, the
company has acquired a prominent place among Northwes
tern transportation lines and a potent influence in the In
land Empire.
The boats of the Regulator Line furnish first-class
through passenger and freight service daily between Port
land and The Dalles. A special feature is its splendid
cuisine, which is under the management of the most com
petent stewards. The general agent is Mr. W. C. Allaway,
a courteous and affable gentleman, who has his headquar
ters in The Dalles. Mr. Allaway commenced his service
with the Fort fccott and Gulf Road in 1876, at Baxter
Springs, Kansas, came to Oregon in 1884, and was identi
fied with the J. P. and O. R. & N. railroads at Baker City,
Pendleton and The Dalles until 1892, when he took the
management of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Naviga
tion Company. As he has been thoroughly identified with
three different lines in twenty-two years, it has given him
a thorough knowledge of the traffic business and is con
versant with every detail necessary to make a competent
general agent.
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Especial care is taken by all the officers and agents of
this line of passengers who enjoy the unusual comfort
and hospitality of its elegant boats. Those who consign
freight to its care are not less grateful for the considera
tion shown them.
The people along the magnificent Columbia boatway
know well the merits of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria
Navigation Company, and are not ready to concede that it
has now or ever will have a competitor in their estimation.
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